Example usage for java.lang Thread MAX_PRIORITY

List of usage examples for java.lang Thread MAX_PRIORITY


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Thread MAX_PRIORITY.



To view the source code for java.lang Thread MAX_PRIORITY.

Click Source Link


The maximum priority that a thread can have.


From source file:com.arkatay.yada.codec.AudioEncoder.java

protected AudioEncoder(Mixer mixer) {
    // Create a logger for this class
    log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    this.mixer = mixer;

    // Create the thread
    thread = new Thread(this, "Tencoder");
    thread.setPriority((Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) / 2);

    // Reset list
    resetChannelsList = new LinkedList<Integer>();

    pool = PacketPool.getPool();//w  w  w  .ja  v  a2  s.  com

    // Start in state off
    state = STATE_OFF;

From source file:org.nuxeo.runtime.gf3.GF3Component.java

public void registerContribution(Object contribution, String extensionPoint, ComponentInstance contributor)
        throws Exception {
    if (XP_WEB_APP.equals(extensionPoint)) {
        WebApplication app = (WebApplication) contribution;
        log.info("Async. Deploying WAR:  " + app.getName() + "; context path:  " + app.getContextPath()
                + " webRoot: " + app.getWebRoot());
        Thread deployerThread = new Thread(new WarDeployer(app), "Deployer");
        deployerThread.start();//  ww  w . jav a 2s . co  m
    } else if (XP_DATA_SOURCE.equals(extensionPoint)) {
        log.debug("GF3 ignoring extension point " + XP_DATA_SOURCE);

From source file:imageviewer.system.ImageViewerClient.java

private void initialize(CommandLine args) {

    // First, process all the different command line arguments that we
    // need to override and/or send onwards for initialization.

    boolean fullScreen = (args.hasOption("fullscreen")) ? true : false;
    String dir = (args.hasOption("dir")) ? args.getOptionValue("dir") : null;
    String type = (args.hasOption("type")) ? args.getOptionValue("type") : "DICOM";
    String prefix = (args.hasOption("client")) ? args.getOptionValue("client") : null;

    LOG.info("Java home environment: " + System.getProperty("java.home"));

    // Logging system taken care of through properties file.  Check
    // for JAI.  Set up JAI accordingly with the size of the cache
    // tile and to recycle cached tiles as needed.

    verifyJAI();/*from www.  java2s  .co  m*/
    TileCache tc = JAI.getDefaultInstance().getTileCache();
    tc.setMemoryCapacity(32 * 1024 * 1024);
    TileScheduler ts = JAI.createTileScheduler();
    JAI.getDefaultInstance().setRenderingHint(JAI.KEY_CACHED_TILE_RECYCLING_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    // Set up the frame and everything else.  First, try and set the
    // UI manager to use our look and feel because it's groovy and
    // lets us control the GUI components much better.

    try {
        UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new ImageViewerLookAndFeel());
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.error("Could not set imageViewer L&F.");

    // Load up the ApplicationContext information...

    ApplicationContext ac = ApplicationContext.getContext();
    if (ac == null) {
        LOG.error("Could not load configuration, exiting.");

    // Override the client node information based on command line
    // arguments...Make sure that the files are there, otherwise just
    // default to a local configuration.

    String hostname = new String("localhost");
    try {
        hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
    } catch (Exception exc) {

    String[] gatewayConfigs = (prefix != null)
            ? (new String[] { "resources/server/" + prefix + "GatewayConfig.xml",
                    (String) ac.getProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_GATEWAY_CONFIG),
                    "resources/server/" + hostname + "GatewayConfig.xml",
                    "resources/server/localGatewayConfig.xml" })
            : (new String[] { (String) ac.getProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_GATEWAY_CONFIG),
                    "resources/server/" + hostname + "GatewayConfig.xml",
                    "resources/server/localGatewayConfig.xml" });
    String[] nodeConfigs = (prefix != null)
            ? (new String[] { "resources/server/" + prefix + "NodeConfig.xml",
                    (String) ac.getProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_CLIENT_NODE),
                    "resources/server/" + hostname + "NodeConfig.xml", "resources/server/localNodeConfig.xml" })
            : (new String[] { (String) ac.getProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_CLIENT_NODE),
                    "resources/server/" + hostname + "NodeConfig.xml",
                    "resources/server/localNodeConfig.xml" });

    for (int loop = 0; loop < gatewayConfigs.length; loop++) {
        String s = gatewayConfigs[loop];
        if ((s != null) && (s.length() != 0) && (!"null".equals(s))) {
            File f = new File(s);
            if (f.exists()) {
                ac.setProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_GATEWAY_CONFIG, s);

    LOG.info("Using gateway config: " + ac.getProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_GATEWAY_CONFIG));

    for (int loop = 0; loop < nodeConfigs.length; loop++) {
        String s = nodeConfigs[loop];
        if ((s != null) && (s.length() != 0) && (!"null".equals(s))) {
            File f = new File(s);
            if (f.exists()) {
                ac.setProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_CLIENT_NODE, s);
    LOG.info("Using client config: " + ac.getProperty(ApplicationContext.IMAGESERVER_CLIENT_NODE));

    // Load the layouts and set the default window/level manager...

    DefaultWindowLevelManager dwlm = new DefaultWindowLevelManager();

    // Create the main JFrame, set its behavior, and let the
    // ApplicationPanel know the glassPane and layeredPane.  Set the
    // menubar based on reading in the configuration menus.

    mainFrame = new JFrame("imageviewer");
    try {
        ArrayList<Image> iconList = new ArrayList<Image>();
        iconList.add(ImageIO.read(new File("resources/icons/mii.png")));
        iconList.add(ImageIO.read(new File("resources/icons/mii32.png")));
    } catch (Exception exc) {

    mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
            int confirm = ApplicationPanel.getInstance().showDialog(
                    "Are you sure you want to quit imageViewer?", null, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
                    JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, UIManager.getIcon("Dialog.shutdownIcon"));
            if (confirm == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
                boolean hasUnsaved = SaveStack.getInstance().hasUnsavedItems();
                if (hasUnsaved) {
                    int saveResult = ApplicationPanel.getInstance().showDialog(
                            "There is still unsaved data.  Do you want to save this data in the local archive?",
                            null, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION);
                    if (saveResult == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)
                    if (saveResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                LOG.info("Shutting down imageServer local archive...");
                try {
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    LOG.error("Problem shutting down imageServer local archive...");
                } finally {

    String menuFile = (String) ApplicationContext.getContext().getProperty(ac.CONFIG_MENUS);
    String ribbonFile = (String) ApplicationContext.getContext().getProperty(ac.CONFIG_RIBBON);
    if (menuFile != null) {
        JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();
        MenuReader.parseFile(menuFile, mb);
    } else if (ribbonFile != null) {
        RibbonReader rr = new RibbonReader();
        JRibbon jr = rr.parseFile(ribbonFile);
        mainFrame.getContentPane().add(jr, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    mainFrame.getContentPane().add(ApplicationPanel.getInstance(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    ApplicationPanel.getInstance().setGlassPane((JPanel) (mainFrame.getGlassPane()));

    // Load specified plugins...has to occur after the menus are
    // created, btw.


    // Detect operating system...

    String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
    ApplicationContext.getContext().setProperty(ApplicationContext.OS_NAME, osName);
    LOG.info("Detected operating system: " + osName);

    // Try and hack the searched library paths if it's windows so we
    // can add a local dll path...

    try {
        if (osName.contains("Windows")) {
            Field f = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("usr_paths");
            String[] paths = (String[]) f.get(null);
            String[] tmp = new String[paths.length + 1];
            System.arraycopy(paths, 0, tmp, 0, paths.length);
            File currentPath = new File(".");
            tmp[paths.length] = currentPath.getCanonicalPath() + "/lib/dll/";
            f.set(null, tmp);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.error("Error attempting to dynamically set library paths.");

    // Get screen resolution...

    GraphicsConfiguration gc = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice()
    Rectangle r = gc.getBounds();
    LOG.info("Detected screen resolution: " + (int) r.getWidth() + "x" + (int) r.getHeight());

    // Try and see if Java3D is installed, and if so, what version...

    try {
        VirtualUniverse vu = new VirtualUniverse();
        Map m = vu.getProperties();
        String s = (String) m.get("j3d.version");
        LOG.info("Detected Java3D version: " + s);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.info("Unable to detect Java3D installation");

    // Try and see if native JOGL is installed...

    try {
        ac.setProperty(ApplicationContext.JOGL_DETECTED, Boolean.TRUE);
        LOG.info("Detected native libraries for JOGL");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.info("Unable to detect native JOGL installation");
        ac.setProperty(ApplicationContext.JOGL_DETECTED, Boolean.FALSE);

    // Start the local client node to connect to the network and the
    // local archive running on this machine...Thread the connection
    // process so it doesn't block the imageViewerClient creating this
    // instance.  We may not be connected to the given gateway, so the
    // socketServer may go blah...

    final boolean useNetwork = (args.hasOption("nonet")) ? false : true;
    ApplicationPanel.getInstance().addStatusMessage("ImageViewer is starting up, please wait...");
    if (useNetwork)
        LOG.info("Starting imageServer client to join network - please wait...");
    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                        (String) ApplicationContext.getContext()
                        (String) ApplicationContext.getContext()
            } catch (Exception exc) {

    this.fullScreen = fullScreen;

    // Set the view to encompass the default screen.

    if (fullScreen) {
        Insets i = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(gc);
        mainFrame.setLocation(r.x + i.left, r.y + i.top);
        mainFrame.setSize(r.width - i.left - i.right, r.height - i.top - i.bottom);
    } else {
        mainFrame.setSize(1100, 800);
        mainFrame.setLocation(r.x + 200, r.y + 100);

    if (dir != null)
        ApplicationPanel.getInstance().load(dir, type);

    timer = new Timer();
    timer.schedule(new GarbageCollectionTimer(), 5000, 2500);

From source file:org.apache.roller.weblogger.business.runnable.ThreadManagerImpl.java

public void initialize() throws InitializationException {

    // initialize tasks, making sure that each task has a tasklock record in the db
    List<RollerTask> webloggerTasks = new ArrayList<RollerTask>();
    String tasksStr = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("tasks.enabled");
    String[] tasks = StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.split(tasksStr, ","));
    for (String taskName : tasks) {

        String taskClassName = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("tasks." + taskName + ".class");
        if (taskClassName != null) {
            log.info("Initializing task: " + taskName);

            try {
                Class taskClass = Class.forName(taskClassName);
                RollerTask task = (RollerTask) taskClass.newInstance();
                task.init(taskName);//  w  w w . j a  v a 2s.  c o  m

                // make sure there is a tasklock record in the db
                TaskLock taskLock = getTaskLockByName(task.getName());
                if (taskLock == null) {
                    log.debug("Task record does not exist, inserting empty record to start with");

                    // insert an empty record
                    taskLock = new TaskLock();
                    taskLock.setLastRun(new Date(0));
                    taskLock.setTimeAquired(new Date(0));

                    // save it

                // add it to the list of configured tasks

            } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
                log.warn("Task does not extend RollerTask class", ex);
            } catch (WebloggerException ex) {
                log.error("Error scheduling task", ex);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("Error instantiating task", ex);

    // create scheduler
    TaskScheduler scheduler = new TaskScheduler(webloggerTasks);

    // start scheduler thread, but only if it's not already running
    if (schedulerThread == null && scheduler != null) {
        log.debug("Starting scheduler thread");
        schedulerThread = new Thread(scheduler, "Roller Weblogger Task Scheduler");
        // set thread priority between MAX and NORM so we get slightly preferential treatment
        schedulerThread.setPriority((Thread.MAX_PRIORITY + Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) / 2);

From source file:com.stimulus.archiva.search.StandardSearch.java

public synchronized void searchMessage() throws MessageSearchException {

    logger.debug("standard search executed {query='" + getSearchQuery() + "'}");

    // this a gui operation, must come back fast

    if (getSearchQuery() == null) {
    }//from   www. ja va2  s.  co  m

    if (getSearchQuery().compareTo(oldQuery) != 0) {
        queryModified = true;
        oldQuery = getSearchQuery();

    if (queryModified) {
        analyzer = AnalyzerFactory.getAnalyzer(getLanguage(), AnalyzerFactory.Operation.SEARCH);
        query = getQuery(analyzer);
        queryModified = false;

    if (sortModified) {
        sort = getSortPreference();
        sortModified = false;

    //if (filterModified) {
    queryFilter = getFilter(analyzer);
    filterModified = false;

    try {

        if ((openIndex == OpenIndex.SEARCH) || (openIndex == OpenIndex.SESSION && searchersModified)) {
            try {
                if (searchers != null) {
                    try {
                        logger.debug("//closing searchers");
                        //                        searchers.close();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                searchers = getVolumeSearchers();
                if (searchers == null) {
                    logger.debug("there are no volumes to search");
                searchersModified = false;

            } catch (MessageSearchException mse) {
                logger.error("failed to create volume searchers:" + mse.getMessage(), mse);

        search(query, queryFilter, sort);

    } catch (MessageSearchException mse) {
        logger.debug("standard search no volumes available for searching:" + mse.getMessage(), mse);
    } finally {
        // reset searchQuery
        searchQuery = null;
        filterQuery = null;


From source file:org.jajuk.services.core.PersistenceService.java

private void init() {
    this.lastCommitQueueCheckSum = getQueueModelChecksum();
    collectionChanged.put(Urgency.LOW, false);
    collectionChanged.put(Urgency.MEDIUM, false);
    collectionChanged.put(Urgency.HIGH, false);

From source file:net.sf.jacclog.service.importer.internal.queue.LogEntryQueuePersisterObserver.java

public LogEntryQueuePersisterObserver(final LogEntryImportService<ReadonlyLogEntry> service) {
    if (service == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'service' can not be null.");
    }/*from ww  w.ja  va  2 s .com*/

    this.service = service;

    final BasicThreadFactory factory = new BasicThreadFactory.Builder()
            // attributes
            .uncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler()).build();
    executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), factory);

From source file:nl.strohalm.cyclos.services.accounts.AccountStatusHandlerImpl.java

public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
    thread = new Thread(this, "AccountStatusHandler");
    thread.start();// w w w . ja  v  a  2s.c o  m

From source file:org.dawnsci.commandserver.core.process.ProgressableProcess.java

 * Call to start the process and broadcast status
 * updates. Subclasses may redefine what is done
 * on the start method, by default a thread is started
 * in daemon mode to run things./*from w  ww  .java  2  s  . co  m*/
public void start() {

    if (isBlocking()) {
        run(); // Block until process has run.
    } else {
        final Thread thread = new Thread(this);

From source file:yoda.threads.ResponderExecutionHandler.java

 * Return the thread priority./*from   w w w .ja v  a2  s.  c om*/
 * If the property is not there then normal priority will be used.
 * @param value
 * @return the priority
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is invalid.
 * @since 1.0
private int parseThreadPriority(String value) {
    // It has not been set, so set it at 5
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
        return Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;

    try {
        int priority = Integer.parseInt(value);
        if (priority > Thread.MAX_PRIORITY || priority < Thread.MIN_PRIORITY) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(THREAD_PRIORITY_KEY);

        return priority;
    } catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(THREAD_PRIORITY_KEY);