Example usage for java.lang System clearProperty

List of usage examples for java.lang System clearProperty


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang System clearProperty.


public static String clearProperty(String key) 

Source Link


Removes the system property indicated by the specified key.


From source file:org.geotools.coverage.io.netcdf.NetCDFMosaicReaderTest.java

public static void close() {

From source file:org.eclipse.smarthome.config.dispatch.test.ConfigDispatcherOSGiTest.java

private static void setSystemProperty(String systemProperty, String initialValue) {
    if (initialValue != null) {
        System.setProperty(systemProperty, initialValue);
    } else {//from w w w. j a  v a  2 s. c o m
        /* A system property cannot be set to null, it has to be cleared */

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.services.ResourceManagerImpl.java

public void lockResources(String serverId, String resourceIds, String pathToResourceXML,
        String pathToServersXML) throws CompositeException {

    String prefix = "lockResources";
    String processedIds = null;/*from w w  w. j a v a  2 s. co m*/

    // Extract variables for the resourceIds
    resourceIds = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resourceIds, propertyFile, true);

    // Set the Module Action Objective
    String s1 = (resourceIds == null) ? "no_resourceIds" : "Ids=" + resourceIds;
    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_OBJECTIVE", "LOCK : " + s1);

    // Validate whether the files exist or not
    if (!CommonUtils.fileExists(pathToResourceXML)) {
        throw new CompositeException("File [" + pathToResourceXML + "] does not exist.");
    if (!CommonUtils.fileExists(pathToServersXML)) {
        throw new CompositeException("File [" + pathToServersXML + "] does not exist.");

    List<ResourceType> resourceList = getResources(serverId, resourceIds, pathToResourceXML, pathToServersXML);
    if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() > 0) {

        for (ResourceType resource : resourceList) {

            // Get the identifier and convert any $VARIABLES
            String resourceId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resource.getId(), propertyFile, true);

             * Possible values for archives 
             * 1. csv string like import1,import2 (we process only resource names which are passed in)
             * 2. '*' or what ever is configured to indicate all resources (we process all resources in this case)
             * 3. csv string with '-' or what ever is configured to indicate exclude resources as prefix 
             *      like -import1,import3 (we ignore passed in resources and process rest of the in the input xml
            if (DeployUtil.canProcessResource(resourceIds, resourceId)) {
                // Add to the list of processed ids
                if (processedIds == null)
                    processedIds = "";
                    processedIds = processedIds + ",";
                processedIds = processedIds + resourceId;

                if (resource.getResourcePath() != null && resource.getResourcePath().size() > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < resource.getResourcePath().size(); i++) {
                        String resourcePath = resource.getResourcePath().get(i);
                        System.setProperty("RESOURCE_ID", resourceId);
                        lockResource(serverId, resourcePath, pathToServersXML);
                } else {
                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        logger.info("No resource paths found for resourceId " + resourceId);
        // Determine if any resourceIds were not processed and report on this
        if (processedIds != null) {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.info("Resource entries processed=" + processedIds);
        } else {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Warning: No resource entries were processed for the input list.  resourceIds="
                        + resourceIds;
                System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);
    } else {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            String msg = "Warning: No resource entries found for Resource Module XML at path="
                    + pathToResourceXML;
            System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.utils.Utils.java

 * Sets system property value./*  w  ww  .  j  a v  a2s .com*/
 * <p>
 * If property name is {@code null} - does nothing. If property value is {@code null} - removes property from system
 * properties list.
 * @param pName
 *            the name of the system property
 * @param pValue
 *            the value of the system property
 * @return the previous string value of the system property, or {@code null} if name is {@code null} or there was no
 *         property with that name.
public static String setSystemProperty(String pName, String pValue) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pName)) {
        return null;

    if (pValue != null) {
        return System.setProperty(pName, pValue);
    } else {
        return System.clearProperty(pName);

From source file:org.witness.ssc.xfer.utils.PublishingUtils.java

private HttpURLConnection getGDataUrlConnection(String urlString) throws IOException {
    URL url = new URL(urlString);

    if (useProxy) {
        //url = new URL("http",,,urlString);
        System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true");
        System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", PROXY_HOST);
        System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", PROXY_PORT_HTTP + "");

    } else {/*  w  w w  .jav  a 2  s  . com*/

    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

    connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", String.format("GoogleLogin auth=\"%s\"", clientLoginToken));
    connection.setRequestProperty("GData-Version", "2");
            String.format("key=%s", res.getString(R.string.youtube_dev_key)));
    return connection;

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.services.ResourceManagerImpl.java

public void unlockResources(String serverId, String resourceIds, String pathToResourceXML,
        String pathToServersXML) throws CompositeException {

    String prefix = "unlockResources";
    String processedIds = null;//from ww  w  . ja va  2s .  c om

    // Extract variables for the resourceIds
    resourceIds = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resourceIds, propertyFile, true);

    // Set the Module Action Objective
    String s1 = (resourceIds == null) ? "no_resourceIds" : "Ids=" + resourceIds;
    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_OBJECTIVE", "UNLOCK : " + s1);

    if (!CommonUtils.fileExists(pathToServersXML)) {
        throw new CompositeException("File [" + pathToServersXML + "] does not exist.");

    List<ResourceType> resourceList = getResources(serverId, resourceIds, pathToResourceXML, pathToServersXML);
    if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() > 0) {

        for (ResourceType resource : resourceList) {

            // Get the identifier and convert any $VARIABLES
            String resourceId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resource.getId(), propertyFile, true);

             * Possible values for archives 
             * 1. csv string like import1,import2 (we process only resource names which are passed in)
             * 2. '*' or what ever is configured to indicate all resources (we process all resources in this case)
             * 3. csv string with '-' or what ever is configured to indicate exclude resources as prefix 
             *      like -import1,import3 (we ignore passed in resources and process rest of the in the input xml
            if (DeployUtil.canProcessResource(resourceIds, resourceId)) {
                // Add to the list of processed ids
                if (processedIds == null)
                    processedIds = "";
                    processedIds = processedIds + ",";
                processedIds = processedIds + resourceId;

                String comment = null;
                if (resource.getComment() != null) {
                    comment = resource.getComment();
                if (resource.getResourcePath() != null && resource.getResourcePath().size() > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < resource.getResourcePath().size(); i++) {
                        String resourcePath = resource.getResourcePath().get(i);
                        System.setProperty("RESOURCE_ID", resourceId);
                        unlockResource(serverId, resourcePath, pathToServersXML, comment);
                } else {
                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        logger.info("No resource paths found for resourceId " + resourceId);
        // Determine if any resourceIds were not processed and report on this
        if (processedIds != null) {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.info("Resource entries processed=" + processedIds);
        } else {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Warning: No resource entries were processed for the input list.  resourceIds="
                        + resourceIds;
                System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);
    } else {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            String msg = "Warning: No resource entries found for Resource Module XML at path="
                    + pathToResourceXML;
            System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);

From source file:org.apache.solr.cloud.FullSolrCloudTest.java

@After//from   www  . j ava  2s .c o  m
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    if (VERBOSE || printLayoutOnTearDown) {
    ((HttpSolrServer) controlClient).shutdown();
    if (cloudClient != null) {
    if (zkStateReader != null) {


From source file:org.eclipse.wb.tests.designer.core.util.reflect.ReflectionUtilsTest.java

 * Test for {@link ReflectionUtils#propagate(Throwable)}.
 *//*from www.j  a v a2  s.c o  m*/
public void test_propagate() throws Exception {
    // when we throw Exception, it is thrown as is
        Throwable toThrow = new Exception();
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            assertSame(toThrow, e);
    // when we throw Error, it is thrown as is
        Throwable toThrow = new Error();
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            assertSame(toThrow, e);
    // coverage: for return from propagate()
        String key = "wbp.ReflectionUtils.propagate().forceReturn";
        System.setProperty(key, "true");
        try {
            Throwable toThrow = new Exception();
            Throwable result = ReflectionUtils.propagate(toThrow);
            assertSame(null, result);
        } finally {
    // coverage: for InstantiationException
        String key = "wbp.ReflectionUtils.propagate().InstantiationException";
        System.setProperty(key, "true");
        try {
            Throwable toThrow = new Exception();
            Throwable result = ReflectionUtils.propagate(toThrow);
            assertSame(null, result);
        } finally {
    // coverage: for InstantiationException
        String key = "wbp.ReflectionUtils.propagate().IllegalAccessException";
        System.setProperty(key, "true");
        try {
            Throwable toThrow = new Exception();
            Throwable result = ReflectionUtils.propagate(toThrow);
            assertSame(null, result);
        } finally {

From source file:org.apache.geode.internal.cache.partitioned.fixed.FixedPartitioningTestBase.java

public static void closeCache() {
    System.clearProperty(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "DISABLE_MOVE_PRIMARIES_ON_STARTUP");
    // System.setProperty("gemfire.DISABLE_MOVE_PRIMARIES_ON_STARTUP", "false");
    if (cache != null && !cache.isClosed()) {
        cache.close();/*from  w  ww  .  j  a va 2 s. c o  m*/

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.services.ResourceManagerImpl.java

public void createFolders(String serverId, String resourceIds, String pathToResourceXML,
        String pathToServersXML) throws CompositeException {

    String prefix = "createFolders";
    String processedIds = null;/* w  ww.jav a 2 s.  com*/

    // Extract variables for the resourceIds
    resourceIds = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resourceIds, propertyFile, true);

    // Set the Module Action Objective
    String s1 = (resourceIds == null) ? "no_resourceIds" : "Ids=" + resourceIds;
    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_OBJECTIVE", "CREATE : " + s1);

    // Validate whether the files exist or not
    if (!CommonUtils.fileExists(pathToServersXML)) {
        throw new CompositeException("File [" + pathToServersXML + "] does not exist.");

    List<ResourceType> resourceList = getResources(serverId, resourceIds, pathToResourceXML, pathToServersXML);
    if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() > 0) {

        for (ResourceType resource : resourceList) {
            String recursive = "true";
            String ignoreErrors = "false";

            if (resource.getRecursive() != null)
                recursive = resource.getRecursive();

            // Get the identifier and convert any $VARIABLES
            String resourceId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resource.getId(), propertyFile, true);

             * Possible values for archives 
             * 1. csv string like import1,import2 (we process only resource names which are passed in)
             * 2. '*' or what ever is configured to indicate all resources (we process all resources in this case)
             * 3. csv string with '-' or what ever is configured to indicate exclude resources as prefix 
             *      like -import1,import3 (we ignore passed in resources and process rest of the in the input xml
            if (DeployUtil.canProcessResource(resourceIds, resourceId)) {
                // Add to the list of processed ids
                if (processedIds == null)
                    processedIds = "";
                    processedIds = processedIds + ",";
                processedIds = processedIds + resourceId;

                // Get ignore errors
                if (resource.getIgnoreErrors() != null)
                    ignoreErrors = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resource.getIgnoreErrors(), propertyFile,

                if (resource.getResourcePath() != null && resource.getResourcePath().size() > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < resource.getResourcePath().size(); i++) {
                        String resourcePath = resource.getResourcePath().get(i);
                        System.setProperty("RESOURCE_ID", resourceId);
                        createFolder(serverId, resourcePath, pathToServersXML, recursive, ignoreErrors);
                } else {
                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        logger.info("No resource paths found for resourceId " + resourceId);
        // Determine if any resourceIds were not processed and report on this
        if (processedIds != null) {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.info("Resource entries processed=" + processedIds);
        } else {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Warning: No resource entries were processed for the input list.  resourceIds="
                        + resourceIds;
                System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);
    } else {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            String msg = "Warning: No resource entries found for Resource Module XML at path="
                    + pathToResourceXML;
            System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);