Example usage for java.awt Shape equals

List of usage examples for java.awt Shape equals


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt Shape equals.


public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.graphics.RowOfShapesImpl.java

public int getShapeIndex(Shape shape) {
    int i = 0;//  w  ww  . j ava2 s  .co  m
    for (Shape oneShape : this.getShapes()) {
        if (oneShape.equals(shape)) {
            return i;
    return -1;

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.graphics.RowOfShapesImpl.java

public Shape findNearestShape(int xCoordinate) {
    Shape nearestShape = null;
    int smallestDistance = -1;
    for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) {
        if (shape.getLeft() <= xCoordinate && xCoordinate <= shape.getRight()) {
            nearestShape = shape;/* w w  w.java  2s.c om*/
        if (nearestShape == null || Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getLeft()) <= smallestDistance) {
            smallestDistance = Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getLeft());
            nearestShape = shape;
        if (Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getRight()) <= smallestDistance) {
            smallestDistance = Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getRight());
            nearestShape = shape;
        if (!nearestShape.equals(shape)) {
            // as soon as we start getting farther away from the x-coordinate, we can break out
    return nearestShape;

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.graphics.SegmenterImpl.java

List<RowOfShapes> groupShapesIntoRows(SourceImage sourceImage, List<Shape> shapes, List<Rectangle> whiteAreas,
        boolean useSlope) {
    LOG.debug("########## groupShapesIntoRows #########");
    LOG.debug("useSlope? " + useSlope);

    List<RowOfShapes> rows = new ArrayList<RowOfShapes>();
    for (Shape shape : shapes)
        shape.setRow(null);/* ww w.j  av  a2  s .c  o m*/

    List<Shape> shapesToRemove = new ArrayList<Shape>();
    for (Shape shape : shapes) {
        for (Rectangle whiteArea : whiteAreas) {
            double whiteAreaRight = whiteArea.getRight();
            double whiteAreaLeft = whiteArea.getLeft();
            if (useSlope) {
                double xAdjustment = sourceImage.getXAdjustment(shape.getTop());

                whiteAreaRight += xAdjustment;
                whiteAreaLeft += xAdjustment;

            if (whiteAreaRight > shape.getRight() && whiteAreaLeft < shape.getLeft()
                    && whiteArea.getTop() < shape.getTop() && whiteArea.getBottom() > shape.getBottom()) {
                // shape is surrounded
                LOG.debug("Removing shape " + shape);
                LOG.debug("Surrounded by white area: " + whiteArea);

    // calculate the means
    // get average shape width & height
    DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
    for (Shape shape : shapes) {
    double averageShapeWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(50);
    LOG.debug("averageShapeWidth: " + averageShapeWidth);

    // now, arrange the shapes in rows
    // we're guaranteed that no two shapes overlap at this point.
    // Now, it's possible that two shapes in the same line have no vertical overlap (e.g. a comma and an apostrophe)
    // so we have to go searching a bit further afield, say five shapes in each direction
    // but if we go too far, we may end up joining two lines together if the page isn't quite straight

    // let's begin with any old shape and find the shapes closest to it horizontally
    // e.g. up to 8 horizontal means to the right and left
    // as we find shapes that go with it, we add them to the same line
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch = 8;
    LOG.debug("numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch: " + numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch);
    LOG.debug("search distance: " + averageShapeWidth * numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch);

    for (Shape shape : shapes) {
        if (shape.getRow() == null) {
            RowOfShapes row = graphicsService.getEmptyRow(sourceImage);
            LOG.trace("========= New row " + row.getIndex() + "============");
            LOG.trace("Adding " + shape + " to row " + row.getIndex());
        int searchLeft = (int) ((double) shape.getLeft() - (numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch * averageShapeWidth));
        int searchRight = (int) ((double) shape.getRight() + (numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch * averageShapeWidth));
        LOG.trace("Shape " + i++ + ": " + shape + "(row " + shape.getRow().getIndex() + ")");
        LOG.trace("searchLeft: " + searchLeft);
        LOG.trace("searchRight: " + searchRight);

        // construct an array to represent where white areas overlap with the search area
        int[][] leftSearchArea = new int[shape.getLeft() - searchLeft][2];
        int[][] rightSearchArea = new int[searchRight - shape.getRight()][2];
        for (int k = 0; k < leftSearchArea.length; k++) {
            leftSearchArea[k][0] = shape.getTop();
            leftSearchArea[k][1] = shape.getBottom();
        for (int k = 0; k < rightSearchArea.length; k++) {
            rightSearchArea[k][0] = shape.getTop();
            rightSearchArea[k][1] = shape.getBottom();

        int newSearchLeft = searchLeft;
        int newSearchRight = searchRight;
        for (Rectangle whiteArea : whiteAreas) {
            double whiteAreaRight = whiteArea.getRight();
            double whiteAreaLeft = whiteArea.getLeft();
            if (useSlope) {
                double xAdjustment = sourceImage.getXAdjustment(shape.getTop());

                whiteAreaRight += xAdjustment;
                whiteAreaLeft += xAdjustment;
                LOG.trace(whiteArea + ", xAdjustment=" + xAdjustment + " , whiteAreaLeft=" + whiteAreaLeft
                        + " , whiteAreaRight=" + whiteAreaRight);

            if (whiteAreaRight > newSearchLeft && whiteAreaLeft < shape.getLeft()
                    && whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getBottom() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {

                LOG.trace("overlap on left with: " + whiteArea.toString());

                if (whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getTop() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getBottom()
                        && whiteAreaRight > newSearchLeft) {
                    newSearchLeft = (int) Math.round(whiteAreaRight);
                    LOG.trace("Complete, newSearchLeft = " + newSearchLeft);
                } else {
                    LOG.trace("Partial, starting at " + whiteArea.getRight());
                    for (int k = whiteArea.getRight() - searchLeft; k >= 0; k--) {
                        if (k < leftSearchArea.length) {
                            if (whiteArea.getBottom() < shape.getBottom()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][0] < whiteArea.getBottom())
                                leftSearchArea[k][0] = whiteArea.getBottom() + 1;
                            else if (whiteArea.getTop() > shape.getTop()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][1] > whiteArea.getTop())
                                leftSearchArea[k][1] = whiteArea.getTop() - 1;

                            if (leftSearchArea[k][0] >= leftSearchArea[k][1]
                                    && searchLeft + k > newSearchLeft) {
                                newSearchLeft = searchLeft + k;
                                LOG.trace("Complete from " + newSearchLeft);
                    //                  if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    //                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<leftSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String top = "" + (leftSearchArea[k][0]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", top)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                     sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<leftSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String bottom = "" + (leftSearchArea[k][1]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", bottom)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                  }
            } else if (whiteAreaLeft < newSearchRight && whiteAreaRight > shape.getRight()
                    && whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getBottom() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {
                LOG.trace("overlap on right with: " + whiteArea.toString());

                if (whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getTop() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getBottom()
                        && newSearchRight > whiteAreaLeft) {
                    newSearchRight = (int) Math.round(whiteAreaLeft);
                    LOG.trace("Complete, newSearchRight = " + newSearchRight);

                } else {
                    LOG.trace("Partial, starting at " + whiteArea.getLeft());
                    for (int k = whiteArea.getLeft() - shape.getRight(); k < rightSearchArea.length; k++) {
                        if (k > 0 && k < leftSearchArea.length && k < rightSearchArea.length) {
                            if (whiteArea.getBottom() < shape.getBottom()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][0] < whiteArea.getBottom())
                                rightSearchArea[k][0] = whiteArea.getBottom() + 1;
                            else if (whiteArea.getTop() > shape.getTop()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][1] > whiteArea.getTop())
                                rightSearchArea[k][1] = whiteArea.getTop() - 1;

                            if (rightSearchArea[k][0] >= rightSearchArea[k][1]
                                    && newSearchRight > shape.getRight() + k) {
                                newSearchRight = shape.getRight() + k;
                                LOG.trace("Complete from " + newSearchRight);
                    //                  if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    //                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<rightSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String top = "" + (rightSearchArea[k][0]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", top)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                     sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<rightSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String bottom = "" + (rightSearchArea[k][1]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", bottom)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                  }
        LOG.trace("searchLeft adjusted for white columns: " + newSearchLeft);
        LOG.trace("searchRight adjusted for white columns: " + newSearchRight);

        // min 10% overlap to assume same row
        double minOverlap = 0.10;

        for (Shape otherShape : shapes) {
            boolean haveSomeOverlap = false;
            if (!shape.getRow().equals(otherShape.getRow()) && !otherShape.equals(shape)) {

                // shapes are arranged from the top down
                if (otherShape.getTop() > shape.getBottom()) {

                if (otherShape.getRight() > newSearchLeft && otherShape.getRight() < shape.getLeft()
                        && otherShape.getTop() <= shape.getBottom()
                        && otherShape.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {
                    int k = otherShape.getRight() - searchLeft;
                    if (otherShape.getTop() <= leftSearchArea[k][1]
                            && otherShape.getBottom() >= leftSearchArea[k][0])
                        haveSomeOverlap = true;
                } else if (otherShape.getLeft() < newSearchRight && otherShape.getLeft() > shape.getRight()
                        && otherShape.getTop() <= shape.getBottom()
                        && otherShape.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {
                    int k = otherShape.getLeft() - shape.getRight();
                    if (otherShape.getTop() <= rightSearchArea[k][1]
                            && otherShape.getBottom() >= rightSearchArea[k][0])
                        haveSomeOverlap = true;
                if (haveSomeOverlap) {
                    int overlap1 = shape.getBottom() - otherShape.getTop() + 1;
                    int overlap2 = otherShape.getBottom() - shape.getTop() + 1;
                    int overlap = overlap1 < overlap2 ? overlap1 : overlap2;
                    boolean addShapeToRow = false;
                    if ((((double) overlap / (double) shape.getHeight()) > minOverlap)
                            || (((double) overlap / (double) otherShape.getHeight()) > minOverlap)) {
                        addShapeToRow = true;

                    if (addShapeToRow) {
                        LOG.debug("Adding " + otherShape + " to row " + shape.getRow().getIndex());
                        if (otherShape.getRow() == null) {
                        } else {
                            // two rows need to be merged
                            LOG.debug("========= Merge rows " + shape.getRow().getIndex() + " with "
                                    + otherShape.getRow().getIndex() + "==========");
                            RowOfShapes otherRow = otherShape.getRow();
                } // add shape to row ?
            } // should shape be considered?
        } // next other shape
    } // next shape

    return rows;