Example usage for java.math BigInteger intValue

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger intValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger intValue.


public int intValue() 

Source Link


Converts this BigInteger to an int .


From source file:com.zl.bgec.basicapi.shop.service.impl.ShopServiceImpl.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)//w  w  w.jav  a  2 s.c om
public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pagedGroupBuyProduct(Map<String, String> map) throws Exception {
    String shopNo = String.valueOf(map.get("shopNo"));
    int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(map.get("pageNo"));
    int pageSize = Integer.parseInt(map.get("pageSize"));
    String catNo = String.valueOf(map.get("catNo") == null ? "" : map.get("catNo"));
    String sqlProduct = "select IF(tp.prod_name is null,'',tp.prod_name) prodName,"
            + " IF(tp.default_pic is null,'',tp.default_pic) prodPic," + " tp.price prodPrice,"
            + " tp.prod_no prodNo," + " tpromotion.start_time startTime," + " tpromotion.end_time endTime,"
            + " tpromotion.discount_amount groupPrice," + " ifnull(tp.stock,0) stock,"
            + " ifnull(tp.stock_preemption,0) stockPreemption,"
            + " IF(tp.sell_num is null,0,tp.sell_num) sellNum ," + " tc.is_recommend isRecommend "
            + " from tbl_product tp left join tbl_commodity tc on tc.commo_no = tp.commo_no"
            + " left join tbl_promotion tpromotion on tpromotion.ref_commo_no = tc.commo_no"
            + " where tc.seller_no = :shopNo and tc.publish_state ='1' and tp.is_groupbuy ='2' ";
    if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) {
        sqlProduct = sqlProduct + " and tc.cat_no=:catNo ";
    sqlProduct = sqlProduct + "and tp.delete_flag ='0' " + " and tpromotion.status='2' "
            + " and now() between tpromotion.start_time and tpromotion.end_time " + " and tp.delete_flag ='0' "
            + " order by ifnull(tp.sort,2147483647) asc, tp.sell_num desc,tc.publish_time desc";
    String countSql = "select count(*) "
            + " from tbl_product tp left join tbl_commodity tc on tc.commo_no = tp.commo_no"
            + " left join tbl_promotion tpromotion on tpromotion.ref_commo_no = tc.commo_no"
            + " where tc.seller_no = :shopNo" + " and tpromotion.status='2' "
            + " and now() between tpromotion.start_time and tpromotion.end_time "
            + " and tc.publish_state ='1' and tp.delete_flag ='0' ";
    if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) {
        sqlProduct = sqlProduct + " and tc.cat_no=:catNo ";
    Query query = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sqlProduct);
    query = productDao.createSQLQuery(sqlProduct);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) {
        query.setParameter("catNo", catNo);
    Query queryCount = shopDao.createSQLQuery(countSql.toString());
    queryCount.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) {
        queryCount.setParameter("catNo", catNo);
    BigInteger totalRows = (BigInteger) queryCount.uniqueResult();
    if (totalRows.intValue() == 0) {
        return new PageFinder<Map<String, Object>>(pageNo, pageSize, 0);
    PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = new PageFinder<Map<String, Object>>(pageNo, pageSize,
    return pageFinder;

From source file:org.opencms.cmis.CmsCmisTypeManager.java

 * Collects the children of a type.<p>
 * @param typeId the id of the type//  w  ww . ja  va  2s.c o  m
 * @param includePropertyDefinitions true if the property definitions should be included
 * @param maxItems the maximum number of items to return
 * @param skipCount the number of items to skip
 * @return the children of the type
public TypeDefinitionList getTypeChildren(

        String typeId, boolean includePropertyDefinitions, BigInteger maxItems, BigInteger skipCount) {

    TypeDefinitionListImpl result = new TypeDefinitionListImpl(new ArrayList<TypeDefinition>());

    int skip = (skipCount == null ? 0 : skipCount.intValue());
    if (skip < 0) {
        skip = 0;

    int max = (maxItems == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxItems.intValue());
    if (max < 1) {
        return result;

    if (typeId == null) {
        if (skip < 1) {
        if ((skip < 2) && (max > 0)) {

        result.setHasMoreItems(Boolean.valueOf((result.getList().size() + skip) < 2));
    } else {
        TypeDefinitionContainer tc = m_types.get(typeId);
        if ((tc == null) || (tc.getChildren() == null)) {
            return result;

        for (TypeDefinitionContainer child : tc.getChildren()) {
            if (skip > 0) {


            if (max == 0) {

        result.setHasMoreItems(Boolean.valueOf((result.getList().size() + skip) < tc.getChildren().size()));

    if (!includePropertyDefinitions) {
        for (TypeDefinition type : result.getList()) {

    return result;

From source file:org.opencms.cmis.CmsCmisTypeManager.java

 * Gets the descendants of a type.<p>
 * @param typeId the parent type id// w  w w.j a va 2 s.  c  o m
 * @param depth the depth up to which the descendant types should be collected
 * @param includePropertyDefinitions true if the property definitions should be included
 * @return the descendants of the type
public List<TypeDefinitionContainer> getTypeDescendants(

        String typeId, BigInteger depth, boolean includePropertyDefinitions) {

    List<TypeDefinitionContainer> result = new ArrayList<TypeDefinitionContainer>();

    // check depth
    int d = (depth == null ? -1 : depth.intValue());
    if (d == 0) {
        throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Depth must not be 0!");

    if (typeId == null) {
        result.add(getTypeDescendants(d, m_types.get(FOLDER_TYPE_ID), includePropertyDefinitions));
        result.add(getTypeDescendants(d, m_types.get(DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID), includePropertyDefinitions));
        result.add(getTypeDescendants(d, m_types.get(RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID), includePropertyDefinitions));
    } else {
        TypeDefinitionContainer tc = m_types.get(typeId);
        if (tc != null) {
            result.add(getTypeDescendants(d, tc, includePropertyDefinitions));

    return result;

From source file:com.zl.bgec.basicapi.shop.service.impl.ShopServiceImpl.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)/*  ww  w .jav  a2 s  .  com*/
public Map<String, Object> getShopIndexInfo(String memberNo) throws Exception {
    String sql = "select tsi.shop_name shopName," + "tsi.shop_address shopAddress," + "tsi.shop_logo shopLogo,"
            + "tsi.status status, " + "tsi.shop_no shopNo "
            + "from tbl_shop_info tsi where tsi.merch_no=:shopNo and tsi.status!='3'";
    Query query = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sql);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", memberNo);
    List<Map<String, Object>> results = query.list();
    Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) {
        result = results.get(0);
    } else {
        return null;
    String shopNo = String.valueOf(result.get("shopNo"));
    Criteria criteria = commodityDao.createCriteria(Restrictions.eq("sellerNo", shopNo));
    criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("deleteFlag", (byte) 0));//
    criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("publishState", "1"));//
    int commodityCount = commodityDao.getRowCount(criteria);// ??
    result.put("commodityCount", String.valueOf(commodityCount));
    criteria = shopCollectDao.createCriteria(Restrictions.eq("shopNo", shopNo));
    int collectCount = shopCollectDao.getRowCount(criteria);
    result.put("collectCount", String.valueOf(collectCount));
    Criteria promotionCriteria = promotionDao.createCriteria(Restrictions.eq("shopNo", shopNo));
    promotionCriteria.add(Restrictions.ge("endTime", new Date()));//
    promotionCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("status", "2"));//
    promotionCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("lockFlag", "0"));//?
    promotionCriteria.add(Restrictions.ne("promotionType", "2"));//?
    int count = promotionDao.getRowCount(promotionCriteria);
    result.put("promotionCount", count);
    List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
    //      values.add(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_REFUND);
    //      values.add(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_ALREADY_RECEIVE);
    //      values.add(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_REFUND_APPLY);
    //      values.add(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_WAITING_RETURN);
    //      values.add(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_WAITING_PAY);
    //      values.add(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_ALREADY_DELIVERY);
    Criteria criteriaOrder = orderDao.createCriteria(Restrictions.in("basicState", values));
    criteriaOrder.add(Restrictions.eq("deleteFlag", (byte) 0));
    criteriaOrder.add(Restrictions.eq("shopNo", shopNo));
    String sqlGroupBuy = "select count(*) " + "  from tbl_promotion tp "
            + " left join tbl_product tpr on tp.ref_commo_no = tpr.commo_no"
            + " where tp.promotion_type='2' and tp.delete_flag='0' and tp.shop_no=:shopNo  and :curentTime between tp.start_time and tp.end_time ";
    Query groupBuyQuery = promotionDao.createSQLQuery(sqlGroupBuy);
    groupBuyQuery.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    groupBuyQuery.setParameter("curentTime", new Date());
    BigInteger totalRows = (BigInteger) groupBuyQuery.uniqueResult();
    result.put("groupBuyCount", totalRows.intValue());
    result.put("orderCount", orderDao.getRowCount(criteriaOrder));
    String gradeSql = "select  avg(tcc.service_grade) serviceGrade," + " avg(tcc.delivery_grade) deliveryGrade"
            + " from tbl_commodity_comment tcc " + " where tcc.shop_no = :shopNo " + " group by(tcc.shop_no) ";
    Query queryGrade = shopDao.createSQLQuery(gradeSql);
    queryGrade.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    List<Map<String, Object>> list = queryGrade.list();
    if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
        Double servGrade = list.get(0).get("serviceGrade") == null ? 0
                : Double.valueOf(list.get(0).get("serviceGrade").toString());
        BigDecimal serviceGrade = new BigDecimal(servGrade);
        serviceGrade = serviceGrade.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
        result.put("serviceGrade", serviceGrade.doubleValue());
        Double delGrade = list.get(0).get("deliveryGrade") == null ? 0
                : Double.valueOf(list.get(0).get("deliveryGrade").toString());
        BigDecimal deliveryGrade = new BigDecimal(delGrade);
        deliveryGrade = deliveryGrade.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
        result.put("deliveryGrade", deliveryGrade.doubleValue());
    } else {
        result.put("serviceGrade", "0");
        result.put("deliveryGrade", "0");

    return result;

From source file:com.buildabrand.gsb.util.URLUtils.java

private String convertIpAddress(String ipAddr) {
    String[] ipAddrSplit = StringUtils.split(ipAddr, '.');

    if (ipAddrSplit.length == 0 || ipAddrSplit.length > 4) {
        return null;
    }/*  w w  w  .j  a  v a2 s  .  co m*/

    // Basically we should parse octal if we can, but if there are illegal octal
    // numbers, i.e. 08 or 09, then we should just look at decimal and hex.
    boolean allowOctal = !FIND_BAD_OCTAL_REGEXP.matcher(ipAddr).find();

    BigInteger ipNumeric = BigInteger.ZERO;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < ipAddrSplit.length - 1) {
        ipNumeric = ipNumeric.shiftLeft(8);
        BigInteger componentBigInt = convertComponent(ipAddrSplit[i], allowOctal);
        if (componentBigInt == null) {
            return null;

        ipNumeric = ipNumeric.add(componentBigInt);
    while (i < 4) {
        ipNumeric = ipNumeric.shiftLeft(8);
    BigInteger componentBigInt = convertComponent(ipAddrSplit[ipAddrSplit.length - 1], allowOctal);
    if (componentBigInt == null) {
        return null;
    ipNumeric = ipNumeric.add(componentBigInt);

    return InetAddresses.fromInteger((ipNumeric.intValue())).getHostAddress();

From source file:org.codice.ddf.spatial.ogc.wfs.v2_0_0.catalog.source.WfsSourceTest.java

 * Given 10 features (and metacards) exist that match search criteria, since page size=4 and
 * startIndex=0, should get 4 results back - metacards 1 thru 4.
 * @throws WfsException, SecurityServiceException
 * @throws TransformerConfigurationException
 * @throws UnsupportedQueryException//from w  w w. ja  va  2  s  .c  o m
public void testPagingStartIndexZero() throws WfsException, SecurityServiceException,
        TransformerConfigurationException, UnsupportedQueryException {

    // Setup
    int pageSize = 4;
    int startIndex = 0;

    WfsSource source = getWfsSource(ONE_TEXT_PROPERTY_SCHEMA, MockWfsServer.getFilterCapabilities(),
            GeospatialUtil.EPSG_4326_URN, 10, false);
    Filter filter = builder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).is().like().text(LITERAL);
    Query query = new QueryImpl(filter, startIndex, pageSize, null, false, 0);

    // Execute
    GetFeatureType featureType = source.buildGetFeatureRequest(query);
    BigInteger startIndexGetFeature = featureType.getStartIndex();
    BigInteger countGetFeature = featureType.getCount();

    // Verify
    assertThat(countGetFeature.intValue(), is(pageSize));
    assertThat(startIndexGetFeature.intValue(), is(startIndex));

From source file:com.ephesoft.dcma.tablefinder.share.TableRowFinderUtility.java

    * Runs regex validation for the column extraction.
    */*from   ww w . ja v  a  2  s .c o  m*/
    * @param expressionEvaluator {@list ExpressionEvaluator}<{@list Boolean}>
    * @param columnHeaderValidationRequired boolean
    * @param columnCoordinateValidationRequired boolean
    * @param columnRowList {@link List}<{@link Column>
    * @param colHeaderDataCarrier {@link DataCarrier}
    * @param regexValidationDataCarrier {@link RegexValidationDataCarrier}
    * @return boolean True if regex validation is passed.
    * @throws DCMAApplicationException
public static boolean runRegexValidation(final ExpressionEvaluator<Boolean> expressionEvaluator,
        final boolean columnHeaderValidationRequired, final boolean columnCoordinateValidationRequired,
        final List<Column> columnRowList, final DataCarrier colHeaderDataCarrier,
        final RegexValidationDataCarrier regexValidationDataCarrier) throws DCMAApplicationException {
    boolean isRegexValidationPassed = false;
    LOGGER.info("Applying Regex Validation for table extraction ..... ");
    TableColumnVO tableColumn = regexValidationDataCarrier.getTableColumn();
    if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tableColumn.getExtractedDataColumnName())) {

        // columnHeadStartCoordinate and columnHeadEndCoordinate are used to take help of column data position
        // knowledge from column header/column coordinate, for Regex Validation based extraction.
        int columnHeadStartCoordinate = TableExtractionConstants.MINIMUM_POSITIVE_COORDINATE_VALUE;
        int columnHeadEndCoordinate = TableExtractionConstants.MINIMUM_POSITIVE_COORDINATE_VALUE;

        // Preparing a new column object.
        final Column column = regexValidationDataCarrier.getColumn();
        Column regexExtractionColumn = new Column();
        TableRowFinderUtility.setColumnProperties(regexValidationDataCarrier.getPageID(), regexExtractionColumn,
                null, 0);
        if (isDataValid(expressionEvaluator, true, false, false)) {
            if (columnHeaderValidationRequired && null != colHeaderDataCarrier) {
                LOGGER.info("Fetching column coordinate start and end headers for Regex Validation.");
                Coordinates spanCoordinates = colHeaderDataCarrier.getCoordinates();
                if (null != spanCoordinates) {
                    BigInteger X0 = spanCoordinates.getX0();
                    BigInteger X1 = spanCoordinates.getX1();
                    if (null != X0 && null != X1) {
                        columnHeadStartCoordinate = X0.intValue();
                        columnHeadEndCoordinate = X1.intValue();
            } else if (columnCoordinateValidationRequired) {
                ColumnCoordinates columnCoordinates = TableRowFinderUtility.getXColumncoordinates(tableColumn);
                Integer columnCoordX0 = columnCoordinates.getX0Coordinate();
                Integer columnCoordX1 = columnCoordinates.getX1coordinate();
                if (null != columnCoordX0 && null != columnCoordX1) {
                    LOGGER.info("Fetching column coordinate start and end for Regex Validation.");
                    columnHeadStartCoordinate = columnCoordX0.intValue();
                    columnHeadEndCoordinate = columnCoordX1.intValue();
            LOGGER.debug("Column start coordinate is: ", columnHeadStartCoordinate,
                    ". Column End Coordinate is: ", columnHeadEndCoordinate);
        isRegexValidationPassed = applyRegexValidation(columnRowList, columnHeadStartCoordinate,
                columnHeadEndCoordinate, regexValidationDataCarrier);
        if (isRegexValidationPassed) {
            TableRowFinderUtility.setColumnConfidence(tableColumn, regexExtractionColumn);
            if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(column.getValue()) && column.getConfidence() == 0
                    || regexExtractionColumn.getConfidence() > column.getConfidence()) {
                TableRowFinderUtility.swapColumnContents(regexExtractionColumn, column);

            // Add columnCoordinateColumn to alternate values of column.
            if (null != regexExtractionColumn.getValue()) {
    return isRegexValidationPassed;

From source file:com.sun.honeycomb.admin.mgmt.server.HCCellAdapterBase.java

 * Update the service tag data associated with a single cell.   This routine
 * must be called on ever cell in order to keep the silo_info.xml
 * up to date./*w w  w  . j a v  a  2s  . co  m*/
 * <P>
 * On the master cell this routine will clear the service tag registry
 * and attempt to repopulate it with the new service tag registry 
 * information.
 * @param evt the callback handle
 * @param tagData the service tag data to update
 * @param updateRegistry boolean to indicate whether the registry
 * file should be rebuilt.  If the callee already knows the 
 * service tag data is invalid they will call this value with a
 * value of 0.  In this case this api is getting used to clear the
 * registry and the instanceURNs
 * @return BigInteger, 0 for SUCCESS, -1 for failure.  
 * Currently always returns 0
 * @throws com.sun.honeycomb.mgmt.common.MgmtException
public BigInteger updateAllServiceTagData(EventSender evt, HCServiceTags tagData, BigInteger updateRegistry)
        throws MgmtException {

    boolean updateRegistryFile = updateRegistry.intValue() == 1;
    MultiCellLib multiCell = MultiCellLib.getInstance();
    boolean isStandAlone = multiCell.isCellStandalone();
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    buf.append(" service tag data for cell");
    if (isStandAlone == false) {
        buf.append(" ").append(getCellId());
    Reassure reassureThread = null;
    try {
        reassureThread = new Reassure(evt);
        boolean isSupported = ServiceTagsRegistry.isSupported();
        boolean isMaster = multiCell.isCellMaster();
        if (isSupported && isMaster) {
            // If we modify an service tag data the service tag registry
            // is considered out of date.  As such we clear the registry
            // of all ST5800 service tags.

        List<HCServiceTagCellData> list = tagData.getData();
        HCServiceTagCellData[] hCellData = (HCServiceTagCellData[]) list
                .toArray(new HCServiceTagCellData[list.size()]);
        ServiceTagCellData[] cellData = new ServiceTagCellData[hCellData.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < hCellData.length; i++) {
            ServiceTagData data = new ServiceTagData(hCellData[i].getProductNumber(),
                    hCellData[i].getProductSerialNumber(), hCellData[i].getMarketingNumber(),
            ServiceTagCellData cell = new ServiceTagCellData(hCellData[i].getCellId(), data);
            cellData[i] = cell;

        buf.insert(0, "Successfully updated");
        logger.log(Level.INFO, buf.toString());

        if (updateRegistryFile && isMaster) {
            // Reset the buf to new action in case of exception
            buf = new StringBuffer(" service tag registry.");
            if (isSupported == false) {
                return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.FAILURE);
            // The silo_info.xml has been updated.
            // Now update the service tag registry
            ServiceTagsGenerator generator = new ServiceTagsGenerator(cellData);
            if (generator.isValid() == false) {
                // This should technically never happen is everything is
                // done via the cli since the validation check on the cli
                // side should of failed and prevented this call from
                // ever occurring
                buf = new StringBuffer();
                buf.append("Failed to update service tag registry due to a ");
                buf.append("validation error.\nSee logs for further details.");
                // Validation errors found via ServiceTagsGenerator are
                // logged by default
                return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.SERVICE_TAG_REGISTRY_VALIDATION_FAILURE);
            } else {
                buf.insert(0, "Successfully updated");
                logger.log(Level.INFO, buf.toString());
        return BigInteger.ZERO;
    } catch (MultiCellLibError mcle) {
        buf.insert(0, "Failed to update");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, buf.toString(), mcle);
        buf.append(" Reason: ");
        buf.append("Ensure that the servicetag entries are all valid by invoking the command,\n");
        buf.append("'servicetags --refresh'.");

        return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.FAILURE);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        buf.insert(0, "Failed to update");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, buf.toString(), ex);
        buf.append(" Reason: ");
        buf.append("Ensure that the servicetag entries are all valid by invoking the command,\n");
        buf.append("'servicetags --refresh'");
        return BigInteger.valueOf(CliConstants.FAILURE);
    } finally {
        if (reassureThread != null)

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.csniper.webapp.project.ProjectRepository.java

 * Gets the maximum column length.<br>
 * Why is this method located here? For convenience reasons - we already have access to
 * projectRepository on the relevant pages (EvaluationPage, AnnotationTypePage).
 * //from   ww  w .  j a  va 2  s  .  c om
 * @param aColumn
 *            the column for which the maximum length shall be returned
 * @return the maximum length of the specified column in the specified table
public int getDbColumnLength(String aEntityName, String aColumn) {
    BigInteger length = new BigInteger("255");

    final List<String> query = new ArrayList<String>();

    Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
    session.doWork(new Work() {
        public void execute(Connection aConnection) throws SQLException {
            query.add("WHERE table_schema = '" + aConnection.getCatalog() + "'");

    query.add("AND table_name = '" + aEntityName + "'");
    query.add("AND column_name = '" + aColumn + "'");

    try {
        length = (BigInteger) entityManager.createNativeQuery(StringUtils.join(query, " ")).getSingleResult();
    } catch (NoResultException e) {
        // log.debug("No results for query: " + StringUtils.join(query, " "));

    if (length.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    } else {
        return length.intValue();

From source file:org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.db.hibernate.HibernateSDMXHDDataExportDAO.java

public Integer executeQuery(String query, String startDate, String endDate) throws DAOException {
    query = query.toLowerCase();// ww  w. ja v  a  2  s .  c  o  m

    if (!query.startsWith("select")) {
        ////////////      return 0;
        return -1;

    BigInteger result = new BigInteger("0");
    String start = DateUtils.getDateFromRange(startDate) + " 00:00:00";
    String end = DateUtils.getDateFromRange(endDate) + " 23:59:59";

    try {
        if (query.indexOf("?") != -1) {
            query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", " '" + start + "' ");
            query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", " '" + end + "' ");
            while (query.contains("?")) {
                query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", " '" + start + "' ");
                query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", " '" + end + "' ");

        org.hibernate.Query q = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query);
        Object l = q.uniqueResult();
        if (l != null) {
            result = (BigInteger) l;


    catch (Exception e) {

        return -1;
    return result != null ? result.intValue() : -1;