Example usage for java.lang Math log10

List of usage examples for java.lang Math log10


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math log10.


public static double log10(double a) 

Source Link


Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value.


From source file:io.github.msdk.features.ransacaligner.RANSAC.java

 * Calculate k (number of trials)//  ww w . ja va  2s.  c om
 * @return number of trials "k" required to select a subset of n good data
 * points.
private double getK() {
    double w = 0.1;
    double b = Math.pow(w, n);
    return Math.log10(1 - 0.99) / Math.log10(1 - b) + (Math.sqrt(1 - b) / b);

From source file:org.dkpro.similarity.experiments.sts2013.util.WordIdfValuesGenerator.java

public static void computeIdfScores(Mode mode, Dataset dataset) throws Exception {
    URL inputUrl = ResourceUtils.resolveLocation(
            DATASET_DIR + "/" + mode.toString().toLowerCase() + "/STS.input." + dataset.toString() + ".txt");
    List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(inputUrl.openStream(), "utf-8");

    Map<String, Double> idfValues = new HashMap<String, Double>();

    File outputFile = new File(
            UTILS_DIR + "/word-idf/" + mode.toString().toLowerCase() + "/" + dataset.toString() + ".txt");

    System.out.println("Computing word idf values");

    if (outputFile.exists()) {
        System.out.println(" - skipping, already exists");
    } else {/*from  w w  w  .jav a 2s .  c om*/
        System.out.println(" - this may take a while...");

        // Build up token representations of texts
        Set<List<String>> docs = new HashSet<List<String>>();

        for (String line : lines) {
            List<String> doc = new ArrayList<String>();

            Collection<Lemma> lemmas = getLemmas(line);

            for (Lemma lemma : lemmas) {
                try {
                    String token = lemma.getValue().toLowerCase();
                } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                    System.err.println(" - unparsable token: " + lemma.getCoveredText());


        // Get the shared token list
        Set<String> tokens = new HashSet<String>();
        for (List<String> doc : docs) {

        // Get the idf numbers
        for (String token : tokens) {
            double count = 0;
            for (List<String> doc : docs) {
                if (doc.contains(token)) {
            idfValues.put(token, count);

        // Compute the idf
        for (String lemma : idfValues.keySet()) {
            double idf = Math.log10(lines.size() / idfValues.get(lemma));
            idfValues.put(lemma, idf);

        // Store persistently
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String key : idfValues.keySet()) {
            sb.append(key + "\t" + idfValues.get(key) + LF);
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outputFile, sb.toString());

        System.out.println(" - done");

From source file:org.apache.gossip.accrual.FailureDetector.java

public synchronized Double computePhiMeasure(long now) {
    if (latestHeartbeatMs == -1 || descriptiveStatistics.getN() < minimumSamples) {
        return null;
    }/*  w ww .  j ava2  s.co m*/
    long delta = now - latestHeartbeatMs;
    try {
        double probability;
        if (distribution.equals("normal")) {
            double standardDeviation = descriptiveStatistics.getStandardDeviation();
            standardDeviation = standardDeviation < 0.1 ? 0.1 : standardDeviation;
            probability = new NormalDistributionImpl(descriptiveStatistics.getMean(), standardDeviation)
        } else {
            probability = new ExponentialDistributionImpl(descriptiveStatistics.getMean())
        final double eps = 1e-12;
        if (1 - probability < eps) {
            probability = 1.0;
        return -1.0d * Math.log10(1.0d - probability);
    } catch (MathException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
        return null;

From source file:com.slownet5.pgprootexplorer.utils.FileUtils.java

public static String getReadableSize(long size) {
    if (size <= 0)
        return "0B";
    final String[] units = new String[] { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
    int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024));

    return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(size / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups];

From source file:org.um.feri.ears.problems.Task.java

 * @param stop the stopping criteria/*  w  w w  .j a v a2 s .c o m*/
 * @param eval the maximum number of evaluations allowed
 * @param allowedTime the maximum CPU time allowed in milliseconds
 * @param epsilon the epsilon value for global optimum
 * @param p the problem

public Task(EnumStopCriteria stop, int eval, long allowedTime, int maxIterations, double epsilon, Problem p) {
    this(stop, eval, allowedTime, maxIterations, epsilon, p, (int) Math.log10((1. / epsilon) + 1));

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.similarity.experiments.coling2012.util.CharacterNGramIdfValuesGenerator.java

public static void computeIdfScores(Dataset dataset, int n) throws Exception {
    File outputFile = new File(UTILS_DIR + "/character-ngrams-idf/" + n + "/" + dataset.toString() + ".txt");

    System.out.println("Computing character " + n + "-grams");

    if (outputFile.exists()) {
        System.out.println(" - skipping, already exists");
    } else {/*from w ww. jav  a2s  .  c om*/
        System.out.println(" - this may take a while...");

        CollectionReader reader = ColingUtils.getCollectionReader(dataset);

        // Tokenization
        AnalysisEngineDescription seg = createPrimitiveDescription(BreakIteratorSegmenter.class);
        AggregateBuilder builder = new AggregateBuilder();
        builder.add(seg, CombinationReader.INITIAL_VIEW, CombinationReader.VIEW_1);
        builder.add(seg, CombinationReader.INITIAL_VIEW, CombinationReader.VIEW_2);
        AnalysisEngine aggr_seg = builder.createAggregate();

        // Output Writer
        AnalysisEngine writer = createPrimitive(CharacterNGramIdfValuesGeneratorWriter.class,
                CharacterNGramIdfValuesGeneratorWriter.PARAM_OUTPUT_FILE, outputFile.getAbsolutePath());

        SimplePipeline.runPipeline(reader, aggr_seg, writer);

        // We now have plain text format
        List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(outputFile);

        Map<String, Double> idfValues = new HashMap<String, Double>();

        CharacterNGramMeasure measure = new CharacterNGramMeasure(n, new HashMap<String, Double>());

        // Get n-gram representations of texts
        List<Set<String>> docs = new ArrayList<Set<String>>();

        for (String line : lines) {
            Set<String> ngrams = measure.getNGrams(line);


        // Get all ngrams
        Set<String> allNGrams = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Set<String> doc : docs)

        // Compute idf values         
        for (String ngram : allNGrams) {
            double count = 0;
            for (Set<String> doc : docs) {
                if (doc.contains(ngram))
            idfValues.put(ngram, count);

        // Compute the idf
        for (String lemma : idfValues.keySet()) {
            double idf = Math.log10(lines.size() / idfValues.get(lemma));
            idfValues.put(lemma, idf);

        // Store persistently
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String key : idfValues.keySet()) {
            sb.append(key + "\t" + idfValues.get(key) + LF);
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outputFile, sb.toString());

        System.out.println(" - done");

From source file:org.lanes.text.mining.UnithoodAnalyser.java

public boolean isUnit(String left, String connector, String right) {
    long timestart = System.currentTimeMillis();

    double N = simobj.getTotalDocCount();

    //double ns = simobj.getTitleCount(left + " " + connector + " " + right);
    //double ps = ns/N;

    boolean isunitornot = false;
    //if(ps > 0){
    double nx = simobj.getDocCount(left);
    double ny = simobj.getDocCount(right);

    double px = nx / N;
    double py = ny / N;

    double nxy = simobj.getDocCount(left, right);

    double pxy = nxy / N;

    double pmi = Math.log10(pxy / (px * py));
    double normalisedpmi = pmi / -Math.log10(pxy);

    double idrleft = (nx - nxy) / nx;
    double idrrght = (ny - nxy) / ny;
    double idr = idrleft * idrrght;

    if ((pmi >= 1.1) || ((0.5 <= pmi && pmi < 0.7) && (idr < 0.6))
            || ((0.7 <= pmi && pmi < 0.9) && (0.6 <= idr && idr < 0.75))
            || ((0.9 <= pmi && pmi < 1.1) && (0.75 <= idr && idr < 0.95))) {
        isunitornot = true;//from   w ww  .  jav a 2  s .  c om


    return isunitornot;

From source file:edu.scripps.fl.curves.plot.GCurvePlot.java

public void addCurve(Curve curve, FitFunction function) {
    double[] yValues = (double[]) ConvertUtils.convert(curve.getResponses(), double[].class);
    double curveMinY = NumberUtils.min(yValues);
    double curveMaxY = NumberUtils.max(yValues);
    this.minY = Math.min(minY, curveMinY);
    this.maxY = Math.min(maxY, curveMaxY);
    Data yData = DataUtil.scaleWithinRange(curveMinY, curveMaxY, yValues);

    double[] xValues = (double[]) ConvertUtils.convert(curve.getConcentrations(), double[].class);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < xValues.length; ii++) {
        double x = Math.log10(xValues[ii]);
        xValues[ii] = x;//from w  w  w  . j ava  2  s .c  om
    double curveMinX = NumberUtils.min(xValues);
    double curveMaxX = NumberUtils.max(xValues);
    this.minX = Math.min(minX, curveMinX);
    this.maxX = Math.min(maxX, curveMaxX);
    Data xData = DataUtil.scaleWithinRange(NumberUtils.min(xValues), NumberUtils.max(xValues), xValues);

    String hexColor = Integer
            .toHexString(((java.awt.Color) drawingSupplier.getNextPaint()).getRGB() & 0x00ffffff);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    while (sb.length() < 6)
        sb.insert(0, "0");
    Color color = Color.newColor(sb.toString());

    XYLine line1 = Plots.newXYLine(xData, yData, getBackgroundColor(), "");
    //        line1.setLineStyle(LineStyle.newLineStyle(3, 1, 0));
    line1.addShapeMarkers(Shape.CIRCLE, color, 5);

    XYLine fittedLine = sampleFunctionToLine(curve, function, curveMinX, curveMaxX, 100);
    //      fittedLine.setLineStyle(LineStyle.newLineStyle(3, 1, 0));


From source file:com.hviper.codec.uodecode.PeakSignalNoiseRatioTest.java

private double computePsnrPcm16(String uoResource, String referenceResource) throws Exception {
    // Read the UO file and the reference encoder's decode output into byte arrays
    byte uoFile[] = IOUtils.toByteArray(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(uoResource));
    byte referenceWavFile[] = IOUtils.toByteArray(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(referenceResource));

    // Decode the UO file ourselves into a byte array
    ByteArrayOutputStream decodedWavOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(referenceWavFile.length);
    UODecode.uoToPcm16Wav(uoFile, decodedWavOutputStream);
    byte decodedWavFile[] = decodedWavOutputStream.toByteArray();

    // Find the start of the sample data; this will be after a 'data' header and four bytes of
    // content length.
    int dataStart = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < decodedWavFile.length - 4; ++i) {
        if ((decodedWavFile[i] == 'd') && (decodedWavFile[i + 1] == 'a') && (decodedWavFile[i + 2] == 't')
                && (decodedWavFile[i + 3] == 'a')) {
            dataStart = i + 8; // 8 = length of header + chunk length
        }/*from www .ja va 2 s.co m*/
    assertFalse("No 'data' header in decoded output", dataStart < 0);

    // Headers must be equal. Compare as hex strings for better assert failures here.
    String refHeaders = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(Arrays.copyOfRange(referenceWavFile, 0, dataStart));
    String ourHeaders = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(Arrays.copyOfRange(decodedWavFile, 0, dataStart));
    assertEquals("WAV headers do not match", refHeaders, ourHeaders);
    assertEquals("File lengths do not match", referenceWavFile.length, decodedWavFile.length);

    // Compute total squared error
    int cursor = dataStart;
    long totalSqError = 0;
    int sampleCount = 0;
    int worstSoFar = 0;
    for (; (cursor + 1) < referenceWavFile.length; cursor += 2) {
        short refSample = (short) ((referenceWavFile[cursor] & 0xff)
                | ((referenceWavFile[cursor + 1] & 0xff) << 8));
        short ourSample = (short) ((decodedWavFile[cursor] & 0xff)
                | ((decodedWavFile[cursor + 1] & 0xff) << 8));
        int absDiff = Math.abs(ourSample - refSample);

        long sqError = ((long) absDiff) * ((long) absDiff);
        totalSqError += sqError;
    assertNotEquals("No samples read!", 0, sampleCount);

    // Compute the PSNR in decibels; higher the better
    double psnr;
    if (totalSqError > 0) {
        double sqrtMeanSquaredError = Math.sqrt((double) (totalSqError) / (double) (sampleCount));
        double maxValue = 65535.0;
        psnr = 20.0 * Math.log10(maxValue / sqrtMeanSquaredError);
    } else {
        // Identical! Pick a large PSNR result
        psnr = 1000.0;

    return psnr;

From source file:de.uniba.wiai.lspi.chord.data.ID.java

private static double log2(double x) {
    return Math.log10(x) / Math.log10(2);