Example usage for java.math BigInteger divide

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger divide


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger divide.


public BigInteger divide(BigInteger val) 

Source Link


Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this / val) .


From source file:org.apache.kylin.common.util.Bytes.java

 * Iterate over keys within the passed range.
 *//*from w  w  w .  ja  v a  2  s .c  om*/
public static Iterable<byte[]> iterateOnSplits(final byte[] a, final byte[] b, boolean inclusive,
        final int num) {
    byte[] aPadded;
    byte[] bPadded;
    if (a.length < b.length) {
        aPadded = padTail(a, b.length - a.length);
        bPadded = b;
    } else if (b.length < a.length) {
        aPadded = a;
        bPadded = padTail(b, a.length - b.length);
    } else {
        aPadded = a;
        bPadded = b;
    if (compareTo(aPadded, bPadded) >= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("b <= a");
    if (num <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("num cannot be <= 0");
    byte[] prependHeader = { 1, 0 };
    final BigInteger startBI = new BigInteger(add(prependHeader, aPadded));
    final BigInteger stopBI = new BigInteger(add(prependHeader, bPadded));
    BigInteger diffBI = stopBI.subtract(startBI);
    if (inclusive) {
        diffBI = diffBI.add(BigInteger.ONE);
    final BigInteger splitsBI = BigInteger.valueOf(num + 1L);
    if (diffBI.compareTo(splitsBI) < 0) {
        return null;
    final BigInteger intervalBI;
    try {
        intervalBI = diffBI.divide(splitsBI);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Exception caught during division", e);
        return null;

    final Iterator<byte[]> iterator = new Iterator<byte[]>() {
        private int i = -1;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return i < num + 1;

        public byte[] next() {
            if (i == 0)
                return a;
            if (i == num + 1)
                return b;

            BigInteger curBI = startBI.add(intervalBI.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
            byte[] padded = curBI.toByteArray();
            if (padded[1] == 0)
                padded = tail(padded, padded.length - 2);
                padded = tail(padded, padded.length - 1);
            return padded;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


    return new Iterable<byte[]>() {
        public Iterator<byte[]> iterator() {
            return iterator;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.java

 * Iterate over keys within the passed range.
 *///from w  w  w.  jav a2  s .c o  m
public static Iterable<byte[]> iterateOnSplits(final byte[] a, final byte[] b, boolean inclusive,
        final int num) {
    byte[] aPadded;
    byte[] bPadded;
    if (a.length < b.length) {
        aPadded = padTail(a, b.length - a.length);
        bPadded = b;
    } else if (b.length < a.length) {
        aPadded = a;
        bPadded = padTail(b, a.length - b.length);
    } else {
        aPadded = a;
        bPadded = b;
    if (compareTo(aPadded, bPadded) >= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("b <= a");
    if (num <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("num cannot be <= 0");
    byte[] prependHeader = { 1, 0 };
    final BigInteger startBI = new BigInteger(add(prependHeader, aPadded));
    final BigInteger stopBI = new BigInteger(add(prependHeader, bPadded));
    BigInteger diffBI = stopBI.subtract(startBI);
    if (inclusive) {
        diffBI = diffBI.add(BigInteger.ONE);
    final BigInteger splitsBI = BigInteger.valueOf(num + 1);
    if (diffBI.compareTo(splitsBI) < 0) {
        return null;
    final BigInteger intervalBI;
    try {
        intervalBI = diffBI.divide(splitsBI);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Exception caught during division", e);
        return null;

    final Iterator<byte[]> iterator = new Iterator<byte[]>() {
        private int i = -1;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return i < num + 1;

        public byte[] next() {
            if (i == 0)
                return a;
            if (i == num + 1)
                return b;

            BigInteger curBI = startBI.add(intervalBI.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
            byte[] padded = curBI.toByteArray();
            if (padded[1] == 0)
                padded = tail(padded, padded.length - 2);
                padded = tail(padded, padded.length - 1);
            return padded;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


    return new Iterable<byte[]>() {
        public Iterator<byte[]> iterator() {
            return iterator;

From source file:org.tvheadend.tvhclient.htsp.HTSService.java

private void onQueueStatus(HTSMessage msg) {
    TVHClientApplication app = (TVHClientApplication) getApplication();
    Subscription sub = app.getSubscription(msg.getLong("subscriptionId"));
    if (sub == null) {
        return;/*from  ww  w.jav a 2 s. com*/
    if (msg.containsField("delay")) {
        BigInteger delay = msg.getBigInteger("delay");
        delay = delay.divide(BigInteger.valueOf((1000)));
        sub.delay = delay.longValue();
    sub.droppedBFrames = msg.getLong("Bdrops", sub.droppedBFrames);
    sub.droppedIFrames = msg.getLong("Idrops", sub.droppedIFrames);
    sub.droppedPFrames = msg.getLong("Pdrops", sub.droppedPFrames);
    sub.packetCount = msg.getLong("packets", sub.packetCount);
    sub.queSize = msg.getLong("bytes", sub.queSize);


From source file:com.lizardtech.expresszip.vaadin.ExportOptionsViewComponent.java

private void configureGridding() {
    GriddingOptions griddingOptions = new GriddingOptions();

    ExportProps props = getExportProps();

    griddingOptions.setGridding(gridCheckbox.booleanValue() && griddingDrawEnabled);

    if (griddingOptions.isGridding()) {

        if ((String) optGridOpt.getValue() == GRID_NUM_TILES) {

            int divX = Integer.parseInt(xTilesTextBox.getValue().toString());
            int divY = Integer.parseInt(yTilesTextBox.getValue().toString());
            griddingOptions.setDivX(divX > 0 ? divX : griddingOptions.getDivX());
            griddingOptions.setDivY(divY > 0 ? divY : griddingOptions.getDivY());


            if ((String) optGridOpt.getValue() == GRID_GROUND_DISTANCE) {
                Double groundResolution = getGroundResolution();
                griddingOptions.setTileSizeX((int) (Double.parseDouble(getDistance_X()) / groundResolution));
                griddingOptions.setTileSizeY((int) (Double.parseDouble(getDistance_Y()) / groundResolution));
            } else {
            }/*from  w  w w. ja va  2  s  .  co  m*/

    // update job summary text
    numTilesLabel.setValue(NUMBER_OF_TILES + griddingOptions.getNumTiles());

    BigInteger size = griddingOptions.getExportSize();
    String format = getImageFormat();
    if (format.equals(PNG))
        size = size.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(85)).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(100));
    else if (format.equals(JPEG))
        size = size.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(15));
    else if (format.equals(GIF))
        size = size.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(15)).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(100));
    else if (format.equals(BMP))
        size = size.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(85)).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(100));
    exportSizeEstimate.setValue(DISK_ESTIMATE + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(size));
    for (ExportOptionsViewListener listener : listeners)

From source file:com.flexive.core.storage.genericSQL.GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.java

 * Helper function to create a new node.
 * @param con             an open and valid connection
 * @param seq             reference to a sequencer
 * @param ce              reference to the content engine
 * @param mode            Live or Edit mode
 * @param parentNodeId    the parent node (1=root)
 * @param name            the name of the new node (only informative value)
 * @param label           label for Caption property (only used if new reference is created)
 * @param position        the position within the childs (0 based, Integer.MAX_VALUE may be used to
 *                        append to the end)
 * @param reference       a reference to an existing content (must exist!)
 * @param data            the optional data
 * @param nodeId          the id to use or create a new one if < 0
 * @param activateContent change the step of contents that have no live step to live in the max version?
 * @return the used or created node id/*from   w w w.  j av  a 2s .com*/
 * @throws FxTreeException if the function fails
private long _createNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode,
        long parentNodeId, String name, FxString label, int position, FxPK reference, String data, long nodeId,
        boolean activateContent) throws FxApplicationException {

    // acquire exclusive lock for parent node
    acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(parentNodeId));

    //        makeSpace(con, seq/*irrelevant*/, mode, parentNodeId, position/*irrelevant*/, 1);
    FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded parentNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, parentNodeId);
    BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, parentNode, position);
    BigInteger leftBoundary = boundaries[0]; //== left border
    BigInteger rightBoundary = boundaries[1]; //== right border

    // Node has to be inserted between the left and right boundary and needs 2 slots for its left and right border
    BigInteger spacing = rightBoundary.subtract(leftBoundary).subtract(TWO);
    // Compute spacing for left,inner and right part
    spacing = spacing.divide(THREE);

    // We need at least 2 open slots (for the left and right boundary of the new node)
    //if the spacing is <= 0 we need more space
    if (spacing.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0/*less than*/) {
        throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.create.noSpace", parentNodeId);

    // try to use space more efficiently for flat structures, otherwise the first node of a folder
    // will get a third of the subtree space, the second one ninth, and so on.
    // Maxspacing indicates the number of nodes (*2) we expect to put in this node before space reorg
    spacing = spacing.compareTo(DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING) > 0 ? DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING : spacing;

    //        final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);
    // don't add gap to left boundary (doesn't seem to have any benefits since that space is lost
    // unless the tree is reorganized anyway
    final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(BigInteger.ONE);
    final BigInteger right = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);

    NodeCreateInfo nci = getNodeCreateInfo(mode, seq, ce, nodeId, name, label, reference, activateContent);

    // Create the node
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    try {
        ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + getTable(mode) + " (ID,PARENT,DEPTH,DIRTY,REF,LFT,RGT,"
                + "CHILDCOUNT,NAME,MODIFIED_AT,TEMPLATE) VALUES " + "(" + nci.id + "," + parentNodeId + ","
                + (parentNode.getDepth() + 1) + ",?," + nci.reference.getId() + ",?,?,0,?,"
                + StorageManager.getTimestampFunction() + ",?)");
        ps.setBoolean(1, mode != FxTreeMode.Live);
        setNodeBounds(ps, 2, left);
        setNodeBounds(ps, 3, right);
        ps.setString(4, FxFormatUtils.escapeTreePath(nci.name));
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) {
            ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
            ps.setString(6, data);

        //update the parents childcount
        ps = con.prepareStatement(
                "UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + parentNodeId);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        try {
            if (ps != null)
        } catch (Throwable t) {
    return nci.id;

From source file:eu.dety.burp.joseph.attacks.bleichenbacher_pkcs1.BleichenbacherPkcs1DecryptionAttackExecutor.java

private void stepThree(final int i) throws Exception {
    BigInteger n = this.pubKey.getModulus();
    BigInteger r;/*ww w  . j a v a 2s  .  c  om*/
    BigInteger upperBound;
    BigInteger lowerBound;
    BigInteger max;
    BigInteger min;
    BigInteger[] tmp;
    ArrayList<Interval> ms = new ArrayList<>(15);

    for (Interval interval : this.m) {
        upperBound = step3ComputeUpperBound(this.si, n, interval.upper);
        lowerBound = step3ComputeLowerBound(this.si, n, interval.lower);

        r = lowerBound;
        // lowerBound <= r <= upperBound
        while (r.compareTo(upperBound) < 1) {
            // ceil((2*B+r*n)/si)
            max = (BigInteger.valueOf(2).multiply(this.bigB)).add(r.multiply(n));
            tmp = max.divideAndRemainder(this.si);
            if (BigInteger.ZERO.compareTo(tmp[1]) != 0) {
                max = tmp[0].add(BigInteger.ONE);
            } else {
                max = tmp[0];

            // floor((3*B-1+r*n)/si
            min = BigInteger.valueOf(3).multiply(this.bigB);
            min = min.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
            min = min.add(r.multiply(n));
            min = min.divide(this.si);

            // build new interval
            if (interval.lower.compareTo(max) > 0) {
                max = interval.lower;
            if (interval.upper.compareTo(min) < 0) {
                min = interval.upper;
            if (max.compareTo(min) <= 0) {
                ms.add(new Interval(max, min));
            // one further....
            r = r.add(BigInteger.ONE);

    loggerInstance.log(getClass(), " # of intervals for M" + i + ": " + ms.size(), Logger.LogLevel.INFO);

    if (ms.size() == 0) {
        throw new Exception("Zero intervals left, validity oracle seems to be wrong!");

    this.m = ms.toArray(new Interval[ms.size()]);

From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Returns an instance that represents the value of {@code value}.
 * @param value the value.//from  w w w  .ja  v  a  2  s.co m
 * @return An instance that represents the value of {@code value}.
public static Rational valueOf(@Nullable BigDecimal value) {
    if (value == null) {
        return null;
    BigInteger numerator;
    BigInteger denominator;
    if (value.signum() == 0) {
        return ZERO;
    if (BigDecimal.ONE.equals(value)) {
        return ONE;
    if (value.scale() > 0) {
        BigInteger unscaled = value.unscaledValue();
        BigInteger tmpDenominator = BigInteger.TEN.pow(value.scale());
        BigInteger tmpGreatestCommonDivisor = unscaled.gcd(tmpDenominator);
        numerator = unscaled.divide(tmpGreatestCommonDivisor);
        denominator = tmpDenominator.divide(tmpGreatestCommonDivisor);
    } else {
        numerator = value.toBigIntegerExact();
        denominator = BigInteger.ONE;
    return new Rational(numerator, denominator, BigInteger.ONE, numerator, denominator);

From source file:org.op4j.MiscTest.java

public void test() throws Exception {

    final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
    watch.start();/*from w ww . j av  a  2 s .  c o m*/

    final String[] stringsArr1 = new String[] { "Hello", "Goodbye", null };
    final List<String> stringsList1 = Arrays.asList(stringsArr1);

    final String[][] stringsStrings1 = new String[][] { new String[] { "Hello!", "Goodbye!" },
            new String[] { "Hola!", "Adis!" } };
    final List<String>[] stringsListStrings1 = (List<String>[]) new List<?>[] {
            Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Hello!", "Goodbye!" }),
            Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Hola!", "Adis!" }) };
    final List<List<String>> stringsListStringsList1 = Arrays.asList(stringsListStrings1);

    final Map<String, String> map1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    map1.put("es", "Hola!");
    map1.put("en", "Hello!");
    map1.put("gl", "Ola!");
    map1.put("ca", "Hola!");

    final Map<String, String> map2 = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    map2.put("es", "Adis!");
    map2.put("en", "Goodbye!");
    map2.put("gl", "Adus!");
    map2.put("ca", "Adu!");
    map2.put("fr", "Adieu!");

    final Map<String, String>[] maps1 = (Map<String, String>[]) new Map<?, ?>[] { map1, map2 };


    final BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("3455234.6325");
    final Float f = Float.valueOf(3455234.6325f);
    final Double d = Double.valueOf(3455234.6325);


            Op.onList(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 87, 45, 2, 3, 34, 1 }))
            Op.onList(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 87, 45, 2, 3, 34, 1 }))

    final List<List<String>> listOfListOfString1 = Arrays.asList((List<String>[]) new List<?>[] {
            Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "a" }), Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "a" }) });

    final Set<Set<String>> setOfsetOfString1 = new LinkedHashSet<Set<String>>(
            Arrays.asList((Set<String>[]) new Set<?>[] {
                    new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "a" })),
                    new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "a" })) }));

    final String[][] arrayOfArrayOfString1 = new String[][] { new String[] { "a", "b", "a" },
            new String[] { "a", "b", "a" } };

    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).addAll("World!", "Mars!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).insertAll(1, "World!", "Mars!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).removeAllIndexes(0, 2).get());
    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).removeAllIndexesNot(0, 2).get());
    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).removeAllTrue(new IFunction<String, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(String target, final ExecCtx ctx) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(target == null);



    final Set<String> stringSet1 = new LinkedHashSet<String>(stringsList1);
    System.out.println(Op.onSet(stringSet1).addAll("World!", "Mars!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onSet(stringSet1).insertAll(1, "World!", "Mars!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onSet(stringSet1).removeAllIndexes(0, 2).get());
    System.out.println(Op.onSet(stringSet1).removeAllIndexesNot(0, 2).get());

            printArray(Op.onArrayOf(Types.STRING, stringsArr1).insertAll(2, "lalero", "lururu").get()));

    System.out.println(Op.onMap(map1).put("fr", "All!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onMap(map1).insert(0, "fr", "All!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onMap(map1).insert(2, "fr", "All!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onMap(map2).putAll(Op.onMap(map1).insert(0, "gl", "Meuuuu!").get()).get());

    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(234, 12, 231));
    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(234).insert(0, 10));
    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(234).addAll(10).insert(1, 3));
    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(234).addAll(10).insert(1, 3).addAll((Integer) null));
    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(234).addAll(10).insert(1, 3).addAll((Integer) null).removeAllNull());
    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(234).addAll(10).insert(1, 3).removeAllIndexesNot(1));
    System.out.println(Op.on((List) null).addAll(123));
    System.out.println(Op.on((Object) null).intoSingletonList().get());
    System.out.println(Op.on((Object) null).intoSingletonSet().get());
    System.out.println(printArray(Op.on((String) null).intoSingletonArrayOf(Types.STRING).addAll("a")

    //        System.out.println(printArray(Op.buildArrayOfArray(Types.STRING).addAll(Op.buildArray(Types.STRING).addAll("a","b").get()).addAll(Op.buildArray(Types.STRING).addAll("1","2","3").get()).get()));
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildMap(Types.INTEGER,Types.STRING).put(12,"hello!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onListFor("a", 1, "b", 3).couple().get());

    System.out.println(Op.onListFor("hello", "goodbye", "adios", "ciao", "hola").sort().get());
            Op.onListFor("hello", "goodbye", "adios", "ciao", "hola").toSet().sort(new Comparator<String>() {

                public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                    if (o1.length() < o2.length()) {
                        return -1;
                    } else if (o1.length() == o2.length()) {
                        return 0;
                    return 1;


            Op.onListFor("hello", "goodbye", "adios", "ciao", "hola").toArrayOf(Types.STRING).sort().get()));
    System.out.println(printArray(Op.onListFor("hello", "goodbye", "adios", "ciao", "hola")
            .toArrayOf(Types.STRING).sort(new Comparator<String>() {

                public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                    if (o1.length() < o2.length()) {
                        return -1;
                    } else if (o1.length() == o2.length()) {
                        return 0;
                    return 1;


            Op.on("12314123.4123").exec(FnString.toInteger(RoundingMode.CEILING, DecimalPoint.IS_POINT)).get());
            Op.on("12314123.4123").exec(FnString.toInteger(RoundingMode.CEILING, DecimalPoint.IS_POINT)).get());
    System.out.println(Op.on("12314123.4123").exec(FnString.toDouble(3, RoundingMode.CEILING)).get());
    System.out.println(Op.on("12314123.4123").exec(FnString.toBigDecimal(3, RoundingMode.CEILING)).get());

    final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat();

            .format(Op.on("25/nov/1979").exec(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MMM/yyyy", "es")).get().getTime()));

    //        System.out.println(dateFormat.format(Op.onAll(1979, 11, 25, 12, 30).buildList().exec(ToCalendar.fromString("dd/MMM/yyyy", "es")).get().getTime()));
    System.out.println(dateFormat.format(Op.on(Op.onListFor(1979, 11, 25, 12, 30).get())
    System.out.println(dateFormat.format(Op.on(Op.onListFor("1979", "11", "25", "12", "30").get())

    System.out.println(Op.on(Op.onListFor(1979, 11, 25, 12, 30).get()).exec(FnList.ofInteger().sort()).get());
    System.out.println(Op.on(Op.onSetFor(1979, 11, 25, 12, 30).get()).exec(FnSet.ofInteger().sort()).get());
    System.out.println(Op.on(Op.onListFor(1979, 11, 25, 12, 30, 1980, 2, 43, 12, 11).get())


    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.CALENDAR)
    //              .addAll(Calendar.getInstance(), Calendar.getInstance())
    //              .forEach().exec(ToString.fromCalendar(DateStyle.FULL, TimeStyle.NONE, Locale.UK)).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.CALENDAR)
    //              .addAll(Calendar.getInstance(), Calendar.getInstance())
    //              .forEach().exec(ToString.fromCalendar(DateStyle.FULL, TimeStyle.SHORT, Locale.UK)).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.CALENDAR)
    //              .addAll(Calendar.getInstance(), Calendar.getInstance())
    //              .forEach().exec(ToString.fromCalendar("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.UK)).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.CALENDAR)
    //              .addAll(Calendar.getInstance(), Calendar.getInstance())
    //              .forEach().exec(ToString.fromCalendar("dd-MMMM-yyyy")).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.DATE)
    //              .addAll(new java.sql.Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()))
    //              .forEach().exec(ToString.fromDate("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.UK)).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.STRING)
    //              .addAll("  Company ", " day ")
    //              .forEach().exec(StringFuncs.trim()).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.STRING)
    //              .addAll("  Company ", " day ")
    //              .forEach().exec(StringFuncs.trim()).exec(StringFuncs.toUpperCase()).get());


    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.NUMBER)
    //                .addAll(45.9, new BigDecimal(34.456))
    //                .forEach().exec(ToString.fromCurrency(Locale.getDefault(), 
    //                        1, 2, 10, true)).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.NUMBER)
    //                .addAll(45.9, 45, new BigDecimal(34.456))
    //                .forEach().exec(ToString.fromCurrency(Locale.getDefault(), 
    //                        1, 0, 0, true)).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildList(Types.NUMBER)
    //                .addAll(45.9, 45, new BigDecimal(34.456), 0, 0.5, 0.211)
    //                .forEach().exec(ToString.fromPercent(Locale.getDefault(), 
    //                        1, 0, 10, ',', '\'', false)).get());

    System.out.println(Op.onArrayOf(Types.STRING, stringsArr1).toSet().get());

    final List<String[]> listOfStringArray1 = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    listOfStringArray1.add(Op.onListFor("Hola", "Hello", "Ciao", "Ola").toArrayOf(Types.STRING).get());
    listOfStringArray1.add(Op.onListFor("Adios", "Goodbye", "Ciao", "Adus").toArrayOf(Types.STRING).get());

    final List<Set<String>> listOfStringSet1 = new ArrayList<Set<String>>();
    listOfStringSet1.add(Op.onListFor("Hola", "Hello", "Ciao", "Ola").toSet().get());
    listOfStringSet1.add(Op.onListFor("Adios", "Goodbye", "Ciao", "Adus").toSet().get());

    final Set<String[]> setOfStringArray1 = new LinkedHashSet<String[]>();
    setOfStringArray1.add(Op.onListFor("Hola", "Hello", "Ciao", "Ola").toArrayOf(Types.STRING).get());
    setOfStringArray1.add(Op.onListFor("Adios", "Goodbye", "Ciao", "Adus").toArrayOf(Types.STRING).get());

    final Set<List<String>> setOfStringList1 = new LinkedHashSet<List<String>>();
    setOfStringList1.add(Op.onArrayFor("Hola", "Hello", "Ciao", "Ola").toList().get());
    setOfStringList1.add(Op.onArrayFor("Adios", "Goodbye", "Ciao", "Adus").toList().get());

    final Set<Set<String>> setOfStringSet1 = new LinkedHashSet<Set<String>>();
    setOfStringSet1.add(Op.onListFor("Hola", "Hello", "Ciao", "Ola").toSet().get());
    setOfStringSet1.add(Op.onListFor("Adios", "Goodbye", "Ciao", "Adus").toSet().get());

    System.out.println(Op.on("http://www.google.es/search?q=op4j&unusedParam=unusedValue '' 2^2 ")
            Op.on("Body tag is written like \"<body>content here</body>\"").exec(FnString.escapeHTML()).get());



    //        System.out.println(Op.onMap(map1).forEachEntry().exec(Ognl.forString("'in ' + #target.key + ' you say ' + #target.value")).get());


    //        final List<Map<String,String>> listOfMapOfStringString1 = 
    //          Op.buildList(Types.MAP_OF_STRING_STRING).add(map1).add(map2).get();
    //        System.out.println(printArray(Op.onListOfMap(listOfMapOfStringString1).toArrayOfMap().get()));


    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).forEach().replaceWith("op4j is great!").get());
    System.out.println(Op.onList(stringsList1).forEach().replaceIfNullWith("op4j is great!").get());
            Op.onArrayOf(Types.STRING, stringsArr1).forEach().replaceIfNullWith("op4j is great!").get()));
    System.out.println(printArray(Op.onArrayOf(Types.STRING, stringsArr1)
            .replaceWith(new String[] { "alpha", "beta" }).forEach().exec(FnString.toUpperCase()).get()));

    //        System.out.println(Op.buildListOfList(Types.STRING).add(stringsList1).add(stringsList1).get());
    //        System.out.println(Op.buildListOfList(Types.STRING).addAll(stringsList1, stringsList1).get());



    System.out.println("TIME: " + watch.toString());


    List<String> list = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "12/10/1492", "6/12/1978", "15/07/2045", null });

    Set<String> set1 = new LinkedHashSet<String>(list);
    Set<String> set2 = Op.on(list).toSet().get();

    System.out.println("set1 : " + set1);
    System.out.println("set2 : " + set2);

    Set<Calendar> set3 = Op.on(list).toSet().forEach().exec(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).get();

    System.out.println("set3asStr : " + Op.on(set3).map(FnCalendar.toStr("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy")).get());

    Set<Calendar> set4 = Op.on(list).toSet().removeAllNull().forEach().exec(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy"))

            "set4asStr : " + Op.on(set4).map(FnCalendar.toStr("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy", new Locale("en"))).get());

    Set<Calendar> set5 = Op.on(list).toSet().removeAllNull().map(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).get();

            "set5asStr : " + Op.on(set5).map(FnCalendar.toStr("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy", new Locale("en"))).get());

    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
    Set<Calendar> set6 = Op.on(list).toSet().map(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy"))

    System.out.println("set6asStr : "
            + Op.on(set6).map(FnCalendar.toStr("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", new Locale("en"))).get());

    // ****************************
    // WARNING: Non-op4j code!!
    // ****************************
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Set<Calendar> set = new LinkedHashSet<Calendar>();
    for (String element : list) {
        if (element != null) {
            Date date = null;
            try {
                date = dateFormat1.parse(element);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            if (!calendar.after(now)) {

    System.out.println("setasStr : "
            + Op.on(set).map(FnCalendar.toStr("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", new Locale("en"))).get());

    Function<List<String>, Set<Calendar>> conversionFunction = Fn.onListOf(Types.STRING).toSet()

    System.out.println("setFnasStr : " + Op.on(conversionFunction.execute(list))
            .map(FnCalendar.toStr("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", new Locale("en"))).get());

    int[] v1 = new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 3 };
    long[] v2 = new long[] { 3, 2, 1, 3 };

    List<Integer> iL = Op.onListFor(2, 1, 4, 213).get();



    Op.on(123).exec(new IFunction<Integer, String>() {
        public String execute(Integer input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return "The input number is: " + input;



    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(30, 30, 40).map(FnNumber.toBigInteger())

    System.out.println(Op.on(10).exec(FnInteger.divideBy(3, RoundingMode.CEILING)).get());

    Function<Integer, Boolean> fnAnd1 = FnBoolean.and(FnObject.eq("lala"), FnNumber.notEq(534));

    System.out.println(Op.on(233).exec(FnBoolean.and(FnNumber.greaterThan(44), FnObject.lessThan(534))).get());

            Op.on(1233).ifTrue(FnBoolean.not(FnBoolean.and(FnNumber.greaterThan(44), FnObject.lessThan(534))))

    System.out.println(Op.on(1233).exec(FnFunc.chain(FnInteger.add(10), FnNumber.greaterThan(1200))).get());

    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(1, 2, 3, 4).exec(FnList.ofInteger().containsAny(12, 3)).get());

    String[] arr231 = new String[] { "be", "a", "31aa", "31_l", "31A" };



    String[] datesStr = new String[] { "12-10-1492", "06-12-1978" };

    List<Calendar> dates = Op.on(datesStr).toList().map(FnString.toCalendar("dd-MM-yyyy")).get();

    System.out.println(Op.on(dates).map(FnCalendar.toStr("yyyy, MMMM dd", new Locale("gl", "ES"))).get());

    Function<Integer, Boolean> afnb1 = new Function<Integer, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(Integer input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;

    Function<Number, Boolean> afnb2 = new Function<Number, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(Number input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;

    Function<Integer, Boolean> afnb = FnBoolean.and(afnb1, afnb2);

    Function<Number, Boolean> bfnb1 = new Function<Number, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean execute(Number input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
    Function<Integer, Boolean> bfnb2 = new Function<Integer, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean execute(Integer input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
    Function<Integer, Boolean> bfnb = FnBoolean.and(bfnb1, bfnb2);


    Op.on(231).ifTrue(FnBoolean.and(afnb1, afnb2)).get();
    Op.on(231).ifTrue(FnBoolean.and(bfnb1, bfnb2)).get();

    Function<Object, Boolean> cfnb1 = new Function<Object, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(Object input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;

    Function<Number, Boolean> cfnb2 = new Function<Number, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(Number input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
    Function<Number, Boolean> cfnb = FnBoolean.and(cfnb1, cfnb2);

    Function<Number, Boolean> dfnb1 = new Function<Number, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(Number input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
    Function<Object, Boolean> dfnb2 = new Function<Object, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean execute(Object input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
    Function<Number, Boolean> dfnb = FnBoolean.and(dfnb1, dfnb2);


    Op.on(231.2).ifTrue(FnBoolean.and(cfnb1, cfnb2)).get();
    Op.on(231.1).ifTrue(FnBoolean.and(dfnb1, dfnb2)).get();

    Function<Number, Integer> fnz1 = new Function<Number, Integer>() {

        public Integer execute(Number input, ExecCtx ctx) throws Exception {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;

    Function<Integer, Integer> fnn1 = FnFunc.ifTrueThen(Types.INTEGER, FnNumber.greaterThan(2), fnz1);

    Fn.on(Types.INTEGER).exec(FnFunc.ifTrueThen(Types.NUMBER, FnNumber.greaterThan(2), fnz1)).get();

    BigInteger biValue = BigInteger.valueOf(-1256565646);

    System.out.println("Starting value = " + biValue);

    BigInteger biOpResult = Op.on(biValue).exec(FnBigInteger.divideBy(BigInteger.valueOf(23)))

    System.out.println("With op4j:    " + biOpResult);

    BigInteger biNorResult = biValue.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(23)).pow(3).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(5))

    System.out.println("Without op4j: " + biNorResult);

    BigInteger biOpResult1 = Op.on(biValue).exec(FnBigInteger.divideBy(BigInteger.valueOf(23))).get();

    System.out.println("[1] With op4j:    " + biOpResult1);

    BigInteger biNorResult1 = biValue.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(23));

    System.out.println("[1] Without op4j: " + biNorResult1);

    BigDecimal biOpResult1d = Op.on(new BigDecimal(biValue))
            .exec(FnBigDecimal.divideBy(BigDecimal.valueOf(23.0), RoundingMode.DOWN)).get();

    System.out.println("[1D] With op4j:    " + biOpResult1d);

    BigDecimal biNorResult1d = new BigDecimal(biValue).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(23.0), RoundingMode.DOWN);

    System.out.println("[1D] Without op4j: " + biNorResult1d);

                    Op.on(Types.STRING, null)
                            .exec(FnFunc.ifTrueThen(Types.STRING, FnBoolean.or(FnObject.isNull(),
                                            FnFunc.chain(FnString.toInteger(), FnNumber.greaterThan(100)))),

    System.out.println(Arrays.asList(Op.onArrayFor(4, 2).get()));


    System.out.println(Op.onListFor("en", "en", "es", "gl", "fr")
            .zipAndGroupValues("hello", "goodbye", "hola", "ola", "all").get());

    System.out.println(Op.onListFor("hello", "goodbye", "hola", "ola", "all")
            .zipAndGroupKeys("en", "en", "es", "gl", "fr").get());

    System.out.println(Op.onArrayFor("hello", "goodbye", "hola", "ola", "all")
            .zipAndGroupKeys("en", "en", "es", "gl", "fr").get());

    System.out.println(Op.onMapFor(23, "twenty-three").and(43, "forty-three").and(10, "ten").sort().get());

    System.out.println(Arrays.asList(Op.onArrayFor(1, 2, 1, 2, 2)
            .zipAndGroupValues(Types.STRING, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e").get().get(1)));


    Map<String, Integer> agesByName = Op.onListFor(27, 49, 19).zipKeys("John", "Mary", "Derek").get();


    Map<String, String> capitals = Op
            .onListFor("Spain", "Madrid", "United Kingdom", "London", "France", "Paris").couple().get();


    String date = "06/12/1978";
    Calendar cal = Op.on(date).exec(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).get();


    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date dt = sdf.parse("06/12/1978");
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

    System.out.println(Op.onListFor(2, 12, 42, 5, 9, 24)
            .mapIfTrue(FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(10), FnObject.replaceWith("<"), FnObject.replaceWith(">")).get());

    System.out.println(Op.on("LO E  I N OR! ae").exec(FnString.asciify()).get());
    System.out.println(Op.on("  a  nu NU nu NU ").exec(FnString.asciify()).get());

    Pair<Integer, Integer> p = Op.on(dt).exec(FnTuple.pairWith(Call.i("getYear"), Get.i("month"))).get();

    Integer i10 = Op.on(dt).exec(FnTuple.pairWith(Call.i("getYear"), Get.i("month")))


From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Calculates the least common multiple for two {@link BigInteger}s using the formula
 * {@code u * v / gcd(u, v)} where {@code gcd} is the greatest common divisor for the two.
 * @param u the first number.//from w  ww.j a  va 2 s .c om
 * @param v the second number.
 * @return The LCM, always 1 or greater.
public static BigInteger calculateLeastCommonMultiple(@Nullable BigInteger u, @Nullable BigInteger v) {
    if (u == null || v == null) {
        return null;
    if (u.signum() == 0 && v.signum() == 0) {
        return BigInteger.ONE;
    u = u.abs();
    v = v.abs();
    if (u.signum() == 0) {
        return v;
    if (v.signum() == 0) {
        return u;
    return u.divide(calculateGreatestCommonDivisor(u, v)).multiply(v);

From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Returns an instance with the given {@code numerator} and
 * {@code denominator}.//w  w  w.  j  a va  2 s  .co m
 * @param numerator the numerator.
 * @param denominator the denominator.
 * @return An instance that represents the value of {@code numerator}/
 *         {@code denominator}.
public static Rational valueOf(@Nullable BigDecimal numerator, @Nullable BigDecimal denominator) {
    if (numerator == null || denominator == null) {
        return null;
    if (numerator.signum() == 0 && denominator.signum() == 0) {
        return NaN;
    if (denominator.signum() == 0) {
        return numerator.signum() > 0 ? POSITIVE_INFINITY : NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
        return ZERO;
    if (numerator.equals(denominator)) {
        return ONE;
    if (denominator.signum() < 0) {
        numerator = numerator.negate();
        denominator = denominator.negate();

    int scale = Math.max(numerator.scale(), denominator.scale());
    if (scale > 0) {
        numerator = numerator.scaleByPowerOfTen(scale);
        denominator = denominator.scaleByPowerOfTen(scale);
    BigInteger biNumerator = numerator.toBigIntegerExact();
    BigInteger biDenominator = denominator.toBigIntegerExact();

    BigInteger reducedNumerator;
    BigInteger reducedDenominator;
    BigInteger greatestCommonDivisor = calculateGreatestCommonDivisor(biNumerator, biDenominator);
    if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(greatestCommonDivisor)) {
        reducedNumerator = biNumerator;
        reducedDenominator = biDenominator;
    } else {
        reducedNumerator = biNumerator.divide(greatestCommonDivisor);
        reducedDenominator = biDenominator.divide(greatestCommonDivisor);
    return new Rational(biNumerator, biDenominator, greatestCommonDivisor, reducedNumerator,