Example usage for java.security MessageDigest getAlgorithm

List of usage examples for java.security MessageDigest getAlgorithm


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security MessageDigest getAlgorithm.


public final String getAlgorithm() 

Source Link


Returns a string that identifies the algorithm, independent of implementation details.


From source file:com.alfaariss.oa.util.saml2.crypto.SAML2CryptoUtils.java

 * Returns the digest method algorith of the supplied message digest.
 * @param messageDigest The message digest.
 * /*  w w w .j  av a 2  s .  co  m*/
 * @return SecurityConfiguration for generating signatures
 * @throws OAException if algorithm is not supported
public static String getXMLDigestMethodURI(MessageDigest messageDigest) throws OAException {
    String sDigestAlgorithm = messageDigest.getAlgorithm();
    sDigestAlgorithm = sDigestAlgorithm.replace("-", "");

    if (sDigestAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("SHA1"))
        return SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA1;
    else if (sDigestAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("SHA256"))
        return EncryptionConstants.ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA256;
    else if (sDigestAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("SHA384"))
        return SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA384;
    else if (sDigestAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("SHA512"))
        return EncryptionConstants.ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA512;
    else if (sDigestAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("MD5"))
        return SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_DIGEST_NOT_RECOMMENDED_MD5;
    else {
        //DD Only a limited number of digest algorithms are supported in OA SAML2
        _logger.error("Unsupported message digest algorithm: " + sDigestAlgorithm);
        throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL);

From source file:de.ks.flatadocdb.defaults.DefaultIdGenerator.java

public String getSha1Hash(Path repository, Path targetPath) {//for debugging and readability the string is used instead of the byte array. Also avoids possible programming errors using the byte array in equals/hashcode.
    String relative = getRelativePath(repository, targetPath);
    MessageDigest digest = sha1.get();
    byte[] checksum = digest.digest(relative.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_16));
    String hexString = Hex.encodeHexString(checksum);
    log.trace("Generated {} \"{}\" for {}", digest.getAlgorithm(), hexString, relative);
    return hexString;

From source file:eu.peppol.document.PayloadDigestCalculator.java

public static MessageDigestResult calcDigest(String algorithm, StandardBusinessDocumentHeader sbdh,
        InputStream inputStream) {
    MessageDigest messageDigest;

    try {//  w ww.  j a  v  a  2 s . c o  m
        messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Unknown digest algorithm " + OxalisConstant.DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM + " " + e.getMessage(),

    InputStream inputStreamToCalculateDigestFrom = null;

    ManifestItem manifestItem = SbdhFastParser.searchForAsicManifestItem(sbdh);
    if (manifestItem != null) {
        // creates an FilterInputStream, which will extract the ASiC in binary format.
        inputStreamToCalculateDigestFrom = new Base64InputStream(new AsicFilterInputStream(inputStream));
    } else
        inputStreamToCalculateDigestFrom = inputStream;

    DigestInputStream digestInputStream = new DigestInputStream(
            new BufferedInputStream(inputStreamToCalculateDigestFrom), messageDigest);
    try {
        IOUtils.copy(digestInputStream, new NullOutputStream());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to calculate digest for payload");

    return new MessageDigestResult(messageDigest.digest(), messageDigest.getAlgorithm());

From source file:fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.tika.TikaDocParser.java

public static void generate(FsSettings fsSettings, InputStream inputStream, String filename, Doc doc,
        MessageDigest messageDigest, long filesize) throws IOException {
    logger.trace("Generating document [{}]", filename);
    // Extracting content with Tika
    // See #38: https://github.com/dadoonet/fscrawler/issues/38
    int indexedChars = 100000;
    if (fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars() != null) {
        if (fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars().percentage()) {
            indexedChars = (int) Math.round(filesize * fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars().asDouble());
            logger.trace("using percentage [{}] to define indexed chars: [{}]",
                    fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars(), indexedChars);
        } else {//from   www  .  jav  a  2  s .  co  m
            indexedChars = (int) fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars().value();
            logger.trace("indexed chars [{}]",
                    indexedChars == -1 ? "has been disabled. All text will be extracted" : indexedChars);
    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();

    String parsedContent = null;

    if (messageDigest != null) {
        logger.trace("Generating hash with [{}]", messageDigest.getAlgorithm());
        inputStream = new DigestInputStream(inputStream, messageDigest);

    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
    if (fsSettings.getFs().isStoreSource()) {
        logger.debug("Using a TeeInputStream as we need to store the source");
        bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        inputStream = new TeeInputStream(inputStream, bos);

    try {
        // Set the maximum length of strings returned by the parseToString method, -1 sets no limit
        logger.trace("Beginning Tika extraction");
        parsedContent = tika().parseToString(inputStream, metadata, indexedChars);
        logger.trace("End of Tika extraction");
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        logger.debug("Failed to extract [" + indexedChars + "] characters of text for [" + filename + "]", e);

    // Adding what we found to the document we want to index

    // File

    // We only add `indexed_chars` if we have other value than default or -1
    if (fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars() != null && fsSettings.getFs().getIndexedChars().value() != -1) {

    if (fsSettings.getFs().isAddFilesize()) {
        if (metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_LENGTH) != null) {
            // We try to get CONTENT_LENGTH from Tika first
    if (messageDigest != null) {
        byte[] digest = messageDigest.digest();
        String result = "";
        // Convert to Hexa
        for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) {
            result += Integer.toString((digest[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1);
    // File

    // Meta
    String sDate = metadata.get(TikaCoreProperties.MODIFIED);
    if (sDate != null) {
        try {
            LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.parse(sDate, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);
        } catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
            logger.warn("Can not parse date [{}] for [{}]. Skipping date field...", sDate, filename);

    if (fsSettings.getFs().isRawMetadata()) {
        logger.trace("Listing all available metadata:");
        for (String metadataName : metadata.names()) {
            String value = metadata.get(metadataName);
            // This is a logger trick which helps to generate our unit tests
            // You need to change test/resources/log4j2.xml fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.tika level to trace
            logger.trace("  assertThat(raw, hasEntry(\"{}\", \"{}\"));", metadataName, value);
            doc.getMeta().addRaw(metadataName, value);
    // Meta

    // Doc content

    // Doc as binary attachment
    if (fsSettings.getFs().isStoreSource()) {
    logger.trace("End document generation");
    // End of our document

From source file:com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.processor.handler.AbstractAPIHandler.java

 * Resolves the value for the uid parameter of the A-Select protocol.
 * /*w  ww  . ja v  a  2 s .  com*/
 * @param oUser The User object
 * @param oASRequestorPool Requestor Pool object or <code>null</code>
 * @param oRequestorPool OA Requestorpool
 * @param oRequestor OA Requestor
 * @return the resolved uid value
 * @throws ASelectException if no uid can be resolved
 * @throws OAException if conversion to hexadecimal fails
protected String getUid(IUser oUser, ASelectRequestorPool oASRequestorPool, RequestorPool oRequestorPool,
        IRequestor oRequestor) throws ASelectException, OAException {
    String sUid = oUser.getID();

    String sUidAttribute = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_ATTRIBUTE);
    if (sUidAttribute == null) {
        if (oASRequestorPool != null)
            sUidAttribute = oASRequestorPool.getUidAttribute();

        if (sUidAttribute == null)
            sUidAttribute = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_ATTRIBUTE);

    if (sUidAttribute != null) {
        IAttributes oAttributes = oUser.getAttributes();
        sUid = (String) oAttributes.get(sUidAttribute);
        if (sUid == null) {
            StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Missing required attribute (");
            sbError.append(") to resolve uid for user with ID: ");
            throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE);
        //DD Remove the used attribute from the user attributes, so it will not be released to the application

    boolean bOpaqueUID = false;

    String sUIDOpaque = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED);
    if (sUIDOpaque != null) {
        if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque))
            bOpaqueUID = true;
        else if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque)) {
            StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid value for requestor property '");
            sbError.append("': ");

            throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL);
    } else {
        if (oASRequestorPool != null)
            bOpaqueUID = oASRequestorPool.isUidOpaque();
        if (!bOpaqueUID) {
            sUIDOpaque = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED);
            if (sUIDOpaque != null) {
                if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque))
                    bOpaqueUID = true;
                else if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque)) {
                    StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid value for requestorpool property '");
                    sbError.append("': ");

                    throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL);

    if (bOpaqueUID) {
        String sSalt = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_SALT);
        if (sSalt == null) {
            if (oASRequestorPool != null)
                sSalt = oASRequestorPool.getUidOpaqueSalt();
            if (sSalt == null)
                sSalt = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_SALT);

        if (sSalt != null)
            sUid = sUid + sSalt;

        // the returned user ID must contain an opaque value 
        MessageDigest oMessageDigest = _cryptoManager.getMessageDigest();
        try {
            sUid = toHexString(oMessageDigest.digest());
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Unable to generate '" + oMessageDigest.getAlgorithm() + "' hash from user ID: " + sUid, e);
            throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL);

    return sUid;

From source file:org.abstracthorizon.proximity.maven.MavenProximityLogic.java

 * Store digest.//from   ww w. ja  v a 2 s .  c o  m
 * @param req the req
 * @param dig the dig
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
protected void storeDigest(ProximityRequest req, MessageDigest dig) throws IOException {
    File tmpFile = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"),
            req.getPath().replace(ItemProperties.PATH_SEPARATOR.charAt(0), '_') + "."
                    + dig.getAlgorithm().toLowerCase());
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(tmpFile);
    try {
        fw.write(new String(Hex.encodeHex(dig.digest())) + "\n");
    } finally {


From source file:org.apache.cloudstack.utils.security.DigestHelper.java

public static ChecksumValue digest(String algorithm, InputStream is)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
    MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
    ChecksumValue checksum = null;// www  .j  av a2  s  . c o  m
    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
    int read = 0;
    while ((read = is.read(buffer)) > 0) {
        digest.update(buffer, 0, read);
    byte[] md5sum = digest.digest();
    // TODO make sure this is valid for all types of checksums !?!
    BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(1, md5sum);
    checksum = new ChecksumValue(digest.getAlgorithm(), getPaddedDigestString(digest, bigInt));
    return checksum;

From source file:org.cdmckay.coffeep.Program.java

private static ClassFile getClassFile(JavaFileObject fileObject, CoffeepSystemInfo systemInfo)
        throws IOException, ConstantPoolException {
    if (fileObject == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("fileObject cannot be null");
    }/*from  w  w w. j  a  v a  2  s  .  com*/
    if (systemInfo == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("systemInfo cannot be null");

    InputStream inputStream = fileObject.openInputStream();
    try {
        MessageDigest messageDigest = null;
        try {
            messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            logger.warn("Exception while getting MD5 MessageDigest", e);

        DigestInputStream digestInputStream = new DigestInputStream(inputStream, messageDigest);
        CountingInputStream countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(digestInputStream);

        Attribute.Factory attributeFactory = new Attribute.Factory();
        ClassFile classFile = ClassFile.read(countingInputStream, attributeFactory);

        systemInfo.classFileUri = fileObject.toUri();
        systemInfo.classFileSize = countingInputStream.getSize();
        systemInfo.lastModifiedTimestamp = fileObject.getLastModified();
        if (messageDigest != null) {
            systemInfo.digestAlgorithm = messageDigest.getAlgorithm();
            systemInfo.digest = new BigInteger(1, messageDigest.digest()).toString(16);

        return classFile;
    } finally {

From source file:org.dataconservancy.ui.dcpmap.DataSetMapper.java

 * Calculates fixity over an InputStream according to the supplied algorithm.
 * @param in         the InputStream/* ww  w  . j av  a  2s  . c  om*/
 * @param digestAlgo the algorithm used to calculate fixity
 * @return a DcsFixity object encapsulating the calculated fixity and algorithm
 * @throws IOException if there is an error calculating the fixity
private DcsFixity calculateFixity(InputStream in, MessageDigest digestAlgo) throws IOException {
    final HexEncodingDigestListener digestListener = new HexEncodingDigestListener();
    final NullOutputStream devNull = new NullOutputStream();
    final DigestNotificationStream digestIn = new DigestNotificationStream(in, digestAlgo, digestListener);

    IOUtils.copy(digestIn, devNull);

    final String digest = digestListener.getDigest();

    if (digest == null || digest.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IOException("Error calculating fixity for stream: the digest was empty or null.");

    DcsFixity fixity = new DcsFixity();

    return fixity;