Example usage for java.lang Void TYPE

List of usage examples for java.lang Void TYPE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Void TYPE.


Class TYPE

To view the source code for java.lang Void TYPE.

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The Class object representing the pseudo-type corresponding to the keyword void .


From source file:org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo.java

public MethodInvocation createMethodInvocation(final Object pojo, final Exchange exchange) {
    final Object[] arguments = parametersExpression.evaluate(exchange, Object[].class);
    return new MethodInvocation() {
        public Method getMethod() {
            return method;
        }/*from  ww w  .jav  a2 s .  com*/

        public Object[] getArguments() {
            return arguments;

        public Object proceed(AsyncCallback callback, AtomicBoolean doneSync) throws Exception {
            // dynamic router should be invoked beforehand
            if (dynamicRouter != null) {
                if (!dynamicRouter.isStarted()) {
                // use a expression which invokes the method to be used by dynamic router
                Expression expression = new DynamicRouterExpression(pojo);
                boolean sync = dynamicRouter.doRoutingSlip(exchange, expression, callback);
                // must remember the done sync returned from the dynamic router
                return Void.TYPE;

            // invoke pojo
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace(">>>> invoking: " + method + " on bean: " + pojo + " with arguments: "
                        + asString(arguments) + " for exchange: " + exchange);
            Object result = invoke(method, pojo, arguments, exchange);

            if (recipientList != null) {
                // ensure its started
                if (!recipientList.isStarted()) {
                boolean sync = recipientList.sendToRecipientList(exchange, result, callback);
                // must remember the done sync returned from the recipient list
                // we don't want to return the list of endpoints
                // return Void to indicate to BeanProcessor that there is no reply
                return Void.TYPE;
            if (routingSlip != null) {
                if (!routingSlip.isStarted()) {
                boolean sync = routingSlip.doRoutingSlip(exchange, result, callback);
                // must remember the done sync returned from the routing slip
                return Void.TYPE;

            return result;

        public Object getThis() {
            return pojo;

        public AccessibleObject getStaticPart() {
            return method;

From source file:org.apache.camel.maven.AbstractApiMethodGeneratorMojo.java

public static boolean isVoidType(Class<?> resultType) {
    return resultType == Void.TYPE;

From source file:org.assertj.assertions.generator.util.ClassUtil.java

public static boolean isStandardGetter(Method method) {
    return isValidStandardGetterName(method.getName()) && !Void.TYPE.equals(method.getReturnType())
            && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0;

From source file:org.projectforge.continuousdb.TableAttribute.java

 * @param method//from   ww  w . ja v  a  2 s.  c  o  m
 * @return
private void setGenericReturnType(final Method method) {

    Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
    if ((returnType instanceof ParameterizedType) == false) {
    final ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) returnType;
    OneToMany oneToMany = method.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
    if (oneToMany != null && oneToMany.targetEntity() != null && oneToMany.targetEntity() != Void.TYPE) {
        if (type.getRawType() instanceof Class) {
            if (List.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) type.getRawType()) == true) {
                genericType = oneToMany.targetEntity();
    final Type[] typeArguments = type.getActualTypeArguments();
    if (typeArguments.length == 0) {
    if (typeArguments[0] instanceof ParameterizedType) {
        final ParameterizedType nt = (ParameterizedType) typeArguments[0];
        final Type[] nst = nt.getActualTypeArguments();
        if (nst.length > 0) {
            final Class<?> typeArgClass = (Class<?>) nst[0];
            if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
                log.debug("Generic type found for '" + entityClass + "." + property + "': '" + typeArgClass
                        + "'.");
            genericType = typeArgClass;
    if ((typeArguments[0] instanceof Class) == false) {
        // opps
        final Class<?> thclas = typeArguments[0].getClass();
        log.error("Cannot determine entity type: " + thclas.getName() + " in method: " + method);
    } else {
        final Class<?> typeArgClass = (Class<?>) typeArguments[0];
        if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
            log.debug("Generic type found for '" + entityClass + "." + property + "': '" + typeArgClass + "'.");
        genericType = typeArgClass;


From source file:padl.util.Util.java

public static List getPatternProperties(final Class clazz) {
    final List roProperties = new ArrayList();
    final List rwProperties = new ArrayList();
    final List exProperties = new ArrayList();
    try {/*www .j a v  a  2  s  .c o m*/
        final PropertyDescriptor[] basicProperties = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz, null)

        for (int x = 0; x < basicProperties.length; x++) {
            final Method writeMethod = basicProperties[x].getWriteMethod();
            final Method readMethod = basicProperties[x].getReadMethod();

            if (readMethod != null) {
                if (writeMethod != null) {
                } else {
    } catch (final Exception e) {

    // I look for all suitable "add" and "remove" methods.
    try {
        final Map adds = new HashMap();
        final Map removes = new HashMap();
        final Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            final Method currentMethod = methods[i];
            final int mods = currentMethod.getModifiers();
            final String currentName = currentMethod.getName();
            final Class argTypes[] = currentMethod.getParameterTypes();
            if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) || !Modifier.isPublic(mods) // ||
            // argTypes.length
            // != 1
                    || currentMethod.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE) {

                continue; // RV: pour que Yann soit content !!!!

            // Yann 2001/06/27: I check the number of arguments
            // depending on which type of method I am looking at
            // to handle correctly the add and remove methods
            // of the Faade pattern.
            if (currentName.startsWith("add") && argTypes.length > 0) {
                adds.put(new String(currentName.substring(3) + ":" + argTypes[0]), currentMethod);
            } else if (currentName.startsWith("remove") && argTypes.length == 1) {
                removes.put(new String(currentName.substring(6) + ":" + argTypes[0]), currentMethod);

        // Now I look for matching add + remove pairs.
        final Iterator keys = adds.keySet().iterator();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            final String addKey = (String) keys.next();
            // Skip any "add" which doesn't have a matching "remove".

            if (removes.get(addKey) != null) {
                exProperties.add(addKey.substring(0, addKey.indexOf(":")));

    } catch (final Exception e) {

    final List props = roProperties;

    return props;

From source file:io.swagger.jaxrs.MethodProcessor.java

private static boolean isVoid(Type type) {
    final Class<?> cls = TypeFactory.defaultInstance().constructType(type).getRawClass();
    return Void.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) || Void.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(cls);

From source file:org.apache.openejb.util.proxy.QueryProxy.java

private void persist(final Object[] args, final Class<?> returnType) {
    if (args != null && args.length == 1 && returnType.equals(Void.TYPE)) {
        em.persist(args[0]);//w w w.  j  a  va  2 s . co m
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(PERSIST_NAME + " should have only one parameter and return void");

From source file:com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.SimpleWebTestCase.java

 * From Junit. Test if the method is a junit test.
 * @param method the method/*from  w ww.j  a va  2  s  .c o m*/
 * @return <code>true</code> if this is a junit test
private boolean isPublicTestMethod(final Method method) {
    return method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
            && (method.getName().startsWith("test") || method.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null)
            && method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE && Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers());

From source file:ch.ralscha.extdirectspring.controller.RouterControllerOptionalTest.java

public void testMethod19() {
    ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive(mockMvc, null,
            Collections.singletonList(new Cookie("stringCookie", "aString")), "remoteProviderOptional",
            "method19", "aString", (Object[]) null);
    ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive(mockMvc, null, null, "remoteProviderOptional", "method19", Void.TYPE,
            (Object[]) null);//from w  w  w .  j  a  va 2 s  . c  om

From source file:com.hablutzel.cmdline.CommandLineApplication.java

 * Validate a Method to be a main command line application method.
 * Methods with more than 1 argument are not allowed. Methods with return types
 * are not allowed. Methods that throw an exception other than
 * org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineException are not allowed,
 * @param method the method to validate// w ww.  j  av  a  2s  . co  m
 * @return A new method helper for the method
private CommandLineMethodHelper getHelperForCommandLineMain(Method method) throws CommandLineException {

    // Validate that the return type is a void
    if (!method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) {
        throw new CommandLineException("For method " + method.getName() + ", the return type is not void");

    // Validate the exceptions throws by the method
    for (Class<?> clazz : method.getExceptionTypes()) {
        if (!clazz.equals(CommandLineException.class)) {
            throw new CommandLineException("For method " + method.getName()
                    + ", there is an invalid exception class " + clazz.getName());

    // In order to get ready to create the configuration instance,
    // we will need to know the command line option type
    // and the element type.
    Class<?> elementClass;
    MethodType methodType;
    Converter converter;

    // Get the parameters of the method. We'll use these to
    // determine what type of option we have - scalar, boolean, etc.
    Class<?> parameterClasses[] = method.getParameterTypes();

    // See what the length tells us
    switch (parameterClasses.length) {
    case 0:
        throw new CommandLineException("Main command line method must take arguments");
    case 1: {

        // For a method with one argument, we have to look
        // more closely at the argument. It has to be a simple
        // scalar object, an array, or a list.
        Class<?> parameterClass = parameterClasses[0];
        if (parameterClass.isArray()) {

            // For an array, we get the element class based on the
            // underlying component type
            methodType = MethodType.Array;
            elementClass = parameterClass.getComponentType();
        } else {

            // For a scalar, we get the element type from the
            // type of the parameter.
            methodType = MethodType.Scalar;
            elementClass = parameterClass.getClass();

        // Now that we have the element type, make sure it's convertable
        converter = ConvertUtils.lookup(String.class, elementClass);
        if (converter == null) {
            throw new CommandLineException("Cannot find a conversion from String to " + elementClass.getName()
                    + " for method " + method.getName());
    default: {

        // Other method types not allowed.
        throw new CommandLineException("Method " + method.getName() + " has too many arguments");

    // Now we can return the configuration for this method
    return new CommandLineMethodHelper(method, methodType, elementClass, converter);