Example usage for java.rmi RemoteException getMessage

List of usage examples for java.rmi RemoteException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.rmi RemoteException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Returns the detail message, including the message from the cause, if any, of this exception.


From source file:org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.CloudControllerClient.java

public synchronized void terminateInstances(String clusterId) throws TerminationException {
    try {// www  .  j a v a  2s. c o m
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            log.info(String.format("Terminating all instances of cluster via cloud controller: [cluster] %s",
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    String.format("Service call terminateInstances() returned in %dms", (endTime - startTime)));
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new TerminationException(msg, e);

    } catch (CloudControllerServiceInvalidClusterExceptionException e) {
        String message = e.getFaultMessage().getInvalidClusterException().getMessage();
        log.error(message, e);
        throw new TerminationException(message, e);

From source file:org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.CloudControllerClient.java

public synchronized void createApplicationClusters(String appId,
        Set<ApplicationClusterContext> appClusterContexts) {
    List<org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.stub.domain.ApplicationClusterContext> contextDTOs = new ArrayList<org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.stub.domain.ApplicationClusterContext>();
    for (ApplicationClusterContext applicationClusterContext : appClusterContexts) {
        org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.stub.domain.ApplicationClusterContext dto = new org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.stub.domain.ApplicationClusterContext();
        contextDTOs.add(dto);/*from  w ww.ja v  a  2  s.  c om*/

    org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.stub.domain.ApplicationClusterContext[] applicationClusterContextDTOs = new org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.stub.domain.ApplicationClusterContext[contextDTOs
    try {
        stub.createApplicationClusters(appId, applicationClusterContextDTOs);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        //throw new TerminationException(msg, e);
    } catch (CloudControllerServiceApplicationClusterRegistrationExceptionException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);


From source file:org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.CloudControllerClient.java

public void createClusterInstance(String serviceType, String clusterId, String alias, String instanceId,
        String partitionId, String networkPartitionId) {
    try {/* www .ja  v a 2s  .  c  o m*/
        stub.createClusterInstance(serviceType, clusterId, alias, instanceId, partitionId, networkPartitionId);

    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
    } catch (CloudControllerServiceClusterInstanceCreationExceptionException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);

From source file:org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.CloudControllerClient.java

public synchronized void terminateInstance(String memberId) throws TerminationException {
    try {/* ww w  .  jav  a 2  s. co  m*/
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            log.info(String.format("Terminating instance via cloud controller: [member] %s", memberId));
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    String.format("Service call terminateInstance() returned in %dms", (endTime - startTime)));
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new TerminationException(msg, e);
    } catch (CloudControllerServiceInvalidMemberExceptionException e) {
        String msg = e.getFaultMessage().getInvalidMemberException().getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new TerminationException(msg, e);
    } catch (CloudControllerServiceInvalidCartridgeTypeExceptionException e) {
        String msg = e.getFaultMessage().getInvalidCartridgeTypeException().getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new TerminationException(msg, e);
    } catch (CloudControllerServiceCloudControllerExceptionException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new TerminationException(msg, e);

From source file:org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.CloudControllerClient.java

public CartridgeInfo getCartrdgeInformation(String cartridgeType) throws CartridgeInformationException {

    try {// w  ww .j a va  2s .c  om
        return stub.getCartridgeInfo(cartridgeType);

    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new CartridgeInformationException(msg, e);
    } catch (CloudControllerServiceCartridgeNotFoundExceptionException e) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        log.error(msg, e);
        throw new CartridgeInformationException(msg, e);

From source file:org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.cluster.ClusterMonitor.java

private static void createClusterInstance(String serviceType, String clusterId, String alias, String instanceId,
        String partitionId, String networkPartitionId) {

    try {/*ww w .j  a  va2 s . c  o  m*/
        CloudControllerServiceClient.getInstance().createClusterInstance(serviceType, clusterId, alias,
                instanceId, partitionId, networkPartitionId);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        String msg = " Exception occurred in creating cluster instance with cluster-id [" + clusterId
                + "] instance-id [" + instanceId + "] service-type [" + serviceType + "]" + "] alias [" + alias
                + "] partition-id [" + partitionId + "]" + "] network-parition-id [" + networkPartitionId + "]"
                + " .Reason [" + e.getMessage() + "]";
        throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);


From source file:org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.hive.HiveQueryExecutor.java

public QueryResult[] execute(String query) {
    try {/*from w ww . ja v a2 s.c om*/
        return hiveService.executeHiveScript(query);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        handleException("Query : '" + query + "' - " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (HiveExecutionServiceHiveExecutionException e) {
        handleException("Query : '" + query + "' - " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return new QueryResult[0];

From source file:org.apache.stratos.rest.endpoint.api.StratosApiV40Utils.java

static ResponseMessageBean deployCartridge(CartridgeBean cartridgeDefinitionBean, ConfigurationContext ctxt,
        String userName, String tenantDomain) throws RestAPIException {

    log.info("Starting to deploy a Cartridge [type] " + cartridgeDefinitionBean.getType());

    CloudControllerServiceClient cloudControllerServiceClient = getCloudControllerServiceClient();

    if (cloudControllerServiceClient != null) {

        Cartridge cartridgeConfig = ObjectConverter

        if (cartridgeConfig == null) {
            throw new RestAPIException(
                    "Populated CartridgeConfig instance is null, cartridge deployment aborted");
        }/*from  w w w. ja  v  a  2  s  .  c  o m*/

        // call CC
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RestAPIException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (CloudControllerServiceInvalidCartridgeDefinitionExceptionException e) {
            String message = e.getFaultMessage().getInvalidCartridgeDefinitionException().getMessage();
            log.error(message, e);
            throw new RestAPIException(message, e);
        } catch (CloudControllerServiceCartridgeAlreadyExistsExceptionException e) {
            String message = e.getMessage();
            log.error(message, e);
            throw new RestAPIException(message, e);
        } catch (CloudControllerServiceInvalidIaasProviderExceptionException e) {
            String message = e.getFaultMessage().getInvalidIaasProviderException().getMessage();
            log.error(message, e);
            throw new RestAPIException(message, e);

    ResponseMessageBean stratosApiResponse = new ResponseMessageBean();
    String message = "Successfully added cartridge definition: [cartridge-type] "
            + cartridgeDefinitionBean.getType();
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
    return stratosApiResponse;

From source file:org.apache.stratos.rest.endpoint.api.StratosApiV40Utils.java

static ResponseMessageBean undeployCartridge(String cartridgeType) throws RestAPIException {

    CloudControllerServiceClient cloudControllerServiceClient = getCloudControllerServiceClient();
    if (cloudControllerServiceClient != null) {
        try {/*w  w  w.jav  a 2 s.  c om*/
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RestAPIException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (CloudControllerServiceInvalidCartridgeTypeExceptionException e) {
            String msg = e.getFaultMessage().getInvalidCartridgeTypeException().getMessage();
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new RestAPIException(msg, e);


    ResponseMessageBean stratosApiResponse = new ResponseMessageBean();
    stratosApiResponse.setMessage("Successfully undeployed cartridge definition with type " + cartridgeType);
    return stratosApiResponse;

From source file:org.apache.stratos.rest.endpoint.api.StratosApiV40Utils.java

public static ResponseMessageBean deployAutoscalingPolicy(AutoscalePolicyBean autoscalePolicyBean)
        throws RestAPIException {

    //log.info("***** " + cartridgeDefinitionBean.toString() + " *****");

    AutoscalerServiceClient autoscalerServiceClient = getAutoscalerServiceClient();
    if (autoscalerServiceClient != null) {

        org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.stub.autoscale.policy.AutoscalePolicy autoscalePolicy = ObjectConverter

        try {//from  ww w  .j av  a 2 s .  c o m
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RestAPIException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (AutoscalerServiceAutoScalingPolicyAlreadyExistExceptionException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RestAPIException(e.getMessage(), e);


    ResponseMessageBean stratosApiResponse = new ResponseMessageBean();
            "Successfully deployed autoscaling policy definition with id " + autoscalePolicyBean.getId());
    return stratosApiResponse;