Example usage for java.nio.file Path relativize

List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path relativize


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file Path relativize.


Path relativize(Path other);

Source Link


Constructs a relative path between this path and a given path.


From source file:io.redlink.solrlib.embedded.EmbeddedCoreContainer.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S3725", "squid:S3776" })
protected synchronized void init(ExecutorService executorService) throws IOException {
    Preconditions.checkState(Objects.isNull(coreContainer), "Already initialized!");

    if (solrHome == null) {
        solrHome = Files.createTempDirectory("solr-home");
        log.debug("No solr-home set, using temp directory {}", solrHome);
        deleteOnShutdown = true;/* w w w . j ava  2  s  . com*/

    final Path absoluteSolrHome = this.solrHome.toAbsolutePath();
    if (Files.isDirectory(absoluteSolrHome)) {
        log.trace("solr-home exists: {}", absoluteSolrHome);
    } else {
        log.debug("Created solr-home: {}", absoluteSolrHome);
    final Path lib = absoluteSolrHome.resolve("lib");
    if (Files.isDirectory(lib)) {
        log.trace("lib-directory exists: {}", lib);
    } else {
        log.debug("Created solr-lib directory: {}", lib);

    final Path solrXml = absoluteSolrHome.resolve("solr.xml");
    if (!Files.exists(solrXml)) {
        log.info("no solr.xml found, creating new at {}", solrXml);
        try (PrintStream writer = new PrintStream(Files.newOutputStream(solrXml, StandardOpenOption.CREATE))) {
            writer.printf("<!-- Generated by %s on %tF %<tT -->%n", getClass().getSimpleName(), new Date());
            writer.printf("  <str name=\"%s\">%s</str>%n", "sharedLib", absoluteSolrHome.relativize(lib));
    } else {
        log.trace("found solr.xml: {}", solrXml);

    for (SolrCoreDescriptor coreDescriptor : coreDescriptors) {
        final String coreName = coreDescriptor.getCoreName();
        if (availableCores.containsKey(coreName)) {
            log.warn("CoreName-Clash: {} already initialized. Skipping {}", coreName,
        final Path coreDir = absoluteSolrHome.resolve(coreName);
        coreDescriptor.initCoreDirectory(coreDir, lib);

        final Properties coreProperties = new Properties();
        final Path corePropertiesFile = coreDir.resolve("core.properties");
        if (Files.exists(corePropertiesFile)) {
            try (InputStream inStream = Files.newInputStream(corePropertiesFile, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
            log.debug("core.properties for {} found, updating", coreName);
        } else {
            log.debug("Creating new core {} in {}", coreName, coreDir);
        coreProperties.setProperty("name", coreName);
        try (OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(corePropertiesFile)) {
            coreProperties.store(outputStream, null);

        if (coreDescriptor.getNumShards() > 1 || coreDescriptor.getReplicationFactor() > 1) {
            log.warn("Deploying {} to EmbeddedCoreContainer, ignoring config of shards={},replication={}",
                    coreName, coreDescriptor.getNumShards(), coreDescriptor.getReplicationFactor());

        availableCores.put(coreName, coreDescriptor);

    log.info("Starting {} in solr-home '{}'", getClass().getSimpleName(), absoluteSolrHome);
    coreContainer = CoreContainer.createAndLoad(absoluteSolrHome, solrXml);

    availableCores.values().forEach(coreDescriptor -> {
        final String coreName = coreDescriptor.getCoreName();
        try (SolrClient solrClient = createSolrClient(coreName)) {
            final NamedList<Object> coreStatus = CoreAdminRequest.getStatus(coreName, solrClient)
            final NamedList<Object> indexStatus = coreStatus == null ? null
                    : (NamedList<Object>) coreStatus.get("index");
            final Object lastModified = indexStatus == null ? null : indexStatus.get("lastModified");
            // lastModified is null if there was never a update
            scheduleCoreInit(executorService, coreDescriptor, lastModified == null);
        } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.error("Error initializing core {}", coreName, e);
            //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
            coreInitExceptions.put(coreName, e);

From source file:org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.geonet.Aligner.java

private Element extractValidMetadataForImport(DirectoryStream<Path> files, Element info)
        throws IOException, JDOMException {
    Element metadataValidForImport;
    final String finalPreferredSchema = preferredSchema;

    String infoSchema = "_none_";
    if (info != null && info.getContentSize() != 0) {
        Element general = info.getChild("general");
        if (general != null && general.getContentSize() != 0) {
            if (general.getChildText("schema") != null) {
                infoSchema = general.getChildText("schema");
            }//  w  w  w.  ja  v a 2 s.com

    Path lastUnknownMetadataFolderName = null;

    if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.MEF))
        Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Multiple metadata files");

    Map<String, Pair<String, Element>> mdFiles = new HashMap<String, Pair<String, Element>>();
    for (Path file : files) {
        if (Files.isRegularFile(file)) {
            Element metadata = Xml.loadFile(file);
            try {
                Path parent = file.getParent();
                Path parent2 = parent.getParent();
                String metadataSchema = dataMan.autodetectSchema(metadata, null);
                // If local node doesn't know metadata
                // schema try to load next xml file.
                if (metadataSchema == null) {

                String currFile = "Found metadata file " + parent2.relativize(file);
                mdFiles.put(metadataSchema, Pair.read(currFile, metadata));

            } catch (NoSchemaMatchesException e) {
                // Important folder name to identify metadata should be ../../
                Path parent = file.getParent();
                if (parent != null) {
                    Path parent2 = parent.getParent();
                    if (parent2 != null) {
                        lastUnknownMetadataFolderName = parent2.relativize(parent);
                log.debug("No schema match for " + lastUnknownMetadataFolderName + file.getFileName() + ".");
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                log.error("Check the schema directory");

    if (mdFiles.size() == 0) {
        log.debug("No valid metadata file found"
                + ((lastUnknownMetadataFolderName == null) ? "" : (" in " + lastUnknownMetadataFolderName))
                + ".");
        return null;

    // 1st: Select metadata with schema in info file
    Pair<String, Element> mdInform = mdFiles.get(infoSchema);
    if (mdInform != null) {
        log.debug(mdInform.one() + " with info.xml schema (" + infoSchema + ").");
        metadataValidForImport = mdInform.two();
        return metadataValidForImport;
    // 2nd: Select metadata with preferredSchema
    mdInform = mdFiles.get(finalPreferredSchema);
    if (mdInform != null) {
        log.debug(mdInform.one() + " with preferred schema (" + finalPreferredSchema + ").");
        metadataValidForImport = mdInform.two();
        return metadataValidForImport;

    // Lastly: Select the first metadata in the map
    String metadataSchema = (String) mdFiles.keySet().toArray()[0];
    mdInform = mdFiles.get(metadataSchema);
    log.debug(mdInform.one() + " with known schema (" + metadataSchema + ").");
    metadataValidForImport = mdInform.two();

    return metadataValidForImport;

From source file:processing.app.debug.Compiler.java

private boolean isPathInASubfolder(Path sketchPath, Path path) {
    return sketchPath.relativize(path).getNameCount() > 1;

From source file:com.android.repository.util.InstallerUtilTest.java

public void testUnzip() throws Exception {
    if (new MockFileOp().isWindows()) {
        // can't run on windows.
        return;//  w  ww .j a va  2 s.  c om
    // zip needs a real file, so no MockFileOp for us.
    FileOp fop = FileOpUtils.create();

    Path root = Files.createTempDirectory("InstallerUtilTest");
    Path outRoot = Files.createTempDirectory("InstallerUtilTest");
    try {
        Path file1 = root.resolve("foo");
        Files.write(file1, "content".getBytes());
        Path dir1 = root.resolve("bar");
        Path file2 = dir1.resolve("baz");
        Files.write(file2, "content2".getBytes());
        Files.createSymbolicLink(root.resolve("link1"), dir1);
        Files.createSymbolicLink(root.resolve("link2"), file2);

        Path outZip = outRoot.resolve("out.zip");
        try (ZipArchiveOutputStream out = new ZipArchiveOutputStream(outZip.toFile());
                Stream<Path> listing = Files.walk(root)) {
            listing.forEach(path -> {
                try {
                    ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry = (ZipArchiveEntry) out.createArchiveEntry(path.toFile(),
                    if (Files.isSymbolicLink(path)) {
                        archiveEntry.setUnixMode(UnixStat.LINK_FLAG | archiveEntry.getUnixMode());
                    } else if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
        Path unzipped = outRoot.resolve("unzipped");
        InstallerUtil.unzip(outZip.toFile(), unzipped.toFile(), fop, 1, new FakeProgressIndicator());
        assertEquals("content", new String(Files.readAllBytes(unzipped.resolve("foo"))));
        Path resultDir = unzipped.resolve("bar");
        Path resultFile2 = resultDir.resolve("baz");
        assertEquals("content2", new String(Files.readAllBytes(resultFile2)));
        Path resultLink = unzipped.resolve("link1");
        assertTrue(Files.isSameFile(resultLink, resultDir));
        Path resultLink2 = unzipped.resolve("link2");
        assertEquals("content2", new String(Files.readAllBytes(resultLink2)));
        assertTrue(Files.isSameFile(resultLink2, resultFile2));
    } finally {

From source file:com.upplication.s3fs.util.AmazonS3ClientMock.java

private S3Element parse(Path elem, Path bucket) throws IOException {
    S3Object object = new S3Object();

    String bucketName = bucket.getFileName().toString();
    object.setBucketName(bucketName);/*w w  w  .java 2 s  .c  om*/

    String key = bucket.relativize(elem).toString().replaceAll("%2F", "/");
    boolean dir = key.endsWith("/") || key.isEmpty();

    ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
    BasicFileAttributes attr = Files.readAttributes(elem, BasicFileAttributes.class);
    metadata.setLastModified(new Date(attr.lastAccessTime().toMillis()));
    if (dir) {
    } else {
        object.setObjectContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(Files.readAllBytes(elem)));

    AccessControlList permission = createAclPermission(elem, bucketName);

    return new S3Element(object, permission, dir);

From source file:org.eclipse.winery.repository.importing.CSARImporter.java

 * Imports a file from the filesystem to the repository
 * /*from  www.  j  a v a2  s  . com*/
 * @param p the file to read from
 * @param fref the "file" to put the content to
 * @param tmf the TOSCAMetaFile object used to determine the mimetype. Must not be null.
 * @param rootPath used to relativize p to determine the mime type
 * @throws InvalidCSARException
private void importFile(Path p, RepositoryFileReference fref, TOSCAMetaFile tmf, Path rootPath,
        final List<String> errors) {
    if (tmf == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("tmf must not be null");
    try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(p); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is)) {
        String mediaType = tmf.getMimeType(p.relativize(rootPath).toString());
        if (mediaType == null) {
            // Manually find out mime type
            try {
                mediaType = Utils.getMimeType(bis, p.getFileName().toString());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                errors.add(String.format("No MimeType given for %1$s (%2$s)", p.getFileName(), e.getMessage()));
            if (mediaType == null) {
                errors.add(String.format("No MimeType given for %1$s", p.getFileName()));
        try {
            Repository.INSTANCE.putContentToFile(fref, bis, MediaType.valueOf(mediaType));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not work on generated temporary files", e1);

From source file:org.tinymediamanager.core.movie.tasks.MovieUpdateDatasourceTask2.java

 * for SingleMovie or DiscFolders/*from  w ww .j  a va2s  .c  o m*/
 * @param dataSource
 *          the data source
 * @param movieDir
 *          the movie folder
 * @param isDiscFolder
 *          is the movie in a disc folder?
private void createSingleMovieFromDir(Path dataSource, Path movieDir, boolean isDiscFolder) {
            "Parsing single movie directory: " + movieDir + " (are we a disc folder? " + isDiscFolder + ")");

    Path relative = dataSource.relativize(movieDir);
    // STACKED FOLDERS - go up ONE level (only when the stacked folder ==
    // stacking marker)
    // movie/CD1/ & /movie/CD2 -> go up
    // movie CD1/ & /movie CD2 -> NO - there could be other files/folders there

    // if (!Utils.getFolderStackingMarker(relative.toString()).isEmpty() &&
    // level > 1) {
    if (!Utils.getFolderStackingMarker(relative.toString()).isEmpty()
            && Utils.getFolderStackingMarker(relative.toString()).equals(movieDir.getFileName().toString())) {
        movieDir = movieDir.getParent();

    Movie movie = movieList.getMovieByPath(movieDir);
    HashSet<Path> allFiles = getAllFilesRecursive(movieDir, 3); // need 3 (was
                                                                // 2) because
                                                                // extracted BD
    filesFound.add(movieDir.toAbsolutePath()); // our global cache
    filesFound.addAll(allFiles); // our global cache

    // convert to MFs (we need it anyways at the end)
    ArrayList<MediaFile> mfs = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Path file : allFiles) {
        mfs.add(new MediaFile(file));

    if (movie == null) {
        LOGGER.debug("| movie not found; looking for NFOs");
        movie = new Movie();
        String bdinfoTitle = ""; // title parsed out of BDInfo
        String videoName = ""; // title from file

        // ***************************************************************
        // first round - try to parse NFO(s) first
        // ***************************************************************
        // TODO: add movie.addMissingMetaData(otherMovie) to get merged movie from
        // multiple NFOs ;)
        for (MediaFile mf : mfs) {

            if (mf.getType().equals(MediaFileType.NFO)) {
                // PathMatcher matcher =
                // FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:*.[nN][fF][oO]");
                LOGGER.info("| parsing NFO " + mf.getFileAsPath());
                Movie nfo = null;
                switch (MovieModuleManager.MOVIE_SETTINGS.getMovieConnector()) {
                case XBMC:
                    nfo = MovieToXbmcNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    if (nfo == null) {
                        // try the other
                        nfo = MovieToKodiNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    if (nfo == null) {
                        // try the other
                        nfo = MovieToMpNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());

                case KODI:
                    nfo = MovieToKodiNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    // not needed at the moment since kodi is downwards compatible
                    // if (nfo == null) {
                    // // try the other
                    // nfo = MovieToXbmcNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    // }
                    if (nfo == null) {
                        // try the other
                        nfo = MovieToMpNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());

                case MP:
                    nfo = MovieToMpNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    if (nfo == null) {
                        // try the other
                        nfo = MovieToKodiNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    // not needed at the moment since kodi is downwards compatible
                    // if (nfo == null) {
                    // // try the other
                    // nfo = MovieToXbmcNfoConnector.getData(mf.getFileAsPath());
                    // }
                if (nfo != null) {
                    movie = nfo;
                // was NFO, but parsing exception. try to find at least imdb id within
                if (movie.getImdbId().isEmpty()) {
                    try {
                        String imdb = Utils.readFileToString(mf.getFileAsPath());
                        imdb = ParserUtils.detectImdbId(imdb);
                        if (!imdb.isEmpty()) {
                            LOGGER.debug("| Found IMDB id: " + imdb);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOGGER.warn("| couldn't read NFO " + mf);

            } // end NFO
            else if (mf.getType().equals(MediaFileType.TEXT)) {
                try {
                    String txtFile = Utils.readFileToString(mf.getFileAsPath());

                    String bdinfo = StrgUtils.substr(txtFile, ".*Disc Title:\\s+(.*?)[\\n\\r]");
                    if (!bdinfo.isEmpty()) {
                        LOGGER.debug("| Found Disc Title in BDInfo.txt: " + bdinfo);
                        bdinfoTitle = WordUtils.capitalizeFully(bdinfo);

                    String imdb = ParserUtils.detectImdbId(txtFile);
                    if (!imdb.isEmpty()) {
                        LOGGER.debug("| Found IMDB id: " + imdb);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.warn("| couldn't read TXT " + mf.getFilename());
            } else if (mf.getType().equals(MediaFileType.VIDEO)) {
                videoName = mf.getBasename();
        } // end NFO MF loop
        movie.setDateAdded(new Date());
    } // end first round - we might have a filled movie

    if (movie.getTitle().isEmpty()) {
        // get the "cleaner" name/year combo
        // ParserUtils.ParserInfo video = ParserUtils.getCleanerString(new
        // String[] { videoName, movieDir.getName(), bdinfoTitle });
        // does not work reliable yet - user folder name
        String[] video = ParserUtils.detectCleanMovienameAndYear(movieDir.getFileName().toString());
        if (!video[1].isEmpty()) {

    // if the String 3D is in the movie dir, assume it is a 3D movie
    Matcher matcher = video3DPattern.matcher(movieDir.getFileName().toString());
    if (matcher.find()) {
    // get edition from name


    // movie.findActorImages(); // TODO: find as MediaFiles
    LOGGER.debug("| store movie into DB as: " + movie.getTitle());


    if (movie.getMovieSet() != null) {
        LOGGER.debug("| movie is part of a movieset");
        // movie.getMovieSet().addMovie(movie);

    // ***************************************************************
    // second round - now add all the other known files
    // ***************************************************************
    addMediafilesToMovie(movie, mfs);

    // ***************************************************************
    // third round - try to match unknown graphics like title.ext or
    // filename.ext as poster
    // ***************************************************************
    if (movie.getArtworkFilename(MediaFileType.POSTER).isEmpty()) {
        for (MediaFile mf : mfs) {
            if (mf.getType().equals(MediaFileType.GRAPHIC)) {
                LOGGER.debug("| parsing unknown graphic " + mf.getFilename());
                List<MediaFile> vid = movie.getMediaFiles(MediaFileType.VIDEO);
                if (vid != null && !vid.isEmpty()) {
                    String vfilename = vid.get(0).getFilename();
                    if (FilenameUtils.getBaseName(vfilename).equals(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(mf.getFilename())) // basename
                            // match
                            || FilenameUtils.getBaseName(Utils.cleanStackingMarkers(vfilename)).trim()
                                    .equals(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(mf.getFilename())) // basename
                                                                                                                                                                   // w/o
                                                                                                                                                                   // stacking
                            || movie.getTitle().equals(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(mf.getFilename()))) { // title
                                                                                                       // match

    // ***************************************************************
    // check if that movie is an offline movie
    // ***************************************************************
    boolean isOffline = false;
    for (MediaFile mf : movie.getMediaFiles(MediaFileType.VIDEO)) {
        if ("disc".equalsIgnoreCase(mf.getExtension())) {
            isOffline = true;


From source file:org.eclipse.winery.repository.importing.CSARImporter.java

 * Modifies given allFiles object to include all files given by the incl pattern
 * /*from   www .ja va  2s.c om*/
 * Semantics: Add all files from localRoot to allFiles matching the pattern
private void handleInclude(final Include incl, final Path localRoot, final Set<Path> allFiles) {
    final PathMatcher pathMatcher = localRoot.getFileSystem().getPathMatcher("glob:" + incl.getPattern());
    try {
        Files.walkFileTree(localRoot, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {

            public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
                Path relFile = localRoot.relativize(file);
                if (pathMatcher.matches(relFile)) {
                return CONTINUE;

            public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
                if (pathMatcher.matches(dir)) {
                    Set<Path> filesToAdd = CSARImporter.this.getAllFiles(dir);
                    return SKIP_SUBTREE;
                } else {
                    return CONTINUE;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);

From source file:org.apache.openaz.xacml.admin.components.PolicyWorkspace.java

protected void openPolicyTab(File policy, boolean readOnly) {
    ////from   w w w  .jav a 2s. co  m
    // Sanity check
    assert policy != null;
    assert policy.isFile();
    if (policy == null || !policy.isFile()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify a file.");
    Status status;
    Path relativePath;
    String base;
    try {
        // Grab our working repository
        Path repoPath = ((XacmlAdminUI) getUI()).getUserGitPath();
        final Git git = Git.open(repoPath.toFile());
        // Get our status
        relativePath = repoPath.relativize(Paths.get(policy.getPath()));
        base = relativePath.toString();
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Status on base: " + base);
        status = git.status().addPath(base).call();
    } catch (NoWorkTreeException | IOException | GitAPIException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to get status on " + policy + " " + e);
        AdminNotification.error("Could not get Git status on the file.");
    // Check if its clean
    if (status.isClean() == false) {
        // Check if its conflicting
        for (String conflict : status.getConflicting()) {
            if (conflict.equals(base)) {
                // Yes - we won't be able to edit it
                AdminNotification.error("Policy has conflicts with master, please synchronize the repository.");
    // Check to see if there already is a tab open
    Iterator<Component> iter = self.tabSheet.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Component c = iter.next();
        if (c instanceof PolicyEditor) {
            Object data = ((PolicyEditor) c).getData();
            if (data != null && data instanceof File && ((File) data).equals(policy)) {
    // No tab is open, create a new one
    PolicyEditor editor = null;
    try {
        editor = new PolicyEditor(policy, this.treeContainer, readOnly);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to open policy");
        editor = null;
    if (editor != null) {
        Tab tab = self.tabSheet.addTab(editor);

    } else {
        AdminNotification.error("The Policy File is not a Xacml 3.0 policy.");

From source file:com.upplication.s3fs.util.AmazonS3ClientMock.java

private Path find(String bucketName, final String key) {
    final Path bucket = find(bucketName);
    if (bucket == null || !Files.exists(bucket)) {
        return null;
    }//  w  ww . ja  v  a2 s .  c  om
    try {
        final String fileKey = key.replaceAll("/", "%2F");
        final List<Path> matches = new ArrayList<Path>();
        Files.walkFileTree(bucket, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
            public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
                String relativize = bucket.relativize(dir).toString();
                if (relativize.equals(fileKey)) {
                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

            public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
                String relativize = bucket.relativize(file).toString();
                if (relativize.equals(fileKey)) {
                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
        if (!matches.isEmpty())
            return matches.iterator().next();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new AmazonServiceException("Problem getting mock S3Element: ", e);

    return null;