Example usage for java.lang Number intValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Number intValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Number intValue.


public abstract int intValue();

Source Link


Returns the value of the specified number as an int .


From source file:com.opengamma.financial.analytics.volatility.surface.BloombergBondFutureOptionVolatilitySurfaceInstrumentProvider.java

/**//  w  w  w  . jav a2  s .  c om
 * Provides ExternalID for Bloomberg ticker, eg RXZ3C 100 Comdty,
 * given a reference date and an integer offset, the n'th subsequent option
 * The format is futurePrefix + month + year + callPutFlag + strike + postfix
 * @param futureNumber n'th future following curve date
 * @param strike option's strike, expressed as price, e.g. 100
 * @param surfaceDate date of curve validity; valuation date
public ExternalId getInstrument(final Number futureOptionNumber, final Double strike,
        final LocalDate surfaceDate) {
    Validate.notNull(futureOptionNumber, "futureOptionNumber");
    final StringBuffer ticker = new StringBuffer();
            futureOptionNumber.intValue(), surfaceDate));
    ticker.append(strike > useCallAboveStrike() ? "C " : "P ");
    ticker.append(" ");
    return ExternalId.of(SCHEME, ticker.toString());

From source file:com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field110.java

 * Set the component1 from a Number object.
 * <br />/*  w ww .jav a  2 s  .  com*/
 * <em>If the component being set is a fixed length number, the argument will not be 
 * padded.</em> It is recommended for these cases to use the setComponent1(String) 
 * method.
 * @see #setComponent1(String)
 * @param component1 the Number with the component1 content to set
public Field110 setComponent1(java.lang.Number component1) {
    if (component1 != null) {
        setComponent(1, "" + component1.intValue());
    return this;

From source file:com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field122.java

 * Set the component1 from a Number object.
 * <br />//from   w ww .  j av a2s. c  o  m
 * <em>If the component being set is a fixed length number, the argument will not be 
 * padded.</em> It is recommended for these cases to use the setComponent1(String) 
 * method.
 * @see #setComponent1(String)
 * @param component1 the Number with the component1 content to set
public Field122 setComponent1(java.lang.Number component1) {
    if (component1 != null) {
        setComponent(1, "" + component1.intValue());
    return this;

From source file:com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field349.java

 * Set the component1 from a Number object.
 * <br />//w  w w.  j av  a 2 s .  c  o m
 * <em>If the component being set is a fixed length number, the argument will not be 
 * padded.</em> It is recommended for these cases to use the setComponent1(String) 
 * method.
 * @see #setComponent1(String)
 * @param component1 the Number with the component1 content to set
public Field349 setComponent1(java.lang.Number component1) {
    if (component1 != null) {
        setComponent(1, "" + component1.intValue());
    return this;

From source file:com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field451.java

 * Set the component1 from a Number object.
 * <br />/* w  ww . j  a va 2s  .c o m*/
 * <em>If the component being set is a fixed length number, the argument will not be 
 * padded.</em> It is recommended for these cases to use the setComponent1(String) 
 * method.
 * @see #setComponent1(String)
 * @param component1 the Number with the component1 content to set
public Field451 setComponent1(java.lang.Number component1) {
    if (component1 != null) {
        setComponent(1, "" + component1.intValue());
    return this;

From source file:com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field533.java

 * Set the component1 from a Number object.
 * <br />/* w w  w.j a  va2s.co m*/
 * <em>If the component being set is a fixed length number, the argument will not be 
 * padded.</em> It is recommended for these cases to use the setComponent1(String) 
 * method.
 * @see #setComponent1(String)
 * @param component1 the Number with the component1 content to set
public Field533 setComponent1(java.lang.Number component1) {
    if (component1 != null) {
        setComponent(1, "" + component1.intValue());
    return this;

From source file:de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.actions.TMLAction.java

public static Object defaultActionIncVar(TMLContext context, List<Object> params)
        throws TMLException, WGAPIException {

    if (params.size() < 1) {
        throw new TMLException("Default action $" + DEFAULTACTION_INCVAR + " needs 1 arguments while only "
                + params.size() + " were provided", false);
    }/* w ww  .j  ava2  s  .c  o m*/

    try {
        String varName = String.valueOf(params.get(0));
        Number num = (Number) context.item(varName);
        if (num == null) {
            num = 0;
        num = num.intValue() + 1;
        context.updateOrSetVar(varName, num);
        return num;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new TMLException("Error executing default action 'incvar'", e, false);

From source file:net.solarnetwork.node.dao.jdbc.power.JdbcPowerDatumDao.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public List<PowerDatum> getDatumNotUploaded(String destination) {
    return findDatumNotUploaded(new RowMapper<PowerDatum>() {

        @Override/*from w w w  .j a  v a  2 s  .  c  om*/
        public PowerDatum mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Handling result row " + rowNum);
            PowerDatum datum = new PowerDatum();
            int col = 1;

            Number val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setLocationId(val == null ? null : val.longValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setWatts(val == null ? null : val.intValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setBatteryVolts(val == null ? null : val.floatValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setBatteryAmpHours(val == null ? null : val.doubleValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setDcOutputVolts(val == null ? null : val.floatValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setDcOutputAmps(val == null ? null : val.floatValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setAcOutputVolts(val == null ? null : val.floatValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setAcOutputAmps(val == null ? null : val.floatValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setWattHourReading(val == null ? null : val.longValue());

            val = (Number) rs.getObject(col++);
            datum.setAmpHourReading(val == null ? null : val.doubleValue());

            return datum;

From source file:com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1.java

public void testPOJOgetDocumentUri() {
    PojoRepository<StringPOJO, String> strPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(StringPOJO.class, String.class);
    StringPOJO sobj = new StringPOJO();
    String uri = "StringUri";
    strPojoRepo.write(sobj);/* w  w  w.j  a v  a 2  s.c  om*/
    assertEquals("Uri mismatch",

    PojoRepository<IntegerPOJO, Integer> intPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(IntegerPOJO.class,
    IntegerPOJO iobj = new IntegerPOJO();
    assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$IntegerPOJO/-12.json",

    PojoRepository<CalendarPOJO, Calendar> calPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(CalendarPOJO.class,
    CalendarPOJO cobj = new CalendarPOJO();
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    assertTrue("Uri mismatch", calPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(cobj)

    PojoRepository<DoublePOJO, Double> dPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(DoublePOJO.class, Double.class);
    DoublePOJO dobj = new DoublePOJO();
    double dvar = 2.015;
    assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$DoublePOJO/2.015.json",

    PojoRepository<NumberPOJO, Number> nPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(NumberPOJO.class, Number.class);
    NumberPOJO nobj = new NumberPOJO();
    Number nvar = 99;
    assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$NumberPOJO/99.json",


From source file:org.openmrs.module.hospitalcore.db.hibernate.HibernateRadiologyDAO.java

public Integer countOrders(Date orderStartDate, OrderType orderType, Set<Concept> tests, List<Patient> patients)
        throws ParseException {
    Criteria criteria = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Order.class);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    String startDate = sdf.format(orderStartDate) + " 00:00:00";
    String endDate = sdf.format(orderStartDate) + " 23:59:59";
    criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("orderType", orderType));
    SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
    criteria.add(Expression.between("startDate", dateTimeFormatter.parse(startDate),
    criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("discontinued", false));
    criteria.add(Restrictions.in("concept", tests));
    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(patients))
        criteria.add(Restrictions.in("patient", patients));
    Number rs = (Number) criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult();
    return rs != null ? rs.intValue() : 0;