Example usage for java.lang Math cos

List of usage examples for java.lang Math cos


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math cos.


public static double cos(double a) 

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Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.


From source file:es.emergya.geo.util.Lambert.java

 * Translate latitude/longitude in WGS84, (ellipsoid GRS80) to Lambert
 * geographic, (ellipsoid Clark)/*from www.j a va  2s .  c o  m*/
private LatLon GRS802Clark(LatLon wgs) {
    double lat = Math.toRadians(wgs.lat()); // degree to radian
    double lon = Math.toRadians(wgs.lon());
    // WGS84 geographic => WGS84 cartesian
    double N = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2 * Math.sin(lat) * Math.sin(lat)));
    double X = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon);
    double Y = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon);
    double Z = (N * (1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2)/* + height */) * Math.sin(lat);
    // WGS84 => Lambert ellipsoide similarity
    X += 168.0;
    Y += 60.0;
    Z += -320.0;
    // Lambert cartesian => Lambert geographic
    return Geographic(X, Y, Z, Ellipsoid.clarke);

From source file:br.liveo.ndrawer.ui.fragment.MainFragment22.java

public double getDistanceBetweenTwoCoordiantes(double lat1, double lat2, double lon1, double lon2) {
    try {/*  w  w  w  .j  a v a 2s . c  om*/
        double R = 6371.0; // km

        double dLat = toRad(lat2 - lat1);
        double dLon = toRad(lon2 - lon1);

        double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2.0) * Math.sin(dLat / 2.0)
                + Math.sin(dLon / 2.0) * Math.sin(dLon / 2.0) * Math.cos(toRad(lat1)) * Math.cos(toRad(lat2));
        double c = 2.0 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1.0 - a));
        double d = R * c;

        // return unit meter
        return d * 1000;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

From source file:com.kircherelectronics.accelerationexplorer.filter.ImuLaKfQuaternion.java

 * Create an angle-axis vector, in this case a unit quaternion, from the
 * provided Euler angle's (presumably from SensorManager.getOrientation()).
 * //from  w  ww .j a  va  2 s.  c o m
 * Equation from
 * http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions
 * /eulerToQuaternion/
 * @param orientation
private void getRotationVectorFromAccelMag(float[] orientation) {
    // Assuming the angles are in radians.

    // getOrientation() values:
    // values[0]: azimuth, rotation around the Z axis.
    // values[1]: pitch, rotation around the X axis.
    // values[2]: roll, rotation around the Y axis.

    // Heading, Azimuth, Yaw
    double c1 = Math.cos(orientation[0] / 2);
    double s1 = Math.sin(orientation[0] / 2);

    // Pitch, Attitude
    // The equation assumes the pitch is pointed in the opposite direction
    // of the orientation vector provided by Android, so we invert it.
    double c2 = Math.cos(-orientation[1] / 2);
    double s2 = Math.sin(-orientation[1] / 2);

    // Roll, Bank
    double c3 = Math.cos(orientation[2] / 2);
    double s3 = Math.sin(orientation[2] / 2);

    double c1c2 = c1 * c2;
    double s1s2 = s1 * s2;

    double w = c1c2 * c3 - s1s2 * s3;
    double x = c1c2 * s3 + s1s2 * c3;
    double y = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
    double z = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;

    // The quaternion in the equation does not share the same coordinate
    // system as the Android gyroscope quaternion we are using. We reorder
    // it here.

    // Android X (pitch) = Equation Z (pitch)
    // Android Y (roll) = Equation X (roll)
    // Android Z (azimuth) = Equation Y (azimuth)

    vectorAccelMag[0] = z;
    vectorAccelMag[1] = x;
    vectorAccelMag[2] = y;
    vectorAccelMag[3] = w;

    if (!hasOrientation) {
        quatAccelMag = new Quaternion(w, z, x, y);

From source file:com.bitnine.tadpole.graph.core.editor.extension.browserHandler.CypherFunctionService.java

 * Sigma.js ?? ?   ./*from   w  ww.j a  v a2  s  . c o m*/
 * @param nodeJsonString
 * @return
protected String loadDataWithSigma(final String nodeJsonString) {
    String result = "";

    JsonObject jsonNode = JsonObject.readFrom(nodeJsonString);

    ResultSet rs = null;
    java.sql.Connection javaConn = null;
    Statement statement = null;

    try {

        SqlMapClient client = TadpoleSQLManager.getInstance(userDB);

        String reqQuery = "match (n)-[r]->(p) where id(n) = '" + jsonNode.get("id").asString()
                + "' return n, r, p UNION match (n)-[r]->(p) where id(p) = '" + jsonNode.get("id").asString()
                + "' return n, r, p";
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Execute Math CQL : " + reqQuery);

        javaConn = client.getDataSource().getConnection();
        statement = javaConn.createStatement();

        rs = statement.executeQuery(reqQuery);
        ResultSetMetaData rsmt = rs.getMetaData();

        SigmaGraph graph = new SigmaGraph();
        Node node = null;
        GEdge edge = null;
        long row = 0;
        double parentAngle = 0;
        double angleDeg = 0;
        double nx = 0;
        double ny = 0;

        while (rs.next()) {
            for (int columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= rsmt.getColumnCount(); columnIndex++) {

                Object obj = rs.getObject(columnIndex);

                if (obj instanceof Vertex) {
                    node = new Node();

                    Vertex vertex = (Vertex) obj;
                    angleDeg = (((360 / (rsmt.getColumnCount() * 10)) * (columnIndex * row)));
                    nx = jsonNode.get("x").asDouble()
                            + (100 * Math.cos((angleDeg * (Math.PI / 180)) - parentAngle));
                    ny = jsonNode.get("y").asDouble()
                            + (100 * Math.sin((angleDeg * (Math.PI / 180)) - parentAngle));


                } else if (obj instanceof Edge) {

                    edge = new GEdge();
                    Edge relation = (Edge) obj;
                    edge.setId(relation.getEdgeId().getOid() + "." + relation.getEdgeId().getId());
                            relation.getStartVertexId().getOid() + "." + relation.getStartVertexId().getId());
                            relation.getEndVertexid().getOid() + "." + relation.getEndVertexid().getId());
                    edge.setType("arrow");//'line', 'curve', 'arrow', 'curvedArrow'

                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Relation is " + relation.toString() + ", edge is " + edge.toString());

                } else {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Unknow Class " + obj.getClass().toString());

        Gson gson = new Gson();
        result = gson.toJson(graph);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("##### Graph ####====>" + result);

    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        try {
            if (statement != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (rs != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (javaConn != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {

    return result;

From source file:ExDepthCue.java

public Shape3D buildSurface(double freqAlpha, double freqTheta, double radius, float red, float green,
        float blue) {
    int nAngles = 64;
    double amp = radius / 4.0;

    int nAlpha = nAngles / 2;
    double theta, alpha;
    double x, y, z, rprime, r;
    double deltaTheta, deltaAlpha;
    int i, j;//from  w w  w. j av  a2 s.  c  o m
    int i1, i2, i3, i4;

    deltaTheta = 360.0 / (nAngles - 1.0);
    deltaAlpha = 180.0 / (nAlpha - 1.0);

    // Build an appearance
    Appearance app = new Appearance();

    LineAttributes latt = new LineAttributes();

    ColoringAttributes catt = new ColoringAttributes();
    catt.setColor(red, green, blue);

    PolygonAttributes patt = new PolygonAttributes();

    // Compute coordinates
    double[] coordinates = new double[nAlpha * nAngles * 3];
    alpha = 90.0;
    int n = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nAlpha; i++) {
        theta = 0.0;
        for (j = 0; j < nAngles; j++) {
            r = radius + amp * Math.sin((freqAlpha * ((double) i / (double) (nAlpha - 1))
                    + freqTheta * ((double) j / (double) (nAngles - 1))) * 2.0 * Math.PI);
            y = r * Math.sin(alpha / 180.0 * Math.PI);
            rprime = y / Math.tan(alpha / 180.0 * Math.PI);
            x = rprime * Math.cos(theta / 180.0 * Math.PI);
            z = rprime * Math.sin(theta / 180.0 * Math.PI);

            coordinates[n + 0] = x;
            coordinates[n + 1] = y;
            coordinates[n + 2] = z;
            n += 3;
            theta += deltaTheta;
        alpha -= deltaAlpha;

    // Compute coordinate indexes
    int[] indexes = new int[(nAlpha - 1) * nAngles * 4];
    n = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nAlpha - 1; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < nAngles; j++) {
            i1 = i * nAngles + j;
            if (j == nAngles - 1) {
                i2 = i1 - j;
                i3 = (i + 1) * nAngles;
            } else {
                i2 = i1 + 1;
                i3 = (i + 1) * nAngles + j + 1;
            i4 = (i + 1) * nAngles + j;

            indexes[n + 0] = i1;
            indexes[n + 1] = i2;
            indexes[n + 2] = i3;
            indexes[n + 3] = i4;
            n += 4;

    // Build the shape
    IndexedQuadArray lines = new IndexedQuadArray(coordinates.length / 3, // Number
            // of
            // coordinates
            GeometryArray.COORDINATES, // coordinates only
            indexes.length); // Number of indexes
    lines.setCoordinates(0, coordinates);
    lines.setCoordinateIndices(0, indexes);

    Shape3D shape = new Shape3D(lines, app);

    return shape;

From source file:com.nextgis.rehacompdemo.RoutingActivity.java

private double getOffsetLongitude(Location location, double offset) {
    return location.getLongitude()
            + (180 / Math.PI) * (offset / 6378137.0) / Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * location.getLatitude());

From source file:com.example.gps_project.Places.java

public static double GetDistance(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2) {

    double radLat1 = rad(lat1);
    double radLat2 = rad(lat2);
    double a = radLat1 - radLat2;
    double b = rad(lng1) - rad(lng2);
    double s = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2), 2)
            + Math.cos(radLat1) * Math.cos(radLat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(b / 2), 2)));
    s = s * EARTH_RADIUS;/*from   w  w  w.j a  v  a  2s  .c  o m*/
    s = Math.round(s * 10000) / 10000;
    return s;

From source file:uk.ac.cam.cl.dtg.util.locations.PostCodeIOLocationResolver.java

 * @param lat1/*  ww  w. j av  a2s. c  o  m*/
 *            - latitude 1
 * @param lon1
 *            - longitude 1
 * @param lat2
 *            - latitude 2
 * @param lon2
 *            - longitude 2
 * @return - distance in miles
private double getLatLonDistanceInMiles(final double lat1, final double lon1, final double lat2,
        final double lon2) {
    // borrowed from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
    int R = 6371000;
    double phi1 = Math.toRadians(lat1);
    double phi2 = Math.toRadians(lat2);
    double deltaPhi = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
    double deltaLambda = Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1);

    double a = Math.sin(deltaPhi / 2) * Math.sin(deltaPhi / 2)
            + Math.cos(phi1) * Math.cos(phi2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda / 2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda / 2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));

    double d = R * c;

    // convert from metres to miles
    d = (d / 1000) * 0.621371;

    return d;

From source file:edu.cuny.qc.speech.AuToBI.PitchExtractor.java

 * A Java implementation of Paul Boersma's pitch extraction algorithm. Implemented in Praat, and called by To
 * Pitch(ac).../*from   w  w  w  . j  a  v a2s.c o m*/
 * @param time_step            The time step to extract pitch values at
 * @param min_pitch            The minimum valid pitch
 * @param periods_per_window   Number of periods per window
 * @param max_candidates       The number of pitch candidates to consider
 * @param silence_thresh       The silence threshold
 * @param voicing_thresh       The voicing threshold
 * @param octave_cost          The octave cost
 * @param octave_jump_cost     The octave jump cost
 * @param voiced_unvoiced_cost The voiced to unvoiced transition cost
 * @param max_pitch            THe maximum valid pitch
 * @return A list of TimeValuePairs containing pitch information
 * @throws AuToBIException if there's a problem
public Contour soundToPitchAc(double time_step, double min_pitch, double periods_per_window, int max_candidates,
        double silence_thresh, double voicing_thresh, double octave_cost, double octave_jump_cost,
        double voiced_unvoiced_cost, double max_pitch) throws AuToBIException {
    double duration;
    double t0;
    int i, j;
    double dt_window; /* Window length in seconds. */
    int nsamp_window, halfnsamp_window; /* Number of samples per window. */
    int nFrames;
    int maximumLag;
    int iframe, nsampFFT;
    double frame[][];
    double ac[];
    double window[];
    double windowR[];
    double globalPeak;
    double interpolation_depth;
    int nsamp_period, halfnsamp_period; /* Number of samples in longest period. */
    int brent_ixmax, brent_depth;

    if (max_candidates < max_pitch / min_pitch)
        max_candidates = (int) Math.floor(max_pitch / min_pitch);

    if (time_step <= 0.0) {
        time_step = periods_per_window / min_pitch / 4.0; /* e.g. 3 periods, 75 Hz: 10 milliseconds. */

    // Exclusively implementing the AC_HANNING case
    brent_depth = NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC70;
    interpolation_depth = 0.5;
    duration = wav.getDuration();
    if (min_pitch < periods_per_window / duration) {
        throw new AuToBIException("For this Sound, the parameter 'minimum pitch' may not be less than "
                + (periods_per_window / duration) + " Hz.");

    * Determine the number of samples in the longest period.
    * We need this to compute the local mean of the sound (looking one period in both directions),
    * and to compute the local peak of the sound (looking half a period in both directions).
    nsamp_period = (int) Math.floor(1 / wav.getFrameSize() / min_pitch);
    halfnsamp_period = nsamp_period / 2 + 1;

    if (max_pitch > 0.5 / wav.getFrameSize())
        max_pitch = 0.5 / wav.getFrameSize();

    * Determine window length in seconds and in samples.
    dt_window = periods_per_window / min_pitch;
    nsamp_window = (int) Math.floor(dt_window / wav.getFrameSize());
    halfnsamp_window = nsamp_window / 2 - 1;
    if (halfnsamp_window < 2) {
        throw new AuToBIException("Analysis window too short.");
    nsamp_window = halfnsamp_window * 2;

    * Determine the maximum lag.
    maximumLag = (int) (Math.floor(nsamp_window / periods_per_window) + 2);
    if (maximumLag > nsamp_window)
        maximumLag = nsamp_window;

    if (wav.getDuration() < dt_window) {
        throw new AuToBIException("Wav data is shorter than pitch analysis window.");

    Pair<Integer, Double> pair = getNFramesAndStartTime(time_step, dt_window);
    nFrames = pair.first;
    t0 = pair.second;

    * Create the resulting pitch contour.
    Contour pitch = new Contour(t0, time_step, nFrames);

    * Compute the global absolute peak for determination of silence threshold.
    globalPeak = 0.0;
    for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {
        double mean = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < wav.getNumSamples(); ++i) {
            mean += wav.getSample(channel, i);
        mean /= wav.getNumSamples();
        for (i = 0; i < wav.getNumSamples(); ++i) {
            double value = Math.abs(wav.getSample(channel, i) - mean);
            if (value > globalPeak)
                globalPeak = value;
    if (globalPeak == 0.0) {
        return pitch;

    * Compute the number of samples needed for doing FFT.
    * To avoid edge effects, we have to append zeroes to the window.
    * The maximum lag considered for maxima is maximumLag.
    * The maximum lag used in interpolation is nsamp_window * interpolation_depth.
    nsampFFT = 1;
    while (nsampFFT < nsamp_window * (1 + interpolation_depth))
        nsampFFT *= 2;

    * Create buffers for autocorrelation analysis.
    frame = new double[wav.numberOfChannels][nsampFFT];

    windowR = new double[nsampFFT];
    window = new double[nsamp_window];
    ac = new double[nsampFFT];

    /* Hanning window. */
    for (i = 0; i < nsamp_window; i++) {
        window[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * Math.cos((i + 1) * 2 * Math.PI / (nsamp_window + 1));

    * Compute the normalized autocorrelation of the window.
    for (i = 0; i < nsamp_window; i++) {
        windowR[i] = window[i];
    for (i = nsamp_window; i < nsampFFT; ++i) {
        windowR[i] = 0.0;

    // Forward FFT
    RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 window_fft = new RealDoubleFFT_Radix2(nsampFFT);

    windowR[0] *= windowR[0];
    for (i = 1; i < nsampFFT; ++i) {
        // calculate the power spectrum
        // absolute value of the fft
        if (i <= nsampFFT / 2) {
            // The real part
            windowR[i] = windowR[i] * windowR[i] + windowR[nsampFFT - i] * windowR[nsampFFT - i];
        } else {
            // The imaginary part
            windowR[i] = 0;

    for (i = 1; i < nsamp_window; i++) {
        windowR[i] = windowR[i] / windowR[0]; /* Normalize. */
    windowR[0] = 1.0;

    brent_ixmax = (int) (nsamp_window * interpolation_depth);
    int[] imax = new int[max_candidates];

    // Start to calculate pitch
    ArrayList<PitchFrame> pitchFrames = new ArrayList<PitchFrame>();
    for (iframe = 0; iframe < nFrames; iframe++) {

        // It's unclear to me what Sound_to_Pitch.c:224 means
        //  Pitch_Frame pitchFrame = & thy frame [iframe];
        // it seems as though there are two 'frame' variables.
        // 'thy frame' is an array of Pitch_Frames with nFrames elements
        // 'frame' is a channels by nsampFFT matrix

        PitchFrame pitchFrame = new PitchFrame();
        double t = indexToX(t0, time_step, iframe);
        double localPeak;
        int leftSample = xToLowIndex(0.0, wav.getFrameSize(), t);
        int rightSample = leftSample + 1;
        int startSample, endSample;

        double localMean[] = new double[wav.numberOfChannels];
        for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {
            * Compute the local mean; look one longest period to both sides.
            startSample = Math.max(0, rightSample - nsamp_period);
            endSample = Math.min(wav.getNumSamples(), leftSample + nsamp_period);

            localMean[channel] = 0.0;
            for (i = startSample; i <= endSample; i++) {
                localMean[channel] += wav.getSample(channel, i);
            localMean[channel] /= 2 * nsamp_period;

            * Copy a window to a frame and subtract the local mean.
            * We are going to kill the DC component before windowing.
            startSample = Math.max(0, rightSample - halfnsamp_window);
            //endSample = Math.min(wav.getNumSamples()-1, leftSample + halfnsamp_window);
            for (j = 0, i = startSample; j < nsamp_window; j++)
                frame[channel][j] = (wav.getSample(channel, i++) - localMean[channel]) * window[j];
            for (j = nsamp_window + 1; j < nsampFFT; j++)
                frame[channel][j] = 0.0;

        * Compute the local peak; look half a longest period to both sides.
        localPeak = 0.0;
        if ((startSample = halfnsamp_window + 1 - halfnsamp_period) < 1) {
            startSample = 0;
        if ((endSample = halfnsamp_window + halfnsamp_period) > nsamp_window)
            endSample = nsamp_window;

        for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {
            for (j = startSample; j <= endSample; j++) {
                double value = Math.abs(frame[channel][j]);
                if (value > localPeak)
                    localPeak = value;

        pitchFrame.setIntensity(localPeak > globalPeak ? 1.0 : localPeak / globalPeak);

        * The FFT of the autocorrelation is the power spectrum.
        for (i = 0; i < nsampFFT; i++) {
            ac[i] = 0.0;

        for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {

            // FFT forward
            RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 frame_fft = new RealDoubleFFT_Radix2(nsampFFT);
            ac[0] += frame[channel][0] * frame[channel][0]; /* DC component. */
            for (i = 1; i < nsampFFT - 1; ++i) {
                /* Power spectrum. */
                if (i <= nsampFFT / 2) {
                    // The real part
                    ac[i] += frame[channel][i] * frame[channel][i]
                            + frame[channel][nsampFFT - i] * frame[channel][nsampFFT - i];
        // FFT backward
        RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 ac_fft = new RealDoubleFFT_Radix2(nsampFFT);

        * Normalize the autocorrelation to the value with zero lag,
        * and divide it by the normalized autocorrelation of the window.
        NegativeSymmetricList r = new NegativeSymmetricList();
        for (i = 0; i < brent_ixmax; i++) {
            r.add(ac[i + 1] / (ac[0] * windowR[i + 1]));

        * Register the first candidate, which is always present: voicelessness.
        pitchFrame.getCandidate(0).frequency = 0.0; // Voiceless: always present.
        pitchFrame.getCandidate(0).strength = 0.0;

        * Shortcut: absolute silence is always voiceless.
        * Go to next frame.
        if (localPeak == 0) {

        * Find the strongest maxima of the correlation of this frame,
        * and register them as candidates.
        imax[1] = 0;
        for (i = 1; i < maximumLag && i < brent_ixmax; i++) {
            if (r.get(i) > 0.5 * voicing_thresh && /* Not too unvoiced? */
                    r.get(i) > r.get(i - 1) && r.get(i) >= r.get(i + 1)) /* Maximum? */ {
                int place = 0;

                * Use parabolic interpolation for first estimate of frequency,
                * and sin(x)/x interpolation to compute the strengths of this frequency.
                double dr = 0.5 * (r.get(i + 1) - r.get(i - 1)),
                        d2r = 2 * r.get(i) - r.get(i - 1) - r.get(i + 1);

                double frequencyOfMaximum = 1.0 / wav.getFrameSize() / (i + dr / d2r);
                int offset = -brent_ixmax - 1;
                double strengthOfMaximum = /* method & 1 ? */
                        interpolateSinc(r, offset, brent_ixmax - offset,
                                1.0 / wav.getFrameSize() / frequencyOfMaximum - offset, 30)
                /* : r [i] + 0.5 * dr * dr / d2r */;

                /* High values due to short windows are to be reflected around 1. */
                if (strengthOfMaximum > 1.0)
                    strengthOfMaximum = 1.0 / strengthOfMaximum;

                * Find a place for this maximum.
                if (pitchFrame.getNumCandidates() < max_candidates) { /* Is there still a free place? */
                    place = pitchFrame.getNumCandidates();
                } else {
                    /* Try the place of the weakest candidate so far. */
                    double weakest = 1;
                    int iweak;
                    for (iweak = 1; iweak < max_candidates; ++iweak) {
                        /* High frequencies are to be favoured */
                        /* if we want to analyze a perfectly periodic signal correctly. */
                        double localStrength = pitchFrame.getCandidate(iweak).strength - octave_cost
                                * Math.log(min_pitch / pitchFrame.getCandidate(iweak).frequency) / Math.log(2);
                        if (localStrength < weakest) {
                            weakest = localStrength;
                            place = iweak;
                    /* If this maximum is weaker than the weakest candidate so far, give it no place. */
                    if (strengthOfMaximum
                            - octave_cost * Math.log(min_pitch / frequencyOfMaximum) / Math.log(2) <= weakest) {
                        place = -1;
                /* Have we found a place for this candidate? */
                if (place >= 0) {
                    pitchFrame.getCandidate(place).frequency = frequencyOfMaximum;
                    pitchFrame.getCandidate(place).strength = strengthOfMaximum;
                    imax[place] = i;
        * Second pass: for extra precision, maximize sin(x)/x interpolation ('sinc').
        for (i = 1; i < pitchFrame.getNumCandidates(); i++) {
            if (pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).frequency > 0.0) {
                double xmid;
                double ymid;
                int offset = -brent_ixmax - 1;

                Pair<Double, Double> max_results = improveMaximum(r, offset, brent_ixmax - offset,
                        imax[i] - offset,
                        pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).frequency > 0.3 / wav.getFrameSize()
                                ? NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC700
                                : brent_depth);

                ymid = max_results.first;
                xmid = max_results.second;

                xmid += offset;
                pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).frequency = 1.0 / wav.getFrameSize() / xmid;

                if (ymid > 1.0)
                    ymid = 1.0 / ymid;
                pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).strength = ymid;
    } /* Next frame. */

    // Use path finding with constraints to find the lowest cost path through pitch candidates
    pitch = pathFinder(pitchFrames, silence_thresh, voicing_thresh, octave_cost, octave_jump_cost,
            voiced_unvoiced_cost, max_pitch, max_candidates, time_step, t0);

    return pitch;

From source file:com.samknows.measurement.activity.SamKnowsMapActivity.java

private LatLng getPoint(LatLng center, int radius, double angle) {
    // Get the coordinates of a circle point at the given angle
    double east = radius * Math.cos(angle);
    double north = radius * Math.sin(angle);

    double cLat = center.latitude;
    double cLng = center.longitude;
    double latRadius = 6371000 * Math.cos(cLat / 180 * Math.PI);

    double newLat = cLat + (north / 6371000 / Math.PI * 180);
    double newLng = cLng + (east / latRadius / Math.PI * 180);

    return new LatLng(newLat, newLng);