Example usage for java.math BigInteger subtract

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger subtract


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger subtract.


public BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val) 

Source Link


Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this - val) .


From source file:piuk.blockchain.android.ui.AbstractWalletActivity.java

private void handleScanPrivateKeyPair(final ECKey key) throws Exception {
    final AlertDialog.Builder b = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

    b.setPositiveButton(R.string.sweep_text, null);

    b.setNeutralButton(R.string.import_text, null);

    b.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.no, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        @Override//w  w  w  .  j av a2 s.  c om
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

    b.setTitle("Scan Private Key");

    b.setMessage("Fetching Balance. Please Wait");

    final AlertDialog dialog = b.show();


    new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                final String address;
                if (key.isCompressed()) {
                    address = key.toAddressCompressed(MainNetParams.get()).toString();
                } else {
                    address = key.toAddressUnCompressed(MainNetParams.get()).toString();

                System.out.println("Scanned PK Address " + address);

                BigInteger balance = MyRemoteWallet.getAddressBalance(address);

                final BigInteger finalBalance = balance;

                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        final MyRemoteWallet remoteWallet = application.getRemoteWallet();

                        if (remoteWallet == null)


                        if (finalBalance.longValue() == 0) {
                            dialog.setMessage("The Balance of address " + address + " is zero.");
                        } else {
                                    "The Balance of " + address + " is " + WalletUtils.formatValue(finalBalance)
                                            + " BTC. Would you like to sweep it?");

                        dialog.getButton(Dialog.BUTTON3).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(View v) {

                                if (remoteWallet.isDoubleEncrypted() == false) {
                                    reallyAddKey(dialog, key);
                                } else {
                                    if (remoteWallet.temporySecondPassword == null) {
                                                new SuccessCallback() {

                                                    public void onSuccess() {
                                                        reallyAddKey(dialog, key);

                                                    public void onFail() {
                                                }, RequestPasswordDialog.PasswordTypeSecond);
                                    } else {
                                        reallyAddKey(dialog, key);

                        dialog.getButton(Dialog.BUTTON1).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(View v) {

                                try {
                                    MyRemoteWallet wallet = new MyRemoteWallet();

                                    wallet.addKey(key, address, null);

                                    Address to = application.determineSelectedAddress();

                                    if (to == null) {
                                        handler.post(new Runnable() {
                                            public void run() {


                                    BigInteger baseFee = wallet.getBaseFee();

                                    wallet.simpleSendCoinsAsync(to.toString(), finalBalance.subtract(baseFee),
                                            MyRemoteWallet.FeePolicy.FeeForce, baseFee, new SendProgress() {

                                                public boolean onReady(Transaction tx, BigInteger fee,
                                                        MyRemoteWallet.FeePolicy feePolicy, long priority) {
                                                    return true;

                                                public void onSend(Transaction tx, String message) {
                                                    handler.post(new Runnable() {
                                                        public void run() {

                                                            longToast("Private Key Successfully Swept");

                                                public ECKey onPrivateKeyMissing(String address) {
                                                    return null;

                                                public void onError(final String message) {
                                                    handler.post(new Runnable() {
                                                        public void run() {


                                                public void onProgress(String message) {

                                                public void onStart() {

                                } catch (final Exception e) {

                                    handler.post(new Runnable() {
                                        public void run() {

            } catch (final Exception e) {

                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {


From source file:com.google.bitcoin.core.Wallet.java

private void receive(Transaction tx, StoredBlock block, BlockChain.NewBlockType blockType, int relativityOffset)
        throws VerificationException {
    // Runs in a peer thread.
    BigInteger prevBalance = getBalance();
    Sha256Hash txHash = tx.getHash();/* w w  w.  j a va 2  s  .  co  m*/
    boolean bestChain = blockType == BlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN;
    boolean sideChain = blockType == BlockChain.NewBlockType.SIDE_CHAIN;

    BigInteger valueSentFromMe = tx.getValueSentFromMe(this);
    BigInteger valueSentToMe = tx.getValueSentToMe(this);
    BigInteger valueDifference = valueSentToMe.subtract(valueSentFromMe);

    log.info("!!!! receive START " + tx.getHashAsString());

    log.info("Received tx{} for {} BTC: {} [{}] in block {}", sideChain ? " on a side chain" : "",
            bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(valueDifference), tx.getHashAsString(), relativityOffset,
            block != null ? block.getHeader().getHash() : "(unit test)");

    /* CSPK-mike START */
    // Looking for CoinSpark assets in the transaction
    if (bestChain) {

        int blockHeight = 0;
        if (block != null) {
            blockHeight = block.getHeight();
            CS.log.info("New tx " + tx.getHash().toString() + " in block " + blockHeight);
        log.info("!!!! receive HIT!!! " + tx.getHashAsString());

        CSTransactionAssets txAssets = new CSTransactionAssets(tx);
        txAssets.updateAssetBalances(this, blockHeight, CS.getInputAssetBalances(tx));

        Look for payment reference and post CSEvent if found
        final int FBHCHAIN_START_BLOCK = 312500; // July 26th 2014
        // optimise, only check from period when assets were first being created
        if (blockHeight > FBHCHAIN_START_BLOCK) {
            log.info("!!!! Extracting CoinSpark payment reference from a transaction...");

            byte[] txnMetaData = null;
            //int metadataOutput=0;
            //int count=0;
            for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {

                byte[] scriptBytes = output.getScriptBytes();
                if (!CoinSparkBase.scriptIsRegular(scriptBytes)) {
                    txnMetaData = CoinSparkBase.scriptToMetadata(scriptBytes);

            if (txnMetaData != null) {
                CoinSparkPaymentRef paymentRef = new CoinSparkPaymentRef();
                if (paymentRef.decode(txnMetaData)) {
                    log.info("!!!! Found Payment Ref: " + paymentRef.toString());
                    HashMap<String, Long> map = new HashMap<String, Long>();
                    map.put(tx.getHashAsString(), paymentRef.getRef());
                    CSEventBus.INSTANCE.postAsyncEvent(CSEventType.TRANSACTION_PAYMENT_REFERENCE_RECEIVED, map);
    /* CSPK-mike END */

    // If the transaction is being replayed no need to add it to the wallet again.
    Transaction diagnosticTx = tx;
    if (spent.containsKey(txHash)) {
        diagnosticTx = spent.get(txHash);
    if (unspent.containsKey(txHash)) {
        diagnosticTx = unspent.get(txHash);

    if (dead.containsKey(txHash)) {
        diagnosticTx = dead.get(txHash);

    boolean isReplay = ((spent.containsKey(txHash) || unspent.containsKey(txHash) || dead.containsKey(txHash))
            && bestChain) && diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.BUILDING
            && (diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight() > lastBlockSeenHeight);

    if (isReplay) {
        log.debug("Replay diagnostic for tx = " + txHash);
        log.debug("  spent.containsKey(txHash) = " + spent.containsKey(txHash));
        log.debug("  unspent.containsKey(txHash) = " + unspent.containsKey(txHash));
        log.debug("  dead.containsKey(txHash) = " + dead.containsKey(txHash));
        log.debug("  diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType() = "
                + diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType());
        if (diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.BUILDING) {
            log.debug("  diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight() = "
                    + diagnosticTx.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight());
        log.debug("  lastBlockSeenHeight = " + lastBlockSeenHeight);
        log.debug("  bestChain = " + bestChain);

        // We know the tx appears in the chain in the future (compared to
        // now) and it is not a reorg so can ignore it.
        // This happens on replay.
        log.debug("Received a tx '" + txHash.toString() + "' which is a replay so ignoring.");

    // If this transaction is already in the wallet we may need to move it into a different pool. At the very
    // least we need to ensure we're manipulating the canonical object rather than a duplicate.
        Transaction tmp = transactions.get(tx.getHash());
        if (tmp != null)
            tx = tmp;

    boolean wasPending = pending.remove(txHash) != null;
    if (wasPending)
        log.info("  <-pending");

    if (bestChain) {
        if (wasPending) {
            // Was pending and is now confirmed. Disconnect the outputs in case we spent any already: they will be
            // re-connected by processTxFromBestChain below.
            for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
                final TransactionInput spentBy = output.getSpentBy();
                if (spentBy != null)

        processTxFromBestChain(tx, wasPending);
    } else {
        // Transactions that appear in a side chain will have that appearance recorded below - we assume that
        // some miners are also trying to include the transaction into the current best chain too, so let's treat
        // it as pending, except we don't need to do any risk analysis on it.
        if (wasPending) {
            // Just put it back in without touching the connections or confidence.
            addWalletTransaction(Pool.PENDING, tx);
            log.info("  ->pending");
        } else {
            // Ignore the case where a tx appears on a side chain at the same time as the best chain (this is
            // quite normal and expected).
            Sha256Hash hash = tx.getHash();
            if (!unspent.containsKey(hash) && !spent.containsKey(hash)) {
                // Otherwise put it (possibly back) into pending.
                // Committing it updates the spent flags and inserts into the pool as well.

    if (block != null) {
        // Mark the tx as appearing in this block so we can find it later after a re-org. This also tells the tx
        // confidence object about the block and sets its work done/depth appropriately.
        tx.setBlockAppearance(block, bestChain, relativityOffset);
        if (bestChain) {
            // Don't notify this tx of work done in notifyNewBestBlock which will be called immediately after
            // this method has been called by BlockChain for all relevant transactions. Otherwise we'd double
            // count.


    // Side chains don't affect confidence.
    if (bestChain) {
        // notifyNewBestBlock will be invoked next and will then call maybeQueueOnWalletChanged for us.
        confidenceChanged.put(tx, TransactionConfidence.Listener.ChangeReason.TYPE);
    } else {

    // Inform anyone interested that we have received or sent coins but only if:
    //  - This is not due to a re-org.
    //  - The coins appeared on the best chain.
    //  - We did in fact receive some new money.
    //  - We have not already informed the user about the coins when we received the tx broadcast, or for our
    //    own spends. If users want to know when a broadcast tx becomes confirmed, they need to use tx confidence
    //    listeners.
    if (!insideReorg && bestChain) {
        BigInteger newBalance = getBalance(); // This is slow.
        log.info("Balance is now: " + bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(newBalance));
        if (!wasPending) {
            int diff = valueDifference.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO);
            // We pick one callback based on the value difference, though a tx can of course both send and receive
            // coins from the wallet.
            if (diff > 0) {
                queueOnCoinsReceived(tx, prevBalance, newBalance);
            } else if (diff < 0) {
                queueOnCoinsSent(tx, prevBalance, newBalance);



From source file:com.peterbochs.PeterBochsDebugger.java

private void disasmFromEIPMinus100MenuItemActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String str;// w  ww.j  av  a 2  s . c o  m
    if (Global.clickedWhichInstructionPanel == 0) {
        str = (String) instructionTable.getValueAt(instructionTable.getSelectedRow(), 1);
    } else {
        str = (String) sourceLevelDebugger.instructionTable
                .getValueAt(sourceLevelDebugger.instructionTable.getSelectedRow(), 1);

    BigInteger address;
    if (str.startsWith("cCode")) {
        long l = CommonLib.string2long(str.split(":")[1]);
        address = BigInteger.valueOf(l);
    } else {
        long l = CommonLib.string2long(str.split(":")[0]);
        address = BigInteger.valueOf(l);


From source file:com.google.bitcoin.core.Wallet.java

 * Given a spend request containing an incomplete transaction, makes it valid by adding outputs and signed inputs
 * according to the instructions in the request. The transaction in the request is modified by this method, as is
 * the fee parameter./*from   ww w.jav a  2 s .  com*/
 * @param req a SendRequest that contains the incomplete transaction and details for how to make it valid.
 * @throws InsufficientMoneyException if the request could not be completed due to not enough balance.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if you try and complete the same SendRequest twice, or if the given send request
 *         cannot be completed without violating the protocol rules.
public void completeTx(SendRequest req, boolean sign)
        throws InsufficientMoneyException, CSExceptions.CannotEncode {
    try {
        checkArgument(!req.completed, "Given SendRequest has already been completed.");
        // Calculate the amount of value we need to import.
        BigInteger value = BigInteger.ZERO;
        for (TransactionOutput output : req.tx.getOutputs()) {
            value = value.add(output.getValue());
        BigInteger totalOutput = value;

        log.info("Completing send tx with {} outputs totalling {} satoshis (not including fees)",
                req.tx.getOutputs().size(), value);

        // If any inputs have already been added, we don't need to get their value from wallet
        BigInteger totalInput = BigInteger.ZERO;

        /* CSPK-mike START */
        /* Code commented out, input value is calculated after asset inputs were added            
                    for (TransactionInput input : req.tx.getInputs())
        if (input.getConnectedOutput() != null)
            totalInput = totalInput.add(input.getConnectedOutput().getValue());
            log.warn("SendRequest transaction already has inputs but we don't know how much they are worth - they will be added to fee.");
                    value = value.subtract(totalInput);
        /* CSPK-mike START */

        List<TransactionInput> originalInputs = new ArrayList<TransactionInput>(req.tx.getInputs());

        // We need to know if we need to add an additional fee because one of our values are smaller than 0.01 BTC
        boolean needAtLeastReferenceFee = false;
        if (req.ensureMinRequiredFee && !req.emptyWallet) { // min fee checking is handled later for emptyWallet
            for (TransactionOutput output : req.tx.getOutputs())
                if (output.getValue().compareTo(Utils.CENT) < 0) {
                    if (output.getValue().compareTo(output.getMinNonDustValue()) < 0)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "Tried to send dust with ensureMinRequiredFee set - no way to complete this");
                    needAtLeastReferenceFee = true;

        // Calculate a list of ALL potential candidates for spending and then ask a coin selector to provide us
        // with the actual outputs that'll be used to gather the required amount of value. In this way, users
        // can customize coin selection policies.
        // Note that this code is poorly optimized: the spend candidates only alter when transactions in the wallet
        // change - it could be pre-calculated and held in RAM, and this is probably an optimization worth doing.
        // Note that output.isMine(this) needs to test the keychain which is currently an array, so it's
        // O(candidate outputs ^ keychain.size())! There's lots of low hanging fruit here.
        LinkedList<TransactionOutput> candidates = calculateAllSpendCandidates(true);

        CoinSelection bestCoinSelection;
        TransactionOutput bestChangeOutput = null;
        if (!req.emptyWallet) {
            // This can throw InsufficientMoneyException.
            FeeCalculation feeCalculation;
            /* CSPK-mike START */
            //                feeCalculation = new FeeCalculation(req, value, originalInputs, needAtLeastReferenceFee, candidates);
            // Fee and inputs calculation

                            CoinSparkMessagePart [] MessageParts=new CoinSparkMessagePart[1];
                            MessageParts[0]=new CoinSparkMessagePart();
                            MessageParts[0].content="Hello World!".getBytes();
                            String [] DeliveryServers=new String [] {"assets1.coinspark.org/","assets1.coinspark.org/abc"};//,"" };
                            req.setMessage(MessageParts, DeliveryServers);
                            CoinSparkPaymentRef paymentRef=new CoinSparkPaymentRef(125);

            if (CS.createAssetTransfers(req, originalInputs, candidates)) {
                totalInput = BigInteger.ZERO;
                for (TransactionInput input : req.tx.getInputs()) {
                    if (input.getConnectedOutput() != null) {
                        totalInput = totalInput.add(input.getConnectedOutput().getValue());
                    } else {
                                "SendRequest transaction already has inputs but we don't know how much they are worth - they will be added to fee.");
                value = totalOutput;
                value = value.subtract(totalInput);

                originalInputs = new ArrayList<TransactionInput>(req.tx.getInputs());
                // Coinspark transaction has to have change output even if there are no explicit transfers.
                feeCalculation = new FeeCalculation(req, value, originalInputs, needAtLeastReferenceFee,
                        candidates, Transaction.MIN_NONDUST_OUTPUT);
            } else {
                throw new InsufficientMoneyException.CouldNotAdjustDownwards();

            /* CSPK-mike END */
            bestCoinSelection = feeCalculation.bestCoinSelection;
            bestChangeOutput = feeCalculation.bestChangeOutput;
        } else {
            // We're being asked to empty the wallet. What this means is ensuring "tx" has only a single output
            // of the total value we can currently spend as determined by the selector, and then subtracting the fee.
            checkState(req.tx.getOutputs().size() == 1, "Empty wallet TX must have a single output only.");
            CoinSelector selector = req.coinSelector == null ? coinSelector : req.coinSelector;
            bestCoinSelection = selector.select(NetworkParameters.MAX_MONEY, candidates);

            totalOutput = bestCoinSelection.valueGathered;

        for (TransactionOutput output : bestCoinSelection.gathered)

        /* CSPK-mike START */
        if (!CS.preparePaymentRef(req)) {
            throw new CSExceptions.CannotEncode("Cannot prepare payment reference");
        if (!CS.prepareMessage(req)) {
            throw new CSExceptions.CannotEncode("Cannot prepare message");
        /* CSPK-mike END */

        if (req.ensureMinRequiredFee && req.emptyWallet) {
            final BigInteger baseFee = req.fee == null ? BigInteger.ZERO : req.fee;
            final BigInteger feePerKb = req.feePerKb == null ? BigInteger.ZERO : req.feePerKb;
            Transaction tx = req.tx;
            if (!adjustOutputDownwardsForFee(tx, bestCoinSelection, baseFee, feePerKb))
                throw new InsufficientMoneyException.CouldNotAdjustDownwards();

        /* CSPK-mike START */
        // Input calculation for "Empty wallet" request
        if (req.emptyWallet) {
            Transaction tx = req.tx;
            TransactionOutput output = tx.getOutput(0);
            if (CS.createAssetTransfersForEmptyWallet(req,
                    output.getValue().subtract(output.getMinNonDustValue()))) {
                if (req.ensureMinRequiredFee) {
                    final BigInteger baseFee = req.fee == null ? BigInteger.ZERO : req.fee;
                    final BigInteger feePerKb = req.feePerKb == null ? BigInteger.ZERO : req.feePerKb;
                    totalOutput = bestCoinSelection.valueGathered;
                    if (!adjustOutputDownwardsForFee(tx, bestCoinSelection, baseFee, feePerKb, req.assetFee)) {
                        CS.log.warning("Empty wallet: not enough bitcoins to transfer assets.");
                        req.assetsEncoded = null;
                        req.assetFee = BigInteger.ZERO;
                        if (!adjustOutputDownwardsForFee(tx, bestCoinSelection, baseFee, feePerKb)) {
                            throw new InsufficientMoneyException.CouldNotAdjustDownwards();
                    totalOutput = output.getValue();
                    bestChangeOutput = null;
            totalOutput = output.getValue();
            bestChangeOutput = null;
        /* CSPK-mike END */

        totalInput = totalInput.add(bestCoinSelection.valueGathered);

        if (bestChangeOutput != null) {
            totalOutput = totalOutput.add(bestChangeOutput.getValue());
            log.info("  with {} coins change", bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(bestChangeOutput.getValue()));
        final BigInteger calculatedFee = totalInput.subtract(totalOutput);
        if (calculatedFee.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
            log.info("  with a fee of {}", bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(calculatedFee));

        // Now sign the inputs, thus proving that we are entitled to redeem the connected outputs.
        if (sign) {

        // Check size.
        int size = req.tx.bitcoinSerialize().length;
        if (size > Transaction.MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Transaction could not be created without exceeding max size: %d vs %d", size,

        // Label the transaction as being self created. We can use this later to spend its change output even before
        // the transaction is confirmed. We deliberately won't bother notifying listeners here as there's not much
        // point - the user isn't interested in a confidence transition they made themselves.

        // Keep a track of the date the tx was created (used in MultiBitService
        // to work out the block it appears in).
        req.tx.setUpdateTime(new Date());

        // Label the transaction as being a user requested payment. This can be used to render GUI wallet
        // transaction lists more appropriately, especially when the wallet starts to generate transactions itself
        // for internal purposes.
        req.completed = true;
        req.fee = calculatedFee;
        log.info("  completed: {}", req.tx);
    } finally {