Example usage for java.nio.file Path getFileName

List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path getFileName


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file Path getFileName.


Path getFileName();

Source Link


Returns the name of the file or directory denoted by this path as a Path object.


From source file:com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.FileObjectPutter_Test.java

public void testRelativeSymlink() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    assumeFalse(Platform.isWindows());//from  w  w w  .j a  va2 s  . co m
    final Path tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory("ds3_file_object_rel_test_");
    final Path tempPath = Files.createTempFile(tempDir, "temp_", ".txt");

    try {
        try (final SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel(tempPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE,
                StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {

        final Path symLinkPath = tempDir.resolve("sym_" + tempPath.getFileName().toString());
        final Path relPath = Paths.get("..", getParentDir(tempPath), tempPath.getFileName().toString());

        LOG.info("Creating symlink from " + symLinkPath.toString() + " to " + relPath.toString());

        Files.createSymbolicLink(symLinkPath, relPath);
        getFileWithPutter(tempDir, symLinkPath);

    } finally {

From source file:com.vns.pdf.impl.PdfDocument.java

private PdfDocument(String pdfFileName) throws IOException {
    this.pdfFileName = pdfFileName;
    setWorkingDir();//from  ww  w  .  ja v a 2s. co m
    Path filePath = Paths.get(pdfFileName);
    PosixFileAttributes attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(filePath, PosixFileAttributeView.class)
    String textAreaFileName = filePath.getFileName().toString() + "_" + filePath.toAbsolutePath().hashCode()
            + "_" + attrs.size() + "_" + attrs.lastModifiedTime().toString().replace(":", "_") + ".xml";
    textAreaFilePath = Paths.get(workingDir.toAbsolutePath().toString(), textAreaFileName);
    pdfTextStripper = new CustomPDFTextStripper();
    document = PDDocument.load(new File(pdfFileName));
    pdfRenderer = new PDFRenderer(document);

    if (Files.notExists(textAreaFilePath, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {

        this.doc = new Doc(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
        for (int i = 0; i < document.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
            PDPage pdPage = document.getPage(i);
            PDRectangle box = pdPage.getMediaBox();
            this.doc.getPages().add(new Page(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), (int) box.getWidth(),
                    (int) box.getHeight()));

        Writer dummy = new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
        try {
            pdfTextStripper.writeText(document, dummy);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        //document.save(pdfFileName + ".pdf");
    } else {

From source file:hudson.plugins.report.jck.parsers.JtregReportParser.java

private String suiteName(Path path) {
    for (Entry<String, ArchiveFactory> factory : SUPPORTED_ARCHIVE_TYPES_MAP.entrySet()) {
        String pathName = path.getFileName().toString();
        if (pathName.toLowerCase().endsWith(factory.getKey())) {
            return pathName.substring(0, pathName.length() - factory.getKey().length());
        }//  ww  w . j  a va 2s. c  o m
    return path.getFileName().toString();

From source file:io.stallion.dataAccess.file.FilePersisterBase.java

public List<T> fetchAll() {
    File target = new File(Settings.instance().getTargetFolder());
    if (!target.isDirectory()) {
        if (getItemController().isWritable()) {
            target.mkdirs();/* w w  w. j  a v  a 2  s.  com*/
        } else {
            throw new ConfigException(String.format(
                    "The JSON bucket %s (path %s) is read-only, but does not exist in the file system. Either create the folder, make it writable, or remove it from the configuration.",
                    getItemController().getBucket(), getBucketFolderPath()));
    TreeVisitor visitor = new TreeVisitor();
    Path folderPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(getBucketFolderPath());
    try {
        Files.walkFileTree(folderPath, visitor);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    List<T> objects = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Path path : visitor.getPaths()) {
        if (!matchesExtension(path.toString())) {

        if (path.toString().contains(".#")) {
        if (path.getFileName().startsWith(".")) {
        T o = fetchOne(path.toString());
        if (o != null) {

    objects.sort(new PropertyComparator<T>(sortField));
    if (sortDirection.toLowerCase().equals("desc")) {

    return objects;

From source file:com.aol.advertising.qiao.injector.file.watcher.QiaoFileManager.java

private Path renameToTmpFilePath(Path sourceFilePath) throws IOException {
    String tmp_name = UUID.randomUUID() + "_" + sourceFilePath.getFileName().toString();
    Path new_path = sourceFilePath.resolveSibling(tmp_name);
    Files.move(sourceFilePath, new_path, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);

    return new_path;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.java.JarDirectoryStepTest.java

public void shouldNotIncludeFilesInBlacklist() throws IOException {
    Path zipup = folder.newFolder();

    Path first = createZip(zipup.resolve("first.zip"), "dir/file1.txt", "dir/file2.txt",

    JarDirectoryStep step = new JarDirectoryStep(new ProjectFilesystem(zipup), Paths.get("output.jar"),
            ImmutableSet.of(first.getFileName()), "com.example.Main", /* manifest file */ null,
            /* merge manifests */ true, /* blacklist */ ImmutableSet.of(".*2.*"));

    ExecutionContext context = TestExecutionContext.newInstance();

    int returnCode = step.execute(context);

    assertEquals(0, returnCode);/*from   w w w .j a  v a2 s. c  o m*/

    Path zip = zipup.resolve("output.jar");

    // file1.txt, Main.class, plus the manifest.
    assertZipFileCountIs(3, zip);
    assertZipContains(zip, "dir/file1.txt");
    assertZipDoesNotContain(zip, "dir/file2.txt");

From source file:hudson.plugins.report.jck.parsers.JtregReportParser.java

private ArchiveInputStream streamPath(Path path) throws IOException {
    for (Entry<String, ArchiveFactory> factory : SUPPORTED_ARCHIVE_TYPES_MAP.entrySet()) {
        String pathName = path.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase();
        if (pathName.endsWith(factory.getKey())) {
            InputStream stream = new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(path));
            return factory.getValue().create(stream);
        }/*from   w  w  w.ja v a  2s.  c  o  m*/
    throw new IOException("Unsupported archive format: " + path.getFileName());

From source file:joachimeichborn.geotag.ui.parts.PicturesView.java

public void setSelection(
        @Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_SELECTION) @Optional final PictureSelection aPictureSelection) {
    final MPart activePart = partService.getActivePart();
    if (activePart != null && activePart.getElementId().equals(PICTURES_PART_ID)) {
        if (nameLabel != null && aPictureSelection != null) {
            final List<Picture> pictures = aPictureSelection.getSelection();
            selectedPicturesLabel.setText(String.format(SELECTED_PICTURES, pictures.size()));
            if (pictures.size() == 1) {
                final Picture picture = pictures.get(0);
                final Path file = picture.getFile();
                lastKey = new PreviewKey(file.toString(), 160, 120);
                preview.setImage(previewRepo.getPreview(lastKey, true, this));
                previewLabel.repaint();/*  w  ww  .ja va2  s . c  o m*/
            } else {

From source file:ch.bender.evacuate.Runner.java

 * run//from w  ww.ja va2 s .c om
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception 
public void run() throws Exception {

    myEvacuateCandidates = new TreeMap<>();
    myFailedChainPreparations = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
    myFutures = new HashSet<>();
    myExclusionDirCount = 0;
    myEvacuationDirCount = 0;
    myExclusionFileCount = 0;
    myEvacuationFileCount = 0;

    Files.walkFileTree(myBackupDir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
         * @see java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor#visitFileFailed(java.lang.Object, java.io.IOException)
        public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path aFile, IOException aExc) throws IOException {
            if ("System Volume Information".equals((aFile.getFileName().toString()))) {
                return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

            throw aExc;

        public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            return Runner.this.visitFile(file, attrs);

        public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            if ("System Volume Information".equals((dir.getFileName()))) {
                return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

            return Runner.this.preVisitDirectory(dir, attrs);


    if (myEvacuateCandidates.size() == 0) {
        myLog.info("No candidates for evacuation found");
    } else {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nFound candidates for evacuation:");
        myEvacuateCandidates.keySet().forEach(p -> sb.append("\n    " + p.toString()));

    if (myDryRun) {
        myLog.debug("DryRun flag is set. Doing nothing");

    if (myFutures.size() > 0) {
        myLog.debug("Waiting for all async tasks to complete");
        CompletableFuture.allOf(myFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[myFutures.size()])).get();

    if (myFailedChainPreparations.size() > 0) {
        for (Path path : myFailedChainPreparations.keySet()) {
            myLog.error("exception occured", myFailedChainPreparations.get(path));

        throw new Exception("chain preparation failed. See above error messages");

    for (Path src : myEvacuateCandidates.keySet()) {
        Path dst = myEvacuateCandidates.get(src);
        Path dstParent = dst.getParent();

        if (Files.notExists(dstParent)) {
            Files.createDirectories(dstParent); // FUTURE: overtake file attributes from src

        if (myMove) {
            try {
                        "Moving file system object \"" + src.toString() + "\" to \"" + dst.toString() + "\"");
                Files.move(src, dst, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
            } catch (AtomicMoveNotSupportedException e) {
                myLog.warn("Atomic move not supported. Try copy and then delete");

                if (Files.isDirectory(src)) {
                    myLog.debug("Copying folder \"" + src.toString() + "\" to \"" + dst.toString() + "\"");
                    FileUtils.copyDirectory(src.toFile(), dst.toFile());
                    myLog.debug("Delete folder \"" + src.toString() + "\"");
                } else {
                    myLog.debug("Copy file \"" + src.toString() + "\" to \"" + dst.toString() + "\"");
                    FileUtils.copyFile(src.toFile(), dst.toFile());
                    myLog.debug("Delete file \"" + src.toString() + "\"");

        } else {
            if (Files.isDirectory(src)) {
                myLog.debug("Copying folder \"" + src.toString() + "\" to \"" + dst.toString() + "\"");
                FileUtils.copyDirectory(src.toFile(), dst.toFile());
            } else {
                myLog.debug("Copy file \"" + src.toString() + "\" to \"" + dst.toString() + "\"");
                FileUtils.copyFile(src.toFile(), dst.toFile());

    myLog.info("\nSuccessfully terminated." + "\n             Evacuated  Skipped" + "\n    Files  : "
            + StringUtils.leftPad("" + myEvacuationDirCount, 9)
            + StringUtils.leftPad("" + myExclusionDirCount, 9) + "\n    Folders: "
            + StringUtils.leftPad("" + myEvacuationFileCount, 9)
            + StringUtils.leftPad("" + myExclusionFileCount, 9));

From source file:dk.dma.msiproxy.common.repo.FileTypes.java

 * Returns the associated content type if supported
 * @param path the file to check//from w w w .j  a va2  s .c o  m
 * @return the associated content type if supported
private ContentType getSupportedContentType(Path path) {
    String type = getContentType(path);
    if (type != null) {
        Set<ContentType> supportedTypes = mimeTypeLookup.get(type);
        if (supportedTypes != null) {
            // Take the first match
            return supportedTypes.iterator().next();
    } else {
        // Check if the file extension matches
        String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(path.getFileName().toString());
        if (ext != null && ext.length() > 0) {
            return fileExtensionLookup.get(ext.toLowerCase());
    return null;