Example usage for java.net URLClassLoader subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.net URLClassLoader subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net URLClassLoader subclass-usage.


From source file org.ow2.bonita.runtime.AbstractClassLoader.java

 * @author Charles Souillard, Matthieu Chaffotte, Elias Ricken de Medeiros
abstract class AbstractClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {

From source file org.apache.axis2.classloader.MultiParentClassLoader.java

 * A MultiParentClassLoader is a simple extension of the URLClassLoader that simply changes the single parent class
 * loader model to support a list of parent class loaders.  Each operation that accesses a parent, has been replaced
 * with a operation that checks each parent in order.  This getParent method of this class will always return null,
 * which may be interpreted by the calling code to mean that this class loader is a direct child of the system class
 * loader.

From source file org.openqa.jetty.http.ContextLoader.java

/** ClassLoader for HttpContext.
 * Specializes URLClassLoader with some utility and file mapping
 * methods.
 * This loader defaults to the 2.3 servlet spec behaviour where non
 * system classes are loaded from the classpath in preference to the

From source file org.hyperic.util.PluginLoader.java

public class PluginLoader extends URLClassLoader {

    private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(PluginLoader.class.getName());
    //XXX WAS 6.1 seems to have an issue with %20
    private static final boolean ESCAPE_SPACES = !"false".equals(System.getProperty("PluginLoader.ESCAPE_SPACES"));
    private Map addedURLs = new HashMap();

From source file org.rhq.core.pc.plugin.PluginClassLoader.java

 * Classloader for the plugin jar itself and any embedded lib/* jars.
public class PluginClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
    private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

From source file org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.http.ContextLoader.java

/** ClassLoader for HttpContext.
 * Specializes URLClassLoader with some utility and file mapping
 * methods.
 * This loader defaults to the 2.3 servlet spec behaviour where non
 * system classes are loaded from the classpath in preference to the

From source file com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.javacl.JavaClassLoader.java

public class JavaClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
    private static final String JAVA_CLASSPATH = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
    private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("path.separator");
    private static final String JAR_EXT = ".jar";

From source file net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.jetty.http.ContextLoader.java

/** ClassLoader for HttpContext.
 * Specializes URLClassLoader with some utility and file mapping
 * methods.
 * This loader defaults to the 2.3 servlet spec behaviour where non
 * system classes are loaded from the classpath in preference to the

From source file JarClassLoader.java

 * A class loader for loading jar files, both local and remote.
 * Adapted from the Java Tutorial.
 * http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jar/api/index.html

From source file com.dragome.callbackevictor.serverside.ContinuationClassLoader.java

 * {@link URLClassLoader} with bytecode instrumentation for javaflow.
 * <p>
 * This class loader is useful where the application can set up multiple
 * class loaders (such as in a container environment,