Example usage for java.security KeyPair getPrivate

List of usage examples for java.security KeyPair getPrivate


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security KeyPair getPrivate.


public PrivateKey getPrivate() 

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Returns a reference to the private key component of this key pair.


From source file:com.vmware.identity.openidconnect.sample.RelyingPartyInstaller.java

private X509Certificate generateCertificate(KeyPair keyPair, String dn) throws Exception {
    ContentSigner sigGen = new JcaContentSignerBuilder("SHA1withRSA").build(keyPair.getPrivate());

    Date startDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
    Date endDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

    X509v3CertificateBuilder v3CertGen = new JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder(new X500Name("CN=" + dn),
            new BigInteger(64, new SecureRandom()), startDate, endDate, new X500Name("CN=" + dn),
            keyPair.getPublic());//from   ww w . jav a2  s .c o  m

    X509CertificateHolder certHolder = v3CertGen.build(sigGen);
    X509Certificate x509Certificate = new JcaX509CertificateConverter().getCertificate(certHolder);
    return x509Certificate;

From source file:com.frequencymarketing.citi.saml.UsmSaml.java

private SAMLResponse getSAMLResponse(TyUsmSamlProfileData memberData, String a_clientIp) throws Exception {
    String memberId = memberData.getMemberId();
    SAMLIdentifier idgen = SAMLIdentifierFactory.getInstance();
    SAMLResponse samlResponse = new SAMLResponse();
    SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion();
    SAMLAuthenticationStatement samlAuthenticationStatement = new SAMLAuthenticationStatement();
    SAMLSubject samlSubject = new SAMLSubject(new SAMLNameIdentifier(memberId, null, null),
            Collections.singleton(SAMLSubject.CONF_BEARER), null, null);

    samlAuthenticationStatement.setAuthInstant(new Date());
    samlAssertion.setNotBefore(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 30000));
    samlAssertion.setNotOnOrAfter(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 90000));//2 minutes
    samlAssertion.addCondition(new SAMLAudienceRestrictionCondition(

    //NameIdentifier is the Member id.
    SAMLAttributeStatement samlsaStatement = new SAMLAttributeStatement();
    SAMLSubject l_subject2 = new SAMLSubject(new SAMLNameIdentifier(memberId, null, null),
            Collections.singleton(SAMLSubject.CONF_BEARER), null, null);

    samlsaStatement = addToAttributeStatement(samlsaStatement, "member_id", memberId, null, XML.SAML_NS);

    samlsaStatement = addToAttributeStatement(samlsaStatement, "agent_id", memberData.getAgentId(), null,
            XML.SAML_NS);/*from w  w w  . j  a  va 2s.  c o  m*/

    samlsaStatement = addToAttributeStatement(samlsaStatement, "mbr_name_first", memberData.getFirstName(),
            null, XML.SAML_NS);
    samlsaStatement = addToAttributeStatement(samlsaStatement, "mbr_name_last", memberData.getLastName(), null,

    samlsaStatement = addToAttributeStatement(samlsaStatement, "point_balance", memberData.getPointBalance(),
            null, XML.SAML_NS);

    //Load the KeyStore
    KeyStore keystore = CryptoKeystoreUtil.getKeyStore(getSamlProps().getKeystore(),

    KeyPair keyPair = CryptoKeystoreUtil.getKeyPair(keystore, getSamlProps().getKeystoreAlias(),

    samlResponse.sign(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, keyPair.getPrivate(), null);



    return samlResponse;

From source file:com.subgraph.vega.internal.http.proxy.ssl.CertificateCreator.java

private void initialize() throws IOException, CertificateException {
    if (certificateStore.containsCaCertificate()) {
        caCertificate = certificateStore.getCaCertificate();
        caPrivateKey = certificateStore.getCaPrivateKey();
        caPublicKey = caCertificate.getPublicKey();
        caPemCertificate = createPemCertificate(caCertificate);
        return;/*from  ww w . ja v a 2s. com*/
    final KeyPair caKeyPair = keyGenerator.generateKeyPair();
    caPublicKey = caKeyPair.getPublic();
    caPrivateKey = caKeyPair.getPrivate();
    caCertificate = generateCertificate(caSubject, caKeyPair.getPublic(), caSubject, caPublicKey, caPrivateKey,
    certificateStore.saveCaCertificate(caCertificate, caPrivateKey);
    caPemCertificate = createPemCertificate(caCertificate);

From source file:kr.ac.cau.mecs.cass.processor.SignupProcessor.java

public Signal process(Signal signal) {
    Signal resignal = new Signal();

    resignal.setAction(new Action(Action.ACT_SIGNUP));

    if (signal.getPayload() != null && (signal.getPayload().getPayload() instanceof JSONObjectPayload)) {
        JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) signal.getPayload().getPayload().getData();

        if (jobj.has("userid") && jobj.has("userpw")) {
            String userid = jobj.optString("userid");
            String userpw = jobj.optString("userpw");
            //valid payload

            DBUserEntity _user = UserEntityDAO.getByUserID(session, userid);

            if (_user != null) {
                //user exists
                setGenericMessage(resignal, "user exists");
            } else {
                if (userid.length() > 4) {
                    if (userpw.length() > 4) {
                        //create here
                        _user = new DBUserEntity();

                        if (_user.getAccessToken() == null) {
                            _user.setAccessToken(new DBAccessTokenEntity());
                        }//from   www. j  av a 2 s.  c o  m

                        KeyPair keypair = AccessTokenUtil.generateKeyPair(System.currentTimeMillis());

                        String usertoken = BCrypt.hashpw(userid, BCrypt.gensalt(12));
                        String authtoken = AccessTokenUtil.signData(usertoken, keypair.getPrivate());



                        JSONObject jres = new JSONObject();
                        jres.putOpt("authToken", authtoken);
                        jres.putOpt("userToken", usertoken);

                        resignal.setPayload(new Payload(new JSONObjectPayload(jres)));
                    } else {
                        setGenericMessage(resignal, "pw too short(min 5)");
                } else {
                    setGenericMessage(resignal, "id too short(min 5)");

        } else {
            setGenericMessage(resignal, "invalid payload type");
    } else {
        //inform user invalid payload type
        setGenericMessage(resignal, "invalid payload type");

    return resignal;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.gateway.services.security.impl.BaseKeystoreService.java

 * Create a self-signed X.509 Certificate
 * @param dn the X.509 Distinguished Name, eg "CN=Test, L=London, C=GB"
 * @param pair the KeyPair/*  www . j  av  a2 s.  co  m*/
 * @param days how many days from now the Certificate is valid for
 * @param algorithm the signing algorithm, eg "SHA1withRSA"
protected X509Certificate generateCertificate(String dn, KeyPair pair, int days, String algorithm)
        throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
    PrivateKey privkey = pair.getPrivate();
    X509CertInfo info = new X509CertInfo();
    Date from = new Date();
    Date to = new Date(from.getTime() + days * 86400000l);
    CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(from, to);
    BigInteger sn = new BigInteger(64, new SecureRandom());
    X500Name owner = new X500Name(dn);

    info.set(X509CertInfo.VALIDITY, interval);
    info.set(X509CertInfo.SERIAL_NUMBER, new CertificateSerialNumber(sn));
    info.set(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT, new CertificateSubjectName(owner));
    info.set(X509CertInfo.ISSUER, new CertificateIssuerName(owner));
    info.set(X509CertInfo.KEY, new CertificateX509Key(pair.getPublic()));
    info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3));
    AlgorithmId algo = new AlgorithmId(AlgorithmId.md5WithRSAEncryption_oid);
    info.set(X509CertInfo.ALGORITHM_ID, new CertificateAlgorithmId(algo));

    // Sign the cert to identify the algorithm that's used.
    X509CertImpl cert = new X509CertImpl(info);
    cert.sign(privkey, algorithm);

    // Update the algorith, and resign.
    algo = (AlgorithmId) cert.get(X509CertImpl.SIG_ALG);
    info.set(CertificateAlgorithmId.NAME + "." + CertificateAlgorithmId.ALGORITHM, algo);
    cert = new X509CertImpl(info);
    cert.sign(privkey, algorithm);
    return cert;

From source file:org.apache.usergrid.security.ApigeeSSO2ProviderIT.java

public void testBasicOperation() throws Exception {

    // create keypair
    KeyPair kp = RsaProvider.generateKeyPair(1024);
    PublicKey publicKey = kp.getPublic();
    PrivateKey privateKey = kp.getPrivate();

    // create provider with private key
    ApigeeSSO2Provider provider = new MockApigeeSSO2Provider();
    provider.setPublicKey(publicKey);//from ww w  .j a  v  a  2 s  .  c  o  m

    // create user, claims and a token for those things
    User user = createUser();
    long exp = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
    Map<String, Object> claims = createClaims(user.getUsername(), user.getEmail(), exp);
    String token = Jwts.builder().setClaims(claims).signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, privateKey).compact();

    // test that provider can validate the token, get user, return token info
    TokenInfo tokenInfo = provider.validateAndReturnTokenInfo(token, 86400L);

From source file:edu.wisc.doit.tcrypt.controller.DownloadController.java

public void downloadKey(@RequestParam("serviceName") String serviceName,
        @RequestParam("keyType") String keyType, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {
    try {//w w  w . ja  va  2 s.  c  o m
        KeyPair sk = (KeyPair) request.getSession().getAttribute("serviceKey_" + serviceName);

                "attachment; filename=\"" + keyType + "-" + serviceName + ".pem" + "\"");

        Key key = "private".equalsIgnoreCase(keyType) ? sk.getPrivate() : sk.getPublic();

        try (final PEMWriter pemWriter = new PEMWriter(new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream()))) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Issue downloading the key " + keyType, e);
        throw new Exception(e);

From source file:net.padlocksoftware.padlock.validator.ValidatorTest.java


 * this test actually only works when there is no padlock license key referenced. Disabling the license
 * check to enforce a 2 week expiry period breaks this test. Thus I am disabling
 * //from  ww w  .  j  ava 2s .  co  m
 * @throws Exception
public void testExpired() throws Exception {
    KeyPair pair = KeyManager.createKeyPair();
    License license = LicenseFactory.createLicense();
    license.setStartDate(new Date(100));
    LicenseSigner signer = LicenseSigner.createLicenseSigner((DSAPrivateKey) pair.getPrivate());

    String key = new String(Hex.encodeHex(pair.getPublic().getEncoded()));
    Validator validator = new Validator(license, key);
    boolean ex = false;
    try {
    } catch (ValidatorException e) {
        ex = true;

From source file:org.apache.usergrid.security.ApigeeSSO2ProviderIT.java

public void testExpiredToken() throws Exception {

    // create keypair
    KeyPair kp = RsaProvider.generateKeyPair(1024);
    PublicKey publicKey = kp.getPublic();
    PrivateKey privateKey = kp.getPrivate();

    // create provider with private key
    ApigeeSSO2Provider provider = new MockApigeeSSO2Provider();
    provider.setPublicKey(publicKey);/*  w  ww .  j  ava 2s.  co  m*/

    // create user, claims and a token for those things
    User user = createUser();
    long exp = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1500;
    Map<String, Object> claims = createClaims(user.getUsername(), user.getEmail(), exp);
    String token = Jwts.builder().setClaims(claims).setExpiration(new Date())
            .signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, privateKey).compact();

    Thread.sleep(500); // wait for claims to timeout

    // test that token is expired
    try {
        provider.validateAndReturnTokenInfo(token, 86400L);
        Assert.fail("Should have failed due to expired token");

    } catch (BadTokenException e) {
        Assert.assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof ExpiredJwtException);

From source file:org.apache.usergrid.security.ApigeeSSO2ProviderIT.java

public void testBadSignature() throws Exception {

    // create old keypair
    KeyPair kp = RsaProvider.generateKeyPair(1024);
    PublicKey publicKey = kp.getPublic();
    PrivateKey privateKey = kp.getPrivate();

    // create new keypair
    KeyPair kpNew = RsaProvider.generateKeyPair(1024);
    PrivateKey privateKeyNew = kpNew.getPrivate();

    // create mock provider with old public key
    ApigeeSSO2Provider provider = new MockApigeeSSO2ProviderNewKey(publicKey, publicKey);

    // create user, claims and a token for those things. Sign with new public key
    User user = createUser();//from w  w  w.  j  a  v a  2s  .co m
    long exp = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
    Map<String, Object> claims = createClaims(user.getUsername(), user.getEmail(), exp);
    String token = Jwts.builder().setClaims(claims).signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, privateKeyNew).compact();

    // test that signature exception thrown
    try {
        provider.validateAndReturnTokenInfo(token, 86400L);
        Assert.fail("Should have failed due to bad signature");

    } catch (BadTokenException e) {
        Assert.assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof SignatureException);
