Example usage for java.math BigDecimal add

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal add


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal add.


public BigDecimal add(BigDecimal augend) 

Source Link


Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this + augend) , and whose scale is max(this.scale(), augend.scale()) .


From source file:com.hengyi.japp.print.client.controller.MdController.java

private void handleAutoXd() {
    try {//from  w w w . j a v  a2  s.c om
        md.setXds(FXCollections.observableArrayList(IntStream.range(0, md.getZcanmge()).mapToObj(i -> {
            Xd xd = new Xd();
            xd.zboxsnrProperty().set(i + 1);
            return xd;
        if (md.getZdzflg()) {
            md.getXds().forEach(xd -> {
                xd.zsgwghtProperty().bind(new ObjectBinding<BigDecimal>() {
                        bind(xd.zsnwghtProperty(), xd.zrolmgeProperty(), md.sapYmmzhixProperty(),

                    protected BigDecimal computeValue() {
                        return xd.getZsnwght().add(tareF.apply(md, xd));
        } else {
            md.getXds().forEach(xd -> {
                xd.zsnwghtProperty().bind(new ObjectBinding<BigDecimal>() {
                        bind(xd.zsgwghtProperty(), xd.zrolmgeProperty(), md.sapYmmzhixProperty(),

                    protected BigDecimal computeValue() {
                        return xd.getZsgwght().add(tareF.apply(md, xd).negate());
        md.zsgwghtProperty().bind(new ObjectBinding<BigDecimal>() {
                md.getXds().forEach(xd -> bind(xd.zsgwghtProperty()));

            protected BigDecimal computeValue() {
                BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                for (Xd xd : md.getXds()) {
                    result = result.add(xd.getZsgwght());
                return result;
        md.zsnwghtProperty().bind(new ObjectBinding<BigDecimal>() {
                md.getXds().forEach(xd -> bind(xd.zsnwghtProperty()));

            protected BigDecimal computeValue() {
                BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                for (Xd xd : md.getXds()) {
                    result = result.add(xd.getZsnwght());
                return result;
    } catch (AppException e) {

From source file:co.nubetech.hiho.mapreduce.lib.db.apache.TextSplitter.java

 * Return a BigDecimal representation of string 'str' suitable for use
 * in a numerically-sorting order.//w  ww.j a v  a 2s  . c o m
BigDecimal stringToBigDecimal(String str) {
    BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    BigDecimal curPlace = ONE_PLACE; // start with 1/65536 to compute the first digit.

    int len = Math.min(str.length(), MAX_CHARS);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int codePoint = str.codePointAt(i);
        result = result.add(tryDivide(new BigDecimal(codePoint), curPlace));
        // advance to the next less significant place. e.g., 1/(65536^2) for the second char.
        curPlace = curPlace.multiply(ONE_PLACE);

    return result;

From source file:com.ar.dev.tierra.api.controller.DetalleFacturaController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> add(OAuth2Authentication authentication, @RequestParam("idFactura") int idFactura,
        @RequestParam("idProducto") int idProducto, @RequestParam("idItem") int idItem,
        @RequestParam("cantidadItem") int cantidadItem) {
    /*Instancia de nuevo detalle*/
    DetalleFactura detalleFactura = new DetalleFactura();
    /*Traemos los objectos necesarios para aadir el detalle*/
    Usuarios user = facadeService.getUsuariosDAO().findUsuarioByUsername(authentication.getName());
    Producto prod = facadeService.getProductoDAO().findById(idProducto);
    WrapperStock stock = facadeService.getStockDAO().searchStockById(idItem,
    Factura factura = facadeService.getFacturaDAO().searchById(idFactura);
    /*Bandera de control*/
    boolean control = false;
    /*Variable de calculo de cantidad*/
    int cantidadStock = 0;

    detalleFactura.setFechaCreacion(new Date());

    if (prod.getCantidadTotal() >= cantidadItem) {
        if (stock.getStockTierra() != null) {
            if (stock.getStockTierra().getCantidad() >= cantidadItem) {
                cantidadStock = stock.getStockTierra().getCantidad() - cantidadItem;
                control = true;/*from   www  .ja  v  a2  s . c o m*/
        if (stock.getStockBebelandia() != null) {
            if (stock.getStockBebelandia().getCantidad() >= cantidadItem) {
                cantidadStock = stock.getStockBebelandia().getCantidad() - cantidadItem;
                control = true;
        if (stock.getStockLibertador() != null) {
            if (stock.getStockLibertador().getCantidad() >= cantidadItem) {
                cantidadStock = stock.getStockLibertador().getCantidad() - cantidadItem;
                control = true;
        if (control) {
            int cantidadTotal = prod.getCantidadTotal();
            /*seteamos cantidad nueva de productos*/
            prod.setCantidadTotal(cantidadTotal - cantidadItem);
            /*seteamos producto en el detalle*/
            /*Calculamos el total del detalle*/
            BigDecimal monto = detalleFactura.getProducto().getPrecioVenta()
            /*seteamos el total del detalle*/
            /*seteamos la factura del detalle*/
            /*seteamos descuento en cero*/
            /*seteamos la cantidad de items en el detalle*/
            /*Indicamos el idStock del detalle*/
            /*Actualizamos producto*/
            /*Actualizamos el stock*/
            /*Insertamos el nuevo detalle*/
            /*Traemos lista de detalles, calculamos su nuevo total y actualizamos*/
            List<DetalleFactura> detallesFactura = facadeService.getDetalleFacturaDAO()
            BigDecimal sumMonto = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO);
            for (DetalleFactura detailList : detallesFactura) {
                sumMonto = sumMonto.add(detailList.getTotalDetalle());
            factura.setFechaModificacion(new Date());
            JsonResponse msg = new JsonResponse("Success", "Detalle agregado con exito");
            return new ResponseEntity<>(msg, HttpStatus.OK);
        } else {
            JsonResponse msg = new JsonResponse("Error", "Stock insuficiente.");
            return new ResponseEntity<>(msg, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else {
        JsonResponse msg = new JsonResponse("Error", "Stock insuficiente.");
        return new ResponseEntity<>(msg, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

From source file:churashima.action.manage.ExpensesAction.java

@Execute(validator = false)
public String search() {

    String strSerachPlace = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expensesForm.searchPlace)) {
        strSerachPlace = "%" + expensesForm.searchPlace + "%";
    }/*w  ww  .  j  a va 2s  .c  o  m*/

    String strSerachName = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expensesForm.searchName)) {
        strSerachName = "%" + expensesForm.searchName + "%";

    Long longSubjectId = null;
    if (expensesForm.searchSubjectId != null && !"all".equals(expensesForm.searchSubjectId)) {
        longSubjectId = Long.valueOf(expensesForm.searchSubjectId);

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
    Date dateFrom = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expensesForm.searchDayFrom)) {
        try {
            dateFrom = sdf.parse(expensesForm.searchDayFrom);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
    Date dateTo = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expensesForm.searchDayTo)) {
        try {
            dateTo = sdf.parse(expensesForm.searchDayTo);
        } catch (ParseException e) {

    ExpensesDao expensesDao = SingletonS2Container.getComponent(ExpensesDao.class);
    List<Expenses> expensesList = expensesDao.selectForSearch(null, longSubjectId, strSerachPlace,
            strSerachName, dateFrom, dateTo, expensesForm.searchPrice, null, null);

    SubjectDao subjectDao = SingletonS2Container.getComponent(SubjectDao.class);
    expensesForm.subjectList = subjectDao.selectForSearch(null, null);

    expensesForm.expensesList = expensesList;

    // ??
    BigDecimal sumPriceTotal = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
    for (Expenses expenses : expensesList) {
        sumPriceTotal = sumPriceTotal.add(expenses.price);
    expensesForm.sumPriceTotal = sumPriceTotal;

    return "expensesList.jsp";

From source file:com.salesmanager.core.util.ProductUtil.java

 * Format like <blue>[if discount striked]SYMBOL BASEAMOUNT</blue> [if
 * discount <red>SYMBOL DISCOUNTAMOUNT</red>] [if discount <red>Save:
 * PERCENTAGE AMOUNT</red>] [if qty discount <red>Buy QTY save [if price qty
 * discount AMOUNT] [if percent qty discount PERCENT]</red>]
 * //from  w  w w .j  a v a  2s. c  om
 * @param ctx
 * @param view
 * @return
public static String formatHTMLProductPriceWithAttributes(Locale locale, String currency, Product view,
        Collection attributes, boolean showDiscountDate) {

    if (currency == null) {
        log.error("Currency is null ...");
        return "-N/A-";

    int decimalPlace = 2;

    String prefix = "";
    String suffix = "";

    Map currenciesmap = RefCache.getCurrenciesListWithCodes();
    Currency c = (Currency) currenciesmap.get(currency);

    // regular price
    BigDecimal bdprodprice = view.getProductPrice();

    // determine any properties prices
    BigDecimal attributesPrice = null;

    if (attributes != null) {
        Iterator i = attributes.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ProductAttribute attr = (ProductAttribute) i.next();
            if (!attr.isAttributeDisplayOnly() && attr.getOptionValuePrice().longValue() > 0) {
                if (attributesPrice == null) {
                    attributesPrice = new BigDecimal(0);
                attributesPrice = attributesPrice.add(attr.getOptionValuePrice());

    if (attributesPrice != null) {
        bdprodprice = bdprodprice.add(attributesPrice);// new price with
        // properties

    // discount price
    java.util.Date spdate = null;
    java.util.Date spenddate = null;
    BigDecimal bddiscountprice = null;
    Special special = view.getSpecial();
    if (special != null) {
        bddiscountprice = special.getSpecialNewProductPrice();
        if (attributesPrice != null) {
            bddiscountprice = bddiscountprice.add(attributesPrice);// new
            // price
            // with
            // properties
        spdate = special.getSpecialDateAvailable();
        spenddate = special.getExpiresDate();

    // all other prices
    Set prices = view.getPrices();
    if (prices != null) {
        Iterator pit = prices.iterator();
        while (pit.hasNext()) {
            ProductPrice pprice = (ProductPrice) pit.next();
            if (pprice.isDefaultPrice()) {
                suffix = pprice.getPriceSuffix();
                bddiscountprice = null;
                spdate = null;
                spenddate = null;
                bdprodprice = pprice.getProductPriceAmount();
                if (attributesPrice != null) {
                    bdprodprice = bdprodprice.add(attributesPrice);// new
                    // price
                    // with
                    // properties
                ProductPriceSpecial ppspecial = pprice.getSpecial();
                if (ppspecial != null) {
                    if (ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate() != null
                            && ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate() != null) {
                        spdate = ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate();
                        spenddate = ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate();
                    bddiscountprice = ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialAmount();
                    if (bddiscountprice != null && attributesPrice != null) {
                        bddiscountprice = bddiscountprice.add(attributesPrice);// new price with
                        // properties

    double fprodprice = 0;
    if (bdprodprice != null) {
        fprodprice = bdprodprice.setScale(decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();

    // regular price String
    String regularprice = CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedCssAmountWithCurrency(bdprodprice, currency);

    Date dt = new Date();

    // discount price String
    String discountprice = null;
    String savediscount = null;
    if (bddiscountprice != null && (spdate != null && spdate.before(new Date(dt.getTime()))
            && spenddate.after(new Date(dt.getTime())))) {

        double fdiscountprice = bddiscountprice.setScale(decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();

        discountprice = CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountWithCurrency(bddiscountprice, currency);

        double arith = fdiscountprice / fprodprice;
        double fsdiscount = 100 - arith * 100;

        Float percentagediscount = new Float(fsdiscount);

        savediscount = String.valueOf(percentagediscount.intValue());


    StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer();
    p.append("<div class='product-price'>");
    if (discountprice == null) {
        p.append("<div class='product-price-price' style='width:50%;float:left;'>");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) {
            p.append(suffix).append(" ");
        p.append("<div class='product-line'>&nbsp;</div>");
    } else {
        p.append("<div style='width:50%;float:left;'>");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) {
            p.append(suffix).append(" ");
        p.append("<div style='width:50%;float:right;'>");
        p.append("<font color='red'>").append(discountprice);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) {
            p.append(suffix).append(" ");
        p.append("</font>").append("<br>").append("<font color='red' style='font-size:75%;'>")
                .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.save")).append(": ")
                .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.percentsign")).append(" ")
                .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.off")).append("</font>");

        if (showDiscountDate && spenddate != null) {
            p.append("<br>").append(" <font style='font-size:65%;'>")
                    .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.until")).append("&nbsp;")

    return p.toString();


From source file:com.webbfontaine.valuewebb.search.custom.UserCriterion.java

private Criterion getPercentRange() {
    BigDecimal bdValue = new BigDecimal(value.toString());

    BigDecimal range = bdValue.multiply(new BigDecimal(diff).divide(new BigDecimal(100)));

    BigDecimal bdValueFrom = bdValue.subtract(range);
    BigDecimal bdValueTo = bdValue.add(range);
    return Restrictions.and(Restrictions.ge(fullKey, bdValueFrom), Restrictions.le(fullKey, bdValueTo));

From source file:co.nubetech.apache.hadoop.TextSplitter.java

 * Return a BigDecimal representation of string 'str' suitable for use in a
 * numerically-sorting order./*from   w  w w. jav  a  2 s.co m*/
BigDecimal stringToBigDecimal(String str) {
    BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    BigDecimal curPlace = ONE_PLACE; // start with 1/65536 to compute the
    // first digit.

    int len = Math.min(str.length(), MAX_CHARS);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int codePoint = str.codePointAt(i);
        result = result.add(tryDivide(new BigDecimal(codePoint), curPlace));
        // advance to the next less significant place. e.g., 1/(65536^2) for
        // the second char.
        curPlace = curPlace.multiply(ONE_PLACE);

    return result;

From source file:com.redhat.rhtracking.core.services.InvoiceServiceHandler.java

public Map<String, Object> saveInvoice(Map<String, Object> event) {
    logger.debug("ssssssssss " + event);

    Map<String, Object> response = new HashMap<>();

    int totalHours = (int) event.get("platformQuantity") + (int) event.get("middlewareQuantity")
            + (int) event.get("workshopQuantity");

    BigDecimal invoiceTotal = ((BigDecimal) event.get("platformPrice"))
            .multiply(new BigDecimal((int) event.get("platformQuantity")));
    invoiceTotal = invoiceTotal.add(((BigDecimal) event.get("middlewarePrice"))
            .multiply(new BigDecimal((int) event.get("middlewareQuantity"))));
    invoiceTotal = invoiceTotal.add(((BigDecimal) event.get("workshopPrice"))
            .multiply(new BigDecimal((int) event.get("workshopQuantity"))));

    Map<String, Object> invoice = new HashMap<>();
    invoice.put("date", (Date) event.get("date"));
    invoice.put("deliveryMatrixId", (long) event.get("deliveryMatrixId"));
    invoice.put("hoursTotal", totalHours);
    invoice.put("invoiceTotal", invoiceTotal);

    invoice.put("invoiceRequest", (String) event.get("invoiceRequest"));
    boolean confirmed = false;
    if (event.containsKey("invoiceNumber")) {
        invoice.put("invoiceNumber", (String) event.get("invoiceNumber"));
        invoice.put("invoiceStatus", InvoiceStatus.CONFIRMED.toString());
        confirmed = true;//from  w ww  . j  a  v  a  2 s .  c o m
    } else {
        invoice.put("invoiceNumber", null);
        invoice.put("invoiceStatus", InvoiceStatus.REQUESTED.toString());

    invoice.put("deliveryMatrixId", (long) event.get("deliveryMatrixId"));

    // get opportunity
    Map<String, Object> opportunityRequest = new HashMap<>();
    opportunityRequest.put("deliveryMatrixId", (long) event.get("deliveryMatrixId"));
    Map<String, Object> opportunity = opportunityPersistanceService.findBy(opportunityRequest);

    opportunityRequest.put("id", (long) opportunity.get("id"));
    Map<String, Object> opportunityHours = opportunityPersistanceService
    List<Map<String, Object>> hoursList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) opportunityHours.get("list");

    // verificar horas
    for (Map<String, Object> oHours : hoursList) {
        HourType type = HourType.valueOf((String) oHours.get("hourType"));
        int aviableHours = (int) oHours.get("quantity") - (int) oHours.get("hoursToBill");
        if ((int) event.get(type.toString().toLowerCase() + "Quantity") > aviableHours) {
            // mas horas de las disponibles
            response.put("status", EventStatus.EXCEPTION);
            return response;

    // save invoice
    Map<String, Object> saveInvoice = invoicePersistanceService.saveInvoice(invoice);
    if ((EventStatus) saveInvoice.get("status") != EventStatus.SUCCESS) {
        response.put("status", EventStatus.EXCEPTION);
        return response;

    // update opportunity remaining hours
    if (confirmed) {
        opportunity.put("billedHours", (int) opportunity.get("billedHours") + totalHours);
    opportunity.put("hoursToBill", (int) opportunity.get("hoursToBill") + totalHours);
    Map<String, Object> updateOpportunity = opportunityPersistanceService.updateOpportunity(opportunity);
    if ((EventStatus) updateOpportunity.get("status") != EventStatus.SUCCESS) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error at save opportunity");

    // add the hours to invoice hours
    for (HourType t : HourType.values()) {
        if ((int) event.get(t.toString().toLowerCase() + "Quantity") < 1)
        Map<String, Object> hour = new HashMap<>();
        hour.put("invoiceOrder", (long) saveInvoice.get("id"));
        hour.put("quantity", (int) event.get(t.toString().toLowerCase() + "Quantity"));
        hour.put("hourType", t.toString());
        hour.put("unitPrice", (BigDecimal) event.get(t.toString().toLowerCase() + "Price"));
                ((BigDecimal) hour.get("unitPrice")).multiply(new BigDecimal((int) hour.get("quantity"))));
        Map<String, Object> saveHour = invoicePersistanceService.saveInvoiceHours(hour);

        if ((EventStatus) saveHour.get("status") != EventStatus.SUCCESS) {
            response.put("status", EventStatus.EXCEPTION);
            return response;

        // update opportunity hours
        for (Map<String, Object> oHours : hoursList) {
            HourType type = HourType.valueOf((String) oHours.get("hourType"));
            if (type == t) {
                if (confirmed) {
                    oHours.put("billedHours", (int) oHours.get("billedHours") + (int) hour.get("quantity"));
                oHours.put("hoursToBill", (int) oHours.get("hoursToBill") + (int) hour.get("quantity"));
                Map<String, Object> updateOpportunityHours = opportunityPersistanceService
                logger.debug("updatr response " + updateOpportunityHours);
                if ((EventStatus) updateOpportunityHours.get("status") != EventStatus.SUCCESS) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error at update opportunity hours");

    if (event.containsKey("pdf")) {
        Map<String, Object> pdf = new HashMap<>();
        pdf.put("mimetype", "application/pdf");
        pdf.put("data", (byte[]) event.get("pdf"));
        Map<String, Object> saveAttachment = invoicePersistanceService.saveInvoiceAttachments(pdf);
        if ((EventStatus) saveAttachment.get("status") != EventStatus.SUCCESS) {
            response.put("status", EventStatus.EXCEPTION);
            return response;

    if (event.containsKey("xml")) {
        Map<String, Object> pdf = new HashMap<>();
        pdf.put("mimetype", "application/xml");
        pdf.put("data", (byte[]) event.get("xml"));
        Map<String, Object> saveAttachment = invoicePersistanceService.saveInvoiceAttachments(pdf);
        if ((EventStatus) saveAttachment.get("status") != EventStatus.SUCCESS) {
            response.put("status", EventStatus.EXCEPTION);
            return response;

    response.put("status", com.redhat.rhtracking.events.EventStatus.SUCCESS);
    return response;

From source file:com.opensourcestrategies.financials.accounts.GLAccountInTree.java

 * Gets the debit of this GL account given child GL account.
 * @param childAccount a <code>GLAccountInTree</code> value
 * @return a <code>BigDecimal</code> value
 *//*from  w  ww .j  av a  2 s  .c o  m*/
private BigDecimal getDebitOfChildrenRec(GLAccountInTree childAccount) {
    if (childAccount == null) {
        return BigDecimal.ZERO;
    BigDecimal debitOfChildren = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    if (childAccount.isDebitAccount) {
        debitOfChildren = childAccount.balance;
    for (GLAccountInTree grandchildAccount : childAccount.childAccounts) {
        debitOfChildren = debitOfChildren.add(getDebitOfChildrenRec(grandchildAccount));
    return debitOfChildren;

From source file:com.google.enterprise.connector.salesforce.storetype.DBStore.java

public void setDocList(String checkpoint, String str_store_entry) {

    DatabaseMetaData dbm = null;//from  w  w w .  j  ava 2  s. c  o m
    Connection connection = null;

    logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Setting doclist " + checkpoint);
    logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Setting store_entry " + str_store_entry);
    try {

        connection = ds.getConnection();

        dbm = connection.getMetaData();

        //logger.log(Level.FINE,"Base64 ENCODING...");
        String encode_entry = new String(
        str_store_entry = encode_entry;

        //logger.log(Level.FINE,"Setting store_entry ENCODED " + str_store_entry);

        if (dbm.getDatabaseProductName().equals("MySQL")) {
            //get the most recent row
            Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
            String update_stmt = "select crawl_set from " + this.instance_table
                    + " where crawl_set=(select max(crawl_set) from " + this.instance_table + ")";
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Getting lastentryp in db: " + update_stmt);
            ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(update_stmt);

            boolean ret_rows = rs.first();

            String last_entry_in_db = null;

            while (ret_rows) {
                BigDecimal crawl_set = rs.getBigDecimal("crawl_set");
                last_entry_in_db = crawl_set.toPlainString();
                ret_rows = rs.next();

            logger.log(Level.FINER, "Last_Entry_in_Database " + last_entry_in_db);

            if (last_entry_in_db != null) {
                if (last_entry_in_db.startsWith(checkpoint)) {
                    //increment if in the same set
                    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(last_entry_in_db);
                    bd = bd.add(new BigDecimal(".00001"));
                    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Adding to DBStore. Index Value: " + bd.toPlainString());
                    update_stmt = "insert into " + this.instance_table
                            + " (crawl_set,crawl_data) values (?,COMPRESS(?))";

                    PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(update_stmt);
                    ps.setString(1, bd.toPlainString());
                    ps.setString(2, str_store_entry);
                } else {
                    //otherwise add the the 0th row for this set
                    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Adding to DBStore. Index Value: " + checkpoint + ".00000");
                    update_stmt = "insert into " + this.instance_table
                            + " (crawl_set,crawl_data) values (?,COMPRESS(?))";
                    PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(update_stmt);
                    ps.setString(1, checkpoint + ".00000");
                    ps.setString(2, str_store_entry);
            } else {
                logger.log(Level.INFO, "Adding to DBStore. Index Value: " + checkpoint + ".00000");
                update_stmt = "insert into " + this.instance_table
                        + " (crawl_set,crawl_data) values (?,COMPRESS(?))";
                PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(update_stmt);
                ps.setString(1, checkpoint + ".00000");
                ps.setString(2, str_store_entry);


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception initializing context Datasource " + ex);