Example usage for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage.


From source file wqm.web.exceptions._404.java

 * Date: 11/5/13
 * Time: 7:40 PM
 * @author NigelB

From source file org.cleverbus.api.exception.IntegrationException.java

 * Common integration exception, parent exception for all exceptions thrown by this integration platform.
 * @author <a href="mailto:petr.juza@cleverlance.com">Petr Juza</a>
public class IntegrationException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.apache.synapse.commons.SynapseCommonsException.java

public class SynapseCommonsException extends RuntimeException {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7361599095528938810L;

From source file org.wso2.carbon.mapred.mgt.ui.MapredClientException.java

 * Represents errors on the mapred admin client-side

public class MapredClientException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.apache.synapse.securevault.SecureVaultException.java

 * Common exception for all  within secure vault module - TODO create fine grain exceptions
public class SecureVaultException extends RuntimeException {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7361599095528938812L;

From source file org.wso2.carbon.cassandra.mgt.ui.CassandraAdminClientException.java

 * Represents errors on the cassandra admin client-side

public class CassandraAdminClientException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.wso2.carbon.cassandra.server.CassandraServerException.java

 * Represents errors at the back-end of the Cassandra

public class CassandraServerException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.wso2.carbon.cassandra.dataaccess.DataAccessComponentException.java

 * Represents the errors on the dataaccess layer for the Cassandra
public class DataAccessComponentException extends RuntimeException {


From source file org.wso2.carbon.cassandra.cluster.ClusterMBeanDataAccessException.java

 * Acts as a decorator and do log in addition to the existing behaviour of the exception
 * This exception is to be thrown for errors in Cassandra Server Management

public class ClusterMBeanDataAccessException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.jactr.core.model.ModelTerminatedException.java

 * used to force the model to terminate and exit cleanly. primarily used by
 * production.action.StopAction
 * @author developer