Example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer capacity

List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer capacity


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer capacity.


public final int capacity() 

Source Link


Returns the capacity of this buffer.


From source file:com.slytechs.capture.file.editor.AbstractRawIterator.java

public void swap(final Long r1, final Long r2) throws IOException {

    if (r1 == r2) {
        return; // Nothing to do
    }//  w w  w. ja  v  a2s  .c  o  m

    // Flip them around, make sure r1 is always < r2
    if (r1 < r2) {
        this.swap(r2, r1);

    final long p = this.getPosition(); // remember current position

    // 1st aquire the buffers for both records
    final ByteBuffer b1 = BufferUtils.slice(this.next()); // Remember the buffer

    final ByteBuffer b2 = BufferUtils.slice(this.next()); // Remember the buffer

    // Replace r2 first, as its replacement won't affect position of r1

    // Lastly replace r1, it might affect r2 position, but r2 has already been
    // replaced, so no big deal

     * Try to get back to roughly the same position, the position might only
     * change if r1 < position < r2 and if r1.length != r2.length, otherwise the
     * position should still end up on same record's start position

    this.autoflush.autoflushChange(b1.capacity() + b2.capacity());

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DWRRBlockReceiver.java

 * Receives and processes a packet. It can contain many chunks.
 * returns the number of data bytes that the packet has.
 */// w ww.  j av  a2  s.com
private int receivePacket() throws IOException {
    // read the next packet

    PacketHeader header = packetReceiver.getHeader();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Receiving one packet for block " + block + ": " + header);

    // Sanity check the header
    if (header.getOffsetInBlock() > replicaInfo.getNumBytes()) {
        throw new IOException("Received an out-of-sequence packet for " + block + "from " + inAddr
                + " at offset " + header.getOffsetInBlock() + ". Expecting packet starting at "
                + replicaInfo.getNumBytes());
    if (header.getDataLen() < 0) {
        throw new IOException("Got wrong length during writeBlock(" + block + ") from " + inAddr + " at offset "
                + header.getOffsetInBlock() + ": " + header.getDataLen());

    long offsetInBlock = header.getOffsetInBlock();
    long seqno = header.getSeqno();
    boolean lastPacketInBlock = header.isLastPacketInBlock();
    int len = header.getDataLen();
    boolean syncBlock = header.getSyncBlock();

    // avoid double sync'ing on close
    if (syncBlock && lastPacketInBlock) {
        this.syncOnClose = false;

    // update received bytes
    long firstByteInBlock = offsetInBlock;
    offsetInBlock += len;
    if (replicaInfo.getNumBytes() < offsetInBlock) {

    // put in queue for pending acks, unless sync was requested
    if (responder != null && !syncBlock && !shouldVerifyChecksum()) {
        ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock,

    //First write the packet to the mirror:
    if (mirrorOut != null && !mirrorError) {
        try {
            long begin = Time.monotonicNow();
            long duration = Time.monotonicNow() - begin;
            if (duration > datanodeSlowLogThresholdMs) {
                LOG.warn("Slow DWRRBlockReceiver write packet to mirror took " + duration + "ms (threshold="
                        + datanodeSlowLogThresholdMs + "ms)");
        } catch (IOException e) {

    ByteBuffer dataBuf = packetReceiver.getDataSlice();
    ByteBuffer checksumBuf = packetReceiver.getChecksumSlice();

    if (lastPacketInBlock || len == 0) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Receiving an empty packet or the end of the block " + block);
        // sync block if requested
        //      if (syncBlock) {
        //        flushOrSync(true);
        //      }
    } else {
        int checksumLen = ((len + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum) * checksumSize;

        if (checksumBuf.capacity() != checksumLen) {
            throw new IOException("Length of checksums in packet " + checksumBuf.capacity()
                    + " does not match calculated checksum " + "length " + checksumLen);

        if (shouldVerifyChecksum()) {
            try {
                verifyChunks(dataBuf, checksumBuf);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // checksum error detected locally. there is no reason to continue.
                if (responder != null) {
                    try {
                        ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock,
                                offsetInBlock, Status.ERROR_CHECKSUM);
                        // Wait until the responder sends back the response
                        // and interrupt this thread.
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new IOException("Terminating due to a checksum error." + ioe);

            if (needsChecksumTranslation) {
                // overwrite the checksums in the packet buffer with the
                // appropriate polynomial for the disk storage.
                translateChunks(dataBuf, checksumBuf);

        // by this point, the data in the buffer uses the disk checksum

        try {
            long onDiskLen = replicaInfo.getBytesOnDisk();
            if (onDiskLen < offsetInBlock) {
                //finally write to the disk :

                //          if (onDiskLen % bytesPerChecksum != 0) {
                //            // prepare to overwrite last checksum
                //            adjustCrcFilePosition();
                //          }

                // If this is a partial chunk, then read in pre-existing checksum
                if (firstByteInBlock % bytesPerChecksum != 0) {
                    LOG.info("Packet starts at " + firstByteInBlock + " for " + block
                            + " which is not a multiple of bytesPerChecksum " + bytesPerChecksum);
                    long offsetInChecksum = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize()
                            + onDiskLen / bytesPerChecksum * checksumSize;
                    computePartialChunkCrc(onDiskLen, offsetInChecksum, bytesPerChecksum);

                int startByteToDisk = (int) (onDiskLen - firstByteInBlock) + dataBuf.arrayOffset()
                        + dataBuf.position();

                int numBytesToDisk = (int) (offsetInBlock - onDiskLen);

                toBeWritten.add(new DWRRWriteRequest(dataBuf.array().clone(), startByteToDisk, numBytesToDisk,
                        checksumBuf.duplicate(), checksumBuf.array().clone(), checksumLen, len, offsetInBlock,
                        syncBlock, lastPacketInBlock));

                ChunkChecksum last = replicaInfo.getLastChecksumAndDataLen();

                if (offsetInBlock % bytesPerChecksum != 0) {
                    LOG.error("CAMAMILLA " + this + "  mod onDiskLen petara offsetInBlock " + offsetInBlock
                            + " bytesPerChecksum " + bytesPerChecksum); // TODO TODO log
                replicaInfo.setLastChecksumAndDataLen(offsetInBlock, last.getChecksum());

        } catch (IOException iex) {
            throw iex;

    // if sync was requested, put in queue for pending acks here
    // (after the fsync finished)
    if (responder != null && (syncBlock || shouldVerifyChecksum())) {
        LOG.info("CAMAMILLA " + this + "  PacketResponder enqueue ack al llegir de xarxa 1"); // TODO TODO log
        ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock,

    if (throttler != null) { // throttle I/O

    return lastPacketInBlock ? -1 : len;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.ContainerManagerImpl.java

private void materializeX509(ApplicationId appId, String user, String userFolder, ByteBuffer keyStore,
        String keyStorePass, ByteBuffer trustStore, String trustStorePass) throws IOException {

    if (context.getApplications().containsKey(appId)) {
        LOG.debug("Application reference exists, certificates should have " + "already been materialized");
        return;//from  w w w. j a  va  2s  . c o m

    if (keyStore == null || trustStore == null || (keyStore.capacity() == 0) || (trustStore.capacity() == 0)) {
        throw new IOException(
                "RPC TLS is enabled but keyStore or trustStore " + "supplied is either null or empty");
    // ApplicationMasters will also call startContainers() through NMClient
    // In that case there will be no password set for keystore and truststore
    // Only RM will set these values when launching AM container through the
    // AMLauncher
    if (keyStorePass != null && !keyStorePass.isEmpty() && trustStorePass != null
            && !trustStorePass.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            context.getCertificateLocalizationService().materializeCertificates(user, appId.toString(),
                    userFolder, keyStore, keyStorePass, trustStore, trustStorePass);
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            LOG.error(ex, ex);
            throw new IOException(ex);

From source file:com.koda.integ.hbase.storage.FileExtStorage.java

 * Tries to store batch of blocks into a current buffer.
 * @param buf the buf/*from  w ww  . j a  v a2  s .  co m*/
 * @return the list
private List<StorageHandle> storeDataNoReleaseLock(ByteBuffer buf) {

    List<StorageHandle> handles = new ArrayList<StorageHandle>();
    try {

        if (activeBuffer.get() == null) {
            return null;
        int size = buf.getInt(0);
        long off = bufferOffset.get();
        if (off + size > bufferSize) {
            return null;

        long currentFileLength = currentFileOffsetForWrites.get();
        if (bufferOffset.get() == 0 && currentFileLength + bufferSize > fileSizeLimit) {
            // previous buffer was flushed


        while (buf.position() < size + 4) {
            int pos = buf.position();
            int blockSize = buf.getInt();
            buf.limit(pos + 4 + blockSize);
            FileStorageHandle fsh = new FileStorageHandle(maxIdForWrites.get(),
                    (int) (currentFileOffsetForWrites.get()), blockSize);
            // Increase offset in current file for writes;
            currentFileOffsetForWrites.addAndGet(blockSize + 4);
            bufferOffset.getAndAdd(blockSize + 4);
        return handles;
    } finally {
        WriteLock lock = writeLock.writeLock();
        if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {

From source file:org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.serializer.MapRegisterSerializer.java

public MapRegister deserialize(ByteBuffer registerBuffer) {
    try {/* ww  w .  j  a va  2s.c  o  m*/
        MapRegisterBuilder builder = new MapRegisterBuilder();
        builder.setEidToLocatorRecord(new ArrayList<EidToLocatorRecord>());

        byte typeAndFlags = registerBuffer.get();
        boolean xtrSiteIdPresent = ByteUtil.extractBit(typeAndFlags, Flags.XTRSITEID);
        builder.setProxyMapReply(ByteUtil.extractBit(typeAndFlags, Flags.PROXY));

        registerBuffer.position(registerBuffer.position() + Length.RES);
        builder.setWantMapNotify(ByteUtil.extractBit(registerBuffer.get(), Flags.WANT_MAP_REPLY));
        byte recordCount = (byte) ByteUtil.getUnsignedByte(registerBuffer);
        short authenticationLength = registerBuffer.getShort();
        byte[] authenticationData = new byte[authenticationLength];

        for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
            builder.getEidToLocatorRecord().add(new EidToLocatorRecordBuilder(

        if (xtrSiteIdPresent) {
            byte[] xtrId = new byte[Length.XTRID_SIZE];
            byte[] siteId = new byte[Length.SITEID_SIZE];
        byte[] mapRegisterBytes = new byte[registerBuffer.position()];
        return builder.build();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        throw new LispSerializationException(
                "Couldn't deserialize Map-Register (len=" + registerBuffer.capacity() + ")", re);


From source file:edu.mbl.jif.imaging.mmtiff.MultipageTiffReader.java

private TaggedImage readTaggedImage(IFDData data) throws IOException {
    ByteBuffer pixelBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) data.bytesPerImage);
    ByteBuffer mdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) data.mdLength);
    fileChannel_.read(pixelBuffer, data.pixelOffset);
    fileChannel_.read(mdBuffer, data.mdOffset);
    JSONObject md = null;/*ww w  .ja  v  a2  s .  co m*/
    try {
        md = new JSONObject(getString(mdBuffer));
    } catch (JSONException ex) {
        ReportingUtils.logError("Error reading image metadata from file");

    if (byteDepth_ == 0) {

    if (rgb_) {
        if (byteDepth_ == 1) {
            byte[] pixels = new byte[(int) (4 * data.bytesPerImage / 3)];
            int i = 0;
            for (byte b : pixelBuffer.array()) {
                pixels[i] = b;
                if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) {
                    pixels[i] = 0;
            return new TaggedImage(pixels, md);
        } else {
            short[] pixels = new short[(int) (2 * (data.bytesPerImage / 3))];
            int i = 0;
            while (i < pixels.length) {
                pixels[i] = pixelBuffer.getShort(2 * ((i / 4) * 3 + (i % 4)));
                if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) {
                    pixels[i] = 0;
            return new TaggedImage(pixels, md);
    } else {
        if (byteDepth_ == 1) {
            return new TaggedImage(pixelBuffer.array(), md);
        } else {
            short[] pix = new short[pixelBuffer.capacity() / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < pix.length; i++) {
                pix[i] = pixelBuffer.getShort(i * 2);
            return new TaggedImage(pix, md);

From source file:com.aionemu.gameserver.services.LegionService.java

 * @param player/*from w  ww .j  a va2  s  . c  om*/
 * @param legionEmblem
 * @param legionId
 * @param legionName
public void sendEmblemData(Player player, LegionEmblem legionEmblem, int legionId, String legionName) {
            new SM_LEGION_SEND_EMBLEM(legionId, legionEmblem.getEmblemId(), legionEmblem.getColor_r(),
                    legionEmblem.getColor_g(), legionEmblem.getColor_b(), legionName,
                    legionEmblem.getEmblemType(), legionEmblem.getCustomEmblemData().length));
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(legionEmblem.getCustomEmblemData().length);
    log.debug("legionEmblem size: " + buf.capacity() + " bytes");
    int maxSize = 7993;
    int currentSize;
    byte[] bytes;
    do {
        log.debug("legionEmblem data position: " + buf.position());
        currentSize = buf.capacity() - buf.position();
        log.debug("legionEmblem data remaining capacity: " + currentSize + " bytes");

        if (currentSize >= maxSize) {
            bytes = new byte[maxSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
                bytes[i] = buf.get();
            log.debug("legionEmblem data send size: " + (bytes.length) + " bytes");
            PacketSendUtility.sendPacket(player, new SM_LEGION_SEND_EMBLEM_DATA(maxSize, bytes));
        } else {
            bytes = new byte[currentSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++) {
                bytes[i] = buf.get();
            log.debug("legionEmblem data send size: " + (bytes.length) + " bytes");
            PacketSendUtility.sendPacket(player, new SM_LEGION_SEND_EMBLEM_DATA(currentSize, bytes));
    } while (buf.capacity() != buf.position());

From source file:org.bimserver.collada.ColladaSerializer.java

private void setGeometry(PrintWriter out, IfcProduct ifcProductObject, String material)
        throws RenderEngineException, SerializerException {
    // Mostly just skips IfcOpeningElements which one would probably not want to end up in the Collada file.
    if (ifcProductObject instanceof IfcFeatureElementSubtraction)
        return;/*from   w  w w. j av a2  s.  c om*/
    GeometryInfo geometryInfo = ifcProductObject.getGeometry();
    if (geometryInfo != null && geometryInfo.getTransformation() != null) {
        GeometryData geometryData = geometryInfo.getData();
        ByteBuffer indicesBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(geometryData.getIndices());
        // TODO: In Blender (3d modeling tool) and Three.js, normals are ignored in favor of vertex order. The incoming geometry seems to be in order 0 1 2 when it needs to be in 1 0 2. Need more test cases.
        // Failing order: (0, 1050, 2800), (0, 1050, 3100), (3580, 1050, 3100)
        // Successful order: (0, 1050, 3100), (0, 1050, 2800), (3580, 1050, 3100)
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        while (indicesBuffer.hasRemaining())
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += 3) {
            Integer first = list.get(i);
            Integer next = list.get(i + 1);
            list.set(i, next);
            list.set(i + 1, first);
        // Positions the X or the Y or the Z of (X, Y, Z).
        ByteBuffer positionsBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(geometryData.getVertices());
        // Do pass to find highest Z for considered objects.
        while (positionsBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
            float x = positionsBuffer.getFloat();
            float y = positionsBuffer.getFloat();
            float z = positionsBuffer.getFloat();
            // X
            if (x > highestObserved.x())
            else if (x < lowestObserved.x())
            // Y
            if (y > highestObserved.y())
            else if (y < lowestObserved.y())
            // Z
            if (z > highestObserved.z())
            else if (z < lowestObserved.z())
        ByteBuffer normalsBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(geometryData.getNormals());
        // Create a geometry identification number in the form of: geom-320450
        long oid = ifcProductObject.getOid();
        String id = String.format("geom-%d", oid);
        // If the material doesn't exist in the converted map, add it.
        if (!converted.containsKey(material))
            converted.put(material, new HashSet<IfcProduct>());
        // Add the current IfcProduct to the appropriate entry in the material map.
        // Name for geometry.
        String name = (ifcProductObject.getGlobalId() == null) ? "[NO_GUID]" : ifcProductObject.getGlobalId();
        // Counts.
        int vertexComponentsTotal = positionsBuffer.capacity() / 4,
                normalComponentsTotal = normalsBuffer.capacity() / 4;
        int verticesCount = positionsBuffer.capacity() / 12, normalsCount = normalsBuffer.capacity() / 12,
                triangleCount = indicesBuffer.capacity() / 12;
        // Vertex scalars as one long string: 4.05 2 1 55.0 34.01 2
        String stringPositionScalars = byteBufferToFloatingPointSpaceDelimitedString(positionsBuffer);
        // Normal scalars as one long string: 4.05 2 1 55.0 34.01 2
        String stringNormalScalars = byteBufferToFloatingPointSpaceDelimitedString(normalsBuffer); //doubleBufferToFloatingPointSpaceDelimitedString(flippedNormalsBuffer);
        // Vertex indices as one long string: 1 0 2 0 3 2 5 4 6
        String stringIndexScalars = listToSpaceDelimitedString(list, intFormat);
        // Write geometry block for this IfcProduct (i.e. IfcRoof, IfcSlab, etc).
        out.println(" <geometry id=\"" + id + "\" name=\"" + name + "\">");
        out.println("  <mesh>");
        out.println("   <source id=\"positions-" + oid + "\" name=\"positions-" + oid + "\">");
        out.println("    <float_array id=\"positions-array-" + oid + "\" count=\"" + vertexComponentsTotal
                + "\">" + stringPositionScalars + "</float_array>");
        out.println("    <technique_common>");
        out.println("     <accessor count=\"" + verticesCount + "\" offset=\"0\" source=\"#positions-array-"
                + oid + "\" stride=\"3\">");
        out.println("      <param name=\"X\" type=\"float\"></param>");
        out.println("      <param name=\"Y\" type=\"float\"></param>");
        out.println("      <param name=\"Z\" type=\"float\"></param>");
        out.println("     </accessor>");
        out.println("    </technique_common>");
        out.println("   </source>");
        out.println("   <source id=\"normals-" + oid + "\" name=\"normals-" + oid + "\">");
        out.println("    <float_array id=\"normals-array-" + oid + "\" count=\"" + normalComponentsTotal + "\">"
                + stringNormalScalars + "</float_array>");
        out.println("    <technique_common>");
        out.println("     <accessor count=\"" + normalsCount + "\" offset=\"0\" source=\"#normals-array-" + oid
                + "\" stride=\"3\">");
        out.println("      <param name=\"X\" type=\"float\"></param>");
        out.println("      <param name=\"Y\" type=\"float\"></param>");
        out.println("      <param name=\"Z\" type=\"float\"></param>");
        out.println("     </accessor>");
        out.println("    </technique_common>");
        out.println("   </source>");
        out.println("   <vertices id=\"vertices-" + oid + "\">");
        out.println("    <input semantic=\"POSITION\" source=\"#positions-" + oid + "\"/>");
        out.println("    <input semantic=\"NORMAL\" source=\"#normals-" + oid + "\"/>");
        out.println("   </vertices>");
        out.println("   <triangles count=\"" + triangleCount + "\" material=\"Material-" + oid + "\">");
        out.println("    <input offset=\"0\" semantic=\"VERTEX\" source=\"#vertices-" + oid + "\"/>");
        out.println("    <p>" + stringIndexScalars + "</p>");
        out.println("   </triangles>");
        out.println("  </mesh>");
        out.println(" </geometry>");

From source file:org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.serializer.MapRequestSerializer.java

public ByteBuffer serialize(MapRequest mapRequest) {
    int size = Length.HEADER_SIZE;
    if (mapRequest.getSourceEid() != null && mapRequest.getSourceEid().getEid() != null) {
        size += LispAddressSerializer.getInstance().getAddressSize(mapRequest.getSourceEid().getEid());
    } else {//w  w  w  .j av  a 2  s.  c  o  m
        size += 2;
    if (mapRequest.getItrRloc() != null) {
        for (ItrRloc address : mapRequest.getItrRloc()) {
            size += LispAddressSerializer.getInstance().getAddressSize(address.getRloc());
    if (mapRequest.getEidItem() != null) {
        for (EidItem record : mapRequest.getEidItem()) {
            size += 2 + LispAddressSerializer.getInstance().getAddressSize(record.getEid());
    ByteBuffer requestBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);
    requestBuffer.put((byte) ((byte) (MessageType.MapRequest.getIntValue() << 4)
            | ByteUtil.boolToBit(BooleanUtils.isTrue(mapRequest.isAuthoritative()), Flags.AUTHORITATIVE)
            | ByteUtil.boolToBit(BooleanUtils.isTrue(mapRequest.isMapDataPresent()), Flags.MAP_DATA_PRESENT)
            | ByteUtil.boolToBit(BooleanUtils.isTrue(mapRequest.isProbe()), Flags.PROBE)
            | ByteUtil.boolToBit(BooleanUtils.isTrue(mapRequest.isSmr()), Flags.SMR)));
    requestBuffer.put((byte) (ByteUtil.boolToBit(BooleanUtils.isTrue(mapRequest.isPitr()), Flags.PITR)
            | ByteUtil.boolToBit(BooleanUtils.isTrue(mapRequest.isSmrInvoked()), Flags.SMR_INVOKED)));
    if (mapRequest.getItrRloc() != null) {
        int IRC = mapRequest.getItrRloc().size();
        if (IRC > 0) {
        requestBuffer.put((byte) (IRC));
    } else {
        requestBuffer.put((byte) 0);

    if (mapRequest.getEidItem() != null) {
        requestBuffer.put((byte) mapRequest.getEidItem().size());
    } else {
        requestBuffer.put((byte) 0);

    if (mapRequest.getSourceEid() != null && mapRequest.getSourceEid().getEid() != null) {
        LispAddressSerializer.getInstance().serialize(requestBuffer, mapRequest.getSourceEid().getEid());
    } else {
        requestBuffer.putShort((short) 0);
    if (mapRequest.getItrRloc() != null) {
        for (ItrRloc address : mapRequest.getItrRloc()) {
            LispAddressSerializer.getInstance().serialize(requestBuffer, address.getRloc());
    if (mapRequest.getEidItem() != null) {
        for (EidItem record : mapRequest.getEidItem()) {
            requestBuffer.put((byte) 0);
            requestBuffer.put((byte) MaskUtil.getMaskForAddress(record.getEid().getAddress()));
            LispAddressSerializer.getInstance().serialize(requestBuffer, record.getEid());
    if (mapRequest.getMapReply() != null) {
        ByteBuffer replyBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MappingRecordSerializer.getInstance()
        ByteBuffer combinedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(requestBuffer.capacity() + replyBuffer.capacity());
        return combinedBuffer;
    return requestBuffer;

From source file:org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.serializer.MapNotifySerializer.java

public MapNotify deserialize(ByteBuffer notifyBuffer) {
    try {/*from  w ww . j  av  a  2  s.c  o m*/
        MapNotifyBuilder builder = new MapNotifyBuilder();
        builder.setMappingRecordItem(new ArrayList<MappingRecordItem>());

        byte typeAndFlags = notifyBuffer.get();
        boolean xtrSiteIdPresent = ByteUtil.extractBit(typeAndFlags, Flags.XTRSITEID);

        notifyBuffer.position(notifyBuffer.position() + Length.RES);
        builder.setMergeEnabled(ByteUtil.extractBit(notifyBuffer.get(), Flags.MERGE_ENABLED));

        byte recordCount = (byte) ByteUtil.getUnsignedByte(notifyBuffer);
        short authenticationLength = notifyBuffer.getShort();
        byte[] authenticationData = new byte[authenticationLength];

        if (xtrSiteIdPresent) {
            List<MappingRecordBuilder> mrbs = new ArrayList<MappingRecordBuilder>();
            for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
            byte[] xtrIdBuf = new byte[MapRegisterSerializer.Length.XTRID_SIZE];
            XtrId xtrId = new XtrId(xtrIdBuf);
            byte[] siteIdBuf = new byte[MapRegisterSerializer.Length.SITEID_SIZE];
            SiteId siteId = new SiteId(siteIdBuf);
            for (MappingRecordBuilder mrb : mrbs) {
                        .add(new MappingRecordItemBuilder().setMappingRecord(mrb.build()).build());
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
                        .add(new MappingRecordItemBuilder()

        return builder.build();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        throw new LispSerializationException(
                "Couldn't deserialize Map-Notify (len=" + notifyBuffer.capacity() + ")", re);