Example usage for java.math BigDecimal toString

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns the string representation of this BigDecimal , using scientific notation if an exponent is needed.


From source file:org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.batch.ClockedInEmployeeJob.java

public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
    //Get Configuration Settings
    BigDecimal hourLimit = getHourLimit();
    String jobAction = getJobAction();
    String batchJobPrincipalId = BatchJobUtil.getBatchUserPrincipalId();

    // code to send one email per approver
    // Map<String, Map<String, String>> notificationMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();

    DateTime asOfDate = new LocalDate().toDateTimeAtStartOfDay();
    List<CalendarEntry> calendarEntries = HrServiceLocator.getCalendarEntryService()
            .getCurrentCalendarEntriesNeedsScheduled(30, asOfDate);

    for (CalendarEntry calendarEntry : calendarEntries) {
        Calendar calendar = HrServiceLocator.getCalendarService().getCalendar(calendarEntry.getHrCalendarId());
        if (StringUtils.equals(calendar.getCalendarTypes(), "Pay")) {
            DateTime beginDate = calendarEntry.getBeginPeriodFullDateTime();
            DateTime endDate = calendarEntry.getEndPeriodFullDateTime();

            List<TimesheetDocumentHeader> timesheetDocumentHeaders = TkServiceLocator
                    .getTimesheetDocumentHeaderService().getDocumentHeaders(beginDate, endDate);

            for (TimesheetDocumentHeader timesheetDocumentHeader : timesheetDocumentHeaders) {
                String principalId = timesheetDocumentHeader.getPrincipalId();
                List<Assignment> assignments = HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService()
                        .getAllAssignmentsByCalEntryForTimeCalendar(principalId, calendarEntry);
                for (Assignment assignment : assignments) {
                    String groupKeyCode = assignment.getGroupKeyCode();
                    String jobNumber = String.valueOf(assignment.getJobNumber());
                    String workArea = String.valueOf(assignment.getWorkArea());
                    String task = String.valueOf(assignment.getTask());
                    ClockLog lastClockLog = TkServiceLocator.getClockLogService().getLastClockLog(groupKeyCode,
                            principalId, jobNumber, workArea, task, calendarEntry);
                    if (lastClockLog != null
                            && TkConstants.ON_THE_CLOCK_CODES.contains(lastClockLog.getClockAction())) {
                        DateTime lastClockLogDateTime = lastClockLog.getClockDateTime();
                        DateTime currentDate = new DateTime();

                        Period p = new Period(lastClockLogDateTime, currentDate);
                        BigDecimal hoursBetween = new BigDecimal(p.getHours());
                        BigDecimal dayHours = new BigDecimal(p.getDays() * 24);
                        hoursBetween = hoursBetween.add(dayHours);

                        if (hoursBetween.compareTo(hourLimit) > 0) {
                            if (jobAction.equals("NOTIFY")) {

                                //code to send one notification per employee to all approvers of employee
                                for (Person approver : getApprovers(assignment.getWorkArea())) {
                                    EntityNamePrincipalName employee = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService()
                                    String approverSubject = "Employee Clocked In Over " + hourLimit.toString()
                                            + " Hours Notification";
                                    StringBuilder approverNotification = new StringBuilder();
                                    approverNotification.append(employee.getPrincipalName() + " (" + principalId
                                            + ") has been clocked in since ");
                                    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMMM d yyyy HH:mm a");
                                    String dateTime = sdf.format(
                                            new java.sql.Date(lastClockLog.getClockDateTime().getMillis()));
                                            " for work area " + assignment.getWorkAreaObj().getDescription());
                                            approverSubject, approverNotification.toString(),
                                }/*from w w w.j  a  v a  2  s.  c  o  m*/

                                /* Code to send one email per approver - Create notification
                                Map<String, String> hourInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();
                                hourInfo.put(principalId, hoursBetween.toString());
                                for (Person person : getApprovers(lastClockLog.getWorkArea())) {
                                    if (notificationMap.containsKey(person.getPrincipalId())) {
                                notificationMap.get(person.getPrincipalId()).put(principalId, hoursBetween.toString());
                                    } else {
                                notificationMap.put(person.getPrincipalId(), hourInfo);
                                } */
                            } else if (jobAction.equals("CLOCK_OUT")) {
                                //Clock User Out
                                ClockLog clockOut = TkServiceLocator.getClockLogService().processClockLog(
                                        principalId, timesheetDocumentHeader.getDocumentId(), currentDate,
                                        assignment, calendarEntry, TKUtils.getIPNumber(),
                                        currentDate.toLocalDate(), "CO", true, batchJobPrincipalId);


                                // Notify User
                                String employeeSubject = "You have been clocked out of "
                                        + assignment.getAssignmentDescription();
                                StringBuilder employeeNotification = new StringBuilder();
                                        "You have been Clocked out of " + assignment.getAssignmentDescription()
                                                + " on " + clockOut.getClockDateTime());
                                        employeeNotification.toString(), principalId);

                                //add Note to time sheet
                                Note.Builder builder = Note.Builder
                                        .create(timesheetDocumentHeader.getDocumentId(), batchJobPrincipalId);
                                builder.setCreateDate(new DateTime());
                                builder.setText("Clock out from " + assignment.getAssignmentDescription()
                                        + " on " + clockOut.getClockDateTime()
                                        + " was initiated by the Clocked In Employee Batch Job");


    /* code to send one email per approver
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> approverEntry : notificationMap.entrySet()) {
    String subject = "Users clocked in over " + hourLimit.toString() + " hours";
    StringBuilder notification = new StringBuilder();
    notification.append("The following users have been clocked in for over " + hourLimit.toString() + " hours:");
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> employeeEntry : approverEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
        notification.append(" (" + employeeEntry.getKey() + ") : " + employeeEntry.getValue() + " hours");
    HrServiceLocator.getKPMENotificationService().sendNotification(subject, notification.toString(), approverEntry.getKey());


From source file:org.egov.egf.commons.EgovCommon.java

 * @description -This method returns the number of payments, the total payment amount made, department wise as on a particular
 * date for a list of ProjectCode ids that is passed. NOTE - ASSUMPTION IS EJVs don't have partial payments and CJVs have only
 * 1 project code on debit side./*from   ww w.  j a v a 2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param entityList - Integer list containing ProjectCode ids.
 * @param asOnDate - The payments are considered from the beginning to asOnDate. Only fully approved payments are considered.
 * (including asOnDate)
 * @return -A Map containing the total count and total amount department wise. keys are 'count' , 'amount', 'department'
 * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode ids list passed is empty. - If any id
 * passed is wrong.
public Map<String, String> getPaymentInfoforProjectCodeByDepartment(final List<Long> projectCodeIdList,
        final Date asOnDate) throws ApplicationException {
    if (projectCodeIdList == null || projectCodeIdList.size() == 0)
        throw new ApplicationException("ProjectCode Id list is null or empty");
    if (asOnDate == null)
        throw new ApplicationException("asOnDate is null");
    final String strAsOnDate = Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(asOnDate);
    final Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();

    final List<String> commaSeperatedEntitiesList = new ArrayList<String>();
    final List<List<Long>> limitedEntityList = new ArrayList<List<Long>>();
    String commaSeperatedEntities = "";
    List<Long> tempEntityIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug(" Size of entityIdList-" + projectCodeIdList.size() + " asOnDate - " + asOnDate);
    Long entityId;
    // In sql query, if in list contains more than 1000 elements, it may
    // fail.Hence, we start splitting the list passed into smaller lists of sizes less than 1000.
    for (int i = 0; i < projectCodeIdList.size(); i++) {
        entityId = projectCodeIdList.get(i);
        commaSeperatedEntities = commaSeperatedEntities + entityId + ",";
        if (i != 0 && i % 998 == 0 || i == projectCodeIdList.size() - 1) {
                    .add(commaSeperatedEntities.substring(0, commaSeperatedEntities.length() - 1));
            commaSeperatedEntities = "";
            tempEntityIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();

     * String validationQuery =
     * "SELECT detailkey FROM accountdetailkey WHERE detailtypeid= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " +
     * "WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and ( detailkey in ("; List<BigDecimal> dbEntIdList = new
     * ArrayList<BigDecimal>(); boolean isPresent; List<Long> incorrectEntityIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); String
     * dbEntIdQuery=""; if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(" Validation Starts "); for (int i = 0; i <
     * commaSeperatedEntitiesList.size(); i++) { isPresent = false; dbEntIdQuery = validationQuery +
     * commaSeperatedEntitiesList.get(i); if(i!=0) dbEntIdQuery=dbEntIdQuery+ ") or detailkey in(";
     * if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(i + ":dbEntIdQuery- " + dbEntIdQuery);
     * if(i==commaSeperatedEntitiesList.size()-1) dbEntIdQuery=dbEntIdQuery+ ")) order by detailkey "; }
     * if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Final Query- " + dbEntIdQuery); dbEntIdList = (List<BigDecimal>)
     * persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(dbEntIdQuery).list(); if (dbEntIdList != null && dbEntIdList.size() !=
     * limitedEntityList.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < commaSeperatedEntitiesList.size(); i++) { for (Long entId :
     * limitedEntityList.get(i)) { isPresent = false; for (BigDecimal dbEntId : dbEntIdList) { if (dbEntId.longValue() ==
     * entId.longValue()) { isPresent = true; break; } } if (!isPresent) { incorrectEntityIds.add(entId); } } } } if
     * (incorrectEntityIds.size() != 0) throw new ApplicationException("Incorrect detail key Ids - "+ incorrectEntityIds);
     * if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(" Validation Succeded in method..");
    String qryForExpense = "";
    String qryForNonExpense = "";
    final BigDecimal totalExpensePaymentAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    String deptName = null;
    List<Object[]> objForExpense;
    List<Object[]> objForNonExpense;
    BigDecimal tempAmountObj = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    boolean ifDeptExist = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < commaSeperatedEntitiesList.size(); i++) {
        qryForExpense = getPaymentAmountByDept(commaSeperatedEntitiesList.get(i), strAsOnDate, true);
        qryForNonExpense = getPaymentAmountByDept(commaSeperatedEntitiesList.get(i), strAsOnDate, false);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug(i + ": qryForExpense- " + qryForExpense);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug(i + ": qryForNonExpense- " + qryForNonExpense);
        objForExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(qryForExpense).list();
        objForNonExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(qryForNonExpense).list();
        if (objForExpense != null && objForExpense.size() != 0) {
            tempAmountObj = new BigDecimal(objForExpense.get(0)[0].toString());
            deptName = objForExpense.get(0)[1].toString();
            ifDeptExist = result.containsValue(deptName);
            if (ifDeptExist) {
                result.put(deptName, totalExpensePaymentAmount.add(tempAmountObj).toString());
                result.put("departmentname", deptName);
            } else {
                result.put(deptName, tempAmountObj.toString());
                result.put("departmentname", deptName);
        ifDeptExist = false;
        if (objForNonExpense != null && objForNonExpense.size() != 0) {
            tempAmountObj = new BigDecimal(objForNonExpense.get(0)[0].toString());
            deptName = objForNonExpense.get(0)[1].toString();
            ifDeptExist = result.containsValue(deptName);
            if (ifDeptExist) {
                result.put(deptName, totalExpensePaymentAmount.add(tempAmountObj).toString());
                result.put("departmentname", deptName);
            } else {
                result.put(deptName, tempAmountObj.toString());
                result.put("departmentname", deptName);

    return result;

From source file:org.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.verisign.PayflowPro.java

 * Authorize credit card payment service. Service wrapper around PayFlow Pro API.
 * @param dctx Service Engine DispatchContext.
 * @param context Map context of parameters.
 * @return Response map, including RESPMSG, and RESULT keys.
 *//*ww w .j a v a 2s  .  co m*/
public static Map<String, Object> ccProcessor(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
    Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
    GenericValue paymentPref = (GenericValue) context.get("orderPaymentPreference");
    GenericValue authTrans = (GenericValue) context.get("authTrans");
    String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
    String cvv2 = (String) context.get("cardSecurityCode");
    BigDecimal processAmount = (BigDecimal) context.get("processAmount");
    GenericValue party = (GenericValue) context.get("billToParty");
    GenericValue cc = (GenericValue) context.get("creditCard");
    GenericValue payPalPaymentMethod = (GenericValue) context.get("payPalPaymentMethod");
    GenericValue ps = (GenericValue) context.get("billingAddress");
    String paymentGatewayConfigId = (String) context.get("paymentGatewayConfigId");
    String configString = (String) context.get("paymentConfig");

    if (configString == null) {
        configString = "payment.properties";

    boolean isPayPal = false;
    // Are we doing a cc or a paypal payment?
    if ("EXT_PAYPAL".equals(paymentPref.getString("paymentMethodTypeId"))) {
        isPayPal = true;

    Map<String, String> data = FastMap.newInstance();

    boolean isReAuth = false;
    if (isPayPal) {
        data.put("TRXTYPE", "A");
        data.put("TENDER", "P");
        data.put("ORIGID", payPalPaymentMethod.getString("transactionId"));
    } else {
        if (authTrans == null) {
            authTrans = PaymentGatewayServices.getAuthTransaction(paymentPref);

        // set the orderId as comment1 so we can query in PF Manager
        data.put("COMMENT1", orderId);
        data.put("PONUM", orderId);
        data.put("CUSTCODE", party.getString("partyId"));

        // transaction type
        if (comparePaymentGatewayConfigValue(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, "preAuth", configString,
                "payment.verisign.preAuth", "Y")) {
            data.put("TRXTYPE", "A");
            // only support re-auth for auth types; sale types don't do it
            if (authTrans != null) {
                String refNum = authTrans.getString("referenceNum");
                data.put("ORIGID", refNum);
                isReAuth = true;
        } else {
            data.put("TRXTYPE", "S");

        // credit card tender
        data.put("TENDER", "C");

        // card security code
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(cvv2)) {
            data.put("CVV2", cvv2);

        // get the payment information
        data.put("ACCT", cc.getString("cardNumber"));

        // name on card
        String name = cc.getString("firstNameOnCard") + " " + cc.getString("lastNameOnCard");
        data.put("FIRSTNAME", cc.getString("firstNameOnCard"));
        data.put("LASTNAME", cc.getString("lastNameOnCard"));
        data.put("COMMENT2", name);
        if (cc.get("expireDate") != null) {
            String exp = cc.getString("expireDate");
            String expDate = exp.substring(0, 2);

            expDate = expDate + exp.substring(exp.length() - 2);
            data.put("EXPDATE", expDate);

        // gather the address info
        if (ps != null) {
            String street = ps.getString("address1")
                    + ((UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(ps.getString("address2"))) ? " " + ps.getString("address2")
                            : "");
            data.put("STREET" + "[" + street.length() + "]", street);
            data.put("ZIP", ps.getString("postalCode"));

    // set the amount
    data.put("AMT", processAmount.toString());

    PayflowAPI pfp = init(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, configString, context);

    // get the base params
    StringBuilder params = makeBaseParams(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, configString);

    // parse the context parameters

    // transmit the request
    //if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Sending to Verisign: " + params.toString(), module);
    String resp;
    if (!comparePaymentGatewayConfigValue(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, "enableTransmit", configString,
            "payment.verisign.enable_transmit", "false")) {
        resp = pfp.submitTransaction(params.toString(), pfp.generateRequestId());
    } else {
        resp = "RESULT=0&AUTHCODE=T&PNREF=" + (new Date()).getTime() + "&RESPMSG=Testing";

    if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
        Debug.logVerbose("Response from Verisign: " + resp, module);
    if (isPayPal) {
        // Attach the avs info returned in doExpressCheckout and stored in PayPalPaymentMethod
        resp += "&AVSADDR=" + payPalPaymentMethod.getString("avsAddr") + "&AVSZIP="
                + payPalPaymentMethod.getString("avsZip");

    // check the response
    Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
    parseAuthResponse(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, resp, result, configString, isReAuth, isPayPal);
    result.put("processAmount", processAmount);
    return result;

From source file:org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.verisign.PayflowPro.java

 * Authorize credit card payment service. Service wrapper around PayFlow Pro API.
 * @param dctx Service Engine DispatchContext.
 * @param context Map context of parameters.
 * @return Response map, including RESPMSG, and RESULT keys.
 *///  w w w  . jav a 2s.c  o m
public static Map<String, Object> ccProcessor(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
    Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
    GenericValue paymentPref = (GenericValue) context.get("orderPaymentPreference");
    GenericValue authTrans = (GenericValue) context.get("authTrans");
    String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
    String cvv2 = (String) context.get("cardSecurityCode");
    BigDecimal processAmount = (BigDecimal) context.get("processAmount");
    GenericValue party = (GenericValue) context.get("billToParty");
    GenericValue cc = (GenericValue) context.get("creditCard");
    GenericValue payPalPaymentMethod = (GenericValue) context.get("payPalPaymentMethod");
    GenericValue ps = (GenericValue) context.get("billingAddress");
    String paymentGatewayConfigId = (String) context.get("paymentGatewayConfigId");
    String configString = (String) context.get("paymentConfig");

    if (configString == null) {
        configString = "payment.properties";

    boolean isPayPal = false;
    // Are we doing a cc or a paypal payment?
    if ("EXT_PAYPAL".equals(paymentPref.getString("paymentMethodTypeId"))) {
        isPayPal = true;

    Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();

    boolean isReAuth = false;
    if (isPayPal) {
        data.put("TRXTYPE", "A");
        data.put("TENDER", "P");
        data.put("ORIGID", payPalPaymentMethod.getString("transactionId"));
    } else {
        if (authTrans == null) {
            authTrans = PaymentGatewayServices.getAuthTransaction(paymentPref);

        // set the orderId as comment1 so we can query in PF Manager
        data.put("COMMENT1", orderId);
        data.put("PONUM", orderId);
        data.put("CUSTCODE", party.getString("partyId"));

        // transaction type
        if (comparePaymentGatewayConfigValue(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, "preAuth", configString,
                "payment.verisign.preAuth", "Y")) {
            data.put("TRXTYPE", "A");
            // only support re-auth for auth types; sale types don't do it
            if (authTrans != null) {
                String refNum = authTrans.getString("referenceNum");
                data.put("ORIGID", refNum);
                isReAuth = true;
        } else {
            data.put("TRXTYPE", "S");

        // credit card tender
        data.put("TENDER", "C");

        // card security code
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(cvv2)) {
            data.put("CVV2", cvv2);

        // get the payment information
        data.put("ACCT", cc.getString("cardNumber"));

        // name on card
        String name = cc.getString("firstNameOnCard") + " " + cc.getString("lastNameOnCard");
        data.put("FIRSTNAME", cc.getString("firstNameOnCard"));
        data.put("LASTNAME", cc.getString("lastNameOnCard"));
        data.put("COMMENT2", name);
        if (cc.get("expireDate") != null) {
            String exp = cc.getString("expireDate");
            String expDate = exp.substring(0, 2);

            expDate = expDate + exp.substring(exp.length() - 2);
            data.put("EXPDATE", expDate);

        // gather the address info
        if (ps != null) {
            String street = ps.getString("address1")
                    + ((UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(ps.getString("address2"))) ? " " + ps.getString("address2")
                            : "");
            data.put("STREET" + "[" + street.length() + "]", street);
            data.put("ZIP", ps.getString("postalCode"));

    // set the amount
    data.put("AMT", processAmount.toString());

    PayflowAPI pfp = init(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, configString, context);

    // get the base params
    StringBuilder params = makeBaseParams(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, configString);

    // parse the context parameters

    // transmit the request
    //if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Sending to Verisign: " + params.toString(), module);
    String resp;
    if (!comparePaymentGatewayConfigValue(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, "enableTransmit", configString,
            "payment.verisign.enable_transmit", "false")) {
        resp = pfp.submitTransaction(params.toString(), pfp.generateRequestId());
    } else {
        resp = "RESULT=0&AUTHCODE=T&PNREF=" + (new Date()).getTime() + "&RESPMSG=Testing";

    if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
        Debug.logVerbose("Response from Verisign: " + resp, module);
    if (isPayPal) {
        // Attach the avs info returned in doExpressCheckout and stored in PayPalPaymentMethod
        resp += "&AVSADDR=" + payPalPaymentMethod.getString("avsAddr") + "&AVSZIP="
                + payPalPaymentMethod.getString("avsZip");

    // check the response
    Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
    parseAuthResponse(delegator, paymentGatewayConfigId, resp, result, configString, isReAuth, isPayPal);
    result.put("processAmount", processAmount);
    return result;

From source file:com.salesmanager.core.module.impl.integration.payment.AuthorizeNetTransactionImpl.java

public GatewayTransactionVO refundTransaction(IntegrationKeys keys, IntegrationProperties props,
        MerchantStore store, Order order, GatewayTransactionVO trx, Customer customer, CoreModuleService cis,
        BigDecimal amount) throws TransactionException {

    PostMethod httppost = null;//w ww  .  ja  va2  s.c  om
    try {

        String host = cis.getCoreModuleServiceProdDomain();
        String protocol = cis.getCoreModuleServiceProdProtocol();
        String port = cis.getCoreModuleServiceProdPort();
        String url = cis.getCoreModuleServiceProdEnv();
        if (props.getProperties2().equals(String.valueOf(PaymentConstants.TEST_ENVIRONMENT))) {
            host = cis.getCoreModuleServiceDevDomain();
            protocol = cis.getCoreModuleServiceDevProtocol();
            port = cis.getCoreModuleServiceDevPort();
            url = cis.getCoreModuleServiceDevEnv();

        // parse sent elements required
        AuthorizeNetParsedElements pe = null;
        pe = new AuthorizeNetParsedElements();
        Digester digester = new Digester();

        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/x_card_num", "setCardnumber", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/approvalcode", "setApprovalCode", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/x_exp_date", "setExpiration", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/x_amount", "setTransactionAmount", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/x_card_code", "setCvv", 0);

        Reader reader = new StringReader(trx.getTransactionDetails().getGatewaySentDecrypted().trim());


        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        // mandatory name/value pairs for all AIM CC transactions
        // as well as some "good to have" values
        sb.append("x_login=").append(keys.getUserid()).append("&"); // replace
        // with
        // your
        // own
        sb.append("x_tran_key=").append(keys.getTransactionKey()).append("&"); // replace
        // with
        // your
        // own
        sb.append("x_version=3.1&");// set to required in the specs

        // if dev
        if (props.getProperties2().equals(String.valueOf(PaymentConstants.TEST_ENVIRONMENT))) {
            sb.append("x_test_request=TRUE&"); // for testing

        sb.append("x_method=CC&");// required, CC or ECHECK

        sb.append("x_card_num=").append(pe.getCardnumber()).append("&");// at
        // least
        // 4
        // last
        // card
        // digit
        if (pe.getCvv() != null) {

        /** debug **/
        StringBuffer sblog = new StringBuffer();

        // mandatory name/value pairs for all AIM CC transactions
        // as well as some "good to have" values
        sblog.append("x_login=").append(keys.getUserid()).append("&"); // replace
        // with
        // your
        // own
        sblog.append("x_tran_key=").append(keys.getTransactionKey()).append("&"); // replace                                                   // own
        sblog.append("x_version=3.1&");// set to required in the specs
        // if dev
        if (props.getProperties2().equals(String.valueOf(PaymentConstants.TEST_ENVIRONMENT))) {
            sblog.append("x_test_request=TRUE&"); // for testing
        sblog.append("x_method=CC&");// required, CC or ECHECK
        sblog.append("x_card_num=").append(pe.getCardnumber()).append("&");// at
        // least
        // 4
        // last
        // card
        // digit
        if (pe.getCvv() != null) {

        log.debug("Transaction sent -> " + sblog.toString());
        /** debug **/

        // sx builds the xml for persisting local
        StringBuffer sx = new StringBuffer();

        sx.append("<x_login>").append(keys.getUserid()).append("</x_login>"); // replace
        // with
        // your
        // own
        sx.append("<x_tran_key>").append(keys.getTransactionKey()).append("</x_tran_key>"); // replace with your own
        sx.append("<x_version>3.1</x_version>");// set to required in the
        // specs

        // if dev
        if (props.getProperties2().equals(String.valueOf(PaymentConstants.TEST_ENVIRONMENT))) {
            sx.append("<x_test_request>TRUE</x_test_request>"); // for
            // testing

        sx.append("<x_method>CC</x_method>");// required, CC or ECHECK

        // need ccard number
        sx.append("<x_card_num>").append(pe.getCardnumber()).append("</x_card_num>");// at least 4 last card digit
        if (pe.getCvv() != null) {


        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        httppost = new PostMethod(protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + url);
        RequestEntity entity = new StringRequestEntity(sb.toString(), "text/plain", "UTF-8");

        String stringresult = null;

        int result = client.executeMethod(httppost);
        if (result != 200) {
            log.error("Communication Error with Authorizenet " + protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + url);
            throw new Exception(
                    "Communication Error with Authorizenet " + protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + url);
        stringresult = httppost.getResponseBodyAsString();
        log.debug("AuthorizeNet response " + stringresult);

        StringBuffer appendresult = new StringBuffer().append(order.getTotal()).append("|")

        // Format to xml
        String finalresult = this.readresponse("|", appendresult.toString());

        pe = new AuthorizeNetParsedElements();
        digester = new Digester();

        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/transactionid", "setTransactionId", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/approvalcode", "setApprovalCode", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/responsecode", "setResponseCode", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/amount", "setTransactionAmount", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/reasontext", "setReasontext", 0);
        digester.addCallMethod("transaction/reasoncode", "setReasonCode", 0);

        reader = new StringReader(finalresult);


        pe.setTransactionId(trx.getTransactionDetails().getMerchantPaymentGwOrderid());// BECAUSE NOT RETURNED FROM
        // AUTHORIZE NET !!!!

        return this.parseResponse(PaymentConstants.REFUND, sx.toString(), finalresult, pe, order, amount);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof TransactionException) {
            throw (TransactionException) e;

        TransactionException te = new TransactionException("AuthorizeNet Gateway error ", e);
        throw te;
    } finally {
        if (httppost != null) {


From source file:org.egov.egf.web.actions.voucher.CommonAction.java

private String getCommaSeperatedListForDesignationNameAndFunctionaryName(final String designationName,
        final String functionaryName) {
    final String qrySQL = "select pos_id from eg_eis_employeeinfo empinfo, eg_designation desg, functionary func   "
            + " where empinfo.functionary_id=func.id and empinfo.DESIGNATIONID=desg.DESIGNATIONID "
            + " and empinfo.isactive=true   " + " and desg.DESIGNATION_NAME like '" + designationName
            + "' and func.NAME like '" + functionaryName + "' ";
    final Query query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(qrySQL);
    final List<BigDecimal> result = query.list();
    if (result == null || result.isEmpty())
        throw new ValidationException("",
                "No employee with functionary -" + functionaryName + " and designation - " + designationName);
    final StringBuffer returnListSB = new StringBuffer();
    String commaSeperatedList = "";
    for (final BigDecimal posId : result)
        returnListSB.append(posId.toString() + ",");
    commaSeperatedList = returnListSB.substring(0, returnListSB.length() - 1);
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug("Commo seperated  list - " + commaSeperatedList);
    return commaSeperatedList;

From source file:model.experiments.stickyprices.StickyPricesCSVPrinter.java

private static void woodMonopolistSweep(final BigDecimal minimumP, final BigDecimal maximumP,
        final BigDecimal minimumI, final BigDecimal maximumI, final BigDecimal increment,
        final int runsPerParameterCombination) throws IOException {

    CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(Paths.get("runs", "rawdata", "monoSweep.csv").toFile()));
    writer.writeNext(new String[] { "P", "I", "distance", "variance", "success" });

    BigDecimal currentP = minimumP;
    while (currentP.compareTo(maximumP) <= 0) {
        BigDecimal currentI = minimumI;

        while (currentI.compareTo(maximumI) <= 0) {

            SummaryStatistics averageSquaredDistance = new SummaryStatistics();
            SummaryStatistics averageVariance = new SummaryStatistics();
            int successes = 0;

            for (int run = 0; run < runsPerParameterCombination; run++) {

                //create the run
                MacroII macroII = new MacroII(run);
                MonopolistScenario scenario = new MonopolistScenario(macroII);
                //set the demand

                //start it and have one step
                macroII.start();//from   w ww. jav a 2s . co m

                //now set the right parameters
                final SalesDepartment salesDepartment = scenario.getMonopolist()
                final SimpleFlowSellerPID strategy = new SimpleFlowSellerPID(salesDepartment,
                        currentP.floatValue(), currentI.floatValue(), 0f, 0, salesDepartment.getMarket(),
                        salesDepartment.getRandom().nextInt(100), salesDepartment.getFirm().getModel());
                //  strategy.setInitialPrice(102);
                //start them all at the same price, otherwise you advantage the slow by being so slow initially that they end up being right later


                //and make it learned!
                salesDepartment.setPredictorStrategy(new FixedDecreaseSalesPredictor(2));
                final HumanResources hr = scenario.getMonopolist().getHRs().iterator().next();
                hr.setPredictor(new FixedIncreasePurchasesPredictor(1));

                float totalDistance = 0;
                SummaryStatistics prices = new SummaryStatistics();
                //run the model
                double price = 0;
                double quantity = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                    price = strategy.getTargetPrice();
                    quantity = salesDepartment.getTodayInflow();
                    totalDistance += Math
                            .pow(Math.min(price - (102 - 2 * quantity), price - (102 - 2 * quantity - 1)), 2);

                //Model over, now compute statistics

                if (price <= 68 && price >= 67)

                //            System.out.println(salesDepartment.getLatestObservation(SalesDataType.LAST_ASKED_PRICE));


            String[] csvLine = new String[5];
            csvLine[0] = currentP.toString();
            csvLine[1] = currentI.toString();
            csvLine[2] = String.valueOf(averageSquaredDistance.getMean());
            csvLine[3] = String.valueOf(averageVariance.getMean());
            csvLine[4] = String.valueOf(successes);

            currentI = currentI.add(increment).setScale(2);


        currentP = currentP.add(increment).setScale(2);



From source file:org.apache.pig.test.TestBuiltin.java

public void testAVGIntermediate() throws Exception {
    String[] avgTypes = { "AVGIntermediate", "DoubleAvgIntermediate", "LongAvgIntermediate",
            "IntAvgIntermediate", "FloatAvgIntermediate", "BigDecimalAvgIntermediate",
            "BigIntegerAvgIntermediate" };
    for (int k = 0; k < avgTypes.length; k++) {
        EvalFunc<?> avg = evalFuncMap.get(avgTypes[k]);
        String inputType = getInputType(avgTypes[k]);
        Tuple tup = inputMap.get(inputType);
        // The tuple we got above has a bag with input
        // values. Input to the Intermediate.exec() however comes
        // from the map which would put each value and a count of
        // 1 in a tuple and send it down. So lets create a bag with
        // tuples that have two fields - the value and a count 1.
        DataBag bag = (DataBag) tup.get(0);
        DataBag bg = bagFactory.newDefaultBag();
        for (Tuple t : bag) {
            Tuple newTuple = tupleFactory.newTuple(2);
            newTuple.set(0, t.get(0));/* w w w.  ja  v  a 2s.c o  m*/
            if (inputType == "BigDecimal") {
                newTuple.set(1, BigDecimal.ONE);
            } else if (inputType == "BigInteger") {
                newTuple.set(1, BigInteger.ONE);
            } else {
                newTuple.set(1, new Long(1));
        Tuple intermediateInput = tupleFactory.newTuple();

        Object output = avg.exec(intermediateInput);

        if (inputType == "Long" || inputType == "Integer" || inputType == "IntegerAsLong") {
            Long l = (Long) ((Tuple) output).get(0);
            String msg = "[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + getInputType(avgTypes[k])
                    + " ( (output) " + l + " == " + getExpected(avgTypes[k]) + " (expected) )]";
            assertEquals(msg, getExpected(avgTypes[k]), l);
        } else if (inputType == "BigDecimal") {
            BigDecimal f1 = (BigDecimal) ((Tuple) output).get(0);
            String msg = "[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + getInputType(avgTypes[k])
                    + " ( (output) " + f1 + " == " + getExpected(avgTypes[k]) + " (expected) )]";
            assertEquals(msg, ((BigDecimal) getExpected(avgTypes[k])).toPlainString(), f1.toPlainString());
        } else if (inputType == "BigInteger") {
            BigInteger f1 = (BigInteger) ((Tuple) output).get(0);
            String msg = "[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + getInputType(avgTypes[k])
                    + " ( (output) " + f1 + " == " + getExpected(avgTypes[k]) + " (expected) )]";
            assertEquals(msg, ((BigInteger) getExpected(avgTypes[k])).toString(), f1.toString());
        } else {
            Double f1 = (Double) ((Tuple) output).get(0);
            String msg = "[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + getInputType(avgTypes[k])
                    + " ( (output) " + f1 + " == " + getExpected(avgTypes[k]) + " (expected) )]";
            assertEquals(msg, (Double) getExpected(avgTypes[k]), f1, 0.00001);
        if (inputType == "BigDecimal") {
            BigDecimal f2 = (BigDecimal) ((Tuple) output).get(1);
            assertEquals("[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + inputType + "]Expected count to be 4",
                    "4", f2.toPlainString());

        } else if (inputType == "BigInteger") {
            BigInteger f2 = (BigInteger) ((Tuple) output).get(1);
            assertEquals("[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + inputType + "]Expected count to be 4",
                    "4", f2.toString());

        } else {
            Long f2 = (Long) ((Tuple) output).get(1);
                    "[Testing " + avgTypes[k] + " on input type: " + inputType + "]Expected count to be 11", 11,

From source file:org.marketcetera.strategy.LanguageTestBase.java

 * Executes one iteration of the getPositionAsOf test. 
 * @param inSymbol a <code>String</code> value
 * @param inDate a <code>Date</code> value
 * @param inExpectedPosition a <code>BigDecimal</code> value
 * @throws Exception if an unexpected error occurs
 *///from  w w w .  j ava  2 s.  c o m
private void doPositionAsOfTest(String inSymbol, Date inDate, BigDecimal inExpectedPosition) throws Exception {
    StrategyCoordinates strategy = getPositionsStrategy();
    AbstractRunningStrategy.setProperty("positionAsOfDuringStop", "not-empty");
    if (inSymbol != null) {
        AbstractRunningStrategy.setProperty("symbol", inSymbol);
    if (inDate != null) {
        AbstractRunningStrategy.setProperty("date", Long.toString(inDate.getTime()));
    verifyStrategyStartsAndStops(strategy.getName(), getLanguage(), strategy.getFile(), null, null, null);
    // verify expected results
    assertEquals((inExpectedPosition == null ? null : inExpectedPosition.toString()),

From source file:org.marketcetera.strategy.LanguageTestBase.java

 * Executes one iteration of the getCurrencyPositionAsOf test. 
 * @param inSymbol a <code>String</code> value
 * @param inDate a <code>Date</code> value
 * @param inExpectedPosition a <code>BigDecimal</code> value
 * @throws Exception if an unexpected error occurs
 *///from   w w w  . j a  v  a  2  s.c  om
private void doCurrencyPositionAsOfTest(String inSymbol, Date inDate, BigDecimal inExpectedPosition)
        throws Exception {
    StrategyCoordinates strategy = getPositionsStrategy();
    AbstractRunningStrategy.setProperty("currencyPositionAsOfDuringStop", "not-empty");
    if (inSymbol != null) {
        AbstractRunningStrategy.setProperty("symbol", inSymbol);
    if (inDate != null) {
        AbstractRunningStrategy.setProperty("date", Long.toString(inDate.getTime()));
    verifyStrategyStartsAndStops(strategy.getName(), getLanguage(), strategy.getFile(), null, null, null);
    // verify expected results
    assertEquals((inExpectedPosition == null ? null : inExpectedPosition.toString()),