Example usage for java.lang Class getCanonicalName

List of usage examples for java.lang Class getCanonicalName


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Class getCanonicalName.


public String getCanonicalName() 

Source Link


Returns the canonical name of the underlying class as defined by the Java Language Specification.


From source file:com.xiovr.unibot.bot.impl.BotGameConfigImpl.java

@Override/*from  w  w w  .  j  a v  a 2s.c om*/
public void saveSettings(Settings instance, String fn, String comment) {
    Class<?> clazz = instance.getClass().getInterfaces()[0];
    Class<?> invocableClazz = instance.getClass();
    //      File file = new File("/" + DIR_PATH + "/" + fn);
    File file = new File(fn);
    Properties props = new SortedProperties();

    Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
    for (Method method : methods) {
        // Find setters
        if (method.getName().startsWith("set")) {

            if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Param.class)) {

                Annotation annotation = method.getAnnotation(Param.class);
                Param param = (Param) annotation;
                if (param.name().equals("") || param.values().length == 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Wrong param in class " + clazz.getCanonicalName()
                            + " with method " + method.getName());
                Class<?>[] paramClazzes = method.getParameterTypes();
                if (paramClazzes.length != 1) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error contract design in class " + clazz.getCanonicalName()
                            + " with method " + method.getName());
                // Check param belongs to List
                Class<?> paramClazz = paramClazzes[0];

                try {
                    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClazz)) {
                        // Oh, its array...
                        // May be its InetSocketAddress?

                        Type[] gpt = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
                        if (gpt[0] instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                            ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) gpt[0];
                            Type[] typeArguments = type.getActualTypeArguments();

                            for (Type typeArgument : typeArguments) {
                                Class<?> classType = ((Class<?>) typeArgument);
                                if (InetSocketAddress.class.isAssignableFrom(classType)) {
                                    List<InetSocketAddress> isaArr = (List<InetSocketAddress>) invocableClazz
                                            .getMethod("get" + method.getName().substring(3)).invoke(instance);
                                    int cnt = isaArr.size();
                                    props.setProperty(param.name() + ".count", String.valueOf(cnt));
                                    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
                                        props.setProperty(param.name() + "." + String.valueOf(i) + ".ip",
                                        props.setProperty(param.name() + "." + String.valueOf(i) + ".port",
                                } else {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Settings param in class "
                                            + clazz.getCanonicalName() + " with method " + method.getName()
                                            + " not implemented yet");

                    } else if (paramClazz.isPrimitive()) {
                        props.setProperty(param.name(), String.valueOf(invocableClazz
                                .getMethod("get" + method.getName().substring(3)).invoke(instance)));
                    } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClazz)) {
                        props.setProperty(param.name(), (String) (invocableClazz
                                .getMethod("get" + method.getName().substring(3)).invoke(instance)));
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Settings param in class " + clazz.getCanonicalName()
                                + " with method " + method.getName() + " not implemented yet");
                    BotUtils.saveProperties(file, props, "Bot v" + VERSION);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException
                        | NoSuchMethodException | IOException e) {

From source file:com.ryantenney.metrics.spring.GaugeAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.java

public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(final Object bean, String beanName) {
    final Class<?> targetClass = AopUtils.getTargetClass(bean);

    ReflectionUtils.doWithFields(targetClass, new FieldCallback() {
        @Override//from   w  w w .j a  va 2  s  . c  o  m
        public void doWith(final Field field) throws IllegalAccessException {

            final Gauge annotation = field.getAnnotation(Gauge.class);
            final String metricName = Util.forGauge(targetClass, field, annotation);

            metrics.register(metricName, new com.codahale.metrics.Gauge<Object>() {
                public Object getValue() {
                    Object value = ReflectionUtils.getField(field, bean);
                    if (value instanceof com.codahale.metrics.Gauge) {
                        value = ((com.codahale.metrics.Gauge<?>) value).getValue();
                    return value;

            LOG.debug("Created gauge {} for field {}.{}", metricName, targetClass.getCanonicalName(),
    }, FILTER);

    ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(targetClass, new MethodCallback() {
        public void doWith(final Method method) throws IllegalAccessException {
            if (method.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Method " + method.getName() + " is annotated with @Gauge but requires parameters.");

            final Gauge annotation = method.getAnnotation(Gauge.class);
            final String metricName = Util.forGauge(targetClass, method, annotation);

            metrics.register(metricName, new com.codahale.metrics.Gauge<Object>() {
                public Object getValue() {
                    return ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(method, bean);

            LOG.debug("Created gauge {} for method {}.{}", metricName, targetClass.getCanonicalName(),
    }, FILTER);

    return bean;

From source file:org.web4thejob.orm.PropertyMetadataImpl.java

protected PropertyMetadataImpl(EntityMetadataImpl entityMetadata, String propertyName,
        Class<? extends Entity> subclassAssociation) {
    this.entityMetadata = entityMetadata;
    this.property = entityMetadata.getPersistentClass().getProperty(propertyName);

    if (property.getType() instanceof AssociationType) {
        String tempName = ((AssociationType) property.getType())

        if (subclassAssociation != null) {
            tempName = subclassAssociation.getCanonicalName();
        }/*from www  .  ja  va  2  s.c  o  m*/
        associatedEntityName = tempName;
    } else {
        associatedEntityName = null;

    int maxLength = 0;
    boolean hasFormula = false;
    for (final Iterator<?> iter = property.getColumnIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        final Object item = iter.next();
        if (item instanceof Column && ((Column) item).getLength() > 0) {
            maxLength += ((Column) item).getLength();
        } else if (item instanceof Formula) {
            hasFormula = true;
    this.formula = hasFormula;
    this.maxLength = maxLength;
    this.identifier = property.getName().equals(entityMetadata.getIdentifierName());
    this.annotations = getAnnotations();
    this.identityIdentifier = this.identifier
            && MetaUtil.isIdentityKey(entityMetadata.getPersistentClass().getIdentifier());

    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_FRIENDLY_NAME)) {
        friendlyName = MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_FRIENDLY_NAME);
    } else {
        friendlyName = property.getName();
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_INDEX)) {
        index = Integer.valueOf(MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_INDEX));
    } else {
        index = MetaUtil.getHibernatePropertyIndex(entityMetadata.getName(), property.getName());
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DISABLE_USER_INSERT)) {
        disableUserInsert = Boolean.valueOf(MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DISABLE_USER_INSERT));
    } else {
        disableUserInsert = false;
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DISABLE_USER_UPDATE)) {
        disableUserUpdate = Boolean.valueOf(MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DISABLE_USER_UPDATE));
    } else {
        disableUserUpdate = false;
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) {
        format = MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_FORMAT);
    } else {
        format = buildDefaultPattern();
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_STYLE)) {
        style = MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_STYLE);
    } else {
        style = null;
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_ALIGN)) {
        align = MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_ALIGN);
    } else {
        align = buildDefaultAlign();
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_WIDTH)) {
        width = MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
    } else {
        width = null;
    if (MetaUtil.hasMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_HEIGHT)) {
        height = MetaUtil.getMetaAttribute(property, META_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
    } else {
        height = null;

From source file:com.mmnaseri.dragonfly.metadata.impl.AnnotationTableMetadataResolver.java

public <E> TableMetadata<E> resolve(final Class<E> entityType) {
    log.info("Resolving metadata for " + entityType.getCanonicalName());
    final String tableName;
    final String schema;
    final Set<Set<String>> uniqueColumns = new HashSet<Set<String>>();
    final Set<String> keyColumns = new HashSet<String>();
    final Set<String> foreignKeys = new HashSet<String>();
    final HashSet<RelationMetadata<E, ?>> foreignReferences = new HashSet<RelationMetadata<E, ?>>();
    if (entityType.isAnnotationPresent(Table.class)) {
        final Table table = entityType.getAnnotation(Table.class);
        tableName = table.name().isEmpty() ? entityType.getSimpleName() : table.name();
        schema = table.schema();/*  w  w w. j av a2s  .c o m*/
        for (UniqueConstraint constraint : table.uniqueConstraints()) {
            final HashSet<String> columns = new HashSet<String>();
            Collections.addAll(columns, constraint.columnNames());
    } else {
        tableName = entityType.getSimpleName();
        schema = NO_SCHEMA;
    final Set<StoredProcedureMetadata> storedProcedures = new HashSet<StoredProcedureMetadata>();
    if (entityType.isAnnotationPresent(StoredProcedure.class)) {
    } else if (entityType.isAnnotationPresent(StoredProcedures.class)) {
        final StoredProcedure[] procedures = entityType.getAnnotation(StoredProcedures.class).value();
        for (StoredProcedure procedure : procedures) {
    //noinspection unchecked
    if (!withMethods(entityType).keep(new GetterMethodFilter())
            .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Column.class, JoinColumn.class))
            .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Transient.class)).isEmpty()) {
        throw new TransientColumnFoundError(entityType);
    final Collection<SequenceMetadata> sequences = new HashSet<SequenceMetadata>();
    final HashSet<ConstraintMetadata> constraints = new HashSet<ConstraintMetadata>();
    final AtomicReference<ColumnMetadata> versionColumn = new AtomicReference<ColumnMetadata>();
    //noinspection unchecked
    final List<Method> getters = withMethods(entityType).keep(new GetterMethodFilter()).list();
    final List<Method> filteredGetters = new ArrayList<Method>();
    for (Method getter : getters) {
        final PropertyAccessorFilter filter = new PropertyAccessorFilter(
        final Method method = with(filteredGetters).find(filter);
        if (method == null) {
        } else if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(getter.getDeclaringClass())) {
            filteredGetters.add(pickGetter(method, getter));
    //noinspection unchecked
    final Collection<ColumnMetadata> tableColumns = with(getters)
            .drop(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Transient.class)).drop(new AnnotatedElementFilter(OneToMany.class))
            .drop(new AnnotatedElementFilter(ManyToMany.class)).drop(new Filter<Method>() {
                public boolean accepts(Method item) {
                    return item.isAnnotationPresent(OneToOne.class)
                            && !item.isAnnotationPresent(JoinColumn.class);
            }).drop(new PropertyAccessorFilter(CLASS_PROPERTY))
            .transform(new Transformer<Method, ColumnMetadata>() {
                public ColumnMetadata map(Method method) {
                    final JoinColumn joinColumn = method.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                    Column column = method.getAnnotation(Column.class);
                    if (column == null && joinColumn == null) {
                        //let's assume it is a column anyway
                        column = new DefaultColumn();
                    final String propertyName = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(method.getName());
                    if (column != null && joinColumn != null) {
                        throw new ColumnDefinitionError(
                                "Property " + propertyName + " is defined as both a column and a join column");
                    final Class<?> propertyType = method.getReturnType();
                    String name = column != null ? column.name() : joinColumn.name();
                    if (name.isEmpty()) {
                        name = propertyName;
                    final boolean nullable = column != null ? column.nullable() : joinColumn.nullable();
                    final int length = column != null ? column.length() : 0;
                    final int precision = column != null ? column.precision() : 0;
                    final int scale = column != null ? column.scale() : 0;
                    final ValueGenerationType generationType = determineValueGenerationType(method);
                    final String valueGenerator = determineValueGenerator(method);
                    final ColumnMetadata foreignColumn = joinColumn == null ? null
                            : determineForeignReference(method);
                    final int type = getColumnType(method, foreignColumn);
                    final Class<?> declaringClass = ReflectionUtils.getDeclaringClass(method);
                    if (method.isAnnotationPresent(BasicCollection.class)
                            && !(Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()))) {
                        throw new ColumnDefinitionError(
                                "Collection column must return a collection value: " + tableName + "." + name);
                    final ResolvedColumnMetadata columnMetadata = new ResolvedColumnMetadata(
                            new UnresolvedTableMetadata<E>(entityType), declaringClass, name, type,
                            propertyName, propertyType, nullable, length, precision, scale, generationType,
                            valueGenerator, foreignColumn, method.isAnnotationPresent(BasicCollection.class),
                            isComplex(method, foreignColumn));
                    if (foreignColumn != null) {
                    if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)) {
                    if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SequenceGenerator.class)) {
                        final SequenceGenerator annotation = method.getAnnotation(SequenceGenerator.class);
                        sequences.add(new ImmutableSequenceMetadata(annotation.name(),
                                annotation.initialValue(), annotation.allocationSize()));
                    if (joinColumn != null) {
                        final RelationType relationType = getRelationType(method);
                        final CascadeMetadata cascadeMetadata = getCascadeMetadata(method);
                        final boolean isLazy = determineLaziness(method);
                        final DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object> reference = new DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object>(
                                declaringClass, columnMetadata.getPropertyName(), true, null, null, null,
                                relationType, cascadeMetadata, isLazy, null);
                    if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Version.class)) {
                        if (versionColumn.get() != null) {
                            throw new MultipleVersionColumnsError(entityType);
                        if (column != null) {
                            if (columnMetadata.isNullable()) {
                                throw new VersionColumnDefinitionError("Version column cannot be nullable: "
                                        + entityType.getCanonicalName() + "." + columnMetadata.getName());
                        } else {
                            throw new VersionColumnDefinitionError(
                                    "Only local columns can be used for optimistic locking");
                    return columnMetadata;
    //handling one-to-many relations
    //noinspection unchecked
    withMethods(entityType).keep(new GetterMethodFilter())
            .drop(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Column.class, JoinColumn.class))
            .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(OneToMany.class)).each(new Processor<Method>() {
                public void process(Method method) {
                    if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) {
                        throw new RelationDefinitionError(
                                "One to many relations must be collections. Error in " + method);
                    final OneToMany annotation = method.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
                    Class<?> foreignEntity = annotation.targetEntity().equals(void.class)
                            ? ((Class) ((ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType())
                            : annotation.targetEntity();
                    String foreignColumnName = annotation.mappedBy();
                    final String propertyName = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(method.getName());
                    if (foreignColumnName.isEmpty()) {
                        //noinspection unchecked
                        final List<Method> list = withMethods(foreignEntity)
                                .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(JoinColumn.class))
                                .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(ManyToOne.class))
                                .keep(new MethodReturnTypeFilter(entityType)).list();
                        if (list.isEmpty()) {
                            throw new RelationDefinitionError(
                                    "No ManyToOne relations for " + entityType.getCanonicalName()
                                            + " were found on " + foreignEntity.getCanonicalName());
                        if (list.size() > 1) {
                            throw new RelationDefinitionError("Ambiguous one to many relationship on "
                                    + entityType.getCanonicalName() + "." + propertyName);
                        final Method foreignMethod = list.get(0);
                        final Column column = foreignMethod.getAnnotation(Column.class);
                        final JoinColumn joinColumn = foreignMethod.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                        foreignColumnName = column == null ? joinColumn.name() : column.name();
                        if (foreignColumnName.isEmpty()) {
                            foreignColumnName = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(foreignMethod.getName());
                    final List<OrderMetadata> ordering = getOrdering(foreignEntity,
                    //noinspection unchecked
                    final UnresolvedColumnMetadata foreignColumn = new UnresolvedColumnMetadata(
                            new UnresolvedTableMetadata<Object>((Class<Object>) foreignEntity));
                    final DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object> reference = new DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object>(
                            ReflectionUtils.getDeclaringClass(method), propertyName, false, null, null, null,
                            getRelationType(method), getCascadeMetadata(method), determineLaziness(method),
    //Handling one-to-one relations where the entity is not the owner of the relationship
    //noinspection unchecked
    withMethods(entityType).keep(new GetterMethodFilter()).keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(OneToOne.class))
            .drop(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Column.class, JoinColumn.class)).each(new Processor<Method>() {
                public void process(Method method) {
                    final OneToOne annotation = method.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
                    Class<?> foreignEntity = annotation.targetEntity().equals(void.class)
                            ? method.getReturnType()
                            : annotation.targetEntity();
                    final String propertyName = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(method.getName());
                    final DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object> reference = new DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object>(
                            ReflectionUtils.getDeclaringClass(method), propertyName, false, null, null, null,
                            getRelationType(method), getCascadeMetadata(method), determineLaziness(method),
                    String foreignColumnName = annotation.mappedBy();
                    if (foreignColumnName.isEmpty()) {
                        //noinspection unchecked
                        final List<Method> methods = withMethods(foreignEntity).keep(new GetterMethodFilter())
                                .keep(new MethodReturnTypeFilter(entityType))
                                .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(OneToOne.class))
                                .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Column.class, JoinColumn.class)).list();
                        if (methods.isEmpty()) {
                            throw new EntityDefinitionError(
                                    "No OneToOne relations were found on " + foreignEntity.getCanonicalName()
                                            + " for " + entityType.getCanonicalName());
                        if (methods.size() > 1) {
                            throw new EntityDefinitionError("Ambiguous OneToOne relation on "
                                    + entityType.getCanonicalName() + "." + propertyName);
                        final Method foreignMethod = methods.get(0);
                        final Column column = foreignMethod.getAnnotation(Column.class);
                        final JoinColumn joinColumn = foreignMethod.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                        foreignColumnName = column == null ? joinColumn.name() : column.name();
                        if (foreignColumnName.isEmpty()) {
                            foreignColumnName = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(foreignMethod.getName());
                    //noinspection unchecked
                    reference.setForeignColumn(new UnresolvedColumnMetadata(foreignColumnName,
                            new UnresolvedTableMetadata<Object>((Class<Object>) foreignEntity)));
    final HashSet<NamedQueryMetadata> namedQueries = new HashSet<NamedQueryMetadata>();
    if (entityType.isAnnotationPresent(SequenceGenerator.class)) {
        final SequenceGenerator annotation = entityType.getAnnotation(SequenceGenerator.class);
        sequences.add(new ImmutableSequenceMetadata(annotation.name(), annotation.initialValue(),
    //finding orderings
    //noinspection unchecked
    final List<OrderMetadata> ordering = withMethods(entityType).keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Column.class))
            .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Order.class)).sort(new Comparator<Method>() {
                public int compare(Method firstMethod, Method secondMethod) {
                    final Order first = firstMethod.getAnnotation(Order.class);
                    final Order second = secondMethod.getAnnotation(Order.class);
                    return ((Integer) first.priority()).compareTo(second.priority());
            }).transform(new Transformer<Method, OrderMetadata>() {
                public OrderMetadata map(Method input) {
                    final Column column = input.getAnnotation(Column.class);
                    String columnName = column.name().isEmpty()
                            ? ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(input.getName())
                            : column.name();
                    ColumnMetadata columnMetadata = with(tableColumns).find(new ColumnNameFilter(columnName));
                    if (columnMetadata == null) {
                        columnMetadata = with(tableColumns).find(new ColumnPropertyFilter(columnName));
                    if (columnMetadata == null) {
                        throw new NoSuchColumnError(entityType, columnName);
                    return new ImmutableOrderMetadata(columnMetadata, input.getAnnotation(Order.class).value());
    final ResolvedTableMetadata<E> tableMetadata = new ResolvedTableMetadata<E>(entityType, schema, tableName,
            constraints, tableColumns, namedQueries, sequences, storedProcedures, foreignReferences,
            versionColumn.get(), ordering);
    if (!keyColumns.isEmpty()) {
        constraints.add(new PrimaryKeyConstraintMetadata(tableMetadata,
                with(keyColumns).transform(new Transformer<String, ColumnMetadata>() {
                    public ColumnMetadata map(String columnName) {
                        return getColumnMetadata(columnName, tableColumns, entityType);
    if (entityType.isAnnotationPresent(NamedNativeQueries.class)) {
        final NamedNativeQuery[] queries = entityType.getAnnotation(NamedNativeQueries.class).value();
        for (NamedNativeQuery query : queries) {
            namedQueries.add(new ImmutableNamedQueryMetadata(query.name(), query.query(), tableMetadata,
    } else if (entityType.isAnnotationPresent(NamedNativeQuery.class)) {
        final NamedNativeQuery query = entityType.getAnnotation(NamedNativeQuery.class);
                new ImmutableNamedQueryMetadata(query.name(), query.query(), tableMetadata, QueryType.NATIVE));
            .addAll(with(uniqueColumns).sort().transform(new Transformer<Set<String>, Set<ColumnMetadata>>() {
                public Set<ColumnMetadata> map(Set<String> columns) {
                    return with(columns).transform(new Transformer<String, ColumnMetadata>() {
                        public ColumnMetadata map(String columnName) {
                            return getColumnMetadata(columnName, tableColumns, entityType);
            }).transform(new Transformer<Set<ColumnMetadata>, UniqueConstraintMetadata>() {
                public UniqueConstraintMetadata map(Set<ColumnMetadata> columns) {
                    return new UniqueConstraintMetadata(tableMetadata, columns);
    constraints.addAll(with(foreignKeys).sort().transform(new Transformer<String, ColumnMetadata>() {
        public ColumnMetadata map(String columnName) {
            return getColumnMetadata(columnName, tableColumns, entityType);
    }).transform(new Transformer<ColumnMetadata, ForeignKeyConstraintMetadata>() {
        public ForeignKeyConstraintMetadata map(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata) {
            return new ForeignKeyConstraintMetadata(tableMetadata, columnMetadata);
    //going after many-to-many relations
    //noinspection unchecked
    withMethods(entityType).drop(new AnnotatedElementFilter(Column.class, JoinColumn.class))
            .keep(new GetterMethodFilter()).forThose(new Filter<Method>() {
                public boolean accepts(Method item) {
                    return item.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToMany.class);
            }, new Processor<Method>() {
                public void process(Method method) {
                    final ManyToMany annotation = method.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
                    Class<?> foreignEntity = annotation.targetEntity().equals(void.class)
                            ? ((Class) ((ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType())
                            : annotation.targetEntity();
                    String foreignProperty = annotation.mappedBy();
                    if (foreignProperty.isEmpty()) {
                        //noinspection unchecked
                        final List<Method> methods = withMethods(foreignEntity).keep(new GetterMethodFilter())
                                .keep(new AnnotatedElementFilter(ManyToMany.class)).list();
                        if (methods.isEmpty()) {
                            throw new EntityDefinitionError(
                                    "Failed to locate corresponding many-to-many relation on "
                                            + foreignEntity.getCanonicalName());
                        if (methods.size() == 1) {
                            throw new EntityDefinitionError("Ambiguous many-to-many relationship defined");
                        foreignProperty = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(methods.get(0).getName());
                    final List<OrderMetadata> ordering = getOrdering(foreignEntity,
                    //noinspection unchecked
                    foreignReferences.add(new DefaultRelationMetadata<E, Object>(
                            ReflectionUtils.getPropertyName(method.getName()), false, tableMetadata, null,
                            new UnresolvedColumnMetadata(foreignProperty,
                                    new UnresolvedTableMetadata<Object>((Class<Object>) foreignEntity)),
                            RelationType.MANY_TO_MANY, getCascadeMetadata(method), determineLaziness(method),
    return tableMetadata;

From source file:com.seleniumtests.util.FileUtility.java

public static void extractJar(final String storeLocation, final Class<?> clz) throws IOException {
    File firefoxProfile = new File(storeLocation);
    String location = clz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getFile();

    try (JarFile jar = new JarFile(location);) {
        logger.info("Extracting jar file::: " + location);
        firefoxProfile.mkdir();/* www . j  a v a2  s  .co m*/

        Enumeration<?> jarFiles = jar.entries();
        while (jarFiles.hasMoreElements()) {
            ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) jarFiles.nextElement();
            String currentEntry = entry.getName();
            File destinationFile = new File(storeLocation, currentEntry);
            File destinationParent = destinationFile.getParentFile();

            // create the parent directory structure if required
            if (!entry.isDirectory()) {
                BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(jar.getInputStream(entry));
                int currentByte;

                // buffer for writing file
                byte[] data = new byte[BUFFER];

                // write the current file to disk
                try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile);) {
                    BufferedOutputStream destination = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER);

                    // read and write till last byte
                    while ((currentByte = is.read(data, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) {
                        destination.write(data, 0, currentByte);


    FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(storeLocation + "\\META-INF"));
    if (OSUtility.isWindows()) {
        new File(storeLocation + "\\" + clz.getCanonicalName().replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\") + ".class").delete();
    } else {
        new File(storeLocation + "/" + clz.getCanonicalName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class").delete();

From source file:de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.flag.FlagManager.java

public void addFlag(AbstractFlag<?> flag, boolean disable) {
    Class<?> clazz = flag.getClass();
    String path;//from   w  w w .  j a v a 2 s  .c  o m

    if (flag instanceof UnloadedFlag) {
        UnloadedFlag unloadedFlag = (UnloadedFlag) flag;
        path = unloadedFlag.getFlagName();

        for (UnloadedFlag unloaded : unloadedFlags) {
            if (unloaded.getFlagName().equals(path)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unloaded flag with name " + path + " already registered");

        if (flags.containsKey(path) || disabledFlags.contains(path)) {

    } else {
                "Flag class " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + " must annotate " + Flag.class.getCanonicalName());
        Flag flagAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Flag.class);
        path = generatePath(flagAnnotation);

        if (flags.containsKey(path) || disabledFlags.contains(path)) {

        if (disable) {
        } else {
            flags.put(path, flag);

            if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(BukkitListener.class) && !migrateManager) {
                Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(flag, plugin);

            if (flagAnnotation.hasGameProperties()) {
                Map<GameProperty, Object> flagGamePropertiesMap = new EnumMap<GameProperty, Object>(

                if (!flagGamePropertiesMap.isEmpty()) {
                    GamePropertyBundle properties = new GamePropertyBundle(flag, flagGamePropertiesMap);

            if (flagAnnotation.parent() != NullFlag.class) {
                AbstractFlag<?> parent = getFlag(flagAnnotation.parent());

From source file:com.vertica.hadoop.VerticaOutputFormat.java

 * Given a class, initializes it and returns it. If the class is a subclass of
 * @{link AbstractVerticaOutputCommitter}, then the constructor that takes a
 * @{link VerticaOutputFormat} object will be used. Alternatively, the class can implement
 * @{link OutputCommitter} directly.//from  w  w  w.j a  v  a  2 s  .  c om
 * @param outputCommitterClass
 * @param configuration
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private OutputCommitter initializeOutputCommitter(Class outputCommitterClass, Configuration configuration)
        throws IOException {
    // If class extends AbstractVerticaOutputCommitter, create one of those
    // else it needs to be an instance of OutputCommitter
    // else throw exception
    if (AbstractVerticaOutputCommitter.class.isAssignableFrom(outputCommitterClass)) {

        // iterate through the constructors to find the one we're looking for
        for (Constructor constructor : outputCommitterClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
            if (constructor.getGenericParameterTypes().length == 1
                    && constructor.getGenericParameterTypes()[0].equals(VerticaOutputFormat.class)) {
                try {
                    return (OutputCommitter) constructor.newInstance(this);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new IOException("Could not initialize OutputCommitter class "
                            + outputCommitterClass.getCanonicalName(), e);

        throw new IOException("Implementation of AbstractVerticaOutputCommitter must "
                + "have a constructor that takes a VerticaOutputFormat object");
    } else if (OutputCommitter.class.isAssignableFrom(outputCommitterClass)) {
        return (OutputCommitter) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(outputCommitterClass, configuration);

    throw new IOException(String.format("Configured output committer class %s must implement %s",
            outputCommitterClass.getCanonicalName(), OutputCommitter.class.getCanonicalName()));

From source file:com.vaadin.tests.testbenchapi.AbstractTB3Test.java

 * Returns the path for the given UI class when deployed on the test server.
 * The path contains the full path (appended to hostname+port) and must
 * start with a slash./*from ww w .  j  a  v a 2  s . c o m*/
 * This method takes into account {@link #isPush()} and {@link #isDebug()}
 * when the path is generated.
 * @param uiClass
 * @param push
 *            true if "?debug" should be added
 * @param debug
 *            true if /run-push should be used instead of /run
 * @return The path to the given UI class
private String getDeploymentPath(Class<?> uiClass) {
    String runPath = "";
    if (UI.class.isAssignableFrom(uiClass)) {
        return runPath + "/" + uiClass.getSimpleName() + (isDebug() ? "?debug" : "");
    } else if (LegacyApplication.class.isAssignableFrom(uiClass)) {
        return runPath + "/" + uiClass.getSimpleName() + "?restartApplication" + (isDebug() ? "&debug" : "");
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Unable to determine path for enclosing class " + uiClass.getCanonicalName());

From source file:com.bbm.common.aspect.ExceptionTransfer.java

 * ? Exception ? ?  ??   ??  ? .//  w w  w. ja v  a  2  s  . c  o  m
 * @param thisJoinPoint joinPoint ?
 * @param exception ? Exception 
public void transfer(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint, Exception exception) throws Exception {
    log.debug("execute ExceptionTransfer.transfer ");

    Class clazz = thisJoinPoint.getTarget().getClass();
    Signature signature = thisJoinPoint.getSignature();

    Locale locale = LocaleContextHolder.getLocale();
     * BizException ?  ??     ? ?.
     * Exception   ?? ? ?? Exception? ? ? ?.
     *   ?    . 
     * ?   ??  Handler     ?  ?.

    String servicename = ""; //  
    String errorCode = ""; // ? 
    String errorMessage = ""; // ? 
    String classname = ""; // ??  

    int servicepos = clazz.getCanonicalName().lastIndexOf("."); //   .? 
    if (servicepos > 0) {
        String tempStr = clazz.getCanonicalName().substring(servicepos + 1);
        servicepos = tempStr.lastIndexOf("Impl"); //   Impl? 
        servicename = tempStr.substring(0, servicepos);
    } else {
        servicename = clazz.getCanonicalName();
    classname = exception.getClass().getName();

    //EgovBizException ? ? 
    if (exception instanceof EgovBizException) {
        log.debug("Exception case :: EgovBizException ");

        EgovBizException be = (EgovBizException) exception;
        getLog(clazz).error(be.getMessage(), be.getCause());

        // Exception Handler ? ?? Package  Exception . (runtime ?  ExceptionHandlerService )
        processHandling(clazz, signature.getName(), exception, pm, exceptionHandlerServices);

        throw be;

        //RuntimeException ? ? ? DataAccessException ?   ?? throw  .
    } else if (exception instanceof RuntimeException) {
        log.debug("RuntimeException case :: RuntimeException ");

        RuntimeException be = (RuntimeException) exception;
        getLog(clazz).error(be.getMessage(), be.getCause());

        // Exception Handler ? ?? Package  Exception .
        processHandling(clazz, signature.getName(), exception, pm, exceptionHandlerServices);

        if (be instanceof DataAccessException) {
            log.debug("RuntimeException case :: DataAccessException ");
            DataAccessException sqlEx = (DataAccessException) be;
            throw sqlEx;
            log.debug("RuntimeException case :: DataAccessException ");

            DataAccessException dataEx = (DataAccessException) be;
            Throwable t = dataEx.getRootCause();
            String exceptionname = t.getClass().getName();

            if (exceptionname.equals("java.sql.SQLException")) {
                java.sql.SQLException sqlException = (java.sql.SQLException) t;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlException.getErrorCode());
                errorMessage = sqlException.getMessage();
            } else if (exception instanceof org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException) {
                org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException sqlEx = (org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException) exception;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlEx.getSQLException().getErrorCode());
                errorMessage = sqlEx.getSQLException().toString();
            } else if (exception instanceof org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException) {
                org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException sqlEx = (org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException) exception;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlEx.getSQLException().getErrorCode());
                errorMessage = sqlEx.getSQLException().toString();
            } else if (exception instanceof org.springframework.jdbc.JdbcUpdateAffectedIncorrectNumberOfRowsException) {
                org.springframework.jdbc.JdbcUpdateAffectedIncorrectNumberOfRowsException sqlEx = (org.springframework.jdbc.JdbcUpdateAffectedIncorrectNumberOfRowsException) exception;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlEx.getActualRowsAffected());
                errorMessage = sqlEx.getMessage().toString();
            } else if (exception instanceof org.springframework.jdbc.SQLWarningException) {
                org.springframework.jdbc.SQLWarningException sqlEx = (org.springframework.jdbc.SQLWarningException) exception;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlEx.SQLWarning().getErrorCode());
                errorMessage = sqlEx.getMessage().toString();
            } else if (exception instanceof org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException) {
                org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException sqlEx = (org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException) exception;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlEx.getMessage());
                errorMessage = sqlEx.getMessage().toString();
            } else if (exception instanceof org.springframework.jdbc.InvalidResultSetAccessException) {
                org.springframework.jdbc.InvalidResultSetAccessException sqlEx = (org.springframework.jdbc.InvalidResultSetAccessException) exception;
                errorCode = String.valueOf(sqlEx.getSQLException().getErrorCode());
                errorMessage = sqlEx.getSQLException().toString();
            } else {

                if (exception instanceof java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) {

                    java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ce = (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) exception;
                    errorCode = "";
                    errorMessage = ce.getTargetException().getMessage();
                    //strErrorMessage = getValue(ce.getTargetException().toString(), "");


            //  , ?, ?, ,  
            String[] messages = new String[] { "DataAccessException", errorCode, errorMessage, servicename,
                    signature.getName(), classname };
            throw processException(clazz, "fail.common.msg", messages, exception, locale);

        //  , ?, ?, ,  
        errorMessage = exception.getMessage();
        String[] messages = new String[] { "RuntimeException", errorCode, errorMessage, servicename,
                signature.getName(), classname };
        throw processException(clazz, "fail.common.msg", messages, exception, locale);
        //throw be;

        // ? ? Exception (: ) :: ?  ?.
    } else if (exception instanceof FdlException) {
        log.debug("FdlException case :: FdlException ");

        FdlException fe = (FdlException) exception;
        getLog(clazz).error(fe.getMessage(), fe.getCause());
        errorMessage = exception.getMessage();
        //  , ?, ?, ,  
        String[] messages = new String[] { "FdlException", errorCode, errorMessage, servicename,
                signature.getName(), classname };

        throw processException(clazz, "fail.common.msg", messages, exception, locale);
        //throw fe;

    } else {
        //? ? Exception ?  BaseException (: fail.common.msg)     ?. 
        //:: ?  ?.
        log.debug("case :: Exception ");

        getLog(clazz).error(exception.getMessage(), exception.getCause());

        errorMessage = exception.getMessage();
        //  , ?, ?, ,  
        String[] messages = new String[] { "Exception", errorCode, errorMessage, servicename,
                signature.getName(), classname };

        throw processException(clazz, "fail.common.msg", messages, exception, locale);
