Example usage for java.lang Byte valueOf

List of usage examples for java.lang Byte valueOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Byte valueOf.


public static Byte valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException 

Source Link


Returns a Byte object holding the value given by the specified String .


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFOPPlus.java

public Byte evaluate(Byte a, Byte b) {
    // LOG.info("Get input " + a.getClass() + ":" + a + " " + b.getClass() + ":" + b);
    if ((a == null) || (b == null))
        return null;

    return Byte.valueOf((byte) (a + b));

From source file:com.glaf.jbpm.util.CustomFieldInstantiator.java

public static Object getValue(Class<?> type, Element propertyElement) {
    Object value = null;/* ww  w . ja  va2 s .c  o m*/
    if (type == String.class) {
        value = propertyElement.getText();
    } else if ((type == Integer.class) || (type == int.class)) {
        value = Integer.parseInt(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if ((type == Long.class) || (type == long.class)) {
        value = Long.parseLong(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if ((type == Float.class) || (type == float.class)) {
        value = new Float(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if ((type == Double.class) || (type == double.class)) {
        value = Double.parseDouble(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if ((type == Boolean.class) || (type == boolean.class)) {
        value = Boolean.valueOf(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if ((type == Character.class) || (type == char.class)) {
        value = Character.valueOf(propertyElement.getTextTrim().charAt(0));
    } else if ((type == Short.class) || (type == short.class)) {
        value = Short.valueOf(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if ((type == Byte.class) || (type == byte.class)) {
        value = Byte.valueOf(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if (type.isAssignableFrom(java.util.Date.class)) {
        value = DateUtils.toDate(propertyElement.getTextTrim());
    } else if (type.isAssignableFrom(List.class)) {
        value = getCollectionValue(propertyElement, new java.util.ArrayList<Object>());
    } else if (type.isAssignableFrom(Set.class)) {
        value = getCollectionValue(propertyElement, new LinkedHashSet<Object>());
    } else if (type.isAssignableFrom(Collection.class)) {
        value = getCollectionValue(propertyElement, new java.util.ArrayList<Object>());
    } else if (type.isAssignableFrom(Map.class)) {
        value = getMapValue(propertyElement, new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>());
    } else if (type == Element.class) {
        value = propertyElement;
    } else {
        try {
            Constructor<?> constructor = type.getConstructor(new Class[] { String.class });
            if ((propertyElement.isTextOnly()) && (constructor != null)) {
                value = constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { propertyElement.getTextTrim() });
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("couldn't parse the bean property value '" + propertyElement.asXML() + "' to a '"
                    + type.getName() + "'");
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    return value;

From source file:org.droidparts.inner.converter.ByteConverter.java

public <G1, G2> Byte readFromCursor(Class<Byte> valType, Class<G1> genericArg1, Class<G2> genericArg2,
        Cursor cursor, int columnIndex) {
    return Byte.valueOf(cursor.getString(columnIndex));

From source file:Main.java

 * convert value to given type.//from   w ww  . j  a v a2  s.  c  o  m
 * null safe.
 * @param value value for convert
 * @param type  will converted type
 * @return value while converted
public static Object convertCompatibleType(Object value, Class<?> type) {

    if (value == null || type == null || type.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
        return value;
    if (value instanceof String) {
        String string = (String) value;
        if (char.class.equals(type) || Character.class.equals(type)) {
            if (string.length() != 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("CAN NOT convert String(%s) to char!"
                        + " when convert String to char, the String MUST only 1 char.", string));
            return string.charAt(0);
        } else if (type.isEnum()) {
            return Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) type, string);
        } else if (type == BigInteger.class) {
            return new BigInteger(string);
        } else if (type == BigDecimal.class) {
            return new BigDecimal(string);
        } else if (type == Short.class || type == short.class) {
            return Short.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Integer.class || type == int.class) {
            return Integer.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Long.class || type == long.class) {
            return Long.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Double.class || type == double.class) {
            return Double.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Float.class || type == float.class) {
            return Float.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Byte.class || type == byte.class) {
            return Byte.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Boolean.class || type == boolean.class) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(string);
        } else if (type == Date.class) {
            try {
                return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).parse((String) value);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to parse date " + value + " by format " + DATE_FORMAT
                        + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } else if (type == Class.class) {
            return forName((String) value);
    } else if (value instanceof Number) {
        Number number = (Number) value;
        if (type == byte.class || type == Byte.class) {
            return number.byteValue();
        } else if (type == short.class || type == Short.class) {
            return number.shortValue();
        } else if (type == int.class || type == Integer.class) {
            return number.intValue();
        } else if (type == long.class || type == Long.class) {
            return number.longValue();
        } else if (type == float.class || type == Float.class) {
            return number.floatValue();
        } else if (type == double.class || type == Double.class) {
            return number.doubleValue();
        } else if (type == BigInteger.class) {
            return BigInteger.valueOf(number.longValue());
        } else if (type == BigDecimal.class) {
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(number.doubleValue());
        } else if (type == Date.class) {
            return new Date(number.longValue());
    } else if (value instanceof Collection) {
        Collection collection = (Collection) value;
        if (type.isArray()) {
            int length = collection.size();
            Object array = Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), length);
            int i = 0;
            for (Object item : collection) {
                Array.set(array, i++, item);
            return array;
        } else if (!type.isInterface()) {
            try {
                Collection result = (Collection) type.newInstance();
                return result;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
        } else if (type == List.class) {
            return new ArrayList<>(collection);
        } else if (type == Set.class) {
            return new HashSet<>(collection);
    } else if (value.getClass().isArray() && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        Collection collection;
        if (!type.isInterface()) {
            try {
                collection = (Collection) type.newInstance();
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                collection = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == Set.class) {
            collection = new HashSet<>();
        } else {
            collection = new ArrayList<>();
        int length = Array.getLength(value);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            collection.add(Array.get(value, i));
        return collection;
    return value;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFToByte.java

public Byte evaluate(String i) {
    if (i == null) {
        return null;
    } else {//ww  w. ja v a2 s  .  c om
        try {
            return Byte.valueOf(i);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // MySQL returns 0 if the string is not a well-formed numeric value.
            // return Byte.valueOf(0);
            // But we decided to return NULL instead, which is more conservative.
            return null;

From source file:com.wabacus.system.datatype.ByteType.java

public Object label2value(String label) {
    if (label == null || label.trim().equals(""))
        label = "0";
    return Byte.valueOf(label.trim());

From source file:com.jsonstore.util.JSONStoreUtil.java

public static String encodeBytesAsHexString(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    if (bytes != null) {
        byte[] arr$ = bytes;
        int len$ = bytes.length;

        for (int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
            byte curByte = arr$[i$];
            result.append(String.format("%02X", new Object[] { Byte.valueOf(curByte) }));
        }//from www  .j av  a2s . c  o m

    return result.toString();

From source file:org.dishevelled.commandline.argument.ByteSetArgument.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Set<Byte> convert(final String s) throws Exception {
    Set<Byte> set = new HashSet<Byte>();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ",");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String token = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(st.nextToken());
        Byte b = Byte.valueOf(token);
        set.add(b);/*  w  w w  .ja  v a  2s  .  c o m*/
    return set;

From source file:org.dishevelled.commandline.argument.ByteListArgument.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected List<Byte> convert(final String s) throws Exception {
    List<Byte> list = new ArrayList<Byte>();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ",");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String token = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(st.nextToken());
        Byte b = Byte.valueOf(token);
        list.add(b);//www .  j av a  2 s .  c  o  m
    return list;

From source file:IndexService.IndexMergeIFormatWriter.java

public IndexMergeIFormatWriter(String fileName, JobConf job) throws IOException {
    this.conf = job;
    ifdf = new IFormatDataFile(job);
    ihead = new IHead();
    String[] fieldStrings = job.getStrings(ConstVar.HD_fieldMap);
    IFieldMap fieldMap = new IFieldMap();
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldStrings.length; i++) {
        String[] def = fieldStrings[i].split(ConstVar.RecordSplit);
        byte type = Byte.valueOf(def[0]);
        int index = Short.valueOf(def[1]);
        fieldMap.addFieldType(new IRecord.IFType(type, index));
    }//from   w  w w  .j a va 2  s. com

    String[] files = job.getStrings(ConstVar.HD_index_filemap);
    IUserDefinedHeadInfo iudhi = new IUserDefinedHeadInfo();
    iudhi.addInfo(123456, job.get("datafiletype"));
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        iudhi.addInfo(i, files[i]);

    ifdf.create(fileName, ihead);
    record = ifdf.getIRecordObj();