Example usage for java.lang Boolean getBoolean

List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean getBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Boolean getBoolean.


public static boolean getBoolean(String name) 

Source Link


Returns true if and only if the system property named by the argument exists and is equal to, ignoring case, the string "true" .


From source file:org.jboss.tools.project.examples.tests.ProjectTest.java

public static void initRuntimes() throws Exception {
    hideCentral = Boolean.getBoolean(CENTRAL_PROP);
    System.setProperty(CENTRAL_PROP, "true");

From source file:org.mule.util.queue.DelegateQueueManager.java

public static boolean isOldModeEnabled() {
    return Boolean.getBoolean(MULE_QUEUE_OLD_MODE_KEY);

From source file:org.apache.lucene.replicator.ReplicatorTestCase.java

 * Returns a new {@link Server HTTP Server} instance. To obtain its port, use
 * {@link #serverPort(Server)}./* www .  ja  v  a2  s  .c om*/
public static synchronized Server newHttpServer(Handler handler) throws Exception {
    // if this property is true, then jetty will be configured to use SSL
    // leveraging the same system properties as java to specify
    // the keystore/truststore if they are set
    // This means we will use the same truststore, keystore (and keys) for
    // the server as well as any client actions taken by this JVM in
    // talking to that server, but for the purposes of testing that should 
    // be good enough
    final boolean useSsl = Boolean.getBoolean("tests.jettySsl");
    final SslContextFactory sslcontext = new SslContextFactory(false);

    if (useSsl) {
        if (null != System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore")) {
        if (null != System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword")) {
        if (null != System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore")) {
        if (null != System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword")) {

    final QueuedThreadPool threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool();

    Server server = new Server(threadPool);

    final ServerConnector connector;
    if (useSsl) {
        HttpConfiguration configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
        configuration.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());
        ServerConnector c = new ServerConnector(server, new SslConnectionFactory(sslcontext, "http/1.1"),
                new HttpConnectionFactory(configuration));
        connector = c;
    } else {
        ServerConnector c = new ServerConnector(server, new HttpConnectionFactory());
        connector = c;


    server.setConnectors(new Connector[] { connector });
    server.setSessionIdManager(new HashSessionIdManager(new Random(random().nextLong())));


    return server;

From source file:org.apache.archiva.web.runtime.ArchivaRuntimeInfo.java

public ArchivaRuntimeInfo(@Named(value = "archivaRuntimeProperties") Properties archivaRuntimeProperties) {
    this.version = (String) archivaRuntimeProperties.get("archiva.version");
    this.buildNumber = (String) archivaRuntimeProperties.get("archiva.buildNumber");
    String archivaTimeStamp = (String) archivaRuntimeProperties.get("archiva.timestamp");
    if (NumberUtils.isNumber(archivaTimeStamp)) {
        this.timestamp = NumberUtils.createLong(archivaTimeStamp);
    } else {//from   w  ww.  java2s  .c om
        this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
    this.devMode = Boolean.getBoolean("archiva.devMode");

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.DefaultStackTraceFilterer.java

public DefaultStackTraceFilterer() {

From source file:com.ericsson.eiffel.remrem.publish.helper.PublishUtils.java

 * Method returns the routing key from the messaging service based on the json event type.
 * @param msgService the Messaging service.
 * @param json the eiffel event//from  www .  ja v  a  2  s .co  m
 * @param userDomainSuffix is optional parameter, If user provide this it will add to the domainId.
 * @param tag is optional parameter, If user provide this it will add to the tag if routingKey is not specified by the user.
 * @param routingKey is optional parameter, If user provide this it will add to the routingKey otherwise generate routingKey based on message type.
 * @return routing key or returns "" if host, exchange and domainId not available.
public static String getRoutingKey(MsgService msgService, JsonObject json, RMQHelper rmqHelper,
        String userDomainSuffix, String tag, String routingKey) {
    String protocol = msgService.getServiceName();
    Boolean cliMode = Boolean.getBoolean(PropertiesConfig.CLI_MODE);
    RabbitMqProperties rabbitMqProperties = rmqHelper.rabbitMqPropertiesMap.get(protocol);
    String domainId = rabbitMqProperties.getDomainId();
    if (rabbitMqProperties != null && rabbitMqProperties.getExchangeName() != null
            && rabbitMqProperties.getHost() != null
            && (cliMode || (!cliMode && StringUtils.isNotBlank(domainId)))) {
        return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(routingKey,
                msgService.generateRoutingKey(json, tag, domainId, userDomainSuffix));
    return "";

From source file:com.adeptj.runtime.common.Environment.java

public static boolean useProvidedKeyStore() {
    return Boolean.getBoolean("use.provided.keyStore");

From source file:org.ejbca.extra.util.ExtraConfiguration.java

public static Configuration instance() {
    if (config == null) {
        try {//from w ww .  j a v  a 2  s.c  o m
            // Default values build into war file, this is last prio used if no of the other sources override this
            boolean allowexternal = Boolean.getBoolean(
                    new PropertiesConfiguration(ExtraConfiguration.class.getResource("/" + PROPERTY_FILENAME))
                            .getString(CONFIGALLOWEXTERNAL, "false"));

            config = new CompositeConfiguration();

            PropertiesConfiguration pc;
            // Only add these config sources if we allow external configuration
            if (allowexternal) {
                // Override with system properties, this is prio 1 if it exists (java -Dscep.test=foo)
                config.addConfiguration(new SystemConfiguration());
                log.info("Added system properties to configuration source (java -Dfoo.prop=bar).");

                // Override with file in "application server home directory"/conf, this is prio 2
                File f1 = new File("conf/" + PROPERTY_FILENAME);
                pc = new PropertiesConfiguration(f1);
                pc.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
                log.info("Added file to configuration source: " + f1.getAbsolutePath());

                // Override with file in "/etc/ejbca/conf/extra, this is prio 3
                File f2 = new File("/etc/ejbca/conf/extra/" + PROPERTY_FILENAME);
                pc = new PropertiesConfiguration(f2);
                pc.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
                log.info("Added file to configuration source: " + f2.getAbsolutePath());

            // Default values build into war file, this is last prio used if no of the other sources override this
            URL url = ExtraConfiguration.class.getResource("/" + PROPERTY_FILENAME);
            pc = new PropertiesConfiguration(url);
            log.info("Added url to configuration source: " + url);

            log.info("Allow external re-configuration: " + allowexternal);
            // Test
            log.debug("Using keystore path (1): " + config.getString(SCEPKEYSTOREPATH + ".1"));
            //log.debug("Using keystore pwd (1): "+config.getString(SCEPKEYSTOREPWD+".1"));
            //log.debug("Using authPwd: "+config.getString(SCEPAUTHPWD));
            log.debug("Using certificate profile: " + config.getString(SCEPCERTPROFILEKEY));
            log.debug("Using entity profile: " + config.getString(SCEPENTITYPROFILEKEY));
            log.debug("Using default CA: " + config.getString(SCEPDEFAULTCA));
            log.debug("Create or edit user: " + config.getBoolean(SCEPEDITUSER));
            log.debug("Mapping for CN=Scep CA,O=EJBCA Sample,C=SE: "
                    + config.getString("CN=Scep CA,O=EJBCA Sample,C=SE"));
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            log.error("Error intializing ExtRA Configuration: ", e);
    return config;

From source file:com.seajas.search.profiler.task.ArchiveInjectionTask.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from   ww  w  .j  a va 2s .com*/
public void inject(final String triggerName, final Long intervalTotal,
        final InjectionJobInterrupted interrupted) {
    // XXX: There is currently no such thing as an archive-queue based on the triggerName

    List<Archive> enabledArchives = profilerService.getEnabledArchives();

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
        logger.info("Starting archive injection under trigger '" + triggerName + "' (" + enabledArchives.size()
                + " archive" + (enabledArchives.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ")");

    // We report on the number of feeds first, and then move on to potentially canceling the operation

    if (Boolean.getBoolean("profiler.indexing.disabled")) {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
                    "Indexing has been explicitly disabled using 'profiler.indexing.disabled=true'. Skipping injection.");


    for (Archive archive : enabledArchives) {
        if (interrupted.isInterrupted()) {
            logger.warn("This job was interrupted - not continuing with archive injection");


                "TODO: Injecting archives is not yet supported within the new distributed architecture - skipping '"
                        + archive.getName() + "'");

    logger.info("Finished archive injection for trigger '" + triggerName + "'");

From source file:org.copperengine.core.test.persistent.MySqlSpringTxnPersistentWorkflowTest.java

protected boolean skipTests() {
    return Boolean.getBoolean(Constants.SKIP_EXTERNAL_DB_TESTS_KEY) || !dbmsAvailable;