Example usage for java.math BigDecimal toPlainString

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal toPlainString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal toPlainString.


public String toPlainString() 

Source Link


Returns a string representation of this BigDecimal without an exponent field.


From source file:org.openbravo.materialmgmt.ReservationUtils.java

 * Function to reallocate given reservation stock on given attributes and storage bin.
 *//* w w  w. j  a v a  2 s.com*/

public static OBError reallocateStock(Reservation reservation, Locator storageBin, AttributeSetInstance asi,
        BigDecimal quantity) throws OBException {

    CSResponse cs = null;
    try {
        cs = ReservationUtilsData.reallocateStock(OBDal.getInstance().getConnection(false),
                new DalConnectionProvider(false), reservation.getId(), storageBin.getId(), asi.getId(),
                quantity.toPlainString(), (String) DalUtil.getId(OBContext.getOBContext().getUser()));
    } catch (ServletException e) {
        String message = OBMessageUtils.translateError(e.getMessage()).getMessage();
        throw new OBException(message, e);

    OBError result = new OBError();
    if (cs == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(cs.returnValue)) {
        throw new OBException(OBMessageUtils.messageBD("Error", false));
    result.setMessage(OBMessageUtils.messageBD("Success", false));
    if (cs.returnValue == "0") {
    } else if (cs.returnValue == "2") {
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cs.returnValueMsg)) {
    return result;

From source file:org.hx.rainbow.common.util.JavaBeanUtil.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static void changeObject(Map<String, Object> map, String key, Object value, Class clazz,
        String dataFormat) throws ParseException {
    if (value instanceof String) {
        String valueStr = (String) value;
        if (clazz.isEnum()) {
            map.put(key, Enum.valueOf(clazz, valueStr));
        } else if (clazz == Date.class) {
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DateUtil.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN);
            Date date = sdf.parse(valueStr);
            map.put(key, date);/*from   ww w  .  java2 s  . co m*/
        } else if (clazz == Integer.class) {
            map.put(key, Integer.valueOf(valueStr));
        } else if (clazz == BigDecimal.class) {
            map.put(key, new BigDecimal(valueStr));
        } else if (clazz == Boolean.class) {
            map.put(key, new Boolean(valueStr));
        } else if (clazz == Number.class) {
            map.put(key, new Integer(valueStr));
        } else if (clazz == int.class) {
            map.put(key, Integer.parseInt(valueStr));
        } else {
            map.put(key, valueStr);
    } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
        Integer valueInt = (Integer) value;
        if (clazz == String.class) {
            map.put(key, valueInt.toString());
        } else if (clazz == Date.class) {
            map.put(key, new Date(valueInt));
        } else {
            map.put(key, valueInt);
    } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
        Boolean valueBoolean = (Boolean) value;
        if (clazz == String.class) {
            map.put(key, valueBoolean.toString());
        } else {
            map.put(key, valueBoolean);
    } else if (value instanceof Date) {
        Date valueDate = (Date) value;
        if (clazz == String.class) {
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dataFormat);
            map.put(key, sdf.format(valueDate));
        } else {
            map.put(key, valueDate);
    } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
        BigDecimal valueBigDecimal = (BigDecimal) value;
        if (clazz == String.class) {
            map.put(key, valueBigDecimal.toPlainString());
        } else if (clazz == Integer.class) {
            map.put(key, valueBigDecimal.toBigInteger());
        } else {
            map.put(key, valueBigDecimal);
    } else {
        map.put(key, value);

From source file:expansionBlocks.ProcessCommunities.java

private static void printTopologicalExtension(Query query, Map<Entity, Double> community)
        throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

    File theDir = new File("images");
    if (!theDir.exists()) {
        boolean result = theDir.mkdir();
    }//w  ww.ja v  a  2  s .co m

    PrintWriter writer = FileManagement.Writer
            .getWriter("images/" + query.getId() + "TopologicalCommunity.txt");

    writer.println("strict digraph G{");
    Set<Entity> entitySet = community.keySet();
    Set<Long> categoriesSet = new HashSet<>();
    for (Entity e : entitySet) {
    Map<Long, Double> categoryWeightMap = new HashMap<>();
    Double maxW = 0.0;
    for (Entity entity : entitySet) {
        Long entityID = entity.getId();

        maxW = maxW < community.get(entityID) ? community.get(entityID) : maxW;

        Set<Long> neighbors = Article.getNeighbors(entityID, Graph.EDGES_OUT);
        Collection<Long> intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(neighbors, entitySet);
        for (Long neighbourID : intersection) {
            if (!Article.isARedirect(entityID) && !Article.isARedirect(neighbourID)) {
                writer.println(entityID + " -> " + neighbourID + " [color=red];");


        Set<Long> categories = Article.getCategories(entityID);
        for (Long categoryID : categories) {
            writer.println(entityID + " -> " + categoryID + " [color=green];");
            Double w = categoryWeightMap.put(categoryID, community.get(entityID));
            if (w != null && w > community.get(entityID))
                categoryWeightMap.put(categoryID, w);


        Set<Long> redirects = Article.getRedirections(entityID);
         for (Long redirectID : redirects)
         if (!Article.isARedirect(articleID))

    for (Long categoryID : categoriesSet) {
        Set<Long> neighbors = Category.getNeigbors(categoryID, Graph.EDGES_OUT);
        Collection<Long> intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(neighbors, categoriesSet);
        for (Long neighbourID : intersection) {
            writer.println(categoryID + " -> " + neighbourID + " [color=blue];");
        neighbors = Category.getNeigbors(categoryID, Graph.EDGES_IN);
        intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(neighbors, categoriesSet);
        for (Long neighbourID : intersection) {
            writer.println(neighbourID + " -> " + categoryID + " [color=blue];");


    for (Entity entity : entitySet) {
        String title = entity.getName();
        title = Normalizer.normalize(title, Normalizer.NFD);
        title = title.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");
        title = title.replaceAll("[.]+", " ");

        //writer.println(id + "[label=\"" + title + "\"];");
        //         String  weight =  new BigDecimal(community.get(id)*10).toPlainString();
        BigDecimal weightDouble = new BigDecimal(2 / maxW * community.get(entity) + .5);
        String weight = weightDouble.toPlainString();
        writer.println(entity + "[label=\"" + title + "\", width=" + weight + ", height=" + weight
                + " fixedsize=true,style=filled,color=\"#c0c0c0\"];");
    for (Long id : categoriesSet) {
        String title = (new Category(id)).getName();
        title = Normalizer.normalize(title, Normalizer.NFD);
        title = title.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");
        title = title.replaceAll("[.]+", " ");

        BigDecimal weightDouble = new BigDecimal(2 / maxW * categoryWeightMap.get(id) + .5);
        String weight = weightDouble.toPlainString();
        writer.println(id + "[label=\"" + title + "\", width=" + weight + ", height=" + weight
                + " fixedsize=true,style=filled,color=\"#f0f0f0\"];");



From source file:ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt.java

private static String toPlainStringWithNpeThrowIfNeeded(BigDecimal theIdPart) {
    if (theIdPart == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("BigDecimal ID can not be null");
    }/*  ww w.  j a v a 2  s  .  c  om*/
    return theIdPart.toPlainString();

From source file:gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.web.xml.FTestReport.java

public static Document getReportXML(Finding finding, Map filterMapParams, boolean allAnnotations) {

    DecimalFormat resultFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
    DecimalFormat sciFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0");
    DecimalFormat tmpsciFormat = new DecimalFormat("###0.0000#####################");

    /*/*from   www.j  av a2 s .com*/
     *  this is for filtering, we will want a p-value filter for CC
    ArrayList filter_string = new ArrayList(); // hashmap of genes | reporters | cytobands
    String filter_type = "show"; // show | hide
    String filter_element = "none"; // none | gene | reporter | cytoband

    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_string") && filterMapParams.get("filter_string") != null)
        filter_string = (ArrayList) filterMapParams.get("filter_string");
    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_type") && filterMapParams.get("filter_type") != null)
        filter_type = (String) filterMapParams.get("filter_type");
    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_element") && filterMapParams.get("filter_element") != null)
        filter_element = (String) filterMapParams.get("filter_element");

    String defaultV = "--";
    String delim = " | ";

    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    Element report = document.addElement("Report");
    Element cell = null;
    Element data = null;
    Element dataRow = null;
    //add the atts
    report.addAttribute("reportType", "Class Comparison");
    report.addAttribute("helpLink", ContextSensitiveHelpTag.getHelpLink("Class Comparison"));
    //lets flag this as Ftest
    report.addAttribute("reportSubType", "FTEST");
    //fudge these for now
    report.addAttribute("groupBy", "none");
    String queryName = "none";
    queryName = finding.getTaskId();

    //set the queryName to be unique for session/cache access
    report.addAttribute("queryName", queryName);
    report.addAttribute("sessionId", "the session id");
    report.addAttribute("creationTime", "right now");

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    int recordCount = 0;
    int totalSamples = 0;

    //TODO: instance of
    FTestFinding ccf = (FTestFinding) finding;

    //process the query details

    ArrayList<String> queryDetails = new ArrayList();

    ClassComparisonQueryDTO ccdto = (ClassComparisonQueryDTO) ccf.getQueryDTO();

    if (ccdto != null) {
        String tmp = "";
        tmp = ccdto.getQueryName() != null ? ccdto.getQueryName() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Query Name: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE() != null ? ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Array Platform: " + tmp);

        tmp = "";
        List<ClinicalQueryDTO> grps = ccdto.getComparisonGroups() != null ? ccdto.getComparisonGroups()
                : new ArrayList();
        Collection grs = new ArrayList();
        for (ClinicalQueryDTO cdto : grps) {
            if (cdto.getQueryName() != null)

        tmp += StringUtils.join(grs.toArray(), ", ") + " (baseline)";
        queryDetails.add("Groups: " + tmp);

        tmp = ccdto.getExprFoldChangeDE() != null ? ccdto.getExprFoldChangeDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Fold Change: " + tmp);
        //queryDetails.add("Institutions: " + ccdto.getInstitutionDEs());
        tmp = ccdto.getMultiGroupComparisonAdjustmentTypeDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getMultiGroupComparisonAdjustmentTypeDE().getValue().toString()
                : "";
        queryDetails.add("Multi Group: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getStatisticalSignificanceDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getStatisticalSignificanceDE().getValue().toString()
                : "";
        queryDetails.add("Stat Sig.: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getStatisticTypeDE() != null ? ccdto.getStatisticTypeDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Stat Type: " + tmp);

    String qd = "";
    for (String q : queryDetails) {
        qd += q + " ||| ";

    if (ccf != null) {

        Element details = report.addElement("Query_details");
        cell = details.addElement("Data");
        cell = null;

        Element headerRow = report.addElement("Row").addAttribute("name", "headerRow");
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Reporter");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        //pvalue is fixed in the second column, essential for XSL
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        String isAdj = ccf.arePvaluesAdjusted() ? " (Adjusted) " : "";
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
                .addText(RembrandtConstants.PVALUE + isAdj);
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        //one col for each group in the comparison
        List<String> groupNames = ccf.getGroupNames();
        for (String n : groupNames) {
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(n + " Group Avg");
            data = null;
            cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Fold Change");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Gene Symbol");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        //starting annotations...get them only if allAnnotations == true
        if (allAnnotations) {
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("GenBank Acc");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Locus link");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("GO Id");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Pathways");
            data = null;
            cell = null;

        /* done with the headerRow and SampleRow Elements, time to add data rows */

        List<FTestResultEntry> fTestResultEntrys = ccf.getResultEntries();
        List<String> reporterIds = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (FTestResultEntry fTestResultEntry : fTestResultEntrys) {
            if (fTestResultEntry.getReporterId() != null) {

        ArrayPlatformType arrayPlatform = ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE().getValueObjectAsArrayPlatformType()
                : ArrayPlatformType.AFFY_OLIGO_PLATFORM;
        Map reporterResultsetMap = null;
        if (allAnnotations) {
            //Map<String, ReporterAnnotations> reporterResultsetMap = null;
            try {
                reporterResultsetMap = AnnotationHandler.getAllAnnotationsFor(reporterIds, arrayPlatform);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            //Map<String, String> reporterResultsetMap = null;
            try {
                reporterResultsetMap = AnnotationHandler.getGeneSymbolsFor(reporterIds, arrayPlatform);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        for (FTestResultEntry ccre : ccf.getResultEntries()) {

            dataRow = report.addElement("Row").addAttribute("name", "dataRow");
            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "reporter")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(ccre.getReporterId());
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "pval").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            //String pv = (ccre.getPvalue() == null) ? String.valueOf(ccre.getPvalue()) : "N/A";
            BigDecimal bigd = new BigDecimal(ccre.getPvalue());
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(bigd.toPlainString());
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            //one col for each group
            for (int i = 0; i < ccre.getGroupMeans().length; i++) {
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "data")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
                data = null;
                cell = null;

            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            //if only showing genes
            if (!allAnnotations && reporterResultsetMap != null) {
                String reporterId = ccre.getReporterId();
                String genes = reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId) != null
                        ? (String) reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId)
                        : defaultV;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "gene")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(genes);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
            } else {
                //get the gene symbols for this reporter
                String genes = defaultV;

                //start annotations
                String accIds = defaultV;
                String llink = defaultV;
                String go = defaultV;
                String pw = defaultV;

                if (reporterResultsetMap != null) { // && reporterIds != null
                    //int count = 0;
                    String reporterId = ccre.getReporterId();
                    //ReporterResultset reporterResultset = reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId);
                    ReporterAnnotations ra = (ReporterAnnotations) reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId);

                    //Collection<String> geneSymbols = (Collection<String>)reporterResultset.getAssiciatedGeneSymbols();
                    String geneSymbols = ra.getGeneSymbol();
                    if (geneSymbols != null)
                        genes = geneSymbols;
                    if(geneSymbols != null){
                       genes = StringUtils.join(geneSymbols.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> genBank_AccIDS = (Collection<String>) ra.getAccessions();
                    if (genBank_AccIDS != null) {
                        accIds = StringUtils.join(genBank_AccIDS.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> locusLinkIDs = (Collection<String>) ra.getLocusLinks();
                    if (locusLinkIDs != null) {
                        llink = StringUtils.join(locusLinkIDs.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> goIds = (Collection<String>) ra.getGoIDS();
                    if (goIds != null) {
                        go = StringUtils.join(goIds.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> pathways = (Collection<String>) ra.getPathways();
                    if (pathways != null) {
                        pw = StringUtils.join(pathways.toArray(), delim);

                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "gene")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(genes);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(accIds);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(llink);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(go);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(pw);
                data = null;
                cell = null;

    } else {
        //TODO: handle this error
        sb.append("<br/><br/>Class Comparison is empty<br/>");

    return document;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.ispy.web.xml.ClassComparisonReport.java

public static Document getReportXML(Finding finding, Map filterMapParams, boolean allAnnotations) {

    allAnnotations = true; //force this for now ISPY prerelease - RCL 3/2

    DecimalFormat resultFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
    DecimalFormat sciFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0");
    DecimalFormat tmpsciFormat = new DecimalFormat("###0.0000#####################");

    /*/*www.j  av  a2  s . com*/
     *  this is for filtering, we will want a p-value filter for CC
    ArrayList filter_string = new ArrayList(); // hashmap of genes | reporters | cytobands
    String filter_type = "show"; // show | hide
    String filter_element = "none"; // none | gene | reporter | cytoband

    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_string") && filterMapParams.get("filter_string") != null)
        filter_string = (ArrayList) filterMapParams.get("filter_string");
    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_type") && filterMapParams.get("filter_type") != null)
        filter_type = (String) filterMapParams.get("filter_type");
    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_element") && filterMapParams.get("filter_element") != null)
        filter_element = (String) filterMapParams.get("filter_element");

    String defaultV = "--";
    String delim = " | ";

    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    Element report = document.addElement("Report");
    Element cell = null;
    Element data = null;
    Element dataRow = null;
    //add the atts
    report.addAttribute("reportType", "Class Comparison");
    //fudge these for now
    report.addAttribute("groupBy", "none");
    String queryName = "none";
    queryName = finding.getTaskId();

    //set the queryName to be unique for session/cache access
    report.addAttribute("queryName", queryName);
    report.addAttribute("sessionId", "the session id");
    report.addAttribute("creationTime", "right now");

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    int recordCount = 0;
    int totalSamples = 0;

    //TODO: instance of
    ClassComparisonFinding ccf = (ClassComparisonFinding) finding;

    //process the query details
    ArrayList<String> queryDetails = new ArrayList();
    ClassComparisonQueryDTO ccdto = (ClassComparisonQueryDTO) ccf.getQueryDTO();
    String reporterType = ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE().getValueObject();

    if (ccdto != null) {
        String tmp = "";
        tmp = ccdto.getQueryName() != null ? ccdto.getQueryName() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Query Name: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE() != null ? ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Array Platform: " + tmp);

        tmp = "";
        List<ClinicalQueryDTO> grps = ccdto.getComparisonGroups() != null ? ccdto.getComparisonGroups()
                : new ArrayList();
        Collection grs = new ArrayList();
        for (ClinicalQueryDTO cdto : grps) {
            if (cdto.getQueryName() != null)

        tmp += StringUtils.join(grs.toArray(), ", ") + " (baseline)";
        queryDetails.add("Groups: " + tmp);
        noHTMLString = noHTMLString.replaceAll("<", "{");
        noHTMLString = noHTMLString.replaceAll(">", "}");
        noHTMLString = noHTMLString.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ");
        tmp = ccdto.getExprFoldChangeDE() != null ? ccdto.getExprFoldChangeDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Fold Change: " + tmp);
        //queryDetails.add("Institutions: " + ccdto.getInstitutionDEs());
        tmp = ccdto.getMultiGroupComparisonAdjustmentTypeDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getMultiGroupComparisonAdjustmentTypeDE().getValue().toString()
                : "";
        queryDetails.add("Multi Group: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getStatisticalSignificanceDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getStatisticalSignificanceDE().getValue().toString()
                : "";
        queryDetails.add("Stat Sig.: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getStatisticTypeDE() != null ? ccdto.getStatisticTypeDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Stat Type: " + tmp);
    queryDetails.add("Analysis Result name: " + ccform.getAnalysisResultName());
    queryDetails.add("Array Platform: " + ccform.getArrayPlatform());
    queryDetails.add("Baseline group: " + ccform.getBaselineGroup());
    queryDetails.add("Comparison Groups: " + ccform.getSelectedGroups()[0].toString());
    queryDetails.add("Comparison Adjustment: " + ccform.getComparisonAdjustment());
    //queryDetails.add("Comp. Adj. Coll: " + ccform.getComparisonAdjustmentCollection());
    //queryDetails.add("Existing Groups: " + ccform.getExistingGroups());
    //queryDetails.add("Existing group list: " + ccform.getExistingGroupsList());
    //queryDetails.add("Fold Change: " + ccform.getFoldChange());
    queryDetails.add("Fold Change auto: " + ccform.getFoldChangeAuto());
    //queryDetails.add("Fold change auto list: " + ccform.getFoldChangeAutoList());
    //queryDetails.add("Fold change manual: " + ccform.getFoldChangeManual());
    queryDetails.add("Stastic: " + ccform.getStatistic());
    queryDetails.add("Stastical method: " + ccform.getStatisticalMethod());
    //queryDetails.add("Stastical method coll.: " + ccform.getStatisticalMethodCollection());
    queryDetails.add("Stastical significance: " + ccform.getStatisticalSignificance());
    String qd = "";
    for (String q : queryDetails) {
        qd += q + " ||| ";

    if (ccf != null) {

        Element details = report.addElement("Query_details");
        cell = details.addElement("Data");
        cell = null;

        Element headerRow = report.addElement("Row").addAttribute("name", "headerRow");
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Reporter");
        data = null;
        cell = null;
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Group Avg");
        data = null;
        cell = null;
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        String isAdj = ccf.arePvaluesAdjusted() ? " (Adjusted) " : "";
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("P-Value" + isAdj);
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Fold Change");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Gene Symbol");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        //starting annotations...get them only if allAnnotations == true
        if (allAnnotations) {
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("GenBank Acc");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Locus link");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("GO Id");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Pathways");
            data = null;
            cell = null;

        /* done with the headerRow and SampleRow Elements, time to add data rows */

        Map<String,ReporterResultset> reporterResultsetMap = null;
        reporterResultsetMap = ccf.getReporterAnnotationsMap();

        List<ClassComparisonResultEntry> classComparisonResultEntrys = ccf.getResultEntries();
        List<String> reporterIds = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (ClassComparisonResultEntry classComparisonResultEntry : classComparisonResultEntrys) {
            if (classComparisonResultEntry.getReporterId() != null) {

        Map reporterResultsetMap = null;
        try {
            GeneExprAnnotationService geService = GeneExprAnnotationServiceFactory.getInstance();
            reporterResultsetMap = geService.getAnnotationsMapForReporters(reporterIds);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        //new stuff
        AnnotationHandler h = new AnnotationHandler();
        Map reporterResultsetMap = null;
           //Map<String, ReporterAnnotations> reporterResultsetMap = null;
           try {
          reporterResultsetMap = h.getAllAnnotationsFor(reporterIds);
           } catch (Exception e) {
        else   {
           //Map<String, String> reporterResultsetMap = null;
           try {
          reporterResultsetMap = h.getGeneSymbolsFor(reporterIds);
           } catch (Exception e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        //this looks like a failsafe for the old method
        if(reporterResultsetMap == null)   {
         try {
            reporterResultsetMap = GeneExprAnnotationService.getAnnotationsMapForReporters(reporterIds);
         catch(Exception e){}

        for (ClassComparisonResultEntry ccre : ccf.getResultEntries()) {

            dataRow = report.addElement("Row").addAttribute("name", "dataRow");
            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "reporter")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", reporterType).addText(ccre.getReporterId());
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
                    .addText(resultFormat.format(ccre.getMeanGrp1()) + " / "
                            + resultFormat.format(ccre.getMeanBaselineGrp()));
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "pval").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            //String pv = (ccre.getPvalue() == null) ? String.valueOf(ccre.getPvalue()) : "N/A";
            String pv = defaultV;
            BigDecimal bigd;
            try {
                bigd = new BigDecimal(ccre.getPvalue());
                pv = bigd.toPlainString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //missing value
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(pv);
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            //if only showing genes
            if (!allAnnotations && reporterResultsetMap != null) {
                String reporterId = ccre.getReporterId().toUpperCase().trim();
                String genes = reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId) != null
                        ? (String) reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId)
                        : defaultV;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "gene")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(genes);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
            } else {
                //get the gene symbols for this reporter
                String genes = defaultV;

                //start annotations
                String accIds = defaultV;
                String llink = defaultV;
                String go = defaultV;
                String pw = defaultV;

                if (reporterResultsetMap != null) { // && reporterIds != null
                    //int count = 0;
                    String reporterId = ccre.getReporterId().toUpperCase().trim();
                    //ReporterResultset reporterResultset = reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId);
                    ReporterAnnotation ra = (ReporterAnnotation) reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId);

                    //Collection<String> geneSymbols = (Collection<String>)reporterResultset.getAssiciatedGeneSymbols();
                    if (ra != null) {
                        List geneSymbols = ra.getGeneSymbols();
                        //if(geneSymbols != null)   
                        //   genes = geneSymbols.toString();

                        if (geneSymbols != null) {
                            genes = StringUtils.join(geneSymbols.toArray(), delim);

                        Collection<String> genBank_AccIDS = (Collection<String>) ra.getGenbankAccessions();
                        if (genBank_AccIDS != null) {
                            accIds = StringUtils.join(genBank_AccIDS.toArray(), delim);
                        Collection<String> locusLinkIDs = (Collection<String>) ra.getLocusLinkIds();
                        if (locusLinkIDs != null) {
                            llink = StringUtils.join(locusLinkIDs.toArray(), delim);
                        Collection<String> goIds = (Collection<String>) ra.getGOIds();
                        if (goIds != null) {
                            go = StringUtils.join(goIds.toArray(), delim);
                        Collection<String> pathways = (Collection<String>) ra.getPathwayIds();
                        if (pathways != null) {
                            pw = StringUtils.join(pathways.toArray(), delim);

                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "gene")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(genes);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(accIds);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(llink);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(go);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(pw);
                data = null;
                cell = null;

    } else {
        //TODO: handle this error
        sb.append("<br><Br>Class Comparison is empty<br>");

    return document;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.web.xml.ClassComparisonReport.java

public static Document getReportXML(Finding finding, Map filterMapParams, boolean allAnnotations,
        ArrayList reporterIdFilter) {

    DecimalFormat resultFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
    DecimalFormat sciFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0");
    DecimalFormat tmpsciFormat = new DecimalFormat("###0.0000#####################");

    /*//www  .  j  a  v  a  2s  .  c om
     *  this is for filtering, we will want a p-value filter for CC
    ArrayList filter_string = new ArrayList(); // hashmap of genes | reporters | cytobands
    String filter_type = "show"; // show | hide
    String filter_element = "none"; // none | gene | reporter | cytoband

    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_string") && filterMapParams.get("filter_string") != null)
        filter_string = (ArrayList) filterMapParams.get("filter_string");
    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_type") && filterMapParams.get("filter_type") != null)
        filter_type = (String) filterMapParams.get("filter_type");
    if (filterMapParams.containsKey("filter_element") && filterMapParams.get("filter_element") != null)
        filter_element = (String) filterMapParams.get("filter_element");

    String defaultV = "--";
    String delim = " | ";

    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    Element report = document.addElement("Report");
    Element cell = null;
    Element data = null;
    Element dataRow = null;
    //add the atts
    report.addAttribute("reportType", "Class Comparison");
    report.addAttribute("helpLink", ContextSensitiveHelpTag.getHelpLink("Class Comparison"));
    //fudge these for now
    report.addAttribute("groupBy", "none");
    String queryName = "none";
    queryName = finding.getTaskId();

    //set the queryName to be unique for session/cache access
    report.addAttribute("queryName", queryName);
    report.addAttribute("sessionId", "the session id");
    report.addAttribute("creationTime", "right now");

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    int recordCount = 0;
    int totalSamples = 0;

    //TODO: instance of
    ClassComparisonFinding ccf = (ClassComparisonFinding) finding;

    //process the query details
    ArrayList<String> queryDetails = new ArrayList();
    ClassComparisonQueryDTO ccdto = (ClassComparisonQueryDTO) ccf.getQueryDTO();

    if (ccdto != null) {
        String tmp = "";
        tmp = ccdto.getQueryName() != null ? ccdto.getQueryName() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Query Name: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE() != null ? ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Array Platform: " + tmp);

        tmp = "";
        List<ClinicalQueryDTO> grps = ccdto.getComparisonGroups() != null ? ccdto.getComparisonGroups()
                : new ArrayList();
        Collection grs = new ArrayList();
        for (ClinicalQueryDTO cdto : grps) {
            if (cdto.getQueryName() != null)

        tmp += StringUtils.join(grs.toArray(), ", ") + " (baseline)";
        queryDetails.add("Groups: " + tmp);
        noHTMLString = noHTMLString.replaceAll("<", "{");
        noHTMLString = noHTMLString.replaceAll(">", "}");
        noHTMLString = noHTMLString.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ");
        tmp = ccdto.getExprFoldChangeDE() != null ? ccdto.getExprFoldChangeDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Fold Change: " + tmp);
        //queryDetails.add("Institutions: " + ccdto.getInstitutionDEs());
        tmp = ccdto.getMultiGroupComparisonAdjustmentTypeDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getMultiGroupComparisonAdjustmentTypeDE().getValue().toString()
                : "";
        queryDetails.add("Multi Group: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getStatisticalSignificanceDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getStatisticalSignificanceDE().getValue().toString()
                : "";
        queryDetails.add("Stat Sig.: " + tmp);
        tmp = ccdto.getStatisticTypeDE() != null ? ccdto.getStatisticTypeDE().getValue().toString() : "";
        queryDetails.add("Stat Type: " + tmp);
    queryDetails.add("Analysis Result name: " + ccform.getAnalysisResultName());
    queryDetails.add("Array Platform: " + ccform.getArrayPlatform());
    queryDetails.add("Baseline group: " + ccform.getBaselineGroup());
    queryDetails.add("Comparison Groups: " + ccform.getSelectedGroups()[0].toString());
    queryDetails.add("Comparison Adjustment: " + ccform.getComparisonAdjustment());
    //queryDetails.add("Comp. Adj. Coll: " + ccform.getComparisonAdjustmentCollection());
    //queryDetails.add("Existing Groups: " + ccform.getExistingGroups());
    //queryDetails.add("Existing group list: " + ccform.getExistingGroupsList());
    //queryDetails.add("Fold Change: " + ccform.getFoldChange());
    queryDetails.add("Fold Change auto: " + ccform.getFoldChangeAuto());
    //queryDetails.add("Fold change auto list: " + ccform.getFoldChangeAutoList());
    //queryDetails.add("Fold change manual: " + ccform.getFoldChangeManual());
    queryDetails.add("Stastic: " + ccform.getStatistic());
    queryDetails.add("Stastical method: " + ccform.getStatisticalMethod());
    //queryDetails.add("Stastical method coll.: " + ccform.getStatisticalMethodCollection());
    queryDetails.add("Stastical significance: " + ccform.getStatisticalSignificance());
    String qd = "";
    for (String q : queryDetails) {
        qd += q + " ||| ";

    if (ccf != null) {

        Element details = report.addElement("Query_details");
        cell = details.addElement("Data");
        cell = null;

        Element headerRow = report.addElement("Row").addAttribute("name", "headerRow");
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Reporter");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        //pvalue is fixed in the second column, essential for XSL
        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        String isAdj = ccf.arePvaluesAdjusted() ? " (Adjusted) " : "";
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
                .addText(RembrandtConstants.PVALUE + isAdj);
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Group Avg");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Fold Change");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "header")
                .addAttribute("group", "header");
        data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Gene Symbol");
        data = null;
        cell = null;

        //starting annotations...get them only if allAnnotations == true
        if (allAnnotations) {
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("GenBank Acc");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Locus link");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("GO Id");
            data = null;
            cell = null;
            cell = headerRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "header").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                    .addAttribute("group", "header");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText("Pathways");
            data = null;
            cell = null;

        /* done with the headerRow and SampleRow Elements, time to add data rows */

        Map<String,ReporterResultset> reporterResultsetMap = null;
        reporterResultsetMap = ccf.getReporterAnnotationsMap();

        List<ClassComparisonResultEntry> classComparisonResultEntrys = ccf.getResultEntries();
        List<String> reporterIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        HashSet<String> reporterIdSet = null;

        if (reporterIdFilter != null) {
            reporterIdSet = new HashSet<String>(reporterIdFilter);

        int index = 0;
        if (reporterIdFilter == null) {
            for (ClassComparisonResultEntry classComparisonResultEntry : classComparisonResultEntrys) {
                if (classComparisonResultEntry.getReporterId() != null) {
        } else {
            reporterIds = reporterIdFilter;

        Map reporterResultsetMap = null;
        ArrayPlatformType arrayPlatform = ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE() != null
                ? ccdto.getArrayPlatformDE().getValueObjectAsArrayPlatformType()
                : ArrayPlatformType.AFFY_OLIGO_PLATFORM;
        if (allAnnotations) {
            //Map<String, ReporterAnnotations> reporterResultsetMap = null;
            try {
                reporterResultsetMap = AnnotationHandler.getAllAnnotationsFor(reporterIds, arrayPlatform);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            try {
                reporterResultsetMap = AnnotationHandler.getGeneSymbolsFor(reporterIds, arrayPlatform);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        //this looks like a failsafe for the old method
        if(reporterResultsetMap == null)   {
         try {
            reporterResultsetMap = GeneExprAnnotationService.getAnnotationsMapForReporters(reporterIds);
         catch(Exception e){}

        boolean found = false;
        for (ClassComparisonResultEntry ccre : ccf.getResultEntries()) {

            if (reporterIdFilter != null) {
                found = reporterIdSet.contains(ccre.getReporterId());

                //not found, then skip
                if (!found)

            dataRow = report.addElement("Row").addAttribute("name", "dataRow");
            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "reporter")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(ccre.getReporterId());
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "pval").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            //String pv = (ccre.getPvalue() == null) ? String.valueOf(ccre.getPvalue()) : "N/A";
            BigDecimal bigd = new BigDecimal(ccre.getPvalue());
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(bigd.toPlainString());
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
                    .addText(resultFormat.format(ccre.getMeanGrp1()) + " / "
                            + resultFormat.format(ccre.getMeanBaselineGrp()));
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "data")
                    .addAttribute("group", "data");
            data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header")
            data = null;
            cell = null;

            //if only showing genes
            if (!allAnnotations && reporterResultsetMap != null) {
                String reporterId = ccre.getReporterId();
                String genes = reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId) != null
                        ? (String) reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId)
                        : defaultV;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "gene")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(genes);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
            } else {
                //get the gene symbols for this reporter
                String genes = defaultV;

                //start annotations
                String accIds = defaultV;
                String llink = defaultV;
                String go = defaultV;
                String pw = defaultV;

                if (reporterResultsetMap != null) { // && reporterIds != null
                    //int count = 0;
                    String reporterId = ccre.getReporterId();
                    //ReporterResultset reporterResultset = reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId);
                    ReporterAnnotations ra = (ReporterAnnotations) reporterResultsetMap.get(reporterId);

                    //Collection<String> geneSymbols = (Collection<String>)reporterResultset.getAssiciatedGeneSymbols();
                    String geneSymbols = ra.getGeneSymbol();
                    if (geneSymbols != null)
                        genes = geneSymbols;
                    if(geneSymbols != null){
                       genes = StringUtils.join(geneSymbols.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> genBank_AccIDS = (Collection<String>) ra.getAccessions();
                    if (genBank_AccIDS != null) {
                        accIds = StringUtils.join(genBank_AccIDS.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> locusLinkIDs = (Collection<String>) ra.getLocusLinks();
                    if (locusLinkIDs != null) {
                        llink = StringUtils.join(locusLinkIDs.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> goIds = (Collection<String>) ra.getGoIDS();
                    if (goIds != null) {
                        go = StringUtils.join(goIds.toArray(), delim);
                    Collection<String> pathways = (Collection<String>) ra.getPathways();
                    if (pathways != null) {
                        pw = StringUtils.join(pathways.toArray(), delim);

                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "gene")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(genes);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(accIds);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(llink);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(go);
                data = null;
                cell = null;
                cell = dataRow.addElement("Cell").addAttribute("type", "data").addAttribute("class", "csv")
                        .addAttribute("group", "data");
                data = cell.addElement("Data").addAttribute("type", "header").addText(pw);
                data = null;
                cell = null;

    } else {
        //TODO: handle this error
        sb.append("<br/><br/>Class Comparison is empty<br/>");

    return document;

From source file:org.multibit.utils.CSMiscUtils.java

public static String getFormattedDisplayString(CSAsset asset, BigDecimal d) {
    if (asset == null)
        return "";
    // FIXME: TODO: Format the string, separate method to do it.
    /*//from  ww w . jav a 2  s  .c o m
     "format": "* dollars",
     "format_1": "1 dollar",
    String result = d.toPlainString(); // + " units"; // default
    if (0 == d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE)) {
        String fmt = asset.getFormat1();
        if (fmt != null && fmt.trim().length() != 0) {
            result = fmt;
            return result;

    // If value is not 1, or value is 1 but format_1 does not exist, use format.
    String fmt = asset.getFormat();
    // watch out, fmt can be empty string
    if (fmt != null && fmt.trim().length() != 0
            && org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.countMatches(fmt, "*") == 1) {
        result = fmt.replaceFirst("\\*", d.toPlainString());
    return result;

From source file:es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.Utils.java

public static String formatSize(Integer size) {
    String formattedFileSize = "";
    if (size != null) {
        BigDecimal kb = BigDecimal.valueOf(1024);
        BigDecimal mb = BigDecimal.valueOf(1048576);
        BigDecimal fileSizeBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(size);
        if (size > 999999) {
            formattedFileSize = fileSizeBD.divide(mb, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toPlainString();
            formattedFileSize += " MB";
        } else if (size > 999) {
            formattedFileSize = fileSizeBD.divide(kb, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toPlainString();
            formattedFileSize += " KB";
        } else {//from  ww w  .j av a2s  . co  m
            formattedFileSize = fileSizeBD.toPlainString();
            formattedFileSize += " B";
    return formattedFileSize;

From source file:de.grobmeier.jjson.JSONNumber.java

 * @param value
public JSONNumber(BigDecimal value) {
    this.value = value.toPlainString();