Example usage for java.lang String join

List of usage examples for java.lang String join


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang String join.


public static String join(CharSequence delimiter, Iterable<? extends CharSequence> elements) 

Source Link


Returns a new String composed of copies of the CharSequence elements joined together with a copy of the specified delimiter .


From source file:com.orange.clara.cloud.servicedbdumper.service.DbDumperServiceInstanceService.java

private void restoreDump(Map<String, Object> parameters, DbDumperServiceInstance dbDumperServiceInstance)
        throws ServiceBrokerException, RestoreException {
    String targetUrl = getParameterAsString(parameters, TARGET_URL_PARAMETER, null);
    if (targetUrl == null) {
        targetUrl = getParameterAsString(parameters, NEW_TARGET_URL_PARAMETER);
    }/*ww  w. j  a  v a  2 s .  c om*/
    String createdAtString = getParameterAsString(parameters, CREATED_AT_PARAMETER, null);
    DatabaseRef databaseRefTarget = this.getDatabaseRefFromParams(parameters, targetUrl);
    if (createdAtString == null || createdAtString.isEmpty()) {
        this.jobFactory.createJobRestoreDump(databaseRefTarget, null, dbDumperServiceInstance);
    Date createdAt;
    try {
        createdAt = this.parseDate(createdAtString);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new ServiceBrokerException(
                "When use " + CREATED_AT_PARAMETER + " parameter you should pass a date in one of this forms: "
                        + String.join(", ", VALID_DATES_FORMAT));
    this.jobFactory.createJobRestoreDump(databaseRefTarget, createdAt, dbDumperServiceInstance);

From source file:com.formkiq.core.service.generator.docx4j.WorkflowOutputWordDocxTest.java

 * testGetOutputFormFields01()./*from   w w w  . j  a v  a 2  s  .co  m*/
 * @throws Exception Exception
public void testGenerate01() throws Exception {
    // given
    String filename = "sample1.docx";
    ArchiveDTO archive = ObjectBuilder.buildArchiveDTO("test");
    byte[] data = Resources.getResourceAsBytes("/sample1.docx");

    // when
    this.woutput.generate(archive, filename, data);

    // then
    final int fieldCount = 21;

    assertEquals(1, archive.getWorkflow().getSteps().size());
    assertEquals(0, archive.getWorkflow().getPrintsteps().size());

    assertEquals(1, archive.getForms().size());
    FormJSON form = archive.getForms().values().iterator().next();
    assertEquals("sample1", form.getName());
    assertEquals(1, form.getSections().size());

    List<FormJSONField> fields = form.getSections().get(0).getFields();
    assertEquals(fieldCount, fields.size());

    int i = 0;
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "DAY", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "Month", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "Year", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "LegalName", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "Trade Name", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "ADDRESS", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "SUITE", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "CITY", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "PROVINCE", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "POSTALCODE", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "FAX NUMBER", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "CONTACT NAME", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "CONTACT TITLE", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "EMAIL", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "Lease Date", DATE);

    FormJSONField field = fields.get(i++);
    assertEquals("Driver's License", field.getLabel());
    assertEquals(SWITCH, field.getType());
    assertEquals("Driver's License[Driver's License]", String.join(",", field.getOptions()));
    assertEquals(IMMEDIATE, field.getRequired());

    field = fields.get(i++);
    assertEquals("Passport", field.getLabel());
    assertEquals(SWITCH, field.getType());
    assertEquals("Passport[Passport]", String.join(",", field.getOptions()));
    assertEquals(IMMEDIATE, field.getRequired());

    field = fields.get(i++);
    assertEquals("Checkbox", field.getLabel());
    assertEquals(SWITCH, field.getType());
    assertEquals("Checkbox[Checkbox]", String.join(",", field.getOptions()));
    assertEquals(IMMEDIATE, field.getRequired());

    assertField(fields.get(i++), "SIG", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "PRINT NAME", TEXTBOX);
    assertField(fields.get(i++), "TITLE", TEXTBOX);

    assertEquals(1, archive.getWorkflow().getOutputs().size());
    WorkflowOutputDocument output = (WorkflowOutputDocument) archive.getWorkflow().getOutputs().get(0);

    assertEquals(WorkflowOutputDocumentType.DOCX, output.getInputDocumentType());
    assertEquals(WorkflowOutputDocumentType.DOCX, output.getOutputDocumentType());

    List<WorkflowOutputFormField> ofields = output.getFields();
    assertEquals(fieldCount, ofields.size());

    i = 0;
    String fn = form.getName() + "[" + form.getUUID() + "]";
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "DAY[1]", "DAY");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Month[2]", "Month");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Year[3]", "Year");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "LegalName[4]", "LegalName");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Trade Name[5]", "Trade Name");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "ADDRESS[6]", "ADDRESS");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "SUITE[7]", "SUITE");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "CITY[8]", "CITY");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "PROVINCE[9]", "PROVINCE");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "POSTALCODE[10]", "POSTALCODE");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "FAX NUMBER[11]", "FAX NUMBER");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "CONTACT NAME[12]", "CONTACT NAME");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "CONTACT TITLE[13]", "CONTACT TITLE");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "EMAIL[14]", "EMAIL");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Lease Date[15]", "Lease Date");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Driver's License[16]", "Driver's License");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Passport[17]", "Passport");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "Checkbox[18]", "Checkbox");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "SIG[19]", "SIG");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "PRINT NAME[20]", "PRINT NAME");
    assertOutput(ofields.get(i++), fn, "TITLE[21]", "TITLE");

    assertEquals(1, archive.getObjects().size());

From source file:ddf.catalog.registry.transformer.RegistryServiceConverter.java

public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context)
        throws ConversionException {

    RegistryMetacardImpl meta = new RegistryMetacardImpl(RSMT);

    List<String> bindingTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    String id = validateService(reader);

    meta.setAttribute(Metacard.ID, id);/* www.  j  ava  2 s.c  o  m*/

    while (reader.hasMoreChildren()) {

        switch (reader.getNodeName()) {
        case "rim:Slot":
            readTopLevelSlots(reader, meta);
        case "rim:Description":
            meta.setAttribute(Metacard.DESCRIPTION, readValue(reader));
        case "rim:Name":
            meta.setAttribute(Metacard.TITLE, readValue(reader));
        case "rim:VersionInfo":
            meta.setAttribute(Metacard.CONTENT_TYPE_VERSION, reader.getAttribute("versionName"));
        case "rim:Classification":
            readClassification(reader, meta);
        case "rim:ServiceBinding":


    meta.setAttribute(RegistryServiceMetacardType.SERVICE_BINDING_TYPES, String.join(", ", bindingTypes));

    return meta;

From source file:com.spankingrpgs.scarletmoon.loader.EventLoader.java

private void verifyFields(JsonNode eventData) {
    List<String> missingFields = new ArrayList<>();

    if (eventData.get("name") == null) {
    }//w w w .  j a v a2  s .  c  om

    if (!missingFields.isEmpty()) {
        String msg = String.format("Character %s is missing fields:\n%s", eventData,
                String.join("\n", missingFields));
        LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

From source file:net.sf.jabref.importer.fetcher.IEEEXploreFetcher.java

private BibEntry cleanup(BibEntry entry) {
    if (entry == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from  w  ww.j a  v a 2  s  .  c  om*/

    // clean up title
    if (entry.hasField(FieldName.TITLE)) {
        String title = entry.getField(FieldName.TITLE);
        // USe the alt-text and replace image links
        title = title.replaceAll("[ ]?img src=[^ ]+ alt=\"([^\"]+)\">[ ]?", "\\$$1\\$");
        // Try to sort out most of the /spl / conversions
        // Deal with this specific nested type first
        title = title.replaceAll("/sub /spl infin//", "\\$_\\\\infty\\$");
        title = title.replaceAll("/sup /spl infin//", "\\$\\^\\\\infty\\$");
        // Replace general expressions
        title = title.replaceAll("/[sS]pl ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\\\$1\\$");
        // Deal with subscripts and superscripts
        title = SUPER_DETECTION_1.matcher(title).replaceAll(SUPER_TEXT_RESULT);
        title = SUB_DETECTION_1.matcher(title).replaceAll(SUB_TEXT_RESULT);
        title = SUPER_DETECTION_2.matcher(title).replaceAll(SUPER_TEXT_RESULT);
        title = SUB_DETECTION_2.matcher(title).replaceAll(SUB_TEXT_RESULT);

        // Replace \infin with \infty
        title = title.replaceAll("\\\\infin", "\\\\infty");

        // Unit formatting
        if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_UNIT_FORMATTER_ON_SEARCH)) {
            title = unitsToLatexFormatter.format(title);

        // Automatic case keeping
        if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CASE_KEEPER_ON_SEARCH)) {
            title = protectTermsFormatter.format(title);
        // Write back
        entry.setField(FieldName.TITLE, title);

    // clean up author
    if (entry.hasField(FieldName.AUTHOR)) {
        String author = entry.getField(FieldName.AUTHOR);
        author = author.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");

        //reorder the "Jr." "Sr." etc to the correct ordering
        String[] authorSplit = author.split("(^\\s*|\\s*$|\\s+and\\s+)");
        List<String> authorResult = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String authorSplitPart : authorSplit) {
            authorResult.add(authorSplitPart.replaceAll("(.+?),(.+?),(.+)", "$1,$3,$2"));
        author = String.join(" and ", authorResult);

        author = author.replace(".", ". ").replace("  ", " ").replace(". -", ".-").replace("; ", " and ")
                .replace(" ,", ",").replace("  ", " ");
        author = author.replaceAll("[ ,;]+$", "");
        //TODO: remove trailing commas
        entry.setField(FieldName.AUTHOR, author);

    // clean up month
    String month = entry.getField(FieldName.MONTH);
    if ((month != null) && !month.isEmpty()) {
        month = month.replace(".", "");
        month = month.toLowerCase();

        Matcher mm = MONTH_PATTERN.matcher(month);
        StringBuilder date = new StringBuilder(month);
        if (mm.find()) {
            if (mm.group(3).isEmpty()) {
                if (mm.group(2).isEmpty()) {
                    date = new StringBuilder().append(mm.group(1)).append(',');
                } else {
                    date = new StringBuilder().append('#').append(mm.group(2).substring(0, 3)).append('#');
                    if (!mm.group(1).isEmpty()) {
                        date.append(' ').append(mm.group(1)).append(',');
            } else if (mm.group(2).isEmpty()) {
                if (mm.group(4).isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    date = new StringBuilder().append('#').append(mm.group(4).substring(0, 3)).append('#')
            } else {
                date = new StringBuilder().append('#').append(mm.group(2).substring(0, 3)).append('#')
                        .append(mm.group(1)).append("--#").append(mm.group(4).substring(0, 3)).append('#')
        entry.setField(FieldName.MONTH, date.toString());

    // clean up pages
    if (entry.hasField(FieldName.PAGES)) {
        String pages = entry.getField(FieldName.PAGES);
        String[] pageNumbers = pages.split("-");
        if (pageNumbers.length == 2) {
            if (pageNumbers[0].equals(pageNumbers[1])) {// single page
                entry.setField(FieldName.PAGES, pageNumbers[0]);
            } else {
                entry.setField(FieldName.PAGES, pages.replace("-", "--"));

    // clean up publication field
    String type = entry.getType();
    String sourceField = "";
    if ("article".equals(type)) {
        sourceField = FieldName.JOURNAL;
    } else if ("inproceedings".equals(type)) {
        sourceField = "booktitle";
    if (entry.hasField(sourceField)) {
        String fullName = entry.getField(sourceField);
        if ("article".equals(type)) {
            int ind = fullName.indexOf(": Accepted for future publication");
            if (ind > 0) {
                fullName = fullName.substring(0, ind);
                entry.setField(FieldName.YEAR, "to be published");
            String[] parts = fullName.split("[\\[\\]]"); //[see also...], [legacy...]
            fullName = parts[0];
            if (parts.length == 3) {
                fullName += parts[2];
            String note = entry.getField("note");
            if ("Early Access".equals(note)) {
                entry.setField(FieldName.YEAR, "to be published");
        } else {
            fullName = fullName.replace("Conference Proceedings", "Proceedings")
                    .replace("Proceedings of", "Proceedings").replace("Proceedings.", "Proceedings");
            fullName = fullName.replace("International", "Int.");
            fullName = fullName.replace("Symposium", "Symp.");
            fullName = fullName.replace("Conference", "Conf.");
            fullName = fullName.replace(" on", " ").replace("  ", " ");

        Matcher m1 = PUBLICATION_PATTERN.matcher(fullName);
        String abrvPattern = ".*[^,] '?\\d+\\)?";
        if (m1.find()) {
            String prefix = m1.group(2).trim();
            String postfix = m1.group(1).trim();
            String abrv = "";
            String[] parts = prefix.split("\\. ", 2);
            if (parts.length == 2) {
                if (parts[0].matches(abrvPattern)) {
                    prefix = parts[1];
                    abrv = parts[0];
                } else {
                    prefix = parts[0];
                    abrv = parts[1];
            if (prefix.matches(abrvPattern)) {
                fullName = postfix + " " + prefix;
            } else {
                fullName = prefix + " " + postfix + " " + abrv;
                fullName = fullName.trim();
        if ("article".equals(type)) {
            fullName = fullName.replace(" - ", "-"); //IEE Proceedings-

            fullName = fullName.trim();
            if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_IEEE_ABRV)) {
                fullName = abbreviationLoader
        if ("inproceedings".equals(type)) {
            Matcher m2 = PROCEEDINGS_PATTERN.matcher(fullName);
            if (m2.find()) {
                String prefix = m2.group(2);
                String postfix = m2.group(1).replaceAll("\\.$", "");
                if (prefix.matches(abrvPattern)) {
                    fullName = postfix.trim() + " " + prefix.trim();
                } else {
                    String abrv = "";

                    String[] parts = postfix.split("\\. ", 2);
                    if (parts.length == 2) {
                        if (parts[0].matches(abrvPattern)) {
                            postfix = parts[1];
                            abrv = parts[0];
                        } else {
                            postfix = parts[0];
                            abrv = parts[1];
                    fullName = prefix.trim() + " " + postfix.trim() + " " + abrv;



            fullName = fullName.trim();

            fullName = fullName.replaceAll("^[tT]he ", "").replaceAll("^\\d{4} ", "").replaceAll("[,.]$", "");
            String year = entry.getField(FieldName.YEAR);
            if (year != null) {
                fullName = fullName.replaceAll(", " + year + "\\.?", "");

            if (!fullName.contains("Abstract") && !fullName.contains("Summaries")
                    && !fullName.contains("Conference Record")) {
                fullName = "Proc. " + fullName;
        entry.setField(sourceField, fullName);

    // clean up abstract
    if (entry.hasField(FieldName.ABSTRACT)) {
        String abstr = entry.getField(FieldName.ABSTRACT);
        // Try to sort out most of the /spl / conversions
        // Deal with this specific nested type first
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub /spl infin//", "\\$_\\\\infty\\$");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup /spl infin//", "\\$\\^\\\\infty\\$");
        // Replace general expressions
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/[sS]pl ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\\\$1\\$");
        // Deal with subscripts and superscripts
        abstr = SUPER_DETECTION_1.matcher(abstr).replaceAll(SUPER_TEXT_RESULT);
        abstr = SUB_DETECTION_1.matcher(abstr).replaceAll(SUB_TEXT_RESULT);
        abstr = SUPER_DETECTION_2.matcher(abstr).replaceAll(SUPER_TEXT_RESULT);
        abstr = SUB_DETECTION_2.matcher(abstr).replaceAll(SUB_TEXT_RESULT);
        // Replace \infin with \infty
        abstr = abstr.replace("\\infin", "\\infty");
        // Write back
        entry.setField(FieldName.ABSTRACT, abstr);

    // Clean up url
            url -> entry.setField(FieldName.URL, "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org" + url.replace("tp=&", "")));

    // Replace ; as keyword separator
    entry.getFieldOptional(FieldName.KEYWORDS).ifPresent(keys -> entry.setField(FieldName.KEYWORDS,
            keys.replace(";", Globals.prefs.get(JabRefPreferences.KEYWORD_SEPARATOR))));
    return entry;

From source file:net.sf.jabref.gui.openoffice.OOBibBase.java

 * This method inserts a cite marker in the text for the given BibEntry,
 * and may refresh the bibliography./*w  ww .  ja va  2s  . c o m*/
 * @param entries The entries to cite.
 * @param database The database the entry belongs to.
 * @param style The bibliography style we are using.
 * @param inParenthesis Indicates whether it is an in-text citation or a citation in parenthesis.
 *   This is not relevant if numbered citations are used.
 * @param withText Indicates whether this should be a normal citation (true) or an empty
 *   (invisible) citation (false).
 * @param sync Indicates whether the reference list should be refreshed.
 * @throws Exception
public void insertEntry(List<BibEntry> entries, BibDatabase database, List<BibDatabase> allBases,
        OOBibStyle style, boolean inParenthesis, boolean withText, String pageInfo, boolean sync)
        throws Exception {

    try {

        XTextViewCursor xViewCursor = xViewCursorSupplier.getViewCursor();

        if (entries.size() > 1) {
            if (style.getBooleanCitProperty(OOBibStyle.MULTI_CITE_CHRONOLOGICAL)) {
            } else {

        String keyString = String.join(",",
        // Insert bookmark:
        String bName = getUniqueReferenceMarkName(keyString,
                withText ? inParenthesis ? OOBibBase.AUTHORYEAR_PAR : OOBibBase.AUTHORYEAR_INTEXT
                        : OOBibBase.INVISIBLE_CIT);

        // If we should store metadata for page info, do that now:
        if (pageInfo != null) {
            LOGGER.info("Storing page info: " + pageInfo);
            setCustomProperty(bName, pageInfo);

        xViewCursor.getText().insertString(xViewCursor, " ", false);
        if (style.isFormatCitations()) {
            XPropertySet xCursorProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xViewCursor);
            String charStyle = style.getCitationCharacterFormat();
            try {
                xCursorProps.setPropertyValue(CHAR_STYLE_NAME, charStyle);
            } catch (UnknownPropertyException | PropertyVetoException | IllegalArgumentException
                    | WrappedTargetException ex) {
                // Setting the character format failed, so we throw an exception that
                // will result in an error message for the user. Before that,
                // delete the space we inserted:
                xViewCursor.goLeft((short) 1, true);
                throw new UndefinedCharacterFormatException(charStyle);
        xViewCursor.goLeft((short) 1, false);
        Map<BibEntry, BibDatabase> databaseMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (BibEntry entry : entries) {
            databaseMap.put(entry, database);
        String citeText = style.isNumberEntries() ? "-"
                : style.getCitationMarker(entries, databaseMap, inParenthesis, null, null);
        insertReferenceMark(bName, citeText, xViewCursor, withText, style);

        xViewCursor.goRight((short) 1, false);

        XTextRange position = xViewCursor.getEnd();

        if (sync) {
            // To account for numbering and for uniqiefiers, we must refresh the cite markers:
            refreshCiteMarkers(allBases, style);

            // Insert it at the current position:
            rebuildBibTextSection(allBases, style);

        // Go back to the relevant position:
        xViewCursor.gotoRange(position, false);
    } catch (DisposedException ex) {
        // We need to catch this one here because the OpenOfficePanel class is
        // loaded before connection, and therefore cannot directly reference
        // or catch a DisposedException (which is in a OO jar file).
        throw new ConnectionLostException(ex.getMessage());

From source file:com.netflix.spinnaker.halyard.deploy.spinnaker.v1.service.distributed.google.GoogleDistributedService.java

default List<Metadata.Items> getMetadata(AccountDeploymentDetails<GoogleAccount> details,
        SpinnakerRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings, List<ConfigSource> configSources, Integer version) {
    List<Metadata.Items> metadataItems = new ArrayList<>();
    String deploymentName = details.getDeploymentName();

    Metadata.Items items = new Metadata.Items().setKey("startup-script").setValue(getStartupScript());
    metadataItems.add(items);/*  ww  w.  j  av  a 2 s. c  o m*/

    items = new Metadata.Items().setKey("ssh-keys").setValue(GoogleProviderUtils.getSshPublicKey());

    if (!configSources.isEmpty()) {
        DaemonTaskHandler.message("Mounting config in vault server");
        GoogleVaultServerService vaultService = getVaultServerService();
        VaultServerService.Vault vault = vaultService.connectToPrimaryService(details, runtimeSettings);

        String secretName = secretName("config-mounts", version);
        VaultConfigMountSet mountSet = VaultConfigMountSet.fromConfigSources(configSources);
        secretName = vaultService.writeVaultConfigMountSet(deploymentName, vault, secretName, mountSet);

        VaultConnectionDetails connectionDetails = buildConnectionDetails(details, runtimeSettings, secretName);

        DaemonTaskHandler.message("Placing vault connection details into instance metadata");
        items = new Metadata.Items().setKey("vault_address").setValue(connectionDetails.getAddress());

        items = new Metadata.Items().setKey("vault_token").setValue(connectionDetails.getToken());

        items = new Metadata.Items().setKey("vault_secret").setValue(connectionDetails.getSecret());

    GoogleConsulServerService consulServerService = getConsulServerService();
    RunningServiceDetails consulServerDetails = consulServerService.getRunningServiceDetails(details,
    Integer latestConsulVersion = consulServerDetails.getLatestEnabledVersion();
    if (latestConsulVersion != null) {
        List<RunningServiceDetails.Instance> instances = consulServerDetails.getInstances()
        String instancesValue = String.join(" ",

        items = new Metadata.Items().setKey("consul-members") // TODO(lwander) change to consul_members for consistency w/ vault

        DaemonTaskHandler.message("Placing consul connection details into instance metadata");

    return metadataItems;

From source file:org.elasticsearch.client.RequestConvertersTests.java

public void testIndicesExist() {
    String[] indices = randomIndicesNames(1, 10);

    GetIndexRequest getIndexRequest = new GetIndexRequest().indices(indices);

    Map<String, String> expectedParams = new HashMap<>();
    setRandomIndicesOptions(getIndexRequest::indicesOptions, getIndexRequest::indicesOptions, expectedParams);
    setRandomLocal(getIndexRequest, expectedParams);
    setRandomHumanReadable(getIndexRequest, expectedParams);
    setRandomIncludeDefaults(getIndexRequest, expectedParams);

    final Request request = RequestConverters.indicesExist(getIndexRequest);

    assertEquals(HttpHead.METHOD_NAME, request.getMethod());
    assertEquals("/" + String.join(",", indices), request.getEndpoint());
    assertThat(expectedParams, equalTo(request.getParameters()));
    assertNull(request.getEntity());/*from ww w .j  av  a  2 s.  c  o  m*/

From source file:it.uniud.ailab.dcore.launchers.Launcher.java

 * Load the document trying different charsets. The charset tried, are, in
 * order://from  w  w w .  j  av a 2 s  . c  om
 * <ul>
 * <li>UTF-16;</li>
 * <li>UTF-8;</li>
 * <li>US-ASCII.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param filePath the path of the document
 * @return the text of the document
 * @throws IOException if the charset is not supported
private static String loadDocument(File filePath) throws IOException {

    String document = "";

    IOException exception = null;
    // try different charsets. if none is recognized, throw the
    // exception detected when reading.
    try {
        document = String.join(" ", Files.readAllLines(filePath.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

    } catch (java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException e) {
        exception = e;

    if (exception != null) {
        try {
            exception = null;
            document = String.join(" ", Files.readAllLines(filePath.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_16));

        } catch (java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException e) {
            exception = e;

    if (exception != null) {
        try {
            exception = null;
            document = String.join(" ", Files.readAllLines(filePath.toPath(), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));

        } catch (java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException e) {
            exception = e;

    // no charset has been recognized
    if (exception != null) {
        throw exception;
    return document;

From source file:com.formkiq.core.service.workflow.WorkflowEditorServiceImplTest.java

 * testEventIdremoveprintstep01()// ww w.j  a  va2s  .c om
 * remove print step.
public void testEventIdremoveprintstep01() {
    // given
    String[] fieldids = new String[] { "1" };
    this.workflow.setPrintsteps(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3")));

    // when

    this.ws.eventIdremoveprintstep(this.flow, fieldids);

    // then

    assertEquals("1,3", String.join(",", this.workflow.getPrintsteps()));