Example usage for java.math BigDecimal subtract

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal subtract


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal subtract.


public BigDecimal subtract(BigDecimal subtrahend) 

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Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this - subtrahend) , and whose scale is max(this.scale(), subtrahend.scale()) .


From source file:models.finance.WorkOrder.java

 * Get the open amount./*from   w ww  .ja  v a 2s .c om*/
 * if the work order is not engaged: return null
 * if the work order is engaged and the amount/received amount are defined
 * then return the difference
 * @param usePurchaseOrder
 *            true if the purchase order are enabled
public BigDecimal getAmountOpen(boolean usePurchaseOrder) {

    if (getComputedIsEngaged(usePurchaseOrder)) {

        BigDecimal a = getComputedAmount(usePurchaseOrder);
        BigDecimal ar = getComputedAmountReceived(usePurchaseOrder);

        if (a != null && ar != null) {

            BigDecimal ao = a.subtract(ar);
            return ao;

        } else {
            return null;
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:org.egov.wtms.web.controller.application.MeterDemandNoticeController.java

public BigDecimal getTotalDue(final WaterConnectionDetails waterConnectionDetails, final Date givenDate) {
    BigDecimal balance;
    balance = waterConnectionDetailsService.getTotalAmount(waterConnectionDetails);
    final BigDecimal demnadDetCurrentamount = getCurrentMonthDemandAmount(waterConnectionDetails, givenDate);
    balance = balance.subtract(demnadDetCurrentamount);
    return balance;

From source file:org.openvpms.archetype.rules.finance.till.TillRules.java

 * Adds an adjustment to a till, if required.
 * @param balance   the till balance act
 * @param cashFloat the new cash float//from   w w  w  .j ava  2s  .c om
private void addAdjustment(FinancialAct balance, BigDecimal cashFloat, Till till) {
    BigDecimal lastCashFloat = till.getTillFloat();

    BigDecimal diff = cashFloat.subtract(lastCashFloat);
    if (diff.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
        // need to generate an adjustment, and associate it with the balance
        boolean credit = (lastCashFloat.compareTo(cashFloat) > 0);
        Act adjustment = createTillBalanceAdjustment(till.getEntity(), diff.abs(), credit);
        ActBean balanceBean = new ActBean(balance);
        balanceBean.addNodeRelationship("items", adjustment);
        service.save(adjustment); // NOTE that this will trigger TillBalanceRules.addToTill(), but will have no effect
        TillHelper.updateBalance(balanceBean, service);

From source file:org.openconcerto.erp.graph.GraphFamilleArticlePanel.java

protected BigDecimal updateDataset(List<String> labels, List<Number> values) {

    final SQLTable tableVFElement = Configuration.getInstance().getDirectory()
    final SQLTable tableVF = tableVFElement.getTable("SAISIE_VENTE_FACTURE");
    final SQLTable tableArticle = tableVFElement.getTable("ARTICLE");

    final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect();
    final String field = "ID_FAMILLE_ARTICLE";


    sel.addSelect(tableVFElement.getField("T_PA_HT"), "SUM");
    sel.addSelect(tableVFElement.getField("T_PV_HT"), "SUM");
    sel.addSelect(tableVFElement.getField("QTE"), "SUM");

    Where w = new Where(tableVF.getKey(), "=", tableVFElement.getField("ID_SAISIE_VENTE_FACTURE"));
    w = w.and(new Where(tableVF.getField("DATE"), this.d1, this.d2));
    w = w.and(new Where(tableArticle.getKey(), "=", tableVFElement.getField("ID_ARTICLE")));
    sel.setWhere(w);/*from  w w w.j  a v  a  2 s. c  o  m*/

    final List<Object[]> rowsArticle = (List<Object[]>) Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getDataSource()
            .execute(sel.asString() + " GROUP BY \"ARTICLE\".\"" + field + "\"", new ArrayListHandler());

    Collections.sort(rowsArticle, new Comparator<Object[]>() {
        public int compare(Object[] o1, Object[] o2) {

            BigDecimal pa1 = (BigDecimal) o1[1];
            BigDecimal pv1 = (BigDecimal) o1[2];
            BigDecimal qte1 = new BigDecimal(o1[3].toString());

            BigDecimal pa2 = (BigDecimal) o2[1];
            BigDecimal pv2 = (BigDecimal) o2[2];
            BigDecimal qte2 = new BigDecimal(o2[3].toString());

            BigDecimal marge1 = pv1.subtract(pa1).multiply(qte1, DecimalUtils.HIGH_PRECISION);
            BigDecimal marge2 = pv2.subtract(pa2).multiply(qte2, DecimalUtils.HIGH_PRECISION);
            return pv1.compareTo(pv2);

    SQLTable tableFamille = tableVFElement.getTable("FAMILLE_ARTICLE");

    BigDecimal total = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for (int i = 0; i < rowsArticle.size(); i++) {
        Object[] o = rowsArticle.get(i);

        BigDecimal pv2 = (BigDecimal) o[2];
        total = total.add(pv2);
    if (total.signum() > 0) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 12 && i < rowsArticle.size(); i++) {
            Object[] o = rowsArticle.get(i);
            BigDecimal pa2 = (BigDecimal) o[1];
            BigDecimal pv2 = (BigDecimal) o[2];
            BigDecimal qte2 = new BigDecimal(o[3].toString());
            BigDecimal marge2 = pv2.subtract(pa2).multiply(qte2, DecimalUtils.HIGH_PRECISION);

            String s = "Indfini";
            if (o[0] != null) {
                int id = ((Number) o[0]).intValue();
                s = tableFamille.getRow(id).getString("NOM");
            labels.add(s + "(" + decFormat.format(pv2.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue())
                    + " soit " + pv2.divide(total, DecimalUtils.HIGH_PRECISION).movePointRight(2).setScale(2,
                    + "%)");
    return total;

From source file:org.projectforge.fibu.OrderExport.java

private void addPosMapping(final PropertyMapping mapping, final AuftragDO order, final AuftragsPositionDO pos,
        final Object... params) {
    mapping.add(PosCol.NUMBER, order.getNummer());
    mapping.add(PosCol.POS_NUMBER, "#" + pos.getNumber());
    mapping.add(PosCol.DATE, order.getAngebotsDatum());
    mapping.add(PosCol.PROJECT, order.getProjektAsString());
    mapping.add(PosCol.ORDER_TITLE, order.getTitel());
    mapping.add(PosCol.TITLE, pos.getTitel());
    mapping.add(PosCol.TYPE,//from   w w w.  j a v  a 2 s . c  om
            pos.getArt() != null ? PFUserContext.getLocalizedString(pos.getArt().getI18nKey()) : "");
            pos.getStatus() != null ? PFUserContext.getLocalizedString(pos.getStatus().getI18nKey()) : "");
    mapping.add(PosCol.PERSON_DAYS, pos.getPersonDays());
    final BigDecimal netSum = pos.getNettoSumme() != null ? pos.getNettoSumme() : BigDecimal.ZERO;
    final BigDecimal invoicedSum = pos.getFakturiertSum() != null ? pos.getFakturiertSum() : BigDecimal.ZERO;
    final BigDecimal toBeInvoicedSum = netSum.subtract(invoicedSum);
    mapping.add(PosCol.NETSUM, netSum);
    addCurrency(mapping, PosCol.INVOICED, invoicedSum);
    addCurrency(mapping, PosCol.TO_BE_INVOICED, toBeInvoicedSum);
    mapping.add(PosCol.COMPLETELY_INVOICED, pos.isVollstaendigFakturiert() == true ? "x" : "");
    final Set<RechnungsPositionVO> invoicePositions = rechnungCache
    mapping.add(PosCol.INVOICES, getInvoices(invoicePositions));
    mapping.add(PosCol.PERIOD_OF_PERFORMANCE_BEGIN, pos.getPeriodOfPerformanceBegin());
    mapping.add(PosCol.PERIOD_OF_PERFORMANCE_END, pos.getPeriodOfPerformanceEnd());
    final TaskNode node = taskTree.getTaskNodeById(pos.getTaskId());
    mapping.add(PosCol.TASK, node != null ? node.getTask().getTitle() : "");
    mapping.add(PosCol.COMMENT, pos.getBemerkung());

From source file:org.projectforge.fibu.datev.EmployeeSalaryExportDao.java

private void addEmployeeRow(final ExportSheet sheet, final EmployeeDO employee,
        final BigDecimal numberOfWorkingDays, final BigDecimal totalDuration) {
    final PFUserDO user = userGroupCache.getUser(employee.getUserId());
    final ExportRow row = sheet.addRow();
    row.addCell(0, user.getFullname());/*from   ww w  . jav  a  2  s.  c om*/
    // Wochenstunden
    row.addCell(1, employee.getWochenstunden(), "STUNDEN");
    // Sollstunden: Wochenstunden * Arbeitstage / 5 Arbeitstage pro Woche
    Integer wochenstunden = employee.getWochenstunden();
    if (wochenstunden == null) {
        wochenstunden = 0;
    final BigDecimal soll = new BigDecimal(wochenstunden).multiply(numberOfWorkingDays)
            .divide(new BigDecimal(5), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
    row.addCell(2, soll, "STUNDEN");
    // Iststunden
    final BigDecimal total = totalDuration.divide(new BigDecimal(3600000), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
    row.addCell(3, total, "STUNDEN");
    // Differenz
    final BigDecimal differenz = total.subtract(soll);
    row.addCell(4, differenz, "STUNDEN");

From source file:org.projectforge.business.fibu.datev.EmployeeSalaryExportDao.java

private void addEmployeeRow(final ExportSheet sheet, final EmployeeDO employee,
        final BigDecimal numberOfWorkingDays, final BigDecimal totalDuration) {
    final PFUserDO user = getUserGroupCache().getUser(employee.getUserId());
    final ExportRow row = sheet.addRow();
    row.addCell(0, user.getFullname());//from  ww  w  .  j  av  a2 s .co  m
    // Wochenstunden
    row.addCell(1, employee.getWeeklyWorkingHours(), "STUNDEN");
    // Sollstunden: Wochenstunden * Arbeitstage / 5 Arbeitstage pro Woche
    BigDecimal wochenstunden = employee.getWeeklyWorkingHours();
    if (wochenstunden == null) {
        wochenstunden = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    final BigDecimal soll = wochenstunden.multiply(numberOfWorkingDays).divide(new BigDecimal(5), 2,
    row.addCell(2, soll, "STUNDEN");
    // Iststunden
    final BigDecimal total = totalDuration.divide(new BigDecimal(3600000), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
    row.addCell(3, total, "STUNDEN");
    // Differenz
    final BigDecimal differenz = total.subtract(soll);
    row.addCell(4, differenz, "STUNDEN");

From source file:org.whispersystems.bithub.controllers.GithubController.java

private void sendPaymentsFor(Repository repository, List<Commit> commits, BigDecimal balance,
        BigDecimal exchangeRate) {
    for (Commit commit : commits) {
        try {/*  w w w. j  av a 2s  .  com*/
            BigDecimal payout = balance.multiply(payoutRate);

            if (isViablePaymentAmount(payout)) {
                coinbaseClient.sendPayment(commit.getAuthor(), payout, commit.getUrl());

            balance = balance.subtract(payout);

            githubClient.addCommitComment(repository, commit,
                    getCommitCommentStringForPayment(payout, exchangeRate));
        } catch (TransferFailedException e) {
            logger.warn("Transfer failed", e);

From source file:co.nubetech.apache.hadoop.TextSplitter.java

 * Return the string encoded in a BigDecimal. Repeatedly multiply the input
 * value by 65536; the integer portion after such a multiplication
 * represents a single character in base 65536. Convert that back into a
 * char and create a string out of these until we have no data left.
 *///from w w  w  .  j  a va 2s .c  o  m
String bigDecimalToString(BigDecimal bd) {
    BigDecimal cur = bd.stripTrailingZeros();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (int numConverted = 0; numConverted < MAX_CHARS; numConverted++) {
        cur = cur.multiply(ONE_PLACE);
        int curCodePoint = cur.intValue();
        if (0 == curCodePoint) {

        cur = cur.subtract(new BigDecimal(curCodePoint));

    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.db.TextSplitter.java

 * Return the string encoded in a BigDecimal.
 * Repeatedly multiply the input value by 65536; the integer portion after
 * such a multiplication represents a single character in base 65536.
 * Convert that back into a char and create a string out of these until we
 * have no data left./*from  ww w.  j  a  v a2  s.c  om*/
public String bigDecimalToString(BigDecimal bd) {
    BigDecimal cur = bd.stripTrailingZeros();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (int numConverted = 0; numConverted < MAX_CHARS; numConverted++) {
        cur = cur.multiply(ONE_PLACE);
        int curCodePoint = cur.intValue();
        if (0 == curCodePoint) {

        cur = cur.subtract(new BigDecimal(curCodePoint));

    return sb.toString();