Example usage for java.lang Process exitValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Process exitValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Process exitValue.


public abstract int exitValue();

Source Link


Returns the exit value for the process.


From source file:com.netscape.cms.profile.constraint.ExternalProcessConstraint.java

public void validate(IRequest request, X509CertInfo info) throws ERejectException {
    CMS.debug("About to execute command: " + this.executable);
    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(this.executable);

    // set up process environment
    Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
    for (String k : envVars.keySet()) {
        String v = request.getExtDataInString(envVars.get(k));
        if (v != null)
            env.put(k, v);/*  ww  w . j av a2  s  .  c  o  m*/
    for (String k : extraEnvVars.keySet()) {
        String v = request.getExtDataInString(extraEnvVars.get(k));
        if (v != null)
            env.put(k, v);

    Process p;
    String stdout = "";
    String stderr = "";
    boolean timedOut;
    try {
        p = pb.start();
        timedOut = !p.waitFor(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        if (timedOut)
            stdout = IOUtils.toString(p.getInputStream());
        stderr = IOUtils.toString(p.getErrorStream());
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        String msg = "Caught exception while executing command: " + this.executable;
        throw new ERejectException(msg, e);
    if (timedOut)
        throw new ERejectException("Request validation timed out");
    int exitValue = p.exitValue();
    CMS.debug("ExternalProcessConstraint: exit value: " + exitValue);
    CMS.debug("ExternalProcessConstraint: stdout: " + stdout);
    CMS.debug("ExternalProcessConstraint: stderr: " + stderr);
    if (exitValue != 0)
        throw new ERejectException(stdout);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.dbinstall.DbInstallBase.java

private ProcessResults runCmd(String[] cmd, long secondsToWait) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    LOG.info("Going to run: " + StringUtils.join(cmd, " "));
    Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
    if (!proc.waitFor(secondsToWait, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Process " + cmd[0] + " failed to run in " + secondsToWait + " seconds");
    }/*from   www.  ja va 2 s  . c  o m*/
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
    final StringBuilder lines = new StringBuilder();
    reader.lines().forEach(s -> lines.append(s).append('\n'));

    reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream()));
    final StringBuilder errLines = new StringBuilder();
    reader.lines().forEach(s -> errLines.append(s).append('\n'));
    return new ProcessResults(lines.toString(), errLines.toString(), proc.exitValue());

From source file:com.netflix.genie.server.jobmanager.impl.JobManagerImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from   w w  w .  j a va 2s . co  m
public void kill() throws GenieException {
    if (!this.initCalled) {
        throw new GeniePreconditionException("Init wasn't called. Unable to continue.");

    // check to ensure that the process id is actually set (which means job
    // was launched)
    final int processId = this.job.getProcessHandle();
    if (processId > 0) {
        LOG.info("Attempting to kill the process " + processId);
        try {
            final String genieHome = ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance()
            if (genieHome == null || genieHome.isEmpty()) {
                final String msg = "Property com.netflix.genie.server.sys.home is not set correctly";
                throw new GenieServerException(msg);
            final Process killProcessId = Runtime.getRuntime()
                    .exec(genieHome + File.separator + "jobkill.sh " + processId);

            int returnCode = 1;
            int counter = 0;
            while (counter < 3) {
                try {
                    returnCode = killProcessId.exitValue();
                    LOG.info("Kill script finished");
                } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
                    LOG.info("Kill script not finished yet. Will retry");
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                        LOG.info("Sleep interrupted. Ignoring.");
            if (returnCode != 0) {
                throw new GenieServerException("Failed to kill the job");
        } catch (final GenieException | IOException e) {
            final String msg = "Failed to kill the job";
            LOG.error(msg, e);
            throw new GenieServerException(msg, e);
    } else {
        final String msg = "Could not get process id";
        throw new GenieServerException(msg);

From source file:org.apache.oodt.cas.workflow.misc.WingsTask.java

public void run(Metadata metadata, WorkflowTaskConfiguration config) {
    Properties props = config.getProperties();
    // Component Info
    String compid = props.getProperty("COMPONENT_ID");
    String tname = props.getProperty("TASKNAME");
    String jobid = props.getProperty("JOBID");
    String argstring = props.getProperty("ARGUMENT");
    ArrayList<String> inputs = fetchFromProps(props, "INPUT");
    ArrayList<String> outputs = fetchFromProps(props, "OUTPUT");

    // Following paths should be Shared across the cluster
    //String script = props.getProperty("SCRIPT_PATH");
    String origjobdir = props.getProperty("JOB_DIR");
    String jobdir = origjobdir;//from www  .j  a  v a  2s. c om
    //String datadir = props.getProperty("DATA_DIR");

    // File Manager Access
    String fmurl = props.getProperty("FM_URL");
    String fmprefix = props.getProperty("FM_PREFIX");

    // Logging specific info
    String logfile = props.getProperty("LOGFILE");
    String wlogfile = props.getProperty("W_LOGFILE");
    String tplid = wlogfile.replace(".log", "");

    PrintStream wlogout = null;
    PrintStream logout = null;

    XmlRpcFileManagerClient fmclient = null;
    try {
        fmclient = new XmlRpcFileManagerClient(new URL(fmurl));
        DataTransfer dt = new RemoteDataTransferFactory().createDataTransfer();
        dt.setFileManagerUrl(new URL(fmurl));

        // Check if outputs already exist in the file manager
        boolean outputs_already_present = true;
        for (String op : outputs) {
            String prodid = fmprefix + op;
            Product prod = null;
            try {
                prod = fmclient.getProductById(prodid);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (prod == null) {
                outputs_already_present = false;
        // If outputs already present, no need to execute
        if (outputs_already_present)

        File tmpdir = File.createTempFile("oodt-run-", "");
        if (tmpdir.delete() && tmpdir.mkdirs())
            jobdir = tmpdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator;

        argstring = argstring.replace(origjobdir, jobdir);

        wlogout = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(jobdir + wlogfile, true));
        logout = new PrintStream(jobdir + logfile);

        wlogout.println(jobid + " (" + tname + "): RUNNING");
        this.uploadProduct(wlogfile, wlogfile, "GenericFile", new File(jobdir + wlogfile), new Metadata(),

        wlogout = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(jobdir + wlogfile, true));
        logout.println("[INFO]: Component Initializing");
        logout.println(tname + " " + argstring);

        // Fetch input files from file manager if not already present in directory
        for (String ip : inputs) {
            File f = new File(jobdir + ip);
            if (!f.exists()) {
                logout.println("[INFO] Fetching Input from File Manager: " + ip);
                Product prod = fmclient.getProductById(fmprefix + ip);
                dt.retrieveProduct(prod, new File(jobdir));

        // Fetch component from file manager
        File compdir = new File(jobdir + File.separator + "comp");
        Product cprod = fmclient.getProductById(compid);
        dt.retrieveProduct(cprod, compdir);
        String scriptPath = null;
        for (File czip : compdir.listFiles()) {
            if (czip.getName().endsWith(".zip")) {
                this.unZipIt(czip.getAbsolutePath(), compdir.getAbsolutePath());
                File tmpf = new File(compdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "run");
                if (!tmpf.exists())
                    tmpf = new File(compdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "run.bat");
                scriptPath = tmpf.getAbsolutePath();
            } else
                scriptPath = czip.getAbsolutePath();
        File scriptf = new File(scriptPath);

        // Create command execution
        ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String s : argstring.split(" ")) {

        ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command);
        builder.directory(new File(jobdir));

        final Process process = builder.start();

        InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        int exitStatus = process.exitValue();
        if (exitStatus != 0)
            throw new Exception("[ERROR] Component failed with a non-zero exit code");

        // Ingest output files to file manager
        for (String op : outputs) {
            File f = new File(jobdir + op);

            File metf = new File(jobdir + op + ".met");
            HashMap<String, String> cmeta = new HashMap<String, String>();
            if (metf.exists()) {
                for (Object ln : FileUtils.readLines(metf)) {
                    String metline = (String) ln;
                    String[] kv = metline.split("\\s*=\\s*");
                    if (kv.length == 2)
                        cmeta.put(kv[0], kv[1]);
            if (!f.exists())
                throw new Exception("[ERROR] Missing Output " + op);
            if (f.exists()) {
                logout.println("[INFO] Putting Output into File Manager: " + op);

                // Get Output Metadata & Product Type
                String typeid = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type";
                Metadata meta = metadata.getSubMetadata(op);
                String prodtypeid = meta.getMetadata(typeid);

                // Override metadata with custom metadata (if any)
                for (String key : meta.getAllKeys()) {
                    String[] nsname = key.split("#");
                    if (nsname.length == 2) {
                        if (cmeta.containsKey(nsname[1])) {
                            meta.addMetadata(key, cmeta.get(nsname[1]));

                // Upload output to file manager
                String prodid = fmprefix + op;
                this.uploadProduct(prodid, op, prodtypeid, f, meta, fmclient);

            if (metf.exists()) {
                String metname = op + ".met";
                String prodid = fmprefix + metname;
                this.uploadProduct(prodid, metname, "GenericFile", metf, new Metadata(), fmclient);
        logout.println("SUCCESS: Component finished successfully !");
        wlogout.println(jobid + " (" + tname + "): SUCCESS");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (logout != null) {
            logout.println("FAILURE: Component Failed");
            wlogout.println(jobid + " (" + tname + "): FAILURE");
    try {
        if (fmclient != null) {
            this.uploadProduct(wlogfile, wlogfile, "GenericFile", new File(jobdir + wlogfile), new Metadata(),
            String logid = tplid + "-" + logfile;
            this.uploadProduct(logid, logid, "GenericFile", new File(jobdir + logfile), new Metadata(),
    } catch (CatalogException e) {
    } catch (RepositoryManagerException e) {

From source file:com.liferay.petra.doulos.processor.BaseShellDoulosRequestProcessor.java

protected void execute(ShellStatus shellStatus) throws Exception {
    shellStatus.status = "executing";

    List<String> shellCommandsList = getShellCommands(shellStatus);

    shellCommandsList.add(0, "/bin/bash");
    shellCommandsList.add(1, "-x");
    shellCommandsList.add(2, "-c");

    String[] shellCommands = shellCommandsList.toArray(new String[shellCommandsList.size()]);

    shellStatus.shellCommands = StringUtils.join(shellCommands, "\n");

    ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(shellCommands);


    Process process = processBuilder.start();

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    String line = null;//from  w w w. j  av  a  2s  .  com

    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

    while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {


    try {
        if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            _log.debug("Wait for process to finish");


        shellStatus.exitValue = String.valueOf(process.exitValue());
        shellStatus.output = sb.toString();
        shellStatus.status = "finished";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Writer writer = new StringWriter();

        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(writer);


        shellStatus.exception = writer.toString();

        shellStatus.status = "exception";

From source file:ch.zhaw.iamp.rct.Controller.java

 * Starts the simulation by invoking a new process of the physics control
 * toolbox./*from w  w w  .  ja  va 2s .c o  m*/
public void runSimulation() {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("[J] Invoking simulation.");
            int processExitValue = SIMULATOR_INVOCATION_PROBLEM_EXIT_CODE;

            try {

                Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(getAssembledCommand());
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
                String line = reader.readLine();

                while (line != null) {
                    line = reader.readLine();

                processExitValue = process.exitValue();
            } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) {
                System.out.println("[J] The process led to an exception: " + ex.getMessage());
                Dialogs.showErrorPane(mainWindow, "Error",
                        "<html>Could not invoke the Physics Toolbox:<br />" + ex.getMessage() + "</html>");

            System.out.println("[J] Simulation ended with the exit code " + processExitValue + ".");

            if (processExitValue == SIMULATOR_INVOCATION_PROBLEM_EXIT_CODE) {
                System.out.println("[J] The exit code is associated with "
                        + "SIMULATOR_INVOCATION_PROBLEM_EXIT_CODE. Please "
                        + "check if there is anything wrong with the "
                        + "environment what could have let to an invocation "
                        + "problem of the mariumapp executable.");


From source file:org.apache.sling.testing.serversetup.jarexec.ShutdownHookSingleProcessDestroyer.java

public void destroyProcess(boolean waitForIt) {
    Process toDestroy = null;
    synchronized (this) {
        toDestroy = process;//from   w w  w. j av a2  s. c  om
        process = null;

    if (toDestroy == null) {


    if (waitForIt) {
        log.info("Waiting for destroyed process {} to exit (timeout={} seconds)", processInfo, timeoutSeconds);
        final Thread mainThread = Thread.currentThread();
        final Timer t = new Timer(true);
        final TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
        t.schedule(task, timeoutSeconds * 1000L);
        try {
            try {
                final int exit = toDestroy.exitValue();
                log.info("Process {} ended with exit code {}", processInfo, exit);
            } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
                log.error("Failed to destroy process " + processInfo);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("Timeout waiting for process " + processInfo + " to exit");
        } finally {

From source file:org.scantegrity.scanner.ScannerController.java

 * Return a ballot image from the scanner. The scan is in duplex, so this
 * will always return an array of size 2. The elements inside *may* be null,
 * however.//  ww w  . j av  a 2  s. c  o  m
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
public BufferedImage[] getImagesFromScanner() throws IOException {
    Process l_p;
    int l_pid = 0;
    String l_cmd = c_binpath + c_scanimgcmd + " " + c_inpath + c_scanopts;
    //Execute the scan command
    l_p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(l_cmd);
    l_pid = getPid(c_scanimgcmd);
    if (l_pid == 0) {
        try {
        } catch (IllegalThreadStateException l_e) {
            c_log.log(Level.WARNING, c_binpath + c_scanimgcmd + " failed to exec." + getErrorMsg(l_p));
        l_pid = -1;
    synchronized (this) {
        //Wait for it to end.
        int l_hang = 0;
        do {
            for (int l_i = 0; l_i < c_timeout; l_i += 200) {
                if (l_pid != getPid(c_scanimgcmd))
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    //do nothing.
            // If it's still alive after 3s send a signal to it
            // to see if it's still responding.
            if (l_pid == getPid(c_scanimgcmd)) {
                // If it doesn't respond and it's still running kill the 
                // process and throw an error (which should cause us to 
                // try again)
                if (!isAlive(l_pid)) {
                    c_log.log(Level.WARNING, c_scanimgcmd + " did not die.");
                } else {
                    //Countdown, if it's still going after 12s, do something
                    if (l_hang >= c_hangup) {
                    } else {
                        l_hang += c_timeout;
        } while (l_pid == getPid(c_scanimgcmd));

        // Java does not close these streams, so we need to do that here
        // to prevent too many open files error

    //try to read in the images
    BufferedImage l_imgs[] = new BufferedImage[2];
    for (int l_i = 0; l_i < 2; l_i++) {
        try {
            File l_imgFile = new File(c_inpath + String.format(c_scanfmt, l_i + 1));
            if (l_imgFile.exists()) {
                try {
                    RenderedOp l_op = JAI.create("FileLoad", l_imgFile.getAbsolutePath());
                    l_imgs[l_i] = l_op.createInstance().getAsBufferedImage();
                } catch (Exception l_e) {
                    l_imgs[l_i] = null;
                    c_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Read Error: " + l_e.getMessage());
                    //Handle the error image by moving it

                //Delete or move the scanned image after reading.
                try {
                    if (l_imgs[l_i] == null) {
                        FileUtils.copyFile(l_imgFile, new File(c_outpath + "readerror-" + c_err + ".tiff"));
                    if (c_delete) {

                    } else {
                        FileUtils.copyFile(l_imgFile, new File(c_outpath));
                } catch (Exception l_e) {
                    c_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to move or delete the"
                            + " ballot image file.. Changing the" + " scanformat name.");
                    c_scanopts += "-" + c_suffix;
                    c_scanfmt += "-" + c_suffix;
            } else {
                l_imgs[l_i] = null;
                c_log.log(Level.FINE, "Could not read " + l_imgFile.getName());
                //IT does not exist, so we can't move it.

        } catch (Exception l_e) {
            //Couldn't even open it...
            l_imgs[l_i] = null;
            c_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error: " + l_e.getMessage());

    //If we failed, check the return value. Log it.
    if (l_imgs == null || (l_imgs[0] == null && l_imgs[1] == null)) {
        int l_err = l_p.exitValue();
        switch (l_err) {
        case 0:
        case 7: //This is the "out of documents" error.
                    "Scanner exited with error code " + l_err + "\n Message: " + getErrorMsg(l_p));

    return l_imgs;

From source file:org.opencb.cellbase.app.transform.VariationParser.java

private void sortFileByNumericColumn(Path inputFile, Path outputFile, int columnIndex)
        throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    this.logger.info("Sorting file " + inputFile + " into " + outputFile + " ...");

    // increment column index by 1, beacause Java indexes are 0-based and 'sort' command uses 1-based indexes
    columnIndex++;/*from  ww  w  .j  a va 2s. c o m*/
    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("sort", "-t", "\t", "-k", Integer.toString(columnIndex), "-n",
            "--stable", inputFile.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "-T", variationDirectoryPath.toString(), "-o",
            outputFile.toAbsolutePath().toString()); // System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")
    this.logger.debug("Executing '" + StringUtils.join(pb.command(), " ") + "' ...");
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
    Process process = pb.start();

    int returnedValue = process.exitValue();
    if (returnedValue != 0) {
        String errorMessage = IOUtils.toString(process.getErrorStream());
        logger.error("Error sorting " + inputFile);
        throw new RuntimeException("Error sorting " + inputFile);
    this.logger.debug("Elapsed time sorting file: " + stopwatch);