Example usage for java.security KeyStoreException printStackTrace

List of usage examples for java.security KeyStoreException printStackTrace


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security KeyStoreException printStackTrace.


public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) 

Source Link


Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.


From source file:org.jenkinsci.plugins.stashNotifier.StashNotifier.java

 * Returns the HttpClient through which the REST call is made. Uses an
 * unsafe TrustStrategy in case the user specified a HTTPS URL and
 * set the ignoreUnverifiedSSLPeer flag.
 * /*  w w  w .  j  a  va  2  s . c  o m*/
 * @param logger   the logger to log messages to
 * @return         the HttpClient
private HttpClient getHttpClient(PrintStream logger) {
    HttpClient client = null;
    boolean ignoreUnverifiedSSL = ignoreUnverifiedSSLPeer;
    DescriptorImpl descriptor = getDescriptor();
    if (!ignoreUnverifiedSSL) {
        ignoreUnverifiedSSL = descriptor.isIgnoreUnverifiedSsl();
    if (getStashServerBaseUrl().startsWith("https") && ignoreUnverifiedSSL) {
        // add unsafe trust manager to avoid thrown
        // SSLPeerUnverifiedException
        try {
            TrustStrategy easyStrategy = new TrustStrategy() {
                public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
                    return true;

            SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = new SSLSocketFactory(easyStrategy);
            SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
            schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", 443, sslSocketFactory));
            ClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new SingleClientConnManager(schemeRegistry);
            client = new DefaultHttpClient(connectionManager);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
            logger.println("Couldn't establish SSL context:");
        } catch (KeyManagementException kme) {
            logger.println("Couldn't initialize SSL context:");
        } catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
            logger.println("Couldn't initialize SSL context:");
        } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException uke) {
            logger.println("Couldn't initialize SSL context:");
        } finally {
            if (client == null) {
                logger.println("Trying with safe trust manager, instead!");
                client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    } else {
        client = new DefaultHttpClient();

    ProxyConfiguration proxy = Jenkins.getInstance().proxy;
    if (proxy != null && !proxy.name.isEmpty() && !proxy.name.startsWith("http")) {
        SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = client.getConnectionManager().getSchemeRegistry();
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", proxy.port, new PlainSocketFactory()));
        client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, new HttpHost(proxy.name, proxy.port));

    return client;

From source file:org.jenkinsci.plugins.bitbucketNotifier.BitbucketNotifier.java

 * Returns the HttpClient through which the REST call is made. Uses an
 * unsafe TrustStrategy in case the user specified a HTTPS URL and
 * set the ignoreUnverifiedSSLPeer flag.
 * @param logger    the logger to log messages to
 * @param build//  w w  w  .  j  av  a  2  s  .co  m
 * @return         the HttpClient
private HttpClient getHttpClient(PrintStream logger, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) throws Exception {
    boolean ignoreUnverifiedSSL = ignoreUnverifiedSSLPeer;
    String bitbucketServer = bitbucketServerBaseUrl;
    DescriptorImpl descriptor = getDescriptor();

    // Determine if we are using the local or global settings
    String credentialsId = getCredentialsId();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(credentialsId)) {
        credentialsId = descriptor.getCredentialsId();

    Credentials credentials = CredentialsMatchers.firstOrNull(CredentialsProvider
            .lookupCredentials(CertificateCredentials.class, Jenkins.getInstance(), ACL.SYSTEM),

    if ("".equals(bitbucketServer) || bitbucketServer == null) {
        bitbucketServer = descriptor.getBitbucketRootUrl();
    if (!ignoreUnverifiedSSL) {
        ignoreUnverifiedSSL = descriptor.isIgnoreUnverifiedSsl();

    URL url = new URL(bitbucketServer);
    HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
    if (url.getProtocol().equals("https")
            && (ignoreUnverifiedSSL || credentials instanceof CertificateCredentials)) {
        // add unsafe trust manager to avoid thrown
        // SSLPeerUnverifiedException
        try {
            SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslConnSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(
                    buildSslContext(ignoreUnverifiedSSL, credentials),
                    ignoreUnverifiedSSL ? SSLConnectionSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER : null);

            Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create()
                    .register("https", sslConnSocketFactory).build();

            HttpClientConnectionManager ccm = new BasicHttpClientConnectionManager(registry);

        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
            logger.println("Couldn't establish SSL context:");
        } catch (KeyManagementException kme) {
            logger.println("Couldn't initialize SSL context:");
        } catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
            logger.println("Couldn't initialize SSL context:");

    // Configure the proxy, if needed
    // Using the Jenkins methods handles the noProxyHost settings
    ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig = Jenkins.getInstance().proxy;
    if (proxyConfig != null) {
        Proxy proxy = proxyConfig.createProxy(url.getHost());
        if (proxy != null && proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP) {
            SocketAddress addr = proxy.address();
            if (addr != null && addr instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
                InetSocketAddress proxyAddr = (InetSocketAddress) addr;
                HttpHost proxyHost = new HttpHost(proxyAddr.getAddress().getHostAddress(), proxyAddr.getPort());
                builder = builder.setProxy(proxyHost);

                String proxyUser = proxyConfig.getUserName();
                if (proxyUser != null) {
                    String proxyPass = proxyConfig.getPassword();
                    BasicCredentialsProvider cred = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
                    cred.setCredentials(new AuthScope(proxyHost),
                            new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUser, proxyPass));
                    builder = builder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(cred)
                            .setProxyAuthenticationStrategy(new ProxyAuthenticationStrategy());

    return builder.build();

From source file:net.jsign.PESignerCLI.java

void execute(String... args) throws SignerException {
    DefaultParser parser = new DefaultParser();
    try {/*from w w w.ja v a  2  s  .c  o  m*/
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);

        if (cmd.hasOption("help") || args.length == 0) {

        File keystore = cmd.hasOption("keystore") ? new File(cmd.getOptionValue("keystore")) : null;
        String storepass = cmd.getOptionValue("storepass");
        String storetype = cmd.getOptionValue("storetype");
        String alias = cmd.getOptionValue("alias");
        String keypass = cmd.getOptionValue("keypass");
        File keyfile = cmd.hasOption("keyfile") ? new File(cmd.getOptionValue("keyfile")) : null;
        File certfile = cmd.hasOption("certfile") ? new File(cmd.getOptionValue("certfile")) : null;
        String tsaurl = cmd.getOptionValue("tsaurl");
        String tsmode = cmd.getOptionValue("tsmode");
        String algorithm = cmd.getOptionValue("alg");
        String name = cmd.getOptionValue("name");
        String url = cmd.getOptionValue("url");
        File file = cmd.getArgList().isEmpty() ? null : new File(cmd.getArgList().get(0));

        if (keystore != null && storetype == null) {
            // guess the type of the keystore from the extension of the file
            String filename = keystore.getName().toLowerCase();
            if (filename.endsWith(".p12") || filename.endsWith(".pfx")) {
                storetype = "PKCS12";
            } else {
                storetype = "JKS";

        PrivateKey privateKey;
        Certificate[] chain;

        // some exciting parameter validation...
        if (keystore == null && keyfile == null && certfile == null) {
            throw new SignerException("keystore option, or keyfile and certfile options must be set");
        if (keystore != null && (keyfile != null || certfile != null)) {
            throw new SignerException("keystore option can't be mixed with keyfile or certfile");

        if (keystore != null) {
            // JKS or PKCS12 keystore 
            KeyStore ks;
            try {
                ks = KeyStore.getInstance(storetype);
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new SignerException("keystore type '" + storetype + "' is not supported", e);

            if (!keystore.exists()) {
                throw new SignerException("The keystore " + keystore + " couldn't be found");
            FileInputStream in = null;
            try {
                in = new FileInputStream(keystore);
                ks.load(in, storepass != null ? storepass.toCharArray() : null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SignerException("Unable to load the keystore " + keystore, e);
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (in != null) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // ignore

            if (alias == null) {
                throw new SignerException("alias option must be set");

            try {
                chain = ks.getCertificateChain(alias);
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new SignerException(e.getMessage(), e);
            if (chain == null) {
                throw new SignerException(
                        "No certificate found under the alias '" + alias + "' in the keystore " + keystore);

            char[] password = keypass != null ? keypass.toCharArray() : storepass.toCharArray();

            try {
                privateKey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, password);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SignerException("Failed to retrieve the private key from the keystore", e);

        } else {
            // separate private key and certificate files (PVK/SPC)
            if (keyfile == null) {
                throw new SignerException("keyfile option must be set");
            if (!keyfile.exists()) {
                throw new SignerException("The keyfile " + keyfile + " couldn't be found");
            if (certfile == null) {
                throw new SignerException("certfile option must be set");
            if (!certfile.exists()) {
                throw new SignerException("The certfile " + certfile + " couldn't be found");

            // load the certificate chain
            try {
                chain = loadCertificateChain(certfile);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SignerException("Failed to load the certificate from " + certfile, e);

            // load the private key
            try {
                privateKey = PVK.parse(keyfile, keypass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SignerException("Failed to load the private key from " + keyfile, e);

        if (algorithm != null && DigestAlgorithm.of(algorithm) == null) {
            throw new SignerException("The digest algorithm " + algorithm + " is not supported");

        if (file == null) {
            throw new SignerException("missing file argument");
        if (!file.exists()) {
            throw new SignerException("The file " + file + " couldn't be found");

        PEFile peFile;
        try {
            peFile = new PEFile(file);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SignerException("Couldn't open the executable file " + file, e);

        // and now the actual work!
        PESigner signer = new PESigner(chain, privateKey).withProgramName(name).withProgramURL(url)
                .withTimestamping(tsaurl != null || tsmode != null)

        try {
            System.out.println("Adding Authenticode signature to " + file);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SignerException("Couldn't sign " + file, e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't close " + file);

    } catch (ParseException e) {