Example usage for java.net JarURLConnection getJarEntry

List of usage examples for java.net JarURLConnection getJarEntry


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net JarURLConnection getJarEntry.


public JarEntry getJarEntry() throws IOException 

Source Link


Return the JAR entry object for this connection, if any.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    URL url = new URL("jar:file:/c://my.jar!/");
    JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();

    JarEntry jarEntry = conn.getJarEntry();

From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    URL url = new URL("jar:file:/c://my.jar!/");
    JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();

    JarEntry jarEntry = conn.getJarEntry();

From source file:com.amalto.core.query.SystemStorageTest.java

private static Collection<String> getConfigFiles() throws Exception {
    URL data = InitDBUtil.class.getResource("data"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    if ("jar".equals(data.getProtocol())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        JarURLConnection connection = (JarURLConnection) data.openConnection();
        JarEntry entry = connection.getJarEntry();
        JarFile file = connection.getJarFile();
        Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = file.entries();
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            JarEntry e = entries.nextElement();
            if (e.getName().startsWith(entry.getName()) && !e.isDirectory()) {
            }// w w  w  . jav  a  2 s  .  c  om
    } else {
        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(data.toURI()), new IOFileFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File file) {
                return true;

            public boolean accept(File file, String s) {
                return true;
        }, new IOFileFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File file) {
                return !".svn".equals(file.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$

            public boolean accept(File file, String s) {
                return !".svn".equals(file.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
        for (File f : files) {
            result.add(IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(f)));
    return result;

From source file:de.uni.bremen.monty.moco.util.MontyJar.java

public MontyJar(URL url) throws IOException {
    JarURLConnection urlConnection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    jarFile = urlConnection.getJarFile();
    jarEntry = urlConnection.getJarEntry();

From source file:org.apache.cxf.management.web.browser.bootstrapping.BootstrapStorage.java

public Response getResource(@Context final MessageContext mc, @PathParam("resource") final String resource) {
    if (isLastModifiedRequest(mc)) {
        return Response.notModified().build();
    }//  www. j  av  a  2 s.c om

    try {
        URL url;
        URL jar = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();

        url = new URL(String.format("jar:%s!/static-content/logbrowser/%s", jar, resource));

        JarURLConnection connection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        if (connection.getContentLength() == -1 || connection.getJarEntry() == null) {
            return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
        } else if (connection.getJarEntry().isDirectory()) {
            return Response.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).build();
        } else { // correct
            MediaType mime = getMimeType(mc, resource);
            StaticFile staticFile = new StaticFile(url, acceptsGzip(mc), mime);

            Response.ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(staticFile);
            builder.variant(new Variant(mime, (Locale) null, staticFile.isGzipEnabled() ? "gzip" : null));

            return builder.build();
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error occur while retrieve static file", e);
        return Response.serverError().build();

From source file:org.apache.myfaces.config.impl.FacesConfigEntityResolver.java

public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws IOException {
    InputStream stream;/*from  w  w  w .ja v  a  2s. c o  m*/
    if (systemId.equals(FACES_CONFIG_1_0_DTD_SYSTEM_ID)) {
        stream = ClassUtils.getResourceAsStream(FACES_CONFIG_1_0_DTD_RESOURCE);
    } else if (systemId.equals(FACES_CONFIG_1_1_DTD_SYSTEM_ID)) {
        stream = ClassUtils.getResourceAsStream(FACES_CONFIG_1_1_DTD_RESOURCE);

    else if (systemId.startsWith("jar:")) {
        URL url = new URL(systemId);
        JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        JarEntry jarEntry = conn.getJarEntry();
        if (jarEntry == null) {
            log.fatal("JAR entry '" + systemId + "' not found.");
        stream = conn.getJarFile().getInputStream(jarEntry);
    } else {
        if (_externalContext == null) {
            stream = ClassUtils.getResourceAsStream(systemId);
        } else {
            if (systemId.startsWith("file:")) {
                systemId = systemId.substring(7); // remove file://
            stream = _externalContext.getResourceAsStream(systemId);

    if (stream == null) {
        return null;
    InputSource is = new InputSource(stream);
    return is;

From source file:org.b3log.latke.ioc.ClassPathResolver.java

 * scan the jar to get the URLS of the Classes.
 * @param rootDirResource which is "Jar"
 * @param subPattern      subPattern//  w  ww . j a v  a2 s.c  om
 * @return the URLs of all the matched classes
private static Collection<? extends URL> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(final URL rootDirResource,
        final String subPattern) {

    final Set<URL> result = new LinkedHashSet<URL>();

    JarFile jarFile = null;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath = null;
    URLConnection con;
    boolean newJarFile = false;

    try {
        con = rootDirResource.openConnection();

        if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
            final JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;

            jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
            jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
            final JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();

            rootEntryPath = jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "";
        } else {
            // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
            // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the
            // protocol
            // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
            // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:"
            // prefix.
            final String urlFile = rootDirResource.getFile();
            final int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);

            if (separatorIndex != -1) {
                jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
                rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length());
                jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
            } else {
                jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
                jarFileUrl = urlFile;
                rootEntryPath = "";
            newJarFile = true;


    } catch (final IOException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "reslove jar File error", e);
        return result;
    try {
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper
            // matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit
            // does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        for (final Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            final JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();
            final String entryPath = entry.getName();

            String relativePath = null;

            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());

                if (AntPathMatcher.match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
                    if (relativePath.startsWith("/")) {
                        relativePath = relativePath.substring(1);
                    result.add(new URL(rootDirResource, relativePath));
        return result;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "parse the JarFile error", e);
    } finally {
        // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained -
        // not from JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference.
        if (newJarFile) {
            try {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, " occur error when closing jarFile", e);
    return result;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.java

 * Find all resources in jar files that match the given location pattern
 * via the Ant-style PathMatcher./*  w  ww . j a v a  2s . c o  m*/
 * @param rootDirResource the root directory as Resource
 * @param subPattern the sub pattern to match (below the root directory)
 * @return the Set of matching Resource instances
 * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors
 * @see java.net.JarURLConnection
protected Set<Resource> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(Resource rootDirResource, String subPattern)
        throws IOException {

    URLConnection con = rootDirResource.getURL().openConnection();
    JarFile jarFile;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath;
    boolean newJarFile = false;

    if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
        // Should usually be the case for traditional JAR files.
        JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;
        jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
        jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
        JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();
        rootEntryPath = (jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "");
    } else {
        // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
        // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the protocol
        // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
        // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:" prefix.
        String urlFile = rootDirResource.getURL().getFile();
        int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);
        if (separatorIndex != -1) {
            jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
            rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length());
            jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
        } else {
            jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
            jarFileUrl = urlFile;
            rootEntryPath = "";
        newJarFile = true;

    try {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Looking for matching resources in jar file [" + jarFileUrl + "]");
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        Set<Resource> result = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>(8);
        for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String entryPath = entry.getName();
            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                String relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());
                if (getPathMatcher().match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
        return result;
    } finally {
        // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained -
        // not from JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference.
        if (newJarFile) {

From source file:org.grails.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.java

 * Find all resources in jar files that match the given location pattern
 * via the Ant-style PathMatcher./*from  w  ww.  j a v a  2 s .c o  m*/
 * @param rootDirResource the root directory as Resource
 * @param subPattern the sub pattern to match (below the root directory)
 * @return the Set of matching Resource instances
 * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors
 * @see java.net.JarURLConnection
protected Set<Resource> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(Resource rootDirResource, String subPattern)
        throws IOException {

    URLConnection con = rootDirResource.getURL().openConnection();
    JarFile jarFile;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath;
    boolean newJarFile = false;

    if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
        // Should usually be the case for traditional JAR files.
        JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;
        jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
        jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
        JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();
        rootEntryPath = (jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "");
    } else {
        // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
        // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the protocol
        // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
        // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:" prefix.
        String urlFile = rootDirResource.getURL().getFile();
        int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);
        if (separatorIndex != -1) {
            jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
            rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length());
            jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
        } else {
            jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
            jarFileUrl = urlFile;
            rootEntryPath = "";
        newJarFile = true;

    try {
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        Set<Resource> result = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>(8);
        for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String entryPath = entry.getName();
            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                String relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());
                if (getPathMatcher().match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
        return result;
    } finally {
        // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained -
        // not from JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference.
        if (newJarFile) {

From source file:org.jboss.tools.jst.web.kb.taglib.TagLibraryManager.java

private static File convertUriToFile(String uri) throws IOException {
    File file = tempFiles.get(uri);
    if (file != null && file.exists()) {
        return file;
    }/*from   ww w . j  a  va  2s  .co  m*/

    URL url = new URL(uri);
    String filePath = url.getFile();
    file = new File(filePath);
    if (!file.exists()) {
        URLConnection c = url.openConnection();
        if (c instanceof JarURLConnection) {
            JarURLConnection connection = (JarURLConnection) c;
            JarFile jar = connection.getJarFile();
            JarEntry entry = connection.getJarEntry();

            File entryFile = new File(entry.getName());
            String name = entryFile.getName();
            String prefix = name;
            String sufix = null;
            int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (i > 0 && i < name.length()) {
                prefix = name.substring(0, i);
                sufix = name.substring(i);
            while (prefix.length() < 3) {
                prefix += "_";

            WebKbPlugin plugin = WebKbPlugin.getDefault();
            if (plugin != null) {
                //The plug-in instance can be null at shutdown, when the plug-in is stopped. 
                IPath path = plugin.getStateLocation();
                File tmp = new File(path.toFile(), "tmp"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                file = File.createTempFile(prefix, sufix, tmp);

                InputStream in = null;
                try {
                    in = jar.getInputStream(entry);
                    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
                    IOUtils.copy(in, out);

                } finally {
    if (file.exists()) {
        tempFiles.put(uri, file);
    } else {
        file = null;
    return file;