Example usage for java.nio.file.attribute FileTime compareTo

List of usage examples for java.nio.file.attribute FileTime compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file.attribute FileTime compareTo.


public int compareTo(FileTime other) 

Source Link


Compares the value of two FileTime objects for order.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    FileTime fileTime = FileTime.fromMillis(time);

    FileTime fileTime1 = FileTime.from(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);



From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.core.segment.index.loader.SegmentPreProcessorTest.java

public void testV3CreateInvertedIndices() throws Exception {
    constructSegment();//from w  ww.  ja  v  a  2s .c om

    // Convert segment format to v3.
    SegmentV1V2ToV3FormatConverter converter = new SegmentV1V2ToV3FormatConverter();
    File v3SegmentDirectoryFile = new File(segmentDirectoryFile, V3_SEGMENT_NAME);

    SegmentMetadataImpl segmentMetadata = new SegmentMetadataImpl(v3SegmentDirectoryFile);
    String segmentVersion = segmentMetadata.getVersion();
    Assert.assertEquals(SegmentVersion.valueOf(segmentVersion), SegmentVersion.v3);

    File singleFileIndex = new File(v3SegmentDirectoryFile, "columns.psf");
    FileTime lastModifiedTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(singleFileIndex.toPath());
    long fileSize = singleFileIndex.length();

    // Sleep 2 seconds to prevent the same last modified time when modifying the file.

    // Create inverted index the first time.
    checkInvertedIndexCreation(v3SegmentDirectoryFile, segmentMetadata, false);
    long addedLength = 0L;
    try (SegmentDirectory segmentDirectory = SegmentDirectory.createFromLocalFS(v3SegmentDirectoryFile,
            segmentMetadata, ReadMode.mmap); SegmentDirectory.Reader reader = segmentDirectory.createReader()) {
        // 8 bytes overhead is for checking integrity of the segment.
        try (PinotDataBuffer col1Buffer = reader.getIndexFor(COLUMN1_NAME, ColumnIndexType.INVERTED_INDEX)) {
            addedLength += col1Buffer.size() + 8;
        try (PinotDataBuffer col13Buffer = reader.getIndexFor(COLUMN13_NAME, ColumnIndexType.INVERTED_INDEX)) {
            addedLength += col13Buffer.size() + 8;
    FileTime newLastModifiedTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(singleFileIndex.toPath());
    Assert.assertTrue(newLastModifiedTime.compareTo(lastModifiedTime) > 0);
    long newFileSize = singleFileIndex.length();
    Assert.assertEquals(fileSize + addedLength, newFileSize);

    // Sleep 2 seconds to prevent the same last modified time when modifying the file.

    // Create inverted index the second time.
    checkInvertedIndexCreation(v3SegmentDirectoryFile, segmentMetadata, true);
    Assert.assertEquals(Files.getLastModifiedTime(singleFileIndex.toPath()), newLastModifiedTime);
    Assert.assertEquals(singleFileIndex.length(), newFileSize);

From source file:fr.duminy.jbackup.core.ConfigurationManagerTest.java

public void testSaveBackupConfiguration_updateConfig() throws Exception {
    BackupConfiguration config = createConfiguration();

    Path output = testSaveBackupConfiguration(config);
    FileTime t0 = Files.getLastModifiedTime(output);

    sleep(1000);//w  ww . j ava 2 s. co  m

    output = testSaveBackupConfiguration(config);
    FileTime t1 = Files.getLastModifiedTime(output);

    assertThat(t1.compareTo(t0) >= 0).as("t1 > t0").isTrue();

From source file:fr.inria.soctrace.tools.ocelotl.core.caches.DichotomyCache.java

 * Remove a cache file. The used policy is to suppress the file which has
 * the oldest accessed time//from  www . j  a  va  2s .co m
public void removeCacheFile() {
    // Init with current time
    FileTime oldestDate = FileTime.from(System.currentTimeMillis(), null);
    CacheParameters oldestParam = null;

    for (CacheParameters aCacheParam : cachedDichotomy.keySet()) {
        try {
            // Get the last access to the file
            Path path = cachedDichotomy.get(aCacheParam).toPath();
            BasicFileAttributes attrs;
            attrs = Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class);
            FileTime currentTime = attrs.lastAccessTime();

            // If the access is older than the current oldest
            if (currentTime.compareTo(oldestDate) < 0) {
                oldestDate = currentTime;
                oldestParam = aCacheParam;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    // Delete oldest accessed cache
    if (!cachedDichotomy.get(oldestParam).delete()) {
        logger.debug("[DICHOTOMY CACHE]: Deletion of cache file " + cachedDichotomy.get(oldestParam).getName()
                + " failed.");


From source file:fr.inria.soctrace.tools.ocelotl.core.caches.DataCache.java

 * Remove a cache file. The used policy is to suppress the file which has
 * the oldest accessed time//from  ww  w. j a  va  2 s. c om
public void removeCacheFile() {
    // Init with current time
    FileTime oldestDate = FileTime.from(System.currentTimeMillis(), null);
    CacheParameters oldestParam = null;

    for (CacheParameters aCacheParam : cachedData.keySet()) {
        try {
            // Get the last access to the file
            Path path = cachedData.get(aCacheParam).toPath();
            BasicFileAttributes attrs;
            attrs = Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class);
            FileTime currentTime = attrs.lastAccessTime();

            // If the access is older than the current oldest
            if (currentTime.compareTo(oldestDate) < 0) {
                oldestDate = currentTime;
                oldestParam = aCacheParam;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    // Delete oldest accessed cache
    if (!cachedData.get(oldestParam).delete()) {
        logger.debug("DataCache: Deletion of cache file " + cachedData.get(oldestParam).getName() + " failed.");


From source file:org.digidoc4j.ConfigurationTest.java

@Test/*from  w  ww  .j  a  v  a2 s.c om*/
public void clearTSLCache() throws Exception {
    Configuration myConfiguration = new Configuration(TEST);
    File fileCacheDirectory = TslLoader.fileCacheDirectory;
    if (fileCacheDirectory.exists()) {

    TSLCertificateSource tslCertificateSource = myConfiguration.getTSL();
    File oldCachedFile = fileCacheDirectory.listFiles()[0];
    FileTime oldCachedFileDate = (FileTime) Files.getAttribute(oldCachedFile.toPath(), "basic:creationTime");

    tslCertificateSource = myConfiguration.getTSL();

    File newCachedFile = fileCacheDirectory.listFiles()[0];
    FileTime newCachedFileDate = (FileTime) Files.getAttribute(newCachedFile.toPath(), "basic:creationTime");

    assertTrue(newCachedFileDate.compareTo(oldCachedFileDate) > 0);