Example usage for java.nio.channels DatagramChannel configureBlocking

List of usage examples for java.nio.channels DatagramChannel configureBlocking


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.channels DatagramChannel configureBlocking.


public final SelectableChannel configureBlocking(boolean block) throws IOException 

Source Link


Adjusts this channel's blocking mode.


From source file:DaytimeServer.java

public static void main(String args[]) {
    try { // Handle startup exceptions at the end of this block
        // Get an encoder for converting strings to bytes
        CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newEncoder();

        // Allow an alternative port for testing with non-root accounts
        int port = 13; // RFC867 specifies this port.
        if (args.length > 0)
            port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

        // The port we'll listen on
        SocketAddress localport = new InetSocketAddress(port);

        // Create and bind a tcp channel to listen for connections on.
        ServerSocketChannel tcpserver = ServerSocketChannel.open();

        // Also create and bind a DatagramChannel to listen on.
        DatagramChannel udpserver = DatagramChannel.open();

        // Specify non-blocking mode for both channels, since our
        // Selector object will be doing the blocking for us.

        // The Selector object is what allows us to block while waiting
        // for activity on either of the two channels.
        Selector selector = Selector.open();

        // Register the channels with the selector, and specify what
        // conditions (a connection ready to accept, a datagram ready
        // to read) we'd like the Selector to wake up for.
        // These methods return SelectionKey objects, which we don't
        // need to retain in this example.
        tcpserver.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
        udpserver.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);

        // This is an empty byte buffer to receive emtpy datagrams with.
        // If a datagram overflows the receive buffer size, the extra bytes
        // are automatically discarded, so we don't have to worry about
        // buffer overflow attacks here.
        ByteBuffer receiveBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);

        // Now loop forever, processing client connections
        for (;;) {
            try { // Handle per-connection problems below
                // Wait for a client to connect
                selector.select();//w  w  w . j a  v  a 2 s.  co  m

                // If we get here, a client has probably connected, so
                // put our response into a ByteBuffer.
                String date = new java.util.Date().toString() + "\r\n";
                ByteBuffer response = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(date));

                // Get the SelectionKey objects for the channels that have
                // activity on them. These are the keys returned by the
                // register() methods above. They are returned in a
                // java.util.Set.
                Set keys = selector.selectedKeys();

                // Iterate through the Set of keys.
                for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    // Get a key from the set, and remove it from the set
                    SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) i.next();

                    // Get the channel associated with the key
                    Channel c = (Channel) key.channel();

                    // Now test the key and the channel to find out
                    // whether something happend on the TCP or UDP channel
                    if (key.isAcceptable() && c == tcpserver) {
                        // A client has attempted to connect via TCP.
                        // Accept the connection now.
                        SocketChannel client = tcpserver.accept();
                        // If we accepted the connection successfully,
                        // the send our respone back to the client.
                        if (client != null) {
                            client.write(response); // send respone
                            client.close(); // close connection
                    } else if (key.isReadable() && c == udpserver) {
                        // A UDP datagram is waiting. Receive it now,
                        // noting the address it was sent from.
                        SocketAddress clientAddress = udpserver.receive(receiveBuffer);
                        // If we got the datagram successfully, send
                        // the date and time in a response packet.
                        if (clientAddress != null)
                            udpserver.send(response, clientAddress);
            } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                // This is a (hopefully transient) problem with a single
                // connection: we log the error, but continue running.
                // We use our classname for the logger so that a sysadmin
                // can configure logging for this server independently
                // of other programs.
                Logger l = Logger.getLogger(DaytimeServer.class.getName());
                l.log(Level.WARNING, "IOException in DaytimeServer", e);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // If anything else goes wrong (out of memory, for example)
                // then log the problem and exit.
                Logger l = Logger.getLogger(DaytimeServer.class.getName());
                l.log(Level.SEVERE, "FATAL error in DaytimeServer", t);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // This is a startup error: there is no need to log it;
        // just print a message and exit

From source file:gridool.util.net.PoolableSocketChannelFactory.java

private static DatagramChannel createDatagramChannel(final SocketAddress sockAddr, final boolean blocking) {
    final DatagramChannel ch;
    try {//w w  w  . j a va2 s. co m
        ch = DatagramChannel.open();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to open DatagramChannel.", e);
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    try {
    } catch (SocketException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to configure socket.", e);
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to connect socket: " + sockAddr, e);
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return ch;

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.natpmp.NatPmpDiscovery.java

private static Set<InetAddress> discoverGateways() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    final Set<InetAddress> foundGateways = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<InetAddress>());
    Set<InetAddress> potentialGateways = NetworkUtils.getPotentialGatewayAddresses(); // port 5351

    DatagramChannel unicastChannel = null;
    try {//from   w  w  w.  ja v a 2s .  co m
        unicastChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
        unicastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(0));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw ioe;

    UdpCommunicator communicator = null;
    try {
        communicator = new UdpCommunicator(Collections.singletonList(unicastChannel));
        communicator.addListener(new UdpCommunicatorListener() {

            public void incomingPacket(InetSocketAddress sourceAddress, DatagramChannel channel,
                    ByteBuffer packet) {
                new ExternalAddressNatPmpResponse(packet); // should error out if not valid


        ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(16);
        ExternalAddressNatPmpRequest eanpr = new ExternalAddressNatPmpRequest();


        for (InetAddress potentialGateway : potentialGateways) {
            communicator.send(unicastChannel, new InetSocketAddress(potentialGateway, 5351),

    } finally {
        if (communicator != null) {

    return new HashSet<>(foundGateways);

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.pcp.PcpDiscovery.java

private static Set<InetAddress> discoverGateways() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    final Set<InetAddress> foundGateways = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<InetAddress>());
    Set<InetAddress> potentialGateways = NetworkUtils.getPotentialGatewayAddresses(); // port 5351

    DatagramChannel unicastChannel = null;
    try {/*from w w w.  ja v a 2  s.  c  o  m*/
        unicastChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
        unicastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(0));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw ioe;

    UdpCommunicator communicator = null;
    try {
        communicator = new UdpCommunicator(Collections.singletonList(unicastChannel));
        communicator.addListener(new UdpCommunicatorListener() {

            public void incomingPacket(InetSocketAddress sourceAddress, DatagramChannel channel,
                    ByteBuffer packet) {

        ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1100);
        MapPcpRequest mpr = new MapPcpRequest(ByteBuffer.allocate(12), 0, 0, 0, InetAddress.getByName("::"),
        mpr.dump(outBuf, InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[4])); // should get back an error for this, but this
                                                                 // should be fine because all we're looking for is a response, not
                                                                 // nessecarily a correct response -- self address being sent is
                                                                 // (IPV4)
                                                                 // also, we need to pass in MAP because Apple's garbage routers
                                                                 // give back NATPMP responses when you pass in ANNOUNCE


        for (InetAddress potentialGateway : potentialGateways) {
            communicator.send(unicastChannel, new InetSocketAddress(potentialGateway, 5351),

    } finally {
        if (communicator != null) {

    foundGateways.retainAll(potentialGateways); // just incase we get back some unsolicited responses
    return new HashSet<>(foundGateways);

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.natpmp.NatPmpDiscovery.java

private static Map<InetAddress, InetAddress> discoverLocalAddressesToGateways(Set<InetAddress> gateways)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Set<InetAddress> localAddresses = NetworkUtils.getAllLocalIpv4Addresses();
    List<DatagramChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<DatagramChannel, InetAddress> bindMap = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<DatagramChannel, InetAddress>());
    final Map<InetAddress, InetAddress> localAddrToGatewayAddrMap = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<InetAddress, InetAddress>());

    try {/*from   www  . j a  v a  2  s .c o  m*/
        for (InetAddress localAddress : localAddresses) {
            DatagramChannel unicastChannel = null;
            try {
                unicastChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
                unicastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, 0));
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw ioe;

            bindMap.put(unicastChannel, localAddress);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        for (DatagramChannel channel : channels) {
        throw ioe;

    UdpCommunicator communicator = null;
    try {
        communicator = new UdpCommunicator(channels);
        communicator.addListener(new UdpCommunicatorListener() {

            public void incomingPacket(InetSocketAddress sourceAddress, DatagramChannel channel,
                    ByteBuffer packet) {
                new ExternalAddressNatPmpResponse(packet); // should error out if not valid

                InetAddress localAddress = bindMap.get(channel);
                if (localAddress == null) {
                localAddrToGatewayAddrMap.put(localAddress, sourceAddress.getAddress());

        ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(16);
        ExternalAddressNatPmpRequest eanpr = new ExternalAddressNatPmpRequest();


        for (DatagramChannel channel : bindMap.keySet()) {
            for (InetAddress gateway : gateways) {
                communicator.send(channel, new InetSocketAddress(gateway, 5351), outBuf.asReadOnlyBuffer());

    } finally {
        if (communicator != null) {

    return new HashMap<>(localAddrToGatewayAddrMap);

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.pcp.PcpDiscovery.java

private static Map<InetAddress, InetAddress> discoverLocalAddressesToGateways(Set<InetAddress> gateways)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Set<InetAddress> localAddresses = NetworkUtils.getAllLocalIpv4Addresses();
    List<DatagramChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<DatagramChannel, InetAddress> bindMap = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<DatagramChannel, InetAddress>());
    final Map<InetAddress, InetAddress> localAddrToGatewayAddrMap = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<InetAddress, InetAddress>());

    try {/*w w w.j ava 2  s.  c  om*/
        for (InetAddress localAddress : localAddresses) {
            DatagramChannel unicastChannel = null;
            try {
                unicastChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
                unicastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, 0));
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw ioe;

            bindMap.put(unicastChannel, localAddress);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        for (DatagramChannel channel : channels) {
        throw ioe;

    UdpCommunicator communicator = null;
    try {
        communicator = new UdpCommunicator(channels);
        communicator.addListener(new UdpCommunicatorListener() {

            public void incomingPacket(InetSocketAddress sourceAddress, DatagramChannel channel,
                    ByteBuffer packet) {
                // make sure version is 2 and error isn't ADDRESS_MISMATCH and we're good to go
                if (packet.remaining() < 4
                        || packet.get(0) == 2 && packet.get(4) == PcpResultCode.ADDRESS_MISMATCH.ordinal()) {

                InetAddress localAddress = bindMap.get(channel);
                if (localAddress == null) {
                localAddrToGatewayAddrMap.put(localAddress, sourceAddress.getAddress());

        for (DatagramChannel channel : bindMap.keySet()) {
            for (InetAddress gateway : gateways) {
                ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1100);
                MapPcpRequest mpr = new MapPcpRequest(ByteBuffer.allocate(12), 0, 0, 0,
                        InetAddress.getByName("::"), 0L);
                mpr.dump(outBuf, bindMap.get(channel));

                communicator.send(channel, new InetSocketAddress(gateway, 5351), outBuf.asReadOnlyBuffer());

    } finally {
        if (communicator != null) {

    return new HashMap<>(localAddrToGatewayAddrMap);

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.upnpigd.UpnpIgdDiscovery.java

private static Set<UpnpIgdDevice> scanForDevices(InetSocketAddress multicastSocketAddress,
        Set<InetAddress> localAddresses, String searchQuery) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    final Set<UpnpIgdDevice> ret = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<UpnpIgdDevice>());
    final Map<Channel, InetAddress> bindMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Channel, InetAddress>());

    UdpCommunicatorListener listener = new UdpCommunicatorListener() {

        @Override/*  w  w w  .j av a2  s .com*/
        public void incomingPacket(InetSocketAddress sourceAddress, DatagramChannel channel,
                ByteBuffer packet) {
            byte[] inPacket = ByteBufferUtils.copyContentsToArray(packet);

            String inStr;
            try {
                inStr = new String(inPacket, 0, inPacket.length, "US-ASCII");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {

            Matcher matcher;

            URI url;
            if ((matcher = LOCATION_PATTERN.matcher(inStr)).find()) {
                String urlStr = matcher.group(1);
                try {
                    url = new URI(urlStr);
                } catch (URISyntaxException urise) {
            } else {

            String name = null;
            if ((matcher = SERVER_PATTERN.matcher(inStr)).find()) {
                name = matcher.group(1);

            InetAddress localAddress = bindMap.get(channel);

            UpnpIgdDevice device = new UpnpIgdDevice(localAddress, sourceAddress.getAddress(), name, url);

    UdpCommunicator comm = null;
    try {
        List<DatagramChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>();

        for (InetAddress localAddr : localAddresses) {
            DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open();
            channel.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddr, 0));

            bindMap.put(channel, localAddr);

        comm = new UdpCommunicator(channels);

        ByteBuffer searchQueryBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(searchQuery.getBytes("US-ASCII")).asReadOnlyBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            for (DatagramChannel channel : channels) {
                comm.send(channel, multicastSocketAddress, searchQueryBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer());

            Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(MAX_WAIT + 1));

        return new HashSet<>(ret);
    } finally {
        if (comm != null) {
            try {
                comm.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); // this stop should handle closing all the datagram channels
            } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // NOPMD
                // do nothing

From source file:net.ymate.platform.serv.nio.datagram.NioUdpServer.java

public synchronized void start() throws IOException {
    if (!__isStarted) {
        __isStarted = true;// w  ww.ja v a2 s .  c  o  m
        __eventGroup = new NioEventGroup<NioUdpListener>(__serverCfg, __listener, __codec) {
            protected SelectableChannel __doChannelCreate(INioServerCfg cfg) throws IOException {
                DatagramChannel _channel = DatagramChannel.open();
                _channel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(cfg.getServerHost(), cfg.getPort()));
                return _channel;

            protected String __doBuildProcessorName() {
                return StringUtils.capitalize(name()).concat("UdpServer-NioEventProcessor-");

            protected void __doInitProcessors() throws IOException {
                __processors = new NioEventProcessor[__selectorCount];
                for (int _idx = 0; _idx < __selectorCount; _idx++) {
                    __processors[_idx] = new NioEventProcessor<NioUdpListener>(this,
                            __doBuildProcessorName() + _idx) {
                        protected void __doExceptionEvent(SelectionKey key, final Throwable e) {
                            final INioSession _session = (INioSession) key.attachment();
                            if (_session != null) {
                                __eventGroup.executorService().submit(new Runnable() {
                                    public void run() {
                                        try {
                                            __eventGroup.listener().onExceptionCaught(e, _session);
                                        } catch (Throwable ex) {
                                            _LOG.error(e.getMessage(), RuntimeUtils.unwrapThrow(ex));
                            } else {
                                _LOG.error(e.getMessage(), RuntimeUtils.unwrapThrow(e));

            protected void __doRegisterEvent() throws IOException {
                for (NioEventProcessor _processor : __processors) {
                    _processor.registerEvent(__channel, SelectionKey.OP_READ,
                            new NioSession<NioUdpListener>(this, __channel) {
                                protected int __doChannelRead(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
                                    SocketAddress _address = ((DatagramChannel) __channel).receive(buffer);
                                    if (_address != null) {
                                        attr(SocketAddress.class.getName(), _address);
                                        return __buffer.remaining();
                                    return 0;

                                protected int __doChannelWrite(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
                                    SocketAddress _address = attr(SocketAddress.class.getName());
                                    if (_address != null) {
                                        return ((DatagramChannel) __channel).send(buffer, _address);
                                    return 0;
        _LOG.info("UdpServer [" + __eventGroup.name() + "] started at " + __serverCfg.getServerHost() + ":"
                + __serverCfg.getPort());

From source file:org.apache.axis2.transport.udp.IODispatcher.java

 * Add a new endpoint. This method creates a new socket listening on
 * the UDP port specified in the endpoint description and makes sure
 * that incoming packets are routed to the specified service.
 * //from w w  w  . j  av  a 2  s  . c o  m
 * @param endpoint the endpoint description
 * @throws IOException if the socket could not be created or
 *         registered with the selector
public void addEndpoint(final Endpoint endpoint) throws IOException {
    final DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open();
    channel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(endpoint.getPort()));
    execute(new SelectorOperation() {
        public void doExecute(Selector selector) throws IOException {
            channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, endpoint);
    log.info("UDP endpoint started on port : " + endpoint.getPort());

From source file:org.apache.nifi.io.nio.ChannelListener.java

private DatagramChannel createAndBindDatagramChannel(final InetAddress nicIPAddress, final int port,
        final int receiveBufferSize) throws IOException {
    final DatagramChannel dChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
    if (receiveBufferSize > 0) {
        dChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF, receiveBufferSize);
        final int actualReceiveBufSize = dChannel.getOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF);
        if (actualReceiveBufSize < receiveBufferSize) {
            LOGGER.warn(this + " attempted to set UDP Receive Buffer Size to " + receiveBufferSize
                    + " bytes but could only set to " + actualReceiveBufSize
                    + "bytes. You may want to consider changing the Operating System's "
                    + "maximum receive buffer");
        }//from  www. j ava2 s  . co  m
    dChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
    dChannel.bind(new InetSocketAddress(nicIPAddress, port));
    return dChannel;