Example usage for java.io FilenameFilter getClass

List of usage examples for java.io FilenameFilter getClass


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io FilenameFilter getClass.


public final native Class<?> getClass();

Source Link


Returns the runtime class of this Object .


From source file:org.kawanfw.file.api.client.RemoteFileListExecutor.java

 * /*from w  ww  .  jav a 2 s  .  c  om*/
 * Executes a File.list() or File.list(FilenameFilter) on remote host.
 * @param remoteFile
 *            the file name of the directory on the host
 * @param callerClassName
 *            the class name that calls this method
 * @return the list of files or directories in the remote directory. Will be
 *         <code>null</code> if the remote directory does not exists. Will
 *         be empty if the remote directory exists but is empty.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if remoteFile is null
 * @throws InvalidLoginException
 *             if the username is refused by the remote host
 * @throws UnknownHostException
 *             if host URL (http://www.acme.org) does not exists or no
 *             Internet Connection.
 * @throws ConnectException
 *             if the Host is correct but the {@code ServerFileManager}
 *             Servlet is not reachable
 *             (http://www.acme.org/ServerFileManager) and access failed
 *             with a status != OK (200). (If the host is incorrect, or is
 *             impossible to connect to - Tomcat down - the
 *             {@code ConnectException} will be the sub exception
 *             {@code HttpHostConnectException}.)
 * @throws SocketException
 *             if network failure during transmission
 * @throws RemoteException
 *             an exception has been thrown on the server side
 * @throws SecurityException
 *             the url is not secured with https (SSL)
 * @throws IOException
 *             for all other IO / Network / System Error
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 *             if class is not instanciable
 * @throws InstantiationException
 *             if class is not instanciable

public String[] list(String remoteFile, FilenameFilter filenameFilter, String callerClassName)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidLoginException, UnknownHostException, ConnectException,
        SocketException, RemoteException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException

    if (remoteFile == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("remoteFile can not be null!");

    if (username == null || authenticationToken == null) {
        throw new InvalidLoginException(FILE_SESSION_IS_CLOSED);

    String filenameFilterFilename = null;
    String filenameFilterClassname = null;
    String base64SerialFilenameFilter = null;

    if (filenameFilter != null) {
        filenameFilterClassname = filenameFilter.getClass().getName();
        base64SerialFilenameFilter = RemoteFileUtil.SerializeBase64FilenameFilter(filenameFilter,

        filenameFilterFilename = RemoteFileUtil.uploadFilterIfShortSize(base64SerialFilenameFilter,


    // Launch the Servlet

    // Prepare the request parameters
    List<SimpleNameValuePair> requestParams = new Vector<SimpleNameValuePair>();
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.ACTION, Action.FILE_LIST_ACTION));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.USERNAME, username));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.TOKEN, authenticationToken));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILENAME, remoteFile));

    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILENAME_FILTER_CLASSNAME, filenameFilterClassname));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILENAME_FILTER_FILENAME, filenameFilterFilename));

    if (RemoteFileUtil.isFilterShortSize(base64SerialFilenameFilter)) {
                new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.BASE64_SERIAL_FILENAME_FILTER, base64SerialFilenameFilter));

    httpTransfer.setReceiveInFile(true); // To say we get the result into a
    // file

    // If everything is OK, we have in our protocol a response that
    // 1) starts with "OK". 2) Is followed by the authenticaiton token
    // else: response starts with "INVALID_LOGIN_OR_PASSWORD".

    File receiveFile = httpTransfer.getReceiveFile();
    String receive = FrameworkFileUtil.getFirstLineOfFile(receiveFile);

    debug("receiveFile: " + receiveFile);

    // Content is OK
    if (receive.startsWith(ReturnCode.INVALID_LOGIN_OR_PASSWORD)) {
        if (!DEBUG && !KeepTempFilePolicyParms.KEEP_TEMP_FILE) {
        throw new InvalidLoginException(FILE_SESSION_IS_CLOSED);

    try {
        if (receive.equals("null")) {
            return null;
        } else if (receive.equals("[]")) {
            return new String[0];
        } else {
            List<String> list = getFilesListFromFile(receiveFile);
            String[] array = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
            return array;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!DEBUG && !KeepTempFilePolicyParms.KEEP_TEMP_FILE) {

From source file:org.kawanfw.file.api.client.RemoteFileListExecutor.java

 * //www.java2s.  c om
 * Executes a File.listFiles() or File.listFiles(FileFilter) on remote host.
 * @param remoteFile
 *            the file name of the directory on the host
 * @param filenameFilter
 * @param callerClassName
 *            the class name that calls this method
 * @return the list of files or directories in the remote directory. Will be
 *         <code>null</code> if the remote directory does not exists. Will
 *         be empty if the remote directory exists but is empty.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if remoteFile is null
 * @throws InvalidLoginException
 *             if the username is refused by the remote host
 * @throws UnknownHostException
 *             if host URL (http://www.acme.org) does not exists or no
 *             Internet Connection.
 * @throws ConnectException
 *             if the Host is correct but the {@code ServerFileManager}
 *             Servlet is not reachable
 *             (http://www.acme.org/ServerFileManager) and access failed
 *             with a status != OK (200). (If the host is incorrect, or is
 *             impossible to connect to - Tomcat down - the
 *             {@code ConnectException} will be the sub exception
 *             {@code HttpHostConnectException}.)
 * @throws SocketException
 *             if network failure during transmission
 * @throws RemoteException
 *             an exception has been thrown on the server side
 * @throws SecurityException
 *             the url is not secured with https (SSL)
 * @throws IOException
 *             for all other IO / Network / System Error
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 * @throws InstantiationException

public RemoteFile[] listFiles(String remoteFile, FilenameFilter filenameFilter, FileFilter fileFilter,
        String callerClassName)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidLoginException, UnknownHostException, ConnectException,
        SocketException, RemoteException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException

    if (remoteFile == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("remoteFile can not be null!");

    if (username == null || authenticationToken == null) {
        throw new InvalidLoginException(FILE_SESSION_IS_CLOSED);

    String filenameFilterFilename = null;
    String filenameFilterClassname = null;
    String base64SerialFilenameFilter = null;

    if (filenameFilter != null) {
        filenameFilterClassname = filenameFilter.getClass().getName();
        base64SerialFilenameFilter = RemoteFileUtil.SerializeBase64FilenameFilter(filenameFilter,

        filenameFilterFilename = RemoteFileUtil.uploadFilterIfShortSize(base64SerialFilenameFilter,

    String fileFilterFilename = null;
    String fileFilterClassname = null;
    String base64SerialFileFilter = null;

    if (fileFilter != null) {
        debug("after fileFilter() :" + fileFilter);
        fileFilterClassname = fileFilter.getClass().getName();
        base64SerialFileFilter = RemoteFileUtil.SerializeBase64FileFilter(fileFilter, fileFilterClassname);
        fileFilterFilename = RemoteFileUtil.uploadFilterIfShortSize(base64SerialFileFilter, remoteSession);
        debug("after uploadFilter() :" + fileFilterFilename);

    // Launch the Servlet

    // Prepare the request parameters
    List<SimpleNameValuePair> requestParams = new Vector<SimpleNameValuePair>();
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.ACTION, Action.FILE_LIST_FILES_ACTION));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.USERNAME, username));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.TOKEN, authenticationToken));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILENAME, remoteFile));

    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILENAME_FILTER_CLASSNAME, filenameFilterClassname));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILENAME_FILTER_FILENAME, filenameFilterFilename));

    if (RemoteFileUtil.isFilterShortSize(base64SerialFileFilter)) {
                new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.BASE64_SERIAL_FILENAME_FILTER, base64SerialFilenameFilter));

    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILE_FILTER_CLASSNAME, fileFilterClassname));
    requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.FILE_FILTER_FILENAME, fileFilterFilename));

    debug("fileFilterFilename: " + fileFilterFilename);

    if (RemoteFileUtil.isFilterShortSize(base64SerialFileFilter)) {
        requestParams.add(new SimpleNameValuePair(Parameter.BASE64_SERIAL_FILE_FILTER, base64SerialFileFilter));

    httpTransfer.setReceiveInFile(true); // To say we get the result into a
    // file

    // If everything is OK, we have in our protocol a response that
    // 1) starts with "OK". 2) Is followed by the authenticaiton token
    // else: response starts with "INVALID_LOGIN_OR_PASSWORD".

    File receiveFile = httpTransfer.getReceiveFile();
    String receive = FrameworkFileUtil.getFirstLineOfFile(receiveFile);

    debug("receiveFile: " + receiveFile);

    // Content is OK
    if (receive.startsWith(ReturnCode.INVALID_LOGIN_OR_PASSWORD)) {
        if (!DEBUG && !KeepTempFilePolicyParms.KEEP_TEMP_FILE) {
        throw new InvalidLoginException(FILE_SESSION_IS_CLOSED);

    try {
        if (receive.equals("null")) {
            return null;
        } else if (receive.equals("[]")) {
            return new RemoteFile[0];
        } else {
            List<String> listPathnames = getFilesListFromFile(receiveFile);
            List<RemoteFile> remoteFiles = new ArrayList<RemoteFile>();

            for (String pathname : listPathnames) {
                // debug("pathname: " + pathname);
                RemoteFile theRemoteFile = new RemoteFile(this.remoteFile.getRemoteSession(), pathname);

            RemoteFile[] remoteFilearray = remoteFiles.toArray(new RemoteFile[listPathnames.size()]);
            return remoteFilearray;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!DEBUG && !KeepTempFilePolicyParms.KEEP_TEMP_FILE) {
