Example usage for java.lang Float Float

List of usage examples for java.lang Float Float


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Float Float.


@Deprecated(since = "9")
public Float(String s) throws NumberFormatException 

Source Link


Constructs a newly allocated Float object that represents the floating-point value of type float represented by the string.


From source file:fr.avianey.androidsvgdrawable.SvgDrawablePlugin.java

 * Given it's bounds, transcodes a svg file to a raster image for the desired density
 * @param svg//from  w w w. jav a  2 s.  c om
 * @param targetDensity 
 * @param bounds
 * @param destination
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws TranscoderException
 * @throws IllegalAccessException 
 * @throws InstantiationException 
void transcode(QualifiedResource svg, Density targetDensity, Rectangle bounds, File destination,
        NinePatch ninePatch)
        throws IOException, TranscoderException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    transcode(svg, targetDensity, destination,
            new Float(bounds.getWidth() * svg.getDensity().ratio(targetDensity)),
            new Float(bounds.getHeight() * svg.getDensity().ratio(targetDensity)), ninePatch);

From source file:edu.hawaii.soest.hioos.isus.ISUSFrame.java

public double getInsideTemperature() {
    return (new Float(this.insideTemperature.getFloat())).doubleValue();

From source file:org.hdiv.web.servlet.tags.form.SelectTagTests.java

protected TestBean createTestBean() {
    this.bean = new TestBean();
    this.bean.setMyFloat(new Float("12.34"));
    this.bean.setSomeIntegerArray(new Integer[] { new Integer(12), new Integer(34) });
    return this.bean;

From source file:edu.hawaii.soest.hioos.isus.ISUSFrame.java

public double getSpectrometerTemperature() {
    return (new Float(this.spectrometerTemperature.getFloat())).doubleValue();

From source file:com.versul.testes.JRViewerPanel.java

protected void paintPage(Graphics2D grx) {
    if (pageError) {
        paintPageError(grx);/*from   www  .j  a  va  2 s  .  c  om*/

    try {
        if (exporter == null) {
            exporter = getGraphics2DExporter();
        } else {

        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, viewerContext.getJasperPrint());
        exporter.setParameter(JRGraphics2DExporterParameter.GRAPHICS_2D, grx.create());
        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.PAGE_INDEX, Integer.valueOf(viewerContext.getPageIndex()));
        exporter.setParameter(JRGraphics2DExporterParameter.ZOOM_RATIO, new Float(realZoom));
        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OFFSET_X, Integer.valueOf(1)); //lblPage border
        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OFFSET_Y, Integer.valueOf(1));
        //            exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.FILE_RESOLVER, viewerContext.getFileResolver());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
            log.error("Page paint error.", e);

        pageError = true;

        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {


From source file:edu.hawaii.soest.hioos.isus.ISUSFrame.java

public double getLampTemperature() {
    return (new Float(this.lampTemperature.getFloat())).doubleValue();

From source file:com.gisgraphy.importer.GeonamesZipCodeImporterTest.java

public void findFeatureNoResultThenTwoResults() {

    String lat = "3.5";
    String lng = "44";
    String accuracy = "5";
    String placeName = "place name";
    String countryCode = "FR";
    String adm1Name = "adm1name";
    String adm1Code = "adm1code";
    String adm2Name = "adm2name";
    String adm2Code = "adm2code";
    String adm3Name = "adm3name";
    String adm3COde = "adm3code";
    FulltextQuery fulltextQuery = new FulltextQuery(placeName + " " + adm1Name);
    final long featureId = 456L;

    GeonamesZipCodeSimpleImporter importer = new GeonamesZipCodeSimpleImporter() {
        int count = 0;

        @Override//ww  w  .ja v  a  2 s. co  m
        protected FulltextResultsDto doAFulltextSearch(String query, String countryCode) {
            count = count + 1;
            if (count == 1) {
                return new FulltextResultsDto();
            } else if (count == 2) {
                return dtoWithTwoResults;
            } else
                return null;

        protected Long findNearest(Point zipPoint, int maxDistance, FulltextResultsDto results) {

            return featureId;
    String[] fields = { countryCode, "post", placeName, adm1Name, adm1Code, adm2Name, adm2Code, adm3Name,
            adm3COde, lat, lng, accuracy };
    Point point = GeolocHelper.createPoint(new Float(lng), new Float(lat));
    int maxDistance = importer.getAccurateDistance(new Integer(accuracy));
    Long actualFeatureId = importer.findFeature(fields, point, maxDistance);
    Assert.assertEquals(new Long(featureId), actualFeatureId);


From source file:coolmap.canvas.datarenderer.renderer.impl.NumberToColor.java

public void updateRendererChanges() {

    //        System.err.println("Renderer changes updated" + getCoolMapObject());
    //        System.out.println("===Update renderer changes called===");
    if (getCoolMapObject() == null) {
        return;/*  w  w  w.  j av a2 s  .c om*/

    //update min max
    try {
        _minValue = Double.parseDouble(minValueField.getText());
    } catch (Exception e) {


    try {
        _maxValue = Double.parseDouble(maxValueField.getText());
    } catch (Exception e) {


    editor.setMinValue(new Float(_minValue));
    editor.setMaxValue(new Float(_maxValue));



From source file:fr.avianey.androidsvgdrawable.SvgDrawablePlugin.java

 * Given a desired width and height, transcodes a svg file to a raster image for the desired density
 * @param svg/*from   w  w  w  . ja  va2  s .  com*/
 * @param targetDensity 
 * @param dest
 * @param targetWidth
 * @param targetHeight
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws TranscoderException
 * @throws IllegalAccessException 
 * @throws InstantiationException 
private void transcode(QualifiedResource svg, Density targetDensity, File dest, float targetWidth,
        float targetHeight, NinePatch ninePatch)
        throws IOException, TranscoderException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    final Float width = Math.max(new Float(Math.floor(targetWidth)), 1);
    final Float height = Math.max(new Float(Math.floor(targetHeight)), 1);
    if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
        getLog().debug("+ target dimensions [width=" + width + " - length=" + height + "]");
    ImageTranscoder t = parameters.getOutputFormat().getTranscoderClass().newInstance();
    if (t instanceof JPEGTranscoder) {
        // custom jpg hints
                Math.min(1, Math.max(0, parameters.getJpgQuality() / 100f)));
                new Color(parameters.getJpgBackgroundColor()));
    t.addTranscodingHint(ImageTranscoder.KEY_WIDTH, width);
    t.addTranscodingHint(ImageTranscoder.KEY_HEIGHT, height);
    TranscoderInput input = new TranscoderInput(svg.toURI().toURL().toString());
    String outputName = svg.getName();
    if (parameters.getRename() != null && parameters.getRename().containsKey(outputName)) {
        if (parameters.getRename().get(outputName) != null
                && parameters.getRename().get(outputName).matches("\\w+")) {
            outputName = parameters.getRename().get(outputName);
        } else {
            getLog().warn(parameters.getRename().get(outputName) + " is not a valid replacment name for "
                    + outputName);

    // final name
    final String finalName = new StringBuilder(dest.getAbsolutePath())
            .append(ninePatch != null && parameters.getOutputFormat().hasNinePatchSupport() ? ".9" : "")

    final File finalFile = new File(finalName);

    if (parameters.getOverrideMode().shouldOverride(svg, finalFile, parameters.getNinePatchConfig())) {
        // unit conversion for size not in pixel
                new Float(Constants.MM_PER_INCH / svg.getDensity().getDpi()));

        if (ninePatch == null || !parameters.getOutputFormat().hasNinePatchSupport()) {
            if (ninePatch != null) {
                getLog().warn("skipping the nine-patch configuration for the JPG output format !!!");
            // write file directly
            OutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(finalName);
            TranscoderOutput output = new TranscoderOutput(ostream);
            t.transcode(input, output);
        } else {
            // write in memory
            ByteArrayOutputStream ostream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            TranscoderOutput output = new TranscoderOutput(ostream);
            t.transcode(input, output);
            // fill the patch
            InputStream istream = new ByteArrayInputStream(ostream.toByteArray());
            ostream = null;
            toNinePatch(istream, finalName, ninePatch, svg.getDensity().ratio(targetDensity));
    } else {
        getLog().debug(finalName + " already exists and is up to date... skiping generation!");
        getLog().debug("+ " + finalName + " last modified on " + new File(finalName).lastModified());
        getLog().debug("+ " + svg.getAbsolutePath() + " last modified on " + svg.lastModified());
        if (ninePatch != null && parameters.getNinePatchConfig() != null /* for tests */) {
            getLog().debug("+ " + parameters.getNinePatchConfig().getAbsolutePath() + " last modified on "
                    + parameters.getNinePatchConfig().lastModified());