Example usage for java.lang Double toHexString

List of usage examples for java.lang Double toHexString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double toHexString.


public static String toHexString(double d) 

Source Link


Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the double argument.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {



From source file:com.uber.stream.kafka.mirrormaker.controller.utils.KafkaStarterUtils.java

public static KafkaServerStartable startServer(final int port, final int brokerId, final String zkStr,
        final Properties configuration) {
    // Create the ZK nodes for Kafka, if needed
    int indexOfFirstSlash = zkStr.indexOf('/');
    if (indexOfFirstSlash != -1) {
        String bareZkUrl = zkStr.substring(0, indexOfFirstSlash);
        String zkNodePath = zkStr.substring(indexOfFirstSlash);
        ZkClient client = new ZkClient(bareZkUrl);
        client.createPersistent(zkNodePath, true);
        client.close();//  w ww .  j av  a  2s . c  o m

    File logDir = new File("/tmp/kafka-" + Double.toHexString(Math.random()));

    configureKafkaPort(configuration, port);
    configureZkConnectionString(configuration, zkStr);
    configureBrokerId(configuration, brokerId);
    configureKafkaLogDirectory(configuration, logDir);
    KafkaConfig config = new KafkaConfig(configuration);

    KafkaServerStartable serverStartable = new KafkaServerStartable(config);

    return serverStartable;

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.KafkaStarterUtils.java

public static List<KafkaServerStartable> startServers(final int brokerCount, final int port, final String zkStr,
        final Properties configuration) {
    List<KafkaServerStartable> startables = new ArrayList<>(brokerCount);

    for (int i = 0; i < brokerCount; i++) {
        startables.add(startServer(port + i, i, zkStr, "/tmp/kafka-" + Double.toHexString(Math.random()),
                configuration));/*from ww w .j  a v  a 2s  .  c o  m*/

    return startables;

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.KafkaStarterUtils.java

public static KafkaServerStartable startServer(final int port, final int brokerId, final String zkStr,
        final Properties configuration) {
    return startServer(port, brokerId, zkStr, "/tmp/kafka-" + Double.toHexString(Math.random()), configuration);

From source file:biz.fstechnology.micro.common.jms.RequestMessageCreator.java

 * @see org.springframework.jms.core.MessageCreator#createMessage(javax.jms.Session)
 *///from  ww w.j a v  a 2 s .  c o  m
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
    ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage();
    if (getRequestId() == null) {

    return message;

From source file:GeneticAlgorithm.SystemToSolve.java

public void solve_ODE_model(double[] parameters, String mem_address)
        throws ModelOverdeterminedException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
        IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchMethodException, XMLStreamException, IOException {

    if (SteadyState_OR_TimeCourse_data == true) { //solve model for steady state values
        for (int i = 0; i < conditions_list.size(); i++) {
            HashMap Enz_Conc_to_Update = conditions_list.get(i).get_proteins_info();
            HashMap BC_true_Met_to_Update = conditions_list.get(i).get_BCTrue_metabolites_info();

            if (BC_true_Met_to_Update.size() > 0) {
                for (Compound compound : Compounds) {
                    if (compound.getBoundaryCondition() == true) {
                        if (BC_true_Met_to_Update.containsKey(compound.getID()) == true) {
                            compound.setConcentration((double) BC_true_Met_to_Update.get(compound.getID()));
                        }//from   w  ww  . j  a  v  a  2  s .c o m
            if (Enz_Conc_to_Update.size() > 0) {
                for (ModelReaction rxn : Reactions) {
                    if (Enz_Conc_to_Update.containsKey(rxn.getEnzyme().getID()) == true) {
                                .setConcentration((double) Enz_Conc_to_Update.get(rxn.getEnzyme().getID()));

            String tmpname = mem_address;
            tmpname += "_" + i + ".xml";

            File tmpxml = new File(tmpname);
            if (tmpxml.exists()) {
                String rando = Double.toHexString(RN(0.01, 10) * RN(0.01, 10)).replaceAll("\\.", "_");
                tmpname += rando;
                tmpxml = new File(tmpname);

            if (BC_true_Met_to_Update.size() > 0 || Enz_Conc_to_Update.size() > 0) {
                link = tmpname;
            } else {
                link = originallink;

            sosLIBssSolver steadystateresults = new sosLIBssSolver(Compounds, Reactions, parameters, link);

            if (steadystateresults.solveSS() == true) {
                good_OR_bad_solution_forModel = true;
            } else {
                good_OR_bad_solution_forModel = false;


    } else { //solve model for time series output/values
        double[] time = data.returnTime();
        double[] parameter = parameters;
        int activeCompNum = 0;
        for (Compound comp : Compounds) {
            if (comp.getBoundaryCondition() == false) {

        String[] paranames = modelreactions.getParameterNames();
        String[] reactionID = modelreactions.getReactionID();
        String[] variables = new String[activeCompNum];
        String[] reactionID2 = modelreactions.getReactionID2();

        int count = 0;
        for (Compound comp : Compounds) {
            if (comp.getBoundaryCondition() == false) {
                variables[count] = comp.getID();

        TCodesolve ode = new TCodesolve(link, variables, getParametersCount(), paranames, reactionID,

        double output[][] = ode.runsolver(parameter, time);

        for (int j = 1; j < variables.length + 1 + reactionID2.length; j++) {
            double[] temparray = new double[time.length];
            for (int k = 0; k < time.length; k++) {
                temparray[k] = output[k][j];
            if ((j - 1) < activeCompNum) {
                TCestMetMap.put(variables[j - 1], temparray);
            } else {
                TCestFluxMap.put(reactionID2[j - activeCompNum - 1], temparray);

From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dvn.ingest.statdataio.impl.plugins.sav.SAVFileReader.java

void decodeRecordType2(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    dbgLog.fine("***** decodeRecordType2(): start *****");
    if (stream == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream == null!");
    }//from  w w  w. ja  va2s .  c  o  m

    Map<String, String> variableLabelMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    Map<String, List<String>> missingValueTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
    List<Integer> printFormatList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    String caseWeightVariableName = null;
    int caseWeightVariableIndex = 0;

    boolean lastVariableIsExtendable = false;
    boolean extendedVariableMode = false;
    boolean obs255 = false;

    String lastVariableName = null;
    String lastExtendedVariable = null;

    // this field repeats as many as the number of variables in
    // this sav file

    // (note that the above statement is not technically correct, this
    //  record repeats not just for every variable in the file, but for
    //  every OBS (8 byte unit); i.e., if a string is split into multiple
    //  OBS units, each one will have its own RT2 record -- L.A.).

    // Each field constists of a fixed (32-byte) segment and
    // then a few variable segments:
    // if the variable has a label (3rd INT4 set to 1), then there's 4 more
    // bytes specifying the length of the label, and then that many bytes
    // holding the label itself (no more than 256).
    // Then if there are optional missing value units (4th INT4 set to 1)
    // there will be 3 more OBS units attached = 24 extra bytes.

    int variableCounter = 0;
    int obsSeqNumber = 0;

    int j;

    dbgLog.fine("RT2: Reading " + OBSUnitsPerCase + " OBS units.");

    for (j = 0; j < OBSUnitsPerCase; j++) {

        dbgLog.fine("RT2: \n\n+++++++++++ " + j + "-th RT2 unit is to be decoded +++++++++++");
        // 2.0: read the fixed[=non-optional] 32-byte segment
        byte[] recordType2Fixed = new byte[LENGTH_RECORDTYPE2_FIXED];

        try {
            int nbytes = stream.read(recordType2Fixed, 0, LENGTH_RECORDTYPE2_FIXED);

            //printHexDump(recordType2Fixed, "recordType2 part 1");

            if (nbytes == 0) {
                throw new IOException("reading recordType2: no bytes read!");

            int offset = 0;

            // 2.1: create int-view of the bytebuffer for the first 16-byte segment
            int rt2_1st_4_units = 4;
            ByteBuffer[] bb_record_type2_fixed_part1 = new ByteBuffer[rt2_1st_4_units];
            int[] recordType2FixedPart1 = new int[rt2_1st_4_units];
            for (int i = 0; i < rt2_1st_4_units; i++) {

                bb_record_type2_fixed_part1[i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(recordType2Fixed, offset,

                offset += LENGTH_SAV_INT_BLOCK;
                if (isLittleEndian) {
                recordType2FixedPart1[i] = bb_record_type2_fixed_part1[i].getInt();

            dbgLog.fine("recordType2FixedPart=" + ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(recordType2FixedPart1,

            // 1st ([0]) element must be 2 otherwise no longer Record Type 2
            if (recordType2FixedPart1[0] != 2) {
                dbgLog.info(j + "-th RT header value is no longet RT2! " + recordType2FixedPart1[0]);
                //throw new IOException("RT2 reading error: The current position is no longer Record Type 2");
            dbgLog.fine("variable type[must be 2]=" + recordType2FixedPart1[0]);

            // 2.3 variable name: 8 byte(space[x20]-padded)
            // This field is located at the very end of the 32 byte
            // fixed-size RT2 header (bytes 24-31).
            // We are processing it now, so that
            // we can make the decision on whether this variable is part
            // of a compound variable:

            String RawVariableName = new String(
                    Arrays.copyOfRange(recordType2Fixed, 24, (24 + LENGTH_VARIABLE_NAME)), defaultCharSet);
            //offset +=LENGTH_VARIABLE_NAME;
            String variableName = null;
            if (RawVariableName.indexOf(' ') >= 0) {
                variableName = RawVariableName.substring(0, RawVariableName.indexOf(' '));
            } else {
                variableName = RawVariableName;

            // 2nd ([1]) element: numeric variable = 0 :for string variable
            // this block indicates its datum-length, i.e, >0 ;
            // if -1, this RT2 unit is a non-1st RT2 unit for a string variable
            // whose value is longer than 8 character.

            boolean isNumericVariable = false;

            dbgLog.fine("variable type(0: numeric; > 0: String;-1 continue )=" + recordType2FixedPart1[1]);


            int HowManyRt2Units = 1;

            if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == -1) {
                dbgLog.fine("this RT2 is an 8 bit continuation chunk of an earlier string variable");
                if (obs255) {
                    if (obsSeqNumber < 30) {
                    } else {
                        obs255 = false;
                        obsSeqNumber = 0;
                } else {

            } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == 0) {
                // This is a numeric variable
                extendedVariableMode = false;
                // And as such, it cannot be an extension of a
                // previous, long string variable.
                isNumericVariable = true;
            } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] > 0) {

                // This looks like a regular string variable. However,
                // it may still be a part of a compound variable
                // (a String > 255 bytes that was split into 255 byte
                // chunks, stored as individual String variables).

                if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == 255) {
                    obs255 = true;

                if (lastVariableIsExtendable) {
                    String varNameBase = null;
                    if (lastVariableName.length() > 5) {
                        varNameBase = lastVariableName.substring(0, 5);
                    } else {
                        varNameBase = lastVariableName;

                    if (extendedVariableMode) {
                        if (variableNameIsAnIncrement(varNameBase, lastExtendedVariable, variableName)) {
                            lastExtendedVariable = variableName;
                            // OK, we stay in the "extended variable" mode;
                            // but we can't move on to the next OBS (hence the commented out
                            // "continue" below:
                            // see the next comment below for the explanation.
                            // Should we also set "extendable" flag to false at this point
                            // if it's shorter than 255 bytes, i.e. the last extended chunk?
                        } else {
                            extendedVariableMode = false;
                    } else {
                        if (variableNameIsAnIncrement(varNameBase, variableName)) {
                            extendedVariableMode = true;
                            dbgLog.fine("RT2: in extended variable mode; variable " + variableName);
                            lastExtendedVariable = variableName;
                            // Before we move on to the next OBS unit, we need to check
                            // if this current extended variable has its own label specified;
                            // If so, we need to determine its length, then read and skip
                            // that many bytes.
                            // Hence the commented out "continue" below:

                if (!extendedVariableMode) {
                    // OK, this is a "real"
                    // string variable, and not a continuation chunk of a compound
                    // string.


                    if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == 255) {
                        // This variable is 255 bytes long, i.e. this is
                        // either the single "atomic" variable of the
                        // max allowed size, or it's a 255 byte segment
                        // of a compound variable. So we will check
                        // the next variable and see if it is the continuation
                        // of this one.

                        lastVariableIsExtendable = true;
                    } else {
                        lastVariableIsExtendable = false;

                    if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] % LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK == 0) {
                        HowManyRt2Units = recordType2FixedPart1[1] / LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;
                    } else {
                        HowManyRt2Units = recordType2FixedPart1[1] / LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK + 1;

            if (!extendedVariableMode) {
                // Again, we only want to do the following steps for the "real"
                // variables, not the chunks of split mega-variables:

                dbgLog.fine("RT2: HowManyRt2Units for this variable=" + HowManyRt2Units);

                lastVariableName = variableName;

                // caseWeightVariableOBSIndex starts from 1: 0 is used for does-not-exist cases
                if (j == (caseWeightVariableOBSIndex - 1)) {
                    caseWeightVariableName = variableName;
                    caseWeightVariableIndex = variableCounter;

                    smd.getFileInformation().put("caseWeightVariableIndex", caseWeightVariableIndex);

                OBSIndexToVariableName.put(j, variableName);

                //dbgLog.fine("\nvariable name="+variableName+"<-");
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: " + j + "-th variable name=" + variableName + "<-");
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: raw variable: " + RawVariableName);


            // 3rd ([2]) element: = 1 variable-label block follows; 0 = no label
            dbgLog.fine("RT: variable label follows?(1:yes; 0: no)=" + recordType2FixedPart1[2]);
            boolean hasVariableLabel = recordType2FixedPart1[2] == 1 ? true : false;
            if ((recordType2FixedPart1[2] != 0) && (recordType2FixedPart1[2] != 1)) {
                throw new IOException("RT2: reading error: value is neither 0 or 1" + recordType2FixedPart1[2]);

            // 2.4 [optional]The length of a variable label followed: 4-byte int
            // 3rd element of 2.1 indicates whether this field exists
            // *** warning: The label block is padded to a multiple of the 4-byte
            // NOT the raw integer value of this 4-byte block

            if (hasVariableLabel) {
                byte[] length_variable_label = new byte[4];
                int nbytes_2_4 = stream.read(length_variable_label);
                if (nbytes_2_4 == 0) {
                    throw new IOException("RT 2: error reading recordType2.4: no bytes read!");
                } else {
                    dbgLog.fine("nbytes_2_4=" + nbytes_2_4);
                ByteBuffer bb_length_variable_label = ByteBuffer.wrap(length_variable_label, 0,
                if (isLittleEndian) {
                int rawVariableLabelLength = bb_length_variable_label.getInt();

                dbgLog.fine("rawVariableLabelLength=" + rawVariableLabelLength);
                int variableLabelLength = getSAVintAdjustedBlockLength(rawVariableLabelLength);
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: variableLabelLength=" + variableLabelLength);

                // 2.5 [optional]variable label whose length is found at 2.4

                String variableLabel = "";

                if (rawVariableLabelLength > 0) {
                    byte[] variable_label = new byte[variableLabelLength];
                    int nbytes_2_5 = stream.read(variable_label);
                    if (nbytes_2_5 == 0) {
                        throw new IOException("RT 2: error reading recordType2.5: " + variableLabelLength
                                + " bytes requested, no bytes read!");
                    } else {
                        dbgLog.fine("nbytes_2_5=" + nbytes_2_5);
                    variableLabel = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(variable_label, 0, rawVariableLabelLength),
                    dbgLog.fine("RT2: variableLabel=" + variableLabel + "<-");

                    dbgLog.info(variableName + " => " + variableLabel);
                } else {
                    dbgLog.fine("RT2: defaulting to empty variable label.");

                if (!extendedVariableMode) {
                    // We only have any use for this label if it's a "real" variable.
                    // Thinking about it, it doesn't make much sense for the "fake"
                    // variables that are actually chunks of large strings to store
                    // their own labels. But in some files they do. Then failing to read
                    // the bytes would result in getting out of sync with the RT record
                    // borders. So we always read the bytes, but only use them for
                    // the real variable entries.
                    /*String variableLabel = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(variable_label,
                        0, rawVariableLabelLength),"US-ASCII");*/

                    variableLabelMap.put(variableName, variableLabel);

            if (extendedVariableMode) {
                // there's nothing else left for us to do in this iteration of the loop.
                // Once again, this was not a real variable, but a dummy variable entry
                // created for a chunk of a string variable longer than 255 bytes --
                // that's how SPSS stores them.

            // 4th ([3]) element: Missing value type code
            // 0[none], 1, 2, 3 [point-type],-2[range], -3 [range type+ point]

            dbgLog.fine("RT: missing value unit follows?(if 0, none)=" + recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
            boolean hasMissingValues = (validMissingValueCodeSet.contains(recordType2FixedPart1[3])
                    && (recordType2FixedPart1[3] != 0)) ? true : false;

            InvalidData invalidDataInfo = null;

            if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] != 0) {
                invalidDataInfo = new InvalidData(recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
                dbgLog.fine("RT: missing value type=" + invalidDataInfo.getType());

            // 2.2: print/write formats: 4-byte each = 8 bytes

            byte[] printFormt = Arrays.copyOfRange(recordType2Fixed, offset, offset + LENGTH_PRINT_FORMAT_CODE);
            dbgLog.fine("printFrmt=" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(printFormt)));

            offset += LENGTH_PRINT_FORMAT_CODE;
            int formatCode = isLittleEndian ? printFormt[2] : printFormt[1];
            int formatWidth = isLittleEndian ? printFormt[1] : printFormt[2];
            int formatDecimalPointPosition = isLittleEndian ? printFormt[0] : printFormt[3];
            dbgLog.fine("RT2: format code{5=F, 1=A[String]}=" + formatCode);


            if (!SPSSConstants.FORMAT_CODE_TABLE_SAV.containsKey(formatCode)) {
                throw new IOException("Unknown format code was found = " + formatCode);
            } else {

            byte[] writeFormt = Arrays.copyOfRange(recordType2Fixed, offset, offset + LENGTH_WRITE_FORMAT_CODE);

            dbgLog.fine("RT2: writeFrmt=" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(writeFormt)));
            if (writeFormt[3] != 0x00) {
                dbgLog.fine("byte-order(write format): reversal required");

            offset += LENGTH_WRITE_FORMAT_CODE;

            if (!SPSSConstants.ORDINARY_FORMAT_CODE_SET.contains(formatCode)) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
                        SPSSConstants.FORMAT_CODE_TABLE_SAV.get(formatCode) + formatWidth);
                if (formatDecimalPointPosition > 0) {
                    sb.append("." + formatDecimalPointPosition);
                dbgLog.info("formattable[i] = " + variableName + " -> " + sb.toString());
                printFormatNameTable.put(variableName, sb.toString());


            printFormatTable.put(variableName, SPSSConstants.FORMAT_CODE_TABLE_SAV.get(formatCode));

            // 2.6 [optional] missing values:4-byte each if exists
            // 4th element of 2.1 indicates the structure of this sub-field

            // Should we perhaps check for this for the "fake" variables too?

            if (hasMissingValues) {
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: decoding missing value: type=" + recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
                int howManyMissingValueUnits = missingValueCodeUnits.get(recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
                //int howManyMissingValueUnits = recordType2FixedPart1[3] > 0 ? recordType2FixedPart1[3] :  0;

                dbgLog.fine("RT2: howManyMissingValueUnits=" + howManyMissingValueUnits);

                byte[] missing_value_code_units = new byte[LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK * howManyMissingValueUnits];
                int nbytes_2_6 = stream.read(missing_value_code_units);

                if (nbytes_2_6 == 0) {
                    throw new IOException("RT 2: reading recordType2.6: no byte was read");
                } else {
                    dbgLog.fine("nbytes_2_6=" + nbytes_2_6);

                //printHexDump(missing_value_code_units, "missing value");

                if (isNumericVariable) {

                    double[] missingValues = new double[howManyMissingValueUnits];
                    //List<String> mvp = new ArrayList<String>();
                    List<String> mv = new ArrayList<String>();

                    ByteBuffer[] bb_missig_value_code = new ByteBuffer[howManyMissingValueUnits];

                    int offset_start = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < howManyMissingValueUnits; i++) {

                        bb_missig_value_code[i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(missing_value_code_units, offset_start,

                        offset_start += LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;
                        if (isLittleEndian) {

                        ByteBuffer temp = bb_missig_value_code[i].duplicate();

                        missingValues[i] = bb_missig_value_code[i].getDouble();
                        if (Double.toHexString(missingValues[i]).equals("-0x1.ffffffffffffep1023")) {
                            dbgLog.fine("1st value is LOWEST");
                        } else if (Double.valueOf(missingValues[i]).equals(Double.MAX_VALUE)) {
                            dbgLog.fine("2nd value is HIGHEST");
                        } else {
                        dbgLog.fine(i + "-th missing value=" + Double.toHexString(missingValues[i]));

                    dbgLog.fine("variableName=" + variableName);
                    if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] > 0) {
                        // point cases only
                        dbgLog.fine("mv(>0)=" + mv);
                        missingValueTable.put(variableName, mv);
                    } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] == -2) {
                        dbgLog.fine("mv(-2)=" + mv);
                        // range
                    } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] == -3) {
                        // mixed case
                        dbgLog.fine("mv(-3)=" + mv);
                        invalidDataInfo.setInvalidRange(mv.subList(0, 2));
                        invalidDataInfo.setInvalidValues(mv.subList(2, 3));
                        missingValueTable.put(variableName, mv.subList(2, 3));

                    dbgLog.fine("missing value=" + StringUtils.join(missingValueTable.get(variableName), "|"));
                    dbgLog.fine("invalidDataInfo(Numeric):\n" + invalidDataInfo);
                    invalidDataTable.put(variableName, invalidDataInfo);
                } else {
                    // string variable case
                    String[] missingValues = new String[howManyMissingValueUnits];
                    List<String> mv = new ArrayList<String>();
                    int offset_start = 0;
                    int offset_end = LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;
                    for (int i = 0; i < howManyMissingValueUnits; i++) {

                        missingValues[i] = StringUtils.stripEnd(new String(
                                Arrays.copyOfRange(missing_value_code_units, offset_start, offset_end),
                                defaultCharSet), " ");
                        dbgLog.fine("missing value=" + missingValues[i] + "<-");

                        offset_start = offset_end;
                        offset_end += LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;

                    missingValueTable.put(variableName, mv);
                    invalidDataTable.put(variableName, invalidDataInfo);
                            "missing value(str)=" + StringUtils.join(missingValueTable.get(variableName), "|"));
                    dbgLog.fine("invalidDataInfo(String):\n" + invalidDataInfo);

                } // string case
                dbgLog.fine("invalidDataTable:\n" + invalidDataTable);
            } // if msv

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // should we be throwing some exception here?
    } // j-loop

    if (j == OBSUnitsPerCase) {
        dbgLog.fine("RT2 metadata-related exit-chores");
        smd.getFileInformation().put("varQnty", variableCounter);
        varQnty = variableCounter;
        dbgLog.fine("RT2: varQnty=" + varQnty);

        smd.setVariableName(variableNameList.toArray(new String[variableNameList.size()]));
        smd.getFileInformation().put("caseWeightVariableName", caseWeightVariableName);

        dbgLog.info("sumstat:long case=" + Arrays.deepToString(variableTypelList.toArray()));


        dbgLog.info("printFormatList = " + printFormatList);
        dbgLog.info("printFormatNameTable = " + printFormatNameTable);
        // dbgLog.info("formatCategoryTable = " + formatCategoryTable);

        dbgLog.fine("RT2: OBSwiseTypelList=" + OBSwiseTypelList);

        // variableType is determined after the valueTable is finalized
    } else {
        dbgLog.info("RT2: attention! didn't reach the end of the OBS list!");
        throw new IOException("RT2: didn't reach the end of the OBS list!");
    dbgLog.fine("***** decodeRecordType2(): end *****");

From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dataverse.ingest.tabulardata.impl.plugins.sav.SAVFileReader.java

void decodeRecordType2(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    dbgLog.fine("decodeRecordType2(): start");
    if (stream == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream == null!");
    }//from   ww w. j a  va 2 s . c  o  m

    Map<String, String> printFormatNameTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    Map<String, String> variableLabelMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    Map<String, List<String>> missingValueTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
    List<Integer> printFormatList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    String caseWeightVariableName = null;
    int caseWeightVariableIndex = 0;

    boolean lastVariableIsExtendable = false;
    boolean extendedVariableMode = false;
    boolean obs255 = false;

    String lastVariableName = null;
    String lastExtendedVariable = null;

    // this field repeats as many as the number of variables in
    // this sav file

    // (note that the above statement is not technically correct, this
    //  record repeats not just for every variable in the file, but for
    //  every OBS (8 byte unit); i.e., if a string is split into multiple
    //  OBS units, each one will have its own RT2 record -- L.A.).

    // Each field constists of a fixed (32-byte) segment and
    // then a few variable segments:
    // if the variable has a label (3rd INT4 set to 1), then there's 4 more
    // bytes specifying the length of the label, and then that many bytes
    // holding the label itself (no more than 256).
    // Then if there are optional missing value units (4th INT4 set to 1)
    // there will be 3 more OBS units attached = 24 extra bytes.

    int variableCounter = 0;
    int obsSeqNumber = 0;

    int j;

    dbgLog.fine("RT2: Reading " + OBSUnitsPerCase + " OBS units.");

    for (j = 0; j < OBSUnitsPerCase; j++) {

        dbgLog.fine("RT2: " + j + "-th RT2 unit is being decoded.");
        // 2.0: read the fixed[=non-optional] 32-byte segment
        byte[] recordType2Fixed = new byte[LENGTH_RECORDTYPE2_FIXED];

        try {
            int nbytes = stream.read(recordType2Fixed, 0, LENGTH_RECORDTYPE2_FIXED);

            //printHexDump(recordType2Fixed, "recordType2 part 1");

            if (nbytes == 0) {
                throw new IOException("reading recordType2: no bytes read!");

            int offset = 0;

            // 2.1: create int-view of the bytebuffer for the first 16-byte segment
            int rt2_1st_4_units = 4;
            ByteBuffer[] bb_record_type2_fixed_part1 = new ByteBuffer[rt2_1st_4_units];
            int[] recordType2FixedPart1 = new int[rt2_1st_4_units];
            for (int i = 0; i < rt2_1st_4_units; i++) {

                bb_record_type2_fixed_part1[i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(recordType2Fixed, offset,

                offset += LENGTH_SAV_INT_BLOCK;
                if (isLittleEndian) {
                recordType2FixedPart1[i] = bb_record_type2_fixed_part1[i].getInt();

            ///        ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(recordType2FixedPart1, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE));

            // 1st ([0]) element must be 2 otherwise no longer Record Type 2
            if (recordType2FixedPart1[0] != 2) {
                dbgLog.warning(j + "-th RT header value is no longet RT2! " + recordType2FixedPart1[0]);
            dbgLog.fine("variable type[must be 2]=" + recordType2FixedPart1[0]);

            // 2.3 variable name: 8 byte(space[x20]-padded)
            // This field is located at the very end of the 32 byte
            // fixed-size RT2 header (bytes 24-31).
            // We are processing it now, so that
            // we can make the decision on whether this variable is part
            // of a compound variable:

            String RawVariableName = getNullStrippedString(new String(
                    Arrays.copyOfRange(recordType2Fixed, 24, (24 + LENGTH_VARIABLE_NAME)), defaultCharSet));
            //offset +=LENGTH_VARIABLE_NAME;
            String variableName = null;
            if (RawVariableName.indexOf(' ') >= 0) {
                variableName = RawVariableName.substring(0, RawVariableName.indexOf(' '));
            } else {
                variableName = RawVariableName;

            // 2nd ([1]) element: numeric variable = 0 :for string variable
            // this block indicates its datum-length, i.e, >0 ;
            // if -1, this RT2 unit is a non-1st RT2 unit for a string variable
            // whose value is longer than 8 character.

            boolean isNumericVariable = false;

            dbgLog.fine("variable type(0: numeric; > 0: String;-1 continue )=" + recordType2FixedPart1[1]);


            int HowManyRt2Units = 1;

            if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == -1) {
                dbgLog.fine("this RT2 is an 8 bit continuation chunk of an earlier string variable");
                if (obs255) {
                    if (obsSeqNumber < 30) {
                    } else {
                        obs255 = false;
                        obsSeqNumber = 0;
                } else {

            } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == 0) {
                // This is a numeric variable
                extendedVariableMode = false;
                // And as such, it cannot be an extension of a
                // previous, long string variable.
                isNumericVariable = true;
            } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] > 0) {

                // This looks like a regular string variable. However,
                // it may still be a part of a compound variable
                // (a String > 255 bytes that was split into 255 byte
                // chunks, stored as individual String variables).

                if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == 255) {
                    obs255 = true;

                if (lastVariableIsExtendable) {
                    String varNameBase = null;
                    if (lastVariableName.length() > 5) {
                        varNameBase = lastVariableName.substring(0, 5);
                    } else {
                        varNameBase = lastVariableName;

                    if (extendedVariableMode) {
                        if (variableNameIsAnIncrement(varNameBase, lastExtendedVariable, variableName)) {
                            lastExtendedVariable = variableName;
                            // OK, we stay in the "extended variable" mode;
                            // but we can't move on to the next OBS (hence the commented out
                            // "continue" below:
                            // see the next comment below for the explanation.
                            // Should we also set "extendable" flag to false at this point
                            // if it's shorter than 255 bytes, i.e. the last extended chunk?
                        } else {
                            extendedVariableMode = false;
                    } else {
                        if (variableNameIsAnIncrement(varNameBase, variableName)) {
                            extendedVariableMode = true;
                            dbgLog.fine("RT2: in extended variable mode; variable " + variableName);
                            lastExtendedVariable = variableName;
                            // Before we move on to the next OBS unit, we need to check
                            // if this current extended variable has its own label specified;
                            // If so, we need to determine its length, then read and skip
                            // that many bytes.
                            // Hence the commented out "continue" below:

                if (!extendedVariableMode) {
                    // OK, this is a "real"
                    // string variable, and not a continuation chunk of a compound
                    // string.


                    if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] == 255) {
                        // This variable is 255 bytes long, i.e. this is
                        // either the single "atomic" variable of the
                        // max allowed size, or it's a 255 byte segment
                        // of a compound variable. So we will check
                        // the next variable and see if it is the continuation
                        // of this one.

                        lastVariableIsExtendable = true;
                    } else {
                        lastVariableIsExtendable = false;

                    if (recordType2FixedPart1[1] % LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK == 0) {
                        HowManyRt2Units = recordType2FixedPart1[1] / LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;
                    } else {
                        HowManyRt2Units = recordType2FixedPart1[1] / LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK + 1;

            if (!extendedVariableMode) {
                // Again, we only want to do the following steps for the "real"
                // variables, not the chunks of split mega-variables:

                dbgLog.fine("RT2: HowManyRt2Units for this variable=" + HowManyRt2Units);

                lastVariableName = variableName;

                // caseWeightVariableOBSIndex starts from 1: 0 is used for does-not-exist cases
                if (j == (caseWeightVariableOBSIndex - 1)) {
                    caseWeightVariableName = variableName;
                    // TODO: do we need this "index"? -- 4.0 alpha
                    caseWeightVariableIndex = variableCounter;

                    ///smd.getFileInformation().put("caseWeightVariableIndex", caseWeightVariableIndex);

                OBSIndexToVariableName.put(j, variableName);

                //dbgLog.fine("\nvariable name="+variableName+"<-");
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: " + j + "-th variable name=" + variableName + "<-");
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: raw variable: " + RawVariableName);


            // 3rd ([2]) element: = 1 variable-label block follows; 0 = no label
            dbgLog.fine("RT: variable label follows?(1:yes; 0: no)=" + recordType2FixedPart1[2]);
            boolean hasVariableLabel = recordType2FixedPart1[2] == 1 ? true : false;
            if ((recordType2FixedPart1[2] != 0) && (recordType2FixedPart1[2] != 1)) {
                throw new IOException("RT2: reading error: value is neither 0 or 1" + recordType2FixedPart1[2]);

            // 2.4 [optional]The length of a variable label followed: 4-byte int
            // 3rd element of 2.1 indicates whether this field exists
            // *** warning: The label block is padded to a multiple of the 4-byte
            // NOT the raw integer value of this 4-byte block

            if (hasVariableLabel) {
                byte[] length_variable_label = new byte[4];
                int nbytes_2_4 = stream.read(length_variable_label);
                if (nbytes_2_4 == 0) {
                    throw new IOException("RT 2: error reading recordType2.4: no bytes read!");
                } else {
                    dbgLog.fine("nbytes_2_4=" + nbytes_2_4);
                ByteBuffer bb_length_variable_label = ByteBuffer.wrap(length_variable_label, 0,
                if (isLittleEndian) {
                int rawVariableLabelLength = bb_length_variable_label.getInt();

                dbgLog.fine("rawVariableLabelLength=" + rawVariableLabelLength);
                int variableLabelLength = getSAVintAdjustedBlockLength(rawVariableLabelLength);
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: variableLabelLength=" + variableLabelLength);

                // 2.5 [optional]variable label whose length is found at 2.4

                String variableLabel = "";

                if (rawVariableLabelLength > 0) {
                    byte[] variable_label = new byte[variableLabelLength];
                    int nbytes_2_5 = stream.read(variable_label);
                    if (nbytes_2_5 == 0) {
                        throw new IOException("RT 2: error reading recordType2.5: " + variableLabelLength
                                + " bytes requested, no bytes read!");
                    } else {
                        dbgLog.fine("nbytes_2_5=" + nbytes_2_5);
                    variableLabel = getNullStrippedString(new String(
                            Arrays.copyOfRange(variable_label, 0, rawVariableLabelLength), defaultCharSet));
                    dbgLog.fine("RT2: variableLabel=" + variableLabel + "<-");

                    dbgLog.fine(variableName + " => " + variableLabel);
                } else {
                    dbgLog.fine("RT2: defaulting to empty variable label.");

                if (!extendedVariableMode) {
                    // We only have any use for this label if it's a "real" variable.
                    // Thinking about it, it doesn't make much sense for the "fake"
                    // variables that are actually chunks of large strings to store
                    // their own labels. But in some files they do. Then failing to read
                    // the bytes would result in getting out of sync with the RT record
                    // borders. So we always read the bytes, but only use them for
                    // the real variable entries.
                    /*String variableLabel = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(variable_label,
                        0, rawVariableLabelLength),"US-ASCII");*/

                    variableLabelMap.put(variableName, variableLabel);

            if (extendedVariableMode) {
                // there's nothing else left for us to do in this iteration of the loop.
                // Once again, this was not a real variable, but a dummy variable entry
                // created for a chunk of a string variable longer than 255 bytes --
                // that's how SPSS stores them.

            // 4th ([3]) element: Missing value type code
            // 0[none], 1, 2, 3 [point-type],-2[range], -3 [range type+ point]

            dbgLog.fine("RT: missing value unit follows?(if 0, none)=" + recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
            boolean hasMissingValues = (validMissingValueCodeSet.contains(recordType2FixedPart1[3])
                    && (recordType2FixedPart1[3] != 0)) ? true : false;

            InvalidData invalidDataInfo = null;

            if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] != 0) {
                invalidDataInfo = new InvalidData(recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
                dbgLog.fine("RT: missing value type=" + invalidDataInfo.getType());

            // 2.2: print/write formats: 4-byte each = 8 bytes

            byte[] printFormt = Arrays.copyOfRange(recordType2Fixed, offset, offset + LENGTH_PRINT_FORMAT_CODE);
            dbgLog.fine("printFrmt=" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(printFormt)));

            offset += LENGTH_PRINT_FORMAT_CODE;
            int formatCode = isLittleEndian ? printFormt[2] : printFormt[1];
            int formatWidth = isLittleEndian ? printFormt[1] : printFormt[2];

            // TODO: 
            // What should we be doing with these "format decimal positions" 
            // in 4.0? 
            // -- L.A. 4.0 alpha

            int formatDecimalPointPosition = isLittleEndian ? printFormt[0] : printFormt[3];
            dbgLog.fine("RT2: format code{5=F, 1=A[String]}=" + formatCode);


            if (!SPSSConstants.FORMAT_CODE_TABLE_SAV.containsKey(formatCode)) {
                throw new IOException("Unknown format code was found = " + formatCode);
            } else {

            byte[] writeFormt = Arrays.copyOfRange(recordType2Fixed, offset, offset + LENGTH_WRITE_FORMAT_CODE);

            dbgLog.fine("RT2: writeFrmt=" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(writeFormt)));
            if (writeFormt[3] != 0x00) {
                dbgLog.fine("byte-order(write format): reversal required");

            offset += LENGTH_WRITE_FORMAT_CODE;

            if (!SPSSConstants.ORDINARY_FORMAT_CODE_SET.contains(formatCode)) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
                        SPSSConstants.FORMAT_CODE_TABLE_SAV.get(formatCode) + formatWidth);
                if (formatDecimalPointPosition > 0) {
                    sb.append("." + formatDecimalPointPosition);
                dbgLog.fine("formattable[i] = " + variableName + " -> " + sb.toString());
                printFormatNameTable.put(variableName, sb.toString());


            printFormatTable.put(variableName, SPSSConstants.FORMAT_CODE_TABLE_SAV.get(formatCode));

            // 2.6 [optional] missing values:4-byte each if exists
            // 4th element of 2.1 indicates the structure of this sub-field

            // Should we perhaps check for this for the "fake" variables too?

            if (hasMissingValues) {
                dbgLog.fine("RT2: decoding missing value: type=" + recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
                int howManyMissingValueUnits = missingValueCodeUnits.get(recordType2FixedPart1[3]);
                //int howManyMissingValueUnits = recordType2FixedPart1[3] > 0 ? recordType2FixedPart1[3] :  0;

                dbgLog.fine("RT2: howManyMissingValueUnits=" + howManyMissingValueUnits);

                byte[] missing_value_code_units = new byte[LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK * howManyMissingValueUnits];
                int nbytes_2_6 = stream.read(missing_value_code_units);

                if (nbytes_2_6 == 0) {
                    throw new IOException("RT 2: reading recordType2.6: no byte was read");
                } else {
                    dbgLog.fine("nbytes_2_6=" + nbytes_2_6);

                //printHexDump(missing_value_code_units, "missing value");

                if (isNumericVariable) {

                    double[] missingValues = new double[howManyMissingValueUnits];
                    //List<String> mvp = new ArrayList<String>();
                    List<String> mv = new ArrayList<String>();

                    ByteBuffer[] bb_missig_value_code = new ByteBuffer[howManyMissingValueUnits];

                    int offset_start = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < howManyMissingValueUnits; i++) {

                        bb_missig_value_code[i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(missing_value_code_units, offset_start,

                        offset_start += LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;
                        if (isLittleEndian) {

                        ByteBuffer temp = bb_missig_value_code[i].duplicate();

                        missingValues[i] = bb_missig_value_code[i].getDouble();
                        if (Double.toHexString(missingValues[i]).equals("-0x1.ffffffffffffep1023")) {
                            dbgLog.fine("1st value is LOWEST");
                        } else if (Double.valueOf(missingValues[i]).equals(Double.MAX_VALUE)) {
                            dbgLog.fine("2nd value is HIGHEST");
                        } else {
                        dbgLog.fine(i + "-th missing value=" + Double.toHexString(missingValues[i]));

                    dbgLog.fine("variableName=" + variableName);
                    if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] > 0) {
                        // point cases only
                        dbgLog.fine("mv(>0)=" + mv);
                        missingValueTable.put(variableName, mv);
                    } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] == -2) {
                        dbgLog.fine("mv(-2)=" + mv);
                        // range
                    } else if (recordType2FixedPart1[3] == -3) {
                        // mixed case
                        dbgLog.fine("mv(-3)=" + mv);
                        invalidDataInfo.setInvalidRange(mv.subList(0, 2));
                        invalidDataInfo.setInvalidValues(mv.subList(2, 3));
                        missingValueTable.put(variableName, mv.subList(2, 3));

                    dbgLog.fine("missing value=" + StringUtils.join(missingValueTable.get(variableName), "|"));
                    dbgLog.fine("invalidDataInfo(Numeric):\n" + invalidDataInfo);
                    invalidDataTable.put(variableName, invalidDataInfo);
                } else {
                    // string variable case
                    String[] missingValues = new String[howManyMissingValueUnits];
                    List<String> mv = new ArrayList<String>();
                    int offset_start = 0;
                    int offset_end = LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;
                    for (int i = 0; i < howManyMissingValueUnits; i++) {

                        missingValues[i] = StringUtils.stripEnd(new String(
                                Arrays.copyOfRange(missing_value_code_units, offset_start, offset_end),
                                defaultCharSet), " ");
                        dbgLog.fine("missing value=" + missingValues[i] + "<-");

                        offset_start = offset_end;
                        offset_end += LENGTH_SAV_OBS_BLOCK;

                    missingValueTable.put(variableName, mv);
                    invalidDataTable.put(variableName, invalidDataInfo);
                            "missing value(str)=" + StringUtils.join(missingValueTable.get(variableName), "|"));
                    dbgLog.fine("invalidDataInfo(String):\n" + invalidDataInfo);

                } // string case
                dbgLog.fine("invalidDataTable:\n" + invalidDataTable);
            } // if msv

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // should we be throwing some exception here?
    } // j-loop

    if (j != OBSUnitsPerCase) {
        dbgLog.fine("RT2: attention! didn't reach the end of the OBS list!");
        throw new IOException("RT2: didn't reach the end of the OBS list!");

    dbgLog.fine("RT2 metadata-related exit-chores");
    ///smd.getFileInformation().put("varQnty", variableCounter);
    dataTable.setVarQuantity(new Long(variableCounter));
    dbgLog.fine("RT2: varQnty=" + variableCounter);

    // 4.0 Initialize variables: 
    List<DataVariable> variableList = new ArrayList<DataVariable>();

    for (int i = 0; i < variableCounter; i++) {
        DataVariable dv = new DataVariable();
        String varName = variableNameList.get(i);
        dbgLog.fine("name: " + varName);
        String varLabel = variableLabelMap.get(varName);
        if (varLabel != null && varLabel.length() > 255) {
            // TODO: 
            // variable labels will be changed into type 'TEXT' in the 
            // database - this will eliminate the 255 char. limit. 
            // -- L.A. 4.0 beta11
            dbgLog.fine("Have to truncate label: " + varLabel);
            varLabel = varLabel.substring(0, 255);
        dbgLog.fine("label: " + varLabel);

        dv.setInvalidRanges(new ArrayList<VariableRange>());
        dv.setSummaryStatistics(new ArrayList<SummaryStatistic>());
        dv.setCategories(new ArrayList<VariableCategory>());




    ///smd.setVariableName(variableNameList.toArray(new String[variableNameList.size()]));
    // TODO: 
    // figure out what to do with the missing value table!
    // -- 4.0 alpha
    // well, they were used to generate merged summary statistics for 
    // the variable. So need to verify what the DDI import was doing 
    // with them and replicate the same in 4.0.
    // (add appropriate value labels?)
    ///TODO: 4.0 smd.setMissingValueTable(missingValueTable);
    ///smd.getFileInformation().put("caseWeightVariableName", caseWeightVariableName);

    dbgLog.fine("sumstat:long case=" + Arrays.deepToString(variableTypelList.toArray()));

    dbgLog.fine("RT2: OBSwiseTypelList=" + OBSwiseTypelList);

    dbgLog.fine("decodeRecordType2(): end");

From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dvn.ingest.statdataio.impl.plugins.sav.SAVFileReader.java

void decodeRecordType7(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    dbgLog.fine("***** decodeRecordType7(): start *****");
    int counter = 0;
    int[] headerSection = new int[2];

    // the variables below may no longer needed; 
    // but they may be useful for debugging/logging purposes.

    /// // RecordType 7 
    /// // Subtype 3
    /// List<Integer> releaseMachineSpecificInfo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    /// List<String> releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex = new ArrayList<String>();

    /// // Subytpe 4
    /// Map<String, Double> OBSTypeValue = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
    /// Map<String, String> OBSTypeHexValue = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();    
    //Subtype 11//from   w w w  . j a v a  2s.  com
    /// List<Integer> measurementLevel = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    /// List<Integer> columnWidth = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    /// List<Integer> alignment = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    Map<String, String> shortToLongVarialbeNameTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

    while (true) {
        try {
            if (stream == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RT7: stream == null!");
            // first check the 4-byte header value
            //if (stream.markSupported()){
            // 7.0 check the first 4 bytes
            byte[] headerCodeRt7 = new byte[LENGTH_RECORD_TYPE7_CODE];

            int nbytes_rt7 = stream.read(headerCodeRt7, 0, LENGTH_RECORD_TYPE7_CODE);
            // to-do check against nbytes
            //printHexDump(headerCodeRt7, "RT7 header test");
            ByteBuffer bb_header_code_rt7 = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerCodeRt7, 0, LENGTH_RECORD_TYPE7_CODE);
            if (isLittleEndian) {

            int intRT7test = bb_header_code_rt7.getInt();
            dbgLog.fine("RT7: header test value=" + intRT7test);
            if (intRT7test != 7) {
                //if (stream.markSupported()){
                dbgLog.fine("intRT7test failed=" + intRT7test);
                dbgLog.fine("counter=" + counter);

            // 7.1 check 4-byte integer Sub-Type Code

            byte[] length_sub_type_code = new byte[LENGTH_RT7_SUB_TYPE_CODE];

            int nbytes_rt7_1 = stream.read(length_sub_type_code, 0, LENGTH_RT7_SUB_TYPE_CODE);
            // to-do check against nbytes

            //printHexDump(length_how_many_line_bytes, "RT7 how_many_line_bytes");
            ByteBuffer bb_sub_type_code = ByteBuffer.wrap(length_sub_type_code, 0, LENGTH_RT7_SUB_TYPE_CODE);
            if (isLittleEndian) {

            int subTypeCode = bb_sub_type_code.getInt();
            dbgLog.fine("RT7: subTypeCode=" + subTypeCode);

            switch (subTypeCode) {
            case 3:
                // 3: Release andMachine-Specific Integer Information


                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++) {
                        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th fieldData");
                        byte[] work = new byte[unitLength];

                        int nb = stream.read(work);
                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(work)));
                        ByteBuffer bb_field = ByteBuffer.wrap(work);
                        if (isLittleEndian) {
                        String dataInHex = new String(Hex.encodeHex(bb_field.array()));
                        /// releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex.add(dataInHex);

                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + dataInHex);
                        if (unitLength == 4) {
                            int fieldData = bb_field.getInt();
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData(int)=" + fieldData);
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData in Hex=0x" + Integer.toHexString(fieldData));
                            /// releaseMachineSpecificInfo.add(fieldData);


                    /// dbgLog.fine("releaseMachineSpecificInfo="+releaseMachineSpecificInfo);
                    /// dbgLog.fine("releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex="+releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex);

                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

                dbgLog.fine("***** end of subType 3 ***** \n");

            case 4:
                // Release andMachine-SpecificOBS-Type Information
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++) {
                        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th fieldData:" + RecordType7SubType4Fields.get(i));
                        byte[] work = new byte[unitLength];

                        int nb = stream.read(work);

                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(work)));
                        ByteBuffer bb_field = ByteBuffer.wrap(work);
                        dbgLog.finer("byte order=" + bb_field.order().toString());
                        if (isLittleEndian) {
                        ByteBuffer bb_field_dup = bb_field.duplicate();
                                new String(Hex.encodeHex(bb_field.array())));
                        //                            dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:"+
                        //                                OBSTypeHexValue.get(RecordType7SubType4Fields.get(i)));
                        if (unitLength == 8) {
                            double fieldData = bb_field.getDouble();
                            /// OBSTypeValue.put(RecordType7SubType4Fields.get(i), fieldData);
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData(double)=" + fieldData);
                            dbgLog.fine("fieldData in Hex=" + Double.toHexString(fieldData));
                    /// dbgLog.fine("OBSTypeValue="+OBSTypeValue);
                    /// dbgLog.fine("OBSTypeHexValue="+OBSTypeHexValue);

                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

                dbgLog.fine("***** end of subType 4 ***** \n");
            case 5:
                // Variable Sets Information
            case 6:
                // Trends date information
            case 7:
                // Multiple response groups
            case 8:
                // Windows Data Entry data
            case 9:
            case 10:
                // TextSmart data
            case 11:
                // Msmt level, col width, & alignment

                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++) {
                        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th fieldData");
                        byte[] work = new byte[unitLength];

                        int nb = stream.read(work);
                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(work)));
                        ByteBuffer bb_field = ByteBuffer.wrap(work);
                        if (isLittleEndian) {
                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(bb_field.array())));

                        if (unitLength == 4) {
                            int fieldData = bb_field.getInt();
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData(int)=" + fieldData);
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData in Hex=0x" + Integer.toHexString(fieldData));

                            int remainder = i % 3;
                            dbgLog.finer("remainder=" + remainder);
                            if (remainder == 0) {
                                /// measurementLevel.add(fieldData);
                            } else if (remainder == 1) {
                                /// columnWidth.add(fieldData);
                            } else if (remainder == 2) {
                                /// alignment.add(fieldData);


                } else {
                    // throw new IOException
                /// dbgLog.fine("measurementLevel="+measurementLevel);
                /// dbgLog.fine("columnWidth="+columnWidth);
                /// dbgLog.fine("alignment="+alignment);
                dbgLog.fine("***** end of subType 11 ***** \n");

            case 12:
                // Windows Data Entry GUID
            case 13:
                // Extended variable names
                // parseRT7SubTypefield(stream);
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);

                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7: unitLength=" + unitLength);
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7: numberOfUnits=" + numberOfUnits);
                    byte[] work = new byte[unitLength * numberOfUnits];
                    int nbtyes13 = stream.read(work);

                    String[] variableShortLongNamePairs = new String(work, "US-ASCII").split("\t");

                    for (int i = 0; i < variableShortLongNamePairs.length; i++) {
                        dbgLog.fine("RT7: " + i + "-th pair" + variableShortLongNamePairs[i]);
                        String[] pair = variableShortLongNamePairs[i].split("=");
                        shortToLongVarialbeNameTable.put(pair[0], pair[1]);

                    dbgLog.fine("RT7: shortToLongVarialbeNameTable" + shortToLongVarialbeNameTable);
                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

            case 14:
                // Extended strings
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);

                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: unitLength=" + unitLength);
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: numberOfUnits=" + numberOfUnits);
                    byte[] work = new byte[unitLength * numberOfUnits];
                    int nbtyes13 = stream.read(work);

                    String[] extendedVariablesSizePairs = new String(work, defaultCharSet).split("\000\t");

                    for (int i = 0; i < extendedVariablesSizePairs.length; i++) {
                        dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: " + i + "-th pair" + extendedVariablesSizePairs[i]);
                        if (extendedVariablesSizePairs[i].indexOf("=") > 0) {
                            String[] pair = extendedVariablesSizePairs[i].split("=");
                            extendedVariablesSizeTable.put(pair[0], Integer.valueOf(pair[1]));

                    dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: extendedVariablesSizeTable" + extendedVariablesSizeTable);
                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

            case 15:
                // Clementine Metadata
            case 16:
                // 64 bit N of cases
            case 17:
                // File level attributes
            case 18:
                // Variable attributes
            case 19:
                // Extended multiple response groups
            case 20:
                // Encoding, aka code page
                /* TODO: This needs to be researched; 
                 * Is this field really used, ever?
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null){
                int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                dbgLog.fine("RT7-20: unitLength="+unitLength);
                int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];
                dbgLog.fine("RT7-20: numberOfUnits="+numberOfUnits);
                byte[] rt7st20bytes = new byte[unitLength*numberOfUnits];
                int nbytes20 = stream.read(rt7st20bytes);
                String dataCharSet = new String(rt7st20bytes,"US-ASCII");
                if (dataCharSet != null && !(dataCharSet.equals(""))) {
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7-20: data charset: "+ dataCharSet);
                    defaultCharSet = dataCharSet; 
                } else {
                // throw new IOException

            case 21:
                // Value labels for long strings
            case 22:
                // Missing values for long strings

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw ex;


        if (counter > 20) {

    dbgLog.fine("RT7: counter=" + counter);
    dbgLog.fine("RT7: ***** decodeRecordType7(): end *****");

From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dataverse.ingest.tabulardata.impl.plugins.sav.SAVFileReader.java

void decodeRecordType7(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    dbgLog.fine("decodeRecordType7(): start");
    int counter = 0;
    int[] headerSection = new int[2];

    // the variables below may no longer needed; 
    // but they may be useful for debugging/logging purposes.

    /// // RecordType 7 
    /// // Subtype 3
    /// List<Integer> releaseMachineSpecificInfo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    /// List<String> releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex = new ArrayList<String>();

    /// // Subytpe 4
    /// Map<String, Double> OBSTypeValue = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
    /// Map<String, String> OBSTypeHexValue = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();    
    //Subtype 11/*w w  w.j av a 2 s  .c o  m*/
    /// List<Integer> measurementLevel = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    /// List<Integer> columnWidth = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    /// List<Integer> alignment = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    while (true) {
        try {
            if (stream == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RT7: stream == null!");
            // first check the 4-byte header value
            //if (stream.markSupported()){
            // 7.0 check the first 4 bytes
            byte[] headerCodeRt7 = new byte[LENGTH_RECORD_TYPE7_CODE];

            int nbytes_rt7 = stream.read(headerCodeRt7, 0, LENGTH_RECORD_TYPE7_CODE);
            // to-do check against nbytes
            //printHexDump(headerCodeRt7, "RT7 header test");
            ByteBuffer bb_header_code_rt7 = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerCodeRt7, 0, LENGTH_RECORD_TYPE7_CODE);
            if (isLittleEndian) {

            int intRT7test = bb_header_code_rt7.getInt();
            dbgLog.fine("RT7: header test value=" + intRT7test);
            if (intRT7test != 7) {
                //if (stream.markSupported()){
                dbgLog.fine("intRT7test failed=" + intRT7test);
                dbgLog.fine("counter=" + counter);

            // 7.1 check 4-byte integer Sub-Type Code

            byte[] length_sub_type_code = new byte[LENGTH_RT7_SUB_TYPE_CODE];

            int nbytes_rt7_1 = stream.read(length_sub_type_code, 0, LENGTH_RT7_SUB_TYPE_CODE);
            // to-do check against nbytes

            //printHexDump(length_how_many_line_bytes, "RT7 how_many_line_bytes");
            ByteBuffer bb_sub_type_code = ByteBuffer.wrap(length_sub_type_code, 0, LENGTH_RT7_SUB_TYPE_CODE);
            if (isLittleEndian) {

            int subTypeCode = bb_sub_type_code.getInt();
            dbgLog.fine("RT7: subTypeCode=" + subTypeCode);

            switch (subTypeCode) {
            case 3:
                // 3: Release andMachine-Specific Integer Information


                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++) {
                        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th fieldData");
                        byte[] work = new byte[unitLength];

                        int nb = stream.read(work);
                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(work)));
                        ByteBuffer bb_field = ByteBuffer.wrap(work);
                        if (isLittleEndian) {
                        String dataInHex = new String(Hex.encodeHex(bb_field.array()));
                        /// releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex.add(dataInHex);

                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + dataInHex);
                        if (unitLength == 4) {
                            int fieldData = bb_field.getInt();
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData(int)=" + fieldData);
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData in Hex=0x" + Integer.toHexString(fieldData));
                            /// releaseMachineSpecificInfo.add(fieldData);


                    /// dbgLog.fine("releaseMachineSpecificInfo="+releaseMachineSpecificInfo);
                    /// dbgLog.fine("releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex="+releaseMachineSpecificInfoHex);

                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

                dbgLog.fine("***** end of subType 3 ***** \n");

            case 4:
                // Release andMachine-SpecificOBS-Type Information
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++) {
                        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th fieldData:" + RecordType7SubType4Fields.get(i));
                        byte[] work = new byte[unitLength];

                        int nb = stream.read(work);

                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(work)));
                        ByteBuffer bb_field = ByteBuffer.wrap(work);
                        dbgLog.finer("byte order=" + bb_field.order().toString());
                        if (isLittleEndian) {
                        ByteBuffer bb_field_dup = bb_field.duplicate();
                                new String(Hex.encodeHex(bb_field.array())));
                        //                            dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:"+
                        //                                OBSTypeHexValue.get(RecordType7SubType4Fields.get(i)));
                        if (unitLength == 8) {
                            double fieldData = bb_field.getDouble();
                            /// OBSTypeValue.put(RecordType7SubType4Fields.get(i), fieldData);
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData(double)=" + fieldData);
                            dbgLog.fine("fieldData in Hex=" + Double.toHexString(fieldData));
                    /// dbgLog.fine("OBSTypeValue="+OBSTypeValue);
                    /// dbgLog.fine("OBSTypeHexValue="+OBSTypeHexValue);

                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

                dbgLog.fine("***** end of subType 4 ***** \n");
            case 5:
                // Variable Sets Information
            case 6:
                // Trends date information
            case 7:
                // Multiple response groups
            case 8:
                // Windows Data Entry data
            case 9:
            case 10:
                // TextSmart data
            case 11:
                // Msmt level, col width, & alignment

                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);
                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++) {
                        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th fieldData");
                        byte[] work = new byte[unitLength];

                        int nb = stream.read(work);
                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(work)));
                        ByteBuffer bb_field = ByteBuffer.wrap(work);
                        if (isLittleEndian) {
                        dbgLog.finer("raw bytes in Hex:" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(bb_field.array())));

                        if (unitLength == 4) {
                            int fieldData = bb_field.getInt();
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData(int)=" + fieldData);
                            dbgLog.finer("fieldData in Hex=0x" + Integer.toHexString(fieldData));

                            int remainder = i % 3;
                            dbgLog.finer("remainder=" + remainder);
                            if (remainder == 0) {
                                /// measurementLevel.add(fieldData);
                            } else if (remainder == 1) {
                                /// columnWidth.add(fieldData);
                            } else if (remainder == 2) {
                                /// alignment.add(fieldData);


                } else {
                    // throw new IOException
                /// dbgLog.fine("measurementLevel="+measurementLevel);
                /// dbgLog.fine("columnWidth="+columnWidth);
                /// dbgLog.fine("alignment="+alignment);
                dbgLog.fine("end of subType 11\n");

            case 12:
                // Windows Data Entry GUID
            case 13:
                // Extended variable names
                // parseRT7SubTypefield(stream);
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);

                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7: unitLength=" + unitLength);
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7: numberOfUnits=" + numberOfUnits);
                    byte[] work = new byte[unitLength * numberOfUnits];
                    int nbtyes13 = stream.read(work);

                    String[] variableShortLongNamePairs = new String(work, "US-ASCII").split("\t");

                    for (int i = 0; i < variableShortLongNamePairs.length; i++) {
                        dbgLog.fine("RT7: " + i + "-th pair" + variableShortLongNamePairs[i]);
                        String[] pair = variableShortLongNamePairs[i].split("=");
                        shortToLongVariableNameTable.put(pair[0], pair[1]);

                    dbgLog.fine("RT7: shortToLongVarialbeNameTable" + shortToLongVariableNameTable);
                    // We are saving the short-to-long name map; at the
                    // end of ingest, we'll go through the data variables and
                    // change the names accordingly. 

                    // smd.setShortToLongVarialbeNameTable(shortToLongVarialbeNameTable);
                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

            case 14:
                // Extended strings
                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);

                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: unitLength=" + unitLength);
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: numberOfUnits=" + numberOfUnits);
                    byte[] work = new byte[unitLength * numberOfUnits];
                    int nbtyes13 = stream.read(work);

                    String[] extendedVariablesSizePairs = new String(work, defaultCharSet).split("\000\t");

                    for (int i = 0; i < extendedVariablesSizePairs.length; i++) {
                        dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: " + i + "-th pair" + extendedVariablesSizePairs[i]);
                        if (extendedVariablesSizePairs[i].indexOf("=") > 0) {
                            String[] pair = extendedVariablesSizePairs[i].split("=");
                            extendedVariablesSizeTable.put(pair[0], Integer.valueOf(pair[1]));

                    dbgLog.fine("RT7.14: extendedVariablesSizeTable" + extendedVariablesSizeTable);
                } else {
                    // throw new IOException

            case 15:
                // Clementine Metadata
            case 16:
                // 64 bit N of cases
            case 17:
                // File level attributes
            case 18:
                // Variable attributes
            case 19:
                // Extended multiple response groups
            case 20:
                // Character encoding, aka code page.
                // Must be a version 16+ feature (?).
                // Starting v.16, the default character encoding for SAV
                // files is UTF-8; but then it is possible to specify an 
                // alternative encoding here. 
                // A typical use case would be people setting it to "ISO-Latin" 
                // or "windows-1252", or a similar 8-bit encoding to store 
                // text with standard Western European accents.
                // -- L.A.

                headerSection = parseRT7SubTypefieldHeader(stream);

                if (headerSection != null) {
                    int unitLength = headerSection[0];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7-20: unitLength=" + unitLength);
                    int numberOfUnits = headerSection[1];
                    dbgLog.fine("RT7-20: numberOfUnits=" + numberOfUnits);
                    byte[] rt7st20bytes = new byte[unitLength * numberOfUnits];
                    int nbytes20 = stream.read(rt7st20bytes);

                    String dataCharSet = new String(rt7st20bytes, "US-ASCII");

                    if (dataCharSet != null && !(dataCharSet.equals(""))) {
                        dbgLog.fine("RT7-20: data charset: " + dataCharSet);
                        defaultCharSet = dataCharSet;
                } /*else {
                  // TODO: 
                  // decide if the exception should actually be thrown here!
                  // -- L.A. 4.0 beta
                  // throw new IOException

            case 21:
                // Value labels for long strings
            case 22:
                // Missing values for long strings

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw ex;


        if (counter > 20) {

    dbgLog.fine("RT7: counter=" + counter);
    dbgLog.fine("RT7: decodeRecordType7(): end");