Example usage for java.math BigInteger doubleValue

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger doubleValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger doubleValue.


public double doubleValue() 

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Converts this BigInteger to a double .


From source file:com.mothsoft.alexis.engine.numeric.TopicActivityDataSetImporter.java

private void recordAggregateTopicActivity(final Long userId, final Date startDate, final BigInteger total) {

    logger.debug("Recording aggregate topic activity for user: " + userId + "; (" + startDate.toString() + ", "
            + total + ")");

    this.transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
        @Override/*from w ww .  ja v a  2s  .c  o  m*/
        protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus txStatus) {
            DataSet dataSet = TopicActivityDataSetImporter.this.dataSetDao

            if (dataSet == null) {
                final DataSetType type = TopicActivityDataSetImporter.this.dataSetTypeDao
                dataSet = new DataSet(userId, "*All Topics*", type, true);

            final DataSetPoint totalPoint = new DataSetPoint(dataSet, startDate, total.doubleValue());

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.lexsemresource.graph.EntityGraphJGraphT.java

 * Computes the depth of the graph, i.e. the maximum path length starting with the root node (if
 * a single root exists)/*from  www  .  j a v  a 2 s.  co m*/
 * @return The depth of the hierarchy.
 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
 * @throws LexicalSemanticResourceException
private double computeDepth() throws LexicalSemanticResourceException {
    List<Entity> roots = new Stack<Entity>();
    if (roots.size() == 0) {
        logger.error("There is no root for this lexical semantic resource.");
        return Double.NaN;
    } else if (roots.size() > 1) {
        logger.warn("There are " + roots.size() + " roots for this lexical semantic resource.");
        logger.info("Trying to get root from underlying lexical semantic resource.");

        Entity root = lexSemRes.getRoot();
        if (root == null) {
            EntityGraph lcc = getLargestConnectedComponent();
            int nrOfLccNodes = lcc.getNumberOfNodes();
            int nrOfGraphNodes = this.getNumberOfNodes();

            double ratio = (double) nrOfLccNodes / (double) nrOfGraphNodes;

            logger.info("Falling back to the depth of the LCC.");

            if (ratio < 0.7) {
                logger.warn("The largest connected component contains only " + ratio * 100
                        + "% of all nodes. Depth might not be meaningful.");

            return lcc.getDepth();
        } else {
            roots.clear(); // we know the real root, so remove the others

    Entity root = roots.get(0);
    BigInteger bigMaxPathLength = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    BigInteger[] returnValues = computeShortestPathLengths(root, BigInteger.ZERO, bigMaxPathLength,
            new HashSet<Entity>());
    bigMaxPathLength = returnValues[1];
    return bigMaxPathLength.doubleValue();


From source file:com.mothsoft.alexis.engine.numeric.TopicActivityDataSetImporter.java

private BigInteger importTopicDataForTopic(final Long topicId, final Date startDate, final Date endDate) {
    logger.debug(String.format("Importing topic activity for topic: %d between %s and %s", topicId,
            startDate.toString(), endDate.toString()));

    final String queryString = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(td.creation_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as the_hour, "
            + " COUNT(td.id) from topic_document td INNER JOIN topic on topic.id = td.topic_id "
            + " WHERE td.creation_date >= ? AND td.creation_date <= ? AND td.topic_id = ? "
            + " GROUP BY the_hour ORDER BY td.creation_date";

    final BigInteger count = this.transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<BigInteger>() {
        @Override//from w  ww. j av a 2  s. co  m
        public BigInteger doInTransaction(TransactionStatus txStatus) {
            final Query query = TopicActivityDataSetImporter.this.em.createNativeQuery(queryString);
            query.setParameter(1, startDate);
            query.setParameter(2, endDate);
            query.setParameter(3, topicId);

            final List<?> results = query.getResultList();

            if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {
                return BigInteger.ZERO;
            } else {
                final Object[] array = (Object[]) results.get(0);
                return (BigInteger) array[1];

    logger.debug("Data set point: (" + startDate + ", " + count + ")");

    this.transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {

        protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
            TopicActivityDataSet dataSet = TopicActivityDataSetImporter.this.dataSetDao

            if (dataSet == null) {
                final DataSetType type = TopicActivityDataSetImporter.this.dataSetTypeDao
                final Topic topic = TopicActivityDataSetImporter.this.topicDao.get(topicId);
                dataSet = new TopicActivityDataSet(topic, type);

            final DataSetPoint point = new DataSetPoint(dataSet, startDate, count.doubleValue());

    return count;

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.lexsemresource.graph.EntityGraphJGraphT.java

 * Computes and sets the diameter, the average degree and the average shortest path length of
 * the graph. Do not call this in the constructor. May run a while. It is called in the getters,
 * if parameters are not yet initialized when retrieved.
 *///from  w  w  w  .j  av a 2s  .com
private void setGraphParameters() {

    logger.info("Setting graph parameters.");
    // The directed graph is treated as an undirected graph to compute these parameters.
    // UndirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> undirectedGraph = new AsUndirectedGraph<String,
    // DefaultEdge>(directedGraph);
    logger.info("Treating the graph as undirected.");

    // Diameter is the maximum of all shortest path lengths
    // Average shortest path length is (as the name says) the average of the shortest path
    // length between all node pairs

    BigInteger bigMaxPathLength = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    BigInteger bigShortestPathLengthSum = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    double degreeSum = 0.0;
    double clusterCoefficientSum = 0.0;

    // iterate over all node pairs
    Set<Entity> nodes = undirectedGraph.vertexSet();

    // a hashset of the nodes which have been the start node of the computation process
    // for such nodes all path lengths have been already computed
    Set<Entity> wasSource = new HashSet<Entity>();

    int progress = 0;
    double percent = 0.0;
    for (Entity node : nodes) {

        percent = (double) progress / nodes.size() * 100;

        if (percent % 10 == 0) {
            logger.info("Progress: " + percent);
        LoggingUtils.printProgressInfo(progress, nodes.size(), 100, LoggingUtils.ProgressInfoMode.TEXT,
                "Getting graph parameters");

        int nodeDegree = undirectedGraph.degreeOf(node);
        degreeSum += nodeDegree;

        // logger.info("Updating degree distribution.");

        // cluster coefficient C_v of a node v is the fraction of the connections that exist
        // between the
        // neighbor nodes (k_v) of this node and all allowable connections between the neighbors
        // (k_v(k_v -1)/2)
        // for degrees 0 or 1 there is no cluster coefficient, as there can be no connections
        // between neighbors
        if (nodeDegree > 1) {
            double numberOfNeighborConnections = getNumberOfNeighborConnections(node);
            clusterCoefficientSum += (numberOfNeighborConnections / (nodeDegree * (nodeDegree - 1)));

        // Returns the new shortestPathLengthSum and the new maxPathLength.
        // They are returned as an double array for performance reasons.
        // I do not want to create an object, as this function is called *very* often
        // logger.info("Computing shortest path lengths.");
        BigInteger[] returnValues = computeShortestPathLengths(node, bigShortestPathLengthSum, bigMaxPathLength,
        bigShortestPathLengthSum = returnValues[0];
        bigMaxPathLength = returnValues[1];

        // save the info that the node was already used as the source of path computation

    if (nodes.size() > 1) {
        long denominator = nodes.size() * (nodes.size() - 1) / 2;
        this.averageShortestPathLength = bigShortestPathLengthSum.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(denominator))
        // sum of path lengths / (number of node pairs)
    } else {
        this.averageShortestPathLength = 0; // there is only one node
    this.diameter = bigMaxPathLength.doubleValue();
    this.clusterCoefficient = clusterCoefficientSum / nodes.size();

From source file:org.egov.pgr.dashboard.service.DashboardService.java

private List<Map<String, Object>> performanceProjection(List<Object[]> wardwisePerformanceData) {
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####0.00");
    List<Map<String, Object>> compAggrData = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object[] compData : wardwisePerformanceData) {
        Map<String, Object> complaintData = new HashMap<>();
        complaintData.put("name", compData[0]);
        BigInteger compData1 = (BigInteger) compData[1];
        BigInteger compData3 = (BigInteger) compData[3];
        BigInteger compData4 = (BigInteger) compData[4];
        double noOfCompAsOnDate = compData1.doubleValue();
        double noOfCompReceivedBtw = compData3.doubleValue();
        double noOfCompPenAsonDate = compData4.doubleValue();
        Double yValue = 100 * (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw - noOfCompPenAsonDate)
                / (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw);
        if (yValue.isNaN() || yValue.isInfinite())
            complaintData.put("y", BigDecimal.ZERO);
        else//  w w  w  . j a  v a2 s  .  c o m
            complaintData.put("y", new BigDecimal(df.format(yValue)));

    sortData(compAggrData, "y");
    return compAggrData;

From source file:org.egov.pgr.dashboard.service.DashboardService.java

private List<Map<String, Object>> performanceAnalysis(List<Object[]> wardwisePerformanceData,
        DateTime currentDate) {//  ww  w . j a  v a 2s  .c om
    List<Map<String, Object>> compAggrData = new ArrayList<>();
    String formattedFrm = endOfGivenDate(currentDate.minusDays(14)).toString(defaultDateFormatter());
    String formattedDayAfterFrm = startOfGivenDate(currentDate.minusDays(13)).toString(defaultDateFormatter());
    String formattedTo = currentDate.toString(defaultDateFormatter());
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####0.00");
    for (Object[] compData : wardwisePerformanceData) {
        Map<String, Object> complaintData = new HashMap<>();
        complaintData.put("zone", compData[0]);
        BigInteger compData1 = (BigInteger) compData[1];
        BigInteger compData3 = (BigInteger) compData[3];
        BigInteger compData4 = (BigInteger) compData[4];
        double noOfCompAsOnDate = compData1.doubleValue();
        double noOfCompReceivedBtw = compData3.doubleValue();
        double noOfCompPenAsonDate = compData4.doubleValue();
        complaintData.put("dateAsOn2WeekBack", formattedFrm);
        complaintData.put("noOfCompAsOnDate", noOfCompAsOnDate);
        complaintData.put("dateAsOnDayAfter", formattedDayAfterFrm);
        complaintData.put("noOfCompReceivedBtw", noOfCompReceivedBtw);
        complaintData.put("dateAsOn", formattedTo);
        complaintData.put("noOfCompPenAsonDate", noOfCompPenAsonDate);
        Double disposalPerc = 100 * (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw - noOfCompPenAsonDate)
                / (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw);
        if (disposalPerc.isNaN() || disposalPerc.isInfinite())
            complaintData.put(DISPOSALPERC, "0.00");
            complaintData.put(DISPOSALPERC, df.format(disposalPerc));
        complaintData.put("lat", compData[6]);
        complaintData.put("lng", compData[7]);
        complaintData.put("zoneId", compData[8]);

    sortData(compAggrData, DISPOSALPERC);
    assignRank(compAggrData, "rank");
    return compAggrData;

From source file:org.egov.pgr.service.dashboard.DashboardService.java

private List<Map<String, Object>> performanceProjection(final List<Object[]> wardwisePerformanceData,
        final DateTime currentDate) {
    final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####0.00");
    final List<Map<String, Object>> compAggrData = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
    for (final Object[] compData : wardwisePerformanceData) {
        final Map<String, Object> complaintData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        complaintData.put("name", compData[0]);
        final BigInteger compData1 = (BigInteger) compData[1];
        final BigInteger compData3 = (BigInteger) compData[3];
        final BigInteger compData4 = (BigInteger) compData[4];
        final double noOfCompAsOnDate = compData1.doubleValue();
        final double noOfCompReceivedBtw = compData3.doubleValue();
        final double noOfCompPenAsonDate = compData4.doubleValue();
        final Double yValue = 100 * (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw - noOfCompPenAsonDate)
                / (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw);
        if (yValue.isNaN() || yValue.isInfinite())
            complaintData.put("y", BigDecimal.ZERO);
        else/*w w  w  .  ja va2s  . c o m*/
            complaintData.put("y", new BigDecimal(df.format(yValue)));

    sortData(compAggrData, "y");
    return compAggrData;

From source file:org.egov.pgr.service.dashboard.DashboardService.java

private List<Map<String, Object>> performanceAnalysis(final List<Object[]> wardwisePerformanceData,
        final DateTime currentDate) {
    final List<Map<String, Object>> compAggrData = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
    final String formattedFrm = endOfGivenDate(currentDate.minusDays(14)).toString(DFLT_DATE_FRMTR);
    final String formattedDayAfterFrm = startOfGivenDate(currentDate.minusDays(13)).toString(DFLT_DATE_FRMTR);
    final String formattedTo = currentDate.toString(DFLT_DATE_FRMTR);
    final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####0.00");
    for (final Object[] compData : wardwisePerformanceData) {
        final Map<String, Object> complaintData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        complaintData.put("zone", compData[0]);
        final BigInteger compData1 = (BigInteger) compData[1];
        final BigInteger compData3 = (BigInteger) compData[3];
        final BigInteger compData4 = (BigInteger) compData[4];
        final double noOfCompAsOnDate = compData1.doubleValue();
        final double noOfCompReceivedBtw = compData3.doubleValue();
        final double noOfCompPenAsonDate = compData4.doubleValue();
        complaintData.put("dateAsOn2WeekBack", formattedFrm);
        complaintData.put("noOfCompAsOnDate", noOfCompAsOnDate);
        complaintData.put("dateAsOnDayAfter", formattedDayAfterFrm);
        complaintData.put("noOfCompReceivedBtw", noOfCompReceivedBtw);
        complaintData.put("dateAsOn", formattedTo);
        complaintData.put("noOfCompPenAsonDate", noOfCompPenAsonDate);
        final Double disposalPerc = 100 * (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw - noOfCompPenAsonDate)
                / (noOfCompAsOnDate + noOfCompReceivedBtw);
        if (disposalPerc.isNaN() || disposalPerc.isInfinite())
            complaintData.put("disposalPerc", "0.00");
        else/*from  ww  w  . j a v a2 s  .  c  o  m*/
            complaintData.put("disposalPerc", df.format(disposalPerc));
        complaintData.put("lat", compData[6]);
        complaintData.put("lng", compData[7]);
        complaintData.put("zoneId", compData[8]);

    sortData(compAggrData, "disposalPerc");
    assignRank(compAggrData, "rank");
    return compAggrData;

From source file:org.openvpms.component.system.common.jxpath.OpenVPMSTypeConverter.java

 * Convert a {@link BigInteger} to another type
 * /*  w w  w.j  a  v  a2 s  .c  om*/
 * @param type
 *            the class to convert too
 * @param value
 *            the value to convert
 * @return Number
 *            the converted number of null.
protected Number allocateNumber(Class type, BigInteger value) {
    if (type == Byte.class || type == byte.class) {
        return new Byte(value.byteValue());
    if (type == Short.class || type == short.class) {
        return new Short(value.shortValue());
    if (type == Integer.class || type == int.class) {
        return new Integer(value.intValue());
    if (type == Long.class || type == long.class) {
        return new Long(value.longValue());
    if (type == Float.class || type == float.class) {
        return new Float(value.floatValue());
    if (type == Double.class || type == double.class) {
        return new Double(value.doubleValue());
    if (type == BigDecimal.class) {
        return new BigDecimal(value);
    if (type == BigInteger.class) {
        return value;

    return null;

From source file:org.plasma.sdo.helper.DataConverter.java

public Object fromInteger(Type targetType, BigInteger value) {
    DataType targetDataType = DataType.valueOf(targetType.getName());
    switch (targetDataType) {
    case Integer:
        return value;
    case Double:
        return new Double(value.doubleValue());
    case Float:
        return new Float(value.floatValue());
    case Int://from w w  w.  j  a  v a2 s  . co  m
        return new Integer(value.intValue());
    case Long:
        return new Long(value.longValue());
    case Decimal:
        return new BigDecimal(value.doubleValue());
    case Bytes:
        return value.toByteArray();
    case String:
        //as per spec: ('+'|'-')? [0-9]+
        return value.toString();
        throw new InvalidDataConversionException(targetDataType, DataType.Integer, value);