Example usage for java.lang Iterable interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang Iterable interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Iterable interface-usage.


From source file com.anrisoftware.sscontrol.ldap.statements.Scripts.java

 * Scripts to import.
 * @author Erwin Mueller, erwin.mueller@deventm.org
 * @since 1.0

From source file io.fabric8.elasticsearch.plugin.acl.SearchGuardRolesMapping.java

public class SearchGuardRolesMapping
        implements Iterable<SearchGuardRolesMapping.RolesMapping>, SearchGuardACLDocument {

    public static final String ADMIN_ROLE = "gen_project_operations";
    public static final String KIBANA_SHARED_ROLE = SearchGuardRoles.ROLE_PREFIX + "_ocp_kibana_shared";
    private static final String USER_HEADER = "users";

From source file org.opencb.hpg.bigdata.core.io.VcfBlockIterator.java

 * @author mh719
public class VcfBlockIterator implements AutoCloseable, Iterator<List<CharBuffer>>, Iterable<List<CharBuffer>> {
    private static final long DEFAULT_64KB_BLOCK = 64L * 1024L;

From source file kenh.xscript.database.beans.ResultSetBean.java

 * The bean of result set.
 * This class do not call close method for result set.
 * @author Kenneth
 * @version 1.0

From source file edu.cornell.med.icb.goby.counts.PeakAggregator.java

 * Aggregate counts for peaks. Peaks are defined as a contiguous set of bases such that
 * no base has zero count.  This class defines the peaks and aggregate counts for the peak.
 * @author Fabien Campagne
 *         Date: May 27, 2009

From source file org.jspare.core.collections.TreeNode.java

 * The Class TreeNode.
 * @author pflima
 * @param <T>
 *            the generic type

From source file org.jtalks.poulpe.web.controller.component.ComponentList.java

 * Those components that are going to be shown in the tree under Components menu item. If any VM that follows MVVM
 * pattern needs notification about component removal/adding/editing, it should be subscribed to this list by {@link
 * #registerListener(Object)}. If something changed, then this list notifies VMs about changes <b>for all their
 * properties</b>. This is done because here we don't know what of properties of the VM should be actually notified, so
 * it's safer to notify all of them so pages that depend on this list will be refreshed with data in VMs.

From source file org.excalibur.core.compute.monitoring.domain.net.NetworkInterfaces.java

public class NetworkInterfaces implements Serializable, Iterable<NetworkInterface> {
     * Serial code version <code>serialVersionUID</code> for serialization.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3644436448837299947L;

From source file org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.LogicalOperator.java

@JsonPropertyOrder({ "@id", "memo", "input" }) // op will always be first since it is wrapped.
@JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class, property = "@id")
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "op")
public interface LogicalOperator extends Iterable<LogicalOperator> {

    //public static final Class<?>[] SUB_TYPES = {Write.class, CollapsingAggregate.class, Segment.class, Filter.class, Flatten.class, Join.class, Order.class, Limit.class, Project.class, Scan.class, Sequence.class, Transform.class, Union.class, WindowFrame.class};

From source file io.horizondb.io.serialization.Serializables.java

 * A composite <code>Serializable</code>.
 * @author Benjamin