Example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction

List of usage examples for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction.



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From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.runtime.description.marshal.impl.ArtifactProcessor.java

 * Return the Method matching the method name or null
 * @param methodName String containing method name
 * @param cls Class of the class that declares the method
 * @return Method or null/* w  ww.  j  a  v a2s  .c  o  m*/
private static Method getMethod(final String methodName, final Class cls) {
    // NOTE: This method must remain protected because it uses AccessController
    Method method = null;
    try {
        method = (Method) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() {
                Method[] methods = cls.getMethods();
                if (methods != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
                        if (methods[i].getName().equals(methodName)) {
                            return methods[i];
                return null;
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {


    return method;

From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.destination.hdfs.HdfsTargetConfigBean.java

private boolean validateHadoopFS(Stage.Context context, List<Stage.ConfigIssue> issues) {
    hdfsConfiguration = getHadoopConfiguration(context, issues);

    boolean validHapoopFsUri = true;
    // if hdfsUri is empty, we'll use the default fs uri from hdfs config. no validation required.
    if (!hdfsUri.isEmpty()) {
        if (hdfsUri.contains("://")) {
            try {
                new URI(hdfsUri);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(Groups.HADOOP_FS.name(), null, Errors.HADOOPFS_22, hdfsUri,
                        ex.toString(), ex));
                validHapoopFsUri = false;
            }//from  w w  w.j  ava  2  s.c  om

            // Configured URI have precedence
            hdfsConfiguration.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, hdfsUri);
        } else {
                    HDFS_TARGET_CONFIG_BEAN_PREFIX + "hdfsUri", Errors.HADOOPFS_18, hdfsUri));
            validHapoopFsUri = false;
    } else {
        // HDFS URI is not set, we're expecting that it will be available in config files
        hdfsUri = hdfsConfiguration.get(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY);

    // We must have value of default.FS otherwise it's clear miss configuration
    if (hdfsUri == null || hdfsUri.isEmpty()) {
        issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(Groups.HADOOP_FS.name(), null, Errors.HADOOPFS_49));
        validHapoopFsUri = false;

    StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder();
    try {
        // forcing UGI to initialize with the security settings from the stage
        Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext());
        if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
            loginUgi = UserGroupInformation.getUGIFromSubject(subject);
        } else {
            loginUgi = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser();
        LOG.info("Subject = {}, Principals = {}, Login UGI = {}", subject,
                subject == null ? "null" : subject.getPrincipals(), loginUgi);
        if (hdfsKerberos) {
            logMessage.append("Using Kerberos");
            if (loginUgi.getAuthenticationMethod() != UserGroupInformation.AuthenticationMethod.KERBEROS) {
                        HDFS_TARGET_CONFIG_BEAN_PREFIX + "hdfsKerberos", Errors.HADOOPFS_00,
        } else {
            logMessage.append("Using Simple");
        if (validHapoopFsUri) {
            getUGI().doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
                public Void run() throws Exception {
                    try (FileSystem fs = getFileSystemForInitDestroy()) { //to trigger the close
                    return null;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.info("Validation Error: " + Errors.HADOOPFS_01.getMessage(), hdfsUri, ex.toString(), ex);
        issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(Groups.HADOOP_FS.name(), null, Errors.HADOOPFS_01, hdfsUri,
                String.valueOf(ex), ex));

        // We weren't able connect to the cluster and hence setting the validity to false
        validHapoopFsUri = false;
    LOG.info("Authentication Config: " + logMessage);
    return validHapoopFsUri;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.web.resources.NamenodeWebHdfsMethods.java

/** Handle HTTP DELETE request. */
@DELETE/*ww w. j av  a  2  s  .  c o  m*/
@Path("{" + UriFsPathParam.NAME + ":.*}")
public Response delete(@Context final UserGroupInformation ugi,
        @QueryParam(DelegationParam.NAME) @DefaultValue(DelegationParam.DEFAULT) final DelegationParam delegation,
        @QueryParam(UserParam.NAME) @DefaultValue(UserParam.DEFAULT) final UserParam username,
        @QueryParam(DoAsParam.NAME) @DefaultValue(DoAsParam.DEFAULT) final DoAsParam doAsUser,
        @PathParam(UriFsPathParam.NAME) final UriFsPathParam path,
        @QueryParam(DeleteOpParam.NAME) @DefaultValue(DeleteOpParam.DEFAULT) final DeleteOpParam op,
        @QueryParam(RecursiveParam.NAME) @DefaultValue(RecursiveParam.DEFAULT) final RecursiveParam recursive)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    init(ugi, delegation, username, doAsUser, path, op, recursive);

    return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Response>() {
        public Response run() throws IOException {
            try {

                final NameNode namenode = (NameNode) context.getAttribute("name.node");
                final String fullpath = path.getAbsolutePath();

                switch (op.getValue()) {
                case DELETE: {
                    final boolean b = namenode.delete(fullpath, recursive.getValue());
                    final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString("boolean", b);
                    return Response.ok(js).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(op + " is not supported");

            } finally {

From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.runtime.description.marshal.impl.ArtifactProcessor.java

/** @return ClassLoader */
private static ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() {
    // NOTE: This method must remain private because it uses AccessController
    ClassLoader cl = null;/*ww w .  ja  v  a2s.com*/
    try {
        cl = (ClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws ClassNotFoundException {
                return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Exception thrown from AccessController: " + e);
        throw (RuntimeException) e.getException();

    return cl;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.TestVisibilityLabelsWithDeletes.java

public void testDeleteFamiliesWithoutAndWithVisibilityLabels() throws Exception {
    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(TEST_NAME.getMethodName());
    Admin hBaseAdmin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin();
    HColumnDescriptor colDesc = new HColumnDescriptor(fam);
    HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
    desc.addFamily(colDesc);/* w w  w.  j  a  v a  2 s  . c om*/
    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
        Put put = new Put(row1);
        put.addColumn(fam, qual, value);
        put.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(CONFIDENTIAL));
        Delete d = new Delete(row1);
        // without visibility
        PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void> scanAction = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
                        Table table = connection.getTable(tableName)) {
                    Scan s = new Scan();
                    ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s);
                    Result[] next = scanner.next(3);
                    assertEquals(next.length, 1);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new IOException(t);
                return null;
        d = new Delete(row1);
        // with visibility
        d.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(CONFIDENTIAL));
        scanAction = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
                        Table table = connection.getTable(tableName)) {
                    Scan s = new Scan();
                    ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s);
                    Result[] next = scanner.next(3);
                    assertEquals(next.length, 0);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new IOException(t);
                return null;

From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.destination.hdfs.HdfsTargetConfigBean.java

private boolean validateHadoopDir(final Stage.Context context, final String configName,
        final String configGroup, String dirPathTemplate, final List<Stage.ConfigIssue> issues) {
    final AtomicBoolean ok = new AtomicBoolean(true);
    if (!dirPathTemplate.startsWith("/")) {
        issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(configGroup, configName, Errors.HADOOPFS_40));
        ok.set(false);//from ww w  . jav a  2  s . c o m
    } else {
        dirPathTemplate = (dirPathTemplate.isEmpty()) ? "/" : dirPathTemplate;
        try {
            final Path dir = new Path(dirPathTemplate);
            final FileSystem fs = getFileSystemForInitDestroy();
            getUGI().doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
                public Void run() throws Exception {
                    if (!fs.exists(dir)) {
                        try {
                            if (fs.mkdirs(dir)) {
                            } else {
                                        context.createConfigIssue(configGroup, configName, Errors.HADOOPFS_41));
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
                            issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(configGroup, configName, Errors.HADOOPFS_42,
                    } else {
                        try {
                            Path dummy = new Path(dir, "_sdc-dummy-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
                            fs.delete(dummy, false);
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
                            issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(configGroup, configName, Errors.HADOOPFS_43,
                    return null;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            issues.add(context.createConfigIssue(configGroup, configName, Errors.HADOOPFS_44, ex.toString()));
    return ok.get();

From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegate.java

/** @return ClassLoader */
private static ClassLoader getClassLoader(final Class cls) {
    // NOTE: This method must remain private because it uses AccessController
    ClassLoader cl = null;/*w  w  w  . j  a v  a2 s. c o  m*/
    try {
        cl = (ClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws ClassNotFoundException {
                return cls.getClassLoader();
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Exception thrown from AccessController: " + e);
        throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e.getException());

    return cl;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.TestCellACLWithMultipleVersions.java

public void testCellPermissionsForPutWithMultipleVersions() throws Exception {
    final byte[] TEST_ROW1 = Bytes.toBytes("r1");
    final byte[] TEST_Q1 = Bytes.toBytes("q1");
    final byte[] TEST_Q2 = Bytes.toBytes("q2");
    final byte[] ZERO = Bytes.toBytes(0L);

    final User user1 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "user1", new String[0]);
    final User user2 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "user2", new String[0]);

    verifyAllowed(new AccessTestAction() {
        @Override/*from  w w  w . jav a2s.  c  om*/
        public Object run() throws Exception {
            HTable t = new HTable(conf, TEST_TABLE.getTableName());
            try {
                Map<String, Permission> permsU1andOwner = new HashMap<String, Permission>();
                        new Permission(Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
                        new Permission(Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
                Map<String, Permission> permsU2andOwner = new HashMap<String, Permission>();
                        new Permission(Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
                        new Permission(Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
                Put p = new Put(TEST_ROW1);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q1, 123, ZERO);
                p = new Put(TEST_ROW1);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q2, 123, ZERO);

                p = new Put(TEST_ROW1);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q1, 127, ZERO);
                p = new Put(TEST_ROW1);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q2, 127, ZERO);
            } finally {
            return null;
    }, USER_OWNER);

    // new Put with TEST_Q1 column having TS=125. This covers old cell with TS 123 and user1 is
    // having RW permission. While TEST_Q2 is with latest TS and so it covers old cell with TS 127.
    // User1 is having RW permission on that too.
    user1.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
        public Void run() throws Exception {
            HTable t = new HTable(conf, TEST_TABLE.getTableName());
            try {
                Put p = new Put(TEST_ROW1);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q1, 125, ZERO);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q2, ZERO);
                p.setACL(user2.getShortName(), new Permission(Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
            } finally {
            return null;

    // Should be denied.
    user2.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
        public Void run() throws Exception {
            HTable t = new HTable(conf, TEST_TABLE.getTableName());
            try {
                Put p = new Put(TEST_ROW1);
                // column Q1 covers version at 123 fr which user2 do not have permission
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q1, 124, ZERO);
                p.add(TEST_FAMILY1, TEST_Q2, ZERO);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            } finally {
            return null;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.java

 * Internal method for submitting jobs to the system.
 * @param job the configuration to submit
 * @return a proxy object for the running job
 * @throws FileNotFoundException/*from  ww  w. j  a va 2  s  . c  o m*/
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
 * @throws InterruptedException
 * @throws IOException
public RunningJob submitJobInternal(final JobConf job)
        throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, IOException {
     * configure the command line options correctly on the submitting dfs
    return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<RunningJob>() {
        public RunningJob run()
                throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, IOException {
            JobConf jobCopy = job;
            Path jobStagingArea = JobSubmissionFiles.getStagingDir(JobClient.this, jobCopy);
            JobID jobId = jobSubmitClient.getNewJobId();
            Path submitJobDir = new Path(jobStagingArea, jobId.toString());
            jobCopy.set("mapreduce.job.dir", submitJobDir.toString());
            JobStatus status = null;
            try {
                populateTokenCache(jobCopy, jobCopy.getCredentials());

                copyAndConfigureFiles(jobCopy, submitJobDir);

                // get delegation token for the dir
                TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(jobCopy.getCredentials(), new Path[] { submitJobDir },

                Path submitJobFile = JobSubmissionFiles.getJobConfPath(submitJobDir);
                int reduces = jobCopy.getNumReduceTasks();
                InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
                if (ip != null) {
                JobContext context = new JobContext(jobCopy, jobId);

                // Check the output specification
                if (reduces == 0 ? jobCopy.getUseNewMapper() : jobCopy.getUseNewReducer()) {
                    org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat<?, ?> output = ReflectionUtils
                            .newInstance(context.getOutputFormatClass(), jobCopy);
                } else {
                    jobCopy.getOutputFormat().checkOutputSpecs(fs, jobCopy);

                jobCopy = (JobConf) context.getConfiguration();

                // Create the splits for the job
                FileSystem fs = submitJobDir.getFileSystem(jobCopy);
                LOG.debug("Creating splits at " + fs.makeQualified(submitJobDir));
                int maps = writeSplits(context, submitJobDir);

                // write "queue admins of the queue to which job is being submitted"
                // to job file.
                String queue = jobCopy.getQueueName();
                AccessControlList acl = jobSubmitClient.getQueueAdmins(queue);
                jobCopy.set(QueueManager.toFullPropertyName(queue, QueueACL.ADMINISTER_JOBS.getAclName()),

                // Write job file to JobTracker's fs        
                FSDataOutputStream out = FileSystem.create(fs, submitJobFile,
                        new FsPermission(JobSubmissionFiles.JOB_FILE_PERMISSION));

                try {
                } finally {
                // Now, actually submit the job (using the submit name)
                printTokens(jobId, jobCopy.getCredentials());
                status = jobSubmitClient.submitJob(jobId, submitJobDir.toString(), jobCopy.getCredentials());
                JobProfile prof = jobSubmitClient.getJobProfile(jobId);
                if (status != null && prof != null) {
                    return new NetworkedJob(status, prof, jobSubmitClient);
                } else {
                    throw new IOException("Could not launch job");
            } finally {
                if (status == null) {
                    LOG.info("Cleaning up the staging area " + submitJobDir);
                    if (fs != null && submitJobDir != null)
                        fs.delete(submitJobDir, true);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.java

 * Do the real constructor work here.  It's in a separate method
 * so we can call it again and "recycle" the object after calling
 * close()./* www  .ja  va  2s  .  c o m*/
synchronized void initialize() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    this.fConf = new JobConf(originalConf);

    LOG.info("Starting tasktracker with owner as " + getMROwner().getShortUserName());

    localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(fConf);
    if (fConf.get("slave.host.name") != null) {
        this.localHostname = fConf.get("slave.host.name");
    if (localHostname == null) {
        this.localHostname = DNS.getDefaultHost(fConf.get("mapred.tasktracker.dns.interface", "default"),
                fConf.get("mapred.tasktracker.dns.nameserver", "default"));

    final String dirs = localStorage.getDirsString();
    fConf.setStrings(JobConf.MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR_PROPERTY, dirs);
    LOG.info("Good mapred local directories are: " + dirs);
    // Setup task controller so that deletion of user dirs happens properly
    taskController.setup(localDirAllocator, localStorage);
    server.setAttribute("conf", fConf);


    // NB: deleteLocalFiles uses the configured local dirs, but does not 
    // fail if a local directory has failed. 
    final FsPermission ttdir = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0755);
    for (String s : localStorage.getDirs()) {
        localFs.mkdirs(new Path(s, SUBDIR), ttdir);
    final FsPermission priv = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0700);
    for (String s : localStorage.getDirs()) {
        localFs.mkdirs(new Path(s, TT_PRIVATE_DIR), priv);
    final FsPermission pub = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0755);
    for (String s : localStorage.getDirs()) {
        localFs.mkdirs(new Path(s, TT_LOG_TMP_DIR), pub);
    // Create userlogs directory under all good mapred-local-dirs
    for (String s : localStorage.getDirs()) {
        Path userLogsDir = new Path(s, TaskLog.USERLOGS_DIR_NAME);
        if (!localFs.exists(userLogsDir)) {
            localFs.mkdirs(userLogsDir, pub);
    // Clear out state tables
    this.runningTasks = new LinkedHashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskInProgress>();
    this.runningJobs = new TreeMap<JobID, RunningJob>();
    this.mapTotal = 0;
    this.reduceTotal = 0;
    this.acceptNewTasks = true;
    this.status = null;

    this.minSpaceStart = this.fConf.getLong("mapred.local.dir.minspacestart", 0L);
    this.minSpaceKill = this.fConf.getLong("mapred.local.dir.minspacekill", 0L);
    //tweak the probe sample size (make it a function of numCopiers)
    probe_sample_size = this.fConf.getInt("mapred.tasktracker.events.batchsize", 500);


    // bind address
    String address = NetUtils.getServerAddress(fConf, "mapred.task.tracker.report.bindAddress",
            "mapred.task.tracker.report.port", "mapred.task.tracker.report.address");
    InetSocketAddress socAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(address);
    String bindAddress = socAddr.getHostName();
    int tmpPort = socAddr.getPort();

    this.jvmManager = new JvmManager(this);

    // Set service-level authorization security policy
    if (this.fConf.getBoolean(ServiceAuthorizationManager.SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_CONFIG, false)) {
        PolicyProvider policyProvider = (PolicyProvider) (ReflectionUtils
                        MapReducePolicyProvider.class, PolicyProvider.class), this.fConf));
        ServiceAuthorizationManager.refresh(fConf, policyProvider);

    // RPC initialization
    int max = maxMapSlots > maxReduceSlots ? maxMapSlots : maxReduceSlots;
    //set the num handlers to max*2 since canCommit may wait for the duration
    //of a heartbeat RPC
    this.taskReportServer = RPC.getServer(this, bindAddress, tmpPort, 2 * max, false, this.fConf,

    // get the assigned address
    this.taskReportAddress = taskReportServer.getListenerAddress();
            taskReportAddress.getHostName() + ":" + taskReportAddress.getPort());
    LOG.info("TaskTracker up at: " + this.taskReportAddress);

    this.taskTrackerName = "tracker_" + localHostname + ":" + taskReportAddress;
    LOG.info("Starting tracker " + taskTrackerName);

    // Initialize DistributedCache
    this.distributedCacheManager = new TrackerDistributedCacheManager(this.fConf, taskController);

    this.jobClient = (InterTrackerProtocol) UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser()
            .doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() throws IOException {
                    return RPC.waitForProxy(InterTrackerProtocol.class, InterTrackerProtocol.versionID,
                            jobTrackAddr, fConf);
    this.justInited = true;
    this.running = true;
    // start the thread that will fetch map task completion events
    this.mapEventsFetcher = new MapEventsFetcherThread();
    mapEventsFetcher.setName("Map-events fetcher for all reduce tasks " + "on " + taskTrackerName);

    Class<? extends ResourceCalculatorPlugin> clazz = fConf.getClass(TT_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_PLUGIN, null,
    resourceCalculatorPlugin = ResourceCalculatorPlugin.getResourceCalculatorPlugin(clazz, fConf);
    LOG.info(" Using ResourceCalculatorPlugin : " + resourceCalculatorPlugin);


    setIndexCache(new IndexCache(this.fConf));

    mapLauncher = new TaskLauncher(TaskType.MAP, maxMapSlots);
    reduceLauncher = new TaskLauncher(TaskType.REDUCE, maxReduceSlots);

    // create a localizer instance
    setLocalizer(new Localizer(localFs, localStorage.getDirs()));

    //Start up node health checker service.
    if (shouldStartHealthMonitor(this.fConf)) {

    // Start thread to monitor jetty bugs

    oobHeartbeatOnTaskCompletion = fConf.getBoolean(TT_OUTOFBAND_HEARBEAT, false);