Example usage for java.lang Double doubleToRawLongBits

List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleToRawLongBits


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double doubleToRawLongBits.


public static native long doubleToRawLongBits(double value);

Source Link


Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout, preserving Not-a-Number (NaN) values.


From source file:com.asburymotors.android.disneysocal.common.Utils.java

 * Store the location in the app preferences.
 *///from   w  w w.ja v a 2s.co  m
public static void storeLocation(Context context, LatLng location) {
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
    editor.putLong(PREFERENCES_LAT, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(location.latitude));
    editor.putLong(PREFERENCES_LNG, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(location.longitude));

From source file:com.idylwood.utils.MathUtils.java

public static final long sign(final double d) {
    return Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) & Long.MIN_VALUE;

From source file:com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.matchers.run.DoubleMatcherRT.java

 * Whether the value matches or not/*from  ww w.ja  v a2  s .c om*/
 * @param attributeValue
 * @return
public boolean match(Object attributeValue) {
    Boolean nullMatch = nullMatcher(attributeValue);
    if (nullMatch != null) {
        return nullMatch.booleanValue();
    if (attributeValue == null || matchValue == null) {
        return false;
    Double attributeValueDouble = null;
    Double matcherValueDouble = null;
    try {
        attributeValueDouble = (Double) attributeValue;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("Converting the attribute value " + attributeValue + " of type "
                + attributeValue.getClass().getName() + " to Double failed with " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
    try {
        matcherValueDouble = (Double) matchValue;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.warn("Converting the matcher value " + matchValue + " of type " + matchValue.getClass().getName()
                + " to Double failed with " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return false;

    switch (relation) {
    case MatchRelations.EQUAL:
        return (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(attributeValueDouble.doubleValue())
                - Double.doubleToRawLongBits(matcherValueDouble.doubleValue()) == 0);
    case MatchRelations.NOT_EQUAL:
        return (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(attributeValueDouble.doubleValue())
                - Double.doubleToRawLongBits(matcherValueDouble.doubleValue()) != 0);
    case MatchRelations.GREATHER_THAN:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() > matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
    case MatchRelations.GREATHER_THAN_EQUAL:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() >= matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
    case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() < matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
    case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() <= matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
        return false;

From source file:Main.java

 * Returns the floating-point number adjacent to the first
 * argument in the direction of the second argument.  If both
 * arguments compare as equal the second argument is returned.
 * <p>/*from  w  ww.  j  a  va2s  .  c o m*/
 * Special cases:
 * <ul>
 * <li> If either argument is a NaN, then NaN is returned.
 * <li> If both arguments are signed zeros, <code>direction</code>
 * is returned unchanged (as implied by the requirement of
 * returning the second argument if the arguments compare as
 * equal).
 * <li> If <code>start</code> is
 * &plusmn;<code>Double.MIN_VALUE</code> and <code>direction</code>
 * has a value such that the result should have a smaller
 * magnitude, then a zero with the same sign as <code>start</code>
 * is returned.
 * <li> If <code>start</code> is infinite and
 * <code>direction</code> has a value such that the result should
 * have a smaller magnitude, <code>Double.MAX_VALUE</code> with the
 * same sign as <code>start</code> is returned.
 * <li> If <code>start</code> is equal to &plusmn;
 * <code>Double.MAX_VALUE</code> and <code>direction</code> has a
 * value such that the result should have a larger magnitude, an
 * infinity with same sign as <code>start</code> is returned.
 * </ul>
 * @param start     starting floating-point value
 * @param direction value indicating which of
 * <code>start</code>'s neighbors or <code>start</code> should
 * be returned
 * @return The floating-point number adjacent to <code>start</code> in the
 * direction of <code>direction</code>.
 * @author Joseph D. Darcy
public static double nextAfter(double start, double direction) {
     * The cases:
     * nextAfter(+infinity, 0)  == MAX_VALUE
     * nextAfter(+infinity, +infinity)  == +infinity
     * nextAfter(-infinity, 0)  == -MAX_VALUE
     * nextAfter(-infinity, -infinity)  == -infinity
     * are naturally handled without any additional testing

    // First check for NaN values
    if (isNaN(start) || isNaN(direction)) {
        // return a NaN derived from the input NaN(s)
        return start + direction;
    } else if (start == direction) {
        return direction;
    } else { // start > direction or start < direction
        // Add +0.0 to get rid of a -0.0 (+0.0 + -0.0 => +0.0)
        // then bitwise convert start to integer.
        long transducer = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(start + 0.0d);

         * IEEE 754 floating-point numbers are lexicographically
         * ordered if treated as signed- magnitude integers .
         * Since Java's integers are two's complement,
         * incrementing" the two's complement representation of a
         * logically negative floating-point value *decrements*
         * the signed-magnitude representation. Therefore, when
         * the integer representation of a floating-point values
         * is less than zero, the adjustment to the representation
         * is in the opposite direction than would be expected at
         * first .
        if (direction > start) { // Calculate next greater value
            transducer = transducer + (transducer >= 0L ? 1L : -1L);
        } else { // Calculate next lesser value
            assert direction < start;
            if (transducer > 0L)
            else if (transducer < 0L)
             * transducer==0, the result is -MIN_VALUE
             * The transition from zero (implicitly
             * positive) to the smallest negative
             * signed magnitude value must be done
             * explicitly.
                transducer = DoubleConsts.SIGN_BIT_MASK | 1L;

        return Double.longBitsToDouble(transducer);

From source file:com.asalfo.wiulgi.util.Utils.java

 * Store the location in the app preferences.
 *//*from ww w  . j a v  a  2 s .  c  om*/
public static void storeLocation(Context context, @NonNull LatLng location) {
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
    editor.putLong(PREFERENCES_LAT, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(location.latitude));
    editor.putLong(PREFERENCES_LNG, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(location.longitude));

From source file:org.briljantframework.data.Is.java

 * Check if value is NA//from  w  w w.  ja  v  a2s. c o m
 * @param value the value
 * @return true if value is NA
public static boolean NA(double value) {
    return Double.isNaN(value) && (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) & Na.DOUBLE_NA_MASK) == Na.DOUBLE_NA_RES;

From source file:es.udc.gii.common.eaf.stoptest.BitwiseConvergence.java

 * Calculates the convergence rate between two individuals.
 */// w ww . jav  a 2 s.  com
private double convergence(Individual i1, Individual i2) {

    double convergence = 0.0;

    /* Asume both individuals have the same number of genes !! */
    int genes = i1.getChromosomeAt(0).length;

    /* For each pair of genes */
    for (int i = 0; i < genes; i++) {

        /* Get the value of the genes. Note that only individuals which have
         * a double as an internal value are considered. */
        double d1 = i1.getChromosomeAt(0)[i];
        double d2 = i2.getChromosomeAt(0)[i];

        /* Get the binary codification of the values. */
        Long lg1 = new Long(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d1));
        Long lg2 = new Long(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d2));

        /* Perform a bitwise XOR operation. Bitpositions that are identical
         * will yield a 0 and bitpositions which differ will yield a 1. So
         * we are counting the bits in which the two individuals *differ* */
        Long lg = new Long(lg1.longValue() ^ lg2.longValue());

        /* Count the number of bits in which the two individuals differ. */
        convergence += Long.bitCount(lg);

    /* Get the average bitwise difference. */
    convergence /= Long.SIZE * genes;

    /* Get the average convergence. */
    convergence = 1 - convergence;

    return convergence;

From source file:frk.gpssimulator.GpsSimulator.java

 * Set new position of vehicle based on current position and vehicle speed.
 *//*from  w  w  w . j  a v  a2s .co  m*/
void moveVehicle() {
    Double distance = speedInMps * reportInterval / 1000.0;
    Double distanceFromStart = currentPosition.getDistanceFromStart() + distance;
    Double excess = 0.0; // amount by which next postion will exceed end
                         // point of present leg

    for (int i = currentPosition.getLeg().getId(); i < legs.size(); i++) {
        Leg currentLeg = legs.get(i);
        excess = distanceFromStart > currentLeg.getLength() ? distanceFromStart - currentLeg.getLength() : 0.0;

        if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(excess) == 0) {
            // this means new position falls within current leg
            Point newPosition = NavUtils.getPosition(currentLeg.getStartPosition(), distanceFromStart,
        distanceFromStart = excess;

    // if we've reached here it means vehicle has moved beyond end of path
    // so go back to start of path

From source file:com.nextgis.maplibui.activity.AttributesActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    setToolbar(R.id.main_toolbar);//from www . ja va  2s . c  o m

    mTable = (TableFixHeaders) findViewById(R.id.attributes);

    mToolbar = (BottomToolbar) findViewById(R.id.bottom_toolbar);
    mToolbar.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new Toolbar.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
            int i = item.getItemId();
            if (i == R.id.menu_zoom) {
                IGISApplication application = (IGISApplication) getApplication();
                MapDrawable map = (MapDrawable) application.getMap();
                if (null != map) {
                    if (mLayer.getGeometryType() == GeoConstants.GTPoint
                            || mLayer.getGeometryType() == GeoConstants.GTMultiPoint)
                        map.zoomToExtent(mLayer.getFeature(mId).getGeometry().getEnvelope(), 18);

                    SharedPreferences.Editor edit = PreferenceManager
                    edit.putFloat(SettingsConstantsUI.KEY_PREF_ZOOM_LEVEL, map.getZoomLevel());
                    GeoPoint point = map.getMapCenter();

                return true;
            } else if (i == R.id.menu_delete) {
                Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(findViewById(R.id.container),
                        getString(R.string.delete_item_done), Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
                        .setAction(R.string.undo, new View.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(View view) {

                        }).setCallback(new Snackbar.Callback() {
                            public void onDismissed(Snackbar snackbar, int event) {
                                super.onDismissed(snackbar, event);
                                if (event == DISMISS_EVENT_MANUAL)
                                if (event != DISMISS_EVENT_ACTION) {

                            public void onShown(Snackbar snackbar) {

                View view = snackbar.getView();
                TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.snackbar_text);
                        ContextCompat.getColor(view.getContext(), com.nextgis.maplibui.R.color.color_white));

                return true;
            } else if (i == R.id.menu_edit) {
                ((IVectorLayerUI) mLayer).showEditForm(AttributesActivity.this, mId, null);
                return true;

            return false;
    mToolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {

    mLayerId = Constants.NOT_FOUND;
    if (savedInstanceState != null)
        mLayerId = savedInstanceState.getInt(ConstantsUI.KEY_LAYER_ID);
        mLayerId = getIntent().getIntExtra(ConstantsUI.KEY_LAYER_ID, mLayerId);

    mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

From source file:com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.matchers.run.AccountingTimeMatcherRT.java

 * Whether the value matches or not//from   ww w  .  j av  a 2  s . co m
 * @param attributeValue
 * @return
public boolean match(Object attributeValue) {
    Boolean nullMatch = nullMatcher(attributeValue);
    if (nullMatch != null) {
        return nullMatch.booleanValue();
    if (attributeValue == null || matchValue == null) {
        return false;
    AccountingTimeTO attributeValueAccountingTime = null;
    AccountingTimeTO matcherValueAccountingTime = null;
    try {
        attributeValueAccountingTime = (AccountingTimeTO) attributeValue;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("Converting the attribute value " + attributeValue + " of type "
                + attributeValue.getClass().getName() + " to AccountingTimeTO failed with " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
    try {
        matcherValueAccountingTime = (AccountingTimeTO) matchValue;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.warn("Converting the matcher value " + matchValue + " of type " + matchValue.getClass().getName()
                + " to AccountingTimeTO failed with " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return false;

    Double attributeValueDouble = attributeValueAccountingTime.getValue();
    Double matcherValueDouble = matcherValueAccountingTime.getValue();
    if (attributeValueDouble == null || matcherValueDouble == null) {
        return false;
    Integer attributeValueUnit = attributeValueAccountingTime.getUnit();
    Integer matcherValueUnit = matcherValueAccountingTime.getUnit();
    if (attributeValueUnit == null) {
        attributeValueUnit = TIMEUNITS.HOURS;
    if (matcherValueUnit == null) {
        matcherValueUnit = TIMEUNITS.HOURS;
    if (!attributeValueUnit.equals(matcherValueUnit)) {
        if (attributeValueUnit.intValue() != TIME_UNIT.HOUR) {

            attributeValueDouble = AccountingBL.transformToTimeUnits(attributeValueDouble,
                    this.getHourPerWorkday(), attributeValueUnit, TIME_UNIT.HOUR).doubleValue();
        if (matcherValueUnit.intValue() != TIME_UNIT.HOUR) {
            matcherValueDouble = AccountingBL.transformToTimeUnits(matcherValueDouble, this.getHourPerWorkday(),
                    matcherValueUnit, TIME_UNIT.HOUR).doubleValue();
    switch (relation) {
    case MatchRelations.EQUAL:
        return (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(attributeValueDouble.doubleValue())
                - Double.doubleToRawLongBits(matcherValueDouble.doubleValue()) == 0);
    case MatchRelations.NOT_EQUAL:
        return (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(attributeValueDouble.doubleValue())
                - Double.doubleToRawLongBits(matcherValueDouble.doubleValue()) != 0);
    case MatchRelations.GREATHER_THAN:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() > matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
    case MatchRelations.GREATHER_THAN_EQUAL:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() >= matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
    case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() < matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
    case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
        return attributeValueDouble.doubleValue() <= matcherValueDouble.doubleValue();
        return false;