Example usage for java.lang Math exp

List of usage examples for java.lang Math exp


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math exp.


public static double exp(double a) 

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Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value.


From source file:com.qaant.threadModels.TWhaley.java

private void wWhaley() {

    tipoEjercicio = AMERICAN;/*from w  ww  . j  a v a2s  . c o m*/

    //     q=(tipoContrato==STOCK) ? dividendRate:rate; 
    //q: si es una accion q es el dividendo, si es un futuro q se toma la rate para descontar el valor futr a presente 
    //Se hace este reemplazo para poder usar la misma form en STOCK y FUTURO

    double xx;

    switch (tipoContrato) {
    case STOCK:
        q = dividendRate;
        b = rate;

    case FUTURES:
        q = rate;
        b = 0;
    double vlt2 = volatModel * volatModel;
    double VltSqrDayYear = volatModel * sqrDayYear;
    double h = 1 - z; //descuento para valor presente

    double alfa = 2 * rate / vlt2;
    double beta = 2 * (b - q) / vlt2;

    double lambda = (-(beta - 1) + cpFlag * Math.sqrt((beta - 1) * (beta - 1) + 4 * alfa / h)) / 2;

    double eex = Math.exp(-q * dayYear);//descuento por dividendos

    double s1 = strike;
    double zz = 1 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
    double zerror = 1;
    do {
        double d1 = (Math.log(s1 / strike) + ((rate - q) + vlt2 / 2) * dayYear) / VltSqrDayYear;
        xx = (1 - eex * new NormalDistribution().cumulativeProbability(cpFlag * d1));

        double corr = s1 / lambda * xx;

        QBlackScholes option = new QBlackScholes(tipoContrato, s1, volatModel, dividendRate, callPut, strike,
                daysToExpiration, rate, 0);

        double mBlackScholes = option.getPrima();
        double rhs = mBlackScholes + cpFlag * corr;

        double lhs = cpFlag * (s1 - strike);
        zerror = lhs - rhs;
        double nd1 = zz * Math.exp(-0.5 * d1 * d1); //standard normal prob?
        double slope = cpFlag * (1 - 1 / lambda) * xx + 1 / lambda * (eex * nd1) * 1 / VltSqrDayYear;
        s1 = s1 - zerror / slope;

    } while (Math.abs(zerror) > 0.000001);

    double a = cpFlag * s1 / lambda * xx;

    switch (callPut) {
    case CALL: //Call
        if (underlyingValue >= s1) {
            prima = underlyingValue - strike;
        } else {
            prima += a * Math.pow((underlyingValue / s1), lambda);

    case PUT: //Put
        if (underlyingValue <= s1) {
            prima = strike - underlyingValue;
        } else {
            prima += a * Math.pow((underlyingValue / s1), lambda);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.ExponentialExtrapolator1D.java

private Double rightExtrapolate(final Interpolator1DDataBundle data, final Double value) {
    Validate.notNull(data, "data");
    Validate.notNull(value, "value");
    final double x = data.lastKey();
    final double y = data.lastValue();
    final double m = Math.log(y) / x;
    return Math.exp(m * value);

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.search.Test.java

public void test() {
    double[] a = { .3, .03, .01 };

    List<Double> logs = new ArrayList<>();

    for (double _a : a) {
        logs.add(Math.log(_a));//from   w  w  w  . ja  va 2s.  co m

    double sum = 0.0;

    for (double _a : a) {
        sum += _a;

    double logsum = logOfSum(logs);

    System.out.println(Math.exp(logsum) + " " + sum);

From source file:com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.gibbs.customFactors.MultinomialBlockProposal.java

public BlockProposal next(Value[] currentValue, Domain[] variableDomain) {
    final DimpleRandom rand = activeRandom();

    double proposalForwardEnergy = 0;
    double proposalReverseEnergy = 0;
    int argumentIndex = 0;
    int argumentLength = currentValue.length;
    Value[] newValue = new Value[argumentLength];
    for (int i = 0; i < argumentLength; i++)
        newValue[i] = Value.create(variableDomain[i]);

    // Get the current alpha values
    double[] alpha;
    double[] alphaEnergy;
    double alphaSum = 0;
    if (_customFactor.isAlphaEnergyRepresentation()) {
        alphaEnergy = _customFactor.getCurrentAlpha();
        alpha = new double[alphaEnergy.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < alphaEnergy.length; i++) {
            alpha[i] = Math.exp(-alphaEnergy[i]);
            alphaSum += alpha[i];//from w w w .  j  a  v a2s. co m
    } else {
        alpha = _customFactor.getCurrentAlpha();
        alphaEnergy = new double[alpha.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < alpha.length; i++) {
            alphaEnergy[i] = -Math.log(alpha[i]);
            alphaSum += alpha[i];
    if (alphaSum == 0) // Shouldn't happen, but can during initialization
        Arrays.fill(alpha, 1);
        Arrays.fill(alphaEnergy, 0);
        alphaSum = alpha.length;

    int nextN = _constantN;
    if (!_hasConstantN) {
        // If N is variable, sample N uniformly
        int previousN = currentValue[argumentIndex].getIndex();
        int NDomainSize = requireNonNull(variableDomain[0].asDiscrete()).size();
        nextN = rand.nextInt(NDomainSize);

        // Add this portion of -log p(x_proposed -> x_previous)
        proposalReverseEnergy += -org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(previousN + 1)
                + previousN * Math.log(alphaSum);

        // Add this portion of -log p(x_previous -> x_proposed)
        proposalForwardEnergy += -org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(nextN + 1)
                + nextN * Math.log(alphaSum);

    // Given N and alpha, resample the outputs
    // Multinomial formed by successively sampling from a binomial and subtracting each count from the total
    // FIXME: Assumes all outputs are variable (no constant outputs)
    int remainingN = nextN;
    int alphaIndex = 0;
    for (; argumentIndex < argumentLength; argumentIndex++, alphaIndex++) {
        double alphai = alpha[alphaIndex];
        double alphaEnergyi = alphaEnergy[alphaIndex];
        int previousX = currentValue[argumentIndex].getIndex();
        int nextX;
        if (argumentIndex < argumentLength - 1)
            nextX = rand.nextBinomial(remainingN, alphai / alphaSum);
        else // Last value
            nextX = remainingN;
        remainingN -= nextX; // Subtract the sample value from the remaining total count
        alphaSum -= alphai; // Subtract this alpha value from the sum used for normalization

        double previousXNegativeLogAlphai;
        double nextXNegativeLogAlphai;
        if (alphai == 0 && previousX == 0)
            previousXNegativeLogAlphai = 0;
            previousXNegativeLogAlphai = previousX * alphaEnergyi;
        if (alphai == 0 && nextX == 0)
            nextXNegativeLogAlphai = 0;
            nextXNegativeLogAlphai = nextX * alphaEnergyi;

        // Add this portion of -log p(x_proposed -> x_previous)
        proposalReverseEnergy += previousXNegativeLogAlphai
                + org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(previousX + 1);

        // Add this portion of -log p(x_previous -> x_proposed)
        proposalForwardEnergy += nextXNegativeLogAlphai
                + org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(nextX + 1);

    return new BlockProposal(newValue, proposalForwardEnergy, proposalReverseEnergy);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.option.pricing.analytic.JuZhongModel.java

public Function1D<StandardOptionDataBundle, Double> getPricingFunction(
        final AmericanVanillaOptionDefinition definition) {
    Validate.notNull(definition);//from w  w w  .  j  a  va  2s  .  c  om
    final double phi = definition.isCall() ? 1 : -1;
    final Function1D<StandardOptionDataBundle, Double> pricingFunction = new Function1D<StandardOptionDataBundle, Double>() {

        public Double evaluate(final StandardOptionDataBundle data) {
            final GreekResultCollection bsmResult = BSM.getGreeks(definition, data, PRICE);
            final double bsmPrice = bsmResult.get(Greek.FAIR_PRICE);
            final double s = data.getSpot();
            final double k = definition.getStrike();
            final double t = definition.getTimeToExpiry(data.getDate());
            final double r = data.getInterestRate(t);
            final double b = data.getCostOfCarry();
            final double sigma = data.getVolatility(t, k);
            final double sigmaSq = sigma * sigma;
            final double h = getH(r, t);
            final double alpha = getAlpha(r, sigmaSq);
            final double beta = getBeta(r, b, sigmaSq);
            final double lambda = getLambda(phi, alpha, beta, h);
            final double lambdaDash = getLambdaDash(phi, alpha, beta, h);
            final Function1D<Double, Double> function = getFunction(phi, Math.exp(-b * t), k, t, sigmaSq, b,
                    lambda, definition, data);
            final double sEstimate = FINDER.getRoot(function, 0., s * 2);
            if (phi * (sEstimate - s) <= 0) {
                return phi * (s - k);
            final double estimatePrice = BSM.getGreeks(definition, data.withSpot(sEstimate), PRICE)
            final double hA = phi * (sEstimate - k) - estimatePrice;
            final double derivative = getDerivative(k, r, b, t, sigma, phi, sEstimate);
            final double c = getC(h, alpha, lambdaDash, lambda, beta);
            final double d = getD(h, alpha, derivative, hA, lambdaDash, lambda, beta);
            final double ratio = Math.log(s / sEstimate);
            final double chi = c * Math.pow(ratio, 2) + d * ratio;
            return bsmPrice + hA * Math.pow(s / sEstimate, lambda) / (1 - chi);

    return pricingFunction;

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.option.pricing.fourier.FourierPricer.java

public double price(final BlackFunctionData data, final EuropeanVanillaOption option,
        final MartingaleCharacteristicExponent ce, final double alpha, final double limitTolerance,
        final boolean useVarianceReduction) {
    Validate.notNull(data, "data");
    Validate.notNull(option, "option");
    Validate.notNull(ce, "characteristic exponent");
    Validate.isTrue(limitTolerance > 0, "limit tolerance must be > 0");
    Validate.isTrue(alpha <= ce.getLargestAlpha() && alpha >= ce.getSmallestAlpha(),
            "The value of alpha is not valid for the Characteristic Exponent and will most likely lead to mispricing. Choose a value between "
                    + ce.getSmallestAlpha() + " and " + ce.getLargestAlpha());
    final EuropeanPriceIntegrand integrand = new EuropeanPriceIntegrand(ce, alpha, useVarianceReduction);
    final EuropeanCallFourierTransform psi = new EuropeanCallFourierTransform(ce);
    final double strike = option.getStrike();
    final double t = option.getTimeToExpiry();
    final boolean isCall = option.isCall();
    final double forward = data.getForward();
    final double discountFactor = data.getDiscountFactor();
    final Function1D<ComplexNumber, ComplexNumber> characteristicFunction = psi.getFunction(t);
    final double xMax = LIMIT_CALCULATOR.solve(characteristicFunction, alpha, limitTolerance);
    final Function1D<Double, Double> func = integrand.getFunction(data, option);
    final double integral = Math.exp(-alpha * Math.log(strike / forward))
            * _integrator.integrate(func, 0.0, xMax) / Math.PI;
    if (useVarianceReduction) {
        final double black = BLACK_PRICE_FUNCTION.getPriceFunction(option).evaluate(data);
        final double diff = discountFactor * forward * integral;
        return diff + black;
    }//w ww  .  j a v  a 2  s.  c o  m

    if (isCall) {
        if (alpha > 0.0) {
            return discountFactor * forward * integral;
        } else if (alpha < -1.0) {
            return discountFactor * (forward * (1 + integral) - strike);
        } else {
            return discountFactor * forward * (integral + 1);
    if (alpha > 0.0) {
        return discountFactor * (forward * (integral - 1) + strike);
    } else if (alpha < -1.0) {
        return discountFactor * forward * integral;
    return discountFactor * (forward * integral + strike);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.volatility.smile.fitting.SABRSurfaceFittingTest.java

public void doIt() {
    final double[] maturities = new double[] { 5, 1, 10, 15, 1, 5 };
    final double[] tenors = new double[] { 5, 5, 10, 15, 1, 10 };
    final double[] forwards = new double[] { 0.0424, 0.025513, 0.046213, 0.04405, 0.010482, 0.04443 };
    final double[] atmVols = new double[] { 0.23845, 0.36995, 0.18745, 0.162, 0.7332, 0.2177 };

    final int n = maturities.length;
    Validate.isTrue(n == tenors.length && n == forwards.length && n == atmVols.length);

    final double[] moneynessSigma = new double[] { -2, -1, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 };
    final double[][] vols = new double[n][];
    vols[0] = new double[] { 0, 0.27, 0.253, 0.247, 0.23845, 0.238, 0.236, 0.233, 0.226 };
    vols[1] = new double[] { 0.653, 0.442, 0.396, 0.382, 0.36995, 0.367, 0.363, 0.363, 0.36 };
    vols[2] = new double[] { 0.25, 0.214, 0.2, 0.194, 0.18745, 0.186, 0.183, 0.179, 0.171 };
    vols[3] = new double[] { 0.224, 0.19, 0.175, 0.17, 0.162, 0.161, 0.158, 0.154, 0.15 };
    vols[4] = new double[] { 0, 0, 0.847, 0.776, 0.7332, 0.718, 0.707, 0.702, 0.701 };
    vols[5] = new double[] { 0.284, 0.247, 0.231, 0.225, 0.2177, 0.217, 0.213, 0.209, 0.207 };

    final double[] alpha = new double[n];
    final double[] beta = new double[n];
    final double[] nu = new double[n];
    final double[] rho = new double[n];

    final double[] start = new double[] { 0.3, 0.9, 0.3, 0.0 };

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int m = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < vols[i].length; j++) {
            if (vols[i][j] > 0.0) {
                m++;/*from  ww  w  .  j  ava  2s .c  o  m*/
        final EuropeanVanillaOption[] options = new EuropeanVanillaOption[m];
        final BlackFunctionData[] data = new BlackFunctionData[m];
        final double[] errors = new double[m];
        int p = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < vols[i].length; j++) {
            if (vols[i][j] > 0.0) {
                options[p] = new EuropeanVanillaOption(
                        forwards[i] * Math.exp(atmVols[i] * Math.sqrt(maturities[i]) * moneynessSigma[j]),
                        maturities[i], true);
                data[p] = new BlackFunctionData(forwards[i], 1, vols[i][j]);
                errors[p] = 0.001;
        final LeastSquareResultsWithTransform result = FITTER.getFitResult(options, data, errors, start,
                new BitSet(4));
        final DoubleMatrix1D params = result.getModelParameters();
        alpha[i] = params.getEntry(0);
        beta[i] = params.getEntry(1);
        nu[i] = params.getEntry(2);
        rho[i] = params.getEntry(3);

        // System.out.print(alpha[i] + "\t" + beta[i] + "\t" + nu[i] + "\t" + rho[i] + "\t");
        // for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
        // System.out.print("\t" + strikes[j]);
        // }
        // System.out.print("\n");
        // System.out.print("\t\t\t\t");
        // for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
        // double sabrVol = sabr.impliedVolatility(forwards[i], alpha[i], beta[i], nu[i], rho[i], strikes[j], maturities[i]);
        // System.out.print("\t" + sabrVol);
        // }
        // System.out.print("\n");


From source file:org.fhcrc.cpl.viewer.quant.gui.LogRatioHistMouseListener.java

 * When mouse moved, draw the ratio under the mouse pointer
 * @param e/*w  w  w . jav  a  2 s.  c om*/
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    lastMousedRatio = Rounder.round(Math.exp(transformMouseXValue(e.getX())), 2);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.MonotonicIncreasingInterpolator1D.java

public double firstDerivative(final Interpolator1DDataBundle data, final Double value) {
    Validate.notNull(value, "value");
    Validate.notNull(data, "data bundle");
    Validate.isTrue(data instanceof Interpolator1DMonotonicIncreasingDataBundle);
    final Interpolator1DMonotonicIncreasingDataBundle miData = (Interpolator1DMonotonicIncreasingDataBundle) data;

    final int n = data.size() - 1;
    final double[] xData = data.getKeys();
    final double[] yData = data.getValues();

    double h, dx, a, b;
    if (value < data.firstKey()) {
        h = 0;//from   w w w.  j a v a2 s  .co  m
        dx = value;
        a = miData.getA(0);
        b = miData.getB(0);
    } else if (value > data.lastKey()) {
        h = yData[n];
        dx = value - xData[n];
        a = miData.getA(n + 1);
        b = miData.getB(n + 1);
    } else {
        final int low = data.getLowerBoundIndex(value);
        h = yData[low];
        dx = value - xData[low];
        a = miData.getA(low + 1);
        b = miData.getB(low + 1);
    if (Math.abs(b * dx) < 1e-8) {
        return h + a * (dx + b * dx * dx / 2);

    return a * Math.exp(b * dx);


From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.math.minimization.SingleRangeLimitTransform.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from  w w  w . j av a2s .co  m*/
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value of $x$ is not consistent with the limit (e.g. the limit is $x > a$ and $x$ is
 * less than $a$
public double transformGradient(final double x) {
    Validate.isTrue(_sign * x >= _sign * _limit, "x not in limit");
    final double r = _sign * (x - _limit);
    if (r > EXP_MAX) {
        return 1.0;
    final double temp = Math.exp(r);
    return _sign * temp / (temp - 1);