Example usage for java.lang Math signum

List of usage examples for java.lang Math signum


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math signum.


public static float signum(float f) 

Source Link


Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0f if the argument is less than zero.


From source file:org.jcurl.demo.tactics.sg.BroomPromptScenario.java

public BroomPromptScenario() {
    // create the scene
    final boolean stickUp = false;
    final boolean bothSides = true;
    final int pieAngle = 150;
    final Color sp = Color.BLACK;
    final Color bgc = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
    final Stroke fine = new BasicStroke(0.01f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER);
    final Stroke bold = new BasicStroke(0.03f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER);
    // final Font fo = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 1);
    final float halo = RockProps.DEFAULT.getRadius();
    final float outer = 0.8f * RockProps.DEFAULT.getRadius();
    stickLength = (stickUp ? 1 : -1) * 5 * outer;
    final float inner = 0.5F * outer;

    final SGGroup me = new SGGroup();
    // the transparent background
    {//  w w  w .ja v  a2s  .c o m
        final SGShape bg = node(new Arc2D.Float(-halo, -halo, 2 * halo, 2 * halo, 0, 360, Arc2D.OPEN), null,
                null, scale0);
        bg.addMouseListener(new MoveHandler());
    // the cross-hair and stick
        final int off = 90;
        final int pieOff = 180;
        final int arrowLengthDegrees = 7;
        // colored pie:
        pie = node(new Arc2D.Float(-outer, -outer, 2 * outer, 2 * outer, off - pieOff, pieAngle, Arc2D.PIE),
                null, null, scale0);
        // inner circle:
        me.add(node(new Arc2D.Float(-inner, -inner, 2 * inner, 2 * inner, off, pieOff + pieAngle, Arc2D.OPEN),
                fine, sp, scale50));
        // outer circle:
        me.add(node(new Arc2D.Float(-outer, -outer, 2 * outer, 2 * outer, off,
                pieOff + pieAngle - (14 + arrowLengthDegrees), Arc2D.OPEN), fine, sp, scale50));
        // Semantic zooming: me.add(node(new Arc2D.Float(-outer, -outer, 2 *
        // outer, 2 * outer,
        // off, pieOff + pieAngle, Arc2D.OPEN), fine, sp, -scale50));
        final double ar = Math.PI * (off + pieAngle) / 180.0;
        // radius
        // if (pieAngle % 90 != 0)
        me.add(node(new Line2D.Double(0, 0, -outer * Math.cos(ar), outer * Math.sin(ar)), bold, sp, scale0));

        // arrow:
        final float f = outer / 10;
        final SGShape s = node(IceShapes.createArrowHead(f, 3 * f, 0.5f * f), null, null, scale50);
        final double a = Math.PI * (off + pieAngle - arrowLengthDegrees) / 180.0;
        final AffineTransform a_ = new AffineTransform();
        a_.translate(-outer * Math.cos(a), outer * Math.sin(a));
        a_.rotate(Math.PI * (90 - (off + pieAngle) + 8 + arrowLengthDegrees) / 180.0);
        final Affine s_ = SGTransform.createAffine(a_, s);
    { // y-axis:
        me.add(node(new Line2D.Float(0, -Math.signum(stickLength) * halo, 0, stickLength), fine, sp, scale0));
        // x-axis:
        me.add(node(new Line2D.Float(-halo, 0, halo, 0), fine, sp, scale0));
    { // slider
        sli = new SGShape();
        sli.setShape(IceShapes.createSlider(0.4f * outer, bothSides));
        // sli.setFillPaint(sp);
        me.add(slider = SGTransform.createAffine(new AffineTransform(), sli));
        slider.addMouseListener(new SpeedHandler());
    handle = SGTransform.createAffine(new AffineTransform(), me);
    scene = SGTransform.createAffine(new AffineTransform(), handle);

From source file:com.crazymin2.retailstore.ui.BaseActivity.java

 * Indicates that the main content has scrolled (for the purposes of showing/hiding
 * the action bar for the "action bar auto hide" effect). currentY and deltaY may be exact
 * (if the underlying view supports it) or may be approximate indications:
 * deltaY may be INT_MAX to mean "scrolled forward indeterminately" and INT_MIN to mean
 * "scrolled backward indeterminately".  currentY may be 0 to mean "somewhere close to the
 * start of the list" and INT_MAX to mean "we don't know, but not at the start of the list"
 *///from  w w  w . j  av a 2s.c om
private void onMainContentScrolled(int currentY, int deltaY) {
    if (deltaY > mActionBarAutoHideSensivity) {
        deltaY = mActionBarAutoHideSensivity;
    } else if (deltaY < -mActionBarAutoHideSensivity) {
        deltaY = -mActionBarAutoHideSensivity;

    if (Math.signum(deltaY) * Math.signum(mActionBarAutoHideSignal) < 0) {
        // deltaY is a motion opposite to the accumulated signal, so reset signal
        mActionBarAutoHideSignal = deltaY;
    } else {
        // add to accumulated signal
        mActionBarAutoHideSignal += deltaY;

    boolean shouldShow = currentY < mActionBarAutoHideMinY
            || (mActionBarAutoHideSignal <= -mActionBarAutoHideSensivity);

From source file:org.shaman.terrain.sketch.SketchTerrain_old.java

 * Checks if the given sketch is a valid stroke
 * @param points/* w w  w  .ja  v  a 2 s. c o  m*/
 * @return {@code true} if it is valid
private boolean isSketchValid(List<Vector2f> points) {
    if (points.size() < 2) {
        return false;
    int dir = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) {
        Vector2f p1 = points.get(i - 1);
        Vector2f p2 = points.get(i);
        float dx = p2.x - p1.x;
        int d = (int) Math.signum(dx);
        if (d * dir == -1) {
            return false; //changed direction
        dir = d != 0 ? d : dir;
    if (dir < 0) {
    return true;

From source file:cn2.CN2.java

public static double computeK(double[][] a, int r, double theta) {
    double k = -Math.signum(a[r][r]) * Math.sqrt(theta);
    return k;//  w ww  .  j  av a 2s  . c  o  m

From source file:keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.IRPropPlus_Clas.IRPropPlus.java

 * <p>/* ww w.j  ava  2s.  c o  m*/
 * Apply the iRprop+ over a function that implements the IOptimizableFunc
 * interface.
 * @param f function to apply the iRprop+ method
 * @return double array with the coefficients optimized
 * </p>

protected double[] solve(IOptimizableFunc f) {

    // Stop forced
    int stop = 0;

    // Number of epochs without improving error
    int epochsWithoutImproving = 0;

    // Actual gradients
    double[] actualGradient = null;

    // Last gradients
    double[] lastGradient = new double[this.a.length];

    // Step-size
    double[] increaseStepSize = new double[this.a.length];

    // Increases
    double[] increaseCoefficients = new double[this.a.length];

    // Weights or Coefficients
    double[] coefficients = this.a;

    // Actual Error. One error by each input
    double actualError = 0.0;

    // Last Error
    double lastError = 0.0;

    // Initialization of arrays
    for (int i = 0; i < this.a.length; i++) {
        lastGradient[i] = increaseCoefficients[i] = 0.0;
        increaseStepSize[i] = this.initialStepSize;

    while (stop < this.epochs) {
        // Actual gradient and error for each weight or coefficient
        actualGradient = f.gradient(this.x, this.y);
        actualError = f.getLastError();
        //System.out.println("Epoch: " + stop + " Error: " + actualError);

        // Actualization of coefficients
        // All coefficients treated equally
        if (reducedStepSize == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.a.length; i++) {
                if (lastGradient[i] * actualGradient[i] > 0) {
                    increaseStepSize[i] = Math.min(increaseStepSize[i] * this.positiveEta, maximumDelta);
                    increaseCoefficients[i] = -(Math.signum(actualGradient[i]) * increaseStepSize[i]);
                    coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] + increaseCoefficients[i];
                } else if (lastGradient[i] * actualGradient[i] == 0) {
                    increaseCoefficients[i] = -(Math.signum(actualGradient[i]) * increaseStepSize[i]);
                    coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] + increaseCoefficients[i];
                } else // (lastGradient[i]*actualGradient[i] < 0) OR Infinite problems
                    increaseStepSize[i] = Math.max(increaseStepSize[i] * this.negativeEta, minimumDelta);

                    if (actualError > lastError)
                        coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] - increaseCoefficients[i];

                    actualGradient[i] = 0.0;
            } //for
        // Actualization of coefficients
        // Some coefficients treated as more sensible
        else {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.a.length; i++) {
                // Reduced step size
                double finalPositiveEta = this.positiveEta;
                double finalNegativeEta = this.negativeEta;
                if (reducedStepSize[i]) {
                    finalPositiveEta = 1 + ((finalPositiveEta - 1) * 0.5);
                    finalNegativeEta *= 0.5;

                if (lastGradient[i] * actualGradient[i] > 0) {
                    increaseStepSize[i] = Math.min(increaseStepSize[i] * finalPositiveEta, maximumDelta);
                    increaseCoefficients[i] = -(Math.signum(actualGradient[i]) * increaseStepSize[i]);
                    coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] + increaseCoefficients[i];
                } else if (lastGradient[i] * actualGradient[i] == 0) {
                    increaseCoefficients[i] = -(Math.signum(actualGradient[i]) * increaseStepSize[i]);
                    coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] + increaseCoefficients[i];
                } else // (lastGradient[i]*actualGradient[i] < 0) OR Infinite problems
                    increaseStepSize[i] = Math.max(increaseStepSize[i] * finalNegativeEta, minimumDelta);

                    if (actualError > lastError)
                        coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] - increaseCoefficients[i];

                    actualGradient[i] = 0.0;
            } //for

        if (lastError == actualError) {
            if (epochsWithoutImproving >= 20)
                stop = this.epochs;
        } else
            epochsWithoutImproving = 0;

        // Updating gradient and error for the next step
        for (int i = 0; i < this.a.length; i++)
            lastGradient[i] = actualGradient[i];
        lastError = actualError;

    } //While

    // Return the result
    return a;

From source file:org.dawnsci.plotting.tools.powdercheck.PowderCheckTool.java

private void update() {
    if (!onDialog) {
        if (getViewPart() == null)
        IWorkbenchPartSite site = getViewPart().getSite();
        if (site == null || !site.getPage().isPartVisible(getViewPart()))
    }//from w w  w .ja v a  2s .  c  o m

    IImageTrace im = getImageTrace();

    if (im == null) {

    final Dataset ds = DatasetUtils.convertToDataset(im.getData());
    if (ds == null)

    IDiffractionMetadata m = ds.getFirstMetadata(IDiffractionMetadata.class);

    if (m == null) {
        //TODO nicer error
        logger.error("No Diffraction Metadata");

    if (updatePlotJob == null) {
        updatePlotJob = new PowderCheckJob(system);
        updatePlotJob.addJobChangeListener(new JobChangeAdapter() {
            public void done(IJobChangeEvent event) {

                Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        List<PowderCheckResult> resultsList = updatePlotJob.getResultsList();
                        Collections.sort(resultsList, new Comparator<PowderCheckResult>() {

                            public int compare(PowderCheckResult o1, PowderCheckResult o2) {
                                return (int) Math.signum(o1.getCalibrantQValue() - o2.getCalibrantQValue());

                        if (viewer != null && !viewer.getTable().isDisposed())

    updatePlotJob.setData(ds, (IDiffractionMetadata) m);
    if (fullImage != null)


From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.PiecewiseCubicHermiteSplineInterpolatorWithSensitivity.java

 * First derivative at end point and its sensitivity to delta
 * @param h1//  w w  w .  java2  s  .  c o  m
 * @param h2
 * @param y1
 * @param y2
 * @param y3
 * @return array of length 4 - the first element contains d, while the other three are sensitivities to the ys 
private double[] endpointSlope(final double h1, final double h2, final double del1, final double del2,
        final boolean rightSide) {

    final double[] res = new double[4];

    if (del1 == 0.0) { // quick exist for particular edge case
        // d and dDy3 are both zero - no need to explicitly set
        if (del2 == 0) {
            res[1] = -(2 * h1 + h2) / h1 / (h1 + h2);
            if (h1 > 2 * h2) {
                res[2] = 3 / h1;
            } else {
                res[2] = (h1 + h2) / h1 / h2;
        } else {
            res[1] = -1.5 / h1;
            res[2] = -res[1];
        if (rightSide) {
            res[1] = -res[1];
            res[2] = -res[2];
        return res;

    // This value is used in the clauses - may not be the returned value
    final double d = ((2. * h1 + h2) * del1 - h1 * del2) / (h1 + h2);

    if (Math.signum(d) != Math.signum(del1)) {
        // again d is now set to zero
        if (Math.abs(d) < 1e-15) {
            res[1] = -(2 * h1 + h2) / h1 / (h1 + h2);
            res[2] = (h1 + h2) / h1 / h2;
            res[3] = -h1 / h2 / (h1 + h2);
    } else if (Math.signum(del1) != Math.signum(del2) && Math.abs(d) > 3. * Math.abs(del1)) {
        res[0] = 3 * del1;
        res[1] = -3 / h1;
        res[2] = -res[1];
    } else {
        res[0] = d;
        res[1] = -(2 * h1 + h2) / h1 / (h1 + h2);
        res[2] = (h1 + h2) / h1 / h2;
        res[3] = -h1 / h2 / (h1 + h2);

    if (rightSide) {
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
            res[i] = -res[i];
    return res;

From source file:org.powertac.samplebroker.MarketManagerService.java

 * Computes a limit price with a random element. 
 *///from  w w w .j ava2  s.  c om
private Double computeLimitPrice(int timeslot, double amountNeeded) {
    log.debug("Compute limit for " + amountNeeded + ", timeslot " + timeslot);
    // start with default limits
    Double oldLimitPrice;
    double minPrice;
    if (amountNeeded > 0.0) {
        // buying
        oldLimitPrice = buyLimitPriceMax;
        minPrice = buyLimitPriceMin;
    } else {
        // selling
        oldLimitPrice = sellLimitPriceMax;
        minPrice = sellLimitPriceMin;
    // check for escalation
    Order lastTry = lastOrder.get(timeslot);
    if (lastTry != null)
        log.debug("lastTry: " + lastTry.getMWh() + " at " + lastTry.getLimitPrice());
    if (lastTry != null && Math.signum(amountNeeded) == Math.signum(lastTry.getMWh())) {
        oldLimitPrice = lastTry.getLimitPrice();
        log.debug("old limit price: " + oldLimitPrice);

    // set price between oldLimitPrice and maxPrice, according to number of
    // remaining chances we have to get what we need.
    double newLimitPrice = minPrice; // default value
    int current = timeslotRepo.currentSerialNumber();
    int remainingTries = (timeslot - current - Competition.currentCompetition().getDeactivateTimeslotsAhead());
    log.debug("remainingTries: " + remainingTries);
    if (remainingTries > 0) {
        double range = (minPrice - oldLimitPrice) * 2.0 / (double) remainingTries;
        log.debug("oldLimitPrice=" + oldLimitPrice + ", range=" + range);
        double computedPrice = oldLimitPrice + randomGen.nextDouble() * range;
        return Math.max(newLimitPrice, computedPrice);
    } else
        return null; // market order

From source file:com.almende.pi5.common.PowerTimeLine.java

private PowerTimeLine operation(operator op, PowerTimeLine other) {
    if (other.series.size() == 0) {
        return this;
    }/* w  w w.  j a va 2 s . c om*/
    final long offset = new Duration(this.timestamp, other.timestamp).getMillis();

    final ArrayList<PowerTime> result = new ArrayList<PowerTime>();
    if (this.series.size() == 0) {
        for (PowerTime pt : other.series) {
            result.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset() + offset, op.doOp(0, pt.getValue())));
        this.series = result;
        return this;

    PowerTime val_mine = null;
    PowerTime val_other = null;
    int index_mine = 0;
    int index_other = 0;
    double value_mine = 0;
    double value_other = 0;

    while (index_mine < this.series.size() && index_other < other.series.size()) {
        val_mine = this.series.get(index_mine);
        val_other = other.series.get(index_other);
        switch ((int) Math.signum(val_other.getOffset() + offset - val_mine.getOffset())) {
        case 1:
            value_mine = val_mine.getValue();
            result.add(new PowerTime(val_mine.getOffset(), op.doOp(value_mine, value_other)));

        case 0:
            value_mine = val_mine.getValue();
            value_other = val_other.getValue();
            result.add(new PowerTime(val_mine.getOffset(), op.doOp(value_mine, value_other)));
        case -1:
            value_other = val_other.getValue();
            result.add(new PowerTime(val_other.getOffset() + offset, op.doOp(value_mine, value_other)));

    for (int p = index_mine; p < this.series.size(); p++) {
        PowerTime pt = this.series.get(p);
        result.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset(), op.doOp(pt.getValue(), value_other)));
    for (int p = index_other; p < other.series.size(); p++) {
        PowerTime pt = other.series.get(p);
        result.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset() + offset, op.doOp(value_mine, pt.getValue())));

    this.series = result;
    return this;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.operator.scalar.MathFunctions.java

@Description("round to integer by dropping digits after decimal point")
@ScalarFunction/*from w w  w  .  j  a va2s  . c  om*/
public static double truncate(@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double num) {
    return Math.signum(num) * Math.floor(Math.abs(num));