Example usage for java.math BigInteger toString

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns the decimal String representation of this BigInteger.


From source file:com.bazaarvoice.jackson.rison.RisonGenerator.java

public void writeNumber(BigInteger value) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
    _verifyValueWrite("write number");
    if (value == null) {
        _writeNull();/*www  .j  a v  a  2  s. c  o  m*/
    } else if (_cfgNumbersAsStrings) {
    } else {

From source file:org.opendaylight.vpnservice.itm.confighelpers.ItmExternalTunnelAddWorker.java

private static boolean wireUp(BigInteger dpnId, String portname, Integer vlanId, IpAddress srcIp,
        String dstNodeId, IpAddress dstIp, IpPrefix srcSubnet, IpAddress gWIp, IpPrefix dstSubnet,
        Class<? extends TunnelTypeBase> tunType, Boolean monitorEnabled, Integer monitorInterval,
        IdManagerService idManagerService, DataBroker dataBroker, List<ListenableFuture<Void>> futures,
        WriteTransaction t) {/*from   www  .  jav a  2s. c  o m*/
    IpAddress gatewayIpObj = new IpAddress("".toCharArray());
    IpAddress gwyIpAddress = (srcSubnet.equals(dstSubnet)) ? gatewayIpObj : gWIp;
    String parentIf = ItmUtils.getInterfaceName(dpnId, portname, vlanId);
    String tunTypeStr = tunType.getName();
    String tunnelIfName = ItmUtils.getTrunkInterfaceName(idManagerService, parentIf,
            srcIp.getIpv4Address().getValue(), dstIp.getIpv4Address().getValue(), tunTypeStr);
            " Creating ExternalTrunk Interface with parameters Name - {}, parent I/f name - {}, source IP - {}, destination IP - {} gateway IP - {}",
            tunnelIfName, parentIf, srcIp, dstIp, gwyIpAddress);
    Interface extTunnelIf = ItmUtils.buildTunnelInterface(dpnId, tunnelIfName,
            String.format("%s %s", tunType.getName(), "Trunk Interface"), true, tunType, srcIp, dstIp,
            gwyIpAddress, vlanId, false, monitorEnabled, monitorInterval);
    InstanceIdentifier<Interface> ifIID = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Interfaces.class)
            .child(Interface.class, new InterfaceKey(tunnelIfName)).build();
    logger.trace(" Writing Trunk Interface to Config DS {}, {} ", ifIID, extTunnelIf);
    t.merge(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, ifIID, extTunnelIf, true);
    InstanceIdentifier<ExternalTunnel> path = InstanceIdentifier.create(ExternalTunnelList.class).child(
            new ExternalTunnelKey(getExternalTunnelKey(dstNodeId), dpnId.toString(), tunType));
    ExternalTunnel tnl = ItmUtils.buildExternalTunnel(dpnId.toString(), getExternalTunnelKey(dstNodeId),
            tunType, tunnelIfName);
    t.merge(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, path, tnl, true);
    return true;

From source file:com.mastercard.mcbp.utils.crypto.CryptoServiceImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//w  w  w.j av  a2 s .  c o m
public final int initRsaPrivateKey(final ByteArray primeP, final ByteArray primeQ,
        final ByteArray primeExponentP, final ByteArray primeExponentQ, final ByteArray crtCoefficient)
        throws McbpCryptoException {
    try {
        final BigInteger p = new BigInteger(primeP.toHexString(), 16);
        final BigInteger q = new BigInteger(primeQ.toHexString(), 16);
        final BigInteger dp = new BigInteger(primeExponentP.toHexString(), 16);
        final BigInteger dq = new BigInteger(primeExponentQ.toHexString(), 16);
        final BigInteger a = new BigInteger(crtCoefficient.toHexString(), 16);

        final BigInteger n = p.multiply(q);
        final BigInteger e = dp.modInverse(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE));

        final BigInteger d = e.modInverse(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).multiply(q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))

        final RSAPrivateKey rsaKey = (RSAPrivateKey) KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA")
                .generatePrivate(new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, a));


        return n.bitLength() / 8;

    } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        throw new McbpCryptoException(e.toString());

From source file:org.apache.pig.data.BinInterSedes.java

private void writeBigInteger(DataOutput out, BigInteger bi) throws IOException {
    writeDatum(out, bi.toString());

From source file:com.facebook.infrastructure.service.StorageService.java

public String getAppropriateToken(int count) {
    BigInteger token = BootstrapAndLbHelper.getTokenBasedOnPrimaryCount(count);
    return token.toString();

From source file:com.facebook.infrastructure.service.StorageService.java

public String getToken(EndPoint ep) {
    EndPoint ep2 = new EndPoint(ep.getHost(), DatabaseDescriptor.getStoragePort());
    BigInteger token = tokenMetadata_.getToken(ep2);
    return (token == null) ? BigInteger.ZERO.toString() : token.toString();

From source file:com.spotify.reaper.cassandra.JmxProxy.java

public int triggerRepairPost2dot2(boolean fullRepair, RepairParallelism repairParallelism, String keyspace,
        Collection<String> columnFamilies, BigInteger beginToken, BigInteger endToken,
        String cassandraVersion) {
    Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();

    options.put(RepairOption.PARALLELISM_KEY, repairParallelism.getName());
    //options.put(RepairOption.PRIMARY_RANGE_KEY, Boolean.toString(primaryRange));
    options.put(RepairOption.INCREMENTAL_KEY, Boolean.toString(!fullRepair));
    options.put(RepairOption.JOB_THREADS_KEY, Integer.toString(1));
    options.put(RepairOption.TRACE_KEY, Boolean.toString(Boolean.FALSE));
    options.put(RepairOption.COLUMNFAMILIES_KEY, StringUtils.join(columnFamilies, ","));
    //options.put(RepairOption.PULL_REPAIR_KEY, Boolean.FALSE);
    options.put(RepairOption.RANGES_KEY, beginToken.toString() + ":" + endToken.toString());

    //options.put(RepairOption.DATACENTERS_KEY, StringUtils.join(specificDataCenters, ","));
    //options.put(RepairOption.HOSTS_KEY, StringUtils.join(specificHosts, ","));

    return ((StorageServiceMBean) ssProxy).repairAsync(keyspace, options);

From source file:info.savestate.saveybot.JSONFileManipulator.java

public String saveSlot(String slotString, String username, String message) {
    BigInteger slot;
    try {// w  w w.ja v  a  2  s . c o  m
        slot = new BigInteger(slotString);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return "lmao bye af thats not a real number";
    JSONArray json = getJSON();
    int replaceIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject o = json.getJSONObject(i);
        if (o == null)
        BigInteger current = new BigInteger(o.getString("slot"));
        if (current.equals(slot)) {
            if (!o.getString("name").equals(username)) {
                return "waohwo!!! " + o.getString("name") + " owns this savestate you dong !!";
            } else {
                replaceIndex = i;
    JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
    o.put("name", username);
    o.put("slot", slot.toString());
    o.put("message", message);
    if (replaceIndex != -1) {
        json.put(replaceIndex, o);
    } else
    return "ur savestate was sav'd to slot " + slot.toString() + "! ^O^";

From source file:org.opendaylight.genius.itm.confighelpers.ItmExternalTunnelAddWorker.java

private static boolean wireUp(BigInteger dpnId, String portname, Integer vlanId, IpAddress srcIp,
        Boolean remoteIpFlow, String dstNodeId, IpAddress dstIp, IpPrefix srcSubnet, IpAddress gwIp,
        IpPrefix dstSubnet, Class<? extends TunnelTypeBase> tunType, Boolean monitorEnabled,
        Class<? extends TunnelMonitoringTypeBase> monitorProtocol, Integer monitorInterval,
        IdManagerService idManagerService, DataBroker dataBroker, List<ListenableFuture<Void>> futures,
        WriteTransaction transaction) {//from w w w .j  a  v  a2  s . c  o m
    IpAddress gatewayIpObj = new IpAddress("".toCharArray());
    IpAddress gwyIpAddress = srcSubnet.equals(dstSubnet) ? gatewayIpObj : gwIp;
    String parentIf = ItmUtils.getInterfaceName(dpnId, portname, vlanId);
    String tunTypeStr = tunType.getName();
    String tunnelIfName = ItmUtils.getTrunkInterfaceName(idManagerService, parentIf,
            new String(srcIp.getValue()), new String(dstIp.getValue()), tunTypeStr);
            " Creating ExternalTrunk Interface with parameters Name - {}, parent I/f name - {}, "
                    + "source IP - {}, destination IP - {} gateway IP - {}",
            tunnelIfName, parentIf, srcIp, dstIp, gwyIpAddress);
    Interface extTunnelIf = ItmUtils.buildTunnelInterface(dpnId, tunnelIfName,
            String.format("%s %s", tunType.getName(), "Trunk Interface"), true, tunType, srcIp, dstIp,
            gwyIpAddress, vlanId, false, monitorEnabled, monitorProtocol, monitorInterval, remoteIpFlow);
    InstanceIdentifier<Interface> ifIID = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Interfaces.class)
            .child(Interface.class, new InterfaceKey(tunnelIfName)).build();
    LOG.trace(" Writing Trunk Interface to Config DS {}, {} ", ifIID, extTunnelIf);
    transaction.merge(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, ifIID, extTunnelIf, true);
    InstanceIdentifier<ExternalTunnel> path = InstanceIdentifier.create(ExternalTunnelList.class).child(
            new ExternalTunnelKey(getExternalTunnelKey(dstNodeId), dpnId.toString(), tunType));
    ExternalTunnel tnl = ItmUtils.buildExternalTunnel(dpnId.toString(), getExternalTunnelKey(dstNodeId),
            tunType, tunnelIfName);
    transaction.merge(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, path, tnl, true);
    return true;

From source file:be.fedict.trust.service.bean.ValidationServiceBean.java

public Date validate(BigInteger serialNumber, byte[] issuerNameHash, byte[] issuerKeyHash) {
    Date unknownRevocationDate = new Date();
    CertificateAuthorityEntity certificateAuthority = this.certificateAuthorityLookupBean.lookup(issuerNameHash,
            issuerKeyHash);//from  w w  w . j av  a 2s  .c o m
    if (null == certificateAuthority) {
        LOG.error("no certificate authority found");
        return unknownRevocationDate;
    String caName = certificateAuthority.getName();
    LOG.debug("CA: " + caName);
    Date thisUpdate = certificateAuthority.getThisUpdate();
    Date nextUpdate = certificateAuthority.getNextUpdate();
    Date validationDate = new Date();
    if (Status.ACTIVE != certificateAuthority.getStatus()) {
        LOG.debug("CRL cache not active for CA: " + caName);
        return unknownRevocationDate;
    if (null == thisUpdate || validationDate.before(thisUpdate)) {
        LOG.debug("validation date before this update: " + caName);
        return unknownRevocationDate;
    if (null == nextUpdate || validationDate.after(nextUpdate)) {
        LOG.debug("validation date after next update: " + caName);
        return unknownRevocationDate;
    RevokedCertificateEntity revokedCertificate = this.entityManager.find(RevokedCertificateEntity.class,
            new RevokedCertificatePK(caName, serialNumber.toString()));
    if (null == revokedCertificate) {
        return null;
    LOG.debug("revoked certificate: " + caName + " " + serialNumber);
    return revokedCertificate.getRevocationDate();