Example usage for java.lang Throwable toString

List of usage examples for java.lang Throwable toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Throwable toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a short description of this throwable.


From source file:com.liferay.portal.editor.fckeditor.receiver.impl.BaseCommandReceiver.java

public void fileUpload(CommandArgument commandArgument, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) {/*from   www  . j a  va  2s  . c  o  m*/

    InputStream inputStream = null;

    String returnValue = null;

    try {
        ServletFileUpload servletFileUpload = new LiferayFileUpload(
                new LiferayFileItemFactory(UploadServletRequestImpl.getTempDir()), request);


        LiferayServletRequest liferayServletRequest = new LiferayServletRequest(request);

        List<FileItem> fileItems = servletFileUpload.parseRequest(liferayServletRequest);

        Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        for (FileItem fileItem : fileItems) {
            if (fileItem.isFormField()) {
                fields.put(fileItem.getFieldName(), fileItem.getString());
            } else {
                fields.put(fileItem.getFieldName(), fileItem);

        DiskFileItem diskFileItem = (DiskFileItem) fields.get("NewFile");

        String fileName = StringUtil.replace(diskFileItem.getName(), CharPool.BACK_SLASH, CharPool.SLASH);
        String[] fileNameArray = StringUtil.split(fileName, '/');
        fileName = fileNameArray[fileNameArray.length - 1];

        String contentType = diskFileItem.getContentType();

        if (Validator.isNull(contentType) || contentType.equals(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)) {

            contentType = MimeTypesUtil.getContentType(diskFileItem.getStoreLocation());

        if (diskFileItem.isInMemory()) {
            inputStream = diskFileItem.getInputStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = new ByteArrayFileInputStream(diskFileItem.getStoreLocation(),

        long size = diskFileItem.getSize();

        returnValue = fileUpload(commandArgument, fileName, inputStream, contentType, size);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        FCKException fcke = null;

        if (e instanceof FCKException) {
            fcke = (FCKException) e;
        } else {
            fcke = new FCKException(e);

        Throwable cause = fcke.getCause();

        returnValue = "203";

        if (cause != null) {
            String causeString = GetterUtil.getString(cause.toString());

            if (causeString.contains("NoSuchFolderException") || causeString.contains("NoSuchGroupException")) {

                returnValue = "204";
            } else if (causeString.contains("ImageNameException")) {
                returnValue = "205";
            } else if (causeString.contains("FileExtensionException")
                    || causeString.contains("FileNameException")) {

                returnValue = "206";
            } else if (causeString.contains("PrincipalException")) {
                returnValue = "207";
            } else if (causeString.contains("ImageSizeException")
                    || causeString.contains("FileSizeException")) {

                returnValue = "208";
            } else if (causeString.contains("SystemException")) {
                returnValue = "209";
            } else {
                throw fcke;

        _writeUploadResponse(returnValue, response);
    } finally {

    _writeUploadResponse(returnValue, response);

From source file:eionet.cr.api.xmlrpc.XmlRpcServices.java

public List getResourcesSinceTimestamp(Date timestamp) throws CRException {

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("Entered " + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName());
    }/*from w  ww. j  av  a2  s .  c  o m*/

    List<Map<String, String[]>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, String[]>>();
    if (timestamp != null) {

        // given timestamp must be less than current time (in seconds)
        long curTimeSeconds = Util.currentTimeSeconds();
        long givenTimeSeconds = Util.getSeconds(timestamp.getTime());
        if (givenTimeSeconds < curTimeSeconds) {

            try {
                Collection<SubjectDTO> subjects = DAOFactory.get().getDao(HelperDAO.class)
                        .getSubjectsNewerThan(timestamp, MAX_RESULTS);

                for (Iterator<SubjectDTO> subjectsIter = subjects.iterator(); subjectsIter.hasNext();) {

                    SubjectDTO subjectDTO = subjectsIter.next();
                    HashMap<String, String[]> map = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
                    for (Iterator<String> predicatesIter = subjectDTO.getPredicates().keySet()
                            .iterator(); predicatesIter.hasNext();) {

                        String predicate = predicatesIter.next();
                        map.put(predicate, toStringArray(subjectDTO.getObjects(predicate)));

                    // if map not empty and the subject has a URL (i.e. getUrl() is not blank)
                    // then add the map to result
                    if (!map.isEmpty()) {
                        String url = subjectDTO.getUrl();
                        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(url)) {
                            String[] arr = new String[1];
                            arr[0] = url;
                            map.put(Predicates.CR_URL, arr); // QAW needs this special reserved predicate
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (t instanceof CRException) {
                    throw (CRException) t;
                } else {
                    throw new CRException(t.toString(), t);


    return result;

From source file:ch.rasc.wampspring.method.WampAnnotationMethodMessageHandler.java

private void handleCallMessage(CallMessage callMessage, WampHandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
    try {/*w  ww .ja  v a2 s.com*/
        checkAuthentication(handlerMethod, callMessage);

        InvocableWampHandlerMethod invocable = new InvocableWampHandlerMethod(
                handlerMethod.createWithResolvedBean(), this.methodParameterConverter);

        Object[] arguments = null;
        if (callMessage.getArguments() != null) {
            arguments = callMessage.getArguments().toArray();
        Object returnValue = invocable.invoke(callMessage, arguments);
        CallResultMessage callResultMessage = new CallResultMessage(callMessage, returnValue);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        CallErrorMessage callErrorMessage = new CallErrorMessage(callMessage, "", ex.toString());
        this.logger.error("Error while processing message " + callMessage, ex);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        CallErrorMessage callErrorMessage = new CallErrorMessage(callMessage, "", t.toString());
        this.logger.error("Error while processing message " + callErrorMessage, t);

From source file:dk.dbc.opensearch.datadock.DatadockPool.java

 * Checks the jobs submitted for execution
 * /*from   w  w  w  . ja va  2  s. com*/
 * if a Job throws an exception it is written to the log and the
 * datadock continues.
 * @throws InterruptedException if the job.get() call is interrupted (by kill or otherwise).
public void checkJobs() throws InterruptedException {
    log.debug("DatadockPool method checkJobs called");

    log.debug(String.format("job size = %s", jobs.size()));

    Set<IIdentifier> finishedJobs = new HashSet<IIdentifier>();
    for (IIdentifier id : jobs.keySet()) {
        FutureTask<Boolean> job = jobs.get(id);
        log.debug(String.format("job is done: %s", job.isDone()));
        if (job.isDone()) {
            Boolean success = Boolean.FALSE;

            try {
                log.debug("DatadockPool checking job");
                success = job.get();
            } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
                // getting exception from thread
                Throwable cause = ee.getCause();
                log.error(String.format("Exception caught for identifier: %s, from thread: '%s'", id, cause),

                log.info(String.format("Setting status to FAILURE for identifier: %s with message: '%s'", id,
                try {
                    String msg = cause.getMessage() == null ? cause.toString() : cause.getMessage(); // avoid giving null to setStatusFailure
                    harvester.setStatusFailure(id, msg);
                } catch (HarvesterUnknownIdentifierException ex) {
                    String error = String.format(
                            "Failed to set failure status for identifier: %s . Message: %s", id,
                    log.error(error, ex);
                } catch (HarvesterInvalidStatusChangeException ex) {
                    String error = String.format(
                            "Failed to set failure status for identifier: %s . Message: %s", id,
                    log.error(error, ex);
                } catch (HarvesterIOException ex) {
                    String error = String.format(
                            "Failed to set failure status for identifier: %s . Message: %s", id,
                    log.error(error, ex);

            log.debug("DatadockPool adding to finished jobs");

    for (IIdentifier finishedJobId : finishedJobs) {
        log.debug(String.format("Removing Job with id: %s. Remaining jobs: %s", finishedJobId, jobs.size()));

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.util.BSFormatter.java

public String formatCoin(Coin coin) {
    if (coin != null) {
        try {// w w  w  .j a v a  2s.  co m
            return coinFormat.noCode().format(coin).toString();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Exception at formatBtc: " + t.toString());
            return "";
    } else {
        return "";

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.util.BSFormatter.java

public Coin parseToCoin(String input) {
    if (input != null && input.length() > 0) {
        try {// w  w w  . ja  v a  2s  .  c o  m
            return coinFormat.parse(cleanInput(input));
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Exception at parseToBtc: " + t.toString());
            return Coin.ZERO;
    } else {
        return Coin.ZERO;

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.util.BSFormatter.java

public String formatFiat(Fiat fiat) {
    if (fiat != null) {
        try {//from w ww  .  j  a v  a 2 s.c o m
            return fiatFormat.noCode().format(fiat).toString();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Exception at formatFiat: " + t.toString());
            return "N/A " + fiat.getCurrencyCode();
    } else {
        return "N/A";

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.util.BSFormatter.java

private String formatFiatWithCode(Fiat fiat) {
    if (fiat != null) {
        try {//from w ww .  j  ava  2 s. c  om
            return fiatFormat.noCode().format(fiat).toString() + " " + fiat.getCurrencyCode();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Exception at formatFiatWithCode: " + t.toString());
            return "N/A " + fiat.getCurrencyCode();
    } else {
        return "N/A";

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.util.BSFormatter.java

public String formatCoinWithCode(Coin coin) {
    if (coin != null) {
        try {// w w  w . j  av  a 2s  .com
            // we don't use the code feature from coinFormat as it does automatic switching between mBTC and BTC and
            // pre and post fixing
            return coinFormat.postfixCode().format(coin).toString();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Exception at formatBtcWithCode: " + t.toString());
            return "";
    } else {
        return "";

From source file:com.xinlan.otma.net.CustomHttpResponseHandler.java

public final void onFailure(final int statusCode, final Header[] headers, final byte[] responseBytes,
        final Throwable throwable) {
    if (responseBytes != null) {
        Runnable parser = new Runnable() {
            @Override//from  w w  w. j a  v  a  2  s. co  m
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // final T jsonResponse = parseResponse(responseBytes);
                    postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, throwable.toString());

                } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            onFailure(statusCode, headers, ex, ex.toString());

        if (!getUseSynchronousMode()) {
            new Thread(parser).start();
        } else {
            // In synchronous mode everything should be run on one thread
    } else {
        Log.v(LOG_TAG, "response body is null, calling onFailure(Throwable, JSONObject)");
        onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, throwable.toString());