Java java.awt.image IndexColorModel fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java java.awt.image IndexColorModel fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for java.awt.image IndexColorModel.

The text is from its open source code.


IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte[] r, byte[] g, byte[] b)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the specified arrays of red, green, and blue components.
IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte[] cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of interleaved red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte[] r, byte[] g, byte[] b, int trans)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, and blue components.
IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte[] r, byte[] g, byte[] b, byte[] a)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, blue and alpha components.
IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte[] cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of interleaved red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, int[] cmap, int start, int transferType, BigInteger validBits)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from an int array where each int is comprised of red, green, blue, and alpha components in the default RGB color model format.
IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, int[] cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans, int transferType)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from an array of ints where each int is comprised of red, green, blue, and optional alpha components in the default RGB color model format.


voidgetAlphas(byte[] a)
Copies the array of alpha transparency components into the specified array.
intgetBlue(int pixel)
Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.
voidgetBlues(byte[] b)
Copies the array of blue color components into the specified array.
Returns the ColorSpace associated with this ColorModel .
intgetComponentSize(int componentIdx)
Returns the number of bits for the specified color/alpha component.
intgetGreen(int pixel)
Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.
voidgetGreens(byte[] g)
Copies the array of green color components into the specified array.
Returns the size of the color/alpha component arrays in this IndexColorModel .
Returns the number of color components in this ColorModel .
Returns the number of bits per pixel described by this ColorModel .
intgetRed(int pixel)
Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.
voidgetReds(byte[] r)
Copies the array of red color components into the specified array.
intgetRGB(int pixel)
Returns the color/alpha components of the pixel in the default RGB color model format.
voidgetRGBs(int[] rgb)
Converts data for each index from the color and alpha component arrays to an int in the default RGB ColorModel format and copies the resulting 32-bit ARGB values into the specified array.
Returns the transfer type of this ColorModel .
Returns the transparency.
Returns the index of a transparent pixel in this IndexColorModel or -1 if there is no pixel with an alpha value of 0.
Returns whether or not alpha is supported in this ColorModel .