Example usage for java.lang RuntimeException getCause

List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException getCause


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang RuntimeException getCause.


public synchronized Throwable getCause() 

Source Link


Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.


From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.origin.tcp.TestTCPServerSource.java

public void errorHandling() throws StageException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {

    final Charset charset = Charsets.ISO_8859_1;
    final TCPServerSourceConfig configBean = createConfigBean(charset);
    configBean.dataFormat = DataFormat.JSON;
    configBean.tcpMode = TCPMode.DELIMITED_RECORDS;
    configBean.recordSeparatorStr = "\n";
    configBean.ports = NetworkUtils.getRandomPorts(1);

    final TCPServerSource source = new TCPServerSource(configBean);
    final String outputLane = "lane";
    final PushSourceRunner toErrorRunner = new PushSourceRunner.Builder(TCPServerDSource.class, source)

    final List<Record> records = new LinkedList<>();
    final List<Record> errorRecords = new LinkedList<>();
    runAndCollectRecords(toErrorRunner, configBean, records, errorRecords, 1, outputLane,
            "{\"invalid_json\": yes}\n".getBytes(charset), true, false);

    assertThat(records, empty());//from  www  .j a  va2 s.  c om
    assertThat(errorRecords, hasSize(1));

    final PushSourceRunner discardRunner = new PushSourceRunner.Builder(TCPServerDSource.class, source)

    configBean.ports = NetworkUtils.getRandomPorts(1);
    runAndCollectRecords(discardRunner, configBean, records, errorRecords, 1, outputLane,
            "{\"invalid_json\": yes}\n".getBytes(charset), true, false);
    assertThat(records, empty());
    assertThat(errorRecords, empty());

    configBean.ports = NetworkUtils.getRandomPorts(1);
    final PushSourceRunner stopPipelineRunner = new PushSourceRunner.Builder(TCPServerDSource.class, source)
    try {
        runAndCollectRecords(stopPipelineRunner, configBean, records, errorRecords, 1, outputLane,
                "{\"invalid_json\": yes}\n".getBytes(charset), true, true);
        Assert.fail("ExecutionException should have been thrown");
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        assertThat(e.getCause(), instanceOf(RuntimeException.class));
        final RuntimeException runtimeException = (RuntimeException) e.getCause();
        assertThat(runtimeException.getCause(), instanceOf(StageException.class));
        final StageException stageException = (StageException) runtimeException.getCause();
        assertThat(stageException.getErrorCode().getCode(), equalTo(Errors.TCP_06.getCode()));

From source file:com.enioka.jqm.tools.Loader.java

private void endBlockDbFailureAnalysis(RuntimeException e) {
    if (Helpers.testDbFailure(e)) {
        jqmlogger.error(/*from  ww  w  . j av a2  s .c o  m*/
                "connection to database lost - loader " + this.getId() + " will need delayed finalization");
        jqmlogger.trace("connection error was:", e.getCause());
        this.isDelayed = true;
    } else {
        jqmlogger.error("a database related operation has failed and cannot be recovered");
        throw e;

From source file:com.aliyun.odps.volume.VolumeFSClient.java

 * List files (and directories) in specific path
 * // w  ww .  j  ava 2s .  com
 * @param path
 * @throws VolumeException
public VolumeFSFile[] getFileInfosByPath(String path) throws VolumeException {

    return new VolumeFSJobRunnerProxy<VolumeFSFile[]>() {

        public VolumeFSFile[] doJob(String path, Map<String, Object> params) throws VolumeException {

            VolumeFSFile file = odps.volumes().get(VolumeFSUtil.getVolumeFromPath(path)).getVolumeFSFile(path);
            Iterator<VolumeFSFile> iterator = file.iterator();
            List<VolumeFSFile> files = new ArrayList<VolumeFSFile>();
            try {
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                if (e.getCause() instanceof VolumeException) {
                    throw (VolumeException) e.getCause();
                } else {
                    throw new VolumeException(e);
            return files.toArray(new VolumeFSFile[0]);

        public VolumeFSFile[] onVolumeMissing(String path, Map<String, Object> params) throws VolumeException {
            List<VolumeFSFile> files = new ArrayList<VolumeFSFile>();
            Volumes volumes = odps.volumes();
            Iterator<Volume> it = volumes.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Volume v = it.next();
                if (isNewVolume(v)) {
                    files.add(VolumeFSFile.transferVolumeToVolumeFSFile(odps.getDefaultProject(), v,
            return files.toArray(new VolumeFSFile[0]);

        public VolumeFSFile[] onNoSuchVolume(String path, Map<String, Object> params) throws VolumeException {
            throw new VolumeException(VolumeFSErrorCode.NoSuchPath,

        public VolumeFSFile[] onInvalidPath(String path, Map<String, Object> params) throws VolumeException {
            if (VolumeFSUtil.checkPathIsJustVolume(path)) {
                return doJob(path, params);
            } else {
                throw (VolumeException) params.get(CUR_EXCEPTION);
    }.run(path, null);


From source file:com.clustercontrol.jobmanagement.util.SendApprovalMail.java

 * ?????/*from  w  w  w.  j av a  2  s .c om*/
 * @param jobInfo
 * @param subject
 *            ??
 * @param content
private void sendMail(JobInfoEntity jobInfo, String subject, String content, String approvalRequestUser)
        throws HinemosUnknown {

    m_log.debug("sendMail() subject:" + subject);
    m_log.debug("sendMail() content:" + content);

    try {
        ArrayList<String> toAddressList = new ArrayList<String>();

        String userId = null;
        List<String> userIdList = null;
        String addr;

        userId = jobInfo.getApprovalReqUserId();
        if (userId != null && !userId.equals("*")) {
            addr = getUserMailAdress(userId);
            if (addr != null) {
        } else {
            userIdList = UserRoleCache.getUserIdList(jobInfo.getApprovalReqRoleId());
            if (userIdList != null && !userIdList.isEmpty()) {
                for (String user : userIdList) {
                    addr = null;
                    addr = getUserMailAdress(user);
                    if (addr != null) {

        if (approvalRequestUser != null && !approvalRequestUser.equals("")) {
            addr = null;
            addr = getUserMailAdress(approvalRequestUser);
            if (addr != null) {
        // ????????
        if (toAddressList.size() == 0) {
            m_log.debug("sendMail() : mail address is empty");
            internalEventNotify(PriorityConstant.TYPE_INFO, jobInfo.getId().getSessionId(),
                    jobInfo.getId().getJobId(), MessageConstant.MESSAGE_SYS_019_JOB, null);
        String[] toAddress = toAddressList.toArray(new String[0]);

        try {
            this.sendMail(toAddress, null, subject, content);
        } catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) {
            String detailMsg = "cannot connect to the mail server due to an Authentication Failure";
            m_log.warn("sendMail() " + e.getMessage() + " : " + detailMsg + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()
                    + ", " + e.getMessage());
            internalEventNotify(PriorityConstant.TYPE_CRITICAL, jobInfo.getId().getSessionId(),
                    jobInfo.getId().getJobId(), MessageConstant.MESSAGE_SYS_020_JOB, null);
        } catch (SMTPAddressFailedException e) {
            String detailMsg = e.getMessage() + "(SMTPAddressFailedException)";
            m_log.warn("sendMail() " + e.getMessage() + " : " + detailMsg + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()
                    + ", " + e.getMessage());
            internalEventNotify(PriorityConstant.TYPE_CRITICAL, jobInfo.getId().getSessionId(),
                    jobInfo.getId().getJobId(), MessageConstant.MESSAGE_SYS_020_JOB, null);
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            String detailMsg = e.getCause() != null ? e.getMessage() + " Cause : " + e.getCause().getMessage()
                    : e.getMessage();
            m_log.warn("sendMail() " + e.getMessage() + " : " + detailMsg + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()
                    + ", " + e.getMessage());
            internalEventNotify(PriorityConstant.TYPE_CRITICAL, jobInfo.getId().getSessionId(),
                    jobInfo.getId().getJobId(), MessageConstant.MESSAGE_SYS_020_JOB, null);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            String detailMsg = e.getCause() != null ? e.getMessage() + " Cause : " + e.getCause().getMessage()
                    : e.getMessage();
            m_log.warn("sendMail() " + e.getMessage() + " : " + detailMsg + detailMsg + " : "
                    + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage(), e);
            internalEventNotify(PriorityConstant.TYPE_CRITICAL, jobInfo.getId().getSessionId(),
                    jobInfo.getId().getJobId(), MessageConstant.MESSAGE_SYS_020_JOB, null);
    } catch (RuntimeException e1) {
        String detailMsg = e1.getCause() != null ? e1.getMessage() + " Cause : " + e1.getCause().getMessage()
                : e1.getMessage();
        m_log.warn("sendMail() " + e1.getMessage() + " : " + detailMsg + detailMsg + " : "
                + e1.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e1.getMessage(), e1);
        internalEventNotify(PriorityConstant.TYPE_CRITICAL, jobInfo.getId().getSessionId(),
                jobInfo.getId().getJobId(), MessageConstant.MESSAGE_SYS_020_JOB, null);

From source file:com.heliumv.api.BaseApi.java

 * Ein bewusstes Duplikat von Delegate.handleThrowable im LPClientPC</br>
 * <p>Traue mich momentan noch nicht dr&uuml;ber das zu refaktoren</p>
 * /*  w ww  . j a  v  a 2 s  .  co m*/
 * @param t
 * @return
protected ExceptionLP handleThrowable(Throwable t) {
    if (t instanceof ExceptionLP)
        return (ExceptionLP) t;

    if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
        RuntimeException reI = (RuntimeException) t;
        // Throwable t2 = reI.getCause();
        // if (t2 != null && t2 instanceof ServerException) {
        Throwable t3 = reI.getCause();
        if (t3 instanceof EJBExceptionLP) {
            EJBExceptionLP ejbt4 = (EJBExceptionLP) t3;
            if (ejbt4 instanceof EJBExceptionLP) {
                Throwable ejbt5 = ejbt4.getCause();
                if (ejbt5 instanceof EJBExceptionLP) {
                    // wegen zB. unique key knaller
                    EJBExceptionLP ejbt6 = (EJBExceptionLP) ejbt5;
                    return new ExceptionLP(ejbt6.getCode(), ejbt6.getMessage(), ejbt6.getAlInfoForTheClient(),
                } else if (ejbt5 != null) {
                    Throwable ejbt7 = ejbt5.getCause();
                    if (ejbt7 instanceof EJBExceptionLP) {
                        // zB. fuer WARNUNG_KTO_BESETZT
                        EJBExceptionLP ejbt8 = (EJBExceptionLP) ejbt7;
                        return new ExceptionLP(ejbt8.getCode(), ejbt8.getMessage(),
                                ejbt8.getAlInfoForTheClient(), ejbt8.getCause());
                    } else {
                        return new ExceptionLP(ejbt4.getCode(), ejbt4.getMessage(),
                                ejbt4.getAlInfoForTheClient(), ejbt4.getCause());
                } else {
                    return new ExceptionLP(ejbt4.getCode(), ejbt4.getMessage(), ejbt4.getAlInfoForTheClient(),
        } else if (reI instanceof EJBExceptionLP) {
            EJBExceptionLP exc = (EJBExceptionLP) reI;
            return new ExceptionLP(exc.getCode(), exc.getMessage(), exc.getAlInfoForTheClient(),
        } else if (t3 instanceof JBossRollbackException) {
            // zB. unique key knaller.
            JBossRollbackException ejb = (JBossRollbackException) t3;
            return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_DUPLICATE_UNIQUE, ejb.getMessage(), null,
        } else if (t3 instanceof EJBExceptionLP) {
            // MB 13. 03. 06 wird ausgeloest, wenn belegnummern ausserhalb
            // des gueltigen bereichs generiert werden
            // (liegt vermutlich am localen interface des BN-Generators)
            EJBExceptionLP ejbt6 = (EJBExceptionLP) t3;
            return new ExceptionLP(ejbt6.getCode(), ejbt6.getMessage(), ejbt6.getAlInfoForTheClient(),
        } else if (t3 instanceof java.io.InvalidClassException) {
            // zB. unique key knaller.
            java.io.InvalidClassException ejb = (java.io.InvalidClassException) t3;
            return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_BUILD_CLIENT, ejb.getMessage(), null, ejb.getCause());
        } else if (t3 instanceof java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError) {
            // zB. unique key knaller.
            java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ejb = (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError) t3;
            return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_NOCLASSDEFFOUNDERROR, ejb.getMessage(), null,

    if (t instanceof java.lang.IllegalStateException) {
        return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, t);

    if (t != null && t.getCause() != null) {
        return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER, t.getMessage(), null, t.getCause());

    if (t != null) {
        return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER, t.getMessage(), null, t);
    } else {
        return new ExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER, "null exception", new Exception());

From source file:com.continusec.client.VerifiableLog.java

 * Utility method for auditors that wish to audit the full content of a log, as well as the log operation.
 * This method will retrieve all entries in batch from the log, and ensure that the root hash in head can be confirmed to accurately represent the contents
 * of all of the log entries. If prev is not null, then additionally it is proven that the root hash in head is consistent with the root hash in prev.
 * @param prev a previous LogTreeHead representing the set of entries that have been previously audited. To indicate this is has not previously been audited, pass null,
 * @param head the LogTreeHead up to which we wish to audit the log. Upon successful completion the caller should persist this for a future iteration.
 * @param auditor caller should implemented a LogAuditor which is called sequentially for each log entry as it is encountered.
 * @param factory the factory to use for instantiating log entries. Typically this is one of {@link RawDataEntryFactory#getInstance()}, {@link JsonEntryFactory#getInstance()}, {@link RedactedJsonEntryFactory#getInstance()}.
 * @throws ContinusecException upon error
 *///from   ww  w . j  av  a 2  s. co m
public void verifyEntries(LogTreeHead prev, LogTreeHead head, VerifiableEntryFactory factory,
        LogAuditor auditor) throws ContinusecException {
    if ((prev == null) || prev.getTreeSize() < head.getTreeSize()) {
        Stack<byte[]> merkleTreeStack = new Stack<byte[]>();
        if ((prev != null) && (prev.getTreeSize() > 0)) {
            LogInclusionProof p = this.getInclusionProofByIndex(prev.getTreeSize() + 1, prev.getTreeSize());
            byte[] firstHash = null;
            for (byte[] b : p.getAuditPath()) {
                if (firstHash == null) {
                    firstHash = b;
                } else {
                    firstHash = Util.nodeMerkleTreeHash(b, firstHash);
            if (!(Arrays.equals(firstHash, prev.getRootHash()))) {
                throw new VerificationFailedException();
            for (int i = p.getAuditPath().length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        int idx = (prev == null) ? 0 : prev.getTreeSize();
        try {
            for (VerifiableEntry e : this.getEntries(idx, head.getTreeSize(), factory)) {
                // do whatever content audit is desired on e
                auditor.auditLogEntry(idx, e);

                // update the merkle tree hash stack:
                for (int z = idx; (z & 1) == 1; z >>= 1) {
                    byte[] right = merkleTreeStack.pop();
                    byte[] left = merkleTreeStack.pop();
                    merkleTreeStack.push(Util.nodeMerkleTreeHash(left, right));
        } catch (RuntimeException e2) {
            // since get entries iterator throws a runtime exception that wraps the real continusec exception...
            Throwable cause = e2.getCause();
            if (cause instanceof ContinusecException) {
                throw (ContinusecException) cause;
            } else {
                throw e2;

        if (idx != head.getTreeSize()) {
            throw new NotAllEntriesReturnedException();

        byte[] headHash = merkleTreeStack.pop();
        while (!merkleTreeStack.empty()) {
            headHash = Util.nodeMerkleTreeHash(merkleTreeStack.pop(), headHash);

        if (!(Arrays.equals(headHash, head.getRootHash()))) {
            throw new VerificationFailedException();

From source file:gov.nih.nci.caarray.web.action.ArrayDesignAction.java

private void saveImportFile() {
    try {//ww  w  .  j  a  v a  2  s .c o m
        // figure out if we are editing or creating.
        if (this.arrayDesign.getId() != null
                && (this.uploadFileName == null || this.uploadFileName.isEmpty())) {
        } else {
    } catch (final RuntimeException re) {
        if (re.getCause() instanceof InvalidNumberOfArgsException) {
            final InvalidNumberOfArgsException inv = (InvalidNumberOfArgsException) re.getCause();
            addFieldError(UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME, getText("arrayDesign.error." + inv.getMessage(),
                    inv.getArguments().toArray(new String[inv.getArguments().size()])));
        } else {
            addFieldError(UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME, getText("arrayDesign.error.importingFile"));
    } catch (final InvalidDataFileException e) {
        LOG.debug("Swallowed exception saving array design file", e);
        final FileValidationResult result = e.getFileValidationResult();
        for (final ValidationMessage message : result.getMessages()) {
            addFieldError(UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME, message.getMessage());
    } catch (final IllegalAccessException iae) {
        LOG.debug("Swallowed exception saving array design file", iae);
        this.arrayDesign = ServiceLocatorFactory.getArrayDesignService()
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("Swallowed exception saving array design file", e);
        if (this.arrayDesign.getId() != null) {
            this.arrayDesign = ServiceLocatorFactory.getArrayDesignService()
        addFieldError(UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME, getText("arrayDesign.error.importingFile"));
    } finally {
        // delete any files created as part of the unzipping process.
        // if the file uploaded was not a zip it will also be deleted
        if (this.uploads != null) {
            for (final File f : this.uploads) {

From source file:org.apache.flink.client.web.JobSubmissionServlet.java

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    String action = req.getParameter(ACTION_PARAM_NAME);
    if (checkParameterSet(resp, action, "action")) {
        return;//from  w w  w. j  av a2 s. c om

    // decide according to the action
    if (action.equals(ACTION_SUBMIT_VALUE)) {
        // --------------- submit a job -------------------

        // get the parameters
        String options = req.getParameter(OPTIONS_PARAM_NAME);
        String jobName = req.getParameter(JOB_PARAM_NAME);
        String assemblerClass = req.getParameter(CLASS_PARAM_NAME);
        String arguments = req.getParameter(ARGUMENTS_PARAM_NAME);
        String showPlan = req.getParameter(SHOW_PLAN_PARAM_NAME);
        String suspendPlan = req.getParameter(SUSPEND_PARAM_NAME);

        // check that parameters are set
        // do NOT check 'options' or 'assemblerClass' -> it is OK if not set
        if (checkParameterSet(resp, jobName, JOB_PARAM_NAME)
                || checkParameterSet(resp, arguments, ARGUMENTS_PARAM_NAME)
                || checkParameterSet(resp, showPlan, SHOW_PLAN_PARAM_NAME)
                || checkParameterSet(resp, suspendPlan, SUSPEND_PARAM_NAME)) {

        boolean show = Boolean.parseBoolean(showPlan);
        boolean suspend = Boolean.parseBoolean(suspendPlan);

        List<String> cliOptions;
        try {
            cliOptions = tokenizeArguments(options);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
            showErrorPage(resp, "Flink options contain an unterminated quoted string.");

        List<String> cliArguments;
        try {
            cliArguments = tokenizeArguments(arguments);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
            showErrorPage(resp, "Program arguments contain an unterminated quoted string.");

        String[] args = new String[1 + (assemblerClass == null ? 0 : 2) + cliOptions.size() + 1
                + cliArguments.size()];

        List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(args.length);
        if (assemblerClass != null) {
            parameters.add("-" + CliFrontendParser.CLASS_OPTION.getOpt());
        parameters.add(jobStoreDirectory + File.separator + jobName);

        FlinkPlan optPlan;
        try {

            optPlan = this.cli.getFlinkPlan();
            if (optPlan == null) {
                // wrapping hack to get this exception handled correctly by following catch block
                throw new RuntimeException(new Exception("The optimized plan could not be produced."));
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            Throwable t = e.getCause();

            if (t instanceof ProgramInvocationException) {
                // collect the stack trace
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(sw);

                if (t.getCause() == null) {
                } else {

                String message = sw.toString();
                message = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(message);

                showErrorPage(resp, "An error occurred while invoking the program:<br/><br/>" + t.getMessage()
                        + "<br/>" + "<br/><br/><pre>" + message + "</pre>");
            } else if (t instanceof CompilerException) {
                // collect the stack trace
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(sw);

                String message = sw.toString();
                message = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(message);

                        "An error occurred in the compiler:<br/><br/>" + t.getMessage() + "<br/>"
                                + (t.getCause() != null ? "Caused by: " + t.getCause().getMessage() : "")
                                + "<br/><br/><pre>" + message + "</pre>");
            } else {
                // collect the stack trace
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(sw);

                String message = sw.toString();
                message = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(message);

                showErrorPage(resp, "An unexpected error occurred:<br/><br/>" + t.getMessage()
                        + "<br/><br/><pre>" + message + "</pre>");

        // redirect according to our options
        if (show) {
            // we have a request to show the plan

            // create a UID for the job
            Long uid;
            do {
                uid = Math.abs(this.rand.nextLong());
            } while (this.submittedJobs.containsKey(uid));

            // dump the job to a JSON file
            String planName = uid + ".json";
            File jsonFile = new File(this.planDumpDirectory, planName);

            if (optPlan instanceof StreamingPlan) {
                ((StreamingPlan) optPlan).dumpStreamingPlanAsJSON(jsonFile);
            } else {
                PlanJSONDumpGenerator jsonGen = new PlanJSONDumpGenerator();
                jsonGen.dumpOptimizerPlanAsJSON((OptimizedPlan) optPlan, jsonFile);

            // submit the job only, if it should not be suspended
            if (!suspend) {
                parameters.set(0, CliFrontend.ACTION_RUN);
                try {
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    LOG.error("Error submitting job to the job-manager.", e.getCause());
                    showErrorPage(resp, e.getCause().getMessage());
            } else {
                this.submittedJobs.put(uid, this.cli.getJobGraph());

            // redirect to the plan display page
            resp.sendRedirect("showPlan?id=" + uid + "&suspended=" + (suspend ? "true" : "false"));
        } else {
            // don't show any plan. directly submit the job and redirect to the
            // runtime monitor
            parameters.set(0, CliFrontend.ACTION_RUN);
            try {
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                LOG.error("Error submitting job to the job-manager.", e.getCause());
                // HACK: Is necessary because Message contains whole stack trace
                String errorMessage = e.getCause().getMessage().split("\n")[0];
                showErrorPage(resp, errorMessage);
    } else if (action.equals(ACTION_RUN_SUBMITTED_VALUE)) {
        // --------------- run a job that has been submitted earlier, but was -------------------
        // --------------- not executed because of a plan display -------------------

        String id = req.getParameter("id");
        if (checkParameterSet(resp, id, "id")) {

        Long uid = null;
        try {
            uid = Long.parseLong(id);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) {
            showErrorPage(resp, "An invalid id for the job was provided.");

        // get the retained job
        JobGraph job = submittedJobs.remove(uid);
        if (job == null) {
                    "No job with the given uid was retained for later submission.");

        // submit the job
        try {
            Client client = new Client(GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration(), getClass().getClassLoader());
            client.run(job, false);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error("Error submitting job to the job-manager.", ex);
            // HACK: Is necessary because Message contains whole stack trace
            String errorMessage = ex.getMessage().split("\n")[0];
            // resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, ex.getMessage());

        // redirect to the start page
    } else if (action.equals(ACTION_BACK_VALUE)) {
        // remove the job from the map

        String id = req.getParameter("id");
        if (checkParameterSet(resp, id, "id")) {

        Long uid = null;
        try {
            uid = Long.parseLong(id);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) {
            showErrorPage(resp, "An invalid id for the job was provided.");

        // remove the retained job

        // redirect to the start page
    } else {
        showErrorPage(resp, "Invalid action specified.");

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.registry.handlers.uri.utils.SchemaProcessor.java

public String importSchemaToRegistry(RequestContext requestContext, String resourcePath, String commonLocation,
        boolean processIncludes, String sourceURL) throws RegistryException {
    resourceName = resourcePath.substring(resourcePath.lastIndexOf(RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR) + 1);

    XmlSchemaCollection xmlSchemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection();
    baseURI = sourceURL;/*from  w w  w  . j a  v a  2 s.c  om*/
    InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(sourceURL);

    try {
        // Here we assue schema is correct. Schema validation is beyond our scope, so we don't
        // bother with a ValidationEventHandler.
        XmlSchema xmlSchema = xmlSchemaCollection.read(inputSource, null);
        evaluateSchemasRecursively(xmlSchema, null, false, true);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        String msg = "Could not read the XML Schema Definition file. ";
        if (re.getCause() instanceof org.apache.ws.commons.schema.XmlSchemaException) {
            msg += re.getCause().getMessage();
            log.error(msg, re);
            throw new RegistryException(msg);
        throw new RegistryException(msg, re);


    Resource metaResource = requestContext.getResource();
    String path = saveSchemaToRegistry(requestContext, resourcePath, metaResource); // should depend on the central location / relative location flag
    return path;

From source file:org.nuclos.client.genericobject.GenericObjectDelegate.java

 * updates the given leased object along with its dependants.
 * @param lowdcvo/*ww w. j  a  v  a2s.  co  m*/
 * @return the updated leased object (from the server) along with its dependants.
 * @throws NuclosFatalException if a fatal error occured
 * @throws CommonPermissionException if we have no permission to update the object
 * @throws CommonStaleVersionException if the object was changed in the meantime by another user
 * @throws NuclosBusinessRuleException
 * @precondition lowdcvo.getId() != null
public GenericObjectWithDependantsVO update(GenericObjectWithDependantsVO lowdcvo, String customUsage)
        throws CommonBusinessException {
    if (lowdcvo.getId() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("lowdcvo");
    try {
        LOG.debug("update start");
        final GenericObjectWithDependantsVO result = this.getGenericObjectFacade().modify(lowdcvo.getModuleId(),
                lowdcvo, customUsage);
        LOG.debug("update done");
        return result;
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        final Throwable tCause = ex.getCause();
        if (tCause instanceof BadGenericObjectException) {
            throw (BadGenericObjectException) tCause;
        // RuntimeException has the BAD habit to include its cause' message in its own message.
        // the default message of NuclosUpdateException is not always correct ("duplicate key").
        // cause of the exception will be added at Errors.java
        throw new NuclosUpdateException("GenericObjectDelegate.1", ex);