Example usage for java.io Closeable Closeable

List of usage examples for java.io Closeable Closeable


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io Closeable Closeable.



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From source file:com.splicemachine.derby.stream.function.merge.AbstractMergeJoinFlatMapFunction.java

public Iterator<LocatedRow> call(Iterator<LocatedRow> locatedRows) throws Exception {
    PeekingIterator<LocatedRow> leftPeekingIterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(locatedRows);
    if (!initialized) {
        joinOperation = getOperation();//from   ww w .  j a v a2s  .co  m
        initialized = true;
        if (!leftPeekingIterator.hasNext())
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
    final SpliceOperation rightSide = joinOperation.getRightOperation();
    DataSetProcessor dsp = EngineDriver.driver().processorFactory()
            .bulkProcessor(getOperation().getActivation(), rightSide);
    final Iterator<LocatedRow> rightIterator = Iterators.transform(rightSide.getDataSet(dsp).toLocalIterator(),
            new Function<LocatedRow, LocatedRow>() {
                public LocatedRow apply(@Nullable LocatedRow locatedRow) {
                    return locatedRow;
    ((BaseActivation) joinOperation.getActivation()).setScanStartOverride(null); // reset to null to avoid any side effects
    ((BaseActivation) joinOperation.getActivation()).setScanKeys(null);
    ((BaseActivation) joinOperation.getActivation()).setScanStopOverride(null);
    AbstractMergeJoinIterator iterator = createMergeJoinIterator(leftPeekingIterator,
            Iterators.peekingIterator(rightIterator), joinOperation.getLeftHashKeys(),
            joinOperation.getRightHashKeys(), joinOperation, operationContext);
    iterator.registerCloseable(new Closeable() {
        public void close() throws IOException {
            try {
            } catch (StandardException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return iterator;

From source file:org.springframework.data.hadoop.serialization.ResourceSerializationFormat.java

 * Writes the content of Spring {@link Resource}s to a single HDFS location.
 *///w w w.j  a  v a 2  s  . c o  m
protected SerializationWriterSupport createWriter(final OutputStream output) {
    // Extend and customize Serialization Writer template
    return new SerializationWriterSupport() {

        private OutputStream outputStream = output;

        private InputStream resourceSeparatorInputStream;

        protected Closeable doOpen() throws IOException {

            resourceSeparatorInputStream = null;

            CompressionCodec codec = CompressionUtils.getHadoopCompression(getConfiguration(),

            // If a compression is not specified and if passed stream does have compression capabilities...
            if (codec == null || CompressionOutputStream.class.isInstance(outputStream)) {
                // ...just return original stream untouched
                return outputStream;

            // Eventually re-use Compressor from underlying CodecPool
            final Compressor compressor = CodecPool.getCompressor(codec);

            // Create compression stream wrapping passed stream
            outputStream = codec.createOutputStream(outputStream, compressor);

            return new Closeable() {

                public void close() throws IOException {
                    resourceSeparatorInputStream = null;

        protected void doWrite(Resource source) throws IOException {
            InputStream inputStream = null;
            try {

                inputStream = source.getInputStream();

                // Write source to HDFS destination
                copyBytes(inputStream, outputStream, getConfiguration(), /* close */false);

            } finally {

        protected void writeSeparator() throws IOException {
            if (getResourceSeparator() == null) {

            if (resourceSeparatorInputStream == null) {

                // First call inits 'resourceSeparatorInputStream' and does not write anything

                resourceSeparatorInputStream = toInputStream(getResourceSeparator(), "UTF-8");



            // Write resource separator to HDFS destination
            copyBytes(resourceSeparatorInputStream, outputStream, getConfiguration(), /* close */false);

From source file:io.druid.segment.IndexMergerV9.java

protected File makeIndexFiles(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs,
        final File outDir, final ProgressIndicator progress, final List<String> mergedDimensions,
        final List<String> mergedMetrics,
        final Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>> rowMergerFn, final IndexSpec indexSpec)
        throws IOException {
    progress.start();/*from   w ww  .j  a v a2  s.  c  om*/

    List<Metadata> metadataList = Lists.transform(adapters, new Function<IndexableAdapter, Metadata>() {
        public Metadata apply(IndexableAdapter input) {
            return input.getMetadata();

    Metadata segmentMetadata = null;
    if (metricAggs != null) {
        AggregatorFactory[] combiningMetricAggs = new AggregatorFactory[metricAggs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < metricAggs.length; i++) {
            combiningMetricAggs[i] = metricAggs[i].getCombiningFactory();
        segmentMetadata = Metadata.merge(metadataList, combiningMetricAggs);
    } else {
        segmentMetadata = Metadata.merge(metadataList, null);

    Closer closer = Closer.create();
    final IOPeon ioPeon = new TmpFileIOPeon(false);
    closer.register(new Closeable() {
        public void close() throws IOException {
    final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher = new FileSmoosher(outDir);
    final File v9TmpDir = new File(outDir, "v9-tmp");
    closer.register(new Closeable() {
        public void close() throws IOException {
    log.info("Start making v9 index files, outDir:%s", outDir);
    try {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                Files.newOutputStreamSupplier(new File(outDir, "version.bin")));
        log.info("Completed version.bin in %,d millis.", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);

        final Map<String, ValueType> metricsValueTypes = Maps
        final Map<String, String> metricTypeNames = Maps.newTreeMap(Ordering.<String>natural().nullsFirst());
        final List<ColumnCapabilitiesImpl> dimCapabilities = Lists
        mergeCapabilities(adapters, mergedDimensions, metricsValueTypes, metricTypeNames, dimCapabilities);

        final DimensionHandler[] handlers = makeDimensionHandlers(mergedDimensions, dimCapabilities);
        final List<DimensionMerger> mergers = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < mergedDimensions.size(); i++) {
            mergers.add(handlers[i].makeMerger(indexSpec, v9TmpDir, ioPeon, dimCapabilities.get(i), progress));

        /************* Setup Dim Conversions **************/
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final ArrayList<Map<String, IntBuffer>> dimConversions = Lists
        final ArrayList<Boolean> dimensionSkipFlag = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(mergedDimensions.size());
        final ArrayList<Boolean> convertMissingDimsFlags = Lists
        writeDimValueAndSetupDimConversion(adapters, progress, mergedDimensions, mergers);
        log.info("Completed dim conversions in %,d millis.", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);

        /************* Walk through data sets, merge them, and write merged columns *************/
        final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows = makeRowIterable(adapters, mergedDimensions, mergedMetrics,
                rowMergerFn, dimCapabilities, handlers, mergers);
        final LongColumnSerializer timeWriter = setupTimeWriter(ioPeon, indexSpec);
        final ArrayList<GenericColumnSerializer> metWriters = setupMetricsWriters(ioPeon, mergedMetrics,
                metricsValueTypes, metricTypeNames, indexSpec);
        final List<IntBuffer> rowNumConversions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(adapters.size());

        mergeIndexesAndWriteColumns(adapters, progress, theRows, timeWriter, metWriters, rowNumConversions,

        /************ Create Inverted Indexes and Finalize Build Columns *************/
        final String section = "build inverted index and columns";
        makeTimeColumn(v9Smoosher, progress, timeWriter);
        makeMetricsColumns(v9Smoosher, progress, mergedMetrics, metricsValueTypes, metricTypeNames, metWriters);

        for (int i = 0; i < mergedDimensions.size(); i++) {
            DimensionMergerV9 merger = (DimensionMergerV9) mergers.get(i);
            merger.writeIndexes(rowNumConversions, closer);
            if (merger.canSkip()) {
            ColumnDescriptor columnDesc = merger.makeColumnDescriptor();
            makeColumn(v9Smoosher, mergedDimensions.get(i), columnDesc);


        /************* Make index.drd & metadata.drd files **************/
        makeIndexBinary(v9Smoosher, adapters, outDir, mergedDimensions, mergedMetrics, progress, indexSpec,
        makeMetadataBinary(v9Smoosher, progress, segmentMetadata);


        return outDir;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw closer.rethrow(t);
    } finally {

From source file:com.opengamma.component.tool.ToolContextUtils.java

private static ToolContext createToolContextByHttp(String configResourceLocation,
        Class<? extends ToolContext> toolContextClazz, List<String> classifierChain) {
    configResourceLocation = StringUtils.stripEnd(configResourceLocation, "/");
    if (configResourceLocation.endsWith("/jax") == false) {
        configResourceLocation += "/jax";
    }/*from  w w  w. j ava 2s  . c  om*/

    // Get the remote component server using the supplied URI
    RemoteComponentServer remoteComponentServer = new RemoteComponentServer(URI.create(configResourceLocation));
    ComponentServer componentServer = remoteComponentServer.getComponentServer();

    // Attempt to build a tool context of the specified type
    ToolContext toolContext;
    try {
        toolContext = toolContextClazz.newInstance();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        return null;

    // Populate the tool context from the remote component server
    for (MetaProperty<?> metaProperty : toolContext.metaBean().metaPropertyIterable()) {
        if (!metaProperty.name().equals("contextManager")) {
            try {
                ComponentInfo componentInfo = getComponentInfo(componentServer, classifierChain,
                if (componentInfo == null) {
                    s_logger.warn("Unable to populate tool context '" + metaProperty.name()
                            + "', no appropriate component found on the server");
                if (ViewProcessor.class.equals(componentInfo.getType())) {
                    final JmsConnector jmsConnector = createJmsConnector(componentInfo);
                    final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors
                            .newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new NamedThreadFactory("rvp"));
                    ViewProcessor vp = new RemoteViewProcessor(componentInfo.getUri(), jmsConnector, scheduler);
                    toolContext.setContextManager(new Closeable() {
                        public void close() throws IOException {
                } else {
                    String clazzName = componentInfo.getAttribute(ComponentInfoAttributes.REMOTE_CLIENT_JAVA);
                    if (clazzName == null) {
                        s_logger.warn("Unable to populate tool context '" + metaProperty.name()
                                + "', no remote access class found");
                    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(clazzName);
                    s_logger.info("Populated tool context '" + metaProperty.name() + "' with "
                            + metaProperty.get(toolContext));
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                        "Unable to populate tool context '" + metaProperty.name() + "': " + ex.getMessage());
    return toolContext;

From source file:org.jclouds.http.apachehc.config.ApacheHCHttpCommandExecutorServiceModule.java

@Provides/*from   ww  w. j a  v a  2  s.co m*/
final ClientConnectionManager newClientConnectionManager(HttpParams params, X509HostnameVerifier verifier,
        SSLContext context, Closer closer) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {

    SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
    schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));

    SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(context);
    schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", sf, 443));

    final ClientConnectionManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, schemeRegistry);
    closer.addToClose(new Closeable() {
        public void close() throws IOException {
    return cm;

From source file:org.opencms.lock.CmsLockUtil.java

 * Utility method for locking and unlocking a set of resources conveniently with the try-with syntax
 * from Java 1.7.<p>//from ww w .  j  a  v a 2  s  . c  o  m
 * This method locks a set of resources and returns a Closeable instance that will unlock the locked resources
 * when its close() method is called.
 * @param cms the CMS context
 * @param resources the resources to lock
 * @return the Closeable used to unlock the resources
 * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
public static Closeable withLockedResources(final CmsObject cms, CmsResource... resources) throws Exception {

    final Map<CmsResource, CmsLockActionRecord> lockMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    Closeable result = new Closeable() {

        public void close() {

            for (Map.Entry<CmsResource, CmsLockActionRecord> entry : lockMap.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().getChange() == LockChange.locked) {
                    CmsResource resourceToUnlock = entry.getKey();
                    // the resource may have been moved, so we read it again to get the correct path
                    try {
                        resourceToUnlock = cms.readResource(entry.getKey().getStructureId(),
                    } catch (CmsException e) {
                        LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                    try {
                    } catch (CmsException e) {
                        LOG.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

    try {
        for (CmsResource resource : resources) {
            CmsLockActionRecord record = ensureLock(cms, resource);
            lockMap.put(resource, record);
    } catch (CmsException e) {
        throw e;
    return result;

From source file:org.wisdom.maven.utils.WebJars.java

 * Checks whether the given file is a WebJar or not (http://www.webjars.org/documentation).
 * The check is based on the presence of {@literal META-INF/resources/webjars/} directory in the jar file.
 * @param file the file./*w w  w. ja v  a  2  s.  c o m*/
 * @return {@literal true} if it's a bundle, {@literal false} otherwise.
public static boolean isWebJar(File file) {
    Set<String> found = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    if (file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
        JarFile jar = null;
        try {
            jar = new JarFile(file);

            // Fast return if the base structure is not there
            if (jar.getEntry(WEBJAR_LOCATION) == null) {
                return false;

            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                Matcher matcher = WEBJAR_REGEX.matcher(entry.getName());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    found.add(matcher.group(1) + "-" + matcher.group(2));
        } catch (IOException e) {
                    .error("Cannot check if the file {} is a webjar, " + "cannot open it", file.getName(), e);
            return false;
        } finally {
            final JarFile finalJar = jar;
            IOUtils.closeQuietly(new Closeable() {
                public void close() throws IOException {
                    if (finalJar != null) {

        for (String lib : found) {
            LoggerFactory.getLogger(DependencyCopy.class).info("Web Library found in {} : {}", file.getName(),

        return !found.isEmpty();

    return false;

From source file:org.wisdom.resources.WebJarDeployer.java

 * Checks whether the given file is a WebJar or not (http://www.webjars.org/documentation).
 * The check is based on the presence of {@literal META-INF/resources/webjars/} directory in the jar file.
 * @param file the file.//from  w  ww . java  2 s . c om
 * @return the set of libraries found in the file, {@code null} if none.
public static Set<DetectedWebJar> isWebJar(File file) {
    Set<DetectedWebJar> found = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    if (file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
        JarFile jar = null;
        try {
            jar = new JarFile(file);

            // Fast return if the base structure is not there
            if (jar.getEntry(WebJarController.WEBJAR_LOCATION) == null) {
                return null;

            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                Matcher matcher = WebJarController.WEBJAR_REGEX.matcher(entry.getName());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    found.add(new DetectedWebJar(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2), entry.getName(), file));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Cannot check if the file {} is a webjar, " + "cannot open it", file.getName(), e);
            return null;
        } finally {
            final JarFile finalJar = jar;
            IOUtils.closeQuietly(new Closeable() {
                public void close() throws IOException {
                    if (finalJar != null) {

        for (DetectedWebJar lib : found) {
            LOGGER.info("Web Library found in {} : {}", file.getName(), lib.id);

        return found;

    return null;

From source file:com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.utils.CommonUtilsTest.java

@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testCloseWithException() {
    CommonUtils.close(new Closeable() {

        @Override/*from   w  ww  .  jav a 2s. co m*/
        public void close() throws IOException {
            throw new IOException("Test IOException");

From source file:io.fabric8.maven.core.service.PortForwardService.java

 * Forwards a port to the newest pod matching the given selector.
 * If another pod is created, it forwards connections to the new pod once it's ready.
 *///  www .  j  av  a2 s.  co m
public Closeable forwardPortAsync(final Logger externalProcessLogger, final LabelSelector podSelector,
        final int remotePort, final int localPort) throws Fabric8ServiceException {

    final Lock monitor = new ReentrantLock(true);
    final Condition podChanged = monitor.newCondition();
    final Pod[] nextForwardedPod = new Pod[1];

    final Thread forwarderThread = new Thread() {
        public void run() {

            Pod currentPod = null;
            Closeable currentPortForward = null;

            try {

                while (true) {
                    if (podEquals(currentPod, nextForwardedPod[0])) {
                    } else {
                        Pod nextPod = nextForwardedPod[0]; // may be null
                        try {
                            // out of critical section

                            if (currentPortForward != null) {
                                log.info("Closing port-forward from pod %s",
                                currentPortForward = null;

                            if (nextPod != null) {
                                log.info("Starting port-forward to pod %s", KubernetesHelper.getName(nextPod));
                                currentPortForward = forwardPortAsync(externalProcessLogger,
                                        KubernetesHelper.getName(nextPod), remotePort, localPort);
                            } else {
                                log.info("Waiting for a pod to become ready before starting port-forward");
                            currentPod = nextPod;
                        } finally {


            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                log.debug("Port-forwarding thread interrupted", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("Error while port-forwarding to pod", e);
            } finally {

                if (currentPortForward != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {

    // Switching forward to the current pod if present
    Pod newPod = getNewestPod(podSelector);
    nextForwardedPod[0] = newPod;

    final Watch watch = KubernetesClientUtil.withSelector(kubernetes.pods(), podSelector, log)
            .watch(new Watcher<Pod>() {

                public void eventReceived(Action action, Pod pod) {
                    try {
                        List<Pod> candidatePods;
                        if (nextForwardedPod[0] != null) {
                            candidatePods = new LinkedList<>();
                        } else {
                            candidatePods = Collections.singletonList(pod);
                        Pod newPod = getNewestPod(candidatePods); // may be null
                        if (!podEquals(nextForwardedPod[0], newPod)) {
                            nextForwardedPod[0] = newPod;
                    } finally {

                public void onClose(KubernetesClientException e) {
                    // don't care


    final Closeable handle = new Closeable() {
        public void close() throws IOException {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // suppress

    return handle;