Example usage for java.lang Float MAX_VALUE

List of usage examples for java.lang Float MAX_VALUE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Float MAX_VALUE.



To view the source code for java.lang Float MAX_VALUE.

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A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type float , (2-2-23)·2127.


From source file:com.isapp.android.circularviewpager.CircularViewPager.java

private void calculatePageOffsets(ItemInfo curItem, int curIndex, ItemInfo oldCurInfo) {
    final int N = mAdapter.getCount();
    final int width = getClientWidth();
    final float marginOffset = width > 0 ? (float) mPageMargin / width : 0;
    // Fix up offsets for later layout.
    if (oldCurInfo != null) {
        final int oldCurPosition = oldCurInfo.position;
        // Base offsets off of oldCurInfo.
        if ((oldCurPosition < curItem.position && oldCurPosition != 0 && curItem.position != N - 1)
                || oldCurPosition == N - 1 && curItem.position == 0) {
            int itemIndex = 0;
            ItemInfo ii = null;//from   ww  w.jav  a 2s.com
            float offset = oldCurInfo.offset + oldCurInfo.widthFactor + marginOffset;
            for (int pos = oldCurPosition + 1; pos <= curItem.position && itemIndex < mItems.size(); pos++) {
                ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos > ii.position && itemIndex < mItems.size() - 1) {
                    ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos < ii.position) {
                    // We don't have an item populated for this,
                    // ask the adapter for an offset.
                    offset += mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos) + marginOffset;
                ii.offset = offset;
                offset += ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
        } else if ((oldCurPosition > curItem.position && oldCurPosition != N - 1 && curItem.position != 0)
                || oldCurPosition == 0 && curItem.position == N - 1) {
            int itemIndex = mItems.size() - 1;
            ItemInfo ii = null;
            float offset = oldCurInfo.offset;
            for (int pos = oldCurPosition - 1; pos >= curItem.position && itemIndex >= 0; pos--) {
                ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos < ii.position && itemIndex > 0) {
                    ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos > ii.position) {
                    // We don't have an item populated for this,
                    // ask the adapter for an offset.
                    offset -= mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos) + marginOffset;
                offset -= ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
                ii.offset = offset;
    // Base all offsets off of curItem.
    final int itemCount = mItems.size();
    final int pageLimit = mOffscreenPageLimit;
    final int startPos = mCurItem - pageLimit < 0 ? Math.max(0, N + (mCurItem - pageLimit))
            : Math.max(0, mCurItem - pageLimit);
    final int endPos = mCurItem + pageLimit >= N ? Math.min(N - 1, (mCurItem + pageLimit) - N)
            : Math.min(N - 1, mCurItem + pageLimit);
    float offset = curItem.offset;
    int pos = curItem.position - 1;
    mFirstOffset = curItem.position == 0 ? curItem.offset : -Float.MAX_VALUE;
    mLastOffset = curItem.position == N - 1 ? curItem.offset + curItem.widthFactor - 1 : Float.MAX_VALUE;
    // Previous pages
    for (int i = curIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--, pos--) {
        final ItemInfo ii = mItems.get(i);
        while (pos > ii.position) {
            offset -= mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos--) + marginOffset;
        offset -= ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
        ii.offset = offset;
        if (ii.position == startPos)
            mFirstOffset = offset;
    offset = curItem.offset + curItem.widthFactor + marginOffset;
    pos = curItem.position + 1;
    // Next pages
    for (int i = curIndex + 1; i < itemCount; i++, pos++) {
        final ItemInfo ii = mItems.get(i);
        while (pos < ii.position) {
            offset += mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos++) + marginOffset;
        if (ii.position == endPos) {
            mLastOffset = offset + ii.widthFactor - 1;
        ii.offset = offset;
        offset += ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
    mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false;

From source file:com.android.leanlauncher.CellLayout.java

* Find a vacant area that will fit the given bounds nearest the requested
* cell location, and will also weigh in a suggested direction vector of the
* desired location. This method computers distance based on unit grid distances,
* not pixel distances.// w ww.  j  a v  a2 s  .  c o  m
* @param cellX The X cell nearest to which you want to search for a vacant area.
* @param cellY The Y cell nearest which you want to search for a vacant area.
* @param spanX Horizontal span of the object.
* @param spanY Vertical span of the object.
* @param direction The favored direction in which the views should move from x, y
*        matches exactly. Otherwise we find the best matching direction.
* @param occupied The array which represents which cells in the CellLayout are occupied
* @param blockOccupied The array which represents which cells in the specified block (cellX,
*        cellY, spanX, spanY) are occupied. This is used when try to move a group of views.
* @param result Array in which to place the result, or null (in which case a new array will
*        be allocated)
* @return The X, Y cell of a vacant area that can contain this object,
*         nearest the requested location.
private int[] findNearestArea(int cellX, int cellY, int spanX, int spanY, int[] direction, boolean[][] occupied,
        boolean blockOccupied[][], int[] result) {
    // Keep track of best-scoring drop area
    final int[] bestXY = result != null ? result : new int[2];
    float bestDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    int bestDirectionScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    final int countX = mCountX;
    final int countY = mCountY;

    for (int y = 0; y < countY - (spanY - 1); y++) {
        inner: for (int x = 0; x < countX - (spanX - 1); x++) {
            // First, let's see if this thing fits anywhere
            for (int i = 0; i < spanX; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < spanY; j++) {
                    if (occupied[x + i][y + j] && (blockOccupied == null || blockOccupied[i][j])) {
                        continue inner;

            float distance = (float) Math.sqrt((x - cellX) * (x - cellX) + (y - cellY) * (y - cellY));
            int[] curDirection = mTmpPoint;
            computeDirectionVector(x - cellX, y - cellY, curDirection);
            // The direction score is just the dot product of the two candidate direction
            // and that passed in.
            int curDirectionScore = direction[0] * curDirection[0] + direction[1] * curDirection[1];
            boolean exactDirectionOnly = false;
            boolean directionMatches = direction[0] == curDirection[0] && direction[0] == curDirection[0];
            if ((directionMatches || !exactDirectionOnly) && Float.compare(distance, bestDistance) < 0
                    || (Float.compare(distance, bestDistance) == 0 && curDirectionScore > bestDirectionScore)) {
                bestDistance = distance;
                bestDirectionScore = curDirectionScore;
                bestXY[0] = x;
                bestXY[1] = y;

    // Return -1, -1 if no suitable location found
    if (bestDistance == Float.MAX_VALUE) {
        bestXY[0] = -1;
        bestXY[1] = -1;
    return bestXY;

From source file:spectrogram.Spectrogram.java

 * For binary input files from our frame reader set up the input stream
 * @return number of entries to read//from w w w .  ja  va  2 s  .  c  o m
 * @throws WebUtilException
private long setupFileReads(String infilename) throws WebUtilException {
    setProgress("Scan input file for min/max GPS times.");
    File inFile = new File(infilename);
    long siz = inFile.length() / (Float.SIZE / 8) / 2; // convert bytes to # entries (time, val)
    if (!inFile.canRead()) {
        throw new WebUtilException("Can't open " + infilename + " for reading");
    try {
        inStream = new SwappedDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFile));
        float minTime = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        float maxTime = -Float.MAX_VALUE;

        setProgress("Searhing for min/max time in input file.");
        int opct = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
            int pct = (int) (100 * i / siz);
            if (pct > opct) {
                setProgress(pct, 100);
                opct = pct;
            Float t = inStream.readFloat();
            Float d = inStream.readFloat();
            minTime = Math.min(minTime, t);
            maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, t);
        startGPS = (int) (minTime);
        duration = (int) (maxTime - minTime);
        inStream = new SwappedDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFile));
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new WebUtilException("Can't open " + infilename + " for reading");

    return siz;

From source file:example.luojing.androidsourceanalysis.ViewPager.java

 * PageOffsets?//w  w w .  jav a 2  s . c  om
private void calculatePageOffsets(ItemInfo curItem, int curIndex, ItemInfo oldCurInfo) {
    final int N = mAdapter.getCount();
    final int width = getClientWidth();
    final float marginOffset = width > 0 ? (float) mPageMargin / width : 0;
    // Fix up offsets for later layout.
    if (oldCurInfo != null) {
        final int oldCurPosition = oldCurInfo.position;
        // Base offsets off of oldCurInfo.
        if (oldCurPosition < curItem.position) {
            int itemIndex = 0;
            ItemInfo ii = null;
            float offset = oldCurInfo.offset + oldCurInfo.widthFactor + marginOffset;
            for (int pos = oldCurPosition + 1; pos <= curItem.position && itemIndex < mItems.size(); pos++) {
                ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos > ii.position && itemIndex < mItems.size() - 1) {
                    ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos < ii.position) {
                    // We don't have an item populated for this,
                    // ask the adapter for an offset.
                    offset += mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos) + marginOffset;
                ii.offset = offset;
                offset += ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
        } else if (oldCurPosition > curItem.position) {
            int itemIndex = mItems.size() - 1;
            ItemInfo ii = null;
            float offset = oldCurInfo.offset;
            for (int pos = oldCurPosition - 1; pos >= curItem.position && itemIndex >= 0; pos--) {
                ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos < ii.position && itemIndex > 0) {
                    ii = mItems.get(itemIndex);
                while (pos > ii.position) {
                    // We don't have an item populated for this,
                    // ask the adapter for an offset.
                    offset -= mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos) + marginOffset;
                offset -= ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
                ii.offset = offset;

    // Base all offsets off of curItem.
    final int itemCount = mItems.size();
    float offset = curItem.offset;
    int pos = curItem.position - 1;
    mFirstOffset = curItem.position == 0 ? curItem.offset : -Float.MAX_VALUE;
    mLastOffset = curItem.position == N - 1 ? curItem.offset + curItem.widthFactor - 1 : Float.MAX_VALUE;
    // Previous pages
    for (int i = curIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--, pos--) {
        final ItemInfo ii = mItems.get(i);
        while (pos > ii.position) {
            offset -= mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos--) + marginOffset;
        offset -= ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;
        ii.offset = offset;
        if (ii.position == 0)
            mFirstOffset = offset;
    offset = curItem.offset + curItem.widthFactor + marginOffset;
    pos = curItem.position + 1;
    // Next pages
    for (int i = curIndex + 1; i < itemCount; i++, pos++) {
        final ItemInfo ii = mItems.get(i);
        while (pos < ii.position) {
            offset += mAdapter.getPageWidth(pos++) + marginOffset;
        if (ii.position == N - 1) {
            mLastOffset = offset + ii.widthFactor - 1;
        ii.offset = offset;
        offset += ii.widthFactor + marginOffset;

    mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false;

From source file:org.opencms.loader.CmsImageScaler.java

 * Calculate the closest match of the given base float with the list of others.<p>
 *  //  w  w w .j a  v a2 s  .com
 * @param base the base float to compare the other with
 * @param others the list of floats to compate to the base
 * @return the array index of the closest match
private int calculateClosest(float base, float[] others) {

    int result = -1;
    float bestMatch = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int count = 0; count < others.length; count++) {
        float difference = Math.abs(base - others[count]);
        if (difference < bestMatch) {
            // new best match found
            bestMatch = difference;
            result = count;
        if (bestMatch == 0f) {
            // it does not get better then this
    return result;

From source file:com.marlonjones.voidlauncher.CellLayout.java

 * Find a vacant area that will fit the given bounds nearest the requested
 * cell location, and will also weigh in a suggested direction vector of the
 * desired location. This method computers distance based on unit grid distances,
 * not pixel distances./*www .j a v a2  s.  co m*/
 * @param cellX The X cell nearest to which you want to search for a vacant area.
 * @param cellY The Y cell nearest which you want to search for a vacant area.
 * @param spanX Horizontal span of the object.
 * @param spanY Vertical span of the object.
 * @param direction The favored direction in which the views should move from x, y
 * @param occupied The array which represents which cells in the CellLayout are occupied
 * @param blockOccupied The array which represents which cells in the specified block (cellX,
 *        cellY, spanX, spanY) are occupied. This is used when try to move a group of views.
 * @param result Array in which to place the result, or null (in which case a new array will
 *        be allocated)
 * @return The X, Y cell of a vacant area that can contain this object,
 *         nearest the requested location.
private int[] findNearestArea(int cellX, int cellY, int spanX, int spanY, int[] direction, boolean[][] occupied,
        boolean blockOccupied[][], int[] result) {
    // Keep track of best-scoring drop area
    final int[] bestXY = result != null ? result : new int[2];
    float bestDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    int bestDirectionScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    final int countX = mCountX;
    final int countY = mCountY;

    for (int y = 0; y < countY - (spanY - 1); y++) {
        inner: for (int x = 0; x < countX - (spanX - 1); x++) {
            // First, let's see if this thing fits anywhere
            for (int i = 0; i < spanX; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < spanY; j++) {
                    if (occupied[x + i][y + j] && (blockOccupied == null || blockOccupied[i][j])) {
                        continue inner;

            float distance = (float) Math.hypot(x - cellX, y - cellY);
            int[] curDirection = mTmpPoint;
            computeDirectionVector(x - cellX, y - cellY, curDirection);
            // The direction score is just the dot product of the two candidate direction
            // and that passed in.
            int curDirectionScore = direction[0] * curDirection[0] + direction[1] * curDirection[1];
            if (Float.compare(distance, bestDistance) < 0
                    || (Float.compare(distance, bestDistance) == 0 && curDirectionScore > bestDirectionScore)) {
                bestDistance = distance;
                bestDirectionScore = curDirectionScore;
                bestXY[0] = x;
                bestXY[1] = y;

    // Return -1, -1 if no suitable location found
    if (bestDistance == Float.MAX_VALUE) {
        bestXY[0] = -1;
        bestXY[1] = -1;
    return bestXY;

From source file:com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.java

* Find a vacant area that will fit the given bounds nearest the requested
* cell location, and will also weigh in a suggested direction vector of the
* desired location. This method computers distance based on unit grid distances,
* not pixel distances.//from w  w w .j a va  2 s  . c om
* @param cellX The X cell nearest to which you want to search for a vacant area.
* @param cellY The Y cell nearest which you want to search for a vacant area.
* @param spanX Horizontal span of the object.
* @param spanY Vertical span of the object.
* @param direction The favored direction in which the views should move from x, y
* @param exactDirectionOnly If this parameter is true, then only solutions where the direction
*        matches exactly. Otherwise we find the best matching direction.
* @param occoupied The array which represents which cells in the CellLayout are occupied
* @param blockOccupied The array which represents which cells in the specified block (cellX,
*        cellY, spanX, spanY) are occupied. This is used when try to move a group of views.
* @param result Array in which to place the result, or null (in which case a new array will
*        be allocated)
* @return The X, Y cell of a vacant area that can contain this object,
*         nearest the requested location.
private int[] findNearestArea(int cellX, int cellY, int spanX, int spanY, int[] direction, boolean[][] occupied,
        boolean blockOccupied[][], int[] result) {
    // Keep track of best-scoring drop area
    final int[] bestXY = result != null ? result : new int[2];
    float bestDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    int bestDirectionScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    final int countX = mCountX;
    final int countY = mCountY;

    for (int y = 0; y < countY - (spanY - 1); y++) {
        inner: for (int x = 0; x < countX - (spanX - 1); x++) {
            // First, let's see if this thing fits anywhere
            for (int i = 0; i < spanX; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < spanY; j++) {
                    if (occupied[x + i][y + j] && (blockOccupied == null || blockOccupied[i][j])) {
                        continue inner;

            float distance = (float) Math.hypot(x - cellX, y - cellY);
            int[] curDirection = mTmpPoint;
            computeDirectionVector(x - cellX, y - cellY, curDirection);
            // The direction score is just the dot product of the two candidate direction
            // and that passed in.
            int curDirectionScore = direction[0] * curDirection[0] + direction[1] * curDirection[1];
            boolean exactDirectionOnly = false;
            boolean directionMatches = direction[0] == curDirection[0] && direction[0] == curDirection[0];
            if ((directionMatches || !exactDirectionOnly) && Float.compare(distance, bestDistance) < 0
                    || (Float.compare(distance, bestDistance) == 0 && curDirectionScore > bestDirectionScore)) {
                bestDistance = distance;
                bestDirectionScore = curDirectionScore;
                bestXY[0] = x;
                bestXY[1] = y;

    // Return -1, -1 if no suitable location found
    if (bestDistance == Float.MAX_VALUE) {
        bestXY[0] = -1;
        bestXY[1] = -1;
    return bestXY;

From source file:org.apache.rya.indexing.smarturi.duplication.DuplicateDataDetectorIT.java

public void testFloatProperty() throws SmartUriException {
    System.out.println("Float Property Test");
    final ImmutableList.Builder<TestInput> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    // Tolerance 0.0
    Tolerance tolerance = new Tolerance(0.0, ToleranceType.DIFFERENCE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 0.01
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.01, ToleranceType.DIFFERENCE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 0.02
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.02, ToleranceType.DIFFERENCE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));

    // Tolerance 0.0%
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.0, ToleranceType.PERCENTAGE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2424f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2425f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2426f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2574f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2575f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2576f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 1.0%
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.01, ToleranceType.PERCENTAGE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2424f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2425f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2426f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2574f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2575f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2576f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 100.0%
    tolerance = new Tolerance(1.00, ToleranceType.PERCENTAGE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2424f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2425f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2426f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2574f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2575f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2576f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, true));

    final ImmutableList<TestInput> testInputs = builder.build();

    testProperty(testInputs, PERSON_TYPE_URI, HAS_WEIGHT);

From source file:org.apache.rya.indexing.smarturi.duplication.DuplicateDataDetectorTest.java

public void testFloatProperty() throws SmartUriException {
    System.out.println("Float Property Test");
    final ImmutableList.Builder<TestInput> builder = ImmutableList.<TestInput>builder();
    // Tolerance 0.0
    Tolerance tolerance = new Tolerance(0.0, ToleranceType.DIFFERENCE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 0.01
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.01, ToleranceType.DIFFERENCE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 0.02
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.02, ToleranceType.DIFFERENCE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));

    // Tolerance 0.0%
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.0, ToleranceType.PERCENTAGE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2424f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2425f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2426f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2574f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2575f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2576f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 1.0%
    tolerance = new Tolerance(0.01, ToleranceType.PERCENTAGE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2424f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2425f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2426f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2574f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2575f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2576f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, false));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, false));
    // Tolerance 100.0%
    tolerance = new Tolerance(1.00, ToleranceType.PERCENTAGE);
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MIN_VALUE, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(-1.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.01f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.02f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.1f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(0.2f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(1.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2424f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2425f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(248.2426f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.7f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.72f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.73f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.74f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.75f, tolerance, true)); // Equals value
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.76f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.77f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.78f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(250.8f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(251f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2574f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2575f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(253.2576f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(300.0f, tolerance, true));
    builder.add(new TestInput(Float.MAX_VALUE, tolerance, true));

    final ImmutableList<TestInput> testInputs = builder.build();

    testProperty(testInputs, PERSON_TYPE_URI, HAS_WEIGHT);

From source file:org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperTests.java

public void testSetNumberProperties() {
    NumberPropertyBean bean = new NumberPropertyBean();
    BeanWrapper bw = new BeanWrapperImpl(bean);

    String byteValue = " " + Byte.MAX_VALUE + " ";
    String shortValue = " " + Short.MAX_VALUE + " ";
    String intValue = " " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " ";
    String longValue = " " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " ";
    String floatValue = " " + Float.MAX_VALUE + " ";
    String doubleValue = " " + Double.MAX_VALUE + " ";

    bw.setPropertyValue("myPrimitiveByte", byteValue);
    bw.setPropertyValue("myByte", byteValue);

    bw.setPropertyValue("myPrimitiveShort", shortValue);
    bw.setPropertyValue("myShort", shortValue);

    bw.setPropertyValue("myPrimitiveInt", intValue);
    bw.setPropertyValue("myInteger", intValue);

    bw.setPropertyValue("myPrimitiveLong", longValue);
    bw.setPropertyValue("myLong", longValue);

    bw.setPropertyValue("myPrimitiveFloat", floatValue);
    bw.setPropertyValue("myFloat", floatValue);

    bw.setPropertyValue("myPrimitiveDouble", doubleValue);
    bw.setPropertyValue("myDouble", doubleValue);

    assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyPrimitiveByte());
    assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyByte().byteValue());

    assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyPrimitiveShort());
    assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyShort().shortValue());

    assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyPrimitiveInt());
    assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyInteger().intValue());

    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyPrimitiveLong());
    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyLong().longValue());

    assertEquals(Float.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyPrimitiveFloat(), 0.001);
    assertEquals(Float.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyFloat().floatValue(), 0.001);

    assertEquals(Double.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyPrimitiveDouble(), 0.001);
    assertEquals(Double.MAX_VALUE, bean.getMyDouble().doubleValue(), 0.001);
