Example usage for java.lang Double compare

List of usage examples for java.lang Double compare


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double compare.


public static int compare(double d1, double d2) 

Source Link


Compares the two specified double values.


From source file:edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.programs.phylonet.algos.network.InferMLNetworkFromSequences.java

private Comparator<Double> getDoubleScoreComparator() {
    return new Comparator<Double>() {
        public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) {
            return Double.compare(o1, o2);
        }/*from  w  w  w  . j  av a  2 s  . c  o m*/

From source file:smodelkit.util.Helper.java

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> int indexOfMaxElement(double[] array) {
    if (array.length == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no maximum element of an empty list.");
    }/*from ww w .  java  2  s . com*/
    int maxIndex = 0;

    for (int i : new Range(1, array.length)) {
        if (Double.compare(array[i], array[maxIndex]) > 0) {
            maxIndex = i;
    return maxIndex;

From source file:eu.hansolo.tilesfx.tools.Location.java

public String getCardinalDirectionFromBearing(final double BEARING) {
    double bearing = BEARING % 360.0;
    for (CardinalDirection cardinalDirection : CardinalDirection.values()) {
        if (Double.compare(bearing, cardinalDirection.from) >= 0
                && Double.compare(bearing, cardinalDirection.to) < 0) {
            return cardinalDirection.direction;
        }//from   w  w w  . ja va2  s .c  om
    return "";

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskySparseFactorization.java

 * Solves Q.X = B//from  ww  w  .j  a  va2 s .c o  m
public DoubleMatrix2D solve(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
    if (B.rows() != dim) {
        log.error("wrong dimension of vector b: expected " + dim + ", actual " + B.rows());
        throw new RuntimeException("wrong dimension of vector b: expected " + dim + ", actual " + B.rows());

    // with scaling, we must solve U.Q.U.z = U.b, after that we have x = U.z
    if (this.rescaler != null) {
        // B = ALG.mult(this.U, B);
        B = ColtUtils.diagonalMatrixMult(this.U, B);

    int nOfColumns = B.columns();

    // copy
    final double[][] Y = B.copy().toArray();

    // Solve LY = B (same as L.Yc = Bc for every column of Y and B)
    for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        final double[] LTJ = LcolumnsValues[j];
        for (int col = 0; col < nOfColumns; col++) {
            Y[j][col] /= LTJ[0];// the diagonal of the matrix L
            final double YJCol = Y[j][col];
            if (Double.compare(YJCol, 0.) != 0) {
                for (int i = j + 1; i < dim; i++) {
                    Y[i][col] -= YJCol * LTJ[i - j];

    // Solve L[T].X = Y (same as L[T].Xc = Yc for every column of X and Y)
    final DoubleMatrix2D X = F2.make(dim, nOfColumns);
    for (int i = dim - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        final double[] LTI = LcolumnsValues[i];
        double[] sum = new double[nOfColumns];
        for (int col = 0; col < nOfColumns; col++) {
            for (int j = dim - 1; j > i; j--) {
                sum[col] += LTI[j - i] * X.getQuick(j, col);
            X.setQuick(i, col, (Y[i][col] - sum[col]) / LTI[0]);

    if (this.rescaler != null) {
        // return ALG.mult(this.U, X);
        return ColtUtils.diagonalMatrixMult(this.U, X);
    } else {
        return X;

From source file:com.rascarlo.aurdroid.ui.SearchResultFragment.java

private List<SearchResult> getSortedList(List<SearchResult> searchResultList) {
    switch (sortOder) {
    case AurdroidConstants.SORT_BY_PACKAGE_NAME:
        Collections.sort(searchResultList, (o1, o2) -> o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName()));
        break;//from  w w  w .  ja v  a  2 s  .  co  m
    case AurdroidConstants.SORT_BY_VOTES:
                (o1, o2) -> Long.compare(Long.parseLong(o2.getNumVotes()), Long.parseLong(o1.getNumVotes())));
    case AurdroidConstants.SORT_BY_POPULARITY:
        Collections.sort(searchResultList, (o1, o2) -> Double.compare(Double.parseDouble(o2.getPopularity()),
    case AurdroidConstants.SORT_BY_LAST_UPDATED:
        Collections.sort(searchResultList, (o1, o2) -> Long.compare(Long.parseLong(o2.getLastModified()),
    case AurdroidConstants.SORT_BY_FIRST_SUBMITTED:
        Collections.sort(searchResultList, (o1, o2) -> Long.compare(Long.parseLong(o1.getFirstSubmitted()),
        Collections.sort(searchResultList, (o1, o2) -> o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName()));
    return searchResultList;

From source file:com.google.android.apps.location.gps.gnsslogger.PlotFragment.java

private List<GnssMeasurement> sortByCarrierToNoiseRatio(List<GnssMeasurement> measurements) {
    Collections.sort(measurements, new Comparator<GnssMeasurement>() {
        @Override/*from  w w w. j  ava2 s. c om*/
        public int compare(GnssMeasurement o1, GnssMeasurement o2) {
            return Double.compare(o2.getCn0DbHz(), o1.getCn0DbHz());
    return measurements;

From source file:csci310.parkhere.controller.ClientController.java

public SearchResults sortSearchResultByPrice() {
    if (searchResults != null) {
        // ArrayList<ParkingSpot> searchResultList
        Collections.sort(searchResults.searchResultList, new Comparator<ParkingSpot>() {
            public int compare(ParkingSpot p1, ParkingSpot p2) {
                return Double.compare(p1.search_price, p2.search_price);
            }//from   www. ja  v a2  s .  com
    return searchResults;

From source file:edu.byu.nlp.dataset.BasicSparseFeatureVector.java

public static Comparator<Entry> valueComparator() {
    return new Comparator<Entry>() {
        @Override//  w  ww.  j  av a2s. c o  m
        public int compare(Entry entry1, Entry entry2) {
            return Double.compare(entry1.getValue(), entry2.getValue());

From source file:ml.shifu.shifu.core.dtrain.wdl.WDLWorker.java

 * Logic to load data into memory list which includes float array for numerical features and sparse object array for
 * categorical features./*from   w w  w .  j ava  2s  .  co m*/
public void load(GuaguaWritableAdapter<LongWritable> currentKey, GuaguaWritableAdapter<Text> currentValue,
        WorkerContext<WDLParams, WDLParams> context) {
    if ((++this.count) % 5000 == 0) {
        LOG.info("Read {} records.", this.count);

    // hashcode for fixed input split in train and validation
    long hashcode = 0;
    float[] inputs = new float[this.numInputs];
    this.cateInputs = (int) this.columnConfigList.stream().filter(ColumnConfig::isCategorical).count();
    SparseInput[] cateInputs = new SparseInput[this.cateInputs];
    float ideal = 0f, significance = 1f;
    int index = 0, numIndex = 0, cateIndex = 0;
    // use guava Splitter to iterate only once
    for (String input : this.splitter.split(currentValue.getWritable().toString())) {
        if (index == this.columnConfigList.size()) {
            significance = getWeightValue(input);
            break; // the last field is significance, break here
        } else {
            ColumnConfig config = this.columnConfigList.get(index);
            if (config != null && config.isTarget()) {
                ideal = getFloatValue(input);
            } else {
                // final select some variables but meta and target are not included
                if (validColumn(config)) {
                    if (config.isNumerical()) {
                        inputs[numIndex] = getFloatValue(input);
                        this.inputIndexMap.putIfAbsent(config.getColumnNum(), numIndex++);
                    } else if (config.isCategorical()) {
                        cateInputs[cateIndex] = new SparseInput(config.getColumnNum(),
                                getCateIndex(input, config));
                        this.inputIndexMap.putIfAbsent(config.getColumnNum(), cateIndex++);
                    hashcode = hashcode * 31 + input.hashCode();
        index += 1;

    // output delimiter in norm can be set by user now and if user set a special one later changed, this exception
    // is helped to quick find such issue.
    validateInputLength(context, inputs, numIndex);

    // sample negative only logic here
    if (sampleNegOnly(hashcode, ideal)) {
    // up sampling logic, just add more weights while bagging sampling rate is still not changed
    if (modelConfig.isRegression() && isUpSampleEnabled() && Double.compare(ideal, 1d) == 0) {
        // ideal == 1 means positive tags; sample + 1 to avoid sample count to 0
        significance = significance * (this.upSampleRng.sample() + 1);

    Data data = new Data(inputs, cateInputs, significance, ideal);
    // split into validation and training data set according to validation rate
    boolean isInTraining = this.addDataPairToDataSet(hashcode, data, context.getAttachment());
    // update some positive or negative selected count in metrics
    this.updateMetrics(data, isInTraining);

From source file:nz.co.senanque.sandbox.ObjectTest.java

public void testDefaults() throws Exception {
    ValidationSession validationSession = m_validationEngine.createSession();

    // create a customer
    Customer customer = m_customerDAO.createCustomer();
    assertEquals("400", customer.getAmountstr());
    assertEquals(0, Double.compare(400D, customer.getAmount()));
    assertEquals(true, customer.getMetadata().isUnknown("address"));
    validationSession.bind(customer);//www . ja va  2 s  . co  m
    assertEquals(true, customer.getMetadata().isUnknown("address"));
    assertEquals(false, customer.getMetadata().isUnknown("address"));
    assertEquals(true, customer.getMetadata().getProxyField("amountstr").isRequired());