Example usage for java.lang Double MAX_VALUE

List of usage examples for java.lang Double MAX_VALUE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double MAX_VALUE.


double MAX_VALUE

To view the source code for java.lang Double MAX_VALUE.

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A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type double , (2-2-52)·21023.


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.filter.VoronoiFilter.java

* Checks whether a given coordinate would be on a boundary of a 
* Voronoi diagram created from the given points.
**/// w  w  w  .j  a va  2 s  .  co m
public boolean isOnEightConnectedBoundary(java.util.List<Vector2D> points, ImageCoordinate ic) {

    int x = ic.get(ImageCoordinate.X);
    int y = ic.get(ImageCoordinate.Y);

    int closestIndex = 0;
    int nextIndex = 0;
    double closestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double nextDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {

        Vector2D pt = points.get(i);

        double dist = Math.hypot(pt.getX() - x, pt.getY() - y);

        if (dist < closestDist) {

            nextDist = closestDist;
            nextIndex = closestIndex;
            closestDist = dist;
            closestIndex = i;

        } else if (dist < nextDist) {
            nextDist = dist;
            nextIndex = i;


    Vector2D projectedCoordinate = this.projectPointOntoVector(points.get(closestIndex), new Vector2D(x, y),

    double distToNext = points.get(nextIndex).subtract(projectedCoordinate).getNorm();

    double distToClosest = points.get(closestIndex).subtract(projectedCoordinate).getNorm();

    final double cutoff = 1.3 * Math.sqrt(2);

    if (distToNext - distToClosest < cutoff) {
        return true;

    return false;


From source file:com.joptimizer.util.MPSParserNetlibTest.java

 * Tests the parsing of a netlib problem.
 *///w  ww  .  ja  v  a  2 s . c o m
public void xxxtestSingleNetlib() throws Exception {
    //String problemName = "afiro";
    //String problemName = "afiroPresolved";
    //String problemName = "adlittle";
    //String problemName = "kb2";
    //String problemName = "sc50a";
    //String problemName = "sc50b";
    //String problemName = "blend";
    //String problemName = "scorpion";
    //String problemName = "recipe";
    //String problemName = "recipePresolved";
    //String problemName = "sctap1";
    //String problemName = "fit1d";
    //String problemName = "israel";
    //String problemName = "grow15";
    //String problemName = "etamacro";
    //String problemName = "pilot";
    //String problemName = "pilot4";
    //String problemName = "osa-14";
    //String problemName = "brandyPresolved";
    String problemName = "maros";

    File f = Utils.getClasspathResourceAsFile("lp" + File.separator + "netlib" + File.separator + problemName
            + File.separator + problemName + ".mps");
    MPSParser mpsParser = new MPSParser();

    Properties expectedSolProps = null;
    try {
        //this is the solution of the mps problem given by Mathematica
        expectedSolProps = load(Utils.getClasspathResourceAsFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "netlib" + File.separator + problemName + File.separator + "sol.txt"));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    log.debug("name: " + mpsParser.getName());
    log.debug("n   : " + mpsParser.getN());
    log.debug("meq : " + mpsParser.getMeq());
    log.debug("mieq: " + mpsParser.getMieq());
    log.debug("meq+mieq: " + (mpsParser.getMeq() + mpsParser.getMieq()));
    List<String> variablesNames = mpsParser.getVariablesNames();
    log.debug("x: " + ArrayUtils.toString(variablesNames));
    //      log.debug("c: " + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getC()));
    //      log.debug("G: " + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getG()));
    //      log.debug("h: " + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getH()));
    //      log.debug("A: " + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getA()));
    //      log.debug("b: " + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getB()));
    //      log.debug("lb:" + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getLb()));
    //      log.debug("ub:" + ArrayUtils.toString(p.getUb()));

    //check consistency: if the problem was correctly parsed, the expectedSol must be its solution
    double delta = 1.e-7;
    if (expectedSolProps != null) {
        //key = variable name
        //value = sol value
        assertEquals(expectedSolProps.size(), variablesNames.size());
        RealVector expectedSol = new ArrayRealVector(variablesNames.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < variablesNames.size(); i++) {
            expectedSol.setEntry(i, Double.parseDouble(expectedSolProps.getProperty(variablesNames.get(i))));
        log.debug("expectedSol: " + ArrayUtils.toString(expectedSol.toArray()));

        //check objective function value
        Map<String, LPNetlibProblem> problemsMap = LPNetlibProblem.loadAllProblems();
        LPNetlibProblem problem = problemsMap.get(problemName);
        RealVector c = new ArrayRealVector(mpsParser.getC().toArray());
        double value = c.dotProduct(expectedSol);
        log.debug("optimalValue: " + problem.optimalValue);
        log.debug("value       : " + value);
        assertEquals(problem.optimalValue, value, delta);

        //check G.x < h
        if (mpsParser.getG() != null) {
            RealMatrix G = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(mpsParser.getG().toArray());
            RealVector h = new ArrayRealVector(mpsParser.getH().toArray());
            RealVector Gxh = G.operate(expectedSol).subtract(h);
            double maxGxh = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
            for (int i = 0; i < Gxh.getDimension(); i++) {
                maxGxh = Math.max(maxGxh, Gxh.getEntry(i));
                assertTrue(Gxh.getEntry(i) <= 0);
            log.debug("max(G.x - h): " + maxGxh);

        //check A.x = b
        if (mpsParser.getA() != null) {
            RealMatrix A = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(mpsParser.getA().toArray());
            RealVector b = new ArrayRealVector(mpsParser.getB().toArray());
            RealVector Axb = A.operate(expectedSol).subtract(b);
            double norm = Axb.getNorm();
            log.debug("||A.x -b||: " + norm);
            assertEquals(0., norm, delta * mpsParser.getN());//some more tolerance

        //check upper and lower bounds
        for (int i = 0; i < mpsParser.getLb().size(); i++) {
            double di = Double.isNaN(mpsParser.getLb().getQuick(i)) ? -Double.MAX_VALUE
                    : mpsParser.getLb().getQuick(i);
            assertTrue(di <= expectedSol.getEntry(i));
        for (int i = 0; i < mpsParser.getUb().size(); i++) {
            double di = Double.isNaN(mpsParser.getUb().getQuick(i)) ? Double.MAX_VALUE
                    : mpsParser.getUb().getQuick(i);
            assertTrue(di >= expectedSol.getEntry(i));

    Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(mpsParser.getC().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "c.txt");
    Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(mpsParser.getG().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "G.csv");
    Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(mpsParser.getH().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "h.txt");
    Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(mpsParser.getA().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "A.csv");
    Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(mpsParser.getB().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "b.txt");
    Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(mpsParser.getLb().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "lb.txt");
    Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(mpsParser.getUb().toArray(), "target" + File.separator + "ub.txt");

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.Matrix1NornRescaler.java

 * Scaling factors for symmetric (not singular) matrices.
 * Just the subdiagonal elements of the matrix are required.
 * @see Daniel Ruiz, "A scaling algorithm to equilibrate both rows and columns norms in matrices"
 * @see Philip A. Knight, Daniel Ruiz, Bora Ucar "A Symmetry Preserving Algorithm for Matrix Scaling"
 *//*from ww  w.  ja  v a2s  .  c  o  m*/
public DoubleMatrix1D getMatrixScalingFactorsSymm(DoubleMatrix2D A) {
    DoubleFactory1D F1 = DoubleFactory1D.dense;
    DoubleFactory2D F2 = DoubleFactory2D.sparse;
    int dim = A.columns();
    DoubleMatrix1D D1 = F1.make(dim, 1);
    DoubleMatrix2D AK = A.copy();
    DoubleMatrix2D DR = F2.identity(dim);
    DoubleMatrix1D DRInv = F1.make(dim);
    int maxIteration = 50;
    for (int k = 0; k <= maxIteration; k++) {
        double normR = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
            double dri = getRowInfinityNorm(AK, i);
            DR.setQuick(i, i, Math.sqrt(dri));
            DRInv.setQuick(i, 1. / Math.sqrt(dri));
            normR = Math.max(normR, Math.abs(1 - dri));
            if (Double.isNaN(normR)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrix is singular");

        if (normR < eps) {

        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
            double prevD1I = D1.getQuick(i);
            double newD1I = prevD1I * DRInv.getQuick(i);
            D1.setQuick(i, newD1I);

        if (k == maxIteration) {
            log.warn("max iteration reached");

        AK = ColtUtils.diagonalMatrixMult(DRInv, AK, DRInv);

    return D1;

From source file:Questao3.java

 * Metodo que retorna o menor valor de uma matriz
 * @param matriz/*from   w ww. j av a  2s  .com*/
 * @return double min
public double minValue(double[][] matriz) {
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (double[] linha : matriz) {
        for (double d : linha) {
            if (d < min) {
                min = d;
    return min;

From source file:br.unicamp.ic.recod.gpsi.applications.gpsiJGAPEvolver.java

public void run() throws InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException, Exception {

    int i, j, k;/*from   w w  w.ja v a  2s. co  m*/
    byte nFolds = 5;
    gpsiDescriptor descriptor;
    gpsiMLDataset mlDataset;
    gpsiVoxelRawDataset dataset;
    GPGenotype gp;
    double[][] fitnessCurves;
    String[] curveLabels = new String[] { "train", "train_val", "val" };
    double bestScore, currentScore;
    IGPProgram current, bestVal;

    Mean mean = new Mean();
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();

    double validationScore, trainScore, bestValidationScore, bestTrainScore;
    double[][][] samples;

    for (byte f = 0; f < nFolds; f++) {

        System.out.println("\nRun " + (f + 1) + "\n");

        rawDataset.assignFolds(new byte[] { f, (byte) ((f + 1) % nFolds), (byte) ((f + 2) % nFolds) },
                new byte[] { (byte) ((f + 3) % nFolds) }, new byte[] { (byte) ((f + 4) % nFolds) });
        dataset = (gpsiVoxelRawDataset) rawDataset;
        gp = create(config, dataset.getnBands(), fitness);

        // 0: train, 1: train_val, 2: val
        fitnessCurves = new double[super.numGenerations][];
        current = null;
        bestVal = null;
        bestScore = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        bestValidationScore = -1.0;
        bestTrainScore = -1.0;

        for (int generation = 0; generation < super.numGenerations; generation++) {


            if (this.dumpGens) {

                double[][][] dists;
                descriptor = new gpsiScalarSpectralIndexDescriptor(
                        new gpsiJGAPVoxelCombiner(fitness.getB(), gp.getGPPopulation().getGPPrograms()[0]));
                mlDataset = new gpsiMLDataset(descriptor);
                mlDataset.loadWholeDataset(rawDataset, true);

                dists = (new gpsiWholeSampler()).sample(mlDataset.getTrainingEntities(), this.classLabels);
                for (i = 0; i < this.classLabels.length; i++) {
                    stream.register(new gpsiDoubleCsvIOElement(dists[i], null,
                            "gens/f" + (f + 1) + "/" + classLabels[i] + "/" + (generation + 1) + ".csv"));


            for (i = 0; i < super.validation; i++) {

                current = gp.getGPPopulation().getGPPrograms()[i];

                descriptor = new gpsiScalarSpectralIndexDescriptor(
                        new gpsiJGAPVoxelCombiner(fitness.getB(), current));
                mlDataset = new gpsiMLDataset(descriptor);
                mlDataset.loadWholeDataset(rawDataset, true);

                samples = this.fitness.getSampler().sample(mlDataset.getValidationEntities(), classLabels);

                validationScore = fitness.getScore().score(samples);
                trainScore = current.getFitnessValue() - 1.0;

                currentScore = mean.evaluate(new double[] { trainScore, validationScore })
                        - sd.evaluate(new double[] { trainScore, validationScore });

                if (currentScore > bestScore) {
                    bestVal = current;
                    bestScore = currentScore;
                    bestTrainScore = trainScore;
                    bestValidationScore = validationScore;


            if (validation > 0) {
                best = new IGPProgram[2];
                best[0] = gp.getAllTimeBest();
                best[1] = bestVal;
                fitnessCurves[generation] = new double[] { best[0].getFitnessValue() - 1.0, bestTrainScore,
                        bestValidationScore };
                System.out.printf("%3dg: %.4f  %.4f  %.4f\n", generation + 1, fitnessCurves[generation][0],
                        fitnessCurves[generation][1], fitnessCurves[generation][2]);
            } else {
                best = new IGPProgram[1];
                best[0] = gp.getAllTimeBest();
                fitnessCurves[generation] = new double[] { gp.getAllTimeBest().getFitnessValue() - 1.0 };
                System.out.printf("%3dg: %.4f\n", generation + 1, fitnessCurves[generation][0]);


        stream.register(new gpsiDoubleCsvIOElement(fitnessCurves, curveLabels, "curves/f" + (f + 1) + ".csv"));

        System.out.println("Best solution for trainning: " + gp.getAllTimeBest().toStringNorm(0));
        stream.register(new gpsiStringIOElement(gp.getAllTimeBest().toStringNorm(0),
                "programs/f" + (f + 1) + "train.program"));

        if (validation > 0) {
            System.out.println("Best solution for trainning and validation: " + bestVal.toStringNorm(0));
            stream.register(new gpsiStringIOElement(bestVal.toStringNorm(0),
                    "programs/f" + (f + 1) + "train_val.program"));

        descriptor = new gpsiScalarSpectralIndexDescriptor(new gpsiJGAPVoxelCombiner(fitness.getB(), best[0]));
        gpsi1NNToMomentScalarClassificationAlgorithm classificationAlgorithm = new gpsi1NNToMomentScalarClassificationAlgorithm(
                new Mean());
        gpsiClassifier classifier = new gpsiClassifier(descriptor, classificationAlgorithm);


        int[][] confusionMatrix = classifier.getConfusionMatrix();

        stream.register(new gpsiIntegerCsvIOElement(confusionMatrix, null,
                "confusion_matrices/f" + (f + 1) + "_train.csv"));

        if (validation > 0) {
            descriptor = new gpsiScalarSpectralIndexDescriptor(
                    new gpsiJGAPVoxelCombiner(fitness.getB(), best[1]));
            classificationAlgorithm = new gpsi1NNToMomentScalarClassificationAlgorithm(new Mean());
            classifier = new gpsiClassifier(descriptor, classificationAlgorithm);


            confusionMatrix = classifier.getConfusionMatrix();

            stream.register(new gpsiIntegerCsvIOElement(confusionMatrix, null,
                    "confusion_matrices/f" + (f + 1) + "_train_val.csv"));




From source file:com.google.blockly.model.FieldNumber.java

 * Sets the constraints on valid number values.
 * <p/>/*from w  w w  . j  a  v a 2 s  . c  o  m*/
 * Changing the constraints may trigger a {@link ChangeEvent}, even if the value does not
 * change.
 * @param min The minimum allowed value, inclusive.
 * @param max The maximum allowed value, inclusive.
 * @param precision The precision of allowed values. Valid values are multiples of this number,
 *                  such as 1, 0.1, 100, or 0.125.
public void setConstraints(double min, double max, double precision) {
    if (max == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY || Double.isNaN(max)) {
        max = NO_CONSTRAINT;
    } else if (max == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max cannot be -Inf. No valid values would exist.");
    if (min == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || Double.isNaN(min)) {
        min = NO_CONSTRAINT;
    } else if (min == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min cannot be Inf. No valid values would exist.");
    if (precision == 0 || Double.isNaN(precision)) {
        precision = NO_CONSTRAINT;
    if (Double.isInfinite(precision)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Precision cannot be infinite.");
    if (!Double.isNaN(min) && !Double.isNaN(max) && min > max) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum value must be less than max. Found " + min + " > " + max);
    if (!Double.isNaN(precision) && precision <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Precision must be positive. Found " + precision);

    double effectiveMin = Double.isNaN(min) ? -Double.MAX_VALUE : min;
    double effectiveMax = Double.isNaN(max) ? Double.MAX_VALUE : max;
    if (!Double.isNaN(precision)) {
        if (effectiveMin < 0) {
            double multiplier = Math.floor(-effectiveMin / precision);
            effectiveMin = precision * -multiplier;
        } else {
            double multiplier = Math.ceil(effectiveMin / precision);
            effectiveMin = precision * multiplier;
        if (effectiveMax < 0) {
            double multiplier = Math.ceil(-effectiveMax / precision);
            effectiveMax = precision * -multiplier;
        } else {
            double multiplier = Math.floor(effectiveMax / precision);
            effectiveMax = precision * multiplier;

        if (effectiveMin > effectiveMax) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid value in range.");

    mMin = min;
    mMax = max;
    mPrecision = precision;
    mEffectiveMin = effectiveMin;
    mEffectiveMax = effectiveMax;
    mIntegerPrecision = (precision == Math.round(precision));
    if (!hasPrecision()) {
        mFormatter = NAIVE_DECIMAL_FORMAT;
    } else if (mIntegerPrecision) {
        mFormatter = INTEGER_DECIMAL_FORMAT;
    } else {
        String precisionStr = NAIVE_DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(precision);
        int decimalChar = precisionStr.indexOf('.');
        if (decimalChar == -1) {
            mFormatter = INTEGER_DECIMAL_FORMAT;
        } else {
            int significantDigits = precisionStr.length() - decimalChar;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("0.");
            char[] sigDigitsFormat = new char[significantDigits];
            Arrays.fill(sigDigitsFormat, '#');
            mFormatter = new DecimalFormat(sb.toString());

    setValueImpl(mValue, true);

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.Matrix1NormRescaler.java

 * Scaling factors for symmetric (not singular) matrices.
 * Just the subdiagonal elements of the matrix are required.
 * @see Daniel Ruiz, "A scaling algorithm to equilibrate both rows and columns norms in matrices"
 * @see Philip A. Knight, Daniel Ruiz, Bora Ucar "A Symmetry Preserving Algorithm for Matrix Scaling"
 *//*from  ww w  .  jav a  2s.c  o  m*/
public DoubleMatrix1D getMatrixScalingFactorsSymm(DoubleMatrix2D A) {
    DoubleFactory1D F1 = DoubleFactory1D.dense;
    DoubleFactory2D F2 = DoubleFactory2D.sparse;
    Algebra ALG = Algebra.DEFAULT;
    int dim = A.columns();
    DoubleMatrix1D D1 = F1.make(dim, 1);
    DoubleMatrix2D AK = A.copy();
    DoubleMatrix2D DR = F2.identity(dim);
    DoubleMatrix1D DRInv = F1.make(dim);
    //log.debug("eps  : " + eps);
    int maxIteration = 50;
    for (int k = 0; k <= maxIteration; k++) {
        double normR = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
            //double dri = ALG.normInfinity(AK.viewRow(i));
            double dri = this.getRowInfinityNorm(AK, i);
            DR.setQuick(i, i, Math.sqrt(dri));
            DRInv.setQuick(i, 1. / Math.sqrt(dri));
            normR = Math.max(normR, Math.abs(1 - dri));
            if (Double.isNaN(normR)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrix is singular");

        //log.debug("normR: " + normR);
        if (normR < eps) {

        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
            double prevD1I = D1.getQuick(i);
            double newD1I = prevD1I * DRInv.getQuick(i);
            D1.setQuick(i, newD1I);
        //logger.debug("D1: " + ArrayUtils.toString(D1.toArray()));

        if (k == maxIteration) {
            log.warn("max iteration reached");

        AK = ColtUtils.diagonalMatrixMult(DRInv, AK, DRInv);

    return D1;

From source file:ml.shifu.shifu.core.binning.UpdateBinningInfoReducer.java

protected void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<BinningInfoWritable> values, Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    double sum = 0d;
    double squaredSum = 0d;
    double tripleSum = 0d;
    double quarticSum = 0d;
    double p25th = 0d;
    double median = 0d;
    double p75th = 0d;

    long count = 0L, missingCount = 0L;
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE, max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    List<Double> binBoundaryList = null;
    List<String> binCategories = null;
    long[] binCountPos = null;
    long[] binCountNeg = null;
    double[] binWeightPos = null;
    double[] binWeightNeg = null;
    long[] binCountTotal = null;

    int columnConfigIndex = key.get() >= this.columnConfigList.size() ? key.get() % this.columnConfigList.size()
            : key.get();//w  w  w . j a v a  2 s  .  c o m

    ColumnConfig columnConfig = this.columnConfigList.get(columnConfigIndex);

    HyperLogLogPlus hyperLogLogPlus = null;
    Set<String> fis = new HashSet<String>();
    long totalCount = 0, invalidCount = 0, validNumCount = 0;
    int binSize = 0;
    for (BinningInfoWritable info : values) {
        if (info.isEmpty()) {
            // mapper has no stats, skip it
        CountAndFrequentItemsWritable cfiw = info.getCfiw();
        totalCount += cfiw.getCount();
        invalidCount += cfiw.getInvalidCount();
        validNumCount += cfiw.getValidNumCount();
        if (hyperLogLogPlus == null) {
            hyperLogLogPlus = HyperLogLogPlus.Builder.build(cfiw.getHyperBytes());
        } else {
            try {
                hyperLogLogPlus = (HyperLogLogPlus) hyperLogLogPlus
            } catch (CardinalityMergeException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        if (columnConfig.isHybrid() && binBoundaryList == null && binCategories == null) {
            binBoundaryList = info.getBinBoundaries();
            binCategories = info.getBinCategories();
            binSize = binBoundaryList.size() + binCategories.size();
            binCountPos = new long[binSize + 1];
            binCountNeg = new long[binSize + 1];
            binWeightPos = new double[binSize + 1];
            binWeightNeg = new double[binSize + 1];
            binCountTotal = new long[binSize + 1];
        } else if (columnConfig.isNumerical() && binBoundaryList == null) {
            binBoundaryList = info.getBinBoundaries();
            binSize = binBoundaryList.size();
            binCountPos = new long[binSize + 1];
            binCountNeg = new long[binSize + 1];
            binWeightPos = new double[binSize + 1];
            binWeightNeg = new double[binSize + 1];
            binCountTotal = new long[binSize + 1];
        } else if (columnConfig.isCategorical() && binCategories == null) {
            binCategories = info.getBinCategories();
            binSize = binCategories.size();
            binCountPos = new long[binSize + 1];
            binCountNeg = new long[binSize + 1];
            binWeightPos = new double[binSize + 1];
            binWeightNeg = new double[binSize + 1];
            binCountTotal = new long[binSize + 1];

        count += info.getTotalCount();
        missingCount += info.getMissingCount();
        // for numeric, such sums are OK, for categorical, such values are all 0, should be updated by using
        // binCountPos and binCountNeg
        sum += info.getSum();
        squaredSum += info.getSquaredSum();
        tripleSum += info.getTripleSum();
        quarticSum += info.getQuarticSum();
        if (Double.compare(max, info.getMax()) < 0) {
            max = info.getMax();

        if (Double.compare(min, info.getMin()) > 0) {
            min = info.getMin();

        for (int i = 0; i < (binSize + 1); i++) {
            binCountPos[i] += info.getBinCountPos()[i];
            binCountNeg[i] += info.getBinCountNeg()[i];
            binWeightPos[i] += info.getBinWeightPos()[i];
            binWeightNeg[i] += info.getBinWeightNeg()[i];

            binCountTotal[i] += info.getBinCountPos()[i];
            binCountTotal[i] += info.getBinCountNeg()[i];
    if (columnConfig.isNumerical()) {
        long p25Count = count / 4;
        long medianCount = p25Count * 2;
        long p75Count = p25Count * 3;
        p25th = min;
        median = min;
        p75th = min;
        int currentCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < binBoundaryList.size(); i++) {
            double left = getCutoffBoundary(binBoundaryList.get(i), max, min);
            double right = ((i == binBoundaryList.size() - 1) ? max
                    : getCutoffBoundary(binBoundaryList.get(i + 1), max, min));
            if (p25Count >= currentCount && p25Count < currentCount + binCountTotal[i]) {
                p25th = ((p25Count - currentCount) / (double) binCountTotal[i]) * (right - left) + left;

            if (medianCount >= currentCount && medianCount < currentCount + binCountTotal[i]) {
                median = ((medianCount - currentCount) / (double) binCountTotal[i]) * (right - left) + left;

            if (p75Count >= currentCount && p75Count < currentCount + binCountTotal[i]) {
                p75th = ((p75Count - currentCount) / (double) binCountTotal[i]) * (right - left) + left;
                // when get 75 percentile stop it
            currentCount += binCountTotal[i];
        LOG.info("Coloumn num is {}, p25 value is {}, median value is {}, p75 value is {}",
                columnConfig.getColumnNum(), p25th, median, p75th);


    LOG.info("Coloumn num is {}, columnType value is {}, cateMaxNumBin is {}, binCategory size is {}",
            columnConfig.getColumnNum(), columnConfig.getColumnType(),
            (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(columnConfig.getBinCategory()) ? columnConfig.getBinCategory().size()
                    : 0));
    // To merge categorical binning
    if (columnConfig.isCategorical() && modelConfig.getStats().getCateMaxNumBin() > 0
            && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(binCategories)
            && binCategories.size() > modelConfig.getStats().getCateMaxNumBin()) {
        // only category size large then expected max bin number
        CateBinningStats cateBinningStats = rebinCategoricalValues(
                new CateBinningStats(binCategories, binCountPos, binCountNeg, binWeightPos, binWeightNeg));
        LOG.info("For variable - {}, {} bins is rebined to {} bins", columnConfig.getColumnName(),
                binCategories.size(), cateBinningStats.binCategories.size());

        binCategories = cateBinningStats.binCategories;
        binCountPos = cateBinningStats.binCountPos;
        binCountNeg = cateBinningStats.binCountNeg;
        binWeightPos = cateBinningStats.binWeightPos;
        binWeightNeg = cateBinningStats.binWeightNeg;

    double[] binPosRate;
    if (modelConfig.isRegression()) {
        binPosRate = computePosRate(binCountPos, binCountNeg);
    } else {
        // for multiple classfication, use rate of categories to compute a value
        binPosRate = computeRateForMultiClassfication(binCountPos);
    String binBounString = null;

    if (columnConfig.isHybrid()) {
        if (binCategories.size() > this.maxCateSize) {
            LOG.warn("Column {} {} with invalid bin category size.", key.get(), columnConfig.getColumnName(),
        binBounString = binBoundaryList.toString();
        binBounString += Constants.HYBRID_BIN_STR_DILIMETER + Base64Utils.base64Encode(
                "[" + StringUtils.join(binCategories, CalculateStatsUDF.CATEGORY_VAL_SEPARATOR) + "]");
    } else if (columnConfig.isCategorical()) {
        if (binCategories.size() > this.maxCateSize) {
            LOG.warn("Column {} {} with invalid bin category size.", key.get(), columnConfig.getColumnName(),
        binBounString = Base64Utils.base64Encode(
                "[" + StringUtils.join(binCategories, CalculateStatsUDF.CATEGORY_VAL_SEPARATOR) + "]");
        // recompute such value for categorical variables
        min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        sum = 0d;
        squaredSum = 0d;
        for (int i = 0; i < binPosRate.length; i++) {
            if (!Double.isNaN(binPosRate[i])) {
                if (Double.compare(max, binPosRate[i]) < 0) {
                    max = binPosRate[i];

                if (Double.compare(min, binPosRate[i]) > 0) {
                    min = binPosRate[i];
                long binCount = binCountPos[i] + binCountNeg[i];
                sum += binPosRate[i] * binCount;
                double squaredVal = binPosRate[i] * binPosRate[i];
                squaredSum += squaredVal * binCount;
                tripleSum += squaredVal * binPosRate[i] * binCount;
                quarticSum += squaredVal * squaredVal * binCount;
    } else {
        if (binBoundaryList.size() == 0) {
            LOG.warn("Column {} {} with invalid bin boundary size.", key.get(), columnConfig.getColumnName(),
        binBounString = binBoundaryList.toString();

    ColumnMetrics columnCountMetrics = null;
    ColumnMetrics columnWeightMetrics = null;
    if (modelConfig.isRegression()) {
        columnCountMetrics = ColumnStatsCalculator.calculateColumnMetrics(binCountNeg, binCountPos);
        columnWeightMetrics = ColumnStatsCalculator.calculateColumnMetrics(binWeightNeg, binWeightPos);

    // To make it be consistent with SPDT, missingCount is excluded to compute mean, stddev ...
    long realCount = this.statsExcludeMissingValue ? (count - missingCount) : count;

    double mean = sum / realCount;
    double stdDev = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((squaredSum - (sum * sum) / realCount + EPS) / (realCount - 1)));
    double aStdDev = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((squaredSum - (sum * sum) / realCount + EPS) / realCount));

    double skewness = ColumnStatsCalculator.computeSkewness(realCount, mean, aStdDev, sum, squaredSum,
    double kurtosis = ColumnStatsCalculator.computeKurtosis(realCount, mean, aStdDev, sum, squaredSum,
            tripleSum, quarticSum);

            // column id
            // column bins
            // bin count negative
            // bin count positive
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(Arrays.toString(new double[0]))
            // deprecated
            // bin positive rate
            .append(columnCountMetrics == null ? "" : df.format(columnCountMetrics.getKs()))
            // KS
            .append(columnCountMetrics == null ? "" : df.format(columnCountMetrics.getIv()))
            // IV
            // max
            // min
            // mean
            // standard deviation
            // column type
            // median value ?
            // missing count
            // count
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(missingCount * 1.0d / count)
            // missing ratio
            // bin weighted negative
            // bin weighted positive
            .append(columnCountMetrics == null ? "" : columnCountMetrics.getWoe())
            // WOE
            .append(columnWeightMetrics == null ? "" : columnWeightMetrics.getWoe())
            // weighted WOE
            .append(columnWeightMetrics == null ? "" : columnWeightMetrics.getKs())
            // weighted KS
            .append(columnWeightMetrics == null ? "" : columnWeightMetrics.getIv())
            // weighted IV
            .append(columnCountMetrics == null ? Arrays.toString(new double[binSize + 1])
                    : columnCountMetrics.getBinningWoe().toString())
            // bin WOE
            .append(columnWeightMetrics == null ? Arrays.toString(new double[binSize + 1])
                    : columnWeightMetrics.getBinningWoe().toString()) // bin weighted WOE
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(skewness) // skewness
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(kurtosis) // kurtosis
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(totalCount) // total count
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(invalidCount) // invalid count
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(validNumCount) // valid num count
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(hyperLogLogPlus.cardinality()) // cardinality
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(Base64Utils.base64Encode(limitedFrequentItems(fis))) // frequent items
            .append(Constants.DEFAULT_DELIMITER).append(p25th) // the 25 percentile value

    context.write(NullWritable.get(), outputValue);
    sb.delete(0, sb.length());
    LOG.debug("Time:{}", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

From source file:playground.sergioo.networkBusLaneAdder2012.gui.BusLaneAdderPanel.java

public BusLaneAdderPanel(BusLaneAdderWindow busLaneAdderWindow, NetworkPainter networkPainter, File imageFile,
        double[] upLeft, double[] downRight, CoordinateTransformation coordinateTransformation)
        throws IOException {
    super();//from  w ww . j ava  2  s.co  m
    addressLocator = new AddressLocator(coordinateTransformation);
    this.busLaneAdderWindow = busLaneAdderWindow;
    ImagePainter imagePainter = new ImagePainter(imageFile, this);
    imagePainter.setImageCoordinates(upLeft, downRight);
    addLayer(new Layer(imagePainter, false));
    addLayer(new Layer(networkPainter), true);
    addLayer(new Layer(new LinesPainter(), false));
    TravelDisutility travelMinCost = new TravelDisutility() {
        public double getLinkTravelDisutility(final Link link, final double time, final Person person,
                final Vehicle vehicle) {
            return getLinkMinimumTravelDisutility(link);

        public double getLinkMinimumTravelDisutility(Link link) {
            if (link.getAllowedModes().contains("bus"))
                return link.getLength() / BUS_SPEED;
                return Double.MAX_VALUE;
    TravelTime timeFunction = new TravelTime() {
        public double getLinkTravelTime(Link link, double time, Person person, Vehicle vehicle) {
            if (link.getAllowedModes().contains("bus"))
                return link.getLength() / BUS_SPEED;
                return Double.MAX_VALUE;
    PreProcessDijkstra preProcessData = new PreProcessDijkstra();
    dijkstra = new Dijkstra(busLaneAdderWindow.getNetwork(), travelMinCost, timeFunction, preProcessData);

From source file:geogebra.common.kernel.implicit.PolynomialUtils.java

private static boolean rootPolishing(double[] pair, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoImplicitPoly p2, double[] line) {
    double x = pair[0], y = pair[1];
    double p, q;/* ww  w.j ava2s . c  o m*/
    if (p1 == null) {
        return false;
    if (p2 == null && (line == null || line.length != 3)) {
        return false;
    p = p1.evalPolyAt(x, y);
    if (p2 != null)
        q = p2.evalPolyAt(x, y);
        q = line[0] + x * line[1] + y * line[2];
    double lastErr = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double err = Math.abs(p) + Math.abs(q);
    int n = 0;
    int MAX_ITERATIONS = 20;
    while (err < 10 * lastErr && err > Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION && ++n < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
        double px, py;
        double qx, qy;
        px = p1.evalDiffXPolyAt(x, y);
        py = p1.evalDiffYPolyAt(x, y);
        if (p2 != null) {
            qx = p2.evalDiffXPolyAt(x, y);
            qy = p2.evalDiffYPolyAt(x, y);
        } else {
            qx = line[1];
            qy = line[2];
        double det = px * qy - py * qx;
        if (Kernel.isZero(det)) {
        x -= (p * qy - q * py) / det;
        y -= (q * px - p * qx) / det;
        lastErr = err;
        p = p1.evalPolyAt(x, y);
        if (p2 != null) {
            q = p2.evalPolyAt(x, y);
        } else {
            q = line[0] + x * line[1] + y * line[2];
        err = Math.abs(p) + Math.abs(q);
    pair[0] = x;
    pair[1] = y;
    return err < Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION;