Example usage for java.lang Class cast

List of usage examples for java.lang Class cast


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Class cast.


public T cast(Object obj) 

Source Link


Casts an object to the class or interface represented by this Class object.


From source file:com.timtripcony.AbstractSmartDocumentModel.java

 * Gets a field value, casting it to a specific Java class
 * /*from w  ww  . j av  a2  s.c om*/
 * @param name
 *            String Item name to get value from
 * @param type
 *            Class to cast the value to
 * @return Item value cast to relevant Java class
public <T> T getTypedValue(final String name, final Class<T> type) {
    return type.cast(getValues().get(name));

From source file:ch.algotrader.cache.CacheManagerImpl.java

public <T extends BaseEntityI> T get(Class<T> clazz, long id) {

    EntityCacheKey cacheKey = new EntityCacheKey(clazz, id);

    T entity = clazz.cast(this.entityCache.find(cacheKey, EntityCacheKey.ROOT));

    // load the Entity if it is not available in the Cache
    if (entity == null) {

        // load the object from the database
        entity = clazz.cast(this.genericDao.get(clazz, id));

        // put into the cache
        if (entity != null) {

            put(entity);/*from  w w  w  .  ja  v  a 2 s  . co  m*/

    } else {

        // make sure the entity is initialized
        if (entity instanceof Security) {
            ((Security) entity).accept(InitializationVisitor.INSTANCE, this);

    return entity;

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.android.AndroidAutomationClient.java

public <T> T getAdapter(Object objToAdapt, Class<T> adapterType) {
    if (adapterType.getName().equals(NuxeoLayoutService.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(layoutService);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(FileDownloader.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(fileDownloader);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(FileUploader.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(fileUploader);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(TransientStateManager.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(transientStateManager);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(DeferredUpdateManager.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(deferredUpdatetManager);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(BlobStoreManager.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(blobStoreManager);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(ResponseCacheManager.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(responseCacheManager);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(DocumentMessageService.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(messageHelper);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(DocumentProvider.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(documentProvider);
    } else if (adapterType.getName().equals(DocumentManager.class.getName())) {
        return adapterType.cast(new DocumentManager((Session) objToAdapt));
    }/*from  www  . jav  a2s. c o  m*/
    return super.getAdapter(objToAdapt, adapterType);

From source file:JSONWrapper.java

public <E> List<E> asList(List<E> defaultValue, Class<E> type) {
    if (this.value instanceof List) {
        List<E> values = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Object obj : (List) this.value) {
            if (type.isInstance(obj)) {
            }//from   w ww . j  a  v  a 2 s.co  m

        return values;
    } else if (this.value instanceof JSONArray) {
        return this.asArray().asList(defaultValue, type);
    return defaultValue;

From source file:com.spoledge.audao.db.dao.RootDaoImpl.java

protected final <T> T deserialize(byte[] bytes, Class<T> clazz) {
    if (bytes == null)
        return null;

    try {/*  ww  w .  j ava  2s  .com*/
        ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);

        T ret = clazz.cast(ois.readObject());

        return ret;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DBException(e);

From source file:org.neo4j.ogm.session.response.SessionResponseHandler.java

private <T> T lookup(Class<T> type, Long id) {
    Object ref;/*from www  . ja v  a  2  s.com*/
    ClassInfo typeInfo = metaData.classInfo(type.getName());
    if (typeInfo.annotationsInfo().get(RelationshipEntity.CLASS) == null) {
        ref = mappingContext.get(id);
    } else {
        ref = mappingContext.getRelationshipEntity(id);
    return type.cast(ref);

From source file:com.google.api.ads.adwords.keywordoptimizer.KeywordOptimizer.java

 * Helper method to create an object based on a class name specified in the properties file. Note
 * that all classes instantiated here must provide an empty constructor.
 * @param clazz the super class of the object to be created
 * @param property the property that has the class name as a value
 * @param context holding shared objects during the optimization process
 * @return the instantiated object/*from  w w w.  j ava2s .  c o m*/
 * @throws KeywordOptimizerException in case of a problem lading the specified object
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
private static <Type> Type createObjectBasedOnProperty(Class<Type> clazz, KeywordOptimizerProperty property,
        OptimizationContext context) throws KeywordOptimizerException {
    String className = context.getConfiguration().getString(property.getName());
    if (className == null || className.isEmpty()) {
        throw new KeywordOptimizerException("Mandatory property '" + property.getName() + "' is missing");

    try {
        Class<Type> dynamicClazz = (Class<Type>) Class.forName(className);

        // First try if there is a constructor expecting the optimization context.
        try {
            Constructor<Type> constructor = dynamicClazz.getConstructor(OptimizationContext.class);
            Type obj = constructor.newInstance(context);
            return clazz.cast(obj);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            // Ignore.

        // Else use default constructor.
        Constructor<Type> constructor = dynamicClazz.getConstructor();
        Type obj = constructor.newInstance();
        return clazz.cast(obj);
    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
        throw new KeywordOptimizerException("Error constructing '" + className + "'");

From source file:org.jboss.spring.facade.ControllerBeanFactory.java

 * Get exact bean./*from w w  w  . ja v  a2s  .  c  om*/
 * @param name  the bean name
 * @param clazz the expected class
 * @param <T>   the exact type
 * @return exact bean
 * @throws BeansException for any error
protected <T> T getBeanWithType(String name, Class<T> clazz) throws BeansException {
    Object result = getBean(name);
    if (!clazz.isInstance(result)) {
        throw new BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException(name, clazz, result.getClass());

    return clazz.cast(result);

From source file:eu.udig.catalog.jgrass.core.JGTtmsGeoResource.java

public <T> T resolve(Class<T> adaptee, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException {
    if (adaptee == null)
        return null;

    if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(IService.class)) {
        return adaptee.cast(parentService);
    }/*from w  w w  .j  a  v a2s .com*/
    if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(IGeoResourceInfo.class)) {
        return adaptee.cast(getInfo(monitor));
    if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(File.class)) {
        return adaptee.cast(tmsPropertiesFile);
    if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(JGTtmsGeoResource.class)) {
        return adaptee.cast(this);
    if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(IGeoResource.class)) {
        return adaptee.cast(this);
    if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(CoordinateReferenceSystem.class)) {
        return adaptee.cast(tmsCrs);
    // bad call to resolve
    return super.resolve(adaptee, monitor);

From source file:com.cedarsoft.configuration.xml.ConfigurationAccess.java

 * <p>Constructor for ConfigurationAccess.</p>
 * @param configuration a Configuration object.
 * @param type          a Class object.//from   ww w . ja v  a 2  s  .c o m
 * @param key           a String object.
 * @param defaultValue  a T object.
public ConfigurationAccess(@Nonnull Configuration configuration, @Nonnull Class<? extends T> type,
        @Nonnull String key, @Nonnull final T defaultValue) {
    this(configuration, type, key, new DefaultValueProvider() {
        public <T> T getDefaultValue(@Nonnull String key, @Nonnull Class<T> type) {
            return type.cast(defaultValue);