Example usage for java.awt Graphics drawString

List of usage examples for java.awt Graphics drawString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt Graphics drawString.


public abstract void drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, int x, int y);

Source Link


Renders the text of the specified iterator applying its attributes in accordance with the specification of the java.awt.font.TextAttribute TextAttribute class.


From source file:VASSAL.build.module.map.LOS_Thread.java

 * Writes text showing the range//from  w  w w  .  j av a2 s .c o m
 * @param range the range to display, in whatever units returned
 * by the {@link MapGrid} containing the thread */
public void drawRange(Graphics g, int range) {
    Point mapArrow = map.componentCoordinates(arrow);
    Point mapAnchor = map.componentCoordinates(anchor);
    final FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    int dummy = range;
    while (dummy >= 1) {
        dummy = dummy / 10;
    if (buffer.length() == 0) {
    String rangeMess = Resources.getString("LOS_Thread.range");
    int wid = fm.stringWidth(" " + rangeMess + "  " + buffer.toString());
    int hgt = fm.getAscent() + 2;
    int w = mapArrow.x - mapAnchor.x;
    int h = mapArrow.y - mapAnchor.y;
    int x0 = mapArrow.x + (int) ((wid / 2 + 20) * w / Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h));
    int y0 = mapArrow.y + (int) ((hgt / 2 + 20) * h / Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h));
    g.fillRect(x0 - wid / 2, y0 + hgt / 2 - fm.getAscent(), wid, hgt);
    g.drawString(rangeMess + " " + range, x0 - wid / 2 + fm.stringWidth(" "), y0 + hgt / 2);
    lastRangeRect = new Rectangle(x0 - wid / 2, y0 + hgt / 2 - fm.getAscent(), wid + 1, hgt + 1);
    Point np = map.mapCoordinates(new Point(lastRangeRect.x, lastRangeRect.y));
    lastRangeRect.x = np.x;
    lastRangeRect.y = np.y;
    lastRange = String.valueOf(range);

From source file:thesaurusEditor.gui.graph.MainGraph.java

 * create an instance of a simple graph with basic controls
 *//*from  w  ww.  j  a  v a  2s.  c o m*/
public MainGraph(List<Konzept> konzepte, Main main) {

    // create a simple graph for the demo
    this.konzepte = konzepte;
    this.main = main;


    graph = new DirectedSparseGraph<Konzept, EdgeClass>();

    for (Konzept k : konzepte) {

    layout = new PersistentLayoutImpl<Konzept, EdgeClass>(new FRLayout<Konzept, EdgeClass>(graph));
    //layout = new FRLayout<Konzept,EdgeClass>(graph);
    Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(1300, 900);
    final VisualizationModel<Konzept, EdgeClass> visualizationModel = new DefaultVisualizationModel<Konzept, EdgeClass>(
            layout, preferredSize);
    vv = new VisualizationViewer<Konzept, EdgeClass>(visualizationModel, preferredSize);

    // this class will provide both label drawing and vertex shapes
    VertexLabelAsShapeRenderer<Konzept, EdgeClass> vlasr = new VertexLabelAsShapeRenderer<Konzept, EdgeClass>(

    // customize the render context
    vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new Transformer<Konzept, String>() {
        public String transform(Konzept k) {
            return "";
    // this chains together Transformers so that the html tags
    // are prepended to the toString method output
    /*new ChainedTransformer<Konzept,String>(new Transformer[]{
    new ToStringLabeller<Konzept>(),
    new Transformer<Konzept,String>() {
     public String transform(Konzept input) {
        return input.toString();
    vv.getRenderContext().setVertexShapeTransformer(new Transformer<Konzept, Shape>() {
        public Shape transform(Konzept k) {
            return new Rectangle(-((k.toString().length() * 8 + 10) / 2), -(10), k.toString().length() * 7 + 18,
    vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelRenderer(new DefaultVertexLabelRenderer(Color.red));
    vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeDrawPaintTransformer(new ConstantTransformer(Color.black));
    vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeStrokeTransformer(new ConstantTransformer(new BasicStroke(2.5f)));

            new PickableVertexPaintTransformer<Konzept>(vv.getPickedVertexState(), Color.white, Color.yellow));
            new PickableEdgePaintTransformer<EdgeClass>(vv.getPickedEdgeState(), Color.black, Color.red));

    vv.getRenderContext().setVertexIconTransformer(new Transformer<Konzept, Icon>() {

         * Implements the Icon interface to draw an Icon with background color and
         * a text label
        public Icon transform(final Konzept v) {
            return new Icon() {
                private Konzept k;

                public int getIconHeight() {
                    return 20;

                public int getIconWidth() {
                    if (k != null) {
                        return k.toString().length() * 7 + 10;
                    return v.toString().length() * 7 + 10;

                public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
                    if (vv.getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) {
                    } else {
                    g.fillRect(x, y, v.toString().length() * 8 + 10, 20);

                    if (vv.getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) {
                    } else {
                    g.drawRect(x, y, v.toString().length() * 8 + 10, 20);
                    if (vv.getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) {
                    } else {
                    this.k = v;

                    if (vv.getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) {
                        Font font = new Font("DejaVu Sans Mono", Font.BOLD, 14);
                        g.drawString("" + v, x + 6, y + 15);
                    } else {
                        Font font = new Font("DejaVu Sans Mono", Font.PLAIN, 14);
                        g.drawString("" + v, x + 6, y + 15);
                    this.k = v;


    // customize the renderer
    /*GradientVertexRenderer<Konzept,EdgeClass> vertex = new GradientVertexRenderer<Konzept,EdgeClass>(Color.white, Color.white, true);
    vv.getRenderer().setVertexLabelRenderer(vlasr); */


    // add a listener for ToolTips
    KonzeptParser<Konzept> parser = new KonzeptParser<Konzept>();

    /*final DefaultModalGraphMouse<Konzept,Edge> graphMouse = 
    new DefaultModalGraphMouse<Konzept,Edge>();

    Factory<Konzept> vertexFactory = new VertexFactory();
    Factory<EdgeClass> edgeFactory = new EdgeFactory();

    graphMouse = new MyModalGraphMouse<Konzept, EdgeClass>(vv.getRenderContext(), vertexFactory, edgeFactory,
            main, vv);

    // the EditingGraphMouse will pass mouse event coordinates to the
    // vertexLocations function to set the locations of the vertices as
    // they are created
    //        graphMouse.setVertexLocations(vertexLocations);


    GraphZoomScrollPane gzsp = new GraphZoomScrollPane(vv);

    JComboBox modeBox = graphMouse.getModeComboBox();

    final ScalingControl scaler = new CrossoverScalingControl();

    JButton plus = new JButton();
    plus.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/thesaurusEditor/img/zoom_in.png")));
    plus.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            scaler.scale(vv, 1.1f, vv.getCenter());
    JButton minus = new JButton();
    minus.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/thesaurusEditor/img/zoom_out.png")));
    minus.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            scaler.scale(vv, 1 / 1.1f, vv.getCenter());

    JPanel controls = new JPanel();
    JPanel zoomControls = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2));
    javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(gzsp);
    .addGap(0, 374, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addGap(0, 106, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel2Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(controls);
    .addGap(0, 374, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addGap(0, 164, Short.MAX_VALUE)

    javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(this);
                            .addComponent(gzsp, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING,
                                    javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
                            .addComponent(controls, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING,
                                    javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
                    .addComponent(gzsp, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
                            javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
                    .addComponent(controls, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
                            javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)


From source file:com.rapidminer.gui.plotter.charts.AbstractBarChartPlotter.java

public void paintBarChart(Graphics graphics) {
    int categoryCount = prepareData();
    String groupByName = groupByColumn >= 0 ? dataTable.getColumnName(groupByColumn) : null;
    String valueName = valueColumn >= 0 ? dataTable.getColumnName(valueColumn) : null;
    String maxClassesProperty = System.getProperty(MainFrame.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_GUI_PLOTTER_COLORS_CLASSLIMIT);
    int maxClasses = 20;
    try {// w w w  .  j ava 2s  .  c om
        if (maxClassesProperty != null)
            maxClasses = Integer.parseInt(maxClassesProperty);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                "Bar Chart plotter: cannot parse property 'rapidminer.gui.plotter.colors.classlimit', using maximal 20 different classes.",
    boolean createLegend = categoryCount > 0 && categoryCount < maxClasses;

    if (categoryCount <= MAX_CATEGORIES) {
        JFreeChart chart = createChart(categoryDataSet, groupByName, valueName, createLegend);

        // set the background color for the chart...

        // legend settings
        LegendTitle legend = chart.getLegend();
        if (legend != null) {

        Rectangle2D drawRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        chart.draw((Graphics2D) graphics, drawRect);
    } else {
        graphics.drawString("Too many columns (" + categoryCount + "), this chart is only able to plot up to "
                + MAX_CATEGORIES + " different categories", MARGIN, MARGIN);

From source file:edu.ku.brc.af.ui.forms.validation.ValFormattedTextFieldSingle.java

public void paint(Graphics g) {

    String text = getText();/*from ww w .  j  a va 2 s  .  c  o m*/

    //System.err.println("isViewOnly "+isViewOnly+"  isEnabled() "+isEnabled()+ "  ["+text+"]  "+(text.length() < bgStr.length()));
    if (!isViewOnly && needsUpdating && isEnabled() && text != null && text.length() < bgStr.length()) {
        FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
        int w = fm.stringWidth(text);
        pnt = new Point(inner.left + w, inner.top + fm.getAscent());

        Rectangle r = g.getClipBounds();
        Dimension s = getSize();
        Insets i2 = getBorder().getBorderInsets(this);
        int x = i2.left - 1;
        int y = i2.top - 1;
        //int ww = s.width - i2.right + 1;
        int hh = s.height - i2.bottom + 1;

        String str = bgStr.substring(text.length(), bgStr.length());
        int bgW = fm.stringWidth(str);

        g.setClip(x + w, y, Math.min(x + bgW, g.getClipBounds().width - x), hh);

        g.drawString(str, pnt.x, pnt.y);

        g.setClip(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); // reset clip

    //System.out.println(hashCode() + " isNew: " +isNew+"  valState: "+valState+"    isEnabled: "+isEnabled());
    // 3/2/09 - rods - removing !isNew from the condition
    //if (!isNew && valState == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Error && isEnabled())
    if (valState == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Error && isEnabled()) {
        UIHelper.drawRoundedRect((Graphics2D) g, isNew ? new Color(249, 249, 0) : valTextColor.getColor(),
                getSize(), 1);
    } else if (valState == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Incomplete && isEnabled()) {
        UIHelper.drawRoundedRect((Graphics2D) g, new Color(249, 249, 0), getSize(), 1);

From source file:ru.spbspu.viewer.DataView.java

private void drawScaleFull() {
    int specHeigth = fullSpectrogram.getHeight() - cursor.getHeight() / 2;
    float limit = Integer.valueOf(spinnerLimitFreq.getValue().toString());
    int frameWidth = Integer.valueOf(spinnerFrameWidth.getValue().toString());
    BufferedImage scaleForFrame = new BufferedImage(SCALE_OF_SPECT, specHeigth, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics g = scaleForFrame.getGraphics();
    g.drawLine(5, 0, 5, specHeigth);//  w  w  w.ja  v a  2  s .c om
    Integer[] yAxis = new Integer[specHeigth / 8];
    for (int i = 0; i < yAxis.length; i++) {
        yAxis[i] = (int) (i * (limit / 1024) * 100);
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = specHeigth; i > 0; i -= specHeigth / 10) {
        g.drawString(yAxis[j].toString(), 7, i - 2);
        g.drawLine(0, i, 40, i);
    labelForFullScale.setIcon(new ImageIcon(scaleForFrame));

From source file:ru.spbspu.viewer.DataView.java

private void drawScale() {
    int specHeigth = spectrogram.getHeight() - cursor.getHeight() / 2;
    float limit = Integer.valueOf(spinnerLimitFreq.getValue().toString());
    int frameWidth = Integer.valueOf(spinnerFrameWidth.getValue().toString());
    BufferedImage scaleForFrame = new BufferedImage(SCALE_OF_SPECT, specHeigth, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics g = scaleForFrame.getGraphics();
    g.drawLine(5, 0, 5, specHeigth);/*from w w w  .ja  v  a 2 s  . c o  m*/
    Integer[] yAxis = new Integer[specHeigth / 8];
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < yAxis.length; i++) {
            yAxis[i] = (int) (i * (limit / 1024) * 100);
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = specHeigth; i > 0; i -= specHeigth / 10) {
            g.drawString(yAxis[j].toString(), 7, i - 2);
            g.drawLine(0, i, 40, i);
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        System.out.println("To small window.");
    labelForFrameScale.setIcon(new ImageIcon(scaleForFrame));

From source file:ded.ui.DiagramController.java

/** Check to see if the font is rendering properly.  I have had a
  * lot of trouble getting this to work on a wide range of
  * machines and JVMs.  If the font rendering does not work, just
  * alert the user to the problem but keep going. */
public void checkFontRendering() {
    // Render the glyph for 'A' in a box just large enough to
    // contain it when rendered properly.
    int width = 9;
    int height = 11;
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics g = bi.createGraphics();
    ColorModel colorModel = bi.getColorModel();

    g.setColor(Color.WHITE);/*from   w w w.  j av a2s . c om*/
    g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

    g.drawString("A", 0, 10);

    // Print that glyph as a string.
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        int bits = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            int pixel = bi.getRGB(x, y);
            int red = colorModel.getRed(pixel);
            int green = colorModel.getGreen(pixel);
            int blue = colorModel.getBlue(pixel);
            int alpha = colorModel.getAlpha(pixel);
            boolean isWhite = (red == 255 && green == 255 && blue == 255 && alpha == 255);
            boolean isBlack = (red == 0 && green == 0 && blue == 0 && alpha == 255);
                    isWhite ? "_" : isBlack ? "X" : ("(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + "," + alpha + ")"));

            bits <<= 1;
            if (!isWhite) {
                bits |= 1;
        sb.append(String.format("  (0x%03X)\n", bits));

    // Also include some of the font metrics.
    FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    sb.append("fm: ascent=" + fm.getAscent() + " leading=" + fm.getLeading() + " charWidth('A')="
            + fm.charWidth('A') + " descent=" + fm.getDescent() + " height=" + fm.getHeight() + "\n");

    String actualGlyph = sb.toString();


    // The expected glyph and metrics.
    String expectedGlyph = "_________  (0x000)\n" + "____X____  (0x010)\n" + "___X_X___  (0x028)\n"
            + "___X_X___  (0x028)\n" + "__X___X__  (0x044)\n" + "__X___X__  (0x044)\n" + "__XXXXX__  (0x07C)\n"
            + "_X_____X_  (0x082)\n" + "_X_____X_  (0x082)\n" + "_X_____X_  (0x082)\n" + "_________  (0x000)\n"
            + "fm: ascent=10 leading=1 charWidth('A')=9 descent=3 height=14\n";

    if (!expectedGlyph.equals(actualGlyph)) {
        // Currently, this is known to happen when using OpenJDK 6
        // and 7, with 6 being close to right and 7 being very bad.
        // I also have reports of it happening on certain Mac OS/X
        // systems, but I haven't been able to determine what the
        // important factor there is.
        String warningMessage = "There is a problem with the font rendering.  The glyph "
                + "for the letter 'A' should look like:\n" + expectedGlyph + "but it renders as:\n"
                + actualGlyph + "\n" + "This probably means there is a bug in the TrueType "
                + "font library.  You might try a different Java version.  "
                + "(I'm working on how to solve this permanently.)";
        SwingUtil.errorMessageBox(null /*component*/, warningMessage);

From source file:com.projity.contrib.calendar.JXXMonthView.java

private void drawDay(boolean colored, boolean flagged, boolean today, Graphics g, String text, int x, int y) {
    Color defaultColor = g.getColor();
    Font oldFont = getFont();/*from  www.  jav  a2s  . c  o  m*/
    if (colored) {
        g.fillRect(_bounds.x, _bounds.y, _bounds.width, _bounds.height);
    if (today)
    if (flagged) {
    g.drawString(text, x, y);

From source file:es.emergya.ui.gis.layers.MapViewerLayer.java

public void paint(Graphics g, MapView mv) {
    parent = (CustomMapView) mv;/*from   w  w w .j  a v a 2 s .com*/

    int iMove = 0;

    zoom = mv.zoom();
    LatLon cen = Main.proj.eastNorth2latlon(mv.getCenter());

    center = new Point(OsmMercator.LonToX(cen.getX(), zoom), OsmMercator.LatToY(cen.getY(), zoom));

    int tilex = center.x / Tile.SIZE;
    int tiley = center.y / Tile.SIZE;
    int off_x = (center.x % Tile.SIZE);
    int off_y = (center.y % Tile.SIZE);

    int w2 = mv.getWidth() / 2;
    int h2 = mv.getHeight() / 2;
    int posx = w2 - off_x;
    int posy = h2 - off_y;

    int diff_left = off_x;
    int diff_right = Tile.SIZE - off_x;
    int diff_top = off_y;
    int diff_bottom = Tile.SIZE - off_y;

    boolean start_left = diff_left < diff_right;
    boolean start_top = diff_top < diff_bottom;

    if (start_top) {
        if (start_left) {
            iMove = 2;
        } else {
            iMove = 3;
    } else {
        if (start_left) {
            iMove = 1;
        } else {
            iMove = 0;
    } // calculate the visibility borders
    int x_min = -Tile.SIZE;
    int y_min = -Tile.SIZE;
    int x_max = mv.getWidth();
    int y_max = mv.getHeight();

    // paint the tiles in a spiral, starting from center of the map
    boolean painted = true;
    int x = 0;
    while (painted) {
        painted = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
            for (int j = 0; j < x; j++) {
                if (x_min <= posx && posx <= x_max && y_min <= posy && posy <= y_max) {
                    // tile is visible
                    Tile tile = getTile(tilex, tiley, zoom);
                    if (tile != null) {
                        painted = true;
                        tile.paint(g, posx, posy);
                        if (tileGridVisible) {
                            g.drawString(tile.getXtile() + ", " + tile.getYtile(), posx, posy + 12);
                            g.drawRect(posx, posy, Tile.SIZE, Tile.SIZE);
                Point p = move[iMove];
                posx += p.x * Tile.SIZE;
                posy += p.y * Tile.SIZE;
                tilex += p.x;
                tiley += p.y;
            iMove = (iMove + 1) % move.length;
    // outer border of the map
    int mapSize = Tile.SIZE << zoom;
    g.drawRect(w2 - center.x, h2 - center.y, mapSize, mapSize);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        g.drawString("Tiles in cache: " + tileCache.getTileCount(), 50, 15);

    // g.fillRect(0, 100, 300, 55);
    // g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
    // g.drawString("center: " + center.x + ", " + center.y, 5, 120);
    // g.drawString("zoom: " + zoom + " for scale:" + mv.getScale(), 5,
    // 150);

From source file:edu.ku.brc.ui.ImageDisplay.java

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    boolean doScale = true;

    int w = getWidth();
    int h = getHeight();

    Image dspImg = image;/*from  www .j ava2  s .  co m*/
    boolean doDisplayImage = (image != null && (!isNoAttachment && status == kImageOK)) || isLoading;
    if (isLoading) {
        doDisplayImage = true;
        dspImg = IconManager.getImage("Loading").getImage();
    if (doDisplayImage && dspImg != null) {
        int imgW = dspImg.getWidth(null);
        int imgH = dspImg.getHeight(null);

        if (doScale && (imgW > w || imgH > h)) {
            double scaleW = 1.0;
            double scaleH = 1.0;
            double scale = 1.0;

            if (imgW > w) {
                scaleW = (double) w / imgW;
            if (imgH > h) {
                scaleH = (double) h / imgH;
            scale = Math.min(scaleW, scaleH);

            imgW = (int) (imgW * scale);
            imgH = (int) (imgH * scale);

        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;

        if (imgW < w) {
            x = (w - imgW) / 2;
        if (imgH < h) {
            y = (h - imgH) / 2;
        g.drawImage(dspImg, x, y, imgW, imgH, null);

    } else if (doShowText) {
        String[] label = this.isNoAttachment ? (isFullImage ? noAttachmentStr : noThumnailStr)
                : loadingAttachmentStr;
        FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
        int spacing = 2;
        int yOffset = (h - (fm.getHeight() + spacing) * label.length) / 2;
        if (yOffset < 0)
            yOffset = 0;
        int y = yOffset + fm.getHeight();
        for (String str : label) {
            g.drawString(str, (w - fm.stringWidth(str)) / 2, y);
            y += fm.getHeight() + 2;